Transfer Application for Admission Fall 2018 - Rowan University

Page created by Ron Jenkins
Transfer Application for Admission Fall 2018 - Rowan University
Transfer Application for Admission
                                                                               Fall 2018

This application is for use by transfer applicants only. Freshman applicants must apply online via The Common
Application (

Transfer Applicants                                            Required Documentation
   A student who has attended a college or university              The required documentation for transfer applicants
   following graduation from high school and has                   include:
   completed a minimum of 12 transferable college credits            • Completed application form
   by the application deadline is considered a transfer              • $65 application fee
   applicant. Transfer applicants must submit an official            • Official transcripts from all colleges attended
   transcript from each institution attended. Applicants             • Applicants having earned fewer than 24 college
   with fewer than 24 credits completed at the time of                   credits at the time of application must also
   application must also submit official high school                     submit an official high school transcript and
   transcripts and SAT or ACT scores. If you have                        SAT or ACT scores
   graduated high school and are currently in your                   • Completed portfolio review, audition or
   first semester of college, you are still considered                   departmental interview for art, dance, music or
   a freshman applicant and must file a freshman                         theatre applicants
                                                               Art, Dance, Music & Theatre
Apply Online                                                       Applicants for Art, Music & Theatre must also
                               complete an interview, audition, essay and/or
   Before completing this paper application have you               supplemental application by the application deadline.
   considered applying online? Applying online can make            Visit for review
   life easier everyone --no papers to mail (you) or to            dates, requirements and to schedule an appointment.
   process (us).                                                   Successful audition and portfolio interview approval
                                                                   does not guarantee acceptance into the University.
Submitting Your Application
   Completed paper forms should be returned to the             Deadlines
   Admissions Office with a $65 non-refundable                     Deadlines for submitting application and official
   application fee. Check or money order made payable to           records:
   Rowan University (do not send cash). You may attach
   an application fee waiver from your current school or           Entering:			                  Deadline:
   another institution to this application.                        Fall 2018			                  March 1, 2018

Academic Records                                               Global Learning & Partnerships
   Academic records from the institution(s) where courses          In addition to the academic programs listed on the
   were taken must be sent to the Admissions Office.               last page of this application, Rowan University also
   Official transcripts must be sent from each college             offers undergraduate degree completion programs for
   attended. Unofficial transcripts are not acceptable. If         transfer students -- both off campus, online and at our
   required, arrange for SAT or ACT scores to be sent to           partner institutions. For a list of these programs and
   Rowan University. Send all records to:                          for application materials, visit
       Rowan University
       Office of Admissions
       201 Mullica Hill Road
       Glassboro, NJ 08028-1701

   College transcripts may also be submitted
   electronically to
Transfer Application for Admission
                                                                                        Fall 2018

Transferring Credits                                           Financial Aid & Scholarships
  If you are interested in transferring to Rowan, two             Transfer students are eligible for financial aid. To
  online resources can help you determine which of your           qualify, you must file the Free Application for Federal
  courses may transfer for credit:                                Student Aid (FAFSA), a form available through your
                                                                  current college’s financial aid office, Rowan’s financial
  • is a website for students in New 		          aid office, or your local public library. The FAFSA also
      Jersey who want to review course equivalencies for 		       may be completed and filed via the Internet at
      two-year to four-year colleges statewide.         
  • is the Rowan website
      for transfer students offering information about 		         We encourage you to apply for financial aid regardless
      credential evaluation and course equivalencies.             of whether or not you feel you are eligible. More
                                                                  information is available online at
  Students with questions about specific course or                financialaid.
  advisement issues can email
  for further information.                                        In addition to need-based aid, Rowan offers
                                                                  approximately 50 Transfer Trustee Scholarships (fall
  If you are accepted for admission, the Registrar and            applicants only) to outstanding students who transfer
  the academic department for your intended major will            to Rowan from each of New Jersey’s community
  complete a credit evaluation for you. Shortly after you         colleges. The value of the scholarships is $5,000 per
  receive your acceptance package, you will be able to            year, and they are renewable. Transfer Trustee
  view your evaluation online. An adviser in the                  Scholarships are awarded competitively based on GPA,
  department of your intended major will be able to               and no additional application is required.
  answer your questions about transferring any credits
  completed at another institution.
Transfer Application
Anticipated Transfer Entry Term                             o Fall 2018
Intended Status     			                                     o Full Time o Part Time

Contact Information

Email address                                                                             Social Security Number

Legal Name		                  last			                       first			                      middle			                    Jr., Sr., III, Etc

Other names that may appear on your academic records						                                                             Preferred First Name

Permanent address			                              number and street

city									state		zip code

County							State of legal residence

Month/year you began living in that state

Phone number						Student Cell number

Date of birth

Race, ethnicity and gender requested for Federal Government reporting purposes only.
o Male o Female
1. What is your ethnicity?
o Hispanic or Latino            o Not Hispanic or Latino
2. If you chose Hispanic or Latino, please choose one of the following:
o Central or South American             o Cuban          o Hispanic-other          o Mexican          o Puerto Rican
3. Regardless of your responses to questions 1 and 2, please choose one or more race categories from the list below:
o American Indian or Alaskan Native                      o Asian            o Black or African American
          o Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander                     o White

Citizenship (mark one)
1. o U.S. Citizen         o Residen Alien/Permanent Resident                 o Non-resident Alien/Non-U.S. Citizen
2. If you are not a U.S. citizen, please list your country of citizenship
3. If you are not a U.S. citizen and you are currently hold a visa, please indicate the type of visa
Non-resident aliens requiring an F1 visa must submit an International Student Application (see
College Information
List in reverse chronological order all colleges or universities at which you have officially registered, including any previous at-
tendance at Rowan University. If you have graduated high school and are currently in your first semester of college you are still
considered a freshman and must file the Freshman Application.
College Name                           Location                         Dates attended                              Official Use
				                                 (City & State)		                From mo/yr To mo/yr
                                                                                                                 Cr.          GPA

College Courses currently enrolled in, if any.				                                College/Institution			                     Credit

Do you anticipate receiving your degree from a New Jersey County College? o Yes                o No
If yes, which of the following: o AA        o AAS        o AS Graduation date:
Are you currently enrolled as a NJ STAR participant?       o Yes    o No
Have you received EOF funding at your previous institution? o Yes           o No
If yes, please list the name of the institution:
I am interested in pursuing Rowan’s Honors Concentration? o Yes            o No

Have you been involved in any disciplinary action due to academic or behavioral misconduct at your current institution or any
college/university you have attended in the past three years? Examples of disciplinary action include, but are not limited to:
probation, dismissal, suspension of course work and/or activity participation eligibility, etc.? o Yes o No

High School Information
Enter high school name only if transferring fewer than 24 college credits

H.S. name						                                               H.S. address			                             Month/year of graduation
Transfer Application continued...
Choose one Academic Program

Rohrer College of                                  o Health & Physical Education               College of Science &
                                                   o History
                                                   o Mathematics
o Accounting                                                                                   o Biochemistry
o Entrepreneurship                                 o Music: Vocal*
                                                                                               o Bioinformatics
o Finance                                          o Music: Jazz Studies*
                                                                                               o Biological Sciences
o Human Resource Management                        o Music: Instrumental*
                                                                                               o Biophysics
o Management                                       o Physics
                                                                                               o Chemistry
o Management Information Systems                   o Spanish
                                                                                               o Computer Science
o Marketing                                                                                    o Computing & Informatics
o Supply Chain & Logistics                     Henry M. Rowan College of                       o Mathematics
                                               Engineering                                     o Physics
College of                                     o Biomedical Engineering                        o Psychological Science
Communication &                                o Chemical Engineering                          o Psychology
                                               o Civil & Environmental Engineering             o Translational Biomedical Science
Creative Arts                                  o Electrical & Computer Engineering
o Advertising
                                               o Engineering Entrepreneurship                  School of Earth &
o Art (B.A.)*
                                               o Mechanical Engineering
o Communication Studies                                                                        Environment
o Journalism                                                                                   o Community & Environmental
o Public Relations                             College of Humanities                                   Planning
o Radio-TV-Film                                & Social Sciences                               o Environmental Studies
o Writing Arts                                 o Africana Studies                              o Geographic Information
                                               o American Studies                                      Science (GIS)
College of Education                           o Economics                                     o Geography
o Early Childhood Education                    o English                                       o Geology (B.A.)
   o American Studies                          o History
                                               o International Studies
   o Liberal Studies -
                                               o Law & Justice Studies                         School of Health Professions
         Humanities/Social Science                                                             o Athletic Training (combined 5-year Pre-
   o Literacy Studies                          o Liberal Studies: Humanities/ Social
                                                        Science                                Professional/MS
   o Writing Arts                                                                              o Community Health Advocacy &
o Elementary Education                         o Modern Languages & Linguistics
                                               o Philosophy & Religion Studies                          Education
   o American Studies                                                                          o Health Promotion & Wellness
   o Chemistry                                 o Political Science
                                               o Sociology                                              Management
   o Liberal Studies -                                                                         o Human Performance in
         Humanities/Social Science             o Spanish
                                                                                                        Clinical Settings
   o English                                   o Exploratory Studies (Undeclared)
                                                                                               o Nutrition
   o Geography
   o History                                   College of Performing Arts
   o Literacy Studies                          o Dance*                                        Undecided
   o Mathematics                               o Music (B.A.)*                                 o Exploratory Studies (Undeclared)
   o Spanish                                   o Music (B.M.)*
   o Writing Arts                              o Music Industry*                               *Portfolio interview, audition, essay, and/or
o Subject Education (K-12)                     o Theatre Arts*                                 supplemental application required for
   o Art*                                                                                      all Art, Dance, Music & Theatre programs. Visit
   o Biology                                                                          for
   o Chemistry                                                                                 requirements and to schedule an appointment.
   o English

  Important! All applicants must read and sign the following:
  I hereby acknowledge that the information furnished on this application is true and complete. I certify that I have not been enrolled in,
  nor have I attended, any college, university, or post-secondary institution other than those listed on this application. Any
  misrepresentation of fact will constitute cause for cancellation of my application prior to admission or dismissal following admission.

  Signature											Date
  Rowan College at Gloucester County and Rowan College at Burlington County students must read and sign:
  I hereby acknowledge that the information furnished on this form is true and complete and any misrepresentation of fact on any materi-
  als submitted to either Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC), Rowan College at Gloucester County (RCGC), or Rowan Univer-
  sity will constitute cause for cancellation of my application prior to admission or dismissal following admission. If admitted, I agree to
  abide by all rules, regulations, policies and procedures of Rowan College at Burlington County, Rowan College at Gloucester County, and
  Rowan University. I further understand that by signing below I give RCBC, RCGC, and Rowan my consent to share appropriate educa-
  tional information about me as needed to facilitate my admission into Rowan University and my success in obtaining all academic credits
  and degrees to which I become eligible.

  Signature											Date
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