Translating Science into Survival - - St. Jude Children's ...

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Translating Science into Survival - - St. Jude Children's ...
Scientific Report 2019
                                                                             Scientific Report 2019

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                                                       Translating Science

                                                          into Survival
Translating Science into Survival - - St. Jude Children's ...
Behind the Cover
The cover depicts the 3-dimensional structures of proteins and drug
molecules inside a cell. During a catastrophic disease, the functions
of proteins and other biomolecules change. Structural biologists use
various sophisticated techniques to study the structural basis of those
deleterious changes and determine the best therapeutic strategy. The
                                                                           Faculty Editorial Board
Department of Structural Biology is expanding to become the world’s        Terrence L. Geiger, MD, PhD
premier center for structural analyses and imaging of biomolecules in      Michael A. Dyer, PhD
health and disease. Department Chair Charalampos Babis Kalodimos,          Charalampos Babis Kalodimos, PhD
PhD, is recruiting leaders in the field to join our faculty and bringing   Charles W. M. Roberts, MD, PhD
innovative technologies to the St. Jude campus.                            Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo, MD
                                                                           David J. Solecki, PhD

                                                                           Editoral Direction
                                                                           Angela J. McArthur, PhD, ELS

                                                                           Creative Direction
                                                                           Jerry L. Harris

                                                                           Peter Barta
                                                                           Seth Dixon
                                                                           Ann-Margaret Hedges
                                                                           Jere Parobek

                                                                           Prepared by
                                                                           Departments of Scientific Editing
                                                                           and Biomedical Communications

                                                                           St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and
                                                                           ALSAC are registered trademarks.
Translating Science into Survival - - St. Jude Children's ...
                      THE DISCOVERIES WE MAKE.




                        TO HELP SAVE THOUSANDS

                                           MORE CHILDREN.

Privileged communication. Copyright © 2019 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. No part of this communication may be cited, reproduced, stored in a
 retrieval system, or transmitted by electronic or other means without prior written permission of the President and CEO and the appropriate investigator.
                                   This report reflects the activities of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital during 2018.
Translating Science into Survival - - St. Jude Children's ...
                                 CEO STATEMENT

                                   IN MEMORIAM

                                 CANCER CENTER

                            STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY

                           ADVANCED MICROSCOPY

                                 ST. JUDE GLOBAL

                                AFFILIATE PROGRAM

                                SHARED RESOURCES

                               SCIENTIFIC HIGHLIGHTS

                           ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS

                           BOARDS & EXECUTIVE STAFF

                           OPERATIONS & STATISTICS

                                                       Mario Halic, PhD

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In science and medicine, collaboration is the spark        of knowledge, technology, and organizational
                                                                                    that ignites progress. At St. Jude Children’s Research     skills. Also, the World Health Organization (WHO)
                                                                                    Hospital, talented faculty and staff work together—        designated St. Jude as the first WHO Collaborating
                                                                                    and with colleagues worldwide—to advance the               Center for Childhood Cancer. Representatives from
                                                                                    research and treatment of pediatric cancer and             WHO and St. Jude announced this new effort—the
                                                                                    other catastrophic diseases. In this Scientific Report,    WHO Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer—at
                                                                                    we showcase how the power of team science                  the United Nations General Assembly in New York
                                                                                    enhances the discovery process. Collaborative              City in September 2018. The goal of this initiative
                                                                                    efforts in the laboratory, the clinic, and with partners   is to increase the survival of children with the most
                                                                                    around the globe are fueling discoveries and giving        common pediatric cancers to 60% by 2030.
                                                                                    new hope to families everywhere.                                Beyond the stories in this Report, St. Jude
                                                                                         In the first feature, we highlight how the            saw continued growth and progress last year. We
                                                                                    St. Jude Comprehensive Cancer Center brings                broke ground on a $412 million advanced research
                                                                                    together scientists from various fields to focus on a      center that will open in 2021 and launched 2 new
                                                                                    shared problem and accelerate progress. In 2018, the       online data-sharing portals for the global research
                                                                                    Center received its second consecutive “Exceptional”       community: St. Jude Cloud, which offers next-
                                                                                    rating after its 5-year review by the National Cancer      generation sequencing data and analysis tools for
                                                                                    Institute. This is the highest-possible ranking, placing   pediatric cancer and other life-threatening diseases,
                                                                                    St. Jude among the nation’s elite Cancer Centers.          and PROPEL, which freely shares patient-derived
                                                                                         The second story outlines how the Structural          xenograft samples of leukemias with researchers
                                                                                    Biology department is recruiting and expanding             around the world to accelerate leukemia biology
                                                                                    to transform into one of the world’s most                  research.
                                                                                    comprehensive structural biology research centers               In 2018, St. Jude committed resources to tackling
                                                                                    that houses imaging and analytical modalities that         several faculty-proposed blue sky initiatives—ideas
                                                                                    examine dynamic cellular processes at the atomic           with the potential to have a game-changing impact
                                                                                    level. Under the leadership of Charalampos Babis           on health. Several projects are underway, including
                                                                                    Kalodimos, PhD, the department has established 6           expanding our cloud-based genomic data–sharing
                                                                                    centers to facilitate cutting-edge structural biology      resources, initiating a gene therapy trial for
                                                                                    research and transdisciplinary collaborations with         hemophilia B in LMICs, and establishing a program
                                                                                    St. Jude investigators in other departments.               to explore the molecular pathology of pediatric
                                                                                         In the third feature, we describe how                 neurological diseases.
                                                                                    developmental neurobiologists at St. Jude are using             St. Jude also gained recognition from several top
                                            James R. Downing, MD                    technologic innovations to propel neuroscience             workplace resources, including Fortune’s “100 Best
                                            President and Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                    and gain new insights into the nervous system              Companies to Work For” list, Glassdoor’s “Best Places
                                                                                    during health and disease. Michael A. Dyer, PhD,           to Work” ranking, and “No. 1” on the National Society
                                                                                    David Solecki, PhD, and Daniel Stabley, PhD, are           of High School Scholars’ Annual Career Survey of
                                                                                    part of an elite group of 4 laboratories working with      places where high school and college students wish
                                                                                    Nobel Laureate Eric Betzig (University of California,      to work.
                                                                                    Berkeley) to co-build the next-generation lattice               The past year has been a time of great

                  “IMAGINE WHAT GREAT FEATS WE CAN                                  light-sheet microscope. This new instrument will
                                                                                    enable scientists to visualize changes as they occur
                                                                                                                                               productivity for our clinical, scientific, and
                                                                                                                                               administrative operations. By building on this

                                                                                    in living cells deep within the brain or other nervous     foundation, working in transdisciplinary teams, and
                                                                                    system tissues.                                            collaborating with colleagues around the world,
                                                                                         The fourth story details a new St. Jude effort to     St. Jude will advance cures for pediatric cancer and
                  DISCIPLINES, ACROSS BORDERS, AND                                  close the global gap in childhood cancer survival.         other catastrophic childhood diseases worldwide.
                                                                                    Today, one of the strongest predictors of whether
                  AROUND THE WORLD.”                                                a child is cured of cancer is where that child lives.
                                                                                    More than 80% of all children live in low- or middle-
                                                                                    income countries (LMICs) that often struggle to
                                                                                    meet the healthcare needs of local populations. In
                                                                                    2018, St. Jude Global was launched, with the mission
                                                                                    to improve the survival of children with cancer or
                                                                                    blood disorders worldwide, through the sharing

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In Memoriam
                           The St. Jude family mourns the passing of Brian P. Sorrentino, MD, Wall Street Committee
                           Endowed Chair in Bone Marrow Transplant Research, Director of the Division of Experimental
                           Hematology, Member of the Department of Hematology, and a tremendous scientist who was
                           also a fierce Corvette-racing, target-shooting, blues guitar–playing lover of life.
                                Dr. Sorrentino was born and raised in Schenectady, NY. As a teenager, he battled Hodgkin
                           lymphoma. Late effects of the high doses of radiation therapy and chemotherapy that cured
                           him of that childhood disease caused health complications throughout his adult life and,
                           ultimately, the lung cancer that took him from us too soon.
                                Dedicating himself to becoming a physician–scientist, Dr. Sorrentino attended medical
                           school at The State University of New York Upstate Medical Center (Syracuse, NY) and
                           completed an internship in internal medicine at the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill,
                           NC). In 1988, he accepted a position as a hematology-oncology fellow at the National Heart,
                           Lung, and Blood Institute and National Cancer Institute and joined the laboratory of Dr. Arthur
                           Nienhuis to conduct gene therapy and hematology research, a decision that would set the
                           course for the rest of his career.
                                In 1993, Dr. Sorrentino followed Dr. Nienhuis to St. Jude and spent the next 25 years
                           leading his own research laboratory, which pioneered new approaches to hematopoietic
                           stem cell (HSC) gene therapy for various diseases. He became renowned in his field and
                           served on the Advisory Council of the American Society of Cell and Gene Therapy and various
                           committees for the American Society of Hematology. He also chaired numerous National
                           Institutes of Health study sections to award grant funding. Dr. Sorrentino was elected to the
                           American Society of Clinical Investigation, and in 2005, he received the McCulloch and Till
                           Lectureship Award from the International Society of Experimental Hematology. He served on
                           the editorial boards of major scientific journals and held several patents on his work.
                                During his career at St. Jude, Dr. Sorrentino developed an interest in congenital immune
                           disorders. In a 1998 article in Nature Medicine, his group was the first to report curing an
                           animal model of human immunodeficiency by using HSC gene therapy. When early clinical
                           trials of gene therapy were halted because the treatment vectors caused leukemia,
                           Dr. Sorrentino refocused his laboratory to work on ensuring the safety of gene therapeutic
                           approaches for monogenic disorders, while also increasing their efficacy and potency.
                           His most recent project was gene therapy for X chromosome–linked severe combined
                           immunodeficiency (X-SCID). He and his colleagues engineered a lentiviral vector that inserts
                           a healthy copy of the IL2RG gene into the defective HSCs obtained from patients with X-SCID.
                           The modified cells were produced in the Children’s GMP, LLC, on the St. Jude campus and
                           then transplanted back into the patients. Nine infants born with X-SCID received this therapy
                           and are now producing fully functional immune cells for the first time. It is uncertain whether
                           this reconstitution of their immune systems will endure for their lifetime; however, as of now,
                           all the patients appear to have been cured without any immediate adverse side effects. In
                           addition, this therapy has the potential to help children with other disorders, such as Wiskott-
                           Aldrich syndrome and sickle cell disease.
                                This groundbreaking work was reported in the April 18, 2019, issue of The New England
                           Journal of Medicine. Although the reward of Dr. Sorrentino’s labor is a posthumous one, it is a
                           remarkable stamp on the life of the man who was a colleague, mentor, and friend to so many
                           at St. Jude and around the world.

                                                                                                                              Brian P. Sorrentino, MD
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As the only National Cancer Institute      children with the most common                cancer geneticists, surgeons,
(NCI)–designated Comprehensive             childhood cancer, acute lymphoblastic        population scientists, and many
Cancer Center focused exclusively on       leukemia (ALL), to more than 90%.            others—to identify the most promising
children, St. Jude plays a crucial role    Despite these achievements, much             ways to pursue new treatments and
in the nation’s portfolio of Cancer        work remains to be done in all areas of      cures for solid tumors, hematological
Centers. During the 2 most recent          pediatric oncology.                          malignancies, and brain tumors and
NCI 5-year reviews, St. Jude received           Cancer is still the leading cause       to minimize the long-term effects of
a score of “Exceptional,” the highest-     of disease-related death in children         cancer and its treatments.
possible ranking, placing our Center       aged 1 to 14 years in the U.S., and the           The Center also leads the pursuit
among the nation’s elite Cancer            probability of cure for many pediatric       of institutional strategic plan goals
Centers.                                   cancers continues to be dismal.              that guide work in precision medicine;
     Children with cancer are a distinct   Moreover, the growing population             immunotherapy; proton therapy;
population. The biological anomalies       of adult survivors of childhood              preclinical and clinical research
that cause oncogenesis in children are     cancer is at risk of severe long-term        infrastructure; and basic, translational,
often different than those in adults,      sequelae associated with their disease,      and clinical research collaborations.
and the resulting diseases are distinct    its treatment, or both. Therefore,           Finally, Center leaders and members
from their adult counterparts. Thus,       childhood cancer survivors need              collaborate with St. Jude Global
most pediatric cancers cannot be           lifelong medical surveillance and new        investigators and international
treated in the same manner as adult        interventions to improve their quality       partners to expand the reach of
cancers and warrant independent            of life.                                     the Center and ensure that our
research that specifically addresses            To advance research, treatment,         discoveries benefit countless patients
the features of those diseases. Under      and cures of childhood cancer, the           and survivors of childhood cancer
the direction of Charles W. M. Roberts,    Center provides an overarching               worldwide.
MD, PhD, the St. Jude Comprehensive        strategic vision and scientific direction,
Cancer Center is leading the nation in     a robust collaborative framework,
these efforts.                             state-of-the-art shared resources, and
     Throughout its history, St. Jude      an administrative hub that supports
has directly contributed to seminal        its members in making scientific
advances in pediatric oncology. Work       breakthroughs. The Center is designed
from the Center has helped increase        to bring together investigators
the overall survival of children with      with diverse expertise—oncologists,
cancer to more than 80% and for            pathologists, molecular biologists,

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What is a Cancer Center?
                           The NCI is the primary federal funding agency for cancer
                           research in the U.S. Its Cancer Center Support Grant is awarded to
                           institutions to recognize and support their scientific leadership,
                           resources, and cancer-focused research in basic, clinical, and/or
                           population science. Comprehensive Cancer Centers demonstrate
                           an added depth and breadth of research, as well as substantial
                           transdisciplinary research that bridges these scientific areas.
                           Cancer Centers must also provide cancer-related professional
                           training and community outreach activities.
                                St. Jude plays a crucial role in the nation’s portfolio of 70 Cancer
                           Centers, which includes 49 Comprehensive Cancer Centers, by
                           advancing research and cures designed specifically for pediatric
                           patients. St. Jude was designated an NCI Cancer Center in 1977
                           and was named a Comprehensive Cancer Center in 2008. Today,
                           the Center includes laboratory-based and clinical faculty members
                           working in 5 interactive research programs headed by program
                           co-leaders; a dedicated administrative team; and directors, staff
                           scientists, and technologists working in 9 NCI-funded shared
                           resources that support research activities. (See p. 90 for details.)
                           The Center also oversees strategic initiatives and the clinical trials
                           enterprise for St. Jude.
                                Dr. Roberts is assisted in leading the overarching direction of
                           the Cancer Center by Deputy Director Charles G. Mullighan, MBBS,
                           MD, and a senior leadership team of 8 Associate Directors who
                           oversee Administration (Dana Wallace), Shared Resources (James
                           I. Morgan, PhD), Basic Science (Suzanne J. Baker, PhD), Clinical
                           Research (Victor M. Santana, MD), Population Sciences (Leslie               Charles G. Mullighan, MBBS, MD; Charles W. M. Roberts, MD, PhD
                           L. Robison, PhD), Outreach (Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo, MD), and
                           Education & Training (Gerard P. Zambetti, PhD).

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Translating Science into Survival - - St. Jude Children's ...
                                                                                                                                                                                                          IN JOURNALS WITH THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                          HIGHEST IMPACT FACTORS
                                                                                                                                                                                                          In the recent vs. previous 5-Year Review Period


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       NATURE               SCIENCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             +23%             +40%
                                                                                                                                                     Dana Wallace, Charles W. M. Roberts, MD, PhD
                                                                                                                                                                                                          THE NEW ENGLAND              NATURE
                                                                                                                                                                                                          JOURNAL OF                   GENETICS
         Driving                Scientific leadership, extensive
                                resources, and accomplished research
                                                                                                                          The Center supports 5 multi-
                                                                                                                      disciplinary research programs. The                                                 MEDICINE
                                                                                                                                                                                                            +700%                          +163%
                                in basic, clinical, and/or population                                                 Cancer Biology Program is engaged
                                science distinguish the 70 NCI-                                                       primarily in laboratory-based research.
 Collaborations                 designated Cancer Centers from other
                                research institutions in the U.S. The
                                                                                                                      Three disease-focused programs,
                                                                                                                      Developmental Biology & Solid
                                primary function of the Center is to                                                  Tumor, Hematological Malignancies,
                                drive transdisciplinary collaboration                                                 and Neurobiology & Brain Tumor,
                                by bringing together diverse clinicians
                                and scientists from across the
                                                                                                                      translate fundamental discoveries
                                                                                                                      into curative therapies. The Cancer                                                                              NATURE
                                institution, the country, and the globe.
                                The Center also oversees the St. Jude
                                                                                                                      Control & Survivorship Program
                                                                                                                      assesses adverse effects of childhood

                                clinical research enterprise, which                                                   cancer and treatment to improve the
                                treats patients in clinical trials both at                                            quality of life of long-term survivors of
                                St. Jude and through the St. Jude                                                     childhood cancer. Brief descriptions of
                                Affiliate Program comprising 8 clinics.                                               the 5 Center programs and examples
                                (See p. 88 for details.) The Center                                                   of their recent achievements are
                                additionally provides educational                                                     described in the following pages.
                                opportunities about cancer and
                                healthy living to the community                                                                                                                                                                        CANCER CELL          TOTAL
                                and educates and trains the next
                                generation of pediatric cancer


                                Reprinted by permission from SNCSC GmbH:, Nature Immunology, 16, 2. © 2015 Nature Springer. Reprinted from Cell Stem Cell, vol 17/1. © 2015; Molecular Cell, vol. 62/4.
2019 Scientific Report |   12   © 2016; and Stem Cell Reports, vol. 10/8. © 2018, all with permission from Elsevier.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 13   | 2019 Scientific Report
Translating Science into Survival - - St. Jude Children's ...
Establishing the Genomic and                   cancer study of pediatric cancers. The term
                                                                                                                                                 Epigenomic Landscape of Pediatric              “pan-cancer” indicates that multiple types of
                                                                                                                                                 Cancer                                         cancer, regardless of the cell of origin or tissue
                                                                                                                                                 Cancer arises from DNA mutations, epigenetic   in which they initiated, were included in the
                                                                                                                                                 alterations, or a combination thereof.         analysis. The team integrated whole-genome,
                                                                                                                                                 To understand the fundamental driving          -exome, and -transcriptome sequencing to
                                                                                                                                                 mechanisms of pediatric cancers, Jinghui       identify somatic alterations in 1699 pediatric
                                                                                                                                                 Zhang, PhD (Computational Biology), led a      leukemias and solid tumors. The findings,
                                                                                                                                                 team of cancer biologists and computational    published in Nature, demonstrated that most
                                                                                                                                                 biologists in pioneering next-generation       alterations were unique to pediatric cancer
                                                                                                                                                 approaches to detailed analyses of pediatric   and underscore the need to develop precision
                                                                                                                                                 cancer genomes and epigenomes. This work       therapies designed specifically for pediatric
                                                                                                                                                 was initiated in 2010 through the St. Jude     cancers. (See p. 97 for details.)
                                                                                                                                                 Children’s Research Hospital—Washington            Genomic discoveries and their integration
                                                                                                                                                 University Pediatric Cancer Genome Project.    into clinical care continue at a rapid pace;
                                                                                                                                                     More recently, members of 3 programs       every eligible St. Jude patient with cancer
                                                                                                                                                 (Cancer Biology, Hematological Malignancies,   is now offered clinical whole-genome
                                                                                                                                                 and Neurobiology & Brain Tumor) identified     sequencing. An innovative data-sharing
                                                                                                                                                 germline mutations in cancer-predisposition    platform, St. Jude Cloud (,
                                                                                                                                                 genes in 8.5% of children and adolescents      was launched in April 2018 to provide genomic
                                                                                                                                                 with pediatric cancers. Published in The       datasets, analysis tools, and visualizations to
                                                                                                                                                 New England Journal of Medicine, this work     the global research community. The platform,
                                                                                                                                                 demonstrates the importance of genetic         a collaboration with Microsoft and DNAnexus,
                                                                                                                                                 counseling in this population and has shaped   currently offers more than 10,000 whole-
                                                                                                                                                 the development of the St. Jude Cancer         genome sequences from pediatric patients
                                                                                                Douglas R. Green, PhD; Martine F. Roussel, PhD

                                                                                                                                                 Predisposition Program, which is led by Kim    with cancer and childhood cancer survivors.
                                                                                                                                                 E. Nichols, MD (Oncology).                     To date, it has 800 registered users from 400
                             Cancer    The primary goal of the Cancer Biology
                                       Program is to explore and understand
                                                                                  control, identify genetic mutations
                                                                                  and anomalies as new therapeutic
                                                                                                                                                     In 2018, Dr. Zhang’s team led a pan-       institutions around the world.

                             Biology   the biology of cancer cells. The diverse
                                       nature of pediatric cancers and the
                                                                                  targets for translation into clinical
                                                                                  trials, and advance our understanding
                            Program    complex molecular, genetic, and
                                       developmental contexts in which they
                                                                                  of the cancer microenvironment. To
                                                                                  address unmet needs and maximize
                                       form necessitate a broad spectrum          opportunities for translation, research
                                       of basic research to build a strong        in this Program spans 4 areas: signaling
                                       foundation. Basic science discoveries      networks and therapeutics; cell stress,
                                       have driven numerous key advances in       repair, metabolism, and death; tumor
                                       our understanding and treatment of         microenvironment and immunology;
                                       pediatric cancers.                         and genome structure and function.
                                           The Program leads integrated,          Here, we describe advances made in
                                       multidisciplinary efforts to define        2 of these key areas.
                                       pathways related to cancer and its

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Kim E. Nichols, MD; James R. Downing, MD; Jinghui Zhang, PhD

2019 Scientific Report |   14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       15      | 2019 Scientific Report
Tumor Immunology and                             autophagy pathway, LC3-associated
                                                                                                Immunotherapy                                    phagocytosis (LAP), in the myeloid response to
                                                                                                Although cancer cells evolve mechanisms to       dying cells. A recent collaborative study led by
                                                                                                escape immune surveillance, experimental         Drs. Green and Opferman and Charles Gawad,
                                                                                                manipulation of the immune system has            MD, PhD (Oncology, Computational Biology),
                                                                                                the potential to deliver substantial tumor-      in Cell, showed that LAP influences anticancer
                                                                                                killing benefits. Efforts in the Program have    T-cell responses and inhibits anticancer
                                                                                                provided fundamental insights into the           immunity. Targeting LAP-specific proteins may,
                                                                                                immune system’s ability to regulate cancer       therefore, be a promising therapeutic strategy
                                                                                                and effective approaches to exploit metabolic    that will not interfere with the canonical
                                                                                                events to generate an antitumor response.        autophagy processes that are important for
                                                                                                These studies represent ongoing collaborative    tumor suppression.
                                                                                                efforts among the laboratories of Hongbo              The Program has also made strides
                                                                                                Chi, PhD (Immunology), Thirumala-Devi            toward understanding the molecular basis of
                                                                                                Kanneganti, PhD (Immunology), Joseph T.          inflammation, a key process in tumorigenesis.
                                                                                                Opferman, PhD (Cell & Molecular Biology), and    Dr. Kanneganti has led multiple studies
                                                                                                Program Co-Leaders Douglas R. Green, PhD         on the inflammasome, a protein complex
                                                                                                (Immunology), and Martine F. Roussel, PhD        involved in restricting the immune response
                                                                                                (Tumor Cell Biology).                            to microbial challenges and tumorigenesis.
                                                                                                     In Science Immunology, Dr. Chi and          In Gastroenterology, her team reported that
                                                                                                colleagues recently reported that the            the sensor protein pyrin, which initiates the
                                                                                                integration of metabolic and signaling           assembly of the inflammasome complex,
                                                                                                pathways dictates lineage choices for T cells.   protects against colon inflammation
                                                                                                They found that metabolic processes guide        and tumorigenesis in mice. Furthermore,
                                                                                                the fate of immune cells. Signaling pathways     work published in The Journal of Clinical
                                                                                                affecting metabolism are essential to the        Investigation identified tumor necrosis factor
                                                                                                developmental fate of not only T lymphocytes     as a critical modulator of pyrin expression and
                                                                                                but also dendritic cells, which are crucial      inflammasome activation. These studies point
                                                                                                for stimulating T cells and guiding their        to pyrin and its regulators as potential targets
                                                                                                differentiation, as Dr. Chi’s team reported in   for therapeutic intervention. Collectively,
                                                                                                Nature. (See p. 103 for details.)                these and other key mechanistic insights
                                                                                                     Collaborative studies on macrophage         have contributed to the foundation for our
                                                                                                activity in the tumor microenvironment have      rapidly expanding translational efforts in
                                                                                                revealed an important role for a noncanonical    immunotherapy.

                                R. K. Subbarao Malireddi, PhD; Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti, PhD
                                                                                                                                                         Joseph T. Opferman, PhD; Douglas R. Green, PhD; Charles Gawad, MD, PhD

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Developmental Origins and                          To hasten progress in pediatric solid tumor
                                                                                                                                           Therapeutic Approaches to                          research, all O-PDXs and their associated data
                                                                                                                                           Rhabdomyosarcoma                                   are freely shared with researchers around the
                                                                                                                                           Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most                 world through the CSTN, with no obligation to
                                                                                                                                           common soft-tissue cancer in children.             collaborate. To date, 507 requests for O-PDXs
                                                                                                                                           Histologically, these tumors resemble              have been received from 200 investigators
                                                                                                                                           embryonic skeletal muscle and have been            working at 99 institutions in 16 countries.
                                                                                                                                           thought to arise from that tissue, but they             The O-PDXs have enabled crucial insights
                                                                                                                                           can also arise in sites devoid of skeletal         that are driving innovative clinical studies
                                                                                                                                           muscle. Mark E. Hatley, MD, PhD (Oncology),        in RMS and other solid tumors. For example,
                                                                                                                                           recently found that cellular reprogramming         work in these models identified an inhibitor
                                                                                                                                           of nonmyogenic cells can also lead to RMS,         of the signaling kinase WEE1 as a promising
                                                                                                                                           demonstrating the disease’s diverse origins.       therapeutic agent. In Cancer Cell, Elizabeth
                                                                                                                                           (See p. 105 for details.)                          A. Stewart, MD, Sara M. Federico, MD (both of
                                                                                                                                               A major barrier to developing new              Oncology), and their colleagues reported the
                                                                                                                                           therapies for solid tumors has been the lack of    most comprehensive analysis to date of RMS
                                                                                                                                           preclinical models that accurately recapitulate    that integrated transcriptomic, epigenomic,
                                                                                                                                           human disease and predict clinical responses       and proteomic/phosphoproteomic data to
                                                                                                                                           to novel therapeutics. The Program launched a      elucidate the cellular origins and therapeutic
                                                                                                                                           large-scale effort to develop better preclinical   vulnerabilities of the disease. RMS has 2
                                                                                                                                           models, with a focus on orthotopic patient-        major histologic subtypes: alveolar RMS and
                                                                                                                                           derived xenografts (O-PDXs). This led to the       embryonic RMS. Dr. Stewart’s team found that
                                                                                                                                           development of the Childhood Solid Tumor           alveolar RMS, which is the more aggressive
                                                                                                                                           Network (CSTN; Since         subtype, arises at a later stage in the
                                                                                                                                           the CSTN was established, 498 patients have        developmental program than does embryonal
                                                                                                                                           donated surplus tumor tissue, resulting in the     RMS. Their comprehensive preclinical testing
                                                                                                                                           successful generation of 201 independent           also revealed that targeting WEE1 is the most
                                                                                              Alberto S. Pappo, MD; Michael A. Dyer, PhD   xenografts that represent 27 tumor types.          effective approach to treating high-risk RMS
                                                                                                                                           All models have undergone comprehensive            in vivo. These results prompted the Children’s
                                                                                                                                                                                              Oncology Group to expand their multicenter
Developmental                   Some of the most devastating, poorly             The Developmental Biology & Solid                         genomic and epigenomic analyses, including
                                understood cancers that affect               Tumor Program aims to improve the                             whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing,           Phase I/II clinical trial of the WEE1 inhibitor

 Biology & Solid                children arise in the peripheral nervous
                                system, muscles, or bones. Despite
                                                                             survival and quality of life of children
                                                                             with solid tumors by integrating basic,
                                                                                                                                           RNA-sequencing, and whole-genome
                                                                                                                                           bisulfite sequencing; approximately half
                                                                                                                                                                                              AZD1775 and the chemotherapy agent
                                                                                                                                                                                              irinotecan to include pediatric patients with

Tumor Program                   recent advances in genomics that
                                have enabled us to better understand
                                                                             translational, and clinical research. The
                                                                             Program has 4 working groups focused
                                                                                                                                           of the models have undergone chromatin
                                                                                                                                           immunoprecipitation sequencing analysis.
                                                                                                                                                                                              high-risk RMS.

                                the etiology of pediatric solid tumors,      on recurrent disease, immunotherapy,
                                the overall survival of children and         rare tumors, and precision medicine.
                                adolescents with high-risk or recurrent      Here, we present recent advances in
                                disease has not improved in more than        elucidating the developmental origins
                                20 years. This lag in improved cure          of pediatric solid tumors, developing
                                rates reflects the heterogeneity and         unique preclinical resources and
                                relative rarity of pediatric solid tumors.   research pipelines, and identifying
                                                                             promising new therapeutic approaches.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sara M. Federico, MD; Elizabeth A. Stewart, MD

2019 Scientific Report |   18                                                                                                                                                                                                                             19     | 2019 Scientific Report
Precision Therapy for Tumors                         this study were combined with those from a
                     Bearing a TRK Fusion Oncogene                        Phase I study on adults and a Phase II study on
                     Gene fusions involving NTRK1, NTRK2, or NTRK3        adolescents and adults and published in The
                     (TRK fusions) are found in several childhood         New England Journal of Medicine. The cohort
                     and adult tumors. In 2018, a large multicenter       included 55 patients (aged 4 months–76
                     trial testing the TRK inhibitor larotrectinib as a   years) with 17 unique TRK fusion–positive
                     new precision therapy for TRK-bearing tumors         tumors, and 75% of the tumors responded to
                     was completed. Collaborating with Theodore           the drug. Larotrectinib was well tolerated, and
                     Laestch (University of Texas Southwestern            30 (55%) patients remained progression-free
                     Medical Center) and David Hyman (Memorial            after 1 year. As a result of these studies, the
                     Sloan Kettering), Program Co-Leader Alberto          U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved
                     S. Pappo, MD (Oncology), served as the               larotrectinib as the first targeted, oral, tumor-
                     St. Jude investigator on the landmark Phase          agnostic therapy. Tumor-agnostic therapy
                     I/II trial of larotrectinib.                         is defined as immunotherapy that attacks
                           In The Lancet Oncology, the investigators      any type of cancer that arises in any location,
                     demonstrated that larotrectinib was well             as long as the tumor cells have a specific
                     tolerated by pediatric patients and showed           molecular anomaly (e.g., TRK fusion) that is
                     impressive antitumor activity in all patients        targeted by the drug.
                     with TRK fusion–positive tumors. Results from

                                                                                                                              Alberto S. Pappo, MD; Armita Bahrami, MD

2019 Scientific Report |   20                                                                                                                                 21   | 2019 Scientific Report
A Genomic Portrait of Acute                              Mixed-phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL)
                                                                                                                                         Lymphoblastic Leukemia                              is a rare, difficult-to-treat subtype that
                                                                                                                                         ALL includes a spectrum of disease subtypes         includes features of both ALL and acute
                                                                                                                                         with distinct mutations. Program Co-Leader          myeloid leukemia. By integrating genome
                                                                                                                                         Charles G. Mullighan, MBBS, MD (Pathology),         sequencing, experimental modeling, and
                                                                                                                                         and colleagues have conducted multiple              tumor xenografting, Dr. Mullighan and
                                                                                                                                         in-depth genomic investigations of ALL and          colleagues identified the genetic alterations
                                                                                                                                         defined numerous novel disease subtypes             that define the most prevalent subtypes of
                                                                                                                                         and mechanisms of pathogenesis. Recently,           MPAL. (See p. 101 for details.) Their findings,
                                                                                                                                         this work has contributed to the molecular          published in Nature, are now being tested in
                                                                                                                                         reclassification of ALL in the revised World        clinical trials of MPAL that are determining
                                                                                                                                         Health Organization guidelines. It has also         whether disease subtype and treatment
                                                                                                                                         provided the basis for using targeted agents        response can be correlated with the genetic
                                                                                                                                         in precision medicine trials, including the         features of leukemic cells.
                                                                                                                                         ongoing St. Jude Total Therapy 17 clinical               To promote research on leukemia biology
                                                                                                                                         trial for newly diagnosed ALL, which is led         and help develop more effective cures, the
                                                                                                                                         by Hiroto Inaba, MD, PhD (Oncology).                Program launched the Public Resource of
                                                                                                                                              Genomic discovery studies continue to          Patient-derived and Expanded Leukemias
                                                                                                                                         accelerate. Earlier this year in Nature Genetics,   (PROPEL; in 2018.
                                                                                                                                         Dr. Mullighan’s team reported their integrated      PROPEL is a St. Jude–hosted resource for
                                                                                                                                         genomic analysis of 1988 pediatric and adult        sharing unique patient-derived xenografts
                                                                                                                                         cases of B-progenitor ALL, thereby revising         (PDXs) from patients with B- or T-lineage
                                                                                                                                         the classification of ALL to comprise at            ALL, acute myeloid leukemia, or relapsed
                                                                                                                                         least 23 genetically distinct subtypes. This        leukemia. In addition, PROPEL provides a tool
                                                                                                                                         comprehensive sequencing approach enabled           with which to explore genomic data from
                                                                                                                                         the researchers to not only identify new            both the PDXs and matched primary patient
                                                                                                                                         subtypes but also demonstrate the                   samples. This information is freely shared
                                                                                     Ching-Hon Pui, MD: Charles G. Mullighan, MBBS, MD   power of transcriptome sequencing for               with researchers around the world, with no
                                                                                                                                         guiding classification, risk stratification, and    obligation to collaborate. Currently, PROPEL
                                                                                                                                                                                             contains approximately 250 samples of adult
    Hematological               Hematological malignancies remain        sparked innovative precision medicine                           tailored therapy.
                                a leading cause of cancer-related        studies and therapeutic strategies.                                                                                 and pediatric leukemias and continues to grow

     Malignancies               death in children, despite therapeutic
                                advances that have improved
                                                                         Program accomplishments have had
                                                                         a global impact on the diagnosis,
                                                                                                                                                                                             with the addition of other subtypes of leukemia.

         Program                outcomes. The Hematological
                                Malignancies Program aims to improve
                                                                         classification, and treatment of various
                                                                         hematological malignancies.
                                the cure of childhood leukemias              Research in the Program
                                and lymphomas, while minimizing          encompasses common and rare
                                treatment-related adverse effects.       childhood leukemias and lymphomas
                                    This highly interactive,             and ranges from defining molecular
                                transdisciplinary Program has a long     taxonomy to experimental
                                record of major discoveries in cancer    modeling, preclinical studies,
                                biology and treatment. The translation   pharmacogenomics, and clinical trial
                                of fundamental discoveries on the        development. Here, we focus on recent
                                genetic basis of leukemogenesis          advances in our understanding of
                                and treatment-related toxicities         the molecular basis of ALL, the most
                                into new diagnostic and treatment        common childhood malignancy.
                                approaches has changed the
                                standard of care for children with
                                hematological malignancies and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Hiroto Inaba, MD, PhD

2019 Scientific Report |   22                                                                                                                                                                                                                23     | 2019 Scientific Report
Predisposition to Acute                           nonsilent TP53-coding variants, 22 of which
                                                       Lymphoblastic Leukemia                            were predicted to be pathogenic. Children
                                                       Growing evidence indicates that germline          carrying TP53 pathogenic variants had poorer
                                                       genetics influence the development of ALL,        survival and a substantially higher risk of
                                                       which was once regarded as a nonhereditary        subsequent cancers. This study confirms the
                                                       disease. For example, the IKZF1 gene, a known     importance of TP53 in ALL development and
                                                       somatic driver of high-risk ALL, is mutated in    treatment response. Germline mutations
                                                       families in which multiple members have ALL       in TP53 also have implications for family
                                                       and in patients with ALL with no known family     members, who are now being screened for
                                                       history. This work was published in Cancer        this cancer-susceptibility gene through the
                                                       Cell. After identifying 2 members of the same     St. Jude Cancer Predisposition Program
                                                       family with B-progenitor ALL and an IKZF1-        to enable early diagnosis of cancer among
                                                       truncating mutation, the team conducted           siblings and parents. This work was published
                                                       targeted sequencing of 4963 childhood ALL         in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
                                                       samples. They found 28 unique predisposing             Taking a more agnostic approach, Dr. Yang
                                                       germline variants in 45 children, thereby         and colleagues conducted genome-wide
                                                       establishing IKZF1 as an ALL-predisposition       association studies to seek novel ALL-
                                                       gene and further emphasizing the importance       susceptibility loci in Hispanic individuals who
                                                       of heredity in ALL development.                   have a high proportion of Native American
                                                            In another targeted sequencing study, Jun    ancestry and an elevated risk of ALL and
                                                       J. Yang, PhD (Pharmaceutical Sciences), and his   poorer outcome. In the journal Blood, the team
                                                       team followed up prior work from St. Jude that    reported that the ERG gene is a novel ALL risk
                                                       showed TP53 germline variants are common          locus that correlates with Native American
                                                       in childhood hypodiploid ALL. By conducting       ancestry and is enriched in certain ALL
                                                       targeted germline sequencing of TP53-coding       subtypes. Thus, ERG has been added to the
                                                       regions in DNA samples from 3801 children         growing list of genetic factors that contribute
                                                       with ALL, the researchers identified 49 unique,   to racial/ethnic disparities in ALL.

                                                 WITHIN 30 DAYS OF A CANCER DIAGNOSIS,
                                                 90% OF PATIENTS ENROLL IN A CLINICAL TRIAL;
                                                 60% ENROLL IN A THERAPEUTIC TRIAL.
                                                 In the recent vs. previous 5-Year Review Period

                                               NEW PATIENTS                        INTERNATIONAL                                PATIENTS ENROLLED
                                               WITH CANCER                         PATIENTS WITH                                ON THERAPEUTIC
                                                                                   CANCER                                       TRIALS

                                                   +9%                                     +30%                                         +40%
                            Jun J. Yang, PhD

2019 Scientific Report |   24                                                                                                                      25   | 2019 Scientific Report
Modeling an Incurable Tumor:                     inducible H3 K27M mutation. In Cancer Cell,
                                                                                                                                       Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma                 they reported that the K27M-dependent,
                                                                                                                                       In 2012, Program Co-Leader Suzanne J. Baker,     genome-wide decrease in H3K27me3 causes
                                                                                                                                       PhD (Developmental Neurobiology), and            a selective increase in neurodevelopmental
                                                                                                                                       Cancer Biology Program member Dr. Zhang          gene expression by releasing the epigenetic
                                                                                                                                       discovered recurrent histone H3 mutations        regulation of poised promoters. The K27M
                                                                                                                                       in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG),      mutation enhances the self-renewal of neural
                                                                                                                                       an incurable tumor of the brainstem, and in      stem cells, which could expand the pool of
                                                                                                                                       pediatric high-grade gliomas. As a result, the   cells susceptible to malignant transformation.
                                                                                                                                       histone H3 K27M mutation was defined as a        Expression of the K27M mutation throughout
                                                                                                                                       molecular hallmark of DIPG, and an essential     the central nervous system (CNS), combined
                                                                                                                                       connection between histone regulation and        with DIPG-associated mutations in the Trp53
                                                                                                                                       DIPG was revealed.                               and PDGFRaα genes, selectively accelerated
                                                                                                                                            To determine how the H3 K27M mutation       tumorigenesis in the brainstem. Thus, these
                                                                                                                                       drives oncogenesis and why mutations in          murine models revealed novel epigenetic
                                                                                                                                       this histone selectively drive gliomas in the    contributions to DIPG pathogenesis
                                                                                                                                       developing brainstem, Dr. Baker and colleagues   and will enable detailed studies of
                                                                                                                                       genetically engineered mice carrying an          therapeutic response.

                                                                                           Suzanne J. Baker, PhD; Amar J. Gajjar, MD

      Neurobiology              Despite rapid advances in our
                                understanding of the biology of
                                                                               Pediatric brain tumors arise during
                                                                          development; thus, the Program

      & Brain Tumor             brain tumors, these diseases remain
                                the leading cause of cancer-related
                                                                          addresses regulatory mechanisms
                                                                          that affect normal growth and
           Program              death in children. Current treatment
                                approaches are lacking for some
                                                                          tumorigenic growth in the developing
                                                                          brain. Program members continue to
                                patients and lead to long-term            investigate neural development, tumor
                                debilitating side effects for others.     cells of origin, key pathways that drive
                                The Neurobiology & Brain Tumor            tumorigenesis, and the epigenetic
                                Program aims to improve survival          landscape of brain tumors. Genome-
                                and morbidity of children with brain      wide studies of the major pediatric
                                tumors by developing effective,           brain tumor types have identified
                                relatively nontoxic therapies through     novel mutations, defined molecular
                                a better understanding of disease         subgroups, and opened new avenues
                                pathogenesis. By integrating the latest   of basic, translational, and clinical
                                genomic and genetic technologies          investigation. Furthermore, advances
                                with studies of the developing nervous    in the fields of molecular pathology,
                                system, members of this Program are       imaging, and radiation oncology hold
                                translating laboratory findings into      promise for advancing the treatment
                                opportunities for new treatments.         of these formidable diseases. Here we
                                                                          present recent advances made in 3
                                                                          types of pediatric brain tumors.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Jon Larson, PhD; Lawryn Kasper, PhD; Suzanne J. Baker, PhD

2019 Scientific Report |   26                                                                                                                                                                                                                   27     | 2019 Scientific Report
Molecular Characterization of Brain                 Hopp Children’s Cancer Center (Heidelberg,
                     Tumors Guides Treatment                             Germany) and The Hospital for Sick Children
                     Medulloblastoma is the most common CNS              (Toronto, Canada). Using whole-genome
                     tumor of childhood. It includes 4 molecular         and whole-exome sequencing, the teams
                     subtypes (SHH, WNT, Group 3, and Group 4),          assessed the prevalence of rare variants in 110
                     and each subtype has a distinct biology and         cancer-predisposition genes in 1022 patients
                     treatment outcome. Work by the Program has          with medulloblastoma. This study, which
                     been instrumental in further characterizing         also appeared in The Lancet Oncology, is the
                     medulloblastoma subtypes and identifying the        largest to date on genetic predisposition to a
                     contribution of germline predisposition to          single pediatric brain tumor entity. The team
                     the disease.                                        discovered that genetic predisposition plays
                          Children younger than 3 years at the           a major role in causing medulloblastoma,
                     time of diagnosis of medulloblastoma                particularly in patients with the WNT or
                     often have poorer overall survival, because         SHH subtype. They also identified APC,
                     radiation therapy must be delayed or the dose       BRCA2, TP53, PALB2, PTCH1, and SUFU as key
                     reduced to avoid debilitating side effects on       medulloblastoma-predisposition genes. These
                     the developing brain. A multicenter Phase II        results indicate an urgent need to provide
                     clinical trial (SJYC07) led by Giles W. Robinson,   genetic counseling and testing for patients
                     MD (Oncology), Program Co-Leader Amar               with WNT or SHH medulloblastoma.
                     J. Gajjar, MD (Pediatric Medicine, Oncology),            Ependymomas are neuroepithelial tumors
                     and Paul A. Northcott, PhD (Developmental           of the CNS. They represent nearly 10% of all
                     Neurobiology), used a risk-stratified treatment     pediatric CNS tumors and about 30% of CNS
                     strategy that omitted or minimized radiation        tumors in children younger than 3 years.
                     exposure in 81 patients younger than 3 years        Comprehensive DNA-methylation profiling
                     with medulloblastoma. The findings, published       led by the Program has demonstrated distinct
                     in The Lancet Oncology, support the pursuit of      molecular groups of ependymoma and refined
                     a molecularly driven, risk-adapted approach for     approaches to disease classification, but these
                     treating young children with medulloblastoma.       developments have yet to be incorporated
                     (See p. 96 for details.)                            into standard clinical practice. In Acta
                          Historically, most medulloblastomas            Neuropathologica, David W. Ellison, MD, PhD
                     were thought to arise sporadically. A               (Pathology), and colleagues characterized the
                     team led by Drs. Gajjar, Northcott, and             molecular heterogeneity in posterior fossa
                     Robinson challenged this long-held belief           type A ependymomas, revealing a role for a
                     in collaboration with investigators at the          previously uncharacterized gene, CXorf67. (See
                                                                         p. 112 for details.)

                            INCREASED FUNDING OF
                            CANCER CENTER RESEARCH
                            In the recent vs. previous 5-Year Review Period

                            PEER-REVIEWED                                NCI FUNDING

                                   +13%                                             +9%                                    Giles W. Robinson, MD

2019 Scientific Report |   28                                                                                                       29   | 2019 Scientific Report
Identifying Genetic Risk Factors for            toxicity to cells and tissues. However, St. Jude
                                                                                                                                          Late Effects of Treatment                       is helping to pioneer a relatively nascent
                                                                                                                                          Some childhood cancer survivors fare better     area of investigation—financial toxicity faced
                                                                                                                                          than others, even among those who had           by childhood cancer survivors. The term
                                                                                                                                          similar diagnoses and completed comparable      “financial toxicity” is used to describe problems
                                                                                                                                          therapeutic regimens. However, the way in       experienced by cancer survivors resulting
                                                                                                                                          which survivors’ genetic makeup influences      from the financial implications of receiving
                                                                                                                                          their long-term health outcomes has been        a diagnosis and subsequent medical care
                                                                                                                                          poorly understood. In 2018, Dr. Zhang and       for cancer. A team led by I-Chan Huang, PhD
                                                                                                                                          Program Co-Leader Leslie L. Robison, PhD        (Epidemiology & Cancer Control), assessed 3
                                                                                                                                          (Epidemiology & Cancer Control), led a study    domains of financial hardship (i.e., material,
                                                                                                                                          of whole-genome sequencing of germline          psychological, and coping/behavioral) in 2811
                                                                                                                                          DNA from more than 3000 pediatric cancer        long-term survivors in the SJLIFE cohort.
                                                                                                                                          survivors participating in the SJLIFE study.    The majority (65%) of survivors reported
                                                                                                                                          This first-in-kind initiative was designed to   hardship in at least 1 domain, with higher risks
                                                                                                                                          enable integrated analyses of genomic data      found in middle-aged survivors (40 years or
                                                                                                                                          and comprehensive clinical data to identify     older) versus younger survivors (18–39 years).
                                                                                                                                          new genetic risk factors for late effects of    Depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation
                                                                                                                                          treatment, such as second neoplasms. This       were associated with all 3 hardship domains.
                                                                                                                                          work was published in the Journal of Clinical   This work was published in the Journal of
                                                                                                                                          Oncology. (See p. 110 for details.)             the National Cancer Institute. The discovery
                                                                                                                                                                                          that financial hardship is widespread among
                                                                                                                                          Understanding Financial Toxicity in             childhood cancer survivors emphasizes the
                                                                                                                                          Childhood Cancer Survivors                      importance of systematically addressing the
                                                                                                                                          Minimizing the toxicity of anticancer therapy   impact of health policies on survivors and
                                                                                                                                          is generally considered only in terms of        developing strategies for early detection
                                                                                                                                                                                          and intervention.
                                                                                          Melissa M. Hudson, MD; Leslie L. Robison, PhD

  Cancer Control                As treatments for childhood cancers
                                improve, the number of long-term
                                                                               This Program, which spans the
                                                                           breadth of epidemiological, clinical,

   & Survivorship               survivors in the U.S. is expected to
                                surpass 500,000 by the end of 2019.
                                                                           and interventional research, has
                                                                           defined the landscape of childhood
        Program                 The Cancer Control & Survivorship
                                Program conducts research to reduce
                                                                           cancer survivorship, influenced the
                                                                           design of contemporary pediatric
                                treatment-related complications and        cancer treatment strategies, and
                                improve the long-term outcomes and         provided crucial data to guide
                                quality of life of individuals surviving   surveillance and health-preserving
                                childhood cancer. Two unique survivor      interventions for survivors. Efforts to
                                cohorts, the Childhood Cancer Survivor     characterize the challenges faced by
                                Study (CCSS) and the St. Jude Lifetime     childhood cancer survivors and design
                                Cohort Study (SJLIFE), include more        effective interventions are a major
                                than 40,000 participants who have          ongoing focus.
                                survived childhood cancer for at least
                                5 years after completion of therapy.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I-Chan Huang, PhD

2019 Scientific Report |   30                                                                                                                                                                                                         31   | 2019 Scientific Report
                                                                                                                                   CENTER DEVOTED TO PEDIATRICS, WE HAVE
                                                                                                                                   AN OBLIGATION TO USE OUR TALENT AND
                                                                                                                                   RESOURCES TO ADVANCE CURES FOR
                                                                                                                                   PEDIATRIC CANCER WORLDWIDE.

                  Charles W. M. Roberts, MD, PhD

          Measures of                    Every 5 years, the Center must reapply
                                         for funding and formal designation
                                                                                      NCI review, the Center’s total peer-
                                                                                      reviewed funding (i.e., federal and             Looking   With the arrival of Dr. Roberts in
                                                                                                                                                2015, the Center developed a new
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Looking ahead, the Center will
                                                                                                                                                                                             advance this vision through large-

         Success of an                   as a Comprehensive Cancer Center.
                                         For the recent renewal, Center
                                                                                      private foundation awards) to support
                                                                                      cancer research increased by 13%.
                                                                                                                                       Ahead    vision to bring about a new era of
                                                                                                                                                precision therapies and cures for
                                                                                                                                                                                             scale strategic initiatives, build on its
                                                                                                                                                                                             strong foundation of transdisciplinary
          Exceptional                    administrative staff, shared resources            The NCI awarded the Center its                       children with pediatric cancer via           collaboration, and serve as a model

                                         directors, and leadership spent more         second consecutive highest-possible                       pursuit of discoveries in epigenetics,       for pediatric cancer research and
                                         than 18 months writing the 2300-page         “Exceptional” ranking and the best                        genomics, and immunotherapy. To              treatment across the globe.
                                         application. In May 2018, a panel of         numerical score in the Center’s                           realize this vision, the Center is tapping
                                         20 reviewers representing the NCI            history. NCI reviewers referred to                        into the remarkable intellectual and
                                         conducted a site visit of the Center.        St. Jude as a “national treasure,”                        philanthropic resources of St. Jude
                                         Dozens of examples of scientific             invoking our remarkable success in                        to engage leading experts within the
                                         achievements across the Center               translating science into advances                         Center and beyond in the fight against
                                         were presented. These included               for the benefit of pediatric patients                     childhood cancer.
                                         an increase in the number of peer-           with cancer everywhere. Exceptional
                                         reviewed publications, including a           marks were also awarded to all 6 of the
                                         27% increase in the number of articles       essential characteristics of a Cancer
                                         published in scientific journals with        Center: physical space, organizational
                                         an impact factor greater than 10             capabilities, transdisciplinary
                                         since the last NCI review. The Center        collaboration and coordination, cancer
                                         also saw substantially more patients         focus, institutional commitment, and
                                         with new diagnoses; accruals to              the Center Director. The outcome of
                                         therapeutic clinical trials increased by     the 2018 NCI review further reinforces
                                         9%. Within 30 days of diagnosis, 90%         the position of St. Jude, the only NCI-
                                         of new patients with cancer enrolled         designated Cancer Center dedicated
                                         in a clinical trial; 60% enrolled in a       solely to children, as one of the nation’s
                                         therapeutic trial. Finally, since the last   elite Cancer Centers.

2019 Scientific Report |   32                                                                                                                                                                                      33   | 2019 Scientific Report

Biomolecules are dynamic; changes         addition, complementary techniques          discovery campaigns. Crystallographic
in their 3-dimensional (3D) shape         are used to probe specific details          structure determination of targets
endow them with an array of               of biomolecular mechanisms.                 in complex with ligands is the gold
activities. Proteins are the main class   These include mass spectrometry,            standard in drug discovery, facilitating
of biomolecules in our bodies; they       which reveals changes in the                rational design and iterative chemical
perform functions that make life          composition and stoichiometry of            synthesis and testing. Cryo-EM/TM
possible. Proteins come in a range of     protein complexes; single-molecule          has great potential for enabling drug
shapes and sizes and possess distinct     imaging techniques, which monitor           discovery for difficult targets, such as
capabilities. Understanding how           the structure and movement of               membrane proteins that are difficult
structural changes in proteins impart     specific parts of biomolecules; and         to visualize with other techniques.
function is, therefore, fundamental       computational simulations, which            Some drug targets of interest to St. Jude
to all biology, whether in health or      use powerful computers to study             investigators in structural biology
disease. Providing this understanding     the motions that occur when                 include kinases, E3 ligases, protein–
is the task of structural biologists.     biomolecules function.                      protein interactions, proteins involved
     Structural biologists use                In catastrophic diseases, the           in programmed cell death, essential
sophisticated instruments to              functions of biomolecules are altered.      bacterial enzymes, ribosomes, and
elucidate protein structures at the       Structural biologists examine the           various membrane proteins.
highest (atomic) resolution to study      structural basis for such functional
their functions and understand            alterations to gain insights into
how abnormal proteins give rise to        new therapeutic strategies. This
diseases. Three frontline techniques      can occur, for instance, through the
are used to examine biomolecular          generation of new drugs that are able
structures: cryogenic electron            to counteract disease by targeting
microscopy and tomography                 deleterious alterations in the activities
(cryo-EM/TM), nuclear magnetic            of proteins and other biomolecules.
resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and         The Department of Structural Biology
X-ray crystallography. Each of these      has built an infrastructure to not only
techniques has unique strengths and       elucidate biomolecular structures
limitations, and structural biologists    fundamental to health and disease
often must integrate the results from     but also enable the drug-discovery
different techniques to fully visualize   process at every step. For instance,
and understand the structures of          NMR-based binding screens can be
complex biomolecular systems              used to identify the ligands of any
(e.g., multicomponent assemblies          macromolecule assembly, irrespective
and macromolecular machines). In          of shape and size, to spearhead drug-

2019 Scientific Report |   34                                                                                                     35   | 2019 Scientific Report
Structures are blueprints for developing      nanometers; and large-scale domain motions
                     hypotheses about biomolecular functions            can take milliseconds to seconds and are
                     that can be tested using genetic, biochemical,     measured in tens of nanometers. The
                     and cell biological approaches. However,           techniques used to study these processes
                     to fully understand function in detail,            depend on the time scale and extent of the
                     structural biologists need to examine the          structural change. Cryo-EM/TM and X-ray
                     movement of biomolecules, which is termed          crystallography can distinguish biomolecular
                     protein dynamics. Proteins are not static          conformations but typically not the movement
                     objects; they are rapidly changing molecules       that gives rise to them. NMR spectroscopy is
                     that move, bend, expand, and contract.             particularly adept at determining the time
                     Without such motions, many proteins and            scale and amplitude of molecular movements.
                     nucleic acids cannot function properly. The        Single-molecule fluorescence imaging
                     overarching goal of structural biology is          captures individual molecules in different
                     to elucidate all conformations needed for          states, thereby enabling us to understand how
                     a biomolecule to function and determine            an interconversion occurs.
                     how those conformations interconvert and               No individual technique provides all the
                     how this interconversion between structural        information needed to understand structure
                     conformations leads to biological functions.       and activity, which is why structural biologists
                     Structural changes in proteins and other           must integrate results from comprehensive
                     biomolecules span orders of magnitude              analyses of protein structure and dynamics
                     in time and space. For example, methyl             acquired using multiple methods. By deploying
                     sidechain rotations take picoseconds and           and actively developing the wide range of
                     lead to changes measured in angstroms;             sophisticated techniques available, St. Jude
                     different conformations of intrinsically           has positioned itself at the forefront of
                     disordered proteins occur in nanoseconds           the emergent field of integrative
                     to microseconds and are measured in                structural biology.

             Building                             The Department of Structural Biology has expanded to join premier
                                                  research centers and aspires to become the top center for imaging

        Cutting-Edge                              and biophysical modalities, enabling St. Jude researchers to
                                                  examine intricate cellular processes at the atomic level. Department
           Structural                             Chair Charalampos Babis Kalodimos, PhD, a world-renowned

                                                  structural biologist, is directing this effort by recruiting world
                                                  leaders in structural biology to join the St. Jude faculty and bringing

        Technologies                              innovative technologies to the St. Jude campus. The department
                                                  has created 6 centers: Cryo–EM/TM, NMR Spectroscopy, X-ray
          at St. Jude                             Crystallography, Single-Molecule Imaging, Mass Spectroscopy,
                                                  and Protein Technologies. Researchers working in these centers
                                                  will engage in cutting-edge structural biology research, and the
                                                  Protein Technologies Center will facilitate collaborations between
                                                  the department and St. Jude investigators working in other fields.
                                                  Here we describe the technologic capabilities of those centers and
                                                  introduce the scientists working in them.
                                                                                                                            STRUCTURES ARE BLUEPRINTS FOR
                                                                                                                            DEVELOPING HYPOTHESES ABOUT
                                                                                                                            BIOMOLECULAR FUNCTIONS IN HEALTH
                                                                                                                            AND DISEASE.
2019 Scientific Report |   36                                                                                                                             37   | 2019 Scientific Report
tomography (cryo-TM), also uses cryogenic          houses all essential auxiliary equipment for
                                                                                                                             methods for sample preparation and electron        sample preparation, including a Vitrobot Mark
                                                                                                                             microscopy methods for image acquisition,          IV, a Solarus II plasma cleaner, and a carbon
                                                                                                                             but cryo-TM includes added tomographic-            coater. The Center plans to expand into cryo–
                                                                                                                             reconstruction methods to reveal 3D                correlative light and electron microscopy for
                                                                                                                             structures of cells and tissues. This makes it     high-resolution imaging of cells and tissues.
                                                                                                                             possible to visualize structures of biological          Cryo-EM experiments generate
                                                                                                                             molecules in their native cellular environment.    several terabytes of imaging data per day
                                                                                                                             Thus, recent advances in cryo-EM/TM are            per instrument. The images need to be
                                                                                                                             transforming many life science and                 processed to generate a 3D map of the
                                                                                                                             biomedical disciplines.                            biomolecule being studied, which requires
                                                                                                                                  Last year, St. Jude recruited Mario Halic,    high-performance computing. The Center is
                                                                                                                             PhD, a prominent leader in the field, to           supported by state-of-the-art computational
                                                                                                                             establish a preeminent research program in         resources, including a dedicated cluster with
                                                                                                                             cryo-EM. Dr. Halic’s research combines cryo-       hundreds of computing central-processing
                                                                                                                             EM, biochemistry, and genetics to determine        units and a range of high-performance
                                                                                                                             how enzymes and structural proteins modify         computing facilities available at the St. Jude
                                                                                                                             nucleosome and chromatin structure.                Data Center.
                                                                                                                             In so doing, he is defining the molecular               The Center is committed to delivering
                                                                                                                             mechanisms that recognize specific genetic         the latest technology to the broader research
                                                                                                                             elements and target them for epigenetic            community at St. Jude. Its goal is to enable
                                                                                                                             silencing by heterochromatin, a specialized        researchers to visualize intricate biological
                                                                                                                             silent chromatin structure. Furthermore,           structures at atomic or near-atomic resolution
                                                                                                                             Dr. Halic’s laboratory uses structural methods     and cellular structures in their native context
                                                                                                                             to understand how heterochromatic proteins         with unprecedented detail and clarity.
                                                                                                                             recognize and modify chromatin to establish        The Center is opening avenues to various
                                                                                                                             this silent state. His long-term goals are         applications in basic and translational research
                                                                                                          Mario Halic, PhD
                                                                                                                             to understand the regulation of genome             and is expected to have an immediate,
                                                                                                                             expression by chromatin and discover why           substantial impact on drug-discovery and
                                                                                                                             mutations in chromatin proteins lead to the        biomedical research at St. Jude.
 Cryo–Electron                  In cryo-EM, biological samples are
                                rapidly frozen to the solid state in a
                                                                            cameras. These detectors have
                                                                            superior signal-to-noise performance,            formation of cancer cells.

Microscopy and                  manner that prevents dehydration
                                and ice crystallization. Biomolecules in
                                                                            making it possible to generate
                                                                            images with unprecedented clarity
                                                                                                                                  The Cryo-EM/TM Center at St. Jude has
                                                                                                                             capabilities to perform single-particle cryo-EM

  Tomography                    aqueous solutions are blotted to a thin     and extract structural information               and cryo-TM. Under the direction of Liang
                                                                                                                             Tang, PhD, the Center houses a 300-keV
                                layer and plunged into liquid ethane        of the finest detail. These advances
                                (−182 °C) cooled by liquid nitrogen.        have led to a “resolution revolution”            Titan Krios transmission electron microscope
                                Rapid cooling traps the biomolecules        in cryo-EM, which is now routinely               that features a brilliant, highly coherent
                                in their native hydrated state,             used to generate 3D structures of                X-FEG electron source, a cryo-autoloader for
                                embedded in glass-like vitreous (or         biomolecules. This development was               automated and contamination-free sample
                                amorphous) ice. The samples are then        recognized with the Nobel Prize in               loading, the latest K3 direct electron detector,
                                transferred to an electron microscope       Chemistry in 2017.                               and a BioQuantum energy filter, all of which
                                and imaged by electrons near the                 Cryo-EM is particularly powerful            are built onto an ultra-stable platform,
                                temperature of liquid nitrogen (−196 °C).   for studying large macromolecular                ensuring maximal performance, throughput,
                                The recorded images represent 2D            complexes. Recently, it was used                 and resolution. The Krios is equipped with a
                                projections of the sample and are used      to solve the structures of several               Volta phase plate, which extends its ability
                                to reconstruct the 3D architecture of       fundamental biomolecules, including              to image smaller proteins and perform
                                the biomolecule through intensive           ribosomes and ion channels, and                  high-resolution cryo-TM. The Center also
                                computational analyses. Single-             human pathogens, such as Zika virus,             has a 200-keV Talos Arctica transmission
                                particle cryo-EM technology has             influenza virus, and Ebola virus. These          electron microscope equipped with a K3
                                made remarkable progress in recent          discoveries have greatly influenced              direct electron detector and a BioQuantum
                                years due to the development of             medicine and public health. A related            energy filter and a 120-keV Talos transmission
                                direct electron detector device             technique, electron cryogenic                    electron microscope for sample screening                                                                   Liang Tang, PhD

                                                                                                                             and optimization. In addition, the Center

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