Traveling to Work in the Time of - COVID

Page created by Brad Curry
Traveling to Work in the Time of - COVID
Volume 47, Issue 1 Spring 2021

                  President’s Message
                  Traveling to Work in the Time of
                  By WIA President Mike DiGilio, C.P.

   Hello, everyone, the pandemic is on the verge              As any installer knows, you work up an
of being brought under control. While normal            appetite while on the job. Almost all restaurants
times may still be a long time away from us,            offer take-out. Some restaurants still allow
many contractors have started to travel for work.       indoor seating. You can always pack a few
Are you one of them? Some members travel                lunches in a cooler to keep from starving if
and have traveled for work as a regular course          you really need to. Most fast-food places have
of business. What kind of precautions does a            drive-through service. That’s probably not the
wallcovering installer take when going out of           healthiest of choices, but at least you can fill
town?                                                   your stomach.
   Some members travel all over the country to              In the beginning of the pandemic, paint
work. Airline travel is down significantly, but if      stores were closed for indoor shopping. Some
you want fly to a job—and want to fly safely—           still are. If your supplier is still closed for indoor
then masks must be worn at all times while              shopping, all you need to do is call in your
on the plane. Airlines have strict policies and         order, pay over the phone with a credit or
enforcement is constant.                                debit card, and pick it up. It’s the best in luxury
     Do you prefer to drive to your out-of-town         customer service.
job site? It’s pretty much business as usual.               At the job for an out-of-town customer?
Again, masks and sanitizers are available.              Make them feel better about having you do
Some patrons use gloves as they pump gas,               their job by wearing booties, wearing a mask,
and some do not. It’s a personal choice.                and even wearing gloves while moving about
   All hotels/motels try very hard to keep you          the house. They want you there—it’s why they
safe. They require masks be worn whenever               hired you—so, respect their wishes while on the
you are in their public spaces. Hand sanitizers         job. You’ll benefit, too, by staying healthy and
and masks are freely available from hotels. All         demonstrating your need to keep yourself and
one has to do is ask for them. They go to great         your customer safe and healthy. n
lengths to sanitize rooms. Need your room
cleaned while you’re there like you used to do,          INSIDE THIS ISSUE
pre-COVID? You’ll have to wait. Some hotels
won’t allow housekeeping staff into your room            Start an Apprenticeship Program................................................ 2
until after you check out.                               A Biden Presidency & Expected Changes to the Gig Economy.... 4
   Would you rather stay at an Airbnb? I look at
                                                         Staying Fit For Older Adults......................................................6
that situation and believe that most go above
and beyond to keep their places clean and                Wallcovering University Offers 2020 TeleSummit Replay...........8
germ-free. It only takes one customer with               New Members.........................................................................9
COVID to kill a business.
                                                                                                                    March 2021 - Page 1
Traveling to Work in the Time of - COVID
Start an Apprenticeship Program
                              There is no formal program for apprenticeship       student every aspect of the trade. This goes
                              in wallcovering installation, nor is there a        beyond just teaching how to do the job to
                              college degree program in the USA for this          include client acquisition, customer relationship
                              skill. However, the trades remain an important,     management, and bookkeeping.
                              lucrative, and viable career path, despite             The terms of apprenticeship are not only
                              societal emphasis on college degrees. The           regulated by many industry labor agreements,
                              Mike Rowe Works Foundation, established by          but also by law, specifically the 1937 federal
                              Dirty Jobs celebrity Mike Rowe, supports and        law modeled on a 1911 Wisconsin law
                              encourages vocational training in the skilled       naming 200 occupations benefiting from
                              trades. Apprenticeships are a vital part of that    apprenticeship programs. Apprenticeship was
                              effort.                                             further broadened by passage of the Manpower
                                                                                  Development and Training Act of 1962. State
                              Apprenticeship Requirements                         laws also affect the definition and obligations
                              The US Department of Labor defines five             of master craftsmen and apprenticeships. In all
                              components for a typical apprenticeship             definitions, apprenticeship programs combine
                              program:                                            on-the-job instruction with classroom training.
                              1. Business involvement                             Federal law also requires that apprenticeship
                                                                                  programs and individual apprentices enrolled in
                              2. Structured on-the-job-training
                                                                                  those programs be registered with the Office of
                              3. Related instruction                              Apprenticeship.
                              4. Rewards for skills gains
                              5. Nationally recognized credentials.               Benefits of Apprenticeship Programs
                                 Apprenticeships often last years. They benefit   With the return on investment of college
                              apprentices by combining education with real-       degrees hitting an all-time low, seeing university
                              world work that involves teaching the working       graduates coming to the workforce tens – if
                                                                                                                not hundreds –
                                                                                                                of thousands of
                                                                                                                dollars in debt
                                                                                                                with education
                                                                                                                in subjects
                                                                                                                employers don’t
                                                                                                                value, the allure of
                                                                                                                trades increases.
                                                                                                                Celebrities such as
                                                                                                                Mike Rowe and the
                                                                                                                core team of This
                                                                                                                Old House promote
                                                                                                                skilled trades as
                                                                                                                viable, well-paid,
                                                                                                                valuable career
Photo by jp26jp on Pixabay.

                                                                                                                paths necessary for
                                                                                                                the continuation of
                                                                                                                   Let’s face it, that
                                                                                                                degree in anything
                                                                                                                ending with
                              March 2021 - Page 2
Traveling to Work in the Time of - COVID
“studies” isn’t going anywhere, but the world        ●  Paid Jobs: Apprentices are paid employees
will always need skilled people who can build,          with all the rights and obligations of
repair, and improve things.                             employees. They typically begin at about 50
    Another beauty of apprenticeship programs           percent of a journeyman’s wage and earn
is financial: the student graduates from the            increases in salary as their skills improve.
program with a marketable and valuable skill         ● On-the-Job Training: The key component
and no debt from tuition. In fact, the apprentice,      of an apprenticeship is the student learning
as a full-time or near-full-time employee,              on the job under the direct supervision and
begins earning a wage from the first day with           tutelage of his or her employer.
an average starting salary of $15 per hour.          ● Classroom Learning: Here’s one benefit
With wage increases as the apprentice’s skill—          of the COVID-19 crisis--we proved that online
and value to his employer—increases, many               learning works. “Classroom” learning does
apprentices complete their hands-on programs            include online learning, so courses available
earning $50,000 per year.                               through Wallcovering University can be an
                                                        important part of your apprentice’s education.
Competency-Based Occupational                           The courses can be combined with courses
Frameworks                                              offered by local community colleges.
The American Institute for Innovative                ● Mentorship: This requires a skilled
Apprenticeship (AIIA) states that “the US               professional designated to provide one-on-
Department of Labor contracted the Urban                one support to the apprentice.
Institute to develop voluntary, consensus-based      ● Credentials: Registered apprentice
competency-based occupational frameworks                programs require that apprentices receive
(CBOFs) to help employers and sponsors                  portable, nationally recognized credentials
develop, and apprenticeship officials evaluate,         upon successful completion of the program.
new apprenticeship programs.” Efforts involve           Certified public accountants and business
the cooperation of many parties, including trade     consulting firm Tyler, Simms & St. Sauveur,
associations like WIA, to ensure that these new      PC, offers a list of four tips to creating an
apprenticeship programs meet industry needs          apprenticeship program. Thomas Network,
and support industry acceptance.                     a source for product sourcing and supplier
   The AIIA notes, “Employers or sponsors who        selection, also offers guidance for creating a
want to register a new apprenticeship program        viable apprenticeship program. Their advice
can use the CBOFs as a starting point.” For          overlaps with both recognizing that developing
employers needing assistance in establishing         a recognized apprenticeship program isn’t for
an apprenticeship program, the AIIA offers           the fainthearted: it takes planning, collaboration,
a list of intermediaries in the USA who work         and a lot of work.
with employers and apprentices to design                                               And if you decide
apprenticeship programs.                                                            creating a registered
Create an Apprenticeship                                                             program isn’t
Program                                                                               feasible, then, an                                                                Mike Rowe Works
official website of the                                                                Foundation offers a
US government, offers                                                                  job listing service
succinct advice on                                                                      specifically
how to create an                                                                        for the skilled
apprenticeship                                                                           trades at jobs.
program. These                                                                            mikeroweworks.
components                                                                                org. n
include:                                                          Photo by LJ- on Pixabay.

                                                                                             March 2021 - Page 3
Traveling to Work in the Time of - COVID
A Biden Presidency & Expected Changes
                   to the Gig Economy
It’s official. On January 6,                                               Lyft for their income and
the US Congress certified                                                  whose work practices are
the winner of the 2020                                                     governed by those corporate
presidential election as                                                   entities, this rule designates
Joseph Biden. The nation’s                                                 them as employees entitled
government swung from                                                      to federally mandated
Republican domination                                                      protections and benefits.
to Democrat. The core                                                      2. Does the worker control his
differences between the                                                    or her opportunities for profit
two parties may lead to                                                    and loss based on his or her
substantial and substantive                                                initiative and/or investment?
differences in rights for                                                  This question is less clear-
employees, independent                                                     cut than the former. A worker
contractors, and gig workers.                                              can invest everything he or
                                                                           she has in the business and
Worker Classification                                                      still fail due to circumstances
Wallcovering installers                                                    beyond his or her control.
generally consider                 Former Vice President of the United States
                                   Joseph Biden speaking with attendees
themselves self-employed           at the 2019 Iowa Federation of Labor
                                                                                 The final rule also
independent contractors: they Convention hosted by the AFL-CIO at the “identifies three other factors
work for themselves. They          Prairie Meadows Hotel in Altoona, Iowa.    that may serve as additional
enjoy this independence,           Photo  by Gage Skidmore   on Wikipedia.    guideposts in the analysis,
with many benefitting from                                                    particularly when the two core
clarification of their non-employee status by            factors do not point to the same classification,”
the Department of Labor under the Trump                  says the Department of Labor’s website:
   On September 22, 2020, the Department                 independent-contractor.
of Labor issued a proposed rule to clarify the
classification of workers as either employees            What a Biden Administration May Mean
or independent contractors, the latter of which          for Independent Workers
receive no FLSA protections or benefits such             Human resources experts expect President
as overtime or guaranteed minimum wage. It               Biden, supported by a Congress led by a
passed. The Department of Labor announced its Democratic majority, to either reverse the
final rule on January 6, 2021. The final rule takes Department of Labor’s final rule or enact
effect on March 8, 2021.                                 legislation expanding the definition of
   To summarize 29 CFR Parts 780, 788, and               “employee.” According to an article in SHRM,
795, the Department of Labor reaffirmed an               the new president “supports the Protecting
“economic reality” test to determine whether             the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, which,
a worker is in business for himself (or herself)         among other changes, would make it harder
or whether he or she is an employee. This test           to classify workers as independent contractors
poses two main questions:                                by adopting an “ABC” test.” This may occur
                                                         by the implementation of additional qualifying
1. What is the degree and nature of the worker’s factors to determine whether someone is an
   control over the work? For many gig workers           employee or independent contractor. President
   like drivers who rely primarily on Uber or            Biden refers to California’s stricter standards
March 2021 - Page 4
Traveling to Work in the Time of - COVID
for worker classification as a model for a new        consultants
federal standard. According to MarketWatch,           providing

                                                                                                              Photo courtesy of Rictor Norton & David Allen via Wikimedia.
Susan Cuffaro, one of the founders of Gig             professional
Workers Collective, expects President Biden “to       services. The
appoint [a] Labor Secretary who is sympathetic        backlash took
to exploited workers in America.”                     liberal policy
    While most wallcovering installers will           makers by surprise.
find themselves falling squarely within the           They amended
classification of independent contractor, those       the law, adding
who receive all or the majority of their work         more exempt
through construction contractors, interior            categories (65
designers, or other referring professionals may       total) of workers;
find themselves in the same murky, gray area as       however, that “left
rideshare drivers.                                    in despair hundreds
    The future of freelancing is a huge issue.        of industries where
CNBC reports that, according to a recent              freelancers predominate.”
Upwork survey, 59 million Americans were                 The additional exemptions don’t clarify
engaged in freelance work in 2019, an increase        the law, many complain, but add confusion,
of 2 million from 2018. SCORE reports that            particularly with regard to which professional
the US workforce has 57.3 million full-time           services are exempt and which are not: “A
freelancers who contribute $1.4 trillion to the       perfect example is that licensed psychologists
country’s economy. The COVID-19 pandemic              are exempted as professionals, but other
has made those numbers swell even more.               licensed professionals who provide mental
Writing for CNBC, Elaine Profeldt states, “With       health therapy—such as licensed marriage
many people losing jobs or forced to find more        and family therapists, social workers,
flexible work arrangements by the demands of          professional clinical counselors, and educational
the pandemic, the issue of worker classification      psychologists—were not included.”
is likely to increase in importance in the next few
years.”                                               Are You an Employee or Not?
    While many applaud efforts to more                With Obama-era veterans appointed to President
accurately categorize independent contractors         Biden’s transition team, experts anticipate the
from employees, some point out the                    return to Obama-era worker protections. This
inconsistencies within Biden’s published plan,        will encompass increased monitoring and
“The Biden Plan for Strengthening Worker              enforcement of workplace safety regulations
Organizing, Collective Bargaining and Unions,”        by OSHA, increased minimum hourly wage
which speaks to strengthening enforcement             mandates, and increased risk for employers
of existing laws prohibiting employers from           categorizing their workers as independent
intentionally misclassifying workers and an           contractors, paid leave benefits, and challenges
endorsement of and intention to model federal         to mandatory arbitration agreements. The
policy upon recently enacted California’s AB-5        Biden platform “commits to encouraging
law.                                                  and incentivizing unionization and collective
    When California AB-5 took effect, “most           bargaining. He’s promised to create a cabinet-
freelancers in that state—those who were not          level working group that includes representatives
exempted, including those that have nothing           from labor. In the first 100 days of the
to do with the gig economy—soon received              Administration, the working group will deliver
termination notices from large and small              a plan to increase union density and address
companies and households that had used their          economic inequality.”
services in the past, essentially putting them           We’ll see what happens in these next months.
out of business.” Those freelancers included          n
                                                                                        March 2021 - Page 5
Traveling to Work in the Time of - COVID
Staying Fit For Older Adults
We’re all getting older and most WIA members
can boast gray hair. With wallcovering
installation being a largely physical profession,
maintaining physical fitness becomes even

                                                                                                           Photo by ArtCoreStudios on Pixabay.
more important as advancing years lead to
deterioration in muscle, reduced endurance, and
increased weight gain.

Official Advice: Exercise
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is
the nation’s arbiter of all things related to
health. This government agency addresses            Balance ball, resistance band, and yoga mat.
the importance of physical activity to healthy
aging. Physical activity “can prevent many of       you don’t have to choose between them. Best
the health problems that seem to come with          Life offers a list of best exercises for older folks
age. It also helps your muscles grow stronger       with a focus on strength, flexibility, and balance.
so you can keep doing your day-to-day activities    Most use the resistance of gravity with some
without becoming dependent on others.” Another      adding weights for additional effort.
popular and authoritative source for health-
related information, WebMD, also emphasizes         Balls, Bands, and Bars
exercise as the main component for healthy          We’re talking Pilates, not parties. This low-
aging. Exercise confers many benefits, including:   impact, muscle strengthening exercise discipline
                                                    was developed early in the 20th century. Like
●   Rebuilding muscle                               yoga, Pilates also helps improve balance and
●   Increasing metabolism (burn more calories)      core strength. Pilates also incorporates the use
●   Preventing, delaying, or improving heart        of resistance bands, balance balls, and barbells
    disease, high blood pressure, diabetes,         to increase the difficulty or intensity of the
    stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, and     workout.
                                                    Float Like a Butterfly
●   Maintaining mental acuity.
                                                    Because of the natural deterioration of our
   Harvard Health Publishing echoes this            bodies as we age, reducing stress on joints
advice, but notes that physical changes as we       and muscles eases the pain of working out.
age can make those intense exercise routines        Especially for those suffering from aching bones
of our youth risky. Simply put, we’re not as        and joints—arthritis, anyone?—swimming
young as we used to be and our bodies can’t         exercises are perfect. If swimming laps isn’t
handle the strain. Especially for those whose       your preference, consider water aerobics. You’ll
adult lifestyle has become sedentary, a wiser       boost your heart rate and burn calories in an
workout includes warming up muscles before          environment that goes easy on your joints.
                                                    Slow and Steady Does It
Best Exercises for the Over-50 Crowd                Originating more than three millennia ago,
Exercise should help older adults lose weight,      the term yoga combines mental, physical,
build muscle, increase flexibility, and improve     and spiritual discipline. For this article, we’re
stamina. Most exercise routines tend to focus on    focusing on the physical aspect. Yoga focuses
strength or weight loss (burning calories), but     on muscle strength, aerobic fitness, balance,

March 2021 - Page 6
Traveling to Work in the Time of - COVID
and flexibility, all of
which age degrades.                                                                                        Walking in
This low-impact                                                                                              a natural
exercise is deceptive:                                                                                   environment
“it’s still weight-bearing,                                                                            confers health
meaning that you have                                                                                 benefits beyond
to support your body’s                                                                                 mere exertion.
weight in every posture.”
Another ancient
exercise discipline that
focuses on balance
and flexibility is tai chi.
“With a multitude of
health benefits, there’s

                                                                                                                               Photo on PXhere.
research that suggests
this exercise can prevent
high blood pressure,
heart disease, and
alleviate aches and                                                   confers the additional benefits of fresh air and a
pains. Plus, it’s a stress-buster too, making it                      connection with nature. Physicians recommend
a great way to unwind after a tough day,” says                        a minimum of 10,000 steps per day.
                                                                      Or Ride a Bike
Take a Hike                                                           If walking isn’t feasible—too hard on the old
Walking remains a strongly recommended and                            joints, perhaps?—then consider bicycling.
popular exercise to burn calories, lose weight,                       Although low-impact and a great way to get
and improve stamina. Even better, it doesn’t                          outdoors and get the heart pumping, it does
require expensive equipment or a personal                             require good balance. Those who live where
trainer: all you need is a pair of good walking                       the inclement weather deters biking can take
shoes and maybe a walking stick. Walking                              advantage of this exercise by using a stationary
outside among natural surroundings also                               bike which can be used indoors and which
                                                                                   doesn’t require you to wear a helmet

                                                                                   in case you fall.
 The                                                                                The Upshot
 Volume 47, Issue 1 • Spring 2021                                                   It’s important to recognize that
                                                                                    exertion is not the same as exercise.
 The Installer is published bi-monthly by   President: Michael DiGilio, C.P.
                                            Vice President: Steven Kaye, C.P.       Effective exercise maintains an
 the Wallcovering Installers Association.
                                            Treasurer: Shelly Wilkins               elevated heart rate for a minimum
 Contact the WIA:                           Secretary: Gary Lucas, C.P.
 (800) 254-6477                                                                     of 20 minutes. That, in turn, lends
                                            Past President: Vincent LaRusso, C.P.                                                    to increased metabolic activity             NATIONAL ASSOCIATE CO-CHAIRS            throughout the entire day, enabling
                                            Greg Laux, MDC Wallcoverings
 EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT                   Joanne Berwager, York Wallcovering
                                                                                    your body to burn off calories at a
 Nancy Terry                                                                        higher rate even while you sleep.
                                            REGION DIRECTORS                        You’re not a kid anymore, but that
 THE INSTALLER EDITOR                       Central: Kevin O'Donnel
 Jennifer Curtis, C.P.                      West: Dennis George, C.P.               doesn’t mean you can’t look and
                                            Northeast: Richard Manougian            feel better by improving your health
                                            Mid-Atlantic: Bob Banker                through regular, age-appropriate
                                            South: Michael King
                                                                                    exercise. n
 OFFICERS                                                                                                March 2021 - Page 7
Wallcovering University Offers
                        2020 TeleSummit Replay
Did you miss WIA’s first TeleSummit which, due to COVID-19 protocols, replaced the association’s
annual convention? If so, don’t fret. WIA’s got you covered. That’s the beauty of virtual events: they
can be easily recorded for future viewing and education.
   The TeleSummit, held online on September 26, offered live and pre-recorded sessions on topics
near and dear to wallcovering installers. For the affordable price of $198, WIA members can replay
the entire event. The online course covers six classes:
●   Session 1: Using Lining Materials with Scenic Wallpapers; Vendor Vignettes for Mutoh America
    and York Wallcovering; and Intro to Muslin
●   Session 2: Being Service-Oriented & Safe in Today’s New Environment; Owning Your Worth as
    a Paperhanger; Hanging Liner & Paper Over Muslin; and Online Estimating Tool for Commercial
●   Session 3: Mutoh’s Lunch Session
●   Session 4: Roman Products’ Lunch Session
●   Session 5: How to Measure Wallpaper; Vendor Vignette for Cavalier Papers; and Reverse Match
    Commercial Vinyl
●   Session 6: Profiling; The Ins & Outs of Trimming to Complex Moldings; Time Is Money; Vendor
    Vignette; Tools Every Paperhanger Needs; How to Remove Muslin
The Wallcovering Installers Association developed Wallcovering University to provide wallcovering
installers with professional online training in the techniques and art of wallcoverings. Class
completion contributes to WIA certification credentials which inform current and potential clients of
an installer’s competence and dedication to continued learning and improvement in the trade. n

                                                                                                         Photo by geralt on Pixabay.

March 2021 - Page 8
                                                               When you have a choice of vendors,
                                                               remember to use WIA Associate
                                                               Members first.
New Members                                                     Advance Equipment
                                                                  Manufacturing Company
December 2020 – March 2021
                                                                Anstey Wallpaper Company
 Installers:                    Texas Best Wallpaper
 Renovart Ltd                   Blake McCray, Houston, TX       Bradbury & Bradbury Art
                                                                   Wallpapers, Inc.
 Dorian Burcus-Coman,
 Middlesex, UK                  Muse Wallcovering               Cavalier Wall Liner
                                Devin Borland, Los Ange-        Designtex Group (The)
 Better Than Paint              les, CA
 Rebeca Trujillo, Wilmington,
 NC                             Victor Cali Wallcovering        Fidelity Wallcovering, Inc.
                                Victor Cali, Medford, MA        Gardner-Gibson, Inc.
                                                                Len-Tex Wallcoverings
 Stanislav Gershman, Del-       Painters District Council 14
 ray Beach, FL                  Helen Chung, Brookfield, IL     Maya Romanoff Corporation
                                                                MDC Wallcoverings
 Pete’s Paperhanging & Re-      James Frye Wallcovering
                                                                MISH, Inc
 moval                          LLC
 Peter Herrish, Canoga          James Frye, Orlando, FL         Mutoh
 Park, CA                                                       Painters & Allied Trades LMCI
                                Ultra Painting
                                                                Phillip Jeffries Ltd.
 Stuck Up Wallpaper             Charles Lella, Hauppauge,
 Robin Jerome, Daily City,      NY                              R37 Inc.
 CA                                                             Real Wood Veneer Wallcovering
                                Paul N Inc
 Titans NW                      Paul Narvaez, Shirley, NY       Roman Decorating Products LLC
 Arlo Murphy, Gresham, OR                                       Roos International, Ltd.
 Wallcoverings by Theresa       Associate Members:              Steve's Blinds & Wallpaper, LLC
 Theresa Sabus, Benning-
                                                                Studio Zen Wallcoverings
 ton, NE                        Innovations in Wallcover-
                                ings                            The Paint Store Online
 Walls to Floors, Inc.          Jennifer Dombkowski, New        Thibaut Wallcovering
 Gene Sanson, Woodland          York, NY
                                                                Vahallan Papers
 Park, NJ
                                The Paint Store Online          Versa Design Surfaces
 Wallcoverings By Don Dye                                       Wallpaper Direct
 Donald Dye, Sugar Land,        Verne Manson, West Hills,
                                CA			                           Wallpaper Warehouse
                                                                Williamson College of the Trades
 LH Wallpapering                                                Wolf-Gordon, Inc.
 Laura Hatala, Aldie, VA
                                                                York Wallcoverings, Inc.

                                                                                   March 2021 - Page 9
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