TRIENNIAL ACTION PLAN 2019-2021 - AS BL - Mama's for Burundi

Page created by Brandon Simpson
TRIENNIAL ACTION PLAN 2019-2021 - AS BL - Mama's for Burundi

         PLAN 2019-2021

                                                             Bujumbura, December 31, 2018

Mamas For Burundi Association | Avec la femme, Unifions et Pacifions toute une Nation   1

                              Acronyms and abbreviations :

MAFOBA: Mamas For Burundi Association.
ASBL: Non profit organization
NGO: Non Governmental Organization
IT: Board of Directors
GA: General Assembly
SC: Supervisory Committee
ES: Executive Secretariat
IGA: Income Generating Activities
OSC: Organization of Civil Society
FGM: Female Genital Mutilation
SGBV: Sexual and gender-based violence
CEDAW: Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
UN: United Nations
SRH: Sexual and Reproductive Health

  Mamas For Burundi Association | Avec la femme, Unifions et Pacifions toute une Nation   2

                                                    Table of content :
Chapter I. Summary and summary presentation of Mafoba ...........................
Chapter II. Strategic Framework and Context ......................................................
Priority sections : ..................................................................... ..
Component / education and vocational training .....................................
Component / health .....................................................................................
Women's economic and social empowerment and empowerment and the emergence of
women's leadership. .............................................................................................

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MAFOBA is a sbl initiated in 2015 by Burundian girls and women, works for the promotion
of socio-economic rights, peace, leadership, integration, socio-economic reintegration and
social cohesion of predominantly rural communities. MAFOBA is approved by the Ministry
of the Interior, Patriotic Training and Municipal Development by Ministerial Order No. 530 /
1460DU29 / 10/2018. It is part of the order of Burundian NGOs. Its target group is
particularly women, girls and children in rural areas, victims of social inequalities
and SGBV. MAFOBA is structured as follows : ONE AGA, One CS, One CA
and One SE. The CA is the responsible body of MAFOBA, composed of six members
namely ; a president, a vice-president, a financial affairs advisor (treasurer), a gender /
dimension advisor, a campaign mobilization expert and the executive secretary, with no
voting rights.

This Triennial Action Plan (2019 - 2021) MAFOBA is part of a work towards the fulfilment
of its mission, its vision, its assigned objectives, its commitments and orientations that it
wants to reach for the next three years as well as the major ones.
C HALLENGES that it expected to raise and              effort,          determination         and
mobilization aur it needs to accomplish its task and to complete it. The drafting of this Action
Plan is based on a collaborative work between the Bureau (Executive Secretariat) and the
Board, and then adopted in plenary by the GA. It is also based on several exchanges with
other partners in the field. Indeed, as action suggestion exercise was carried out by members
of an MAFOBA and community leaders. In addition, a survey was launched from several
population              categories Burundian has               different            spheres (local
authorities, community leaders and opinion, and other development actors and CSOs, girls
and boys, women and men of all categories ...).
It is an approach that wants a constructive and participative with the objectives
of the tender " Bell Sound Everyone, to get a global vision of the issues and challenges to
be met and finally to report on the problem that the community perceived, but which could
escape from MAFOBA. This information gathering has not only made it possible to prioritize
actions and feed this three-year Action Plan (2019 -2021), but has also contributed to the
ownership of projects by the beneficiaries and/or communities in a process. voluntary
improvement of the living conditions of the population. In addition, this approach is also to
stimulate the socioeconomic and cultural development of our community passing through
certain values that we consider fundamental that are put forward by MAFOBA, added to
those collected from these different categories of community members during of our
evaluations, meetings, focus-group, exchanges, consultations, survey. This Triennial
Action Plan (2019 - 2021) brings together a more comprehensive set of actions to be taken
depending on the situations of the long armed conflicts which have had multiple negative
effects on the economic and social life, thus destroying the person and upsetting socio-
economic and cultural fabric of the population burundian in general and, in particular women,
girls and children.

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MAFOBA has targeted as strategic priorities in the next three years (2019 - 2021) the
following sections :
    1. EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL TRAINING (Schooling of female children,
       construction and rehabilitation of school infrastructure, literacy of women and girls,
       apprenticeship of various professional occupations to women and girls victims of
       armed conflict ...)
    2. HEALTH (Sexual and Reproductive Health : Prevention and fight against child
       marriage and early and forced unions ; awareness and training on the risks of unsafe
       and unsafe abortion and the prevention of unwanted pregnancies through modern
       methods of contraception ; Mother health - Children ; Education at puberty and the
       management of menstrual hygiene ...)
       EMERGENCE OF FEMALE LEADERSHIP ( Restoration of livelihoods through
       agro-pastoral revival, economic activities and support of women's groups for socio-
       economic recovery contributing to the stabilization of community ; emergence of
       female leadership : Women's capacity building and the development of a culture of
       peace, u kind of democratic values for empowerment and good governance)
    4. THE ENVIRONMENT (Water and sanitation ; combating deforestation, forest
       degradation and loss of biodiversity in Burundi's target provinces). With the self-
       determination of MAFOBA's Board, technically supported by its Executive
       Secretariat team, pledge to put the energy necessary for the effective implementation
       of this Plan of Action and with this shared and concerted, inclusive vision as well as
       the involvement of all stakeholders, results will be palpable.


a) Brief justification :
From an educational point of view, the 6 target provinces have a long history of
disarticulation and disintegration of their social structures. Among the causes that would
clearly explain this state of affairs, the unrest of rebellion and coups d'état are at the forefront,
which have mourned Burundi for more than 30 years, is added the wave of armed and
murderous violence that have torn the country from 1993 to the present, forcing the escape of
populations en masse to neighboring countries, and thousands more in internal displacement
at any time on the one hand and, some cultural considerations, the judgments of retrograde
customary values which objectify the woman on the other hand.
This is justified by the growth of illiteracy and the low rate of schooling among women and
girls. To date, Burundi still bears the legacy of these realities.
On the other hand, today the woman and the girl live like a nightmare, and there are still
many vestiges of the past related to social slavery, many women and girls can not read or
write because they did not go to school; therefore, they are often considered inferior to men,
as well as customs and traditions that do not allow them to study as men.
In many provinces where our investigators have visited, the constant is always bitter. Daily
practices mean that women or girls cannot participate in decisions made within the family,

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the tribal community, or the professional or even the administrative community. They are
always excluded from socio-political actions, girls are not entitled to the inheritance of their
parents or their husbands however, if the widow has remained with children especially boys,
they are heirs of the property left by their father in contrast to girls, because they are not
recognized by customary law as such. A woman / girl can feel free, enjoy her basic rights
only when freed from exploitation, marginalization, discrimination and oppression by the
man. So, it is important to raise their level of consciousness to claim their place in society,
their level of education and help them go out into the ignorance, into the under-information
and into the grip of the retrograde practices of the custom.
In addition, the six provinces have been most affected and have always been the scene of
very sensitive violations of human rights. Women have been raped and suffered too much
atrocities. Several categories of women in particular; those with disabilities, mothers-to-be,
widows, orphans ... have increased and many of them do not have guaranteed support and are
responsible for families and face the serious problems of life, which increases their state of
being vulnerability. Hence, this category of women and girls are unemployed, insert them
into upstream and downstream activities; and related jobs that offer employment and income
potential in order to integrate them into working life in a sustainable way.
MAFOBA thought that we should talk about the development of girls only when they have
imperatively acquired the fundamental cultural techniques (reading, writing, calculating ...) it
will help them to assert their rights more easily and to participate in the life of society as
This is why MAFOBA would like to lead a wide education and awareness of the community
for women and girls by providing assistance, promotion, supervision and support to ensure
their economic, social and cultural well-being and to make them benefit the fruits of
sustainable development, guaranteeing them respect for all human rights and fundamental
freedoms; under the principles of equality and non-discrimination, and recognize the value
and diversity of their identities, cultures and social organization.
It is with this in mind that we have found it useful during these 3 years to continue to support
girls and women in the framework of the basic education and literacy circle (school support
for girls as well as boys, literacy and numeracy and other basic skills for women) as an ideal
setting to facilitate the dissemination, promotion and protection of target rights in the region
and activities in various professional occupations for women / girls would be a solution.

b) General objectives :
             Contribute promotion and access to school education for girls from poor and
      marginalized families by providing them acquired the capacity for the completion of
      the basic cycle (primary) and secondary for girls.
             Provide basic functional literacy for changing attitudes and respect for
      women's human rights
             Create and increase the financial capacity of women to better qualify for an
      income generating activity (IGA), to discover opportunities for activities or jobs they
      did not know before.

  Mamas For Burundi Association | Avec la femme, Unifions et Pacifions toute une Nation   6

 OBJECTIVES             ACTIVITIES                     YEAR                   EXPECTED RESULTS

                                              2019      2020      2021

▪ Build         the   1. Hold preparatory XXXX        XXXX       XXXX       The local government has put
capacity of rural     participatory                                         in    place    strategies    to
women and girls       planning meetings                                     strengthen girls' education in
by      promoting      ;                                                    the Territory.
girls'   education                                                          - Parents are sensitized and
and literacy to       2.              Hold                                  commit      to    send    their
give them the         consultation                                          daughters to school.
chance           to   meetings with local                                   -The number of girls enrolled
complete              authorities      and                                  and completing primary and
secondary      and    local leaders on                                      secondary      education     is
university            their involvement                                     increasing significantly in
education and to      in the activities of                                  Burundi's schools.
teach women to        the 3. Identify
read and write for    1,200 girls enrolled                                  - School girls are aware of the
their emergence       and          enrolled                                 importance of education and
of          female    according to 150                                      avoid     school     drop-outs
leadership.           per administrative                                    without relevant reason.
▪ Support       the   sector ;                                              -The girls' coaching clubs
schooling        of   4. Acquire and                                        exist and function properly.
female children       grant to 1,200 girls
by paying school      school kits and                                       -At least 90% of 1,200 girls
fees and supplies.    tuition fees (teacher                                 are in school and 85% have
To encourage the      bonuses)                                              passed exams at the end of
education        of                                                         the school year.
female children in    5. Organize four
preparation     for   community                                             -The dropout rate of girls
their future and      workshops on non-                                     decreases significantly ;
to empower            marginalization
children and other    and           social                                  The standard of living of
caregivers       to   exclusion of girls                                    women and girls trained and
participate in the    and the importance                                    their families improved.
education        of   of education for                                      - Women and girls have the
children for future   themselves      and                                   best self-esteem and their role
well-being.           society.                                              in society, but also with
▪ Participate in                                                            respect to themselves They
the education of      6.          Organize                                  are useful for them and for
children for their    sensitization   and                                   the community.
future well-being     community
▪ Increase the        animation sessions                                    -Strategies promoting the
financial capacity    to the local media,                                   rights of women and girls are
of families to        but also through T-                                   put in place in the target

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support         the   shirts           and                                  provinces of Burundi.
education        of   visibilities
their daughters.      signs for        the
▪ Increase      the   education of girls.
number           of
schoolchildren by     7. Provide girls'
providing support     parents with means
to parents who are    for IGAs to support
poor by taking        school children;
care of all or part  8.         Organize
of school fees and   supervision    and
school supplies;     monitoring       of
▪Promote         the activities  in  the
schooling         of field;
women, promote 9. Produce activity
the education of reports.
girls           and
stimulate the taste
of their studies;
▪ To fight against    1. Engage literacy
the discrimination    instructors    from
of girls in school    targeted centers;
education       in
Burundi.             2.          Purchase
                     materials         and
                     supplies for literacy
education       for
                     centers and for
1,200 girls for the
emergence        of
women's              3.            Ensure
leadership     and premiums             for
promote              literacy teachers;
through       their 4. Establish literacy
empowerment ;        centers           and
▪ Community          organize functional
involvement      to literacy training for
ensure        girls' women and catch
safety and access up with girls who
to school.           have left the armed
► Remove the forces or groups
obscurantism and and those who have
ignorance      that been raped and / or
inhibit         the sexually abused;

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development of          5.          Organize
illiterate women        supervision     and
and      girls     by   monitoring of field
learning writing,       activities.
reading and math
to           quickly    6. Produce reports
generate        their   of        functional
skills in the 6         literacy activities
target provinces.
involvement        to
ensure            the
security of the
revitalization of
CSO         member
organizations in
organizing catch-
up classes for
Facilitate access
to         remedial
classes for girls
from vulnerable
families who have
left armed groups
and those who
have been raped
and / or sexually
►         Fostering
through women's

♦          Create       1.    Train   900                                    Living conditions of women
employment              women and girls in                                   and girls in 6 target provinces
within                  professional                                         improved at 87%
households;             occupations
♦ To provide
guidance      for       - Organize and
women and girls         Install 900 women
trained in the          and girls trained in
training       of       professional

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various              occupations such as
professional         cooking, sewing,
occupations and      weaving, computer
in         foreign   science, etc.
languages ;

     2.2. SHAPE / HEALTH.
    b. Brief justification :
    Child marriage, early and forced and early and unwanted pregnancy is a harmful practice that
    seriously undermines children's rights and contributes significantly to high maternal and child
    mortality rates and is a gross violation of human rights. Resulting in many negative impacts
    on the well-being and physical, mental and social health of girls in Burundi.
    In the country and particularly in the 6 target provinces of MAFOBA, child marriage and
    early and unwanted pregnancies continue to be widespread and the rate remains extremely
    According to our last report investigation, from March 2018, 41% of women aged 20 to 24
    were married before the age of 18, and 17% before the age of 15. Also, it has been clearly
    observed that child marriage is the key factor for abusive sexual activity and early
    pregnancy. The most recent estimates have shown that several women aged 20 to 24 gave
    birth to a child alive at the age of 18 years.
    Specific problems, faced by girls at risk, married and / or have been married in Burundi are
    based on the prevalence of violence against the girl child, parents are tempted to give their
    daughter's hand in marriage, persuaded that her daughter will be protected from sexual
    assault that could lead to stigmatization in the community. The paradox is that parents are
    often wrong. The girl who gets married before the age of 18 ; is more susceptible
    being abused s including domestic d u marital rape, compared with children of the same age
    and the same generation who marry earlier. In addition, married children often display
    symptomatic signs of sexual abuse and post-traumatic stress, such as feelings of
    hopelessness, vulnerability, and severe depression.
    It was found on the other hand, the fact of denouncing these forms of violence and
    abuse s girls constitutes sex discrimination that is growing and that often makes the girls are
    considered less worthy of attention and protection. In Burundian communities where girls do
    not have the same perceived value as boys from birth, families and communities tend to
    despise the benefits of educating their daughters and investing in their development. Married
    children constitute a pronounced characterization of sexual discrimination that is gaining
    momentum in several Provinces of Burundi. Child marriage has its own devastating
    consequences for the girl child and the entire Burundian society.
    The majority of pregnancies are unwanted and arise from contraceptive failure or simply
    from lack of contraception and maternity is the main causes of maternal mortality and
    morbidity among girls aged 15-19.
    Alternatively, children are almost always his SPOUSE s married to older men, and they are
    not able to talk to them on sex or birth control. This means that many girls become pregnant

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soon after their marriage when their bodies are not yet sufficiently developed. On the list of
multiple disabilities related to early parturition are listed ; the wedge obstetrical fistula, an
injury that leaves girls in constant pain and can easily become infected; sexually transmitted
diseases including HIV / AIDS , urinary incontinence ... It should be added that girls are
often repudiated or rejected by their husbands, families or communities.
However, this is not an isolated violation. The right to marry freely and with full consent is
linked to the rights to life, health, education and safety and is guaranteed in the Burundian
Constitution. Child marriage not only deprives girls of their right to make their own choice,
but also exposes them to the risk of early pregnancy, domestic violence and sexually
transmitted infections, and also decreases their access to education and to work. It is also
about differentiated conceptions of gender roles and family relationships between men and
women. These conceptions tend to elevate women to the background, rooted in traditional
practices, formal and informal customary norms, social norms, and religious and cultural
practices that have a direct bearing on women's social and economic roles in Burundi .
In fact, the use of reproductive health services is generally low in this region, and even more
so among adolescent girls, married or not. In addition, child marriage leads to school dropout,
decreases girls' level of education and promotes the intergenerational transmission of
poverty. Why, in the next three years (2019-2021), MAFOBA would like to accelerate and
strengthen the process of eliminating the phenomenon child marriage, early and forced
marriages; combat the adverse consequences of unsafe abortion, maternal mortality and early
and unwanted pregnancies and promote new contraceptive methods in the country. 6 most
affected provinces of Burundi. In addition, advocacy for safe abortion is fraught with
difficulties in a context where social norms and religious beliefs are rooted against safe
abortion .To strengthen advocacy for safe abortion, it is necessary that the company in
partnership with various stakeholders initiate an open dialogue to convince the ins and outs of
its social norms and religious beliefs. SOMAGO's strong presence as a leader in technical
knowledge of abortion and its experience is an opportunity to influence and enable
networking with like-minded organizations for the defence and provision of abortion services
secure to women who express the need.
General objectives :
               Work for change social norms prevent girls and sexually active women
        viv e nt p ace Union and groom Young people seek and use health services
        reproduction ;
               Promote the effective implementation of legal and policy instruments relating
        to children and young adolescents through the promotion and protection of their
        human rights, in particular the rights to sexual and reproductive health;
               Accelerate the elimination of child marriage through awareness of the harmful
        effects and the commitment to put them in place ;
               Contribute to the improvement of the protection mechanism for girls at risk,
        Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and child marriage and access to care services for
        girls and young women ;
               Develop community / holistic integrated initiatives for promoting the
        elimination and abandonment of Children and Women Genital Mutilation Weddings
        (FGM) in 6 provinces Targets

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            Capacity building of non-state actors to conduct evidence-based advocacy
     campaigns including strengthening the role of leadership, prevention and protection of
     children and adolescents against practices prejudicial to their rights and remove
     barriers and impediments to law enforcement ;
            Expanding contraceptive choices for adolescent girls and youth through the
     inclusion of long-acting reversible methods by 2021;
            Reduce the mortality rate of women and girls engaged in illegal abortions at
     risk due to unwanted pregnancies ;
            Ensure universal access for women to family planning ;

Mamas For Burundi Association | Avec la femme, Unifions et Pacifions toute une Nation   12

           OBJECTIVES                                    ACTIVITIES                        2019    2020 2021         EXPECTED RESULTS

- Strengthen the skills of adolescents,   1. Organize a meeting of dialogue and XXX XXX                 XXX    -The accelerated elimination of child
parents, community leaders and other      dialogue with stakeholders around the issue                          marriage in Burundi;
social actors and stakeholders on         of "marriage of girls and early unions" in                           - by the end of the year 2021, we
techniques of prevention and              Bujumbura to involve them in the project;                            should note a greater commitment and
elimination of children and early and                                                                          an increase in the capacity of the
forced marriages, techniques of           2. Conduct a survey of the collection of                             population to reduce child marriage,
monitoring and advocacy of cases of       basic quantitative and qualitative data on the                       particularly in the four provinces of
violations rights and more equality;      phenomenon of child marriage and early and                           the country where the campaign to the
- Strengthen adolescents' abilities in    forced child union. These are numbers that                           elimination of child marriage will be
life    skills   and     sexual    and    can be subjected to different forms of                               launched;
reproductive health (SRH)                 statistical analysis and information about the                       - greater    involvement     of    all
                                          views, opinions or observations of people in                         stakeholders     including   families,
- Promote girls' leadership by
                                          narrative form, presented at the very                                communities, the private sector and
working directly with them to
                                          beginning to establish the level of                                  CSOs in the fight against child
develop their decision-making and
                                          measurement at from which the changes will                           marriage;
                                          be measured;                                                         -Access to a safe and protective
- Fight for changes in attitudes and                                                                           environment for children that will
behaviours and standards related to       3. Organize the feedback sessions of the                             allow them to benefit from all
gender equity, child marriage and         survey results in order to reach a wider                             opportunities related to quality
early     marriage      through    the    audience of women leaders, civil society                             education, their own choice and
mobilization        of        families,   members, rulers and local leaders on child                           decision to marry or not, when and
communities and influential people;                                                                            with whom and to freely choose

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- Provide direct services to girls at   marriage ;                                                    whether or not to have children, when
risk, girls already married on                                                                        and how many;
education     and     sexual      and   3. Form and support local girls' committees                   -Families,      communities       and
reproductive health ie safe abortion    in neighborhoods on gender, positive values                   influential actors also benefit from
and postabortion care, livelihoods      of child and early marriage and advocacy;                     this change by identifying critical
and coping. autonomous economic                                                                       factors that will enable communities
charge and other necessary services;    3.Organize 4 trainings of girls leaders on the                to mobilize and undertake better
                                        techniques of monitoring cases of violations                  intergenerational communication and
- Advocate for the adoption and
                                        of the rights of girls and young women and                    social cohesion within families and
enforcement of laws and policies
                                        advocacy for more equality between boys                       communities ;
related to the prevention of child
                                        and girls, on the roles and functioning of                    -A high percentage of children and
marriage, early and forced marriages
                                        their structures in four targeted provinces ;                 adolescents build capacity on mischief
to prevent them
                                                                                                      and elimination of child marriage
- Develop a communication strategy      4. Create spaces / huts for girls to promote a                phenomenon;
for abandoning the practice of child    dialogue between different generations (girls                 -145 radio broadcasts and 145 radio
marriage                                and young women between them), for the                        plays in community radios in 6
                                        permanent exchange of experiences between                     Provinces on child marriage and
- Empower vulnerable families of
                                        local leaders, women leaders, actors of the                   harmful traditional practices are
children at risk of marriage ;
                                        civil society , on gender issues, rights to                   carried out ;
-     Accompany      children     and   sexual and reproductive health, children's
adolescents at risk of marriage in      rights and the situation of child marriage and                -More than 300 educational talks on
their life project;                     early marriage to encourage critical                          child marriage organized by 2021.
-To strengthen the skills of            reflection on practices that bring risks to the
community actors;                       property -being of the child;
►Actively support         educational 5. Organize 64 training sessions for xxx
policies      that  encourage     the customary and religious leaders on child                        - The capacities of family members,

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sustainable retention of girls in the marriage in all rural and urban communes;                       civil society organizations and
school curriculum.                                                                                    communities in preventing, managing
                                      6. Organize 45 training sessions for 1,800                      and combating gender-based violence
                                      agents of the deconcentrated public                             and harmful traditional practices
                                      administration        (high      commission,                    against children are strengthened
                                      prefecture) and local authorities on the
                                      problem of child marriage;

                                        7. Organize 12 training sessions for 648
                                        community actors in young approach
                                        technique and on the topic of child marriage
                                        and early unions;

                                        8. Organize 20 advocacy meetings for
                                        religious and traditional leaders, decision-
                                        makers and authorities for their mobilization
                                        and commitment to creating an enabling
                                        environment for the abandonment of child

                                        9. Organize 60 training sessions for 2,400
                                        adolescents in life skills and SSR;

                                        10. Create and train members of the
                                        Children's Parliament in life skills and
                                        sexual and reproductive health (SRH);

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                                11. Identify 7,200 teenagers out of school at
                                risk of marriage and 7,200
                                families of children at risk of marriage
                                (2,400 per year for 4 targeted provinces)

                                12.. Grant small rotating loans to at-risk
                                girls, young women and more vulnerable
                                households to enable them to organize
                                support for economic opportunities in order
                                to reduce the pressure to resort to early
                                marriage relationships and marriage in
                                different municipalities;
                                13. Establish functional literacy centers for
                                girls and women and ensure girls' access to
                                quality education at primary and secondary
                                level (support for school fees and supplies)
                                for the practical skills that will make them
                                more able to self-protect;
                                14. Organize and conduct high-level
                                advocacy events, including forums with the
                                media, civil society organizations to inform
                                and raise awareness about child marriage
                                and support priorities and with decision-
                                makers with a view to adopting laws and
                                laws repressing all social, traditional and

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                                current practices that are harmful to the
                                health and human rights of women and
                                15.     Organize    300     psychological
                                consultations for some victims of child

                                16. Organize entertainment sessions for the
                                general public with themed songs on child
                                marriage and other harmful traditional
                                practices (3 per municipality)
                                17. Organize joint social mobilization
                                communication campaigns for behavioural
                                change with regard to early marriage and all
                                related harmful traditional practices across
                                multiple communication channels;

                                18. Provide psychosocial support to child
                                marriage victims;

                                19. Assist legally and / or judicially 10
                                victims of child marriage;

                                20. Coordinate,      monitor   and    evaluate

Mamas For Burundi Association | Avec la femme, Unifions et Pacifions toute une Nation   17

- Strengthen the capacities of local     1. Organization of 8 brainstorming                           -Strengthening      and     significant
leaders (women, girls, customary         workshops on women's / girls' access to safe                 improvement in the level of
chiefs, administrative authorities,      abortion services with the aim of analysing                  knowledge of communities and other
elected representatives of the people,   abortion laws and barriers in Burundi in                     stakeholders (girls, women, leaders
civil society ...) on advocacy           order to advocate and sensitize opinion for                  and others) on the rights to
techniques for the legalization of       women's access to safe and legal abortion                    reproductive health (abortions, ...) ;
medical abortion.                        services ;
- Engage community members,                                                                           -Local and national living conditions
especially custodians of custom,   2. Organize 24 trainings of local leaders                          and policies on legalized abortions are
administrative authorities, MPs and(CSO, religious, youth associations, women,                        improved ;
civil society in Lobbying and      ..) on advocacy techniques to have leaders
advocacy on the legalization of    who know the rights and duties, who know                           -Inruption of pregnancy or the
medical abortion and its post-     how to defend the interests of girls and                           unwanted arrival of a child in difficult
abortion services in Burundi in    women and that the legal provisions                                circumstances ;
general and in the 6 target MAFOBA provided for in legal instruments ratified or
provinces in particular.           not        by       Burundi      on       the                      - Provision of governors, chiefs and
- Decrease the number and incidenceproblematic abortion Are respected, if not                         local leaders to monitor the situation
of    unwanted      pregnancies     in
                                   to pass a law in this matter.                                      related to reproductive health,
adolescence;                       3. Hold meetings with honourable Members
                                   during the periods of their parliamentary                          -The mortality rate of women and
- Reduce delays between the use of holidays on abortion practices, reasons for                        girls engaged in criminal / at-risk
contraception and the beginning of abortion,     post-abortion   complications,                       abortions as a result of unwanted
sexual relations;                  consequences, and their implication on the                         pregnancies is significantly reduced ;
- Improve the sexual experience of influence to the establishment of laws
adolescents.                       legalizing abortion and its post-abortion                          -The establishment of laws or policies
                                   services in Burundi.                                               allowing or liberalizing access to
                                   4. Organize and conduct advocacy with                              abortion services and post-abortion
        Mamas For Burundi Association | Avec la femme, Unifions et Pacifions toute une Nation   18

                                        policy makers to ensure that legal provisions                 care ;
                                        in    legal    instruments      ratified   by
                                        Burundi prevention of                unwanted                 -A national reproductive health policy
                                        pregnancies through the modern methods of                     defining the social, cultural and legal
                                        contraception ;                                               environment on medical abortion,
                                        5. Organize awareness campaigns on the                        developed, adopted and applied ;
                                        risks of unsafe and unsafe abortion and the
                                        prevention of unwanted pregnancies through                    Awakening of awareness of women
                                        modern methods of contraception in                            and girls to health services and the
                                        schools;                                                      danger and the risk of unsafe and
                                        6. Organize 351 training courses for 10,530                   unsafe abortion and increased
                                        teenagers in everyday life skills and SSR.                    dissemination of correct information
                                                                                                      about the need for safe abortion;
● Increase      the    demand  for      1. Organize awareness-raising activities for                  • Contraceptive prevalence by 2021
contraception of the predominantly      women and adolescents on family planning ,                    has increased by at least 50%
rural Burundian population;             spacing of births and improved access for                     • The total fertility rate fell to 4.5
● Improve the living conditions of      women and girls to contraception through                      children per woman by 2021; health
families through spacing of births      several communication channels;                               services because their consciences
and better access for women and         2. Supply of contraceptive products in                        will be awakened to the danger and
girls to contraception                  different health facilities in targeted                       risk of unsafe and unsafe abortion and
                                        provinces across the country;                                 will increase the spread of correct
● Make contraceptive products                                                                         information about the need for
available at all benefit points       3. Set up adolescent clubs and provide them                     contraception;
● Offer quality services in the field with skills on the use of new contraceptive                     Financial barriers to schooling and the
of family planning in health methods                                                                  purchase of contraceptives are
facilities, advanced strategy and                                                                     overcome by 2021.
mobile strategy
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c. Brief justification :
Since the 1993 crisis, the Burundian in general and in particular women at all levels have experienced terrible suffering and have not been able
to meet their basic needs for income security - food, health, education, gender, freedom of expression, etc. Long armed conflicts have had
multiple effects on economic and social life, destroying not only infrastructure and livelihoods, but also social structures and self-help capacities.
Since this period until today, life does not seem to be as peaceful as we thought, there have been too many upheavals, and things are going very
badly in Burundi. Conflicts rage, divisions, regionalism, increasing incidence of violence of all kinds, endemic corruption,
Referring to historical benchmarks, equal opportunities between men and women is far from being observed in the Republic of Burundi in terms
of public affairs management, involvement or participation of women in the process of peace and political life at all levels, despite the majority
of women compared to the entire population of Burundi, or 52% of the population. The imbalance is observable in all institutions, departments
and services where men with their selfishness prevail over 85% of women. This state of affairs does not only frustrate women who see nothing
change and despite the presence of men in the majority of institutions, the social situation of the population seem to be uncertain and is always
worse. It seems as well as in the face of this situation, which only throws us out of harm's way to undermine the principles of gender and
therefore endangers the hard-won peace in Burundi with this power-sharing disequilibrium. Gold ;
      There are enough able-bodied women who can handle public affairs well, but who are not mentored and less involved and informed
    about the process of democratization, peace and gender ;
     Accompanying the emergence of women's leadership in the process of peace, democratization and gender, women's action will be less
    effective if they are likely to go without prior guidance ;
     The need is enormous women about their participation in the management of public affairs, in politics, in a research participation of e
    peace, their commitment so that they support themselves troughs of income generating activities in Burundi, it takes training, dialogue,
    coalition and serious preparation of women.
     Failure to support women in the decision-making process, involvement in the country's politics, the process of democratization, peace
    and gender, the process of restoring livelihoods for economic recovery would keep them frustrated. Therefore ; they will remain in a

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     situation of conflict between themselves and with the leaders, languishing in misery, in precarious conditions in their communes where they
     live expediently.
But on the contrary provides r food security and meeting basic needs, support women in areas related to empowerment and
emergence u leadership would make them stronger and able to manage public affairs, to become involved in political life and the search for
peace at all levels and hope for lasting peace in the region. If the question u genre dominates the socio-economic issues and policy in recent
decades, the role of women and especially of rural women is often left stranded in the policies and programs of socio-economic and political
That is why, in this three-year Action Plan, MAFOBA, with the support of international development aid partners, wishes to continue to support
the Burundian people and, in particular, women, in their efforts to improve their lives, living conditions and strengthening of their decision-
making power in society, through economic security programs, to facilitate the establishment of an environment conducive to gender equality
and the advancement of women towards empowerment, by encouraging equal participation of women and men at all levels of decision-making.
It wishes to make operational the stipulations of the Burundian constitution as well as the recommendations of the United Nations Resolution
General objectives :
              Improve the economic, social and political conditions of women to promote their empowerment in the 6 target Provinces.
              Improving the living and working conditions of Burundian women to increase their participation in socio-economic
       development and for the alleviation of poverty, and through intensive agricultural extension and extension supplies with modern and
       cost-effective means of production and skills acquisition in income-generating and agricultural jobs, thus contributing to their
       reintegration and / or rapid reintegration into their community and better positioning of girls and women on family farms.
              Improve knowledge of women, decision-makers, development partners and communities on Resolution 1325 and other
       international, regional and national legal instruments related to women's rights, their involvement and participation in the peace process.
              Contribute to the promotion of women's rights, leadership, gender equality and women's participation in political life and
       decision-making in households, communities and state and corporate bodies. Burundi.

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              Increase the capacities of women and members of women's associations to improve their involvement and participation in
       reconciliation and peace building, increase their role in community building and finally improve the living and working environment of
       women's groups to facilitate exchanges and encourage peace initiatives
              To further strengthen women's capacities on their political rights in particular; by framing them, guiding them and by equipping
       leaders in the public speaking, interactions with the press, advocacy and theme of violence based on gender and good governance.
           OBJECTIVES                            ACTIVITIES                    2019       2020    2021          EXPECTED RESULTS

►Strengthen       capacities     on    1. identification and structuring of XXXX          XXXX XXXX ► Increase and diversification of agro
livelihood diversification and         women's groups by value chain,                               pastoral production and employment in
rapid       reintegration        for   providing a normative framework and                          the 6 target Provinces;
populations affected by recent         providing sensitization and technical                        ►Improving the living conditions of the
armed          conflict         and    training sessions AGR management;                            rural poor population of 6 target
marginalization                        2. Creation of women's groups and /                          provinces of the program, the food
►Provide agricultural micro-           or Village Savings Associations and                          security of these populations and
credits (labour credit, seeds, etc.)   Credits in the communes through the                          increased     revenues     through    the
to ensure the socio-economic           6 targeted Provinces among the 18 in                         marketing of surplus production.
reintegration of women victims         Burundi.                                                     - Increasing incomes      and     income
of     armed      conflict      and    3. Organize 8 beneficiary training                           diversification and the economic power
marginalization;                       sessions on the management and                               of women ;
►Strengthen       capacities     on    technical      aspects    of   income                        -Training and credits to increase
livelihood diversification and         generating         activities      and                       earnings capabilities are provided ;
rapid       reintegration        for   diversification of production.                               -Promotion      of     income-generating
populations affected by armed          4. Provides agro pastoral micro-                             activities and development in the
conflict and marginalization in 6      credits for small-scale production,                          Provinces, thus contributing to the
targeted Provinces ;                   simple processing of agricultural                            maintenance of the families of the
  Mamas For Burundi Association | Avec la femme, Unifions et Pacifions toute une Nation   22

► To fight against poverty by         products,     street   vending    and                     beneficiaries
increasing the incomes of the         marketing to women, and extension                         -The strengthening of the economic
populations in general and, in        of extension work among farmers,                          authority of women leading to a
particular the women..                pastoralists and other stakeholders to                    reduction in the fertility rate ;
► Provide          socio-economic     ensure reintegration. socio-economic                      - Rural households in the communes of
support to women survivors of         across the provinces ;                                    6 Provinces reinforce and balance their
armed conflict and other forms                                                                  family farms around agro pastoral
of conflict, particularly in the 6                                                              activities    and       income-generating
Provinces         affected       by                                                             activities;
unfortunate events through the                                                                  - The food and economic security of the
establishment      of     economic                                                              populations of 6 Provinces of
activities and diversification of                                                               intervention are improved durably
their livelihoods and stabilization                                                             through a diversified and adapted offer
of households.                                                                                  of services of support to agriculture, the
                                                                                                breeding and the entrepreneurship;

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▪ Strengthen the capacity of        2. Organize 20 outreach and                                 ● Capacity building of women's and
women to know their rights by       community outreach sessions on UN                           girls' associations to improve their
disseminating gender equality       Resolution 1325, in culture of peace,                       participation in the peace building and
issues (CEDAW, UN Resolution        and the promotion of non-violence for                       reconciliation,
1325, inheritance laws)             communities of intervention                                 ● Strengthening the role of women's
▪ Increase the capacity of          (5      animation        sessions    per                    groups and associations in community
women's        associations   and   municipality)      through        several                   reconstruction and their visibility in
groups to facilitate exchanges      channels of awareness (Animation                            conflict prevention actions, and finally,
and encourage peace initiatives     radio, talk-debates, ...)                                   ● Women's participation in all efforts to
and their participation in          4. Organize two trainings in favor of                       maintain and promote peace and
reconciliation      and     peace   community actors in leadership,                             security and decisions made for the
building,                           gender equity and non-violent conflict                      prevention and resolution of conflict
▪ To enable beneficiaries to        management.
become familiar with the            - Establish and support a Synergy of
concepts of women's rights and      action between women, youth,
the rights of the child             authorities and opinion leaders in the
▪ Allow participants to become      conduct of citizen actions and peace
familiar with the                   building and security;
notions of conflict                 - To extend and distribute United
Bring participants to think about   Nations Resolution 1325 and Produce
the notions of prevention as        communication media for behavioural
benchmarks for development          change (T-shirts, Kepis, Leaflets,).

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To increase the capacity of           1. Organize 4 training sessions on                        ● Capacity building of women's and
women's associations to improve       United Nations Resolution 1325 and                        girls' associations to improve their
their        participation       in   legal,            regional            and                 participation in the peace building and
reconciliation       and     peace    national instruments       related     to                 reconciliation,
building, to increase their role in   women's rights for community leaders                      ● Strengthening the role of women's
community building and to             (women,         administrative        and                 groups and associations in community
improve the living and working        customary       authorities,    religious                 reconstruction and their visibility in
environment of women's groups         leaders, NGOs in society) civil                           conflict prevention actions, and finally,
to facilitate exchanges and           society, ...) in the six capitals of the                  ● Women's participation in all efforts to
encourage peace initiatives.          target provinces of MAFOBA;                               maintain and promote peace and
                                      2. Organize 4 specific youth training                     security and decisions made for the
                                      on appropriate techniques according                       prevention and resolution of conflict.
► Develop      strategies     and     to income-generating activities, social
mechanisms       for     violence     cohesion and culture of peace with a
prevention      and       conflict    view to improving their capacities to
management in the context of          move towards the stability of their
promoting local governance.           community and also to employability
                                      in each province of 6 targets of
                                      MAFOBA activities

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                                     2.4. COMPONENT / ENVIRONMENT , WATER AND SANITATION
d. Brief justification :
The recurring crises in Burundi have led to the displacement of populations, therefore, the change of their living environment. The situation
continued to worsen for those who ended up in refugee sites and displacement camps. Even though there is a level of equipment in the camps for
drinking water infrastructure for displaced populations compared to the pre-crisis situation following the fact that the displaced have taken
refuge in infrastructures already equipped with this equipment, the operation of these is not always assured. E t displaced are often forced to
source to source or undeveloped rivers and are therefore exposed to diseases related to the water unfit for consumption and the conditions of
poor hygiene. With regard to toilets in the camps, there are some in the reception facilities, it happens that there it has lost-well toilets, but that
does not prevent some displaced people from releasing themselves in nature. In all cases, the hygiene is deplorable because, even if the toilets
exist, they are poorly maintained, hence the risk of diseases such as cholera, bacillary dysentery, typhoid fever ... The Government of Burundi,
being aware of the importance of women in sustainable development, we cannot ignore the interrelations between "women and the environment"
in the development of its National Strategy for the Environment in Burundi (SNEB). Indeed, MAFOBA in developing this three-year Action
Plan (2019-2021), was based on the reality related to the problem of the environment and the risks of degradation of ecosystems and polluting
substances. The Burundian woman participates in the faith to deterioration and the preservation of the environment, given the many tasks it
carries out, through its role as reproducer and educator. This Plan is a framework that MAFOBA wants to define strategies and to stop the
actions likely to improve the participation of the woman in the management of the environment and in the sustainable development. The
Burundian woman plays an important role both in the degradation and in the preservation of the environment. It occupies a central place in the
fight against climate change. Yet, even if the woman supports ; an overwhelming share of the burden of climate change, it has been so far
largely forgotten in the activities and problems related to rising sea levels, droughts, melting glaciers and extreme weather events . Indeed,
because of its reproductive function that gives it a considerable social status when it has a large offspring in particular male, its function as a

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producer places it at the center of the operation and survival of the family. She is the main actress in agriculture for the production of foodstuffs
needed to feed the family. He also has multiple tasks, such as the search for firewood either by felling trees, or by collecting dead wood, or
twigs, the search for drinking water, hygiene, good family health, environmental sanitation and children's education. Its protective function
contributes to some extent to breaking the balance between population, natural resources and the environment, as the population continues to
grow without increasing resources. The environmental degradation in Burundi is linked to the lack of adequate development. People, especially
women, are destroying natural resources ; soil, water, air and forests. The influence of women on the environment is obvious. But does it have
sufficient training and information to maintain a balance between protecting ecosystems and meeting household needs? ? MAFOBA is working
and is reassured that, if the legal and economic status of the Burundian woman improves in particular ; through access to the earth's legacy and
increased income and if its role is put to use, it can leverage its strength for environmental protection. The Burundian population is unevenly
distributed throughout the national territory and is essentially rural. The main activity in Burundi is agriculture in the first place and livestock in
the background. Women are the majority in this sector of agriculture while livestock is traditionally devoted to the man, but the woman
participates in certain activities such as searching for fodder, litter, collecting manure etc. With regard to hygiene, water and sanitation ; it is
mainly the female and the girl who are involved in a large proportion and the male children participate to a certain extent at very low
proportion. In the 6 target provinces MAFOBA at least 30% of women will provide water to more than one hour. Our surveys in this sector show
that more than 43% of the population in the six provinces draws water from developed sources. An average of 29% does not do it when she does
not even think about boiling it before eating. In many households, even if the water is drinkable from the source, it is already consumed polluted
because of precarious conditions of transport and shopping. The rules of basic hygiene in water treatment are not always respected in all 6
provinces targeted by MAFOBA because, families do not boil the water before consuming. Families in greater numbers use rainwater. With
regard to the disposal of garbage, it is always a task reserved for the woman. At this level the situation in the 6 provinces target, seems to be
relatively good, people deposit garbage in simple pits or for composting and others in a small proportion, throw them around the enclosure. The
health services that we have in turn contacted say that the Burundian population knows badly or does not know the links between health and
water treatment, hygiene, maintenance and maintenance of homes, water management and sanitary latrines. Since the man is supposed to take
care of the contacts outside the household, the woman is responsible for the day-to-day management of the household. It is up to the latter to
prepare the meals, therefore the research and cutting of firewood. She is often forced to travel long distances to get it and this activity takes a lot
of time. With the current scarcity of wood, women in all 6 provinces use plant debris and there is a shift in dietary habits due to scarcity as
women prefer more quick-cooked foods (ndagala, cassava paste) that do not do not require a lot of wood like beans. If the woman is targeted
among the agents of the sensitization, she will do better to convey the message through the population. The female population in Burundi
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represents more than 54% against 51% of the male population. This gap is large between the two sexes, which explains a male deficit and an
explosion of the status of single women. This numerical importance of women should be a factor of development, if we consider their
representativeness in all sectors of national life. The unpaid work that Burundian women perform in the family (housework) or family farm is
important even if it is difficult to quantify. Through her personal fulfilment, the woman disseminates the benefits in her family, in society and
among the future generation. The female population is the majority in Burundi, it is an asset in the management of the environment. Climate
change risks exacerbating extreme weather events such as drought, floods, storms and heat waves, uncontrolled construction, deforestation of
trees and bush fires contribute to the danger and continue to increase number and severity of disasters.
. General objectives :
      Improve the resilience of rural women (including women farmers), including their livelihoods, and the resilience of agro-ecological
       systems to the impacts of climate vulnerability;
      Provide responses to the impacts of hurricanes Isaac and Sanday on the agricultural sector in the 6 target provinces of Burundi namely;
       Bujumbura, Bujumbura-town hall, Bubanza, Cibitoke, Muyinga and Makamba
      Promote the integration of disaster risk management and good adaptation practices in the agricultural sector, such as the multiplication of
       crop varieties and good agricultural practices that increase farmers' resilience to climate hazards
      Strengthen disaster preparedness and management and increase risk reduction
      Address internal displacement and contribute to the education and health of girls and women to promote their economic development,
       reduce poverty and have a positive impact on the climate.
        OBJECTIVES                            ACTIVITIES                                   YEAR                      EXPECTED RESULTS

                                                                2019                      2020   2021
Improve the resilience of rural -   Full   extension  of    the XXXXXX                    XXXXXX XXXXXX              -       The environmental
women     (including   women environmental dimension in the                                                              aspect in the economic
farmers),    including    their economic concept of Gender and                                                           concept of Gender and
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