Truist Perspectives magazine - Coping with complexity -

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Truist Perspectives magazine - Coping with complexity -
Truist Perspectives

Coping with complexity
5 tips for dealing with life’s uncertainties.

A simple plan
Why comprehensive wealth planning
is important for every family.

Make a clean getaway
Find fun and adventure on
land and at sea.

Truist Perspectives magazine - Coping with complexity -
Table of contents
                   Welcome to
                                                                                                                       Discover why a comprehensive financial plan is
                                                                                                                       key to pursuing your goals—and how the Essential

                   Truist Perspectives                                                                                 Elements of Wealth fit into that plan.

                   As the head of Truist Wealth, I would like to personally
                   welcome you to our inaugural issue of Truist Perspectives
                   magazine. In these pages, we share the tools, tactics, and
                   ideas to help you ignite your potential and broaden your
                   horizons. It’s a window into what’s working for investors,
                   communities, businesses, and markets.
                   2020 was a year like no other. Though we may have seen
                   investment values increase, no one came out of last year
                   unscathed by a sense of loss. As we enter 2021, we remain
                   steadfast and optimistic, with a bright, clear vision of the
                   future—a sentiment reflected in the striking purple glasswork
                   on the cover of this publication.
                   In “Our take,” we asked four Truist team members for advice
                   at this crucial moment. As Financial Advisor Kris Funkhouser
                   says, we turn to our core values and long-term goals when
                   faced with great uncertainty. This is why a comprehensive
                   financial plan based on the Essential Elements of Wealth is so
                   important. When in doubt, the plan you have developed with
                   your Truist advisor can be your North Star.
                   For producer and songwriter Christopher “Tricky” Stewart,
                   a Truist client featured in this issue, continuing to grow as an
                   artist keeps him focused on the future, though it would be
                   easy for him to dwell on his illustrious past. Family and faith
                   keep him open, grounded, and happier than he has ever been.
                   At Truist Wealth, our mission is to inspire you with innovative
                   ideas to achieve your greatest potential, and help build better
                   and stronger communities. You can learn about how small
                   businesses and organizations impacted by COVID-19 have
                   benefited from more than $50 million in strategic grants
                   through the Truist Cares initiative. And we are just getting
                   We hope you enjoy this issue, and many more to come.

                   Joe Thompson
                   Head of Truist Wealth
                   CEO, Truist Investment Services, Inc.
                   Truist Advisory Services, Inc.
                                                                                                   Get tactical tips and timely                       Thought leadership on family,                       Producer "Tricky” Stewart
                                                                                                   advice from the Truist team.                       social investing, and more.                         is focused on the future.

Investment and Insurance Products:
• Are not FDIC or any other Government Agency Insured • Are not Bank Guaranteed • May Lose Value   16
                                                                                                                                                      Time off
                                                                                                   Truist helps small businesses                      Travel safely—and luxuriously—                      Words that offer a unique
                                                                                                   and nonprofits thrive.                             during COVID-19.                                    perspective.

                                                                                                   Copyright © 2021 Truist Financial Corporation, 214 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, North Carolina, 28202. Find us online at
Truist Perspectives magazine - Coping with complexity -
Pulse: News                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Pulse: Expertise

  Truist Wealth:                                                                                             Our take:
  A new vision                                                                                               Tips from the Truist team
  Building wealth. Protecting assets. Generating income in retirement. At Truist Wealth,                     As we look at the year ahead, no one can truly predict what turns life will take. But we can
  we’ve combined the capabilities of SunTrust and BB&T to offer a seamless transition                         make choices about how we prepare and react. We sought advice from four Truist team
  and holistic financial management that goes beyond your portfolio.                                         members to learn their best takeaways from 2020 as well as important tips for this year.

  Dynamic solutions
  As you accrue wealth, your goals may change over time. We provide solutions that                                                            Update your estate documents
  address your needs every step of the way—whatever your destination happens to be.                                                           Making sure my clients have their estate documents in order                                 Tanya Battle
                                                                                                                                              has always been a priority, and COVID-19 made it all the more                               Wealth Advisor
       Signature                                                                                                                              crucial. In addition to staying in close touch with my clients                              Richmond, Virginia
       For those who have built $1 million or more in assets, we help increase your                                                           during this time, my team and I have been busy helping them
       confidence in the future. Your dedicated Truist advisor will work closely                                                              review their estate plans and speaking to their CPAs and
       with you to understand where you are and what you want to achieve.             Fiscal forecast                                         attorneys. If you have your estate positioned right, it will help
       Reserve                                                                                                                                you through any unexpected crisis that may come along.
       If you have between $5 million and $25 million in managed assets, Truist
                                                                                      The Truist 2021
       Wealth delivers a full range of dynamic, customized solutions, from innova-    Annual Financial                                        Maintain an optimistic outlook
       tive lending approaches to more sophisticated investment opportunities.
                                                                                      Outlook Report                                          There is a tendency for people to come out of a year like 2020                              Amir Mossanen
       GenSpring                                                                      is available now.                                       and to say to themselves, “I never want to feel fear and stress                             Senior Wealth Advisor,
       Substantial wealth of $25 million and more in assets creates exceptional                                                                                                                                                           Market President
                                                                                                                                              like that again.” They want to hide away. But if you live in fear,
       opportunities and requires a diversified set of solutions. Your team of        Learn what you can                                      you’ve given up. My best advice is to be optimistic about the                               Los Angeles, California
       advisors can help you address concerns about asset management, family
       dynamics, and creating a legacy that honors your values.                       expect in terms of                                      future, because we are inventive, creative, and resilient. At the
                                                                                                                                              same time, we can prepare for the unexpected by doing things
                                                                                      both global and                                         like maximizing liquidity and restructuring debt.
                                                                                      domestic economic
                         Specialized expertise                                        activity and invest-                                    Protect your assets
                         Certain groups and careers face a unique set of financial
                         challenges and opportunities that benefit from an            ment opportunities                                      It’s more important now than ever to protect your assets against                            Renee Keen
                                                                                                                                              physical and cyber threats. As part of general risk mitigation,                             National Practice Leader
                         insider’s knowledge. Truist Wealth has advisory teams        in the year to come.                                    even individuals should consider hiring an IT professional to                               for Small Business and
                         that specialize exclusively in specific sectors, such as:                                                                                                                                                        Personal Insurance
                                                                                                                                              make sure your firewalls, passwords, and protections are set
                         • Medical professionals & practices
                                                                                      Download a PDF of                                       up correctly to prevent anyone from getting access into your                                McGriff
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Raleigh, North Carolina
                         • Attorneys & law firms
                                                                                      our annual outlook                                      system. If you have bought new property or vehicles in 2020,
                                                                                                                                              be sure you are protecting all of that as well.
                                                                                      report and watch
                         • Athletes & entertainers
                                                                                      our experts discuss                                     Focus on long-term goals
                         • International wealth
                                                                                      the findings by                                         In 2020, many people made financial decisions based on
                         • Business owners                                                                                                                                                                                                Kris Funkhouser, CFP®, CPWA®
                                                                                      going to: truist.                                       short-term emotional reactions, without falling back on their                               Financial Advisor
                         • Foundations & endowments                                                                                           long-term financial plans or life goals. My advice would be, stick                          Atlanta, Georgia
                                                                                      com/annualoutlook                                       to your North Star—your long-term goals—to guide you through
                         No matter what you do, or where you are on your wealth                                                               these storms. Have a plan and lean on that framework when
                         journey, Truist advisors have the knowledge and expertise                                                            times are challenging. Short-term events end up being a blip on
                         to help you reach your full potential. As you pass each                                                              the radar when you focus on an expanded time horizon.
                         financial milestone, from retirement to philanthropic
                         giving, we’ll be by your side, helping you create a mean-
                         ingful legacy to pass on to future generations.                                     Amir Mossanen, Registered Representative, Truist Investment Services, Inc., Investment Adviser Representative, Truist Advisory Services, Inc.
                                                                                                             Kris Funkhouser, Registered Representative, Truist Investment Services, Inc., Investment Adviser Representative, Truist Advisory Services, Inc.
                                                                                                             McGriff Insurance Services, Inc. is a subsidiary of Truist Insurance Holdings, Inc.
                                                                                                             .                                                                                                                                         February   2021 | 03
Truist Perspectives magazine - Coping with complexity -
Insights: Family                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Insights: Investing

Let’s talk about money
Financial literacy and communication are key to ensuring the transfer of generational wealth. We
offer three simple tips for teaching your children about money.
There’s an old proverb that says,        they’ll become spoiled, unmotivated,     Even very young children can learn
“Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three   or entitled. “They also worry their      how to save, spend, invest, and give.
generations,” meaning the wealth         kids will feel isolated from friends,”   Older kids and adult children can
accrued by one generation disap-         Herritt says. “And as kids get older,    absorb more complex topics.
pears by the end of the third, leaving   parents may worry about what to
the fourth generation to roll up their   say when estate plans change or          When you are paying a bill or making

                                                                                                                           Invest according to your values
sleeves and recreate the wealth.         conflicts arise.”                        a credit card purchase, use those
                                                                                  opportunities to educate your kids
The meaning of this proverb is clear:    Despite these concerns, a recent         on financial topics. You can also find
Generational wealth transfer isn’t       study found that most of the next        age-appropriate books, apps, and
guaranteed. In fact, according to a      generation of inheritors do want to      materials on subjects such as saving,    Sustainable investing is far more than a trend. Learn how you can make more of an impact
2010 study by Roy Williams and Vic       talk about money with their parents.     investing, and philanthropy. Explore     with your financial decisions.
Preisser, roughly 70% of generational    They just don’t know how.                topics that are particularly important
wealth transfers fail. The same                                                   to your family.                          With one dollar in every four                                               societal concerns with respect to                                            “With impact investing, whether
study finds that financial errors only   You can start with these three tips                                               going toward sustainable investing,                                         investment decisions. Exclusionary                                           it’s targeted toward green
account for 15% of those failures; the   to engage in conversation with your      Take time to teach your children         putting your money where your                                               SRIs can be thought of as socially                                           technology or improving access to
rest are due to poor communication,      kids, no matter their age.               about your family history. Who           values are can no longer be called                                          responsible investing 1.0. As an                                             healthcare, you expect a financial
lack of trust, and unprepared heirs.                                              created the wealth and how?              a trend. A look at the demographic                                          example, religious institutions                                              return—but more importantly,
                                         1. Communicate                           Understanding those sacrifices           data makes it clear—more than                                               might use them to ensure their                                               investors strive to create positive
                                         You can start discussions about          can inspire the next generation to       two-thirds of millennials age 24 to                                         investment programs omit certain                                             environmental, social, and gover-
                                         money when your kids are as young        protect the family legacy.               39 are interested in making an                                              industries that are not consistent                                           nance-related change and long-
  “Parents are more                      as 5 years old. Begin by focusing on                                              environmental and social impact                                             with the goals and teachings of                                              term value,” says Frohsin. “With
   willing to talk to their              family values.                           3. Collaborate                           with their investments, according                                           that institution.”                                                           pure philanthropy, you are really
                                                                                  Include your children in the             to The Economist magazine (Oct.                                                                                                                          looking to create a public good.”
   children about sex                    “Your values and beliefs guide every     decision-making process and create       24, 2020). Sustainable investing                                            ESG (Environmental, Social, and
                                                                                  learning opportunities for them. Let
   than about money.”                    decision in your life,” Herritt says.
                                         “If you communicate your values          them make mistakes when the stakes
                                                                                                                           is also changing the future of
                                                                                                                           business as companies and money
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Governance) informed investing
                                                                                                                                                                                                       strategies, however, can be
   David Herritt, head of the Truist     around money, then when you face         are low. Kids who make mistakes will     managers realize that nonfinancial                                          thought of as socially responsible                                               More than two-thirds
   Center for Family Legacy              a difficult decision or conversation,
                                         you can point back to those values.”
                                                                                  learn about consequences and will
                                                                                  carry these lessons with them.
                                                                                                                           drivers have an enormous influence
                                                                                                                           on their ultimate valuation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       investing 2.0. “Instead of omitting
                                                                                                                                                                                                       certain sectors, they actively pur-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        of millennials age 24
                                                                                                                                                                                                       sue products or services that have                                               to 39 are interested
                                         Herritt suggests creating a family       “You want the next generation to         There is no one-size-fits-all                                               shown a demonstrably beneficial
“Parents are more willing to talk to     mission statement. “Family members       have a seat at the table and know        approach to sustainable investing.                                          societal impact,” says Spencer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        in making an
their children about sex than about
money,” says David Herritt, head of
                                         can share what’s most important          you’re willing to listen to them,”       Before deciding which funds or                                              Boggess, managing director,                                                      environmental and
                                         to them,” he says. “It helps create a    Herritt says. “As they get older, they   investments are right for you,                                              alternative investments research,
the Truist Center for Family Legacy.     roadmap based on what the family         can step confidently into their role     consider what kind of impact you’d                                          Investment Advisory Group.                                                       social impact with
“But if you’re not communicating,
how will you prepare them for their
                                         wants to accomplish in the future.”      as responsible caretakers of the
                                                                                  family wealth.”
                                                                                                                           like to make. Are you passionate                                                                                                                             their investments.
                                                                                                                           about the environment? Eradicat-                                            Studies show that ESG scores are
future responsibilities?”                2. Educate                                                                        ing poverty? Saving endangered                                              linked to stock-specific perfor-
                                         Financial literacy is essential, but                                              species? Or perhaps you are                                                 mance. Thus, many businesses
Make time to talk                        very few K – 12 educators include it                                              primarily focused on revenue but                                            understand the value in managing                                             Customize your approach
Talking about wealth doesn’t come        in their curriculum. That means it’s                                              prefer to invest in companies that                                          certain nonfinancial factors to                                              “Often, when we talk to clients
naturally. Parents often fear that if    up to parents to guide their children                                             are good corporate citizens.                                                minimize costs and mitigate                                                  about what they’re trying to
their children know about wealth,        on this important subject.                                                                                                                                    firm-specific risk, and in turn they                                         accomplish, they want to leave a
                                                                                                                           Both social and                                                             seek to generate higher revenues.                                            legacy; they want to impact the
                                                                                                                           financial returns                                                                                                                                        world,” says Boggess.
                                                                                                                           Sustainable investing comes in                                              In addition to SRI and ESG
                                                                                                                           many flavors, explains Kelly                                                investing, you can express your                                              “We can help our clients achieve
                                                                                                                           Frohsin, director, manager                                                  values through impact investing                                              their wealth goals because we
                                                                                                                           research, Investment Advisory                                               and philanthropy. Through impact                                             have a broader perspective of
                                                                                                                           Group. “Socially Responsible                                                investing, you work closely with an                                          how those goals map to their
                                                                                                                           Investment funds (SRIs) tend to be                                          advisor to create a custom portfolio                                         psychology, values, and intentions,”
                                                                                                                           exclusionary in nature, recognizing                                         that aligns neatly with your particu-                                        says Boggess. “And Truist has been
                                                                                                                           corporate responsibility and                                                lar concerns and beliefs.                                                    walking that walk for a long time.”
                                                                                                                           Keep in mind that investing involves risk. The value of your investment will fluctuate over time, and you may gain or lose money.
                                                                                                                           Kelly Frohsin, CFP®, CIMA®, Registered Representative, Truist Investment Services, Inc., Investment Adviser Representative, Truist Advisory Services, Inc.
                                                                                                                           Spencer Boggess, Investment Adviser Representative, Truist Advisory Services, Inc.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  February 2021 | 05
Truist Perspectives magazine - Coping with complexity -
Insights: Leadership

Coping with a complex world
Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) are all around us.
How we respond can make us happier and more resilient leaders and people.                                              5 practices for handling VUCA
If you’re looking to             In 2008, my wife and I bought a
                                 building downtown in the city where
                                                                            helping business teams work together
                                                                            more successfully. The leaders I meet
learn about VUCA,                we live. We were happy to be invest-       might be working with VUCA from
                                 ing in a district that was undergoing      external sources, like the pandemic or
2020 offered plenty               a revival, and we took out a five-year     competition in their industry. Or they
of examples to study.            loan for the purchase. A few months        might face it internally from a change
                                 later, our financial advisor guided us     initiative in their organization.
VUCA stands for                  not to get ahead of ourselves about
                                                                            When I coach leaders about how to
volatility, uncertainty,         a potential upswing. She told us, “I
                                                                            deal with VUCA, there is often an
                                 want you to set aside some money for
complexity, and                  when you have to refinance in 2013,                                                   Stop to label             Adjust                  Start a                    Don’t go it              Get comfortable
                                 just in case. Maybe the building de-
ambiguity. 2020’s VUCA                                                                                                 your thoughts             your mindset:           gratitude                  alone:                   with contingencies:
posed challenges
                                 preciates. Maybe downtown doesn’t
                                 grow as much as you think it’s going
                                                                              “Right now, we                           and emotions:                                     practice:

to investors, business
                                 to. Let’s keep it fairly conservative.”       are in the definition                   Give yourself             Remember when my        The most confident         Confident leaders        It’s OK to say, “I’d love

owners, governments,
                                 When 2013 came around, the building           of a VUCA                               permission to             wife and I bought
                                                                                                                                                 the downtown
                                                                                                                                                                         leaders are optimistic.    have a team of experts
                                                                                                                                                                                                    to advise them,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             XYZ to happen,” but
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             build in a backup plan
                                 had depreciated about 10%, which                                                      acknowledge,                                      One way to increase
and families all over            meant there was a cash call at the            environment.”                           “Wow, this is really      building? Rather than   your optimism is by        whether that’s an        for flexibility so that
                                 refinance. And we were ready with                                                     stressful and I’m         making the building     starting a gratitude       executive coach like     you’re not let down
the globe. We asked              the savings set aside.                                                                feeling frustrated.”      our only path to an     practice. This can be      me, an attorney, a       when something
                                                                                                                       Pay attention and be      investment gain, we     as simple as writing       mentor, or a spiritual   different happens.
Senior Consultant and            Our mindset, and the advisor’s
                                                                            element of fear involved. But there’s
                                                                            also some relief in normalizing their      aware of what’s going     got comfortable         down three things that     advisor. Advisors are    The sooner we get our
                                 guidance, was built for VUCA.
Executive Coach                  If you’re not familiar with this old
                                                                            situation. They think, “There’s a name     on. Starting there        with the idea that
                                                                                                                                                 success could come
                                                                                                                                                                         you’re grateful for once   there to help you
                                                                                                                                                                                                    talk it out and focus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             arms around that, it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             allows us to be more
                                                                            for this,” and they are not alone          can help turn the                                 a day. It quickly puts
Jeremy Spidell, MSW,             military term, it stands for volatility,
                                                                            in experiencing it. That can have          volume down on some       from multiple           things into perspective    on what matters.         agile, content, and
                                 uncertainty, complexity, and                                                                                    outcomes.                                                                   resilient in these
LCSW of Truist Leader-           ambiguity. It’s been used widely in
                                                                            a calming effect. And it’s not just         of the stress and fear.
                                                                                                                       It can also engage
                                                                                                                                                                         and helps you rewire
                                                                                                                                                                         your brain to see                                   VUCA times.
                                                                            business leaders facing VUCA. It’s
ship Institute to offer           business and by leadership authors
                                                                            our kids, our siblings, our parents,       our prefrontal cortex,                            positive opportunities.
                                 like Brené Brown. Even if you’re new                                                  which allows us                                   It can also help give
guidance for navigating          to the acronym, you’ve undoubtedly
                                                                            our friends. It’s healthcare workers,
                                                                            schoolteachers—everyone during this        to shift from a                                   you a sense of power
uncertain times in               faced off with its components in
                                 your career and other aspects of your
                                                                            global pandemic.                           fight/flight/freeze                               and control over
                                                                                                                       response into a more                              a situation.
and outside of the               life. We’re all experiencing disruption    Throughout 2020, we’ve all experi-         creative, empowered
                                 and loss. Right now, we are in the         enced loss. Some people have lost
workplace.                       definition of a VUCA environment.          people close to them; some have lost

                                 The coronavirus pandemic and the           jobs or businesses. There’s also more
                                 recent U.S. presidential election          ambiguous loss—of things like going
                                 have added to the VUCA conditions          to a graduation, a wedding, going to
                                 we face.                                   a friend’s house for dinner. Losses like
                                                                            that mount. Luckily, there are some
                                 VUCA is a familiar concept in the work
                                                                            simple things we can do to cope.
                                 I do at Truist Leadership Institute, fa-
                                 cilitating leadership development and

06 | Truist Perspectives                                                                                                                                                                                                     February 2021 | 07
Truist Perspectives magazine - Coping with complexity -
                           of a smart financial plan
                              Banking. Investing. Risk management. Some elements

                              of financial management are inevitable in every client’s

                              journey. And as wealth increases, so does the need for

                              more complex solutions, such as governance and wealth

                              administration. (See page 11 for the full table of the

                              Essential Elements of Wealth.) Having a comprehensive

                              financial plan is key to making sense of your wealth

                              ecosystem, pursuing your long-term goals, and planning

                              a legacy for future generations.

08 | Truist Perspectives                                                               February 2021 | 09
Truist Perspectives magazine - Coping with complexity -
What are the Essential
                                                                                                                                                                  Elements of Wealth?
                                                                                                                                                                  Comprehensive wealth advice is integrated across
                                                                                                                                                                  a combination of subject areas we’ve defined as the
                                                                                                                                                                  Essential Elements of Wealth. These elements do not exist
                                                                                                                                                                  independently of each other; decisions and actions can
                                                                                                                      naturally start to become part of the
                                                                                                                      conversation, because you’ve handled        have dramatic consequences for other elements.
                                                                                                                      the foundation well,” he says.
                                                                                                                      Sicchitano finds that once clients have
                                                                                                                      handled the basics, the focus tends to          Planning
                                                                                                                      shift outward. ”You start thinking not
                                                                                                                      only about your kids but also about
                                                                                                                      philanthropic interests and how you
                                                                                                                      can help make a positive impact in
                                                                                                                      your community.”                                 Banking
                                                                                                                      Navigating uncertainty
                                                                                                                      “Financial planning is about focusing
                                                                                                                      on your personal algorithm—the
 Why you need a                         gone.’ We want to understand a         the solutions that we think you                                                             Risk
                                                                                                                      models and frameworks you use for
 comprehensive �inancial plan           client’s nonfinancial values; we ask   uniquely should do. This is why
                                        those foundational questions that      we think this is the best route for    financial decisions,” Sicchitano says.
 “Typically when clients come                                                                                         “The customization piece is consistent                                 Signature
 to us, their financial picture is a    lead to the emotional, social, and     you to take based on your stated
                                        purpose-driven aspects of what         goals,’” Beard says. “And instead      throughout. We ask, ‘What’s important
 little like a collection of bricks                                                                                   to you?’ because that’s the governing
 representing solutions to the          the client wants to accomplish         of handing you a 300-page plan                                                      Investments
                                        and ensure a far-reaching and          that you may or may not read, we       factor.” When clients come in for
 problems they faced in the past,”                                                                                    a financial review, they are often
                                        lasting impact.” Understanding         are able to boil down the financial
 says Joseph Sicchitano, head
                                        your core values and expecta-          plan to incremental action steps       overwhelmed. “You have access to                                                  Reserve
 of Advice and Planning at Truist                                                                                     more financial information at your
 Wealth. “Maybe they’ve collected       tions on both a financial and          that you can start to take today to
                                        nonfinancial level results in the      get closer to what matters most        fingertips than you could ever possi-              Estate
 a 401(k) from a previous employer,                                                                                   bly need.” A proper financial planning
 bought some insurance from a           deep strategic analysis needed to      to you.”
                                        create a durable, actionable plan.                                            process considers this abundance
 family member. Their previous                                                 More than just                         of information and simplifies it so
 banking relationship may be from       “We are able to say not just, ‘Here    �inancial capital                      you can determine how to address
 when they graduated college or         are some things we think you                                                  concerns and complexity.                        Fiduciary                                 GenSpring
 bought their first house. They have                                           “When we talk with our families
                                        could do,’ but instead, ‘These are     and clients with very high net         A good advisor sees every family and
 this collection of pieces that made
                                                                               worth, we tend to hear specific        every client as unique but also draws
 sense at one point, but may not be
                                                                               types of concerns,” Sicchitano         on their experience of having worked
 working in harmony now.”
                                                                               says. “They say, ‘My wife and I        with many people in similar circum-
                                                                                                                      stances who have navigated the same
 Through the planning process,                                                 have built this business; we’ve
 “a financial advisor takes those
 building blocks and makes them
                                          “Typically when                      learned so much along the way.
                                                                               How do we impart those lessons—
                                                                                                                      challenges. “That experience enables
                                                                                                                      them to offer proven yet personalized
 into a cohesive and seamless
 whole, looking at all the elements
                                           clients come to                     that intellectual and experiential     financial strategies and tools that
                                                                                                                      inspire confidence and cut through
                                                                               wealth—to our heirs so they don’t                                                      Learning
 to determine how they interplay,          us, their financial                 have to experiment their way to        the noise, providing wisdom, direc-
 how they lend strength to one                                                 success like we have?’”                tion, and clarity,” Sicchitano says. “We
 another,” Sicchitano says.                picture is a little                 In addition, he says, as a family
                                                                                                                      seem to be addicted to complexity
                                                                                                                      as a people, but I’d suggest what we
 Concrete, actionable steps                like a collection                   becomes more successful, it can        crave is actually simplicity.                Governance
                                                                               sometimes be di�icult to maintain
 When Truist advisors talk with
 their clients, “the goal is to
                                           of bricks ... ”                     relational harmony, “so relational     “Right now, we are all trying to figure
                                                                               wealth, social wealth—all of these     out what COVID-19 is going to do to
 uncover not just data, but also                                                                                      us, and dealing with a lot of uncer-
                                           Joseph Sicchitano,                  things come into play.”
 what is truly important to them,          head of Advice and Planning                                                tainty. A good advisor and financial              Wealth
 what gets them motivated,”                at Truist Wealth                    Sometimes you need to bring            plan help focus your attention, not on     Administration
 says Kristin Beard, consulting                                                in additional solutions, such as       the outcomes you can’t control, but
 director, Advice and Planning at                                              educating the next generation and      on the engine of decision-making,
 Truist Wealth. “This is part of the                                           wealth administration, for the chal-   enabling you to make good decisions
 discovery process, where we may                                               lenges of achieving, growing, and      that are compounded over time, much            Education
 have heard the client say things                                              transferring wealth. “The more you     like investments. Then, when the next
 like, ‘It’s very important for me to                                          succeed in the basic elements, the     challenge arises, you can navigate it
 take care of my children after I’m                                            more these new lenses on wealth        with confidence.”
10 | Truist Perspectives                                                                                                                                                                                  February 2021 | 11
Truist Perspectives magazine - Coping with complexity -
“Music was all around me.
     My mom and her sisters were
     singing backgrounds for
     Aretha Franklin. My uncle was
                      the biggest jingle
     and producer
     Christopher      producer in Chicago,
                                             A life in
     “Tricky” Stewart

     stays grounded
     in the present   doing some of the
     while focusing
     on the future.
                      biggest commercial
     campaigns for brands like
     Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and
     McDonald’s. My aunts would
     sing on them. Music permeated
     all the way through my family in
     every place that I could look.”
12 | Truist Perspectives
Truist Perspectives magazine - Coping with complexity -
Rihanna. Britney Spears. Justin         artists. With an eye on the past, he’s     “Music was all around me. My             hadn’t grown an inch,” Stewart knew          Stewart relocated to Los Angeles,          Getting that part right just allows
   Bieber. Beyoncé. These are just a few   looking ahead at what’s next.              mom and her sisters were singing         “it was time to read and react.”             where he found success. But after a        you to have a better outlook on life;
   of the musicians that Christopher                                                  backgrounds for Aretha Franklin.                                                      few years, he developed relationships      it allows you to do your best work.
   “Tricky” Stewart has collaborated       Music was all around                       My uncle was the biggest jingle          “It was decision-making time for me.         with several Atlanta-based music           Where you are and where you dwell
   with over the course of his 20-plus-    Family has always been at the center       producer in Chicago, doing some of       It felt like a race against time. A lot of   moguls and soon felt the pull to           is a light that sends you out into the
   year career as a songwriter and         for Stewart, and at the center of the      the biggest commercial campaigns         kids didn’t get to become adults in          relocate his business to Atlanta, a        world every day to accomplish your
   producer. If you’ve listened to pop     family was music.                          for brands like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and    Chicago, and sports wasn’t going to          place unlike any other in the industry.    goals. Those things that make me
   music over the last two decades,                                                   McDonald’s. My aunts would sing on       be the way out.”
   you’ve heard his work.                  “My earliest musical memory takes          them. Music permeated all the way                                                     Atlanta, a new frontier
                                           place in my mom’s bedroom. I am 2          through my family in every place that    He didn’t have to look far to find           “This is where I really grew up,”
   Happier now than he’s ever been, he’s   or 3 years old. I’ve got her eight-track   I could look.”                           another way. His cousins were                says Stewart of Atlanta. “It’s where I
   taking stock of his success, reveling   player. I’m wearing headphones and                                                  landing voice acting gigs on Disney          became a man.” In many ways, the
   in his role as a husband and father,    I’m listening to Earth, Wind & Fire;       But, Stewart says, “I was looking        films. His older brother Laney was a         South was a fallow field for music,
   and using his experience to help new    Bootsy Collins; Gino Vannelli; and         somewhere else.”                         musical prodigy and producer. “He            the new frontier in stark contrast to
                                                     KISS,” Stewart says.                                                      was eight years older than me,” says         the expensive lifestyle and saturated

“From the very
                                                                                      He ran from it—literally—because         Stewart, “and he had a piano in his          market of the West Coast.
                                                   Stewart grew up in the             he was mad for football. The game        room. It wasn’t far away; I just needed
                                                   late '70s in Dolton, Illinois,     was life for Stewart, and he became      to take a little trip down the hall.         “Atlanta was an affordable place to

 first moment
                                                   a suburb just south of             an accomplished quarterback as a                                                      be,” says Stewart. “I could build a life
                                                   Chicago. Both of his parents       kid. “I liked being in control of the    “From the very first moment I decid-         and a career at the same time. It’s
                                                   participated in choir compe-       game,” he says. “I wanted to be at       ed to touch music, I was hooked.”            difficult to do that in New York or LA.”

 I decided to                                      titions.

                                                   “They were both born with
                                                                                      the epicenter.”

                                                                                      But when the other kids came back
                                                                                                                               Stewart began writing songs with his
                                                                                                                               cousins, aunts, and friends. “Every
                                                                                                                                                                            Artistically, Atlanta was doing things
                                                                                                                                                                            differently, too. Black-owned record
                                                                                                                                                                            labels were giving more creative

 touch music,                                      the gift of music inside
                                                   them,” Stewart says.
                                                                                      from summer break 40 pounds
                                                                                      heavier and five inches taller “and I
                                                                                                                               writer or producer has to write a
                                                                                                                               song that makes people go, ‘Who is
                                                                                                                                                                            freedom to their Black artists like TLC
                                                                                                                                                                            and Outkast.

 I was hooked.”                                                                                                                                                             “These people not only looked like
                                                                                                                                                                            me, but they had also achieved                Tricky at home in Atlanta with his family.
                                                                                                                                                                            success,” says Stewart. “I was given
                                                                                                                              “I love the challenge                         free rein creatively because I came
                                                                                                                                                                            after those guys. I had no excuses,        really happy are developing right in
                                                                                                                               of starting with                             no option but to rise to the occasion.     front of my eyes.”
                                                                                                                                                                            That’s what happens in Atlanta. It’s
                                                                                                                               nothing and                                  different from anywhere else. You           In 2020, Stewart’s record label, RZ3
                                                                                                                               having to create                             get a free license to be a creator and     Recordings, signed a new label
                                                                                                                                                                            entrepreneur.”                             deal with Sony Epic. Stewart is
                                                                                                                               something—the                                                                           also creating a 10,000-square-foot
                                                                                                                               relationships, the                           It was in Atlanta where Stewart would      studio/office space that will be the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       new home for his next venture. It
                                                                                                                                                                            do his greatest work—and some of
                                                                                                                               conversations that                           his most rewarding.                        will include a photography studio,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       rehearsal spaces, green screens,
                                                                                                                               come along with                              “The most spectacular part of it is        and spaces for listening parties. “It
                                                                                                                               making music                                 when you actually have a magic             will be a complete musical film lot in
                                                                                                                                                                            moment, when you’ve written a song         Atlanta," he says.
                                                                                                                               and being in                                 and you hear the voice going on that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ultimately, Stewart finds the greatest
                                                                                                                               entertainment ...”                           song in real time,” says Stewart. “And
                                                                                                                                                                            you know exactly what it is before         joy and excitement not from looking
                                                                                                                                                                            anyone ever gets to hear it. You’re        back but from finding and developing
                                                                                                                                                                            taking that ‘Umbrella’ and putting it      new talent. “I was there at the
                                                                                                                                                                            with Rihanna, or putting ‘Baby’ with       beginning of many creative careers—
                                                                                                                               that?!’” says Stewart. When he was           Justin Bieber, or ‘Single Ladies’ with     Frank Ocean, Ester Dean, Pink, Justin
                                                                                                                               just 15 years old, Stewart wrote that        Beyoncé, and you’re hearing it hap-        Bieber. I love the challenge of starting
                                                                                                                               song—called “Be My Girl,” which              pen in real time. That’s what makes        with nothing and having to create
                                                                                                                               made it onto the debut album of the          all the long hours and countless days      something—the relationships, the
                                                                                                                               up-and-coming R&B group Immature.            that you’re never home worth it.”          conversations that come along with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       making music and being in entertain-
                                                                                                                               He was offered his first production           Home is your foundation                    ment are things that still motivate me
                                                                                                                               fee and a trip to Los Angeles. “I            It’s been more than two decades            to this day.
                                                                                                                               would have gone for $300 and some            since Stewart wrote his first hit. And
                                                                                                                               Skittles,” he says jokingly. Perhaps he      he says he’s happier now than he’s         “Now I want to make content for
                                                                                                                               could have gotten more money for             ever been. As he sits in his home          new artists by creating a mechanism
                                                                                                                               the song, but it was an experience           office surrounded by his wife and          and platform for streaming, physical
                                                                                                                               that would set the stage for Stewart’s       young daughters, he says, “Ultimate-       sales, and touring. That is the next
                                                                                                                               entire career.                               ly, your home is your foundation.          big challenge for me.”

14 | Truist Perspectives                                                                                                                                                                                                                    February 2021 | 15
Truist Perspectives magazine - Coping with complexity -

                                                                        “Overnight, we had become a                                                         That meant more facilities could
                                                                        [COVID-19] hot spot, and it was                                                     stay open, and, according to Boys &
                                                                        terrifying,” says Carolyn Higgins,                                                  Girls Clubs, more than 113,000 youth
                                                                        Phoebe Foundation’s president and                                                   could be served in places where the

    those who make
                                                                        chief fundraising officer.                                                          need is greatest.

                                                                        The Phoebe Putney Health System                                                     Quin Kelly, culinary director of the

    a difference,
                                                                        serves 40 counties across southwest                                                 Memphis Boys & Girls Clubs’ Juice
                                                                        Georgia. When the hospital began                                                    Plus+ Technical Training Center,
                                                                        to run out of supplies, “the very                                                   has been making more than 120
                                                                        first need was PPE—gowns, face                                                      breakfasts each morning for the

    one community
                                                                        masks, hand sanitizer, the touchless                                                children of essential workers. “We
                                                                        thermometers—we were short on                                                       saw a report that said one in seven
                                                                        everything,” Higgins says, noting                                                   healthcare workers couldn’t go to
                                                                        that the health system went through                                                 work because of childcare,” says

    at a time                                                           about six months’ worth of PPE in
                                                                        just five days.                            Quin Kelly, culinary director, Memphis
                                                                                                                   Boys & Girls Clubs’ Juice Plus+
                                                                                                                                                            Kelly. “So soon we opened our first
                                                                                                                                                            location to offer childcare services,
                                                                                                                                                            including meals. We were serving
                                                                        Healthcare workers stayed safe             Technical Training Center (left).        20 kids at one location at first; that
                                                                        thanks in part to a $500,000 Truist                                                 quickly expanded to four locations.”
                                                                        Cares grant that helped secure PPE        Truist Cares is a cooperative
                                                                                                                  effort between Truist Financial            Small businesses create
                                                                                                                  Corporation; Truist Foundation,           better communities
                                                                                                                  Inc.; and Truist Charitable Fund to       “We had been doing in-person class-
                                                                                                                  provide communities, organizations,       es, teaching people how to make
                                                                                                                  and individuals disaster relief and       their own soap from scratch. That all
                                                                                                                  assistance during the COVID-19            had to stop,” says Kela Nabors, who

                                                                                                                  "Our company leaders—Kelly King
                                                                                                                  and Bill Rogers—were adamant that
                                                                                                                  we needed to address the pandemic            “Literally I cried ... We’ve
                                                                                                                  early on, and that’s how Truist Cares         never had that kind of
                                                                                                                  was born," says Bell.                         backing before.”
                                                                                                                  Since March, Truist Cares has                  Kela Nabors, owner,
             Kela Nabors, owner,                                                                                  donated more than $50 million to               Organically Bath & Beauty
             Organically Bath & Beauty                                   A chaplain at Phoebe Putney Memorial     grantees. Johns Hopkins University
             San Antonio                                                 Hospital puts on PPE made possible by    and the CDC Foundation—both
                                                                         a Truist Cares grant.                    on the front lines of fighting and
                                                                                                                  tracking the pandemic—were among          owns Organically Bath & Beauty in
                                                                        and spurred a wave of similar dona-       the first to receive grants of $1         San Antonio. “Our income went from
                                                                        tions. “It helped bolster the morale of   million each. An additional $7 million    maybe $10,000 to $15,000 a month
                                                                        our team,” Higgins says. “We felt like    in grants went to local United Way        to almost zero.”
                                                                        we were no longer alone.”                 organizations.
                                                                                                                                                            Nabors applied for COVID-19 relief
                                                                        A foundation that cares                   Providing essential services              funding and received a $25,000
                                                                        Launched in March 2020, the Truist        During the pandemic, 3,000 Boys           grant from LiftFund, a community
                                                                        Foundation partners with hard-            & Girls Clubs of America stepped          development financial institution that
                                                                        working nonprofit organizations to        in to provide food, water, supplies,      helps underserved small business
                                                                        create opportunities for those who        tutoring, childcare, training, and        owners. That assistance was made
                                                                        need it most.                             more to families of first responders      possible by a $1 million Truist Cares
                                                                                                                  and essential workers in their            grant, which enabled LiftFund to
                                                                        “Eighteen days after we launched,         communities.                              provide relief to 80 small businesses
            Grants from Truist Cares are helping small businesses,      the pandemic hit,” says Lynette Bell,                                               like Nabors’. The grant helped
                                                                        president of the Truist Foundation.       “Truist was among the first orga-         Nabors pivot to online sales and hire
            nonprofits, and communities survive and thrive during the   “But we were able to reach out much       nizations to give,” says Jim Clark,       additional staff.
                                                                        more quickly than a lot of other
            COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.                               financial institutions, and within 22
                                                                                                                  president and CEO of Boys & Girls
                                                                                                                  Clubs of America. The organization        “Literally, I cried when they called
                                                                        days we had distributed the first $25     distributed a $2 million grant from       and said the [$25,000] number,”
                                                                        million grants under our Truist Cares     Truist Cares across hundreds of           Nabors says. “We’ve never had that
                                                                        COVID-19 relief initiative.”              clubs in underserved communities.         kind of backing before.”

16 | Truist Perspectives                                                                                                                                                        February 2021 | 17
Time off

                           Five ways to find
                           fun and adventure during COVID-19                       We can just about see the light at the end of the
                                                                                   pandemic tunnel. Soon, we hope to be back on
                                                                                   airplanes and exploring faraway cities and resorts.
                                                                                   But travel is not quite risk-free just yet. So we
                                                                                   have found five ways to get away safely,
                                                                                   adventurously, and even luxuriously with your
                                                                                   partner, family, or pandemic pod.
                                        A good life is about balance. That’s why
                                        in each issue of Perspectives, we focus
                                        on a different aspect of what it means            Book a home                      Sail the                        Hit the                           Try
                                        to live life to the fullest.                     for the holiday                  ocean blue                      open road                         slow travel                   Go VIP
                                                                                   Enjoy extraordinary            Avoid the crowds and enjoy     Although that Paris or Tokyo     Many popular destinations      Many luxury resorts,
                                                                                   lodgings while bypassing       a luxury vacation aboard a     vacation may be on               require travelers to           including Rosewood Little
                                                                                   most of the risks associated   fully stocked, profession-     hold, now is a good time         quarantine for 10 – 14 days    Dix Bay resort in the Virgin
                                                                                   with travel and tourism        ally crewed private yacht.     to visit some of America’s       upon arrival to mitigate       Islands and Las Ventanas
                                                                                   by renting a historic or       Private charters offer many     greatest treasures, such as      the spread of COVID-19.        al Paraiso in Cabo San
                                                                                   architecturally significant    advantages, such as:           Yellowstone National Park        Why not embrace the wait?      Lucas, have teamed up with
                                                                                   home through a vacation        • Self-sufficient              or the giant sequoia trees.      Slow travel, as the trend      private jet rental companies
                                                                                   rental service.                  accommodations.              Travel the country on your       is known, means taking         to offer safe travel packages
                                                                                       You can book a stay at     • Controlled environment       own terms by renting a           time to truly connect to       to consumers.
                                                                                   Harry Houdini’s estate in        and COVID-screened staff.     luxury RV and taking the         the culture of a particular       Fly in via private jet
                                                                                   Los Angeles, complete with     • Customized itineraries       road trip of your dreams.        destination.                   and be whisked away to
                                                                                   gardens, a heated pool, and      that let you do what you          RVs allow you to                If you have the time       your destination in a private
                                                                                   beautiful views of nearby        want, where and when         travel safely by taking your     and/or can work remotely,      car. Many resorts also offer
                                                                                   canyons. See yourself in         you want to do it (travel    lodging and meals with you       consider planning a long,      safe luxury services, such
                                                                                   a modernist masterpiece          restrictions permitting).    while exploring the great        leisurely stay at a favorite   as private dining and
                                                                                   at Casa L4 on Sardinia’s           Yachting companies         outdoors. You can even           destination, such as a         personal butlers, who
                                                                                   Costa Smeralda. Or toast       around the world offer          hire a private driver, so you    Landmark Trust property        can plan everything from
                                                                                   with friends at Twin Palms,    everything from a chartered    never have to worry about        in the United Kingdom or a     perfect picnics to deluxe
                                                                                   Frank Sinatra’s swinging       sailboat to a mega-yacht.      traffic or finding the perfect   beachfront villa in Maui.      spa days.
                                                                                   midcentury modern former       Talk to your travel agent      camping spot.                    Be sure to comply with all
                                                                                   estate in Palm Springs.        about which vessel best fits        Several high-end RV         local safety regulations,
                                                                                                                  your particular needs.         rental companies specialize      including quarantines and
                                                                                                                                                 in luxury accommodations         testing requirements.
                                                                                                                                                 on wheels.

                                                                                                                  Before you go...
                                                                                   The best way to                Check travel guidelines for your destination. This includes restrictions on who can travel and what
                                                                                   travel safely                  you can do when you arrive. • Ask about cancellation policies. What if you have to cancel bookings
                                                                                   is to plan                     due to illness or increased restrictions? Is there a fee to reschedule? • Plan for emergencies. If you
                                                                                   ahead. Before                  become ill while traveling, can you access quality medical care and extend your stay until you are well?
                                                                                   you book your                  Will your insurance cover the costs? Some destinations now require additional COVID-19 insurance
                                                                                   next vacation,                 policies. • Be flexible. Nothing is certain these days, and the perfect trip may fall through at the
                                                                                   be sure to:                    last minute. Have a plan B or even a plan C, and be willing to adjust your expectations.
18 | Truist Perspectives

                           We can feel optimistic
                           about the future because
                           we are inventive, creative,
                           and resilient. We can
                           acknowledge the world
                           is a dangerous place,
                           and yet know we
                           will overcome.
                           Amir Mossanen,
                           Truist senior wealth advisor                                               Find the latest market research and
                           Los Angeles market president                                             financial insights at

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01 | Truist
20   Perspectives
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