Turning the tables! Barnet's first furniture reuse scheme unveiled

Turning the tables! Barnet's first furniture reuse scheme unveiled
Turning the tables!
     Barnet’s first furniture
    reuse scheme unveiled
                       Page 3

  Beat the cheats
         Help us stamp out
             housing fraud
                       Page 4

   Could you be a
    foster carer?
       How you can turn a
        child’s life around
                      Page 11

Generation gains!
     When school kids and
         pensioners meet
                       Page 9

                         Issue 30:
                       March 2011
Turning the tables! Barnet's first furniture reuse scheme unveiled
2 Welcome

A word from our chair                                                              What’s inside
We are very pleased to announce           (PAG). This is a group of residents      Furniture recycling            3
in this edition the launch of             who have been looking at many
Barnet’s first furniture reuse            aspects of our services and making       News in brief               4-5
scheme. You can find more                 suggestions for improvements.
about this on page 3.                     More details are on page 7.
                                                                                   Leaseholders                   6
We know many individuals and              The group is there to work on behalf
families struggle to get decent           of you all. If there is any Barnet       Resident scrutiny              7
furniture at a good price, particularly   Homes service you would like them
at the current time. We hope that         to look at, please do get in touch       Regeneration                   8
you will donate any unwanted items        with them.
of furniture – as well as white goods                                              Gardening project              9
and electrical items. It’s important      Vi Britchfield,
for the environment that items are        Chair of
reused rather than sent to landfill or,   Barnet Homes
                                                                                   At your call                  10
worse, just dumped in the street.
                                                                                   Living                        11
Elsewhere, we look at the work of
our Performance Advisory Group                                                     Noticeboard                   12

How to contact us                         Our offices                            Housing Benefit surgeries
Freephone 0800 3895225                    Barnet House                           Barnet House
(Translators available)                   1255 High Road, Whetstone              Tuesday and Friday 9am-4.30pm
Also our 24 hour emergency number         London N20 0EJ
                                                                                 Burnt Oak Library and
Text us 07903 324192                      Grahame Park Office                    Customer Service Centre
Minicom 020 8359 5212                     17 The Concourse                       Watling Ave, HA8 0UB
Typetalk available                        Grahame Park Estate                    Monday to Friday 9am-4.30pm
                                          London NW9 5XA
Email talk2us@barnethomes.org                                                    Hendon Job Centre Plus
Report a repair online at                                                        10 Finchley Lane, NW4 1DP
                                          Local housing surgery                  Monday 9am-4.30pm
                                          Valley Centre,
Gas repairs                                                                      Grahame Park Housing Office
                                          38 Homefield,
08000 352 360                                                                    Thursday 9am-4.30pm
                                          Dollis Valley EN5 2UJ
To pay your rent or service charges       Every Wednesday 2-3.30pm               South Friern Library
0845 356 3456 24 hours or                                                        Colney Hatch Lane, N11 1EY
www.barnet.gov.uk/                                                               Thursday 10am-4.30pm

Local numbers                             If you have any comments or questions about athome, write to:
                                          The Editor, Barnet Homes, 9th floor Barnet House, 1255 High Road,
Grahame Park 020 8359 2923
                                          Whetstone, London N20 0EJ
West Hendon/
                                          Or email athome@barnethomes.org
Dollis Valley/
Stonegrove & Spur Road                    Printed on recycled paper.
020 8359 5405/5415
Turning the tables! Barnet's first furniture reuse scheme unveiled
Visit the new centre at 4 Queens Parade,                                                                      Furniture recycling    3
Friern Barnet. Or call 0800 3895225
to make a donation.

Sofa so good!
Barnet has its first ever furniture reuse scheme. Why not
use it to donate unwanted items – or pick up good quality
furniture at knockdown prices?

                                                                                                          What can I buy
                                                                                                          at the centre?
                                                                                                          The centre will be an Aladdin’s
                                                                                                          cave of good quality furniture
                                                                                                          at low prices, including sofas,
Centre manager Beth Swallow (right) with staff members Layla Ela ouad (left) and Lauren Harmer (centre)
                                                                                                          tables, chairs, beds and
                                                                                                          wardrobes, as well as soft
A warehouse with a difference                        It’s a chance to develop new skills,                 furnishings like curtains. The
has opened its doors at 4 Queens                     which could help you find long-term                  charity hopes eventually to stock
Parade, Friern Barnet.                               employment.                                          bric-a-brac items like crockery
                                                                                                          and dinner sets.
The new Barnet Furniture Centre                      The centre’s new manager Beth
aims to supply residents with good                   Swallow said: “We know that many
quality furniture at prices to suit all              people find it hard to get hold of                   How can I find
budgets. Why not pop in and see
what’s on offer?
                                                     decent furniture at affordable prices,
                                                     and we hope they will come to our
                                                                                                          out more?
                                                     warehouse to see what’s on offer.                    We will be giving more details
If you no longer want or need pieces                                                                      about the centre on our website
of furniture, you can donate them                    “The centre will also help people                    at www.barnethomes.org,
to the centre knowing they will be                   to get rid of unwanted items in                      or look for more information in
reused or recycled. A team of staff                  a responsible way, rather than                       upcoming editions of athome.
and volunteers will then prepare the                 flytipping or sending items to landfill,             If you want to donate any items,
furniture items for sale.                            so it’s great for the environment.                   or are interested in volunteering
                                                                                                          at the centre, please call
Meanwhile, the centre has linked                     “I’m very grateful for the support                   0800 3895225.
up with other recycling centres to                   we’ve received to make this
enable you to donate white goods,                    possible, and can’t wait to see
like cookers and fridges, as well as                 the project develop over the
electrical equipment.                                coming months.”

Besides the other benefits, the                      The centre has been made possible
centre will also create three full-time              by funding from the London Waste
jobs and more than 20 volunteer                      and Recycling Board, as part of a
placements – including opportunities                 £8million package of recycling and
for people with special needs.                       reuse improvements across London.
Turning the tables! Barnet's first furniture reuse scheme unveiled
4 News in brief                           Please help us keep blocks fire safe
                                       by keeping communal corridors free of
                                       obstructions, like bikes and prams.

                                                                               Help us
Get your skates on!                                                            stamp out
Young skateboarders living
around High Barnet will be                                                     Two new dedicated fraud
able to show off their aerials,                                                officers are on the lookout for
slides and grinds following                                                    tenants who try to abuse the
the launch of a new mobile                                                     council housing system.
skate park.
                                                                               The new staff members will be
The park’s aim is to discourage                                                taking action if tenants are found
antisocial behaviour among young                                               not to live in their council property
people living around Chesterfield                                              or if tenants are illegally sub-
Road. Organisers plan to set up                                                letting their home.
the park every Saturday afternoon,
with a registration system for its                                             The new campaign has been
users, and eventually hope to                                                  launched together with Barnet
rotate it around different locations                                           Council to try to ensure that
in the borough.                                                                council homes are occupied by
                                                                               genuine tenants and to tackle
The skate park has been introduced                                             any housing benefit fraud.
                                       Skater Klaus Laivenieks at the launch
by Barnet Community Projects –
a group of residents belonging to      For more information about the          Any resident who suspects
local churches – with support from     skate park contact Steve Neale          housing fraud should call
other local organisations, including   on 07929 754522 or email                020 8359 7254 or email
Barnet Homes.                          acheve@sky.com                          talk2us@barnethomes.org
                                                                               All reports will be dealt with
                                                                               in the strictest confidence.

Looking to move home?
Are you a tenant looking to move       waiting list, and some applicants may
home? Please be aware that the         not be placed in any of the bands.
way Barnet Council allocates
council and housing association        Successful applicants will be
homes will change from the             offered a home that meets their
beginning of April.                    assessed needs from a pool of           Please keep corridors free of obstructions
                                       available properties.

                                                                               Keep fire safe!
The current housing register and
points system is being replaced with   The new allocations policy will
a new banding system, designed         apply to all existing council
to be much simpler and to give         tenants wishing to move home,           Please remember to keep
more focus to those in the greatest    apart from those who are swapping       communal corridors clear of
housing need.                          homes through mutual exchange.          items like prams and bikes.

The four new bands include             You can find a copy of the              These can cause obstructions
recognition of the community           new allocations policy on               to you, your family and other
contribution made by those who are     Barnet Council’s website at             residents if fire breaks out in your
working, volunteering or undertaking   www.barnet.gov.uk, or ask for           flat or block. Fires can kill and
training. There will no longer be a    a copy from your housing officer.       every second counts.
Turning the tables! Barnet's first furniture reuse scheme unveiled
The building is so warm I don’t need to                                                                              News in
                                                                                                                          News in brief
                                                                                                                                  brief    5
have the heating on all the time and during
the cold spell I was nice and warm.

Clubbing                                                                                                   On the boil
together                                                                                                   Sheltered housing residents
                                                                                                           in North Finchley are enjoying
Children and young people on                                                                               better heating at lower costs
two estates will be able to enjoy                                                                          thanks to a new communal
a wide range of activities each                                                                            boiler system.
week after Barnet Homes set
up new youth clubs.                                                                                        The new boilers at Wimbush
                                                                                                           House can reduce heating
The clubs at the Fosters Estate in                                                                         bills by more than a third
Hendon and North Road Estate                             Lucy and Scott Jordan with youth workers at the   through greater efficiency and
in Burnt Oak are being introduced                        Fosters youth club launch                         sensors to maintain desired
following suggestions by young                                                                             temperatures. Similar boilers are
people. Both are being run by                            To find out more, call                            being introduced at a number of
Barnet Playrangers as an initial                         Barnet Playrangers on                             sheltered housing schemes in
six week trial and could become                          07507 771746 or email                             the borough.
permanent fixtures if successful.                        barnetplayrangers@yahoo.co.uk
                                                                                                           Tenant June Bayliss is among the
                                                                                                           residents to feel the benefit. She
                                                                                                           said: “The building is so warm I

Pupils dig their street!                                                                                   don’t need to have my heating
                                                                                                           on all the time and during the
                                                                                                           cold spell I was nice and warm.”
School children from Burnt Oak                           their school which previously only
have created a colourful garden                          attracted litter and fly tipping.
in what was an unloved corner
of their street.                                         Barnet Homes staff came up
                                                         with the idea for the garden and
The children from The Annunciation                       donated the plants. Members of
Infant School in Thirlby Road                            the gardening team supervised
spent one lunchtime planting a                           the planting by children and their
                                                                                                           Are you looking to find work?
small garden in an area outside                          teachers during the break time.
                                                                                                           Would you benefit from having
                                                                                                           someone to talk to who can
                                                                                                           offer support?

                                                                                                           Six Barnet Homes residents are
                                                                                                           currently working with Barnet
                                                                                                           Homes and Jobcentre Plus to set
                                                                                                           up new job clubs in the borough.

                                                                                                           It’s a chance for jobseekers to
                                                                                                           meet, exchange skills, share
                                                                                                           experiences, find opportunities,
                                                                                                           make contacts, and receive
                                                                                                           support in returning to work.

                                                                                                           For more information, contact
                                                                                                           your Jobcentre Plus advisor
                                                                                                           or call Jacqui Jones on
                                                                                                           020 8359 4777.
Annunciation Infant School children get green fingered
Turning the tables! Barnet's first furniture reuse scheme unveiled
6 Leaseholders                           Sign up to our online service charge
                                     facility – Service Charges Direct –
                                     at housing.direct@barnethomes.org

– are you
Did you buy your property
                                     on the up
through Right to Buy before
1 October 1988? Or did you
                                     Leasehold satisfaction with our services has risen
buy your home on the open            substantially following a dedicated campaign to
market before 19 May 1997?           make improvements in a wide range of areas.
If so, your commons parts            Results of a recent survey of          These are some of
insurance policy may not             leaseholders show it has increased     the findings from
provide the cover you might          overall by nine per cent from 31 per   the survey:
expect. You will be liable for any   cent in 2008 to 40 per cent now,       • Understanding service
loss that is not covered.            but clearly there is still a need to      charge information –
                                     improve services further.                 then: 53% now:
We recommend all leaseholders                                                     59.7%
get Level Three cover, which         It follows a campaign to improve       • Consultation on major
includes cover against               customer service, the quality of our      works – then: 27.8%
subsidence, ground heave or          information and the value for money       now: 43.2%
landslip. The cost is £55 a year,    we offer you in terms of service and   • Information about
which will be included in your       repairs and maintenance.                  major works –
annual service charges.                                                        then: 34.7%
                                     Barnet Homes Chief Executive,             now: 50.7%
To check which insurance             Tracey Lees, said: “I’m pleased the    • Satisfaction with
policy you currently have, or        work we have done so far is having a      the quality of major
to upgrade your cover, please        positive effect for leaseholders.         works – then: 34%
contact us on 0800 3895225.                                                    now: 19.1%
                                     “We know we need to carry on           • Payment options for
                                     improving, and our staff will be          major works – then:

Stay                                 taking action to change those
                                     areas leaseholders are less
                                                                               22.3% now: 37.5%
                                                                            • Finding staff helpful

CO safe
                                     satisfied with, such as the quality       – then: 49.7%
                                     of major works.”                          now: 59%

More than 50 people each
year die in the UK from carbon
monoxide (CO) poisoning.                Online time
Many more fall seriously ill.
                                                        More than 100        The facility gives you one handy
Make sure you and your family                           leaseholders have    place to see your service charge
are protected by taking advantage                       signed up to our     breakdown and communal repairs
of our CO detector discount.                            online service       requested where you live.
                                                        charge system –
Pick up a detector at any                               Service Charges      To register, email housing.direct
leasehold surgery or our offices                        Direct.              @barnethomes.org
for £12.30, or call us on                                                    or visit our website at
0800 3895225 to have one                                                     www.barnethomes.org
posted to you for £13.60.
Turning the tables! Barnet's first furniture reuse scheme unveiled
Our role has been evolving steadily                                                Resident scrutiny           7
and constructively. We are eager to
continue to do more.

                                                                                               Some of the PAG
                                                                                               members: (clockwise
                                                                                               from front left) Jan
                                                                                               Andersson, Angela
                                                                                               Shine, Angela Purcell

                                                                                               and Gary Kinnane

                                                                           If you think the group can
                                                                           improve a Barnet Homes service,
Just over a year ago a group of residents was formed                       get in touch with them via pag@
                                                                           barnethomes.org or come to meet
to scrutinise the work of Barnet Homes.                                    them at one of our Hub meetings.
                                                                           Please note, they cannot deal with
                                    PAG chair, Gary Kinnane from           individual matters or problems.
                                    Childs Hill, said: “We’re different
                                    from any previous group, being
                                    very much resident-led but with        Love where
                                    support from Barnet Homes.             you live
                                    “We’ve had access to the Board         One of the key areas
                                    and senior managers from day one       for PAG has been
                                    and our role has been evolving         to encourage more
                                    constructively ever since. We’re       residents to join Barnet Homes
                                    eager to continue to do more.”         staff on regular neighbourhood
Gary Kinnane                                                               inspections.
                                    Among the tasks for the group
The eight founding members of       has been to agree a final list of 20   Their intervention has led to new
the Performance Advisory Group      new service standards for Barnet       publicity for the inspections, where
had very different backgrounds,     Homes – and how these standards        staff check buildings, communal
but one common interest –           will be monitored in future.           areas and the general environment,
to challenge areas of Barnet                                               and we hope more residents will
Homes’ work and recommend           Members of the group have              now attend.
improvements.                       also challenged the way in which
                                    empty homes are relet and how          Thanks to calls from the PAG, you
It was a chance to make a real      estate inspections are managed,        can also find dates for every estate
difference, since their findings    and from this year they will           inspection and the outcomes from
would be reported directly to       be writing our Annual Report           each inspection on our website at
Barnet Homes’ Board of directors.   to residents.                          www.barnethomes.org

PAG said, PAG did!
PAG said: Our performance            PAG said: Residents should            PAG said: Residents feel under
information was presented in a       be involved in procuring              pressure to say they are satisfied
confusing way for residents          new contractors for all of            with a repair if they are asked by
                                     our maintenance services              Barnet Homes staff over the phone
PAG did: They helped create
a new layout for our key             PAG did: Members of the PAG           PAG did: They have overseen
performance information, which is    took part in judging and scoring      the introduction of a new online
regularly updated at                 initial bids from firms competing     repairs satisfaction form at
www.barnethomes.org                  for the new contracts                 www.barnethomes.org
Turning the tables! Barnet's first furniture reuse scheme unveiled
8 Regeneration                              Live on Grahame Park and want to know more
                                        about what’s happening locally? Visit our Facebook page
                                        at www.facebook.com/GrahameParkTV

  All change at
  Grahame Park!

The first residents have moved
into their new homes as the
                                        The new open space will be officially
                                        opened to the public shortly.           Bid to improve
regeneration of Grahame Park
continues to take shape.                April is expected to see the            1,500 homes
                                        demolition of Bleriot, Blackburn,
Twenty five households are moving       Boarhound and Bodmin as part            We have submitted a bid for
into the new modern properties as       of Phase 1b of the scheme, with         almost £20million additional
part of phase 1a of the £700million     further blocks due to be demolished     funding to carry out decent
regeneration scheme.                    over the summer.                        homes improvements to
                                                                                more than 1,500 homes on
All 319 new homes in the phase – a      Construction of the first phase 1b      regeneration estates.
mixture of affordable rented homes,     homes should start this winter,
shared ownership properties and         with more than 400 homes, a new         At the time of going to press, we
homes for market sale – are due         library, community centre and shops     were waiting to hear back from
to be completed by early next year.     due to be completed by 2017.            the Homes and Communities
                                                                                Agency on the bid.

                                                                                If successful, we will use the
One thousand friends and counting…                                              money to make improvements
                                                                                to homes that are due to be
More than 1,400 people have                                                     demolished much later than
signed up as friends of our                                                     originally expected as a result
Grahame Park Facebook page.                                                     of delays to the regeneration
                                                                                schemes caused by the
Why not join them at www.                                                       economic downturn.
facebook.com/GrahameParkTV to
learn more about what’s happening in                                            Barnet Homes Chief Executive,
your area and join in the discussion?                                           Tracey Lees, said “There’s clearly
                                                                                less money in the pot, so we
If you’re a young person living in                                              don’t know if this bid will be
West Hendon, you can also catch                                                 successful. But we want to grab
up on what’s going on through                                                   every possible opening to give
our West Hendon Youth Club                                                      tenants decent quality homes
page. Visit www.facebook.com/                                                   until they move into new
westhendonyouth                                                                 properties through the various
                                                                                regeneration schemes.”
Do you have a project that young people or volunteers                                             Gardening project   9
could help with? Get in touch with our Resident Involvement
Team by contacting Liz Bird on 020 8359 4842
or email liz.bird@barnethomes.org

Bridging the                                                                                Maura
                                                                                            “It’s wonderful.

generation gap
                                                                                            We have such
                                                                                            a big garden
                                                                                            and there’s so
                                                                                            much to do.”

Sheltered housing residents in North Finchley are benefiting from
an improved garden – and from getting to know young people from
the local area. athome finds out more.
If you go down to Christchurch                     Since late January the 13 and            Mertens:
Close on a Thursday afternoon and                  14-year-olds have been spending          “I think it’s
pop into the communal lounge, you                  time raking up leaves and cutting        lovely the
might see quite an unusual sight.                  back overgrown plants.                   children are
                                                                                            helping us.”
Older residents at the sheltered                   Christchurch Close resident Maura
scheme will be happily chatting to                 Higgins feels the scheme is reaping
teenagers from the local area,                     rewards. “All the residents think it’s
learning more about each other                     fantastic to have young people here
and finding out about each                         willing to help,” she says.
other’s interests.                                                                          Do you have a project that
                                                   But for some of the teenagers,           young people or volunteers
It’s all part of a collaboration                   the real highlight is the chance to      could help with? Is your
between Barnet Homes and the                       break down divisions between the         garden overgrown or do you
Wren Academy. Pupils at the school                 older and younger generations.           have a local playground that
in Hilton Avenue needed to                                                                  could do with a lick of paint?
complete a community project as                    Pupil Victoria-Marie Huber-Gurry
part of their Duke of Edinburgh                    said: “I’ve found it interesting and     Get in touch with our
Bronze Award and happened to                       something new – I could learn            Resident Involvement Team
hear about Christchurch Close. The                 from the project and make a              by contacting Liz Bird on
garden at the sheltered housing                    difference. I really like talking to     020 8359 4842 or email
scheme fitted the bill perfectly.                  the older generation.”                   liz.bird@barnethomes.org

Wren Academy pupils get to grips with the Christchurch Avenue garden
10 At your call                                Don’t turn a blind eye to flytipping. Help us
                                          take action against those responsible by calling
                                          us in confidence on 0800 3895225.

Flytipping menace                                                               Dog nuisance
                                                                                I’m very concerned about
Rubbish has been dumped on our estate by a visiting                             the dogs living next door
white van. I’ve been keeping an eye out in case this                            to me and I’m afraid to let
                                                                                my children play outside on
happens again. Can Barnet Homes take any action –                               their own. The dogs are very
and what should I do?                                                           aggressive and their owner
                                                                                doesn’t seem to control
Thanks for being vigilant. With the       getting dumped rubbish removed        them properly.
help of residents like you keeping        cost us and you £285,000 last year.
a close eye on what’s happening                                                 If you are worried about
locally, we can stop members of the       To be successful with any legal       dangerous dogs where you live,
public dumping rubbish on estates.        action, we need residents who see     then the first thing to do is report
                                          flytipping happening to note the      them to your housing officer.
Barnet Homes will take legal action       vehicle and its registration number
against unscrupulous people who           and phone us in confidence on         If necessary, we can arrange for
fly tip. Not only is this unsightly,      0800 3895225.                         a dog trainer to work with the
                                                                                owner, or contact a group called
                                                                                BARK, which includes the police
On the fence                                                                    and the RSPCA.

I’ve been told that Barnet Homes          we have to concentrate our            They tackle dog owners who
does not mend garden fences –             limited repairs budget on the         mistreat their pets or allow
is this correct?                          most important repairs, and we        them to be aggressive in
                                          do expect tenants to carry out        public, and if a criminal offence
Yes, unless your fence or gate            some minor repairs themselves.        is being committed they will
bound a public walkway or highway.        Find out more at                      take court action to deal
The economic climate means                www.barnethomes.org                   with it.

If you don’t use electrical equipment safely, you’re
putting your family and home at risk. Find out how
a few simple checks and precautions could protect
you from fire. Go to www.london-fire.gov.uk.
Fostering gives vulnerable children a sense of security.                                           Living   11
Find out how you can foster by phoning 020 8359 6274
or visit www.barnet.gov.uk/fostering

Could you be a
foster carer?
More than 220 Barnet children currently live in foster
care. More people are needed to give often vulnerable
children a secure home.
Fostering means you provide care        If you are interested in becoming a
in your home for children or young      foster carer, Barnet Council’s team
people who cannot live with their       will support you every step of the
own families. The length of time they   way. You will be given an accurate
need to be fostered can range from      idea of what you can you expect
a few days to several months, or in     and will be introduced to a wide
some cases for several years. Most      range of people you can count on
children will eventually return to      for help and advice.
their families.                                                                   What financial support
                                        Finally as a Barnet foster carer, you     will I receive?
Fostering can make a real difference    will receive generous allowances          Barnet foster carers are
to children’s lives. There’s a real     and fees for all your hard work.          classed as self-employed.
sense of achievement in knowing
you’ve been there for a child who       What experience do I need?                You would receive a weekly
needs your help, as Barnet foster       We do not ask for any special             maintenance allowance of
carer Karen Landsman explains.          qualifications or experience but          either £181 a week for a child
                                        we do ask our foster carers to:           under 12, or £239 for a child
“I am reminded daily                                                              over 12. This covers the costs
                                        • Live in or near Barnet, so foster      of caring for a child.
why I do this job,”
                                           children can stay within their own
says Karen. “When the kids                 communities and maintain links         You would also receive a skill-
give me a hug and tell me                  with their families, friends and       based fee as a reward for the
spontaneously that they                    school.                                care you provided. This ranges
like living here; when I                • Have a spare room for the child –      from £179 to £286 a week.
                                           although a child under 18 months
use my skills to develop a                 may be able to sleep in your           You will also receive extensive
child’s self-esteem, giving                bedroom.                               tax allowances and income
them the confidence to                  • Have a real commitment to              from fostering will not affect
say what’s wrong; when                     looking after a child for as long as   eligibility for any means-tested
                                           they need to stay with you – even      benefits.
I have one of those ‘nice                  if it is for several years.
moments’ like realising                 • Have some experience of caring         How do I find out more?
the house is filled with                   for children, perhaps in your own      If you would like to find out
laughter, singing and                      home or as a professional.             more about fostering you can:
                                        • Be at home for younger                 Call: 020 8359 6274
relaxed children;
                                           children or when older children        Email: fostering@barnet.gov.uk
and when I see children                    get back from school – whether         Visit: www.barnet.gov.uk/
move on positively.”                       you work or not.                       fostering
12 Noticeboard

Board size –                                                                     Benefits
have your say                                                                    change
Our Board has proposed to                There would be three council            Do you claim housing
reduce in size from 12 to                nominees and three independent          benefit and live with someone
nine directors. Now we want              directors.                              other than your partner who
to hear what you think.                                                          is over 18?
                                         All views on the proposals will be
The proposal is aimed at making          presented to the March meeting          If so, due to government
the Board more efficient and ensure      of the Board, where a final decision    reforms, from April you could
more effective decision making.          will be taken.                          see increased ‘non-dependant’
                                                                                 deductions from your housing
The proportion of resident Board         To have your say, email corinna.        benefit. These deductions are
Members would remain at one third,       demetriou@barnethomes.org               designed to cover the non-
with one leaseholder representative      Alternatively write to                  dependant’s contribution to the
and two tenant representatives. Tenant   Corinna Demetriou,                      household expenses.
representatives would no longer be       PA to the Chief Executive,
elected by geographical area, but        Barnet Homes, 9th Floor,                Currently more than 700 Barnet
would be expected to represent all       Barnet House, 1255 High Road,           Homes tenants live with non-
tenants across the borough.              London N20 0EJ.                         dependants, normally adult
                                                                                 children or older relatives. They
                                                                                 will see a reduction in housing

                                         Hub-ba bubba!                           benefit from £2 to lower earners
                                                                                 to almost £13 for higher earners.

                                         More than 350 Barnet Homes              All affected households will
                                         tenants and leaseholders                receive a letter explaining the
                                         have now attended one of our            changes. For more information
                                         resident Hub meetings. Why              visit www.barnet.gov.uk/
                                         not come along and join them?
Rent – £250                              The meetings – held every three

prizes up for                            months – are a chance to discuss

                                         the housing-related issues that
                                         matter to you, from spending            Come to
                                                                                 the Board
                                         priorities to grounds maintenance.
We will be awarding four prizes
of £250 to tenants at the end of         We try to make the meetings
March. But first you’ve got to be        informative but entertaining – since    Our Board meetings are
in it to win it!                         we launched the Hub three years         open to members of the
                                         ago more than 85 per cent of            public. Dates of meetings
The prize draw will be for all tenants   attendees have told us they were        are published on our website
who have no rent arrears from 22 to      satisfied with the meetings’ content.   at www.barnethomes.org
31 March 2011, so make sure you
have a clear rent account.               The next meeting is due to take         Alternatively, phone Corinna
                                         place on Thursday 26 May, from          Demetriou on 020 8359 4804
Last year tenant Rita Okang              7.15pm, venue to be confirmed.          or email corinna.demetriou@
(pictured with Rental Income             Look out for more information           barnethomes.org
Manager Anne-Marie Isaacs) was           on our website at
among the four lucky winners.            www.barnethomes.org
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