UK Schools Directory 2022/23 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOL SPECIALIST - - Anderson Education

Page created by Eric Wise
UK Schools Directory 2022/23 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOL SPECIALIST - - Anderson Education
UK Schools Directory 2022/23
T H E   U K   B OA R D I N G   S C H O O L   S P E C I A L I S T

UK Schools Directory 2022/23 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOL SPECIALIST - - Anderson Education
Welcome to the                                                           Contents
Boarding life opens
up doors to many      latest UK Boarding                                                       5       Help & advice

new opportunities.    School Directory...                                                      13	

                                                                                                  London and South
                                                                                                  East schools
                      Choosing a boarding school is difficult
                                                                                               32      South and West
                      enough when you live in the UK; when                                              schools
                      you live overseas, it makes selecting and
                                                                                               49      Central schools
                      visiting schools a huge task.
                                                                                               67      Eastern schools
                      For those parents with little experience of boarding schools it
                      can be a daunting prospect; most rely on friends and family for          74      Northern schools
                      help and advice. Each child is different and each school is different.
                      With a little help from the experts you can find that perfect place      84      Welsh schools
                      where your child will blossom and grow to his or her full potential.
                                                                                               88      Scottish schools
                      The UK Boarding School Exhibition, Tours and Directory have
                      been designed specifically with overseas families in mind and            89	
                                                                                                  School listing and
                      are an excellent starting point for selecting the best school for           regional map
                      your child. The Directory is distributed worldwide and available
                      online and from clubs, selected bookshops and schools. The UK
                      Boarding School Exhibition in Dubai each February and
                      November provides an excellent opportunity for parents to
                      meet Heads from schools throughout the UK. The UK Boarding                    SPECIAL THANKS
                      School Tours enable interested families to talk face to face with        Special thanks to students, families
                      education specialists about boarding schools, English language           and schools that have contributed
                                                                                               editorial and photographs.
                      programmes or summer schools.
                      We always enjoy talking personally to families. Please contact           EVERYONE HAS A STORY
                      us by completing an Enquiry Form via our website at
                                                                                               We would like to include your
            , email or telephone.                         personal experiences of boarding,
                      We shall be delighted to offer you FREE help and guidance.               as a parent or student, in the
                                                                                               next Directory. Please send copy
                      Best wishes                                                              (max 200 words) to:

                                                                                                     FUTURE EVENTS

                                                                                               For future events visit:
                      Sara Sparling
                      Director, Education Consultant

UK Schools Directory 2022/23 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOL SPECIALIST - - Anderson Education
Anderson Education                                                                                                       Selecting the right school
We have personally visited over 350 UK boarding schools; this first-hand
                                                                                                                         Ask the experts for help and advice when selecting the ‘right’ school for your
experience enables us to identify what is special and unique about each                                                  child. Although boarding schools appear similar when browsing the web or through
school and match this with the needs of each child. The ease and                                                         prospectuses, in reality each has a unique quality.
convenience of our educational service aims to make the search for                                                       Our job as Education Consultants is to identify             for their child. The education of each and every child
the best school a stress free experience.                                                                                and match your child’s individual talents, skills and       is one of the most important decisions we make, time
                                                                                                                         aspirations to a school that will challenge, encourage      spent in early exploration and research is wise. Families
                                                                                                                         and develop, to ensure that each child reaches his          living overseas are looking for reassurance that their
Meet the team                                                                                                            or her full potential. The purpose and aim of the           children will achieve their full potential, in a happy, safe,
                                                                                                                         Education Consultant who specialises in school              secure environment. Working closely with an Education
                          Sara Sparling                                                 Nikki Harlow
                                                                                                                         placement is to work on behalf of the family, to offer      Consultant for the purpose of school selection should
                            Sara Sparling is an Education                                Nikki Harlow is an Education    help and guidance in the selection of the ‘right’ school    follow the process outlined below:
                            Consultant who travels                                       Consultant, who joined the
                            frequently to the Gulf countries                             Anderson Education team in
                            to meet local and expat families                             2015, she has a wide range
                            considering a UK boarding                                    of experience in education
                            school, summer or language                                   with extensive knowledge of
programme. Her experience as a teacher, expat wife,            working with children with Special Educational Needs.
mother of three children and as a boarder herself,             Nikki’s career has included working in schools and also
enables her to understand the needs and concerns of            as an events and exhibition manager. She has lived in
parents. Whilst in the UK Sara makes regular school            the USA and the Middle East and her son attended a
visits to identify what is unique and special about each       UK boarding school.
boarding school and ensure that Anderson Education
has up to date knowledge and information.

                                                                                                                          PLAN EARLY                                                  WHAT TO EXPECT
    Important dates for your diary
                                                                                                                         1. Early planning is advisable, allow at least 18 months.   1. The Education Consultant selects 4 or 5
    UK Boarding School Exhibition                              UK Boarding School Tours                                                                                                 schools that best meet the agreed criteria,
                                                                                                                         2. Ask questions and identify the type of educational
                                                                                                                                                                                        for your consideration.
    ■■ Dubai – February and November                           ■■ Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman                                  environment that would best suit the needs of
       each year                                                                                                            your child; is it to be co-educational or a single sex   2. The Education Consultant will arrange for the
                                                               ■■ Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Saudi Arabia
                                                                                                                            school, highly selective or more suitable for the           school prospectuses to be sent to the family.
      Saturday 26 February 2022 – 2pm to 7pm                   FREE help & advice from Boarding                             ‘all rounder’.
      Sunday 27 February 2022 – 11am to 4pm                                                                                                                                          3. The Education Consultant should be available to
                                                               School specialists.                                       3. Do you have any special requirements? i.e. Dyslexia,        discuss the benefits of each school selected and
      Saturday 12 November 2022 – 2pm to 7pm
                                                                                                                            medical condition, learning or physical difficulties,       generally answer parents’ questions.
      Sunday 13 November 2022 – 11am to 4pm                                                                                 intensive English language provision.
                                                                                                                                                                                     4. It is advisable to make appointments to visit                                                                        4. Do you require the school to be in any particular           3 or 4 schools. To see the school in action is
    Please visit our website to:                                                                                            area of the UK?                                             important, parents are advised to visit in term
    • get up to date information on dates and venues                                                                     5. Have copies of the child’s School Reports available.        time whenever possible.
    • register your interest to receive reminders near to the date                                                       6. Inform the child’s present school of your intentions;
    • view our comprehensive Schools Directory                                                                              the Principal will be required to supply a reference.

    Come and talk to us and tell your friends to come too!                                                               7. Be clear about, if and when, you are able to visit the
                                                                                                                            schools selected.

4                                           UK SCHOOLS DIRECTORY 2022/23                                                                                            UK SCHOOLS DIRECTORY 2022/23                                                5
UK Schools Directory 2022/23 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOL SPECIALIST - - Anderson Education
If English is not your                                                    Visas for Boarding                              studentfocus
    first language                                                            School Students
    UK Boarding Schools offer first class English
                                                                              in the UK
    language teaching and have a great deal of
    experience in helping students, whose first language is
    not English, to improve their language skills.
                                                                                                                            Independence feels
    The EFL (English as a Foreign Language)
    Department in schools and colleges offer the
    overseas student a warm welcome; they have an
                                                              You can apply for the Child student visa if you’re aged
                                                              between 4 and 17 and you want to study in the UK.
                                                              You should also:
                                                                                                                            like a step towards
    important role to play in helping the international
    student successfully integrate and understand the
    excitement and challenges of boarding life.
                                                              • have a place on a course
                                                              • have the consent of your parent or guardian
                                                              • have enough money to cover your course fees
    International Study Centres have specifically
                                                                and living costs
    designed pre-boarding and pre- A Level/IB courses;
    their aim is to ensure that the student’s English is of   • meet the eligibility requirements
                                                                                                                            In 2020, I joined the Sixth Form
    a sufficient level to enable them to cope with the         HOW LONG IT WILL TAKE
    GCSE and A Level/IB examinations.                                                                                       to start my A-Level subjects
                                                              You can apply for a visa up to 6 months before                and to gain a greater sense of
    A Summer School provides an excellent
                                                              your date of travel [outside of the UK] to the                independence.
    introduction to the UK, offering English language
    teaching and activities, such as sports, art, drama and You should get a
    outdoor activities; a fun way to improve your English.    decision on your visa within 3 weeks.                         I am the first of my family to board away
                                                              Check the guide processing times to find out how long         from home, however, several of my relatives
    Learning Support                                          getting a visa might take in your country.                    have attended the University of Cambridge,
    We can recommend schools with excellent
                                                               FEES                                                         and I attended a primary school nearby
    learning support for children with Dyslexia,
    Dyspraxia and ADHD as well as specialist schools          It costs £348 to apply for a Child student visa from
                                                                                                                            before moving to Dubai in 2012.
    for children with Asperger's Syndrome and                 outside the UK.                                               I attended King’s Al Barsha School and
    Cerebral Palsy, deaf children and young people
                                                              You’ll also have to pay a healthcare surcharge as part        completed my GCSEs there. I wanted
    who have complex learning issues.
                                                              of your application. [£470 per year - u18 now receive
                                                                                                                            a better sense of independence hence I
    State Boarding Schools                                    a 25% discount].
                                                                                                                            visited The Leys, which is co-educational,
    Admission to state boarding in the UK is limited to        HOW LONG YOU CAN STAY                                        in 2019. I had a tour with the Housemaster
    British citizens and anyone with a right of residence
    in the UK.                                                Your age and the length of your course of study will          of East House, Mr Dix Pincott, and arrived
                                                              affect how long you can stay.                                 in September of 2020 to start my A-Level
    At state boarding schools you pay for the boarding                                                                                                                      East House at The Leys. We’re all close and
    only and the tuition is paid by the government, as it                                                                   courses. My choices being Biology, Chemistry,
                                                              Age when you apply         How long you can stay                                                              get on well in and out of school.
    would at any other state school in England.                                                                             and Physics as I want to study Pharmacology
                                                              Under 16                   Course length (up to 6 years)
    Please check the UK Government website Studying in                                   plus 4 months afterwards           at a degree level.                              A great change from the Middle East is the
    the UK: guidance for EU students - GOV.UK                                                                                                                               weather and changing seasons. A nice change
    ( for eligibility if you are a EU resident.    16 or 17                   Course length (up to 3 years)      I find being a boarder makes it easier for me
                                                                                         plus 4 months afterwards                                                           from the constant heat. I’m currently taking
                                                                                                                            to concentrate on my studies and being given
    A Guardian Family                                                                                                                                                       part in “Movember” for the purpose of
                                                              You can arrive in the UK:                                     more independence feels in a way like a step
    It is a requirement of schools for all parents resident   • up to 1 week before your course starts if your                                                              embracing men’s mental health.
    outside the UK to appoint a Guardian living in Britain,
                                                                                                                            towards adulthood. The staff and students
                                                                course lasts 6 months or less
    who will act with their full authority. The choice of     • up to 1 month before your course starts if your
                                                                                                                            surrounding me made it easy settling in and
    Guardian is the responsibility of the parents.              course lasts more than 6 months                             gave me a great chance to meet new people       Callum – a boarder at The Leys School, Cambridge
    The ‘Guardian’ acts on behalf of the parent, providing                                                                  and form strong bonds which I might not
    a home from home environment at half term and             Disclaimer: This information in this guide is correct as of   have otherwise made as the boys come
    weekend exeats, they represent the parents at school      January 2022. Visa requirements are subject to change.
                                                              For up to date information, please visit the website of the
                                                                                                                            from a variety of places globally to board in
    functions and are available in case of an emergency.
    For further information visit:            British Embassy or Consulate where you live, or the nearest
                                                              Visa Application Centre.

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UK Schools Directory 2022/23 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOL SPECIALIST - - Anderson Education
studentfocus                                                                                       studentfocus

I have been a boarder at                                                                              It’s an adventure coming
Kingswood since 2013, and it’s                                                                        to a boarding school
shaped such a big part of my life
                                                                                                      My father works for Aramco in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. I was a Deputy
I started boarding in year 5, and like any       The house just feels like a home away from           Head Girl in 2020/21 and I am now studying the BBA Global Hospitality
boarder, I found it hard to be away from my      home, after coming back from a night spent           Management Degree programme at Les Roches Marbella, Spain. I moved
parents. But the boarding parents really lived   at a friend’s house or even the holidays.
                                                                                                      to Monmouth in January 2016 because of the wide range of subjects on
up to the name ‘parents’ by supporting me,
                                                 Being a boarder is such a unique experience,         offer, including Latin. I was worried about being away from my parents
and in no time, I was getting stuck into all
                                                 and I’ve made friends here that I’ll have for        but I started to feel at home within a couple of weeks. Experiencing a
the aspects of boarding life—trips, baking,
                                                 the rest of my life. I’ve lived in three different   variety of cultures and customs was very exciting.
and activities with the rest of the boarders.
                                                 boarding houses over my time at Kingswood,
The support offered is something I’ve                                                                 It’s an adventure coming to a boarding         I love to travel and discover new places,
                                                 and each house has its own unique values
noticed throughout my boarding journey—                                                               school like Monmouth. The mixture of           cultures and experiences. I also enjoy acting
                                                 which every boarder carries into their
moving up to Westwood, our Year 7 & 8                                                                 activities on offer, the commitment and        and devising scenes and scenarios.
                                                 next steps, but one thing always stays the
House was a scary change, but the house                                                               dedication of the boarding staff, and the
                                                 same, Kingswood really strives to give the                                                          I liked the inclusivity that Monmouth
parents and prefects made my experience                                                               food are the best things. As a boarder, you
                                                 best support and care for their boarding                                                            School for Girls actively encourages and
something I’ll never forget.                                                                          build strong connections with friends which
                                                 community, no matter the house”                                                                     engages in and the vast range of facilities
The next big steps were to the senior                                                                 will, hopefully, last a lifetime.
                                                 Rachel – a boarder at Kingswood School                                                              and experiences that the school offers to
boarding houses. The girls in my house                                                                                                               support your interests and make your life as
were so welcoming, and the                                                                                                                           enjoyable as they can.
many activities run by the
houses really made us feel                                                                                                                           The staff at Monmouth are fun and will talk
like a big family.                                                                                                                                   to you regularly to make sure you are alright.
                                                                                                                                                     Everyone looks after each other and that’s
                                                                                                                                                     why I liked it so much. Monmouth is big, but
                                                                                                                                                     close-knit family.
                                                                                                                                                     Rhiannon, 18 – was a boarder at
                                                                                                                                                     Monmouth School for Girls for five years

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UK Schools Directory 2022/23 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOL SPECIALIST - - Anderson Education
“Growing up in Dubai, I was very excited to
                                                                                                                             come to school in England and discover the
                                                                                                                                    opportunities available to me.
Introducing the EPQ                                                                                                            My brother is also here and as a family,
                                                                                                                              it’s made us appreciate each other more. ”

The EPQ was introduced to the UK in 2006 and consists
of either a practical project, plus a 1,000-word report or
a 5,000-word dissertation. Everyone gives a ten-minute
presentation on their work and answers questions from
an audience. Each student has a supervisor and receives
around 30 hours of teaching, as well as spending between
90 - 120 hours on the project itself.

More and more universities and employers           to a future career and a taster of academic
are recognising EPQs when they assess              life after school. It is not only an intellectual
student applications. They like the EPQ as it      and practical challenge but an intellectual
helps develop skills such as critical thinking,    task that can be immensely rewarding.
problemsolving and creativity which are                                                                 studentfocus
                                                   Patrick Ost – EPQ Co-ordinator,
valuable not only for university study but
also for the world of work. With a choice
of just three or four A levels narrowing                                                               Boarding gives me endless
students’ choice of subject, an EPQ can
provide an opportunity to explore in                                                                   opportunities and has brought
depth another area of interest or something
they have never had the chance to study.                                                               me closer to my family
A successfully executed EPQ can tip
                                                                                                       Dubai doesn’t have many boarding schools and     I thought I would get homesick, but I still see
the balance in favour of one university
                                                                                                       it isn’t a normal concept there, so my friends   my family loads and don’t really feel
applicant over another and some
                                                                                                       were very surprised when I told them I was       separated from them. Sometimes, when
universities will even accept an excellent
                                                                                                       moving away for School. Whilst it started off    you’re further away it makes you appreciate
EPQ in lieu of a target grade in one
                                                                                                       hard, I soon settled in and Oakham quickly       them more and when I catch up with them I
A level subject. It is also great preparation
                                                                                                       became my home away from home.                   have so many stories to share.
for the shift in mental gear required at
university, as it requires a high level                                                                I’m a Drama Scholar and being at an English      The School has helped my mental health in
of independent work and original thought.                                                              school is giving me a greater chance to          many ways and I confide in my Housemistress
The EPQ has been on offer at Dauntsey’s                                                                secure a career in the performing arts when      a lot, as well as being supported by our
since 2012. We view it as a bridge                                                                     I leave school. We have a fantastic              Medical and Pastoral Centre.
between school and university, a chance                                                                on-campus theatre which is a great facility,
                                                                                                                                                        Boarding is enjoyable for me because I have all
to explore an area that might be relevant                                                              but I love the varied curriculum, the art
                                                                                                                                                        my friends here and they’re like family to me.
                                                                                                       department, and the sports facilities at
                                                                                                       School – there’s so much to do!                  Tarisai – a boarder at Oakham School

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UK Schools Directory 2022/23 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOL SPECIALIST - - Anderson Education
01                                LONDON AND SOUTH EAST                                                                                    LONDON AND SOUTH EAST                                                   01

     studentfocus                                                                                         Abbey DLD Colleges

A great place to further
enhance your sport and studies
Coming from an Asian-British background, I came to St Jo’s in the                                                                                                                         “Three independent
summer of 2020 after living in Dubai for over a decade. Despite the                                                                                                                        boarding colleges
unique differences both places share, I have loved my time so far.
                                                                                                                                                                                           located in London,
Boarding is a great place for many reasons.             physical side of any sport. Alongside football,                                                                                    Cambridge and
There is a massive family culture around the            I have also got an interest in playing cricket                                                                                     Manchester offering
place and many of the boarders I had met not            and St Jo’s has given me the opportunity to                                                                                        a gold standard
so long ago I classify as my best friends. As well      play a lot of cricket during the summer term.                                                                                      education.”
as this, it gives you a very good opportunity to        I have had the opportunity to train three
play sport. For example, I originally came here         times a week with the school as well as a
to play football. Despite this year being heavily       match on the weekend. During the winter,
affected by COVID, I have had the luxury of up          there is also an opportunity to play cricket      The Abbey DLD Group of Colleges     We work with students to help      Our colleges offer the highest
to four training sessions a week with school, as        with the cricketers training in our indoor        comprises three outstanding         them gain entry to their chosen    quality teaching with opportunities
well as the access to the school pitches after          facilities multiple times a week.                 colleges in London, Cambridge       university and position students   to enter the UK’s leading
school where I could train individually. I have                                                           and Manchester, each offering a     to take on the world of            universities and gain from the
also had the opportunity to play outside of             Another great thing about boarding is the         tailored education designed to      employment with the first class     unrivalled facilities that benefi t
school for clubs where I have had extra training        educational aspect. Every evening after dinner,   launch students on a successful     reputation of Abbey DLD            hundreds of international students
as well as making new friends. For the most part        we are required to start study at 6:30pm.         and prosperous future, including    Colleges behind them. In 2021,     every year. We are totally
of it, I have had up to six team training sessions a    Being in year 10 and in my first year of my       entry to the UK’s most              93% of our students at Abbey       committed to enabling our students
week which has been brilliant for my development        GCSE’s I am required to do an hour and            prestigious & Oxbridge              College Cambridge achieved         to achieve their full potential.
       as a footballer. Boarding also gives us access   forty-five minutes of study every evening         universities. The locations of      grades A*-B in the A Levels.       We achieve this through rigorous
                    to the gym every night which        apart from Friday and Saturday evening. This      our colleges are chosen to offer    While, 83% of our students at      yet informal teaching by
                     is very beneficial to the          has been very beneficial for me as I have seen    cultural and academic               Abbey College Manchester           high-quality staff, small class sizes
                                                        progress in my confidence and quality of work     distinction. Our courses include    achieved A*-B in their A Levels,   and frequent assessments.
                                                        in the last year. I would describe boarding       a wide range of GCSEs (from 13      and 82% of our students at DLD
                                                                                                                                                                                 To find out more information
                                                        here a great place to further enhance on your     years), A Levels, BTECs and         College London achieved A*-B in
                                                                                                                                                                                 please visit:
                                                        sport and studies. It is a great environment      several International Foundation    their A Levels.
                                                        and we have an incredible housemistress and       Programmes (from 17 years).
                                                        assistant housemaster who are constantly                                             C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N
                                                        taking care of us and making sure we get our
                                                        school work done as well as having a good          School Type: Co-educational boarding college         Telephone:   +44 (0) 7935 133465

                                                        time. I think boarding at St Joseph’s is           Age Range:   13-21 years                             Email:
                                                        absolutely amazing and I am very glad I made                    (youngest boarder 13 years)
                                                                                                                                                                Address:     Abbey DLD Colleges
                                                        the choice and thoroughly looking forward to       Contact:     Wisam Afisa,                                          c/o Alpha Plus Group
                                                                                                                        Senior International Regional Manager                50 Queen Anne Street
                                                        the next year.                                                                                                       London W1G 8HJ
                                                        Zuhair – a boarder at St Joseph’s College

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02                                 LONDON AND SOUTH EAST                                                                                        LONDON AND SOUTH EAST                                                03

Ardingly College                                                                                             Bede’s Senior School and
                                                                                                             Bede’s Prep School

                                                                                   “Our students
                                                                                                                                                                                                “Our parents
                                                                                    leave as confident
                                                                                                                                                                                                 comment that
                                                                                    individuals ready
                                                                                                                                                                                                 whilst many
                                                                                    for the world
                                                                                                                                                                                                 schools claim
                                                                                    having reached
                                                                                                                                                                                                 to focus on the
                                                                                    their academic
                                                                                                                                                                                                 individual child,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bede’s genuinely
                                                                                                                                                                                                 does just that.”

Schools are places of discovery     the UK, just 15 minutes from          and excursions. We support         Bede’s is a co-educational          individualised tutoring forming       Academies in cricket, football,
as well as education. No child      London Gatwick and 45 minutes         every student to find balance       day and boarding school,            the bedrock of the School.            tennis and hockey. Both Bede’s
is good at everything but every     from London Heathrow.                 and fulfilment, whilst developing   based in rural Sussex in the                                              Senior and Prep Schools
child is good at something.                                               the resilience to overcome                                             At Sixth Form nearly two
                                    In the Senior School pupils                                              South East of England with good                                           have been recognised by
We will support every student                                             any challenges.                                                        thirds of all grades were A*-A.
                                    design their academic                                                    access to both Gatwick and                                                The Week magazine with their
to discover where their                                                                                                                          Bede’s academic offer extends
                                    programme to suit their abilities     Sport, music, art and drama        Heathrow airports. Bede’s                                                 “great for sport” independent
strengths lie.                                                                                                                                   well beyond the classroom
                                    and interests whilst studying core    feature highly in the lives of     offers full and weekly boarding                                           schools awards.
                                                                                                                                                 with a rich variety of academic
But more than that we are living    subjects of Maths, English and        pupils at Ardingly College.        for 325 pupils across five
                                                                                                                                                 enrichment opportunities              Alongside the strong performing
in a diverse and competitive        Science. Pre-IB is also offered. In   We also have an extensive          stunning boarding houses,
                                                                                                                                                 on offer, including our UK            arts offer, including the Legat
world. At Ardingly College we       the Sixth Form there is a choice      enrichment programme               including a new boys’ house
understand this and encourage       of A level, IB or BTEC. Our           offering a wide variety of                                             Space Design competition,             School of Dance, Bede’s attracts
                                                                                                             opening in September 2022.
our students to grasp every         academic results are excellent        activities enabling students to                                        debating and a wide range of          pupils globally for its highly
opportunity to be ready for the     across the board.                     discover academic passions,        The School is well known for its    academic societies.                   regarded visual arts and
world when they leave us.                                                 fulfil interests, and develop       unique educational philosophy                                             media programmes.
                                    There is a vibrant social life                                                                               On the sporting front,
                                                                          creative or sporting talents.      focused on educating the whole
Ardingly College is based in the    for boarders at the weekend,                                                                                 Bede’s offers year-round
                                                                                                             person with expert and highly
beautiful Sussex countryside in     with a programme of events

                                    C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N                                                                            C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N

 Head:        Mr Ben Figgis                            Telephone:    +44 (0) 1444 893000                      Head:        Mr Peter Goodyer                         Website:

 School Type: Co-educational boarding and day          Email:                School Type: Co-educational boarding and day          Telephone:     +44 (0) 1323 356609

 Age Range:   2-18 years                               Address:      Ardingly College                         Age Range:   0-18 years                               Email:
              (youngest boarder 13 years)                            Haywards Heath                                        (youngest boarder Year 5)
                                                                                                                                                                    Address:       Bede’s Senior School
                                                                     West Sussex
 Contact:     Suzanne O’Shea, Registrar                                                                       Contact:     Mr Richard Mills (Registrar for                         Upper Dicker
                                                                     RH17 6SQ                                                                                                      East Sussex
                                                                                                                           Senior School) and Mrs Laura West
 Website:                                                                                             (Admissions Officer for Prep School)                     BN27 3QH

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UK Schools Directory 2022/23 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOL SPECIALIST - - Anderson Education
04                               LONDON AND SOUTH EAST                                                                                            LONDON AND SOUTH EAST                                                  05

Christ’s Hospital                                                                                              Claremont School

                                                                                   “Christ’s Hospital                                                                                             “A great school
                                                                                    is the only                                                                                                    with a brilliant
                                                                                    co-educational                                                                                                 ethos - friendly,
                                                                                    “Full Boarding”                                                                                                fair, intimate,
                                                                                    school in the                                                                                                  encouraging
                                                                                    South of England.”                                                                                             individuality
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and passion”

Christ’s Hospital is an             If you want a school with             The School is unashamedly            Claremont Prep and Senior           personal development comes            Alongside this process, we study
independent co-educational          the ‘wow’ factor in abundance,        academic - with 98% of pupils        are located over two sites          with a degree of good struggle        current school reports and align
boarding school for pupils          look no further than                  moving on each year to the           nestled in the quintessential       and endeavour. We ensure our          future academic and career
aged 11-18 with just over           Christ’s Hospital.                    leading universities.                English countryside, close to       students become the very best         aspirations, as appropriate.
900 pupils, and an equal mix                                                                                   the south coast of England and      version of themselves, to grow        Although non-selective, Claremont’s
                                    Christ’s Hospital is one of only      What is so special is the extent     the British seaside.                respectful of their individual        GCSE and A level results have
of boys and girls.
                                    four co-educational full boarding     of the resources on offer:                                               privilege and to be aware of how      been truly exceptional and our
                                                                                                               Claremont is a small school with
The School is situated in           senior schools in the country.        24/7 teachers, supported prep,                                           they can become active,               OFSTED report is continually
                                                                                                               a friendly, collegiate feel; our
beautiful Sussex countryside,       The advantage of full boarding        a range of activities including                                          impactful citizens of the world.      ‘Outstanding’ across all criteria.
                                                                                                               teachers, staff and students are
just 20 miles south of London       is that all pupils stay at school     societies like the medics group
                                                                                                               close, and we foster an             We are a non-selective school;        Being able to prepare young
Gatwick, 38 miles from London       twenty-four hours a day,              to help with university
                                                                                                               environment that is respectful,     we do not ask prospective             people for maths degrees at
Heathrow and is very fortunate      seven days a week.                    applications as well as impressive
                                                                                                               compassionate and conducive to      students to sit an entrance           Harvard as effectively as for
in having its own mainline          On Saturday mornings there            sports facilities.                   positive learning. We encourage     examination. Instead, we interview    fashion courses in London is
railway station with regular        are lessons followed by a                                                  all our students to embrace the     all our international candidates in   something all our staff are
trains to Gatwick Airport           weekend programme of activity                                              idea that great knowledge and       person or online, in English.         enormously proud of.
and London.                         and entertainment.

                                                                                                                                                   C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N
                                   C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N
                                                                                                                Heads:       Mr Ed Dickie (Senior School);            Website:
 Head:        Simon Reid                               Website:                             Mr Gavin Bunker (Prep School)            Telephone:   +44 (0) 1580 830396
 School Type: Co-educational boarding and day          Telephone:    +44 (0) 1403 247410                        School Type: Co-educational boarding and day          Email:
 Age Range:   11-18 years                              Email:                Age Range:   3 months – 18 years                      Addresses:   Claremont Senior School
              (youngest boarder 11 years)                                                                                    (youngest boarder 11 years)                           Bodiam, East Sussex, TN32 5UJ, UK
                                                       Address:      Christ’s Hospital
 Contact:                                                                                                                                                                          Claremont Prep School
              Joanne Coveney,                                        Horsham                                    Contact:     Lily Lam
              Registrar                                              West Sussex RH13 0LG                                                                                          Ebdens Hill, St Leonards
                                                                                                                             Head of Admissions
                                                                                                                                                                                   East Sussex, TN37 7PW, UK

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UK Schools Directory 2022/23 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOL SPECIALIST - - Anderson Education
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Cranbrook School                                                                                              Downe House

                                                                                                                                                                                                  “Downe House
                                                                                                                                                                                                   achieved for my
                                                                                                                                                                                                   daughter something
                                                                                                                                                                                                   which many parents
                                                                                   “We aim for all
                                                                                                                                                                                                   dream for their
                                                                                    boarders to fulfil
                                                                                                                                                                                                   child; to help them
                                                                                    their potential
                                                                                                                                                                                                   discover their gifts
                                                                                    and develop as
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and passions in life.”
                                                                                    well rounded
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Downe House Parent

Cranbrook School is a                 Their experience in our boarding    minds. We balance a traditional     Established in 1907, Downe           Politics, Downe House                  girls spend a term at Downe
highly-regarded, co-educational,      family is happy and vibrant,        academic curriculum with a busy     House is a traditional British       introduces, nurtures and               House Sauveterre in France and
day and boarding grammar              thanks to the excellent             co-curriculum of competitive        boarding school with a               encourages every pupil to be the       later can take part in the Global
school. Situated in the Kent          accommodation in our six            sport, music, drama, CCF, DofE      modern twist for girls aged          best version of themselves.            Schools’ Exchange Programme,
countryside, we have been             Houses, our skilled, dedicated      and student-led societies.          11-18. Situated just outside
                                                                                                                                                   The foundation of academic             studying abroad in one of
educating students for over           teams and an extensive              Opportunities for independent       London, an hour from
                                                                                                                                                   success is evident from the            15 partner schools across
                                      programme of activities.            thought and leadership are many     Heathrow, the School boasts                                                 6 continents. Girls in the Sixth
500 years, supporting them to                                                                                                                      excellent GCSE and A Level
fulfil their true potential through    Our boarders hail from the UK       – particularly for senior pupils,   excellent transport links and is
                                                                                                                                                   results. In 2021, 89% GCSE             Form benefi t from the Global
our core values of respect,           and overseas and enrich our         who benefi t from the social and     nestled in a beautiful 110-acre
                                                                                                                                                   grades were 9-7, with 46% at the       Internship Programme and
                                                                                                              woodland estate in Berkshire.
                                                                                                                                                   very top grade 9. At ‘A’ Level,        DH LINKS, the School’s
aspiration and achievement.           community with different            academic buzz to be found in
                                                                                                              Every pupil is treated and           98% of girls achieved A* to B          comprehensive networking and
                                      cultures and perspectives.          our Sixth Form Centre. With an
Boarders enter in Years 7                                                                                                                                                                 career initiative, along with the
                                                                          Ofsted rating of ‘Outstanding’,     celebrated as an individual.         grades and 51% A*or equivalent
and 12. Our overall school            Students thrive, thanks to the                                                                                                                      World Ready programme, which
                                                                          our academic results are            Whether she is an artist with
population is 872, including          breadth and challenge of our                                                                                 Downe House honours an                 is layered into every aspect of
                                                                          consistently among the best for     an aptitude for Mathematics,
240 boarders. Boarders give           curriculum, and our emphasis on                                                                              exceptional programme to nurture       school life to prepare pupils for
                                                                          state schools in the country.       a scientist with a love of Music,
                                      growing character as much as                                                                                 global citizens and expands the        the wider world.
us a rare and special dimension.                                                                              or an athlete with an interest in
                                                                                                                                                   girls’ cultural horizons. In year 8,

                                      C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N                                                                            C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N

 Head:        Mr. Will Chuter (From Jan 2021)         Telephone:   +44 (0) 1580 711804                         Head:        Mrs Emma McKendrick                        Telephone:   +44 (0) 1635 204701

 School Type: State co-educational boarding and day   Email:            School Type: Independent girls boarding school          Email:

 Age Range:   11-18 years                             Address:     Cranbrook School                            Age Range:   11-18 years                                Address:     Downe House
              (youngest boarder 13 years)                          Waterloo Road                                            (youngest boarder 11 years)                             Cold Ash
                                                                   Cranbrook                                                                                                        Thatcham
 Contact:     Andrea Baker, Registrar                                                                          Contact:     Tara Reeve, Director of Admissions                      Berkshire RG18 9JJ
                                                                   Kent TN17 3JD
 Website:                                                                        Website:

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Frensham Heights School                                                                                         Gordon’s School

                                                                                   “A Frensham
                                                                                    education is                                                                                                   “Gordon’s combines
                                                                                    about much more                                                                                                 ‘outstanding’
                                                                                    than just results.                                                                                              boarding provision
                                                                                    It is about being                                                                                               alongside some
                                                                                    yourself.”                                                                                                      of the very best
                                                                                                                                                                                                    education in the

Frensham Heights is an               When you join, you can just relax    successful progressive schools in     Built over a century ago at the       outstanding examination results     All students benefi t from an
independent, coeducational           and be yourself. The teachers        the UK, with 65.7% A*-A at            express wish of Queen Victoria,       but a thorough preparation for      extended school day with
day and boarding school for          don’t hide behind titles or formal   A Level in 2021 (31% A*) and          as the national monument to           life; it is about providing         younger years staying for supper
children age 3-18 nestled in the     clothes and the children’s           63.3% grades 9-7 at GCSE.             General Gordon, Gordon’s              opportunities and experiences       and supervised prep up until
beautiful Surrey Hills.              individuality isn’t hidden behind                                          School is listed as one of            for all young people to find their   7.30pm and Sixth Formers
                                                                          But a Frensham education is
                                     uniforms or false respect.                                                 Britain’s outstanding schools by      talents and interests, develop      until 9.00pm.
At Frensham, you’ll find an                                                about so much more than just
                                     Everyone is an important, valued                                           Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector.        good character, become
energy, a feeling of happiness                                            results. It is an environment that                                                                              The real judgement of Gordon’s
                                     part of the community.                                                                                           accomplished and achieve
and calm that has been with us                                            says come and be you. If you love     A non-selective, co-educational                                           is the students. All who visit are
                                                                                                                                                      across a range of disciplines and
since we were founded in 1925.       Teachers and students have           dancing, then do that. If you love    residential and day boarding                                              struck by the friendliness,
                                                                                                                                                      ultimately develop the
It comes from the children being     conversations and build              science, then great do that. If you   school, set in 50 acres of Surrey                                         discipline and vibrancy
                                     relationships, really special        love wearing woolly hats all year,                                          confidence to go and make their
comfortable in their own skins.                                                                                 parkland, the School is in the top                                        throughout the school and the
                                     relationships based on genuine,      that’s fine too. Be yourself, be                                             mark in the world.
With no prefects or head boys                                                                                   1% of all schools in England and                                          special rapport between staff
and girls, everyone is on a level    mutual respect and interest.         happy, be open-minded and the         Wales for progress at A Level.        There are three main admission      and students.
playing field. They can be who        Relationships that spark learning.   learning will follow.                 However, the School’s ethos is        points, Year 7; Year 9 and
they are.                            We are today one of the most                                               that a good education is not just     Sixth Form.

                                     C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N                                                                                C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N

 Head:        Rick Clarke                                    Telephone:   +44 (0) 1252 792561                    Head:        Andrew Moss                                Website:
 School Type: Co-educational boarding and day                Email:                     School Type: State co-educational boarding and day      Telephone:   +44 (0) 1276 858084
 Age Range:   3-18 years                                     Address:     Frensham Heights School                Age Range:   11-18 years                                Email:
              (youngest boarder Year 7)                                   Rowledge                                            (youngest boarder 11 years)
                                                                          Farnham                                                                                        Address:     Gordon’s School
 Contact:     Emma Judge, Director of External Relations                  Surrey                                 Contact:     Vicky Genetay, Sixth Form Registrar                     Bagshot Road
                                                                          GU10 4EA                                            or Sue Tozer, Main School Registrar                     West End
 Website:                                                                                                                                                        Surrey GU24 9PT

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Lancing College                                                                                                      LVS Ascot

                                                                                       “A truly beautiful                                                                                          “The quality of the
                                                                                        school where the                                                                                            pupils’ personal
                                                                                        upward spaces                                                                                               development is excellent.
                                                                                        encourage students                                                                                          At all ages, pupils rapidly
                                                                                        to reach for the                                                                                            develop high levels of
                                                                                        skies whilst                                                                                                self-confidence,
                                                                                        keeping their feet                                                                                          self-knowledge and
                                                                                        on the ground.”                                                                                             resilience.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ISI Focused Compliance & Educational
                                                                                          The Good Schools Guide                                                                                    Quality Inspection Report, May 2019

Lancing College is a highly            and develop through co-curricular      Lancing welcomes pupils from           LVS Ascot is an award winning,         Houses, located in Berkshire,          theatre, learning resource centre,
successful boarding school             activities. The College opened its     over 40 different countries            all-ability, independent day and       close to London and the                astro pitch, fi tness centre and
with an outstanding reputation.        equestrian centre in 2017,             creating an amazing and highly         boarding school that inspires          neighbouring county of Surrey.         wellbeing hub. A full range of
Located in 550 acres of the            providing a first class riding          beneficial community - inclusive,       boys and girls from 4 to 18 to                                                planned activities and outings
                                                                                                                                                            Just 30 minutes from Heathrow
magnificent South Downs                 experience to the pupils and also      diverse and globally aware. The        exceed their expectations and                                                 keep students stimulated and
                                                                                                                                                            and an hour from Gatwick, LVS
National Park, it is only one          to the wider community. Lancing is     College has ten Houses where           become independent adults,                                                    entertained during the evenings
                                                                                                                                                            Ascot provides modern,
hour from London and                   also highly regarded for its music     boys and girls stay for the duration   through a rounded education                                                   and weekends.
                                                                                                                                                            comfortable and extensive
convenient for both Heathrow           and arts and our most talented         of their time at Lancing. Each         that delivers academic rigor           facilities for a thriving boarding     Proud of its excellent academic
and Gatwick airports.                  pupils go on to study at               House becomes a real home, a           alongside sporting, performing         community of 180 students from         & pastoral care, staff across the
                                       prestigious music schools. Our         place where pupils build lifelong      and creative opportunities.            a range of backgrounds in the UK       school work together to ensure
Pupils at Lancing benefit from a
                                       pupils have different gifts and        friendships and are cared for by a     As an all-through school, it offers    and internationally.                   that every student’s personal
genuinely all-round approach:
                                       personalities, Lancing’s strength is   dedicated Housemaster or               a seamless education within a                                                 development is nurtured,
excellent academic results are                                                                                                                              LVS Ascot facilities include: Infant
                                       to support them in exploring their     Housemistress.                         spacious 26 acre site that                                                    believing that encouragement
achieved within an environment                                                                                                                              & Junior School environmental
                                       talents and making the most of                                                includes Infant & Junior School,                                              and support are essential to help
where pupils are given a wide                                                                                                                               garden, indoor swimming pool,
                                       them, as well as pushing them out                                             Senior School and Sixth Form                                                  young people become confident
range of opportunities to explore                                                                                                                           fully equipped 250 seater
                                       into new ventures.                                                            Facilities as well as four Boarding                                           citizens for the future.

                                      C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N                                                                                     C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N

 Head:        Dominic Oliver, MPhil                        Website:                      Head:        Mrs Christine Cunniffe                       Website:
 School Type: Co-educational boarding and day              Telephone:   +44 (0) 1273 465 805                          School Type: Co-educational boarding and day              Telephone:   +44 (0) 1344 882770
 Age Range:   13-18 years                                  Email:                     Age Range:   4-18 years                                   Email:
              (youngest boarder 13 years)                                                                                          (youngest boarder 8 years)
                                                           Address:     Lancing College                                                                                         Address:     LVS Ascot
 Contact:     Maggie Roberts,                                           Lancing                                       Contact:     Admissions Team                                           London Road, Ascot
              Director of Admissions                                    West Sussex                                                                                                          Berkshire SL5 8DR
                                                                        BN15 0RW

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Mill Hill School & Mill Hill International                                                                                          Queenswood

                                                                                                      “London’s leading
                                                                                                       co-educational                                                                                                     “Queenswood is
                                                                                                       day and boarding                                                                                                    ‘a modern girls’
                                                                                                       school for 13 to                                                                                                    school to which
                                                                                                       18 year olds.”                                                                                                      others should
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Good Schools Guide

 Mill Hill School                                 Mill Hill International School

Mill Hill School is London’s                 north of London, Mill Hill School             the Mill Hill School site,               For more than 125 years,             More than half of pupils at             the school’s dynamic curriculum
leading co-educational day and               has an international reputation               International School pupils have         Queenswood has delivered a           Queenswood are boarders,                including their well-known
boarding school for boys and                 for excellence which has been                 full use of the Senior School’s          truly progressive education in       either boarding full-time or            specialisms of sports and the
girls aged 13 to 18, offering                built over more than two                      excellent facilities including an        the most idyllic of environments.    flexibly. Girls enjoy the                creative and performing arts.
GCSE and A Level courses,                    centuries since its foundation.               indoor swimming pool, sports             Set in 120 acres of beautiful        exceptional facilities in each of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The school is known for its
and forms part of the Mill Hill                                                            hall, library, theatre and Music         Hertfordshire countryside, just      the four boarding houses,
                                             The Mount, Mill Hill International                                                                                                                                  exceptional pastoral care and
School Foundation.                                                                         Department.                              20 minutes by fast train from        developing their independence
                                             School, is located within its own                                                                                                                                   happy, purposeful atmosphere.
Mill Hill School was founded in              newly refurbished campus just a               The following courses are                Central London, the school           and key skills such as empathy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The ‘Queenswood Qualities’ of
1807, when its founders wisely               short walk from the main Mill Hill            offered at Mill Hill International:
                                                                                                                                    community of 450 pupils is           and inquisitiveness.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 creativity and resourcefulness,
                                                                                                                                    large enough to offer outstanding
chose its location on the top of a           School site, and its pupils are               Fast Track Intensive English                                                  Queenswood is a community               courage and resilience, curiosity
                                                                                                                                    opportunities, yet small enough
hillside for its fresh air, safety and       members of the wider Mill Hill                Course, Year 9 Course,                                                        where pupils achieve outstanding        and reflectiveness underpin every
                                                                                                                                    that girls are known personally
natural beauty.                              School community.                             Two-Year GCSE Course,                                                         results, both in and beyond the         aspect of the girls’ education.
                                                                                                                                    to teaching and support staff
Located in 120 acres of beautiful            Accommodated in one of five                    One-Year GCSE Course.                                                         classroom. The opportunities for
                                                                                                                                    alike. Their individuality, unique                                           Most importantly, Queenswood
parkland just ten miles to the               dedicated boarding houses on                                                                                                growth and development are
                                                                                                                                    potential and special qualities                                              girls are happy – and happy girls
                                                                                                                                                                         extensive, exciting and fun.
                                                                                                                                    are nurtured and realised.                                                   are successful girls.
                                            C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N                                                                                            Pupils engage enthusiastically in
 Head:              Mrs Jane Sanchez (Mill Hill School)         Telephone:         +44 (0) 20 8959 1176 (Mill Hill School)
                    Ms Sarah Bellotti (Mill Hill International)                    +44 (0) 20 3826 3333 (Mill Hill International)                                        C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N

 School Type: Co-educational boarding and day                   Email:                        Head:        Mrs Jo Cameron, BSc (Hons)                 Telephone:      +44 (0) 1707 602652

 Age Range:         13-18 years                                 Address:           Mill Hill School                                  School Type: Girls Senior Boarding and Day School       Email:
                    (youngest boarder 13 years)                                    The Ridgeway                                      Age Range:   11 –18 years                               Address:        Queenswood School
                                                                                   Mill Hill Village                                              (youngest boarder 11 years)                                Shepherd’s Way
 Contact:           Korina Freese,
                                                                                   London NW7 1QS                                    Contact:     Susan Harris,                                              Brookmans Park
                    International Recruitment Executive
                                                                                                                                                  Head of Pupil Recruitment                                  Hatfield
 Website:                                                                                                                                                                       Hertfordshire, AL9 6NS

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Rochester Independent College                                                                                   Royal Alexandra & Albert School

                                                                                     “It’s a place
                                                                                      for individuals.
                                                                                      The campus
                                                                                      is as unique
                                                                                      as the school.
                                                                                      The students are
                                                                                      a strikingly nice                                                                                                  “We develop
                                                                                      bunch and there’s                                                                                                   impressive
                                                                                      a lovely air of                                                                                                     individuals,
                                                                                      tolerance and                                                                                                       ready to flourish.”
                                                                                      Good Schools Guide

Rochester Independent College        they go on to win places at a         grown up in Italy and the UAE.       “The school provides a                  The School’s extensive grounds         In addition, all pupils undertake,
is a school like no other.           wide range of top universities.       However, all of my fears were        secure environment in which             house fantastic sporting facilities,   alongside their A Levels, the
                                                                           completely unjustified as the         children and young people flourish,     including five rugby pitches,          Extended Project Qualification
Our unique campus and friendly       “Having come from a large school
                                                                           boarding staff are a very friendly   achieve academically, stretch their     flood-lit all-weather sports           or the Cambridge Pre-U Global
staff make the college feel more     in Dubai where the teaching, for
                                                                           team and they instantly make         abilities and develop social skills.”   pitches, a state-of-the-art fitness    Perspectives short course.
like a home than a school. There     the most part, felt very impersonal
                                                                           you feel comfortable. Overall my     Ofsted March 2018                       centre, indoor swimming pool,
is no uniform, no bells ring, and    and uncaring; the teaching at RIC                                                                                                                         At the core of the School’s
                                                                           experience as a boarder has been                                             and Equestrian Centre.
everybody is on first-name            has been fantastic. Small class                                            Situated in 260 acres of beautiful                                             community is an understanding
                                                                           a truly positive one and
terms. However, that doesn’t         sizes make things much more
                                                                           I would recommend Rochester          parkland in Reigate, Surrey, the        In the Sixth Form there is an          of pupil needs and a commitment
stop Rochester from being in the     personal and it is much easier to
                                                                           Independent College to any local     Royal Alexandra and Albert              emphasis on developing                 to education – in the truest
top 2% in England for student        address any problems with course
                                                                           or international students.”          School is a state boarding school       leadership skills and a global         sense of the word. That is,
progress at A-level. And it          content. When I first arrived, I was
                                                                           Eric Charles, former RIC student.    for boys and girls age 7-18. There      outlook. As such, pupils participate   the development of strong
doesn’t stop us preparing our        incredibly worried about how my
                                                                           Now at Reading University            is a strong boarding ethos, with        in the Global Leader Award,            values, character, resilience
students for success: their hard     time here would unfold. I’d never
                                                                           studying Law.                        500 of the School’s 1,150 pupils        a bespoke leadership and skills-       and independence, as well as
work and first-class results mean     been to a boarding school, having
                                                                                                                being full boarders.                    based development programme.           academic achievement.

                                     C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N                                                                                  C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N

 Head:        Mr Alistair Brownlow                       Website:                 Head:         James Malley                                 Telephone:    +44 (0) 1737 649001
 School Type: Co-educational boarding and day            Telephone:    +44 (0) 1634 828115                       School Type: State co-educational boarding and day         Email:
 Age Range:   11-21 years
                                                         Email:       Age Range:    7-18 years                                   Address:      Royal Alexandra and Albert School
              (youngest boarder 15 years,
                                                                                                                               (youngest boarder 7 years)                                 Gatton Park
              13 from September 2022)                    Address:      Rochester Independent College                                                                                      Reigate
 Contact:     Rohan Froud & Alice Warner,                              254 St Margaret’s Banks                   Contact:      Fiona Newport, Admissions Officer                           Surrey, RH2 0TD
              Admissions                                               Rochester
                                                                       Kent ME1 1HY

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St George’s Ascot                                                                                                 St Lawrence College

                                                                                      “One of the
                                                                                       leading girls’                                                                                                  “Absolutely stunning!
                                                                                       schools in the UK,                                                                                               – outstanding
                                                                                       with excellence                                                                                                  boarding facilities
                                                                                       academically and                                                                                                 and a calm and safe
                                                                                       in the performing                                                                                                oasis of learning.”
                                                                                       and creative arts.”

St George’s Ascot, only eight          with St George’s aiming to help       and the Chapel Choir performing      Founded in 1879, the St Lawrence       boarders, with all rooms en-suite.    own 500-seat theatre. Our
miles from Heathrow and 30             the girls achieve 1-1.5 grades        at Westminster Abbey and St          College is home to 650 pupils          Academic standards are high, and      Canon Perfect Centre, opened in
minutes from London, is one of         higher at GCSE and A Level.           Paul’s Cathedral. Many budding       from all over the world and has a      an extensive choice of GCSEs and      2018, houses spacious rooms and
the leading girls’ boarding and                                              artists gain places at prestigious   real family atmosphere, with a         A-levels are offered, with an         state-of-the-art equipment for
                                       Boarding is homely and                                                     strong sense of community based        excellent success rate of pupils      Science, Art, Design and
day schools in the UK.                                                       universities including Central
                                       comfortable with an experienced                                            on Christian foundations. We           going on to their first choice of      Technology. Boarders can use all
                                                                             St Martins.
Deliberately small, every girl is      team of House Staff organising                                             welcome full boarding pupils           university, including Oxbridge. St    of the facilities on site in the
known individually and supported       an array of weekend trips and         Lacrosse, netball, tennis,           from 7 to 18 years to our beautiful    Lawrence College is a High            evenings and weekends and
by a close network of teaching         excursions. Socially the girls mix    swimming, athletics, rounders,       green campus. The school is            Performance Learning World            benefit from an extensive
and pastoral staff who focus on        with boys at Eton College,            squash and polo are all played       within close walking distance of       Class School, and was one of the      extra-curricular activities
enabling every pupil to excel not      Winchester College and                competitively and facilities are     the beach and the royal harbour        initial 14 schools globally to        programme.
                                                                                                                  of Ramsgate, situated in               achieve this coveted accolade.        London is only 75 minutes away
only academically, but also to         Harrow School.                        extensive with a new 25m, six
                                                                                                                  South-East coast of England.           Sporting facilities are exceptional   via direct high-speed train from
develop their creative, physical,                                            lane swimming pool which
                                       The Arts are fabulous with                                                 Boarding is central to the school’s    and include a magnificent Sports       Ramsgate to London St Pancras
spiritual and imaginative interests.                                         opened in September 2019.
                                       facilities including a 350 seat                                            life and a substantial programme       Centre and an Olympic standard        International and the school runs
Examination results are excellent      theatre, separate drama studio                                             of investment has created some         hockey pitch. Music and drama         its own airport transfer service to
                                                                                                                  truly remarkable facilities for our    flourish, enhanced by the School’s     Gatwick and Heathrow.

                                       C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N                                                                                 C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N

 Head:        Liz Hewer                                   Website:                Head:        Mr Barney Durrant                           Website:
 School Type: Girls boarding and day                      Telephone:     +44 (0) 1344 629 959                      School Type: Co-educational boarding and day             Telephone:   +44 (0) 1843 572 931
 Age Range:   11-18 years                                 Email:         Age Range:   3-18 years                                  Email:
              (youngest boarder 11 years)                                                                                       (youngest boarder 7 years)
                                                          Address:       St George’s Ascot                                                                                  Address:     St Lawrence College
 Contact:     Kerry Bertram,                                             Wells Lane                                Contact:     Mrs Emma Taker,                                          College Road
              Director of Admissions                                     Ascot                                                  Director of Marketing, Admissions                        Ramsgate
              and Marketing                                              Berkshire SL5 7DZ                                      and Development                                          Kent CT11 7AE

28                                       UK SCHOOLS DIRECTORY 2022/23                                                                                      UK SCHOOLS DIRECTORY 2022/23                                         29
18                                LONDON AND SOUTH EAST                                                                                                LONDON AND SOUTH EAST                                                19

Steyning Grammar School                                                                                           The Oratory School

                                                                                                                                                                                                     “An active choice
                                                                                     “Enjoy                                                                                                           for families
                                                                                      Respect                                                                                                         looking for a
                                                                                      Achieve.”                                                                                                       small, nurturing
                                                                                                                                                                                                      The Good Schools
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Guide 2021

Steyning Grammar School is a        We are a day and residential            SGS is proud to be part of the        The Oratory is an HMC                 first choice university. The         taking place on Saturday
unique, successful and dynamic      school with a large Sixth Form          Bohunt Education Trust (BET).         co-educational 11-18 Catholic         breadth of subjects on offer,       afternoons; the rest of the
learning community set in the       College and all the curriculum          BET’s vision is that the highest      boarding and day school.              combined with subject-based         weekend is taken up with an array
small historic market town of       choices that size enables. Steyning     expectations, an ethos of ‘enjoy,     Oratory boarders experience a         enrichment, promotes strong         of exciting activities and trips.
Steyning in West Sussex.            Grammar School has one of the           respect, achieve’, unparalleled       nurturing home environment            academic development. However,
                                                                                                                                                                                            Visitors often comment on the
                                    most successful boarding provisions     opportunity and highly effective      with all pupils, day and boarding,    an Oratory education is about
Our ‘Journey to Excellence’                                                                                                                                                                 inclusive family atmosphere of
                                    in the UK, the only state boarding      teaching combine to develop           living in their Houses together.      developing our young people in a
is built on traditions of                                                                                                                                                                   our school; it is this supportive
                                    facility in Sussex. Our Boarding        students who are ‘game-changers’.                                           deeper sense than exam results
excellence and highest                                                                                            Boarding houses are centrally                                             environment that nurtures the
                                    School is rated Outstanding by          BET aims to give all students,                                              alone can demonstrate.
expectations, combined with                                                                                       located on our safe and secure                                            confidence, self-expression, and
                                    Ofsted. Accommodating full and          regardless of background, an          100-acre campus, just 45 minutes      Oratory boarders are offered a      resilience that are vital for
a commitment to innovation
                                    weekly boarders where students          outstanding education and             from London Heathrow, in the          whole host of social and cultural   success and happiness in the
and new thinking – to support
                                    are happy, engaged and keen to          develop skills in the classroom       beautiful Oxfordshire countryside.    opportunities that contribute       world of today.
our students in preparation for
                                    learn. State boarding schools           and beyond; to help young                                                   another dimension to their broad
their exciting futures.                                                                                           The Oratory has high academic                                             “Sending our son to The Oratory
                                    provide free tuition with modest        people flourish throughout their                                             Oratory education. Our school
                                                                                                                  standards with the majority of                                            has been one of the best decisions
                                    fees for boarding.                      school career, and into later life.                                         week runs from Monday to
                                                                                                                  our pupils gaining entry to their                                         we have ever made.”
                                                                                                                                                        Saturday with sports matches
                                                                                                                                                                                            A parent of an Oratory boarder.
                                   C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N
                                                                                                                                                        C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N
 Executive Headteacher: Mr Mark Marande                        Telephone:      +44 (0) 1903 817601
 Associate Headteacher: Mrs Natasha Nicol                                                                          Head:        Joe Smith, BA MEd PGCE                    Telephone:   +44 (0) 1491 683500
 School Type:         State co-educational boarding and day                                                        School Type: Co-educational boarding and day           Email:
                                                               Address:        Steyning Grammar School
                                                                                                                   Age Range:   11-18 years                               Address:     The Oratory School
 Age Range:           11-18 years                                              Day and Boarding
                                                                                                                                (youngest boarder 11 years)                            Woodcote
                      (youngest boarder 13 years)                              Church Street
                                                                                                                                                                                       Near Reading
                                                                               Steyning                            Contact:     Natasha Pearce, Registrar
 Contact:             Mrs Suzie Plimmer                                        West Sussex
                                                                                                                                                                                       South Oxfordshire
                                                                                                                   Website:                                      RG8 0PJ
 Website:                                              BN44 3LB

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01                                         SOUTH AND WEST                                                                                                    SOUTH AND WEST                                                   02

Badminton School                                                                                                 Bruton School for Girls

                                                                                                                                                                                                     “I am who I am today
                                                                                                                                                                                                      because of Bruton
                                                                                                                                                                                                      School for Girls.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      The school challenges
                                                                                                                                                                                                      me, supports me,
                                                                                     “A world-class                                                                                                   nurtures me and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      believed in me! ‘You
                                                                                      education in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      can’t explain it unless
                                                                                      heart of Bristol.”                                                                                              you’ve been here
                                                                                                                                                                                                      but the atmosphere,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      the pupil/teacher
                                                                                                                                                                                                      relationships and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      small class sizes are
                                                                                                                                                                                                      amazing – I love it here.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Year 10 boarder

Badminton is a thriving                Whilst the school retains a           into the day to day life of the     This is a place where girls are         countryside, only two hours         79% A*/A and 94% A*/B
independent day and boarding           nationally outstanding academic       School, where girls are given a     inspired and flourish throughout         from London. We are extremely       at A Level. Through individual
school for girls aged 3-18,            record, its focus continues to be     wide range of opportunities to      their time here. The skills of          proud of our heritage and even      support, small classes and
which has remained at the              on nurturing the girls’ natural       grow, develop and express           resilience, communication,              more passionate about making a      focused attention we are able to
forefront of girls’ education          curiosity and fuelling their          themselves in an enormous           understanding and teamwork              difference in education. Being a    ensure our pupils reach the very
for well over 160 years. The size      passion for learning. Therefore,      range of activities.                we develop throughout these             small school, we know all our       best universities.
of the campus and community            we select girls on their personal                                         years will be of even greater           pupils individually and our broad
                                                                             The best way to understand the                                                                                  This is a very special school,
gives a homely and vibrant feel        strengths and all round ability, as                                       importance going forward in an          curriculum ensures that we
                                                                             School and to enjoy its                                                                                         with a big personality and our
to the School.                         well as their academic potential.                                         ever-changing world. Consequently,      develop the confidence to
                                                                             atmosphere is to come and visit.                                                                                education goes far beyond the
                                       It is a characteristic of Badminton                                       our girls grow into confident,           succeed in life, not just in the
This, coupled with our excellent                                             Please do get in touch to arrange                                                                               classroom - opportunities to
                                       girls that they are thoughtful                                            mature and independent                  classroom.
pastoral care, leaves no scope for                                           a visit and we will look forward                                                                                try a wide range of different
                                       individuals, able to evaluate                                             individuals, ready to make their
anonymity, but rather lends itself                                           to welcoming you and your                                                   As an academically non-selective    experiences from Ballet to
                                       information and decide for                                                mark on the world.
to strong mutually supportive                                                daughter to Badminton.                                                      school we are extremely proud       Cricket, Kick Boxing to
                                       themselves. This approach
relationships between girls as well                                                                              Established in 1900 and set in the      of our academic results – 50% of    Mechanics, we offer so
                                       extends beyond their studies and
as between girls and staff.                                                                                      heart of the beautiful Somerset         ALL pupils achieved an A*/A,        much more.

                                       C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N                                                                              C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N
 Head:        Mrs Rebecca Tear                            Website:                  Head:        Mrs Jane Evans                              Website:
 School Type: Girls boarding and day                      Telephone:   +44 (0) 117 905 5271                       School Type: Girls’ boarding and day                     Telephone:   +44 (0) 1749 814400
 Age Range:   3-18 years                                  Email:           Age Range:   2-18 years                                  Email:
              (youngest boarder 9 years)                                                                                       (youngest boarder 7 years)
                                                          Address:     Badminton School                                                                                    Address:     Bruton School for Girls
 Contact:     Katherine Stewart,                                       Westbury-on-Trym                                                                                                 Sunny Hill
                                                                                                                  Contact:     Tessa Howard-Vyse,
              Admissions Manager                                       Bristol                                                                                                          Bruton
                                                                                                                               Director of External Relations
                                                                       BS9 3BA                                                                                                          Somerset, BA10 0NT

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