"Unconventional Food: vegeterian and vegan cuisines" - und Vermittlungsagentur GmbH

Page created by Brandon Mcgee
"Unconventional Food: vegeterian and vegan cuisines" - und Vermittlungsagentur GmbH
ERASMUS+ KA1 - Learning Mobility of Individuals
               VET learner and staff mobility PROGRAMME (2014-2020)
                     BVÖ Bildungsberatung & Vermittlungsagentur GmbH,
                           Frankenberg 6, 9571 Sirnitz, Österreich
                 „Unconventional Food: vegeterian and vegan cuisines“
                             Project No. 2018-1-AT01-KA102-038754

This project is the Education consulting&Employment agency’s support to mobility for teaching
and training. It acts in the field of vocational teaching in partnership with profession teachers, career
advisors responsible for teaching process management, organization of apprenticeships, aims to
organise mobility for teaching and learning with 16 Austrian pioneers in gastronomy and dual
education system in Polish and German vocational schools. This project seeks to implement
mobility in vocational schools in Grybow/ Poand and Berlin/Germany in order to enable teachers
and students (obtaining caterer’s profession)to build their potential, trust in professional abilities. In
addition, in order to strengthen liaison between education institutions and future work places,
members of personnel from small and medium sized public food and tourism related establishments
will join to gain knowledge and skills from theoretical and practical classes. All practical activities
and theoretical essentials will promote inclusive approach towards learning and be mentored with
an object to incorporate latest and most innovative teaching methods and materials in the VET
system in catering and tourism areas. Induction, theoretical as well as practical assignments will be
moderated by experts from Carinthian Chef, teaching in catering and having practical experience
working in acclaimed restaurants all around the world.
Training sessions will be organized. Every session will involve 4 Austrian teachers and 4
representatives from public food enterprises. There will be mobility participants working divided
into 2 groups. Each group will work in 5 restaurants for 5 days according to earlier developed
programs. Profession teachers, pupils enrolled in catering and tourism programme, entrepreneurs
will get acquainted with the peculiarities of German and Polish cuisines. During the intensive
studies and practice, Austrian mentors will aim to endorse new learning material, take an innovative
approach in reorganisation of workplace, create emotionally attractive environment that would be
conducive to discussions, exchange of experiences and finding individual solutions, contribute to
the organisational, managerial development and successful implementation of entrepreneurship
ideas through established feedback-advice system.
The underlying objective of the project "Unconventional Food: vegetarian and vegan cuisines" is to
enhance professional capacities of Austrian teachers while sharing their considerable experience in
dual vocational training system and catering. The theme of the classes- creative solutions in
occasional food preparation and application of innovative technologies in the work.
Direct objectives:
For the Education consulting & Employment agency’s in Austria- create conditions for the
consolidation of knowledge in vocational education, skills to maintain competitiveness in the EU
"Unconventional Food: vegeterian and vegan cuisines" - und Vermittlungsagentur GmbH
catering and tourism labour market while creatively stimulating familiarisation with Austrian
education achievements.
For mobility participants- share competencies and practical work methods accumulated through
teaching and work at Austrian professional schools, restaurants, exchange experiences between
teachers of old and new EU countries while emphasizing the paramount importance of a common
vocational training path for Europe.
• Contribute to the development of catering and tourism service sector in Grybow region and
exchange with Germans as well as further the cooperation spirit among professional teaching
establishments and business enterprises in Austria, Poland and Germany.
• Increase the learning and employability potential of learners, pupils and teachers, involved in
catering education.
• Evaluate and expand the professional expertise in the realm of preparation, production and service
of occasional dishes of catering, tourism teachers working at Grybow and Berlin vocational schools.
• Support the development of critical judgment towards innovations, the correlation between the
technological advancement and progress in the professional domain.
• Introduce to customer service standards in Austrian schools and professional catering
establishments, provide training in service of wine and other beverages.
• Constitute final methodological products which will enable all mobility participants to reflect
upon their teaching experience, transferred skills and create additional value in culturally and
linguistically diverse environment.
• Mobilise communities and profession teachers to adequately react to changes happening in
customer service, raise their awareness and adapt to growing standards.

H. Main Activities

With the support of 16 catering and tourism teachers, we pursue to organise teaching courses in
vocational schools in Germany/Berlin and Poland/Grybow in March, 2019. Two teams of 8 teachers
and one project leader will conduct courses combining theoretical and practical classes. The
transfer of information will combine interactive teaching methods, such as encourage and stimulate
learners to participate, use questions to encourage discussion, emphasizing the value of answer, use
teaching aids, such as photographs, video, mapping to gain attention, share hands-on ideas.
Detailed programme for the training period:
Arrival Day: Registration, settling, evening activities to get acquainted with participants and project

First day:
Division in two groups. Group nr 1 – in German Vocational Schools; Group nr 2 – Polish
Vocational Schools (Responsible person– Poland, Tomasz Waliczki/, Germany- Raimonda
Vincaite). A group of Austrian teachers and professional teachers will be allocated to conduct these
Theoretical Part: 3hours
The introduction of the services provided in establishments such as restaurant, coffee house or
touristic venue to people, seeking place for a banquet, ball or formal reception. Presentation of
contemporary opportunities, tools and methods
Practical Part: 4 hours
Presentation of fruit and vegetables for banquet, balls or exquisite furshet.
Full menu: dedicated to Easter;
Evaluation of all activities, tasting: 1 hour;
Teachers and all learners will engage in direct food preparation. The venues, such as kitchen,
canteens, and classes will become a platform to hand-on practice: all participants will be allocated
tasks, such as presentation of vegetables and fruit, proper cutting and garnishing.
"Unconventional Food: vegeterian and vegan cuisines" - und Vermittlungsagentur GmbH
Second Day:
Division in two groups. Group nr 1 – in German Vocational Schools; Group nr 2 – Polish
Vocational Schools (Responsible person– Poland, Tomasz Waliczki/ Germany- Raimonda
Theoretical Part: 3hours
Constitution of occasional menu for these festivities: Christmas, New Year, St. Valentine, Easter,
stag night, hen party, birthdays or other personal festivals.
Welcoming and engagement of guests during the time of festivities.
Practical Part: 4 hours
Combination of main dishes and desserts for various occasional festivities, means of presentation.
Full menu: dedicated to St. Valentine’s day
Evaluation of all activities, tasting: 1 hour ;

Third Day:
Division in two groups. Group nr 1– in German Vocational Schools; Group nr 2 – Polish
Vocational Schools (Responsible person– Poland, Tomasz Waliczki/ Germany- Raimonda
Theoretical Part: 3 hours
Introduction to the methods how to choose, combine and use utensils, crockery, glasware for food
related functions.
The introduction to the concepts of the venue interior : organisation, preparation, and decoration.
Practical Part: 4 hours
Selection of alcoholic and soft beverages for food related functions.
Full menu: dedicated to birthday celebrations or personal occasion.
Evaluation of all activities, tasting: 1 hour ;

Fourth Day:
Division in two groups. Group nr 1 – in GermanVocational Schools; Group nr 2 –Polish vocational
Schools (Responsible person– Poland, Tomasz Waliczki/ Germany- Raimonda Vincaite).

Theoretical Part: 3 hours:
The application of innovative technologies in food processing and preparation. Preparation of
healthy food : healthy meals – fashion, luxury or necessity ?

Practical Part: 4 hours
Table mise en place and decoration for occasions such as Christmas, New Year’s, St.Valentine,
birthday celebration or personal events.
Full menu : dedicated to stag nights and hens parties
Evaluation of all activities, tasting: 1 hour;

Fifth Day:
Summarising day at Grybow/Berlin. (Responsible person – Aldona Biedermann)
Theoretical Part: 4hours.Final conference ‘Food preparation – health, creativity and innovative
Practical Part: 2 hours
Service for the furshet ‘Secrets of Austrian cuisine and their demonstration in Poland/Germany’.
Evaluation of activities, tasting: 1hour
around the local school.
"Unconventional Food: vegeterian and vegan cuisines" - und Vermittlungsagentur GmbH
Das Program im Rahmen von Erasmus+ Projekt “Unconventional Food:
                   vegeterian and vegan cuisines” in Grybow/Polen
                         vom 11.03.2019 bis zum 15.03.2019

  Tag       Uhr/Zeit                              Aktivitäten                           Adres, strona internetowa/
                                                                                             address, Webpage
11.03.19    8:15-9:30    Das Frühstück im Hotel.                                      Straβe: Kościuszki 2,
Montag     10:15-12:15   Workshop: “vegeterian and vegan cuisines”                    33-300 Nowy Sącz
                         in der Berufsshule in Krynica Zdrój                          Nadbrzeżna 3, 33-380 Krynica-
           12:30-14:00   Mittagessen in der Schule                                    Zdrój
           14:00-16.00   Besichtigung der Schule und das Treffen mit den Lehrern      http://www.krynica.szkola.pl/
           16:00-17:30   Workshop: “vegeterian and vegan cuisines”                    Hotel Czarny Potok Resort Spa
           18:00-19:30   Abendessen/ Besprechung der Tätigkeiten und Resultaten des   Czarny Potok 65, 33-380
                         ersten Tages                                                 Krynica-Zdrój
"Unconventional Food: vegeterian and vegan cuisines" - und Vermittlungsagentur GmbH
"Unconventional Food: vegeterian and vegan cuisines" - und Vermittlungsagentur GmbH
"Unconventional Food: vegeterian and vegan cuisines" - und Vermittlungsagentur GmbH
12.03. 19    8:15-9:15    Das Frühstück im Hotel.                                       Straβe: Kościuszki 2,
Dienstag    10.00-11:45   Workshop: “vegeterian and vegan cuisines”                     33-300 Nowy Sącz
                          Pausenbrot/Kaffeepause                                        Nadbrzeżna 26, 33-300 Nowy
            12:30-15:00   Workshop: “vegeterian and vegan cuisines”                     Sącz.
            15:00-16:00   Mittagessen/ Besprechung der Tätigkeiten und Resultaten des   http://www.manufaktura-ns.pl/
                          Projekts                                                      Gródek nad Dunajcem 83, 33-
            18:00-19:30   Abendessen                                                    318 Gródek nad Dunajcem
                                                                                        Rzeczna 5, 33-300 Nowy Sącz
"Unconventional Food: vegeterian and vegan cuisines" - und Vermittlungsagentur GmbH
"Unconventional Food: vegeterian and vegan cuisines" - und Vermittlungsagentur GmbH
13.03. 19                                                                   Straβe: Kościuszki 2,
Mittwoch      8:00-9:00   Das Frühstück im Hotel.                           33-300 Nowy Sącz
             9:30-12:30   Workshop: “vegeterian and vegan cuisines”Mittag   Ul.Rynek 13, 33-330 Nowy
            12:30         Abfahrt nach Kraków                               Sącz
            14:30-16:30   Besichtigung von Kraków und Stadtrundgang         http://www.bohema.rynek13.pl/
            16:40-18:00   Workshop: “vegeterian and vegan cuisines”         ul. Sarego 23,
            18:30-19:50   Abendessen in Kraków                              31-047 Kraków
            21:30/22:00   Ankunft in Nowy Sącz                              http://fabrykacharliego.pl/
                                                                            Dolnych Młynów 10,

"Unconventional Food: vegeterian and vegan cuisines" - und Vermittlungsagentur GmbH
14.03. 19    8:00-9:30    Das Frühstück im Hotel.                     Die Berufsschule in Nawojowa
Donners     10:00-13:30   Workshop: “vegeterian and vegan cuisines”   Podkamienne 8, 33-335
tag         13.45-14:45   Mittagessen                                 Nawojowa
            15:00-17:00   Besichtigung von Krynica Zdrój              http://www.nawojowa.edu.pl/
            17:30-18:45   Das Abendessen                              Die Berufsschule
15.03. 19    8:00-9:15    Das Frühstück im Hotel.                                  ul. Daszyńskiego 15
Freitag         9:45      Abfahrt der Projektteilnehmer nach Stary Sącz            33 - 340 Stary Sącz
            10:15-13:15   Workshop: “vegeterian and vegan cuisines”                http://www.zspstarysacz.pl/
            13:30-15:30   Mittagessen in der Schule und Besprechung des Projekts
               16:00      Abschluss Konferenz des Projektes.
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