University of Liverpool Sustainability Strategy - A collective vision for a responsible future

Page created by Danielle Berry
University of Liverpool Sustainability Strategy - A collective vision for a responsible future
of Liverpool
A collective vision for a responsible future
University of Liverpool Sustainability Strategy - A collective vision for a responsible future

Introduction					2

Context						2

Our vision					3

Delivering sustainability       			4

UK framework for sustainable development		        4

Sustainability in the higher education sector		   4

Governance					4

Engagement					4

Core themes for sustainable development		         5

Aim 1			                        			6
Embedding principles

Aim 2						8
Research and knowledge exchange

Aim 3 			                   			10
Education for sustainability

Aim 4						12
Living within our limits

Aim 5						14
Promote a happy, healthy and equal community

Aim 6						16
Widening participation                    1
University of Liverpool Sustainability Strategy - A collective vision for a responsible future
Introduction                                                                                                                                  Our vision
Context                                                                          In essence, sustainable development is about achieving       The University wishes to create a community for its         As one of the cross-cutting strategic enablers essential
                                                                                 social and economic aspirations, while at the same           stakeholders that operates in an environmentally            for delivering the plan, the Sustainability Strategy
There are many definitions of sustainable development,
                                                                                 time protecting and enhancing the environment with           sustainable, economically feasible and socially             themes align with key priority project streams and
with perhaps the most recognised and generally
                                                                                 the underlying aspiration for a better quality of life       responsible way. Sustainability University of Liverpool     develop in more depth the implications of taking an
accepted being the Brundtland Comission’s¹
                                                                                 for everyone, both now and in generations to come.           - a collective vision for a responsible future - develops   integrated approach to sustainable development. This
‘development that meets the needs of the present
                                                                                 The University of Liverpool has a corporate social           our longstanding commitment to social responsibility        is the first document designed to specifically address
without compromising the ability of future generations to
                                                                                 responsibility to create a sustainable environment for       and environmental impact, as set out in the University’s    the principles of sustainable development at the
meet their own needs.’
                                                                                 its staff, students and surrounding communities, whilst      Strategic Plan:                                             University of Liverpool and set out the strategic aims and
The concept of sustainable development has emerged                               creating conditions in which staff and students are                                                                      objectives for sustainability for the period 2012-2014.
in response to concerns about the uneven distribution                            inspired to contribute to sustainability                     “...we will ensure the development of
of wealth around the globe as well as the state of the                           throughout the University and beyond.                         a sustainable environment through
planet. In particular, current concerns focus on the
threat to human wellbeing presented by climate change
                                                                                 It is within this context that this strategy has been         the wise use of all resources and
(see Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
                                                                                 developed. The strategy includes a statement of the           adoption of a framework by which
                                                                                 University’s understanding of sustainable development
2007; Stern Report, 2006) as well as the integrity of
                                                                                 and identifies six key themes. It also sets out high-level
                                                                                                                                               environmental, social and economic
ecosystems (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005;
                                                                                 aims and will be supported by an implementation plan          factors can be considered...”
United Nations Environment Programme, 2007).
                                                                                 detailing specific objectives and targets to be sure that    (University of Liverpool Strategic Plan 2009-2014)
The scale and urgency of these issues are significant,
                                                                                 we can deliver our agenda.
with social human wellbeing, ecological and
economic elements being interlocked, complex, and
subject to reaching the point of no return. However,
as governments, business and others respond to
these challenges and tackle the issues, significant
opportunities are created for the University community.
For universities, there is a necessity to both continue
with discipline-specific research and to further develop
new modes of intellectual investigation, bringing
together knowledge from many disciplines to engage
with this set of complex, interlocking, and ethically-
imbued problems. There is also a need to develop
teaching and knowledge exchange programmes to
ensure that the knowledge we develop is transferred
to those responsible for policy and user needs within
society, and a need to deliver this agenda with the
minimum detrimental impact on the environment and
community, and with awareness on cost control.

¹ World Commission on Environment & Development (WCED). Our Common Future. Oxford University Press, 1987

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University of Liverpool Sustainability Strategy - A collective vision for a responsible future
Delivering sustainability                                                                                              Core themes for sustainable development
                                                                                                                       Using the UK Framework for Sustainable Development and HEFCE approach
                                                                                                                       as guidance, the University of Liverpool has identified six core themes for sustainable
                                                                                                                       development, see Figure 1.
UK framework for sustainable                               These contributions are developed further in the later
                                                           HEFCE policy statement 2005/28, which sets out its
development                                                approach to promoting the sustainability agenda and
In the sustainable development white paper Securing                                                                    Figure 1
                                                           vision for the higher education sector in this country to
the Future, the UK Government identifies five principles                                                               University of Liverpool themes for
                                                           be recognised as a major contributor to society’s efforts                                                                 dding principles
of sustainable development and the associated key          to achieve sustainability within the next 10 years.
                                                                                                                       sustainable development                                   Embe
priority areas for UK action:
                                                                                                                                                                                    Strategic planning
Principles of sustainable development                                                                                                                                                                                                Re
                                                           Governance                                                                                                             Monitoring and reporting                             se
• Living within environmental limits                                                                                                                                                Quality assurance                                    a
                                                           In developing a sustainable community, the University


• Ensuring a strong, healthy and just society              should address environmental, social, political,



• Achieving a sustainable economy                          economic and cultural aspects. Consequently, a


                                                           Sustainability Advisory Board has been established to


• Using sound science responsibly

                                                           develop and embed sustainability across the institution.

• Promoting good governance.


                                                           The board will support the sustainability agenda through

                                                                                                                                                            Business links                                                      Research

Key priority areas                                         the provision of advice and guidance and act as a

                                                                                                                                                          Staff development                                                Knowledge Exchange

• Sustainable production and consumption                   consultative forum for the consideration and discussion
                                                           of proposed sustainability policies, procedures and                                          Community engagement
• Natural resource protection and environmental

                                                           initiatives. The board will also raise the profile of                                         Transition University           Policy
  enhancement                                                                                                                                                of Liverpool
                                                           sustainability internally and encourage participation in                                                                   Networking
• From local to global: building sustainable 		            initiatives from staff and students.                                                                                  Sustainablity Advisory
                                                           The board is chaired by Professor Dinah Birch,                                                                                Board
• Climate change and energy.                                                                                                                                                       UoL Sustainability
                                                           Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge
                                                           Exchange,who will act as the University’s Sustainability                                                                    Challenge

In achieving the principles and delivering the
sustainable development agenda in the UK, it has been      Advocate. Key roles for the Chair will be to raise the

recognised that there needs to be a shift in the choices   profile of the University’s sustainability efforts and to                                                                                                         Formal and

                                                           monitor progress against targets.

that individuals make. It is here that higher education                                                                                                                                                                  informal education

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           t a in
institutions can make a substantial, sustained and

                                                                                                                                                                                   Campus development
exemplary contribution to the challenge of sustainable

                                                           Engagement                                                                                                              Carbon management

development, not only through their teaching and

                                                                                                                                                                                   (Scope 1&2) and (Scope 3)

research, but as estate managers, employers and            Ensuring that staff and students take responsibility

                                                                                                                                                                                 Environmental Management
leaders within local communities.                          for the campus environment and our interaction

                                                                                                                                                                                        System (EMS)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ti o
                                                           with the wider community is an important factor

                                                           when considering improving the sustainability of the                                           m

                                                                                                                                                              un                                                                             E
Sustainability in the higher                               University.                                                                                          ity
education sector                                           In addition to increasing awareness amongst staff,
Having made sustainable development a central              the University has a duty to promote sustainable
part of its strategy for the future development of the     development in all areas of its teaching, research and                                                                 L iv i n g w                   its
higher education sector, the Higher Education Funding      third stream activities, including:                                                                                                   ithin our lim
Council for England (HEFCE) has released a series
of publications around sustainable development.            • Developing curricula, pedagogy and
The HEFCE 2005/01 document identifies the five               extracurricular activities that enable participants
key contributions that higher education can make to          to acquire the values, skills and knowledge to
                                                                                                                             Equality and                                                                                                        Travel and              Carbon
sustainable development:                                     contribute to sustainable development                           Diversity
                                                                                                                                                               Waste                Biodiversity                       Green IT
                                                           • Supporting Faculties, departments and services
• Embed the principles of sustainable development            in achieving the long term aims and objectives of               Local, Organic                                                                                                      Health and
  in its values, strategies, operations and                                                                                                                     Procurement         Energy                         Built Estate                                          Water
                                                             the strategy                                                    and Fairtrade food                                                                                                  Wellbeing
  organisational learning
                                                           • Sharing good practice or supporting the
• Develop curricula, pedagogy and extracurricular            development of good practice, and acting as a
  activities that enable students to develop the
                                                             role model to other educational establishments
  values, skills and knowledge to contribute to
                                                             that the University works alongside.                      In adopting these themes, our approach to delivering sustainability is:
  sustainable development
• Strengthen links to business, the community,                                                                         1 Lead by example by embedding the principles and University
  civil society, government and others in pursuit                                                                        commitment to sustainability in our policies, strategies and procedures
  of sustainable development                                                                                           2 Actively support best practice, innovation and leadership in relation to
• Build the new skills, knowledge and tools needed                                                                       sustainability in learning and teaching, research and Knowledge Exchange,
  for sustainable development in research                                                                                and across our services and physical infrastructure
• Continuously improve its own impact on the                                                                           3 Demonstrate and report main social, environmental and economic impacts
  environment, society and economy.                                                                                    4 Recognise and communicate relevant activity by staff, students and alumni.

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University of Liverpool Sustainability Strategy - A collective vision for a responsible future
Aim 1: Embedding principles

To ensure that the aims, objectives and targets
contained within this strategy are delivered to
the highest standards and in a transparent and
verifiable manner.

To achieve this we will:
• Ensure compliance with environmental legislation
• Embed sustainability into policy, strategies and procedures
• Ensure continual improvement in reducing environmental
  impacts through the implementation of an accredited
  Environmental Management System, ie ISO 14001
• Participate in benchmarking exercises to monitor the
  University’s performance against other institutions within the
  higher education sector and against other business sectors
• Provide effective communications to ensure that all staff are
  aware of internal and external drivers for sustainability
  practice in relation to their role, and that they are aware of
  their own personal responsibilities.

How will we do this?                                                  Case study
• Continue to report on environmental sustainability via the          Carbon Trust Standard
  University Risk Register
• Have dialogue with managers to develop an appropriate 		            In June 2011 the University was awarded the Carbon Trust
  framework to include awareness and skills for environmental         Standard after demonstrating its commitment to tackling climate
  sustainability in job descriptions as appropriate and relevant      change by reducing its carbon footprint by more than 4%.
  to specific roles
• Ensure all new staff receive information about sustainability 		    The savings have been achieved through a combination                 “ Our goal is for the University of
                                                                      of Facilities Management-led projects funded by SALIX, the
  and that practice for sustainability is integrated into staff
                                                                      social enterprise ‘not for profit’ company, including a gas engine
                                                                                                                                             Liverpool to become a low carbon
  induction programmes
                                                                      Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant, voltage optimisers, and           university and this endorsement
• Ensure that sustainability training is made available to all
  University staff
                                                                      energy-awareness activities such as the Green Impact Awards            proves that our strategic approach
• Report on performance to the Sustainability Advisory Board
                                                                      and Student Switch Off project.                                        to carbon management is not only
  on a quarterly basis and produce an annual sustainability 		        These initiatives have significantly contributed to plans to cut       helping to reduce our environmental
  report outlining current performance and achievements               the University’s scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions by 36% by              impact, but is also generating real
• Monitor performance in sustainability-related external 		           2020. To build on this achievement, the University is committed        cost savings as well.”
  league tables                                                       to investing more than £3 million of the current Capital Plan in
                                                                      sustainability/carbon reduction initiatives.                          Steve Dickson, Director of Facilities Management
• Seek third party endorsement of achievements where
  appropriate, eg the Carbon Trust Standard and
  Acorn Certification.

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University of Liverpool Sustainability Strategy - A collective vision for a responsible future
Aim 2: Research and                                                Case studies
                                                                   Stephenson Institute for
knowledge exchange                                                 Renewable Energy
                                                                   The Stephenson Institute was founded in November 2010 with
                                                                   an initial investment by the University for 11 academic positions
                                                                   in the School of Physical Sciences. Two years later, there are
                                                                   12 academic researchers in the School and eight associated
                                                                   members across two Faculties in Engineering, Electrical
                                                                   Engineering, and Biology. The Institute currently contains a
To raise awareness and communicate research                        rapidly-growing population of more than 20 PhD students and
which is related to environmental sustainability                   PDRAs and - following an investment of £6 million from the
and to ensure that our operations are informed                     University Council - a central lab and office building housed in
                                                                   the Chadwick Laboratories will open in June 2013.
by this research where possible.
                                                                   With a funding level of more than £20 million from sources as
To achieve this we will:                                           diverse as the European Union, English funding councils, the
• Capture and communicate current research activity in             Department of Energy and Climate Change, the US Department
  environmental sustainability to the University and the           of Energy, and regional development funds, research into all
  wider sector                                                     aspects of energy generation, distribution, conversion, and
• Expose our students to world-leading research in climate         consumption has become the blueprint for interdisciplinary
  change and sustainable futures                                   research centres at the University, and the Institute prides
• Integrate research activity into campus as a                     itself on its high connectivity with regional businesses. One
  ‘living laboratory’.                                             of the key ambitions of the institute is to play a leading role in
                                                                   the transformation of Merseyside into a sustainable and smart
                                                                   region with an associated increase in the quality of life of
How will we do this?
                                                                   its population.
• Identify sustainability research opportunities - including
  those which would present opportunities to conduct
  research on the University estate
• Ensure the research community has access to information
  about current operational activities through annual 		           Living with environmental change
  sustainability reports, publication of case studies, briefing
  sessions and training opportunities                              As one of the University’s key research themes,
• Explore opportunities for establishing a network of 		           ‘living with environmental change’ sees study at Liverpool
  research-experienced alumni working across the world             focus on the drivers of environmental change such as
  in academia, industry, government and civil society,             ocean warming, the effects on the transmission of human
  who are engaged with and contributing to the University’s
                                                                   and animal diseases, and the political dimensions of
  research, knowledge exchange and teaching
                                                                   environmental concerns.
• Signpost key research activity on the sustainability
  web pages                                                        Under this theme, researchers at the University have come
• Incorporate research activity into high-profile disciplinary     together from across science, engineering, life sciences,
  and interdisciplinary sustainability initiatives.                social sciences and arts, to pose new questions about climate
                                                                   change and promote further debate amongst policy makers
                                                                   and members of the public on environmental issues affecting
                                                                   the planet.

                                                                  “ Climate change is a major problem which
                                                                    we all need to address. The challenge is
                                                                    to first understand what is happening,
                                                                    and then to reliably inform policy makers
                                                                    and the public, and ultimately to develop
                                                                    solutions to moderate the impacts.”
                                                                   Professor Ric Williams
                                                                   School of Environmental Science

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University of Liverpool Sustainability Strategy - A collective vision for a responsible future
Aim 3: Education for sustainability

To provide all staff and students with access
to education for and about sustainability

To achieve this we will:
• Work with Faculties to embed elements of education for
  sustainability in the curriculum across all subject areas
• Develop a suite of sustainable development related degree
  programmes that build on the distinctive profile of the
  University of Liverpool and existing strengths in sustainable
  development teaching programmes
• Provide staff and students with opportunities to develop
  skills for sustainable development.

How will we do this?                                              Case study
• Identify different approaches to progressing sustainable        School of Engineering:
  development as a priority for improving the quality of
  teaching and learning, consider those strategies that align     sustainable development in the
  with the institutional setting, and develop a model for         curriculum
  moving forward
• Review the governance structure for reporting sustainability    In view of the increasingly important role played by              Each student selects a product or system that
  in order to engage more widely with the curriculum,             professional engineers in providing solutions to sustainable      they consider worthy of sustainable development
  learning and research                                           development problems, engineering institutions have for some      analysis due to perceived negative impacts. A
• Carry out a review of all current degree modules and            time required an appreciation of sustainable development to be    defined methodology then follows, including a
  programmes to ascertain the extent to which sustainable         included in undergraduate courses.                                qualitative life-cycle assessment, arriving at design
  development issues are taught at the University                                                                                   improvements to reduce the negative impact of the
• Support the development of new modules and programmes           Since 2003/4, all first-year undergraduates in Mechanical,        product or system. In some courses, students are
  with relevance to sustainability                                Aero, Civil and General Engineering, and all undergraduates       asked to outline an implementation plan for one
• Integrate quality enhancement and quality assurance             in Electrical and Electronic Engineering since 2005/6, have       of their ideas which has a materials engineering
  indicators for Education for Sustainability into existing       been given a ‘Design for Sustainable Development’ assignment      component.
  frameworks                                                      as part of a more general engineering module. This typically
• Collaborate with the Liverpool Life project to develop          comprises an introductory lecture early in the year and then a    In recent years incoming students have had
  learning and volunteer opportunities for students to gain       series of lectures to develop the assignment, which is expected   a much greater awareness of sustainable
  skills in sustainable development                               to require 12 hours of private work.                              development issues and the scope for impact
• Launch sustainability modules as part of the professional                                                                         from the engineering profession. It is hoped that
  services toolkit and online development tool                                                                                      their individual assignment helps each student to
• Showcase good practice through a variety of 		                                                                                    appreciate the relevance of the more specialised
  communications                                                                                                                    engineering modules throughout their courses to
• Develop and promote high-profile sustainability facing                                                                            sustainable development challenges.
  disciplinary and interdisciplinary initiatives.

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University of Liverpool Sustainability Strategy - A collective vision for a responsible future
1 Biodiversity                                     6 Local, organic and Fairtrade food
                                                  Aim: To maximise the range of habitats and         Aim: To influence our suppliers, to ensure all
                                                  species on the University estate.                  goods and services procured and consumed
                                                  Objective(s): To enhance green space to            support seasonal, healthy and ethical choices,

Aim 4:
                                                  improve the ecological and social value.           and in turn that all suppliers progressively
                                                                                                     improve their own environmental performance.       Case studies
                                                                                                     Objective(s): To actively encourage food
                                                                                                                                                        Student Switch Off
Living within
                                                                                                     production, sales, recycling and delivery in the
                                                                                                     most sustainable manner, including purchasing
                                                                                                     choice, preparation, distribution and awareness.   Student Switch Off is an annual campaign run with support            The results of the campaign are directly measurable

our limits
                                                                                                     To maintain Fairtrade University status.           from the National Union of Students which aims to encourage          through electricity meters in the halls of residence
                                                  2 Built Environment                                Supporting policy documents: Fairtrade Policy,     students to save energy and bring about a carbon reduction           and at the end of the year students in the halls with
                                                  Aim: To develop and maintain the estate and        Sustainable Hospitality Policy.
                                                  surrounding landscape with due regard to                                                              whilst living in University halls of residence. Social marketing     the biggest energy savings have the chance to
                                                  environmental impact and social value.                                                                has been essential in bringing about behaviour change, as well       hold a party or event. Nick Doran, Liverpool Guild
To enhance the staff                              Objective(s): To reduce space use through the                                                         as prize incentives such as Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, tickets to      of Students Environmental Co-ordinator, said: “In
and student experience                            sustainable construction and refurbishment of                                                         Liverpool Guild of Students gigs, and energy-saving gadgets.         2011/12 University of Liverpool halls of residences
by creating and sustaining                        buildings and to ensure all construction and
                                                  refurbishment works meet a recognised
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             managed an overall reduction of 6% in their energy
                                                                                                     7 Procurement                                      Over the course of the academic year, picture competitions and       consumption. Carnatic Hall, the 2011/12 Student
an estate that is attractive,                     building standard.                                                                                    quizzes are run every two to three weeks to raise awareness
                                                                                                     Aim: To encourage the purchase of goods and                                                                             Switch Off winner, smashed this with an impressive
supports quality                                  Supporting policy documents: Estate Strategy
                                                                                                     services which have minimal impact on the          about the energy-saving actions that are being encouraged, and       16% reduction, and celebrated with an afternoon tea
                                                  2011-2015, University of Liverpool Design Guide.
recruitment and retention,                        Action plan: BREEAM and Considerate
                                                                                                     natural resources and avoids exploitation of       training events are held which are specifically aimed at students    party at Ness Gardens.”
and contributes to an                             Contractor Frameworks.
                                                                                                     individuals, committees or organisations.
                                                                                                     Objective(s): To ensure external suppliers and
                                                                                                                                                        concerning social marketing techniques and sustainable living.
excellent overall University                                                                         contractors are working progressively towards
of Liverpool experience.                                                                             improving their own environmental performance.
                                                                                                     Supporting policy documents:
                                                                                                     Procurement Policy.
This section outlines the aims and objectives
needed to address key impact areas for the        3 Carbon management (Scope 1& 2)
purpose of delivering Aim 4. For each key
                                                  Aim: To use energy more efficiently to
impact area, detailed plans have either been      progressively reduce dependency on fossil fuels
developed or are in development, setting out in   and contribute to achieving a 36% reduction in
greater depth how the aims and objectives will    scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions by 2020.              8 Travel and transport
be met.                                           Objective(s): To reduce energy use in both         Aim: To reduce local, national and global
                                                  residential and non-residential buildings and to   environmental impacts of the University’s
                                                  increase the amount of on-site electricity/heat    travel demands.
                                                  generation.                                        Objective(s): To reduce the need to travel and
                                                  Action plan: Carbon Management Plan.               to develop sustainable and inclusive travel
                                                                                                     and transport that improves health and access
                                                                                                     to the University.
                                                                                                     Supporting policy documents:
                                                                                                     Travel Plan 2009-2013.

                                                  4 Carbon management (Scope 3)
                                                  Aim: To use goods and services which produce
                                                  a low level of carbon emissions as a result of
                                                  their activities.
                                                  Objective(s): To reduce the level of carbon        9 Waste management
                                                  generated as a result of indirect emissions from   Aim: To develop and implement waste
                                                  water, waste, procurement, commuting and           management practices that prioritise disposal in
                                                  business travel.                                   line with the waste hierarchy.
                                                  Supporting policy documents: Procurement           Objective(s): To reduce waste sent to landfill/
                                                  Policy, Waste Management Policy, Travel Plan       incineration through recycling and reuse           Bin the Bin                                                         “ The herb gardens proved so
                                                  2009-13.                                           initiatives and to minimise waste generated.                                                                             popular with staff that we had to
                                                  Action plan: Carbon Management Plan.                                                                  The Bin the Bin initiative was launched across the University in
                                                                                                     Supporting policy documents:
                                                                                                     Waste Management Policy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              run a second event. Money raised
                                                                                                                                                        2011 to enable staff to increase the amount of waste recycled,
                                                                                                                                                        following a pilot in five buildings. As part of the scheme,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              from the sale of the herb gardens
                                                                                                                                                        recycling stations were installed at centralised points across        has also enabled St Anne’s
                                                                                                                                                        the University within administrative and teaching areas. These        Primary School to develop a wild
                                                  5 Green IT                                                                                            include a general waste bin for items that are non-recyclable.        flower meadow, reflection area and
                                                  Aim: To minimise the environmental impact of       10 Water management                                Since introducing the scheme the University has seen its              a ‘grow your own’ area for pupils.”
                                                  IT solutions and favour manufacturers whose        Aim: To use water more efficiently to              recycling rate increase to 40%.                                      Clare Scott
                                                  supply chains demonstrate environmentally          progressively reduce dependency on                                                                                      Sustainability Officer
                                                  sustainable practices.                             natural resources.                                 To ensure the new scheme was as sustainable as possible,
                                                  Objective(s): To deploy IT solutions which         Objective(s): To reduce water use in both          redundant waste bins collected from offices were given a new
                                                  are energy efficient, to make effective use of     residential and non-residential buildings.         lease of life by the Sustainability Team and Ness Gardens
                                                  the latest technologies for reducing power         Supporting policy documents:
                                                  consumption, and to use IT solutions to monitor                                                       and turned into herb gardens which were sold to staff for a
                                                                                                     University of Liverpool Design Guide.
                                                  and reduce the environmental impact of                                                                nominal donation.
                                                  non-IT services.

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University of Liverpool Sustainability Strategy - A collective vision for a responsible future
Aim 5: Promote a happy,
healthy and equal community

To meet the diverse needs of staff and students,
promote personal wellbeing, social cohesion
and inclusion and equal opportunity for all,
and ensure these values are reflected both in
our interaction with the wider community and
in the goods and services used.
To achieve this we will:
• Develop an understanding of and promote healthy working,
  learning, and living environments for students and staff
• Explore with Human Resources how sustainable
  development issues are related to, and can be integrated
  with, the delivery of the staff strategy
• Explore with Student Services how sustainable development
  issues are related to the student experience and can be
  integrated with this area of activity                              Case study
• Ensure a consistent and ethically informed approach to
  investment, research funding and procurement.                      Liverpool Guild of Students Roof                                 “ I am so pleased that we have been
                                                                     Garden Project                                                     able to assist such an innovative
How will we do this?                                                                                                                    project. This is just the sort of
• Bring together existing initiatives for the health and wellbeing
                                                                     In 2009, the Guild of Students successfully secured funding        legacy activity that the Year of the
                                                                     from the University and Homebase to create its own roof
  of students, staff and the wider communities to enhance 		         garden based on the roof area on top of the University of          Environment 2009 was established
  participation and co-ordination                                    Liverpool Student Guild building, with the aim of:                 to promote and it is a great
• Promote Sport Liverpool as a one-stop-shop for sport and 		        • Insulating and protecting roof coverings                         example of young people of the
  physical activity, serving students, staff and members of
  the community                                                      • Cleaning air and countering climate change                       city working together creating a
• Develop a performance measurement system to guide the
                                                                     • Providing microclimates for fauna and flora                      truly sustainable city.”
  University’s activities in this area                               • Creating new spaces for living, working and 			                 Councillor Bernie Turner
                                                                       entertaining.                                                   Executive member for Environment
• Establish an award mechanism to recognise exceptional 		                                                                             at Liverpool City Council.
  contributions for promoting sustainable development.               The roof garden has four raised beds where various bedding
                                                                     plants, herbs and salads are being grown. The produce is
                                                                     being used by the Liverpool Guild of Students catering service
                                                                     and sold at the University’s farmers’ market. The garden is
                                                                     also home to two beehives, a bird table and four bird nests,
                                                                     and two staff members and one student are currently being
                                                                     trained as beekeepers.

                                                                     The Guild has partnered with local children’s charity Team
                                                                     Oasis to help open up the garden to the wider community.
                                                                     Volunteers are working with the charity to develop the garden
                                                                     and will also be engaging other charities and local school
                                                                     groups to get involved with the project.

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University of Liverpool Sustainability Strategy - A collective vision for a responsible future
Aim 6: Widening participation

To take a leading role in advancing the
sustainability agenda in the North West region
and continue to develop local, national and
global partnerships and networks. We shall
create opportunities where students, staff
and alumni can develop and share their
knowledge, skills and experience to engage
with, and contribute effectively to, tackling
global challenges.

To achieve this we will:
• Build partnerships and create local information and learning
  networks for sharing experiences and knowledge of local,
  national and global sustainability issues
• Optimise University operations and activities to maximise
  social and economic benefit whilst minimising impacts on
  the local community
• Promote staff development, value stakeholder involvement,
  and social inclusion and equity
• Communicate current environmental sustainability activities
  and achievements to staff, students and alumni.

How will we do this?                                               Case study
• Deliver the Transition University of Liverpool project,          SustainableNESS
  aiming to cut University carbon emissions in response
  to the challenges of climate change and peak oil                 Ness Botanic Gardens on the Wirral peninsula is a unique
• Actively seek formal and informal partnerships with              outward-facing facet of the University of Liverpool which boasts
  strategic regional, national and international stakeholders      a significant plant collection, including many early introductions
  and identify opportunities to exchange knowledge and             from China, and offers over 100,000 visitors per annum a 64
  best practice                                                    acre oasis of plant and habitat biodiversity. Sustainability lies
• Establish a programme of public engagement across                at the heart of Ness from our small army of 219 volunteers who
  multiple disciplines with the local community, the city region   maintain the gardens and grow produce for our restaurant to
  and other partners to discuss, understand and respond to         recycling our tree waste for mulch.
  global challenges and their implications
                                                                   We have reduced our water extraction from our bore hole through
• Create a structured framework to assist with engaging            the introduction of controlled micro irrigation to our commercial
  University Schools and departments and the wider                 plant sales area and installed 218 solar panels on site to reduce
  community, for instance Liverpool City Council and Royal         our energy consumption and generate surplus to feed the
  Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospital Trust, in the       national grid. Green transport options have been improved with a
  University’s Sustainability Challenge                            new public footpath and cycle network extension to the gardens
• Maintain and develop active networks of staff and students       underway. We actively promote sustainability awareness online
  to enable consultation and active involvement in the             and through customer engagement.
  development of localised sustainability policies,
  strategies and action plans
• Engage with the Corporate Communications team to ensure
  that sustainability activity is accessible and is promoted to
  all stakeholders.

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