Sustainability Progress Report 2014 - University of Maryland - umd

Page created by Steven Baker
Sustainability Progress Report 2014 - University of Maryland - umd
University of Maryland
Sustainability Progress Report 2014

umd           terps leave small footprints
Sustainability Progress Report 2014 - University of Maryland - umd

University of Maryland fulfills its promise to be a national
model of a Green University by measuring and publicly
reporting its annual sustainability performance. This year’s
Sustainability Progress Report is comprised of a series of fact
sheets that can be read individually or as a full set.

In 2013 the  culture of sustainability
at UMD was alive and thriving. Examples of leadership and
engagement in                           are evident all over
campus. Here are some major findings and turning points
highlighted this year:
• Students, faculty and staff submitted more projects than
  ever before to the University Sustainability Fund
  showing that excitement and ideas for enhancing campus
  sustainability are at an all-time high.
• Many campus departments now actively participate in the
  Green Office Program and the number of certified
  green offices continues to grow steadily each year.
• The campus population showed strong interest in locally-
  sourced food from the Green Tidings Food Truck and
  the Farmers’ Market at Maryland through increased spending at both venues.
• More than half of incoming freshmen received an introductory lesson on sustainability in one of
  their first-year courses.

Change can be   challenging                andrewarding.              In order to meet upcoming sustainability
goals we will need to plan carefully, collaborate, and find new ways to double down our efforts to conserve
natural resources through energy use, water use and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Here are some
findings that sound the call for deeper progress:
•   Carbon emissions increased slightly compared to 2012 but they remain 18% below 2005
    levels. An additional 7% reduction from baseline emissions will be needed to meet the 2015
    Climate Action Plan target. In all, a 32% reduction will be needed between 2013 and 2020.
•   Energy and water consumption have stayed relatively flat in recent years despite
    campus growth. In order to meet 2020 targets, more aggressive conservation strategies will have
    to be implemented in facilities all over campus.

This report aims to provide the University Sustainability Council and other interested stakeholders
information that can help them contribute to and improve upon strategies for solving campus sustainability
challenges. The Office of Sustainability hopes the information provided inspires continued creativity,
dedication and progress toward a more sustainable UMD.

Sustainability Progress Report 2014 - University of Maryland - umd

The following table presents a snapshot of the indicators that were used to create this report.
The column farthest to the right provides a quick view of how each indicator trended over the
past four years.
                                 = progressing toward sustainability
                                 = no significant progress
                                 = trending in the wrong direction

Indicator		                                     Units             2010        2011        2012         2013       FY/CY Trend
Campus-wide Greenhouse Gas Emissions   MT-CO2e                  239,239      283,616     275,130      279,188      CY
Greenhouse Gas Emissions per Capita    MT-CO2e/FTE person             5.7         6.7         6.4          6.5     CY
Greenhouse Gas Emissions per Area      kg-CO2e/sq. ft.               10.6        13.3         13.1        12.8     CY
Steam Production                       MLbs                     681,480     673,573     696,150      759,450       CY
Electricity Consumption                MWh                      259,097     268,244     269,455      268,104       CY
FM Energy Conservation Projects        MWh savings                3,277        9,295       9,647         11,311    FY
Renewable Energy Generation            MWh                              5       1,142     13,462       13,358      CY
Water Consumption                      kgal                      511,635    509,750     482,987      475,302       CY

First Year Sustainability Education   percent of students 22% 43%  48%  54%   FY
Sustainability Studies Minor Students count               N/A N/A   213  252
Chesapeake Project Impact
   and Participation                  count                57   81  115   151 FY

Office Paper Purchasing          reams             127,361     132,448        119,617    109,194 FY
Green Cleaning                   percent of budget metrics tracked for four separate departments		  FY
Sustainable Food in Dining Halls percent of budget     11%         10%           13%        15%  FY

Campus-wide Recycling                  percent of solid waste       63%         64%          76%         78%       CY
Solid Waste Generation                 tons                       14,229      12,806      17,096       17,952      CY
Composted Food Waste                   tons                          138          431        509          647      CY
Certified Green Offices                count                        N/A            17         67          106      FY

Student Commuter Parking Purchases percent of students     29.8%     24.3%      23.0%      22.4% CY
Faculty and Staff Commuter
   Parking Purchases               percent of employees    85.9%      71.9%     73.0%      75.5% CY
Campus Vehicle Fleet Fuel Use      MT-CO2e                  6,965     6,957      7,056     7,954 CY
Air Travel		                       MT-CO2e                 38,016    47,292     49,159    50,983 FY
Shuttle-UM Ridership               rides                2,686,717 2,967,164  3,416,277 3,504,492 FY
Registered Bikes on Campus         count                    1,549      2,137     2,242     3,250 FY

Undergraduate Students Living
  on and Near Campus                   percent of students          44%         46%         47%          47%       FY
The Farmers Market at Maryland         revenue to sellers ($)       N/A         N/A     $128,714     $191,933      FY
Smart & Sustainable
  Campuses Conference                  count of participants    Metric added in 2012       320           302       FY

Sustainability Progress Report 2014 - University of Maryland - umd

                                2013 HIGHLIGHTS
           Availability and popularity of sustainable food on campus is increasing.
            Dining Services is on track to meet its goal that 20% of food served will be
               sustainable by 2020.

                    350% more food waste was
               composted in dining halls than five years ago.
           The improvement is a result of new infrastructure,
consistent signage, outreach and strong participation.

25% more offices on campus have joined the Green Office
Program than at the end of the 2012-2013 academic year. Several
departments have set goals for all offices to achieve certification.

                64 water bottle refill stations were installed across campus through Terps
                Heart the Tap—a university project funded by the University Sustainability Fund.
                So far these refill stations have been used to fill the equivalent of over 623,000
                plastic water bottles. Not only did Terps reduce waste and save money by refilling
                bottles with tap water, they also conserved almost 39,000 gallons of water that
                would have been used in disposable bottle manufacturing.

                Over 1,000 more bicyclists registered their bikes
                than in 2012 showing that interest and engagement in the
                bikeUMD culture continues to grow.

UMD Departments purchased 10,423 fewer reams of general use paper in 2013 than they did
in 2012. This reduction saved 625 trees (assuming all of the avoided purchases would have been
paper with no recycled content.)
                                                       What Can YOU Do?
                                                       • Find ways that fit with your lifestyle to
A record number of people are engaged                    participate in UMD’s growing culture of
with UMD’s online sustainability presence:               sustainability. The following pages in the 2013
• The Office of Sustainability Facebook page’s           Sustainability Progress Report will give you
  number of likes doubled over 2013 and it               some ideas. You can also be creative, network
                                                         with partners on campus and come up with
  receives 3 times as many views per day as it
                                                         ideas of your own.
  did in 2012.
                                                       • Join your fellow Terps and take the Small
		    Like us at             Footprint Pledge. Learn more at
• Over 3,000 people follow the Office of               • Talk with your peers about ideas to reduce
  Sustainability’s Twitter account to learn about        the campus’ environmental footprint. Put your
  campus-wide events and the latest news in              ideas into action by applying for a University
                                                         Sustainability Fund grant to start a new
                                                         project. Learn more by searching for “Fund” at
		    Follow us at  

Sustainability Progress Report 2014 - University of Maryland - umd

106 certified green offices         have demonstrated to the Office of Sustainability that they
employ environmental best practices and engage employees in sustainable living.

            4 Gold                          32 Silver                   70 Bronze

140 offices participate in the Green Office program although not all are certified.
1,498 people work in Certified Green Offices. They reduce their offices’ environmental impacts
through various actions like purchasing local or fair trade products, shrinking their energy
consumption, and recycling and composting their waste when possible.
90% of people in certified Green Offices drink from a reusable water bottle or mug at work.
75% of people working in certified Green Offices reduce waste by using reusable dishware,
cutlery, and cups to eat meals in the office.
The Office of Sustainability has trained 18 student   interns to provide outreach, support and
auditing to the campus Green Office network.

 What Can You Do to Spread the Green Office Culture at UMD?
 You don’t have to work in a Green Office to          them with CFL or LED bulbs which use
 make a difference. Try incorporating these           significantly less energy than incandescent
 sustainable habits into your routine:                bulbs.
 • Reduce paper use by sharing documents             • Bring a reusable water bottle and refill at
   electronically and purchase 100% post-              the tap. You’ll save money and reduce your
   consumer recycled content paper for                 environmental footprint.
   general use as specified in the university’s
                                                     Your office can join the Green Office program
   Policies and Procedures for Environmentally
                                                     for free and receive ongoing support from the
   Preferable Procurement.
                                                     Office of Sustainability to continue reducing
 • Unplug chargers and electronics when you’re       your environmental footprint. You can make
   not using them. These devices consume             a difference on your own but why not make it
   electricity whenever they are plugged in.         simpler by joining the Green Office Program?
 • When you change your light bulbs, replace         For more information email

Sustainability Progress Report 2014 - University of Maryland - umd

15% of food served in the dining halls was
sustainable. This means it falls into one or more of
four categories:
•   Fair Trade – meets international labor
• Local – grown or made within 250 miles of UMD
• Humane – Free-range, cage-free
• Ecologically Sound – organic,
    environmentally friendly

                      Reusable container use has
                      increased 190% in dining halls
                      since Dining Services introduced
                      the containers in 2012, keeping
                      almost 140,000 disposable
                      containers out of landfills.

The Green Tidings Food Truck has become
a campus favorite, serving 11,740 customers in
2013. Customers’ favorite dishes included Grilled
Herb Marinated Salad, Grilled Steak Sandwich, and
Gourmet Grilled Cheese.

People dining on campus composted almost 650 tons of food waste,
saving over $17,000 in waste transportation costs and preventing 250
tons of greenhouse gases from being released into the atmosphere.

                  The Food Recovery Network recovered almost           19  tons
                  of leftover food from dining halls last year and distributed it to local shelters
                  and soup kitchens.

    What Can You Do to Join the Culture of Sustainable Food at UMD?
    • Ask questions about your food and try to learn how and where it was produced. Choose local,
      fair-trade, organically and/or humanely produced products when possible.
    • Volunteer to help Food Recovery Network collect and transport leftover food from campus dining
      halls, campus events and other local venues.
    • Learn about Terp Farm, a new sustainable farm venture between Dining Services and the College
      of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and other campus gardens that grow food. Join in during a
      volunteer day.

Sustainability Progress Report 2014 - University of Maryland - umd

Terps sent 400,000 pounds                  less waste to landfills
than in 2012, saving over $5,000 in waste transportation costs.

UMD achieved an institutional recycling rate of 78% which is 3%
more than the Climate Action Plan waste diversion target for 2013,
and 21% more than five years ago.

                                Construction & Demolition waste
                                generation increased almost 180%
                                compared to 2012 due to major construction projects. All waste from
                                construction projects on campus is diverted from landfills and in
                                2013 this accounted for about half of UMD’s recycled material.

Almost 600 tons of furniture was
reused through Terrapin Trader which
is the university’s surplus property                 The average
distribution center.                                 American generated
                                                     4.4 lbs of waste
Over 1.3 million pounds                              per day                    UMD generated
of landscaping waste from                               in 2011 (according      2.9 lbs of waste per
campus is composted                                         to the US           full-time student per
locally every year and                                           EPA)           day in 2013 (according to
returned to campus                                                              Facilities Management)
grounds as wood
mulch and soil

  What Can You Do to Support
  the Recycling Culture at UMD?
  • Separate recyclables and place them in a blue single-stream recycling
  • If you’re planning an on-campus event, you can request recycling and
    compost containers from Facilities Management. Email
    to make a request.
  • Whether you are eating at a food provider on campus or packing your
    lunch, you can reduce your landfilled waste to zero. Dine in or pack your
    meal in a reusable container. Place leftover food in a compost collection
    container, available in several campus locations.

Sustainability Progress Report 2014 - University of Maryland - umd

                           COPY PAPER CONSUMPTION
                 300000                                              Sugar Cane       75%
                                                                     100% PCC         of paper
                 250000                                              50% PCC          purchased
                                                                     30% PCC
                                                                                      by campus
Reams of Paper

                 200000                                                               departments
                                                                                      for general
                                                                                      office use was manufactured
                                                                                      from post-consumer recycled
                                                                                      content (PCC) or sugarcane-
                                                                                      a rapidly renewable material.


                          2007   2008      2009     2010    2011    2012      2013

   37% of offices
                  that have joined the Green Office
   Program purchase recycled or remanufactured printer
   cartridges for office printing.
   90% of cleaning products used in residence halls
   are certified 200000
                 as green or sustainable products.

   Over            84%
                  of cleaning products used in
   classrooms, offices, and research labs are certified as green or sustainable products.

                           50000 Sustainability         Honors in Housekeeping
                                     UMD’s cleaning practices are among the healthiest and most sustainable
                                     in the industry. The Housekeeping Services Unit of Facilities Management
                                     was one of the first university cleaning programs to achieve Green Seal
                                     Certification, and Residential Facilities was the first university housekeeping
                                     program to achieve the Cleaning Industry Management Standards Green
                                     Buildings certification (also known as CIMS-GB) with Honors. These third-
                                     party certifications demonstrate that UMD’s housekeeping staff is a leader in
                                     the green cleaning field.

Sustainability Progress Report 2014 - University of Maryland - umd

Commuting by car to and from campus by students,
faculty, and staff is a large contributor to UMD’s carbon footprint,                                                     Commuter
comprising about 10% of total campus carbon emissions.                                                                   Population
                                                     Each day when they drive to and from campus,                        • 35% of students live on
                                                                                                                           campus or in adjacent
                                                     Terps (on average) who purchase commuter parking
                                                                                                                           college-owned, operated
                                                     permits:                                                              of affiliated housing.
                                                        Travel              Consume                 Spend                • Approximately 70%
 Students                                             32 miles     1.3 gallons of gasoline          $4.56                  of students and 81%
                                                                                                                           of faculty and staff
 Staff                                                30 miles     1.3 gallons of gasoline          $4.56
                                                                                                                           commute to campus by
 Faculty                                              28 miles     1.2 gallons of gasoline          $4.20                  car some of the time.
                                                                                                                         • 22% of students and
This driving can add up. Student drivers spent an average of $730
                                                                                                                           75% of faculty and staff
each on gasoline in 2013 to commute to campus, staff drivers spent                                                         drive to campus often
almost $1,000 each and faculty drivers spent around $875 each.                                                             enough to purchase
Together these drivers produced more than 28,000 metric tons of                                                            a commuter parking
greenhouse gas emissions, equivalent to burning 377 tanker trucks                                                          permit.
full of gasoline.                                                                                                        • Each fall, for the past
                                                                                                                           five years, students
Air Travel for conferences, research and other university                                                                  have been buying fewer
                                                                                                                           commuter parking
business, athletics, and education abroad is an even larger contributor
                                                                                                                           permits than they did in
to UMD’s carbon footprint, comprising about 18% of total campus                                                            the previous year.
greenhouse gas emissions.
Air travel miles have increased 49% in the last five years. The graph
below shows recent growth. Air travel carbon emissions increased                                                          What can you do?
53% since the Climate Action Plan was released in 2009. The dark                                                          The Sustainable
blue line below shows emissions.                                                                                          Transportation page
                                                                                                                          in this report shows
 AIR TRAVEL DISTANCE AND CLIMATE IMPACT                                                                                   ways that Terps are
                                                                                                                          choosing to travel
                                         Education Abroad
                                                                                                      60,000              more sustainably.
                               70        Athletics
                                         UMD Business                                                 50,000
 Millions of Passenger Miles

                               60        GHG Emissions

                               50                                                                     40,000



                               10                                                                     10,000

                                            2009            2010     2011         2012       2013

Sustainability Progress Report 2014 - University of Maryland - umd

Although UMD’s population continues to grow,
students, staff, and faculty are making more effort
than ever to travel sustainably.

Terps relied on Shuttle-UM for over 3.5 million
rides, an increase of more than 50% compared
to 2008.

DOTS’ Electric Vehicle charging stations provided
28,630 kWh of electricity to Terps and community members who own electric vehicles (EVs),
saving EV owners a total of approximately $3,470 in electricity costs.

46% of people working in certified Green Offices have
changed their personal commuting habits to include more
sustainable options, including walking, cycling, carpooling and
public transportation at least one day per week.
                          Terps registered over 3,000
                          bikes, twice as many as in 2010,
                          showing that bike riding continues to
                          grow in popularity on campus.

                                                          What Can You Do to
 bikeUMD — A DOTS Program
                                                          support the sustainable
 Supporting the Culture of Biking
                                                          transportation culture at
 on Campus
 The university has made significant efforts to
 expand the biking infrastructure on campus in            • Try to incorporate alternatives to driving
 the last year. The Department of Transportation            alone to campus into your personal
                                                            commuting habits if possible.
 Services (DOTS) painted 86 “sharrows” on
 campus roads — arrows indicating that cars               • Provide encouragement to co-workers
 must share the lanes with bikers. Furthermore,             and classmates who are working to
 688 new bike parking spaces were created on                make their commute more sustainable.
 campus through the installation of 344 new bike          • Consider purchasing a hybrid or electric
 racks, each with two parking spaces. In addition           vehicle, or just upgrading to a more
 to making riding safer on campus and bike                  fuel-efficient vehicle.
 parking easier, DOTS has installed seven bike            • Be mindful and respectful of bikers
 repair stations across campus. These stations              when you are sharing the road with
 provide the tools for basic repairs and an air             them.
 pump to fill up soft tires. Expanding the bicycle        • Join UMD Zimride to find carpool
 infrastructure is imperative to encourage faculty,         partners and offer or request rides for
 staff and students to green their commutes by              commutes, road trips, and events. Go to
 choosing to bike to campus.                      

  UMD is committed to working toward zero carbon emissions by 2050.

  Since the Climate Action Plan (CAP) was launched five years
  ago, UMD has achieved an average reduction of 6,395 tons of
  greenhouse gases each year. However, UMD’s carbon footprint
  increased 1.5% in 2013 due mainly to transportation.
  Carbon footprint:
  • 279,188 Metric Tons of Carbon (MT-CO2E) in 2013
  • Burning 3,700 tanker trucks of gasoline would produce a
                       similar footprint                                                             If you could see 1 metric
                                                                                                     ton of carbon dioxide, you
  Carbon reduction:
                                                                                                     would be looking at a 33 ft.
  • 18% below the 2005 baseline year                                                                 wide bubble of gas. This is
  • An additional 32% reduction is needed by 2020 to meet our                                        more than 3 times the width
                       CAP target                                                                    of the M in the circle on
                                                                                                     Campus Drive.

                                                           Renewable Energy Certificate
                                                           emissions reduction in 2010
                                                                                                     2013 Highlights
                                                           from student fees
                                                                                                     • Emissions from purchased
Total Emissions (MT-CO2e)

                                                                                    Power &
                                                                                    Operations         electricity decreased 15%
                                                                                      Air Travel       due to more efficient use
                                                                                      Commuting        of the campus combined
                                                                                      Refrigerants     heat and power plant and
                                                                                      & Chemicals      integration of energy from
                                                                                      Agriculture      wind and solar projects.
                                                                                      Solid Waste
                                                                                                     • Emissions from the
                                                                                      UMD Fleet
                                                                                                       natural-gas fired
    2005                    2006   2007    2008   2009   2010    2011   2012   2013                    combined heat and power
                                                                                                       plant increased 6%.
  Our most recent campus carbon footprint was 4,058 MT-CO2e                                          • Emissions from air travel
  greater than the previous year’s carbon footprint. The same increase                                 increased 4% in the last
  in atmospheric carbon would have resulted from sending 208
                                                                                                       year and 46% in the last
  garbage trucks full of waste to landfills instead of recycling. Air travel,
                                                                                                       five years.
  commuting, the campus vehicle fleet and agriculture contributed to
  the increase this year. Emissions from power and operations alone were
  0.7% less than the previous year. For information on reducing    emissions
  from energy use see the Energy Consumption page in this report.                                    What can you do?
  Yearly Emissions per Terp                                                                              Look for this symbol for
  6.53 Metric tons of carbon, 1.4% more than last
                                                  year                                                  ideas on other pages of
  Yearly Emissions per 1,000 sq. ft.                                                                   this report.
  12.77 Metric tons of carbon, 2.1% less than last year

In spring 2014, President Loh announced the President’s Energy
Initiatives to encourage Facilities Management and campus partners                                           2013 Highlights
to prioritize electric efficiency and transition to more clean,                                              • The average Terp consumed 17.2
renewable power. The initiatives set                                 three major goals:                        kWh each day. All together the

                                                                                                               campus consumed over 268
                                                                                                               million kWh of electricity in 2013.
                                We will reduce electricity use on campus by 20% by
                                                                                                             • Terps also used 759,450 pounds
                                2020 via energy efficiency upgrades.
                                                                                                               of steam, 9% more than last year.
                                             PAST AND PROJECTED                                              • Electricity and steam power
                                                                                                               combined equates to about
                                           AVERAGE ELECTRICAL USE                                              1.3 million kWh per day. It
                         800000                   Trend to Date                    Future Goal                 would take approximately
                                                                                                               18,800 typical residences in
                                                                                                               the Chesapeake Bay region to
                         600000                                                                                consume the same amount of

                         500000                                                                                power.
                         400000                                                                              • Administration has invested
                         300000                                                                                over $25 million into energy
                                                                                                               conservation for campus
                                                                                                               buildings since 2008.
                                         ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11    ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 ‘18 ‘19 ‘20
                                                                   Calendar Year                             What Can You Do to Help
                                                                                                             Manage Energy at UMD?

 2                              We will off-set new greenhouse gas emissions from
                                our new construction by designing new buildings to
                                strict energy-efficiency standards and using energy from
                                                                                                             Individuals can:
                                                                                                             • Turn off and unplug
                                                                                                               computers and other
                                renewable sources.

                                                                                                               electronics when not in use.
                                We will eliminate carbon emissions from purchased                            • Purchase and use ENERGY STAR
                                electricity by 2020 by purchasing only from renewable                          Qualified or EPEAT-registered
                                sources.                                                                       computer equipment.
                                                                                                             • Turn lights off in unoccupied rooms
                                          PAST AND PROJECTED                                                   and rely on daylight for illumination
                                         PURCHASED ELECTRICITY                                                 when possible.
                                     Trend to Date          Future Goal                                      Campus Departments
                                                                                                             and Units can:
 % Renewable (rounded)

                                                                                                             • Propose projects to reduce energy
                         60                                                                                    consumption and work with
                                                                                                               campus partners to implement.
                                                                                                             • Participate in the Green Office
                         20                                                                                    Program.
                                                                                                             • Show support for implementing
                                                                                                               campus wide energy conservation
                               ‘10        ‘11   ‘12   ‘13     ‘14   ‘15   ‘16      ‘17   ‘18     ‘19   ‘20
                                                                Calendar Year
                                                                                                               and renewable energy strategies.


UMD aims to conserve potable water and has set a goal to
reduce purchases of potable water from around 500 million                                       2013 Highlights
gallons a year to 400 million gallons a year by 2020. That is a
                                                                                                • UMD consumed almost 2%
reduction of over 150 Olympic-size swimming pools. Potable
                                                                                                  less potable water in 2013
water meets drinking water standards as provided by the                                           than in 2012 and over 7% less
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission and does not include                                      than five years ago.
stormwater, recycled water or groundwater from campus.                                          • Working with an energy
                                                                                                  services company,
                            POTABLE WATER USE ON CAMPUS                                           Intercollegiate Athletics
                      600                                                                         and Facilities Management
                                  Trend to Date                   Future Goal
millions of gallons

                                                                                                  installed water-conserving
                                                                                                  fixtures to improve efficiency
                      400                                                                         of toilets, urinals, showers
                                                                                                  and faucets in 7 athletic
                                                                                                  facilities across campus.
                      200                                                                       • The Water Use and
                      100                                                                         Watershed Protection Work
                                                                                                  Group of the University
                       0                                                                          Sustainability Council
                        ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10   ‘11   ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16   ‘17   ‘18 ‘19 ‘20       released a report detailing
                                                     Calendar Year                                13 recommendations to
         WHERE IS POTABLE WATER USED ON CAMPUS?                                                   improve water management
                                                                                                  at UMD. To learn
                                                                                                  more view the
                                                                     12%                          report online at
                                                                    Power         9%              sustainaiblity.
                                                                     Plant       Golf Course,
                                                25%                               Fields and
                                                                                                  Reports &
                            Residence Halls,              19%                      Irrigation
     32%                 Dining, Recreation,              Offices,                                Publications.
     Heating and Cooling          and other               Classrooms and           3%
     Equipment            Student Buildings               Research Buildings       Other

           What Can You Do to Help Manage Potable Water at UMD?
           Individuals can:                                               Campus Departments & Units can:
           • Reduce unnecessary waste of water from                       • Propose projects to reduce potable water
             sinks and showers.                                             consumption and/or stormwater runoff to
           • Learn about dual-flush toilets that have been                  Facilities Management and the University
             installed in some locations around campus                      Sustainability Fund.
             and use them appropriately.                                  • Participate in the Green Office Program.
           • Report leaky plumbing fixtures promptly to                   • Show support for implementing campus
             facility managers and follow up to make sure                   wide water management strategies.
             leaks are fixed quickly.


As part of the University’s
commitment to improve
sustainability, UMD engages
students by adding more
courses each year that
focus on and incorporate
sustainability into its

151 courses have been
revised, across 63 different
disciplines, to include
material about sustainability.

                                                     252 students from 58 majors enrolled in the
                                                     Sustainability Studies Minor in its second academic
                                                     year of availability. It is the largest minor at UMD.

                                                     138 professors from all the university’s colleges
                                                     and schools have participated in the Chesapeake
                                                     Project Workshop, learning how to integrate
                                                     sustainability into their courses.

                                                     54% of incoming freshmen received a
                                                     sustainability lesson in the fall of 2013 through the
                                                     Student Sustainability Advisors program. A group
                                                     of trained juniors and seniors gave presentations to
                                                     introductory freshmen classes through this program.

  2013-2014 Highlights
  • The Education for Sustainability Work Group of the University Sustainability Council developed
    a list of six aspirational learning outcomes for which the university should strive in its education
    of undergraduate students. To learn more or request a list of the work group’s recommended
    learning outcomes, contact the Office of Sustainability.
  • The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences adopted its own Sustainability
    Plan. This is the first plan of its kind at the college level at UMD. It includes
    strategies to continue incorporating sustainability into the curriculum, as well as
    strategies to reduce resource consumption. The plan was also designed to serve
    as a guide for other colleges to set goals for improving the sustainability of the
    campus and community.


Maryland is a leader in research focused
on generating innovative solutions for a
sustainable future.

UMD hosts  15  research centers
which work to understand and solve
complex environmental and sustainability-
related problems.

Examples of Research Funded
by UMD
• Through collaboration between the
  Council on the Environment, the Vice
  President for Research, the Provost and
  the Deans, the university provides
 $180,000 in seed grants
 each year to fund two multidisciplinary environmental research projects by faculty.
• The University Sustainability Fund-powered by an undergraduate student fee of $12 a
  semester-awarded $24,000 in 2013-14 for student and faculty research that could
  result in tools to help reduce UMD’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Examples of Research Collaborations
                                • Faculty in the School of Engineering received a Maryland
                                  Offshore Wind Energy Challenge Grant of $215,398 to
                                  conduct research that will help shape the state’s strategy for
                                  establishing an offshore wind power industry in Maryland.
                                • UMD’s Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC)
                                  manages a collaborative research effort of 20 institutions
                                  for NOAA called the Cooperative Institute for Climate and
                                  Satellites and is receiving $93 million in funding to lead this
                                  program from 2014-2019.
                                • The Center for Disaster Resilience in the Clark School of
                                  Engineering is one of the newest collaborative research
                                  centers at UMD. 90 participants from federal, state and
                                  local governments, businesses and universities—including the
                                  center—attended a symposium at UMD to identify regional needs
                                  for building resilience to natural and human-caused disasters.


UMD contributes in numerous ways to sustainability in local communities. Because this
involvement is difficult to quantify across all of UMD’s
programs, this page summarizes a few key examples.

In 2013 students, faculty, staff and community members
who visited the Farmer’s Market at Maryland, supported
local, sustainable food producers by spending over
$191,000, an increase of almost 50% compared to 2012.
An average of over 285 people visited the Market each
             week of the Fall semester.

              40 municipalities throughout the
               state are setting and achieving goals to make their communities stronger, greener
               and more resilient through the Sustainable Maryland Certified program of the
              Environmental Finance Center at UMD.

302 participants (from 42 states and provinces in 3 countries) convened at the 2014
Smart & Sustainable Campuses Conference, which is hosted and staffed by the UMD Office
of Sustainability. Over the past five years, 350 colleges and universities have sent
representatives to this conference.

 Community Gardening in Baltimore City
 In response to growing, city-wide need for
 long-term gardening support, University of
 Maryland Extension (UME) partnered with
 the Parks & People Foundation to establish
 the Community Greening Resource Network
 (CGRN): a membership program that assists
 community gardens, urban farms, school
 gardens and individual and family green spaces
 throughout the city of Baltimore.

 CGRN members have access to materials,
 resources, education, and connections that
 gardens need to have a successful and
 sustainable green space. During its first five
 years, CGRN has grown to include 175 member gardens throughout the city. Membership
 benefits include workshops and education, volunteers and networking opportunities, tool
 libraries, give-away days, newsletters, calendars and other resources. In 2013 CGRN hosted
 9 give-away days during which they provided around $50,000 worth of trees, shrubs, soil
 amendments, seedlings, seeds and other gardening supplies to member gardens.


Thanks to all who submitted information this year for the annual Sustainability Progress Report, including:
Frank Allnutt, Director, Research & Education Centers (Central & Western Maryland; Lower Eastern Shore)
Brian Benhaim, Former Project Manager, Engineering and Energy
Jessica Best, Administrative Assistant, Transportation Services
Karen Breen, Director, Business Services
Susan Corry, Acting Energy Manager, Engineering and Energy
Michael Cron, IT Coordinator, Dining Services
Thomas Dobrosielski, Information Specialist, Institutional Research, Planning & Assessment
Robyn Dwyer, Program Coordinator, Maryland Fire & Rescue Institute
Sandy Dykes, Associate Director, Building and Landscape Services—General Services
P.J. Ellis, Director of Grounds, Inter-Collegiate Athletics
Anna Evans-Goldstein, Community Greening Resource Network Coordinator, Parks & People Foundation
Steve Gnadt, Associate Director, Stamp Student Union
Valerie Goubeau, Assistant Director, Transportation Services
Jim Johnson, Director of Facilities, Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research
Robb Krehbiel, Academic Advisor to the Sustainability Studies Minor
Allison Lilly, Sustainability & Wellness Coordinator, Dining Services
George Long, Course Superintendent, University of Maryland Golf Course
Joel Manspeaker, Manager of Landscape Administration, Building & Landscape Services
Jeff McGee, Assistant Director, Residential Facilities—Building Services
Jessica Moore, Assistant Manager, Building & Landscape Services
Jimmy Pence, HVAC Zone Supervisor, Operations & Maintenance
Karen Petroff, Assistant Director, Arboretum/Horticultural Services
Sidney Salazar, Manager, Procurement & Supply
Hilary Sazama, Manager, Office of Extended Studies
Adrienne Small, Recycling Specialist, Building & Landscape Services
Don St. Armand, Fleet Manager, Transportation Services
Cathy Stephens, Director of Planning, Programs and Communications, Council on the Environment
Claire Valdivia, Applications Coordinator, Education Abroad
David Wallace, IT Systems Programmer, Transportation Services

                              Special thanks to                                     Join Ian and
                              Ian Reichardt who worked as                          other fellow Terps
                              a Measurement & Assessment                         in taking the Small
                              Intern in the Office of                           Footprint Pledge to
                              Sustainability to help                           reduce the campus’
                              produce this report.                           environmental
                                                                            footprint. Learn more

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