University of Luxembourg - Our degree programmes

Page created by Gloria Patel
University of Luxembourg - Our degree programmes
University of
 Our degree programmes
University of Luxembourg - Our degree programmes
Bachelor degree programmes
 BEHAVIOURAL             BSc in Psychology (D, F, E)

 BIOLOGY AND             Sciences de la Vie - Filière Biologie (F, E)
 MEDICINE                Médecine (F, D, E)

 COMPUTER SCIENCE        Applied Information Technology (E, F)
                         Computer Science (E, F/D)

 ECONOMICS AND           Gestion (F, E)
 MANAGEMENT               Assurances
                         Sciences Économiques (F,E)
                         Comptabilité et Fiscalité (F,E)

 EDUCATION AND           Sciences de l’Éducation (D, F, L, E)
                         Sciences Sociales et Éducatives (D, F)
                         Enseignement Musical (F,G,L,E)

 ENGINEERING             Engineering (D,F,E)
                          Civil Engineering
                          Digital Engineering
                          Electrical Engineering
                          Energy and Environment
                          European Construction Management
                          Mechanical Engineering
 HUMANITIES              Dessin d’Animation (F, E)
                         Cultures Européennes (F, D, E)
                          English Studies
                          Études Françaises

 LAW                     Droit (F, E)

 MATHEMATICS             Mathematics (F, E)

 PHYSICS                 Physics (E, F)
                         Physics Saar-Lor-Lux (E, F, D)

Enrolment fees for national and international students

Bachelor degrees
Semester 1 and 2: €400 / semester         Master degrees
Semesters 3 to 6: €200 / semester         Each semester: €200 / semester
The fees may vary according to the study programme. Please refer to our
website for more information on enrolment fees and admission requirements.
University of Luxembourg - Our degree programmes
Master degree programmes
BEHAVIOURAL        Gérontologie (F, D)
AND COGNITIVE      MSc in Psychology: Psychological Intervention (D, E)
                   Psychotherapy (E, F, D)

BIOLOGY AND        Integrated Systems Biology (E)
MEDICINE           International MSc in Biomedicine (E)
                   Small Animal Veterinary Medicine (E)

COMPUTER SCIENCE   Information and Computer Sciences (E)
                   Information System Security Management (E)
                   Développement et Validation du Logiciel (F)
                   Technopreneurship (E)
                   Interdisciplinary Space Master (E)

ECONOMICS AND      Accounting and Audit (E)
MANAGEMENT         Entrepreneurship and Innovation (E)
                   Logistics and Supply Chain Management (E)
                    Digital procurement
                    Logistics and Supply Chain Management

EDUCATION AND      Médiation (F)
SOCIAL WORK        MSc in Psychology: Evaluation and Assessment (F, E)

ENGINEERING        Civil Engineering - Megastructure
                   Engineering with Sustainable Resources (E)
                   Développement Durable (F, E)
                   MSc in Engineering - Sustainable Product
                   Creation (E)
                   Sciences de l’Ingénieur - Efficacité
                   Énergétique et Économique (E, F)

FINANCE            MSc in Finance and Economics (E, F optional)
                    Investment Management
                    Risk Management
                    Financial Economics
                    Sustainable Finance
                    Digital Transformation in Finance
                   MSc in Quantitative Economics and Finance (E)
                   Wealth Management (E)

GEOGRAPHY AND      Architecture (E)
SPATIAL PLANNING   Border Studies (D, F, E)
                   Geography and Spatial Planning (E)
University of Luxembourg - Our degree programmes
HUMANITIES                             Enseignement Secondaire (F, D, E, L)
                                          Langue et littérature françaises
                                          Langue et littératures luxembourgeoises
                                         Études Franco-Allemandes : Communication et
                                         Coopération Transfrontalières (F, D)
                                         European Contemporary History (E, F)
                                         Learning and Communication in
                                         Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts (E, F, D)
                                         Modern and Contemporary European
                                         Philosophy (E)
                                         Theaterwissenschaft und
                                         Interkulturalität (D)
                                         Literatur-, Kultur- und Sprachgeschichte
                                         des deutschsprachigen Raums (D)
                                         Transnational German Studies (D, some courses in E)

 LAW                                    Master en Droit Européen
                                        (LL.M.) - Première année (M1) Tronc commun (E,F)
                                        Master en Droit Bancaire et Financier Européen
                                        (LL.M.) (E,F)
                                        Master en Droit et Contentieux de l’Union
                                        Européenne (LL.M.) (E,F)
                                        Master in European Economic and Financial
                                        Criminal Law (LL.M.) (E,F)
                                        Master in European and International Tax Law
                                        (LL.M.) (E,F)
                                        Master in European Business Law (LL.M.) (E,F)
                                        Master in Space, Communication and Media Law
                                        (LL.M.) (E,F)

 MATHEMATICS                            Data Science (E)
                                        Enseignement Secondaire -
                                        Mathématiques (F, D, E)
                                        Mathematics (E)
                                          Financial Mathematics
                                          General Mathematics
                                          Industrial Mathematics
 PHYSICS                                 Physics (E)
                                         Physics Saar-Lor-Lux-Gre (E, F/D)

 SOCIAL SCIENCES                          Legislative Studies (F, E)
                                          European Governance (E, F optional)
                                          Social Sciences and Educational Sciences (E)

Teaching languages: F: French | E: English | D: German | L: Luxembourgish
University of Luxembourg - Our degree programmes
University of Luxembourg - Our degree programmes
Studying at the University
of Luxembourg means…
 Being multilingual
 The University of Luxembourg is a multilingual
 university. Most of our programmes are bilingual
 (French-English or French-German), even
 trilingual or taught entirely in English.

 Having an open mind
 We strongly encourage student mobility and all
 our Bachelor students must spend one semester
 abroad. The University of Luxembourg is an active
 partner in the European ERASMUS+ Programme
 and has signed a series of agreements with
 partner universities all over the world. Language
 skills and a willingness to be open-minded are
 rewarded by degree qualifications which give our
 students undisputed advantages in the global
 labour market.

 Being well-connected
 in the world of work
 As a student, you will be able to take advantage
 of the excellent links to the financial centre,
 employers, industry and public institutions
 in Luxembourg. Over 860 lecturers from the
 business world, the social and education sector
 and national and European institutions teach in
 our three faculties.

 Having a unique university
 The University of Luxembourg operates on a
 human scale. Here, students are the top priority.
 Much of our teaching takes place in small classes
 or seminars. You will receive personal supervision
 and individual mentoring. Our students are
 encouraged to take an active part in lectures,
 classroom debates and discussions.
Welcome and support services
SEVE, the Student Department provides services to
offer you support and advice throughout your time at
the university.

Student accommodation
The majority of the University of Luxembourg’s student
housing is located in the southern region near Belval
Campus. Additional halls of residence are located
around Luxembourg City. Currently, the University has a
total of 1,097 rooms and studio apartments available in
35 halls of residence.

Language Centre
The University of Luxembourg offers language courses
in French, German, English and Luxembourgish for
students and staff in cooperation with the “Institut
National des Langues.”

Sports, arts and culture
Art workshops, as well as a large range of sports
activities, are organised free of charge. espace cultures
coordinates various cultural activities, including
the University Choir, the University Chamber Music
Ensemble, the student theatre group EduDrame, the
dance group Dance Cluster and a mime workshop.

Life on Campus
At the University of Luxembourg, several student
associations represent the interests of the student
community. The student lounge is the place to meet,
hang out and participate in a variety of activities. At
the beginning of each academic year, the University
organises the Welcome Day to help new students to get
to know each other, their university and their city.

Explore our website for more information on student
services and activities and our study programmes:
Belval Campus
Belval Campus is the University of Luxembourg’s main
site. Close to Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg’s second
largest city, Belval Campus features research and
learning facilities, the university library and learning
centre as well as student residences. The campus
is located at the centre of an urban district and has
eexcellent connection to public transportation.

Limpertsberg Campus
Limpertsberg Campus is located in a residential area
close to the centre of Luxembourg City and Kirchberg,
the capital’s business district.

Kirchberg Campus
Kirchberg Campus is right at the heart of Luxembourg
City’s business district with the country’s international
banking and financial centre and all the European
institutions close by.

Kirchberg Campus - Weicker
The Weicker Building is home for the Department of
Law of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance and
also hosts its Dean’s office and Management team.
The university in brief
     The University of Luxembourg is a European research-oriented
     university with a strong international and multilingual character.
     Founded in 2003, the university currently counts 6,783 students.
     Members of the university community come from all around the

    3        faculties       3     interdisciplinary
                                   centres               3     campuses


    6,783 130
    students                countries

                                                 international students

    283                                      3
             professors                         official languages:
    and senior lecturers                     French, German, English

                         600       + agreements on student
                         exchanges and research and
                         teaching cooperation

Updated on: 01/09/2021
University of Luxembourg
Student Department
Service des études et
de la vie étudiante

Belval Campus
2, avenue de l’Université
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette
T +352 46 66 44-6060

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                            Photos : Sophie Margue / Michel Brumat / David Laurent
                            © Université du Luxembourg 2021/09
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