Vascular Dementia/ Vascular Cognitive Impairment - Alan Thomas Professor of Old Age Psychiatry - HEE NE

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Vascular Dementia/ Vascular Cognitive Impairment - Alan Thomas Professor of Old Age Psychiatry - HEE NE
Vascular Dementia/
Vascular Cognitive Impairment
            Alan Thomas

     Professor of Old Age Psychiatry
          Newcastle University
Vascular Dementia/ Vascular Cognitive Impairment - Alan Thomas Professor of Old Age Psychiatry - HEE NE
Key Paper
    O’Brien and Thomas
     Vascular Dementia
Lancet 2015: 386: 1698-1706
Vascular Dementia/ Vascular Cognitive Impairment - Alan Thomas Professor of Old Age Psychiatry - HEE NE
The following are characteristic features of
vascular dementia:

1. Gradual cognitive decline
2. Persistent complex visual hallucinations
3. Labile mood
4. Prominent executive dysfunction
5. Marked hippocampal atrophy on MR imaging
Vascular Dementia/ Vascular Cognitive Impairment - Alan Thomas Professor of Old Age Psychiatry - HEE NE
In the management of vascular dementia:

1. Antipsychotic drugs have been banned
2. There is good evidence to use statins for
   secondary prevention
3. NICE recommends AChEI for mild to moderate
   (MMSE 10-20) vascular dementia
4. Sertraline is appropriate for treating emotional
5. There is little evidence for using memantine
Vascular Dementia/ Vascular Cognitive Impairment - Alan Thomas Professor of Old Age Psychiatry - HEE NE
1. Historical background
2. Diagnostic criteria
3. Difficulties with VaD
4. Epidemiology
5. Aetiology
6. Assessment
7. Management
Vascular Dementia/ Vascular Cognitive Impairment - Alan Thomas Professor of Old Age Psychiatry - HEE NE
Historical background (I)

• 600 – Term dementia (Latin “de mens”
  without mind (Isadore) coined)
• 1642 - Dementia “post apoplexy (stroke)”
  described (Willis)
• Up to 1960s dementia seen as consequence of
  ageing, due to ‘vascular’ disease
• 1889- A Alzheimer Senile Dementia
               (“hardening of arteries”)
Vascular Dementia/ Vascular Cognitive Impairment - Alan Thomas Professor of Old Age Psychiatry - HEE NE
Historical background (II)

• 1907 Alzheimer described first case AD in 51 y.o.
  female (“presenile dementia”)
• ‘Alzheimer’s disease’ (characteristic pathology)
  originally thought to be ‘presenile dementia’
• 1968, AD recognised as main cause dementia in
  late life (Blessed, Tomlinson and Roth)
Vascular Dementia/ Vascular Cognitive Impairment - Alan Thomas Professor of Old Age Psychiatry - HEE NE
Historical background (III)
• 1974    – Multi-infarct dementia (MID) coined
    (Hachinski). ICD and DSM based on this
•   1980’s/90’s – MID just one of many causes of
    Vascular dementia (e.g. subcortical disease)
•   1992/3 – Consensus diagnostic criteria for VaD
    (Roman, et al, 1993)
•   2003 – Broader term Vascular Cognitive
    Impairment preferred to dementia (the “memory”
    issue), includes all subtypes, e.g. “vascular MCI”
    and VaD
Vascular Dementia/ Vascular Cognitive Impairment - Alan Thomas Professor of Old Age Psychiatry - HEE NE
          (Roman et al, 1993)

• Dementia (memory and 2 or more
• Cerebrovascular disease (focal
  neurology and CVD on brain imaging)
• Link between the 2 (3 months or
  abrupt/fluctuating clinical course)
• Possible VaD if brain imaging negative
  or relationship (3/12) not clear
Vascular Dementia/ Vascular Cognitive Impairment - Alan Thomas Professor of Old Age Psychiatry - HEE NE
ICD-10 Criteria for VaD
1.Dementia (multiple cognitive deficits
  including amnesia, clear consciousness,
  impaired functioning, change)
2.Uneven distribution of cognitive deficits
3.Abrupt onset or stepwise deterioration
4.Presence of focal neurological signs and
  symptoms of cerebrovascular disease
  judged to be aetiologically related to
NB: No neuroimaging criteria
DSM-IV Criteria for VaD
1.Multiple Cognitive Deficits including amnesia
2.Significant impairment in social or
  occupational functioning which is a change
3.Presence of focal neurological signs and
  symptoms or laboratory evidence
  (=neuroimaging) of cerebrovascular disease
  judged to be aetiologically related to
  dementia (stepwise decline dropped)
4.Deficits not only during a delirium
DSM 5: Major Neurocognitive Disorder
A.    Evidence of significant cognitive decline from a previous level of
      performance in one or more cognitive domains (complex attention,
      executive function, learning and memory, language, perceptual-motor, or
      social cognition) based on:
1.    Concern of the individual, a knowledgeable informant, or the clinician
      that there has been a significant decline in cognitive function
2.    A substantial impairment in cognitive performance, preferably
      documented by standardised neuropsychological testing or, in its absence,
      another quantified clinical assessment.
B.    The cognitive deficits interfere with independence in everyday activities
      (i.e. at a minimum, requiring assistance with complex instrumental
      activities of daily living such as paying bills or managing medications).
C.    The cognitive deficits do not occur exclusively in the context of a
D.    The cognitive deficits are better explained by another mental disorder
      (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder, Schizophrenia).
DSM 5: Mild Neurocognitive Disorder
A.    Evidence of modest cognitive decline from a previous level of
      performance in one or more cognitive domains (complex attention,
      executive function, learning and memory, language, perceptual-motor, or
      social cognition) based on:
1.    Concern of the individual, a knowledgeable informant, or the clinician
      that there has been a mild decline in cognitive function
2.    A modest impairment in cognitive performance, preferably documented
      by standardised neuropsychological testing or, in its absence, another
      quantified clinical assessment.
B.    The cognitive deficits do not interfere with capacity for independence in
      everyday activities (i.e. complex instrumental activities of daily living
      such as paying bills or managing medications are preserved, but greater
      effort, compensatory strategies, or accomodation may be required).
C.    The cognitive deficits do not occur exclusively in the context of a
D.    The cognitive deficits are better explained by another mental disorder
      (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder, Schizophrenia).
DSM 5: Major or Mild Vascular Neurocognitive Disorder
A.   The criteria are met for major or mild neurocognitive disorder

B.   The clinical features are consistent with a vascular etiology, as suggested
     by either of the following:
          Onset of the cognitive deficits is temporally related to one or more
            cerebrovascular events.
          Evidence for decline is prominent in complex attention (including
            processing speed) and frontal-executive function.
C.   There is evidence of the presence of cerebrovascular disease from history,
     physical examination, and/or neuroimaging considered sufficient to
     account for the neurocognitive deficits
D.   The symptoms are not better explained by another brain disease or
     systemic disorder
DSM 5: Major or Mild Vascular Neurocognitive Disorder
    Probable vascular neurocognitive disorder is diagnosed if one of the
    following is present; otherwise possible vascular neurocognitive
    disorder should be diagnosed:
         Clinical criteria are supported by neuroimaging evidence of
            significant parenchymal injury attributed to cerebrovascular
            disease (neuroimaging-supported).

           The neurocognitive syndrome is temporally related to one or more
           documented cerebrovascular events.

            Both clinical and genetic (e.g., cerebral autosomal dominant
            arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy)
            evidence of cerebrovascular disease is present.
    Possible vascular neurocognitive disorder is diagnosed if the clinical
    criteria are met but neuroimaging is not available and the temporal
    relationship of the neurocognitive syndrome with one or more
    cerebrovascular events is not established
Difficulties with these
diagnostic criteria

   1. Problems with criteria
   2. Inherent in VaD
Problems with criteria

1.Biased towards AD (not DSM-5)
2.Not validated and unreliable
Biased towards Alzheimer’s disease
 o Standard dementia criteria have
 usually made amnesia mandatory
 o Executive dysfunction is characteristic
 of CVD
 o Attentional deficits also more
 prominent in VaD
 o Cognitively and functionally impaired
 may not meet dementia criteria
Comparability and interrater reliability of
  clinical criteria for VaD (Chui et al 2000)

   ‘Sample’: 25 case vignettes of varying types of
   cognitive impairment

                              Diagnosis              Interrater
   DSM IV                     26%                    0.6
   HIS                        25%                    0.6
   ADDTC                      10%                    0.4
   NINDS-AIREN                5%                     0.4
Sensitivity and Specificity of NINDS-
     AIREN Criteria (Gold et al 2002)
Diagnostic criteria   VaD    AD     Mixed       Sens    Spec
(neuropathology)      (20)   (46)   (23)

NINDS/AIREN           4      1      4           .20     .93
NINDS/AIREN           11     4      7           .55     .84

DSM-IV                10     5      6           .5      .84

ICD-10                4      0      4           .2      .94
                                            Gold et al 2002
Inherent difficulties with VaD

1.Variety of vascular diseases and
anatomical locations for diseases

2. Mixed pathology (AD/DLB/VaD) is common
and increasingly so with increasing age

3. But pure VaD is not common
Subtypes of Vascular Dementia

            O’Brien and Thomas, 2015

                          Large cortical and
 Large-vessel disease
 Cardiac embolic events

                          Small subcortical
 Small-vessel disease     infarcts
                          Diffuse white
                          matter lesions
Different types of
   cerebrovascular disease (1)

                                    SIVD -
Ischaemic infarct   White matter   lacunar
                     ischaemia       state
Different types of
   cerebrovascular disease (2)

 Multi-infarct   SIVD -WMLs   Thalamic
dementia (MID)   CADASIL       infarcts
Pure Vascular Dementia is not common
The Myth
 Most dementia is AD and/or VaD

           AD            AD         – 60%
           +VaD          Pure VaD   – 20%
Other                    VaD+AD     – 15%
                         Other       - 5%

The Reality: Brain Bank Studies show
   Pure Vascular dementia is rare
Study                   Sample   VaD (%)   Pure VaD (%)       Setting
Galasko et al.           170       9            2         AD Research Centres
Drach et al. (1997)       59       27          12         Nursing home

Hulette et al. (1997)   1,929      0.6         0.3        CERAD study

Bowler et al. (1998)     122       6            3         Memory disorders clinic

Holmes et al.             80       29           9         Dementia register
Lim et al. (1999)        134       34           3         AD patient registry
Duara et al. (2000)      307       16           4         Dementia brain bank

Barker et al. (2002)     384       18           3         Memory clinics, GP
Vascular Dementia is Overdiagnosed
                Niemantsverdriet et al 2015

27 clinical VaD, only 5 had significant vascular pathology
5 probable VaD (NINDS AIREN) – None had vascular pathology!
Big Infarct Case X: Example of Severe Vascular Case
which doesn’t cause Dementia


In 2007 (age 66) he suffered a large MCA stroke.
Clinically he had hemiparesis and dysphasia,
prominently expressive. But no generalised cognitive
impairment, remained high functioning (handling
money, medication and using computer) for years after
Case X
Major Stroke
 Urgent CT
Case X
The next day
 Large Left
Big Infarct Case X

Referred 8 years later (2015), “possible memory
problems”. On examination including detailed
neuropsychology he had no dementia, possible MCI
(though still dysphasia). He remained independent and
able to do high level functions such as handling his
medication and doing computer related activities.

In 2016 he developed Parkinson’s disease with a
highly abnormal FPCIT (grade 3) and begun treatment
with co-beneldopa. He remained cognitively fine or just
possible MCI.
Several repeat
   scans over
  the years like
    this: Large
 (this is 2019)
He was re-referred with concerns again about his
memory. Repeat scans showed only the chronic large
MCA infarct but no change, and no new infarcts. No
hippocampal atrophy on coronal views. He had no
Visual Hallucinations or REM sleep behaviour
disorder. But he did have Cognitive fluctuations as
well as Parkinson’s disease.
He had progressive impairments in memory from his
wife’s report (he no longer could accurately remind her
of appointments, visits etc) and difficulties in higher
level function (e.g. no longer able to do Sudoku) and
worsening of his PD (tremor worse) and excessive
salivation. Diagnosis therefore LBD. Not VaD or AD.
428 healthy adults

                    >50% had WMH on MRI

                    42% had DWMH only
                    33% PVH only
                    25% had both

Lesson: Presence of WMH should NOT
be used to diagnose VaD
It Gets Worse!
o AD pathology (specifically tau neuritic
load) but NOT vascular pathology
correlated with WMH in parietal and
temporal lobesin AD dementia (McAleese
et al 2015)
o WMH associated with markers of
hypoxia and microvascular disease in
controls but with neurodegeneration (AD
pathology) in AD dementia (McAleese et
al 2017)
Neuroimaging evidence
Pathological evidence of WML aetiology
Determine the influence of AD-related pathologies and SVD on the severity of WMH

                                                       •   N = 36 brains (23 AD, 13 controls)
                                                       •   Post-mortem T2 MRI
                                                       •   Frontal, temporal, parieto-occipital
                                                           and total WMH score

Stepwise linear regression: Tau pathology was a
significant predictor of WMH score (P
‘Mixed dementia’ is common
o CVD, AD and LBD are all common and
age related pathologies
o In the ‘old-old’ (80s & 90s) two or more
such pathologies are frequently found at
o Clinically, an AD-type presentation with
stroke before or after is regularly seen
Snowdon et al, JAMA, 1997, Nun Study
        Open circle = no infarcts
        Solid circle = 1 or more infarcts
• Second most common cause dementia
  (AD 60%, VaD 20%, DLB 15%)
• Rates rise with age (double 5.3y) as for AD
  (double 4.5y)(Jorm et al, 1987; 2003)
• Prevalence higher in Asia (38%) (Fratiglioni
  et al, 1999)
• Males > females, but females “catch up” at
  older ages (Jorm and Jolley, 1998)
• Dementia 3/12 after stroke in 15-30%. A
 further 20-25% develop delayed dementia.
Aetiology of VaD
o Stroke (but no clear link with location)
o Hypertension (in mid-life)
o Hypotension (in late-life)
o Hyperlipidaemia (in some studies)
o Diabetes (& ‘metabolic syndrome’)
o Smoking (and probably other vrf’s)
o Genetic causes (rare)
o But age is strongest ‘risk factor’
Studies of VaD Genetics
• Six polymorphisms strongly associated with
  PSEN-1 genes
• Only APOE (OR 1.82) and MTHFR (OR
  1.32) significant after further analyses
• APOE – AD gene, confounded by
• MTHFR – vascular gene (homocysteine
Inheritance of Cerebrovascular disease
Group                Specific types                 Genetics
Stroke(s)            CADASIL, CARASIL,              Notch 3, other genes
                     RVCL (HERNS, CRV,HVE)          TREX1 gene
Hypertensive         Familial Binswanger’s/         unknown
 angiopathies        Leukoencephalopathies
Amyloid              Icelandic, Dutch, Flemish,     Cystatin C, APP, PrP,
  angiopathies       Prion, Finnish, Hungarian,     Gelsolin, TTR, BRI
                     British, Danish, Others APOE
Other angiopathies   Moyamoya disease               Gene unknown/ Chr 3
Aneurysms            Sacular (berry), large         Genes unknown (also
                     aneurysms                      congenital forms)
Vascular             Cavernous angiomas             KRIT1 &other genes
 malformations       Cavernous malformations        on Chr 7 and 3 loci
Assessment of
Vascular Dementia
Clinical features of Vascular dementia
• Course: variable, classically abrupt onset of CI, stepwise
  deterioration but commonly gradual
• Symptoms and signs- focal signs, motor/sensory deficits,
  bulbar, gait; depression, anxiety
• Neuropsychometric findings- Executive dysfunction (vs
  memory and language function); attentional deficits
• Depression relatively common; emotional lability common
• History of vascular disease: CHD, AF, TIAs, PAD etc
• Imaging- CT/MRI- focal infarcts (70-90%); WMLs (70-100%)
• SPECT or PET- decreased CBF; patchy
• EEG- compared to AD usually normal
• Laboratory- changed cardiovascular disease markers
1. Establish presence of dementia
2. Careful history and physical assessment for
   evidence of CVD (stroke; falls; paresis etc)
3. Physical investigations: high BP or cholesterol;
   infarct(s) on neuroimaging
4. Determine (as far as possible) relationship
   between CVD and dementia (by pattern of onset)
5. Prominent executive dysfunction, attentional
   deficits, slowed information processing suggest
   VaD more likely
6. Mood changes, emotional lability and disinhibited
   behaviour are also more characteristic of VaD
Cache County Study
 Lyketsos et al, 2000 (n=5092)
Prevalence of neuropsychiatric
           Features after stroke
                      (Angelelli et al, 2004)
                  Healthy        Post-stroke patients
                  Controls 2 months 6 months 12 months
Symptom           (n=61)    (n=45)     (n=45)      (n=34)

Delusion            0.0     0.0       0.1        0.1
Hallucination       0.0     0.0       0.0        0.0       NB: Mood
Agitation           0.2     1.5**     1.3        1.2
Depression          0.3     2.9***    3.4***     2.7***
Anxiety             0.3     1.6***    1.1*       1.4*
Euphoria            0.0     0.6**‡    0.0        0.1
Apathy              0.2     1.0       3.2***††   2.5***†
Disinhibition       0.0     0.6       0.3        0.3
Irritability        0.3     2.0**     1.8**      2.3***
Aberrant motor      0.0     0.8***§   0.3        0.3
Night-time          0.1     0.7       1.0*       0.9*
Appetite/eating     0.2     2.5***    1.5*       2.1**
NICE/SCIE Guidelines for Dementia:
        assessment and diagnosis
•   Structural imaging should be used to exclude other
    cerebral pathologies and to help establish the subtype
    diagnosis. MRI is preferred modality to assist with early
    diagnosis and detect subcortical vascular changes,
    though CT can be used
•   HMPAO SPECT should be used to help differentiate
    between AD, VaD and FTD if the diagnosis is in doubt
•   CSF measurement should not be used as routine
Management of
Vascular Dementia
Management strategies for VaD

 • Use drugs developed for
   Alzheimer’s disease
 • Antiplatelet agents
 • BP lowering
 • Statins
 • Diet and Exercise
 • Other target symptoms
RCTs of CHEI in Vascular dementia

             O’Brien and Thomas, 2015
Absence of cholinergic deficits in
    “pure” VaD (Perry et al 2005)

 Sharp et al (2009): Also found ChAT activity only
 decreased in VaD with co-existing AD, and may
        actually be increased in pure VaD
Memantine in VaD:
     Two published 6 month studies
• Orgogozo et al, Stroke, 2002. 321 probable
    VaD. ADAS-Cog improved 0.6 pts in treated
    group, declined 1.6 pts in placebo
•   No effect on global outcome (CIBIC+)
•   Wilcock et al, ICP, 2002. 579 probable VaD.
    Drug treated patients 1.75 pts higher on
    ADAS-Cog than placebo at 6 months
•   No effect on global outcome (CGI-C)
Cochrane review of
     memantine (McShane et al 2014)

Published data from two 6 month RCTs
 suggest a small beneficial effect of
 memantine on cognition and behaviour at
 six months in those with mild to moderate
 vascular dementia, this effect was not
 clinically detectable
Dementia: assessment, management and support
 for people living with dementia and their carers
        NICE Guideline NG97, June 2018
Pharmacological management of non-Alzheimer's dementia
 1.5.10 Offer donepezil or rivastigmine to people with mild to moderate dementia with
Lewy bodies.[1]
1.5.11 Only consider galantamine[2] for people with mild to moderate dementia with
Lewy bodies if donepezil and rivastigmine[1] are not tolerated.
1.5.12 Consider donepezil or rivastigmine for people with severe dementia with Lewy
1.5.13 Consider memantine[3] for people with dementia with Lewy bodies if AChE
inhibitors[4] are not tolerated or are contraindicated.

1.5.14 Only consider AChE inhibitors[4] or memantine[3] for people with vascular
dementia if they have suspected comorbid Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease
dementia or dementia with Lewy bodies.

1.5.15 Do not offer AChE inhibitors or memantine to people with frontotemporal
BAP Dementia Guidelines 2017

•   3020 subjects (mean age 63y) with lacunar infarct
    randomised to BP lowering (
Hypertension in VaD
o Only one study has shown treatment of
HTn to reduce dementia incidence
(Fourette et al 1998)
o >4 RCTs have shown no such benefits
on dementia incidence or cognitive decline
(Cochrane Review 2014)
o May relate to stage at which treatment is
given (over-zealous treatment may cause
hypotensive damage)
SPRINT Mind (JAMA 2019)
• RCT of intensive BP lowering vs standard
  treatment in 9361 patients >50 years of
  age with hypertension and no stroke, CV
• Main outcomes in JAMA and NEJM
  showed intensive arm had lower fatal and
  nonfatal CV events and reduced deaths
• So study terminated early for
  cognitive/dementia endpoints (again)
SPRINT Mind (JAMA 2019)

effect on

on MCI and
and MCI
Nimodipine in subcortical VaD
            (Pantoni et al, Stroke 2005)

• 242 subjects, subcortical VaD on ICD-10
    and CT evidence; Nimodipine 90mg or PBO
•   Primary outcome measure NS (Sandoz
    Clinical Assessment Geriatric scale)
•   Some improvements on secondary
    measures (GDS, lexical memory)
•   CV adverse events more frequent in
    placebo group (RR 2.26 (CI 1.11-4.6))
Statins in VaD
o 3 RCTs in possible & probable AD
(simvastatin and atorvastatin). No difference
in cognition, ADL, global, behaviour
o No trial in VaD
o Cochrane Review (2014): No evidence to
support use in dementia
o But three large RCTs have found no effect
of statins on cognitive decline (Santanello et al
1997; Heart Protection Study 2002; Shepherd et al 2002)
Exercise: The PROMoTE trial
• Single-blind 12 month RCT in 70 subjects (mean age 74)
  with subcortical VCI
• Thrice-weekly, progressive aerobic exercise training
  program for 6 months c/w usual care plus education
• On primary outcome, exercise group had improved ADAS-
  Cog (-1.7 point difference) at 6 months, but no difference at
  12 months
• On secondary outcomes, exercise groups had longer timed
  walking distance (30 metres) and reduced BP (7mm Hg) at
  6 months. Reported to be cost effective at Can $20,000/

                 Ambrose et al, Neurology 2016; Davis et al, BMJ Open 2017
Exercise: The DAPA study

                 • 494 people with
                   randomised to
                   exercise or usual
                   care in 2:1 ratio
                 • Exercise group 1.4
                   points worse on
                  Lamb et al, BMJ 2017
FINGER study
                     Ngandu et al, Lancet 2015
•   FINnish Geriatric intervention study to prEvent cognitive
    impaiRment and disability (FINGER)
•   1260 people aged 60-77, no dementia but high “risk score” (> 6)
FINGER study
 Ngandu et al, Lancet 2015
Pre-DIVA sudy
Cluster RCT of usual care v 4 monthly
Visits to optimise vascular risk reduction

                                       Sig differences
                                       groups in BP
                                       but very small

                           Van Charante et 7y
                                           al, outcome
                                               Lancet 2016
Mood Disturbance in VaD
•   There is evidence demonstrating no benefit from
    antidepressants for depression in dementia in
    general, including VaD (SADD Study 2011,
    DIADS-2, 2010)

•   But these trials did not include moderate-severe

•   Emotional lability: small case-control studies
    report benefits from low dose TCA and from
    SSRIs (typically within two weeks)
Psychosis/Aggression in VaD
•   RCTs report only modest benefits from APD in
    dementia; best evidence is for risperidone
•   All APD are associated with cognitive decline &
    poorer quality of life, as well as EPSE etc
•   APD are associated with a small increased risk of
    stroke and death in dementia
•   Regulatory authorities caution against their use,
    especially in the presence of stroke disease
•   APD should only be used in severe cases after
    other interventions have failed
NICE/SCIE Dementia Guidelines
•   For people with vascular dementia, cholinesterase
    inhibitors and memantine should not be used for the
    treatment of cognitive decline, except as part of properly
    constructed clinical studies
•   People with vascular dementia who develop non-cognitive
    symptoms or behaviour that challenges should not be
    prescribed cholinesterase inhibitors, except as part of
    properly constructed clinical studies
•   Mixed dementia should be managed according to the
    condition that is thought to be the predominant cause of
    the dementia
The following are characteristic features of
vascular dementia:

1. Gradual cognitive decline
2. Persistent complex visual hallucinations
3. Labile mood
4. Prominent executive dysfunction
5. Marked hippocampal atrophy on MR imaging
In the management of vascular dementia:

1. Antipsychotic drugs have been banned
2. There is good evidence to use statins for
   secondary prevention
3. NICE recommends AChEI for mild to moderate
   (MMSE 10-20) vascular dementia
4. Sertraline is appropriate for treating emotional
5. There is little evidence for using memantine
CASC Part 1
You are asked to see a 75 year old man with a
  severe ‘mixed dementia’ who has become
  paranoid and aggressive. He lives in an EMI
  Residential Care Home. You have no access to
  previous records.

((You will be interviewing his main carer at the
   home ‘in his best interests’. He is too impaired
   to be interviewed and he lacks capacity to
   consent and his wife is unavailable))
CASC Part 2
You conclude he needs antipsychotic medication
  and you wish to prescribe risperidone. His wife
  has arrived and you are to discuss this with her.
You can also read