Page created by Nicholas Sutton

 Vocational Education and Training
       Future Pathways for Students
Frequently Asked Questions......................................................................... 4

        School Based Apprenticeships..................................................................... 6
        Training Guarantee for SACE Students (TGSS - Skills for All)............................... 7

        Agriculture and Horticulture
        Certificate I in Agrifood Operations.............................................................. 8
        Certificate II in Agriculture........................................................................... 9
        Certificate I in Food Processing - Viticulture................................................... 10
        Certificate III in Rural Operations - Animal Care and Husbandry....................... 11

        Business Services and Information Technology
        Certificate II in Business............................................................................ 12
        Certificate III in Business Administration........................................................ 13
        Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology Online.................... 14
        Certificate II and III in Information, Digital Media and Technology..................... 15

        Creative Industries
        Certificate II in Creative Industries - Media................................................... 16
        Certificate III in Media - Animation for Games, Film and Multimedia................. 17
        Certificate III in Media - 3D Animation and Game Development....................... 18
        Certificate III in Technical Production - Music Industry and Recording................. 19
        Certificate III in Technical Production - Theatre, Live, Studio and Electronic.......... 20

        Health and Community Services
        Certificate III in Aquatics............................................................................ 21
        Certificate III in Aquatics............................................................................ 22
        Certificate III in Aquatics - Pool Lifeguard....................................................... 23
        Certificate III in Aquatics - Pool Lifeguard....................................................... 24
        Certificate III in Aquatics - Swimming Teacher (Austswim)................................... 25
        Certificate II in Sport Coaching................................................................... 26
        Certificate II in Community Services - Child Care............................................ 27
        Certificate III in Community Services Work..................................................... 28
        Certificate II in Sport and Recreation............................................................ 29
        Certificate III in Fitness.............................................................................. 30
Science, Trades and Technology
Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation.......................................... 31
Certificate II in Driver Competence............................................................. 32
Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology........................................... 33
Certificate I in Constuction, Doorways 2 Construction.................................... 34
Certificate I in Doorways 2 Construction...................................................... 35
Certificate III in Doorways 2 Construction Plus............................................... 36
Doorways 2 Construction - Plumbing........................................................... 37
Doorways 2 Construction - Plumbing Plus..................................................... 38
Certificate II in Electronics......................................................................... 39
Certificate II in Engineering - Metal Trade Skills............................................. 40
Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication..................................................... 41
Aviation SACE Stage 2............................................................................ 42

Service Industries
Certificate II in Tourism.............................................................................. 43
Certificate III in Travel............................................................................... 44
Certificate II in Kitchen Operations.............................................................. 45

DECD Inner South Curriculum Alliance Schools.............................................. 46

For more information on courses and how to enrol, see your school’s VET coordinator.

Information provided in this booklet is believed to be correct at the time
of printing. However, several factors can affect whether a course will run
and whether the costs listed are accurate. These include: sufficient student
numbers, unforeseen costs and if a school is approved to deliver by a
Registered Training Organisation.

                        Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015 I 3
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

                             What is VET?
                             Vocational Education and Training is industry specific and nationally recognised training
                             that can be undertaken while a student is still at school.

                             What are ISCA Schools?
                             ISCA is the Inner South Curriculum Alliance and comprises the ten DECD schools listed on
                             the back page of this booklet.
                             The courses offered here are designed to meet the training needs of the students within
                             the Alliance. Students still have access to a range of VET courses from other clusters, TAFE
                             and private Registered Training organisations. Please see your school’s VET Coordinator
                             for more information.

                             Can VET Count toward SACE?
                             VET Programs are recognised within the SACE, providing credits toward the completion of
                             Stage 1 and/or Stage 2. Please see your school’s VET Coordinator for more information.

                             What are the benefits of choosing VET?
                             • Gaining a nationally recognised qualification whilst completing your SACE
                             • Getting a head start in your chosen career
                             • Providing opportunities to learn on-the-job through workplace learning
                             • Gaining the skills and knowledge that employers are looking for
                             • P roviding pathways to apprenticeships, traineeships, further training or direct employment.

                             How do I apply for a Regional VET Program?
                             Step 1: Choose the course from this booklet that you are interested in applying for
                             Step 2: See your school’s VET Coordinator for a copy of the application form
                             Step 3: Complete and sign the application form, making sure to carefully read your rights
                             and responsibilities, and return to your VET Coordinator.
                             Step 4: You will be advised of the outcome of your application during Term 4. Please note
                             that some courses may require you to attend an interview or information session.

                             4   I   Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015
How much will it cost me?

                                                                                                    Frequently Asked Questions
Course costs vary. Your VET Coordinator will provide you with exact costing during the
course counselling process.

How will I get there?
All students are required to arrange their own transport to VET Courses and Work

Will I need to do Work Experience as part of my VET Course?
Some VET Programs require students to complete Work Experience as part of their training
in a real or simulated work environment. These placements provide valuable training and
mentoring to develop your technical and employability skills.

What SACE subjects fit with my VET Program?
A SACE subject highly recommended for VET students is Stage 1 and 2 Workplace
Practices. Students who gain the most from this subject are usually involved in a VET
program, part time work, apprenticeships or traineeships, volunteering or community
work. The course content of Workplace Practices compliments and adds value to what
you are learning in your training or other work.

How will my VET Course impact on University and TAFE entry?
Some fully completed VET Courses, at Certificate III level or above, can contribute to
your Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR). TAFE SA recognises SACE completion as
meeting the entry requirements for most of its courses. It also considers a variety of other
qualifications (including VET) and experiences in its entry selection processes.
For more information on University or TAFE entry, please see your school’s VET/SACE

Will doing a VET Course affect my other subjects?
You may miss lessons for other subjects whilst attending your VET program and work
experience. You will need to be well organised and work closely with your subject
teachers and VET Coordinator to ensure this impact is minimised.

                    Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015 I 5
School Based Apprenticeships
School Based Apprenticeships

                               A School Based Apprenticeship (SBA) is a great way to start your career while completing
                               your SACE. SBAs enable students from years 10 - 12 to combine paid work, training and
                               school, while working towards both the SACE and a nationally recognised qualification.
                               Students undertaking an SBA commence work under a Contract of Training which is
                               facilitated by the Trade School Apprenticeship Brokers.
                               Before commencing an SBA, it is recommended that you have participated in a VET
                               program. This demonstrates to any potential employers your genuine interest in the area
                               and that you have already learnt a variety of job specific skills.

                               Some benefits of undertaking a School Based Apprenticeship are:
                               • Earning money whilst still at school
                               • Working towards or gaining a nationally recognised qualification
                               • Gaining hands-on experience in your chosen career
                               • Earning SACE credits as part of your training, and completing your SACE
                               • Starting your career whilst still at school
                               Our Apprenticeship Brokers work with students from each of our Inner South schools and
                               help to: prepare students for employment, connect students with potential employers and
                               complete the Apprenticeship sign-up process.

                               Sam Ricci                              Russell Atwell
                               T 8275 8361                            T 8275 8342
                               M 0439 812 742                         M 0437 429 127
                               E                  E

                               6   I   Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015
Training Guarantee for SACE Students (TGSS - Skills for All)

                                                                                                    Training Guarantee
Are you a young person who knows what vocational pathway you want to do beyond
school and have already done some VET at school?
You may be eligible for a funded training pathway!
The Training Guarantee for SACE Students scheme can help put students on a rewarding
vocational career and jobs pathway.
The scheme enables selected SACE students to undertake VET training at an approved
Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in qualifications prescribed by the Department of
Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (DFEEST) and guarantees them a
place to finish the qualification they have started after completing their SACE.
The prescribed training will be subsidised by DFEEST and will significantly reduce the costs
of training for young people. Training at Certificate II level is fully funded by DFEEST so
there will be no tuition fees for students. Certificate III training is up to 80% funded.

To be eligible the student must:
• be 16 years of age or older and be undertaking SACE
• have undertaken a substantial amount of VET as part of their SACE
• participate in relevant work placement - at least 140 hours
• plan to transition to an RTO in the year after finishing SACE to complete the
   Certificate III (or higher)
• be clearly intending to pursue a vocational career related to the qualification.
The school must:
• screen, select and counsel students
• prepare and maintain a formal Education and Training Plan (ETP) that is co-signed by
   the student, parent/guardian, principal and the selected RTO
• organise and monitor relevant work placements.
If you are interested in this opportunity, visit and speak to your
VET Coordinator.
For more information, please contact our Industry Skills Manager:
Peter Leolkes:

                    Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015 I 7
Certificate I in Agrifood Operations
Agriculture and Horticulture

                               Registered Training Organisation TAFE SA (Code: 40161)
                               Delivery Site                               Urrbrae Agricultural High School
                               Qualification Title                         Certificate I in Agrifood Operations (FULL)
                               Qualification Code                          AHC10210
                               Number of SACE Credits                      10

                                                               ISCA Schools
                                   Course Fees:                $0
                                   Additional Costs:           $300 for excursions and demonstrations
                                   Total:                      $300

                               Course Description
                               This qualification is an entry-level qualification aimed at individuals entering the agriculture,
                               horticulture, conservation and land management industries. It allows individuals to develop
                               basic skills and knowledge to prepare for work. Students will gain competency in extensive
                               and intensive livestock, operate basic machinery and equipment, irrigation, woolshed
                               work, agriculture crop work and the use of hand tools.
                               Commencement Date Week 2, Term 1 (Wednesday, February 4)
                               Length of Course               1 year
                               Day & Time                     Wednesday 11.00am to 5.00pm
                               Work Experience	
                                               Work placements on farms are compulsory. Work placements must
                                               be approved to ensure it matches competency skill training.
                               Special Requirements	Safety footwear, overalls or work clothes and hat must be worn at
                                                     all times following the first lesson.
                               Pre-Requisites	Students should have a genuine interest in developing skills and
                                               working in the agriculture industry or relevant farming experience.
                               Further Education              Certificate II in Agriculture or will facilitate entry into an
                               Pathway                        apprenticeship.
                               Career Pathway	Farm hands, farm supervisors, stock agents, wool handlers.

                               8   I   Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015
Certificate II in Agriculture

                                                                                                      Agriculture and Horticulture
Registered Training Organisation TAFE SA (Code: 40161)
Delivery Site                           Urrbrae Agricultural High School
Qualification Title                     Certificate II in Agriculture (FULL)
Qualification Code                      AHC20110
Number of SACE Credits	Up to 30

                            ISCA Schools
 Course Fees:               $150 Chemical Certificate
 Additional Costs:          $300 (camps, excursions and demonstrations)
 Total:                     $450

Course Description
This course is an Agricultural training course with the emphasis on intensive and extensive
livestock skills. In addition, units in chemical use, fencing, monitoring livestock, farm
management, animal husbandry management and advances in technology are covered.
Students participate in off site training and complete 20 days of on the job training on the
Urrbrae farm or other farming properties for the assessment.
Commencement Date Week 2, Term 1 (Tuesday, February 3)
Length of Course          1 year
Day & Time                Tuesday 1.00pm to 6.00pm
Work Experience	Work placements on farms are compulsory. Work placements must
                  be approved to ensure it matches competency skill training.
Special Requirements	Safety footwear, overalls or work clothes and hat must be worn at
                      all times following the first lesson.
Pre-Requisites	Students should have a genuine interest in developing skills and
                working in the agriculture industry or relevant farming experience.
Further Education Can lead to tertiary courses – Certificate III or IV Agriculture
Pathway 	or Bachelor of Agriculture Science or equivalent. For more
                  information please see:
Career Pathway	Traineeship or work in Agriculture or Horticulture as assistant
                animal attendant/stockperson, assistant Farm or Station hand,
                worker or labourer.

                      Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015 I 9
Certificate I in Food Processing - Viticulture
Agriculture and Horticulture

                               Registered Training Organisation Hamilton Secondary College (Code: 0561)
                               Delivery Site                               Hamilton Secondary College
                               Qualification Title                         Certificate I in Food Processing (Viticulture) (FULL)
                               Qualification Code                          FDF1011
                               Number of SACE Credits                      Up to 35 at Stage 1

                                                               ISCA Schools
                                Course Fees:                   $375
                                Additional Costs:              Nil
                                Total:                         $375

                               Course Description
                               The course gives students the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge related to
                               working in the viticulture/wine industry. The course is designed with a practical emphasis
                               and students will undertake a work placement in a winery, and work in vineyards during
                               pruning season.
                               Commencement Date Week 2, Term 1 (Thursday, February 5)
                               Length of Course              2 semesters
                               Exit point                    Depends on how many competencies are gained.
                               Day & Time                    Thursday 9.00am to 3.15pm
                               Work Experience	
                                               5 days
                               Special Requirements	Attend an interview.
                               Pre-Requisites	Students should have a genuine interest in developing skills and
                                               knowledge related to working in the viticulture/wine industry.
                                               Students will be required to wear a uniform provided.
                               Further Education             Certificate II in Wine Industry Operations and Certificate III
                               Pathway                       in Wine Industry Operations.
                               Career Pathway	
                                              Cellar Hand, Winery Worker.

                               10   I   Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015
Certificate III in Rural Operations - Animal Care and Husbandry

                                                                                                       Agriculture and Horticulture
Registered Training Organisation Regional Skills Training (Code: 140107)
Delivery Site                            Seaview High School
Qualification Title                      Certificate III in Rural Operations (FULL)
Qualification Code                       AHC32810
Number of SACE Credits                   Up to 110 at Stage 2

                             ISCA Schools
 Course Fees:                70% of the cost of the course is funded under the TGSS;
                             the remainder payable by the student.
 Additional Costs:           Nil
 Total:                      To be advised on application

Course Description
This course is designed for students who are passionate about animals and interested
in the Animal Care Industry. They will learn about animal nutrition, anatomy, handling
techniques, first aid and to administer medication. Course work to be completed between
workshops. Phone and email support provided. Practical workshops involving domestic
pets, wildlife, livestock and field trips to pastoral properties, Monarto and Roseworthy
Campus. Certificate completion can be used towards an ATAR score.
Commencement Date Week 2, Term 1 (Wednesday, February 4)
Length of Course           3 Semesters
Exit point	Statement of attainment.
Day & Time                 Wednesday 8.45am to 3.30pm. Monthly.
Work Experience	
                140 hours
Special Requirements	Attendance at an information session and interview. Rubber soled
                      work boots.
Pre-Requisites	Eligible for TGSS.
Further Education Bachelor of Animal Science, Veterinary Bioscience. Diploma of
Pathway	Animal Technology, Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing, Equine
                  Dentistry, Pet Styling.
Career Pathway	Veterinarians, VET Nursing, Parks & Wildlife/Zoos, Wildlife
                Rescue, Pet Breeding Industry, Animal Welfare – RSPCA, Working
                Dog Training - Police /Hearing Blind.

                      Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015 I 11
Certificate II in Business
Business Services and Information Technology

                                               Registered Training Organisation Hamilton Secondary College (Code: 0561)
                                               Delivery Site                               Hamilton Secondary College
                                               Qualification Title                         Certificate II in Business (FULL)
                                               Qualification Code                          BSB20112
                                               Number of SACE Credits	Up to 50 at Stage 1

                                                                               ISCA Schools
                                                Course Fees:                   $375
                                                Additional Costs:              Nil
                                                Total:                         $375

                                               Course Description
                                               The course gives students the opportunity, with the facilitation of their trainers, to set up
                                               and run a simulated business. They conduct business by buying and selling products
                                               and services from other simulated businesses all around Australia. They learn about
                                               office procedures and processes in various departments such as Reception, Purchasing,
                                               Marketing, Sales and Finance.
                                               Commencement Date Week 2, Term 1 (Thursday, February 5)
                                               Length of Course	2 semesters
                                               Exit point                    Depends on how many competencies are gained.
                                               Day & Time	Thursday 9.00am to 3.15pm
                                               Work Experience	
                                                               5 days
                                               Special Requirements	Attend an interview.
                                                              Students should have a genuine interest in developing office and
                                                              business skills.
                                               Further Education             Certificate III in Business, Certificate III and IV and Diploma in
                                               Pathway                       Business Administration.
                                               Career Pathway	Office Traineeships, Administrative Assistant, Clerical Worker,

                                               12   I   Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015
Certificate III in Business Administration

                                                                                                       Business Services and Information Technology
Registered Training Organisation Hamilton Secondary College (Code: 0561)
Delivery Site                            Hamilton Secondary College
Qualification Title                      Certificate III in Business Administration (PARTIAL)
Qualification Code                       BSB30412
Number of SACE Credits	Up to 20 at Stage 2 per semester

                             ISCA Schools
 Course Fees:                $375
 Additional Costs:           Nil
 Total:                      $375

Course Description
The course gives students the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge related to
working in the Business Administration industry.
Commencement Date Week 2, Term 1 (Wednesday, February 4)
Length of Course           2 semesters
Exit point	Depends on how many competencies are gained.
Day & Time                 Twilight (Wednesday 4.00pm to 7.00pm)
Work Experience            Recommended but not compulsory.
Special Requirements Attend an interview.
Pre-Requisites	Students should have a genuine interest in developing skills and
                knowledge related to working in the Business Administration
                industry. They should have basic computing and word processing
Further Education          Certificate IV in Business Administration, Certificate IV in Business.
Career Pathway	Traineeships, Office Manager, Personal Assistant, Administration

                      Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015 I 13
Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology Online
Business Services and Information Technology

                                               Registered Training Organisation Thebarton Senior College (Code: 40117)
                                               Delivery Sites		Thebarton Senior College (2 half days) and online
                                               Qualification Title                 Certificate II Information, Digital Media and Technology (FULL)
                                               Qualification Code		                       ICA20111
                                               Number of SACE Credits                     Up to 60 at Stage 1

                                                                               ISCA Schools
                                                Course Fees:                   $300
                                                Additional Costs:              Nil
                                                Total:                         $300

                                               Course Description
                                               The course can be studied online through the Thebarton Moodle. However, in order to
                                               build a supportive IT environment, a face-to-face orientation session will be held at the start
                                               of the course.
                                               The Computer Support course requires students to demonstrate their ability to set up
                                               hardware and install and customise software as well as troubleshoot problems. A practical
                                               test session will be held at the College so that this can take place under supervision and
                                               with the required equipment available.
                                               Interactivity between students through Moodle or face-to-face sessions as required. Online
                                               video links such as Facetime, Skype may be used.
                                               Commencement Date Week 1, Term 1
                                               Length of Course              2 semesters
                                               Exit point                    End of year
                                               Day & Time                    All work online and 2 practical sessions.
                                               Work Experience               Not required.
                                               Special Requirements 	Access to Computer (Windows operating system is assumed
                                                                      for Computer Support), internet access, email address, scanner
                                                                      and camera. The following software is required: Microsoft Office –
                                                                      version 2010 or later, Adobe Photoshop CS 5.1 or later, Audacity
                                                                      or similar - free trial downloads are available.
                                               Pre-Requisites         A sound understanding of IT and ability to work online.
                                               Further Education             IT pathways such as Certificate III or Certificate IV.
                                               Career Pathway                Specialist IT employment. See:

                                               14   I   Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015
Certificate II and III in Information, Digital Media and Technology

                                                                                                     Business Services and Information Technology
Registered Training Organisation Hamilton Secondary College (Code: 0561)
Delivery Site                          Hamilton Secondary College
Qualification Title	
                    Certificate II and III in Information,
                    Digital Media and Technology (FULL)
Qualification Code                     ICA20111 & ICA30111
Number of SACE Credits	Up to 80 at Stage 1 (Certificate II)
                         Up to 95 at Stage 2 (Certificate II and III)

                           ISCA Schools
 Course Fees:              $375
 Additional Costs:         Nil
 Total:                    $375

Course Description
The Certificate II qualification provides foundation general computing and employment
skills that enable participation in an information technology environment in any industry
and could equip an individual to undertake roles such as an office assistant or to work in
records management.
The Certificate III qualification will lead to basic personal computer (PC) support, basic
network/system administration or first level support desk.
Commencement Date	
                  Week 2, Term 1 (Tuesday, February 3 and then Thursday,
                  February 5 (2 days per week)
Length of Course         2 semesters
Exit point               Depends on how many competencies are gained.
Day & Time	Tuesday and Thursday 9.00am to 3.15pm
Work Experience          Not compulsory but recommended.
Special Requirements	Attend an interview.
Pre-Requisites	Students should have a genuine interest in developing skills and
                knowledge related to working in the IT industry.
Further Education        Certificate IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Information
Pathway                  Technology.
Career Pathway	ICT Help Desk Operator, ICT User Support, Technical IT Support.

                    Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015 I 15
Certificate II in Creative Industries - Media
Creative Industries

                      Registered Training Organisation Hamilton Secondary College (Code: 0561)
                      Delivery Site                               Hamilton Secondary College
                      Qualification Title                         Certificate II in Creative Industries - Media (FULL)
                      Qualification Code                          CUF20107
                      Number of SACE Credits	Up to 30 at Stage 1

                                                      ISCA Schools
                       Course Fees:                   $375
                       Additional Costs:              Nil
                       Total:                         $375

                      Course Description
                      The course gives students the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge related to
                      working in the digital media industry. The course develops skills in digital video, sound,
                      animation, print, image manipulation and electronic media.
                      Commencement Date Week 2, Term 1 (Thursday, February 5)
                      Length of Course              2 semesters
                      Exit point                    Depends on how many competencies are gained.
                      Day & Time                    Thursday 9.00am to 3.15pm
                      Work Experience               Not compulsory but recommended.
                      Special Requirements	Attend an interview.
                      Pre-Requisites	Students should have a genuine interest in digital media industry
                                      skill development.
                      Further Education Certificate III in Media, Certificate IV in Screen and Media,
                      Pathway 	Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Screen and Media.
                      Career Pathway                Graphic Designer, Web Designer, Illustrator, Animator.

                      16   I   Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015
Certificate III in Media - Animation for Games, Film and Multimedia

                                                                                                       Creative Industries
Registered Training Organisation Hamilton Secondary College (Code: 0561)
Delivery Site                            Hamilton Secondary College
Qualification Title                      Certificate III in Media (FULL)
Qualification Code                       CUF30107
Number of SACE Credits                   Up to 70 at Stage 2

                             ISCA Schools
 Course Fees:                $375
 Additional Costs:           Nil
 Total:                      $375

Course Description
The course is a comprehensive package aimed at students wanting to develop skills and
knowledge related to the games, film and multimedia industries. It has been developed
in consultation with Adelaide’s leading animation companies and has regular industry
professional course input and contact. Students will learn a range of animation styles
and techniques using industry standard 2D and 3D software. Students will also learn the
production process; how to design characters, create sound tracks and present their work
to meet an industry brief.
The course can contribute to the majority of Stage 2 SACE credits and is suitable for
students s with a strong interest and drive to build a pathway into the animation, games,
film, special FX and multimedia industries.
Commencement Date	Week 2, Term 1 (Tuesday, February 3 and Thursday, February 5)
Length of Course	1 year, 2 days per week (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Exit point                 Depends on how many competencies are gained.
Day & Time	Tuesday and Thursday 9.00am to 3.15pm
Work Experience	Not compulsory but recommended.
Special Requirements Attend an interview.
Pre-Requisites	Students should have a genuine interest in developing skills and
                knowledge related to working in the digital media industry.
Further Education Certificate IV in Screen and Media, Diploma and Advanced
Pathway	Diploma in Screen and Media, Diploma in Interactive Media.
Career Pathway             Graphic Designer, Web Designer, Illustrator, Animator.

                      Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015 I 17
Certificate III in Media - 3D Animation and Game Development
Creative Industries

                      Registered Training Organisation	The Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE)
                                                        (Code: 88021)
                      Delivery Site                               Seaview High School
                      Qualification Title                         Certificate III in Media (FULL)
                      Qualification Code                          CUF3017
                      Number of SACE Credits                      Up to 20 at Stage 1 and 20 at Stage 2

                                                      ISCA Schools
                       Course Fees:                   Year 1: $475
                                                      Year 2: $575
                       Additional Costs:              Nil
                       Total:                         $1050

                      Course Description
                      This course introduces students to the career opportunities in the Creative Industries. 1st Year.:
                      Introduction to 3D animation and film making, including: modelling, texturing, animation,
                      lighting, rendering, audio design and environment design. 2nd. Year: students use 3D animation
                      in game making and develop a game from initial concept to playable demo. Using the Unreal
                      Engine, art and scripts, students design game play mechanics and refine them while learning the
                      entire development pipeline. Students also network with local industry professionals. Certificate
                      completion can be used towards an ATAR score.

                      Commencement Date             Week 2, Term 1 (Wednesday, February 4)
                      Length of Course	2 years
                      Exit point	Certificate II in Creative Industries (Media – CUF20107) can be
                                  awarded after successful completion of the 1st year.
                      Day & Time	Year 1, Certificate II – Wednesday 1.30pm to 4.40pm
                                  Year 2, Certificate III – Thursday 1.30pm to 4.30pm
                      Work Experience               Recommended
                      Special Requirements	Students will be interviewed to ascertain interest and prior knowledge.
                      Pre-Requisites	Knowledge of basic Adobe Photoshop and Premiere an advantage
                      Further Education             Adv. Diploma of Professional Game Development or of Screen
                      Pathway                       and Media, Bachelor of Games and Virtual Worlds, Bachelor of
                      Career Pathway	3D Animator, Character Animator, Matte Painter,3D Modeller,
                                      Renderer, Creative Director, Environment Designer, Video Game
                                      Technical Director.

                      18   I   Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015
Certificate III in Technical Production - Music Industry and Recording

                                                                                                       Creative Industries
Registered Training Organisation	College of Sound and Music Production (50392)
Delivery Site                            Seaview High School
Qualification Title                      Certificate III in Technical Production (FULL)
Qualification Code                       CUS30209
Number of SACE Credits	Up to 20 at Stage 1 and up to 20 at Stage 2

                             ISCA Schools
 Course Fees:                Year 1: $500
                             Year 2: $500
 Additional Costs:           Nil
 Total:                      $1000

Course Description
By completing this 2 year - full certificate course, (or 1 year partial certificate) students will
have the opportunity to accrue either part or all of the Certificate III in Technical Production
This course is suitable for students seeking extensive knowledge in manipulating audio using
industry standard Digital Audio Workstation recording and editing software for all audio
requirements – including music tracks, gaming audio and movie making soundtracks and
effects. Students learn to set up and use portable address systems (PAs) and control digital
and analogue mixing desks. Students learn to apply an extensive array of industry standard
microphones to a variety of live and studio recording applications. Certificate completion can
be used towards an ATAR score.
Commencement Date          Week 2, Term 1 (Tuesday, February 3)
Length of Course           2 years
Exit point	Statement of attainment after successful completion of the first year.
Day & Time                 Tuesday 1.30pm to 4.30pm
Work Experience            Highly recommended but not essential.
Special Requirements	
                     Students will be interviewed and auditioned to ascertain music
                     experience and prior music knowledge.
Pre-Requisites	Students should have approximately 2 to 3 years of school music
                experience and be able to sing or play an instrument competently.
                Regular access to recording software is an advantage.
Further Education          TAFE and University music related courses.
Career Pathway	Employment opportunities in film, television, radio, theatre, recording
                studios and live music industry pathways.

                      Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015 I 19
Certificate III in Technical Production - Theatre, Live, Studio
Creative Industries

                      and Electronic
                      Registered Training Organisation	Australian College of the Arts Pty Ltd (Code: 0109)
                      Delivery Site                               Brighton Secondary School
                      Qualification Title                         Certificate III in Technical Production (FULL)
                      Qualification Code                          CUS30209
                      Number of SACE Credits	Up to 40 at Stage 2

                                                      ISCA Schools
                       Course Fees:                   $500
                       Additional Costs:              Nil
                       Total:                         $500

                      Course Description
                      Students will have opportunities to produce videos & film clips, short film / music
                      documentary and radio shows. They will also be involved in recording an EP, creating
                      electronic music and managing websites. They will learn about managing live events –
                      including promotion, sound and lighting. They will also map out a career pathway in the
                      creative industries.
                      Commencement Date Week 1, Term 1 (Day TBA)
                      Length of Course              2 semesters
                      Day & Time                    To be advised
                      Work Experience	Structured Work Placement – 40 hours required for assessment.
                      Pre-Requisites	A good standard of literacy is required.
                      Further Education Certificate IV in Music or Music Technology, Diploma of Music
                      Pathway 	or Technical Production, Advanced Diploma of Music, Bachelor
                                        of Music.
                      Career Pathways	Music Producer, DJ, MC, Music Instructor, High School Music
                                       Teacher, Primary School Music Teacher, Performer, Sound
                                       Engineer, Booking Agent, Event / Tour Manager, Music / Arts

                      20   I   Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015
Certificate III in Aquatics

                                                                                                       Health and Community Services
Registered Training Organisation	Australian YMCA Institute of Education and Training
                                  (Code: 3979)
Delivery Sites                           SA Aquatic Centre and Mitcham Girls High School
Qualification Title                      Certificate III in Aquatics (FULL)
Qualification Code                       SIS30113
Number of SACE Credits                   Up to 60 at Stage 2

                             ISCA Schools
 Course Fees:                $1200
 Additional Costs:           Nil
 Total:                      $1200

Course Description
This qualification provides the skills and knowledge for individuals to be competent in a
range of activities and functions in an aquatic setting. Qualification outcomes will include
swimming teaching, pool lifeguard and customer service. Work would be undertaken in
locations such as aquatic facilities or environments, and indoor recreation facilities.
Commencement Date	Week 3, Term 1 (Friday, February 13)
Length of Course           1 year
Exit point	The certificate has two distinct exit points on completion of
            specific units 1) Pool Lifeguard, 2) Swimming Teacher.
Day & Time                 Friday 9.00am to 3.00pm
Work Experience	A minimum of 20 hours is required to complete the swimming
                 teacher component of the course.
Special Requirements	Minimum age requirements exist for employment purposes. On
                      completion of the course students must be 16 years or older to
                      work as a pool lifeguard and 17 years or older to work as a
                      swimming teacher.
Pre-Requisites	A degree of fitness as students will be required to lift a person out
                of the pool. Students also need to be able to swim 200m in less
                than 6 minutes, and be able to tow a person 25m in the water.
Further Education	Certificate IV in Sports and Recreation.
Career Pathway	Many roles exist in Aquatic facilities such as Pool Lifeguard,
                Swimming Teacher, and Customer Service.

                      Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015 I 21
Certificate III in Aquatics
Health and Community Services

                                Registered Training Organisation	Australian YMCA Institute of Education and Training
                                                                  (Code: 3979)
                                Delivery Sites                              SA Aquatic Centre and Seaview High School
                                Qualification Title                         Certificate III in Aquatics (FULL)
                                Qualification Code                          SIS30113
                                Number of SACE Credits                      Up to 60 at Stage 2

                                                                ISCA Schools
                                 Course Fees:                   $1200
                                 Additional Costs:              Nil
                                 Total:                         $1200

                                Course Description
                                This qualification provides the skills and knowledge for individuals to be competent in a
                                range of activities and functions in an aquatic setting. Qualification outcomes will include
                                Swimming Teacher, Pool Lifeguard and Customer Service. Work would be undertaken in
                                locations such as aquatic facilities or environments, and indoor recreation facilities.
                                Completion of this Certificate III can be used towards the students ATAR with SACE credits
                                awarded at Stage 2.
                                Commencement Date	Week 2, Term 1
                                Length of Course      3 Semesters
                                Exit point	          The certificate has two distinct exit points on completion of
                                                      specific units 1) Pool Lifeguard 2) Swimming Teacher.
                                Day & Time            To be advised on application
                                Work Experience	A minimum of 20 hours is required to complete the Swimming
                                                      Teacher component of the course.
                                Special Requirements	Minimum age requirements exist for employment purposes. On
                                                      completion of the course students must be 16 years or older to
                                                      work as a Pool Lifeguard and 17 years or older to work as a
                                                      Swimming Teacher.
                                Pre-Requisites	A level of fitness as students will be required to lift a person out
                                                      of the pool. Students also need to be able to swim 200m in less
                                                      than 6 minutes, and be able to tow a person 25m in the water.
                                Further Education	Certificate IV in Sports and Recreation
                                Career Pathway	      Many roles exist in Aquatic facilities such as Pool Lifeguard,
                                                      Swimming Teacher and Customer Service.

                                22   I   Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015
Certificate III in Aquatics - Pool Lifeguard

                                                                                                       Health and Community Services
Registered Training Organisation	Australian YMCA Institute of Education and Training
                                  (Code: 3979)
Delivery Sites                           SA Aquatic Centre and Seaview High School
Qualification Title                      Certificate III in Aquatics (PARTIAL)
Qualification Code                       SIS30113
Number of SACE Credits                   Up to 15 at Stage 1

                              ISCA Schools
 Course Fees:                 $190
 Additional Costs:            Nil
 Total:                       $190

Course Description
If you enjoy swimming or surfing and would like to a learn lifesaving skills then a Pool
Lifeguard course is a step in the right direction towards a Certificate III in Aquatics and a
career in the Aquatics and Recreation industry.
Commencement Date	Week 2, Term 1
Length of Course            3 days short course
Day & Time                  To be advised on application
Work Experience	Recommended. Can offer placements at the SA Aquatic & Leisure
Special Requirements	Minimum age requirements exist for employment purposes. On
                      completion of the course students must be 16 years or older to
                      work as a Pool Lifeguard.
Pre-Requisites	A level of fitness as students will be required to lift a person out
                of the pool. Students also need to be able to swim 200m in less
                than 6 minutes, and be able to tow a person 25m in the water.
                Completion of Apply First Aid training is a pre-requisite. If students
                do not have this training it will be offered at the cost of $100 and
                delivered over 2 days or equivalent.
Further Education           Completion of Certificate III in Aquatics and Certificate IV in
Pathway                     Sports and Recreation.
Career Pathway	Many roles exist in Aquatic facilities such as Pool Lifeguard,
                Swimming Teacher and Customer Service.

                      Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015 I 23
Certificate III in Aquatics - Pool Lifeguard
Health and Community Services

                                Registered Training Organisation	Australian YMCA Institute of Education and Training
                                                                  (Code: 3979)
                                Delivery Sites                              SA Aquatic Centre and Mitcham Girls High School
                                Qualification Title                         Certificate III in Aquatics (PARTIAL)
                                Qualification Code                          SIS30113
                                Number of SACE Credits                      Up to 15 at Stage 2

                                                                ISCA Schools
                                 Course Fees:                   $190
                                 Additional Costs:              $110 (Apply First Aid)
                                 Total:                         $300

                                Course Description
                                If you enjoy keeping fit, swimming or surfing and would like to a learn lifesaving skills then
                                a Pool Lifeguard course is a step in the right direction towards a Certificate III in Aquatics
                                and a career in the Aquatics and Recreation Industry.
                                Commencement Date	Week 1, Term 3 (Friday, July 24)
                                Length of Course              12 weeks
                                Day & Time                    Friday 9.00am to 3.00pm
                                Work Experience	We would recommend work experience and can offer placements
                                                 at the SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre.
                                Special Requirements	Minimum age requirements exist for employment purposes. On
                                                      completion of the course students must be 16 years or older to
                                                      work as a Pool Lifeguard.
                                Pre-Requisites	A degree of fitness as students will be required to lift a person out
                                                of the pool. Students also need to be able to swim 200m in less
                                                than 6 minutes, and be able to tow a person 25m in the water.
                                Further Education             Completion of Certificate III in Aquatics and Certificate IV in
                                Pathway                       Sports and Recreation.
                                Career Pathway	Many roles exist in Aquatic facilities such as Pool Lifeguard,
                                                Swimming Teacher, and Customer Service.

                                24   I   Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015
Certificate III in Aquatics - Swimming Teacher (Austswim)

                                                                                                       Health and Community Services
Registered Training Organisation	Australian YMCA Institute of Education and Training
                                  (Code: 3979)
Delivery Sites                           SA Aquatic Centre and Mitcham Girls High School
Qualification Title                      Certificate III in Aquatics (PARTIAL)
Qualification Code                       SIS30113
Number of SACE Credits                   Up to 15 at Stage 2

                              ISCA Schools
 Course Fees:                 $350
 Additional Costs:            Nil
 Total:                       $350

Course Description
The AUSTSWIM Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety™ course provides candidates
with essential competencies to teach swimming and water safety™ to persons from four
years of age in swimming pools and confined natural shallow water venues. Accreditation
is valid for three years.
Commencement Date	Week 3, Term 1 (Friday, February 13)
Length of Course	Workbook to complete prior to 2 day practical workshop and
                  then 20 hours’ work experience.
Day & Time                  Friday 9.00am to 3.00pm
Work Experience	Required. The SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre can assist in work
Special Requirements	On completion of the course students must be 17 years or older
                      to work as a swimming teacher.
Pre-Requisites	Students may enrol in an AUSTSWIM course at 16 years of age
                but are not eligible to receive the accreditation until they are 17
                years of age.
	A reasonable level of fitness and swimming ability.
Further Education           Completion of Certificate III in Aquatics and Certificate IV in
Pathway                     Sports and Recreation.
Career Pathway	Pool Lifeguard, Swimming Teacher, and Customer Service.

                      Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015 I 25
Certificate II in Sport Coaching
Health and Community Services

                                Registered Training Organisation Sport SA (Code: 2280)
                                Delivery Site                               Pasadena High School
                                Qualification Title	Certificate II in Sport Coaching (PARTIAL) including
                                                     Certificate III in Sport Coaching competencies
                                Qualification Code                          SIS20510
                                Number of SACE Credits	Up to 20 at Stage 1, up to 20 at Stage 2

                                                                ISCA Schools
                                 Course Fees:                   $150
                                 Additional Costs:              Nil
                                 Total:                         $150

                                Course Description
                                As a playing member of a community basketball club, you have the opportunity to enrol in
                                a club supported Basketball Coaching and Education Program. This program is endorsed
                                by Basketball SA and developed by Pasadena High School’s Special Interest Basketball
                                Program (SIBP) and the Sturt, Forestville and South Adelaide Basketball Clubs. This course
                                also includes a practical component. Players from other community clubs are welcome to
                                apply directly through Pasadena High School.
                                Commencement Date	Week 2, Term 1 (Thursday, February 5)
                                Length of Course              2 semesters
                                Day & Time	Thursday 1.30pm to 3.30pm
                                Work Experience	Structured Work Placement will occur and will be supported in
                                                 each student’s community basketball club.
                                Special Requirements	Students will be required to wear their school uniform and have
                                                      practical training equipment.
                                Pre-Requisites	Students need to be studying Stage 1 or 2 SACE and be a
                                                playing member or participant of a community basketball club.
                                                Recommendation by a player’s club official (coach, development
                                                coach) or school representative.
                                Further Education             Certificate III in Sport & Recreation, Coaching or Fitness.
                                Pathway                       Traineeships within the Industry.
                                Career Pathway	Assistant Coach, Coach or part time positions within the industry.
                                                For more information please see:

                                26   I   Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015
Certificate II in Community Services - Child Care

                                                                                                     Health and Community Services
Registered Training Organisation Hamilton Secondary College (Code: 0561)
Delivery Site                          Hamilton Secondary College
Qualification Title	Certificate II in Community Services - Child Care
Qualification Code                     CHC20112
Number of SACE Credits                 Up to 40 at Stage 1

                            ISCA Schools
 Course Fees:               $375
 Additional Costs:          Nil
 Total:                     $375

Course Description
The course gives students the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge related to
working in the Community Services industry in particular in child care.
Commencement Date	Week 2, Term 1 (Thursday, February 5)
Length of Course          1 year
Exit point                Depends on how many competencies are gained.
Day & Time                Thursday 9.00am to 3.15pm
Work Experience	10 days (preferably in the school holidays)
Special Requirements	Attend an interview.
Pre-Requisites	Students should have a genuine interest in developing skills and
                knowledge related to working in the Community Services (child
                care) industry.
Further Education         Certificate III in Community Services Work, Certificate III in
Pathway                   Children’s Services.
Career Pathway	Child Care Worker

                    Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015 I 27
Certificate III in Community Services Work
Health and Community Services

                                Registered Training Organisation Hamilton Secondary College (Code: 0561)
                                Delivery Site                               Hamilton Secondary College
                                Qualification Title                         Certificate III in Community Services (Child Care) (FULL)
                                Qualification Code                          CHC30112
                                Number of SACE Credits	Up to 60 at Stage 2 (if students complete Certificate
                                                        II Community Services they may have some common
                                                        units – these cannot be counted twice)

                                                                ISCA Schools
                                 Course Fees:                   $375
                                 Additional Costs:              Nil
                                 Total:                         $375

                                Course Description
                                The course gives students the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge related to
                                working in the Community Services industry in particular in child care.
                                Commencement Date	Week 2, Term 1 (Tuesday, February 3)
                                Length of Course              1 year
                                Exit point                    Depends on how many competencies are gained.
                                Day & Time	Tuesday 9.00am to 3.15pm and Wednesday twilight 4.00pm
                                            to 7.00pm
                                Work Experience               15 - 20 days (preferably in the school holidays)
                                Special Requirements Attend an interview.
                                Pre-Requisites	Students should have a genuine interest in developing skills and
                                                knowledge related to working in the Community Services (child
                                                care) industry.
                                Further Education	Certificate IV and Diploma in Community Services Work.
                                Career Pathway	Community Care Worker, Support Worker.

                                28   I   Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015
Certificate II in Sport and Recreation

                                                                                                     Health and Community Services
Registered Training Organisation Hamilton Secondary College (Code: 0561)
Delivery Site                          Hamilton Secondary College
Qualification Title	Certificate II in Sport and Recreation (FULL)
Qualification Code	SIS20312 (Possibly SIS20313 if ASQA approval to
                    add onto RTO scope before Feb 2015)
Number of SACE Credits                 Up to 25 at Stage 1 (10 at Stage 2)

                            ISCA Schools
 Course Fees:               $375
 Additional Costs:          $175 for Aquatics stream
 Total:                     $375 (includes uniform and First Aid) or $550
                            (includes Pool Lifeguard Qualification)

Course Description
This qualification is designed to develop core skills and knowledge in the Sport and
Recreation industry. It is ideal for those who wish to work in the industry in the future and is
a good starting point for training at a higher level and who wish to work in locations such
as fitness centres, outdoor sporting grounds and sporting complexes. By undertaking the
Aquatics stream participants gain qualifications as a Pool Lifeguard with strong industry
links to the SA Aquatics and Leisure Centre.
Commencement Date	Week 2, Term 1 (Thursday, February 5)
Length of Course	1.5 semesters (students will hopefully complete this course by end
                  of Term 3 however extra units may be added in so may go longer)
Exit point                Depends on how many competencies are gained.
Day & Time                Thursday 9.00am to 3.15pm
Work Experience	10 days
Special Requirements Attend an interview.
Pre-Requisites	Students should have a genuine interest in developing skills and
                knowledge related to working in the Sport and Recreation/
                Personal Training industry. A uniform/polo top will be issued to
                be worn to the course.
Further Education         Certificate III in Sport and Recreation, Certificate III in Fitness,
Pathway                   Certificate III Aquatics.
Career Pathway	Personal Trainer, Sports Coach, Sports Marketing, Aquatics
                Instructor/Pool Lifeguard.

                    Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015 I 29
Certificate III in Fitness
Health and Community Services

                                Registered Training Organisation Australian Institute of Personal Trainers (Code: 32363)
                                Delivery Site                               Unley High School
                                Qualification Title                         Certificate III in Fitness (FULL)
                                Qualification Code                          SIS30313
                                Number of SACE Credits	Up to 60 at Stage 2

                                                                ISCA Schools
                                 Course Fees:                   $1590
                                 Additional Costs:              First aid course if student has not already done this
                                 Total:                         $1590 + first aid course

                                Course Description
                                A Certificate III in Fitness will enable students to enter the fitness industry as a fitness
                                instructor or gym instructor.
                                Each student studies industry approved fitness theory which is current, comprehensive and
                                will provide a solid foundation for success as a personal trainer. The course is structured
                                around real life client progression, which shows students a more logical and relevant study
                                path, helping them grasp concepts faster.
                                Commencement Date	Week 2, Term 1 (Thursday, February 5)
                                Length of Course              1 year
                                Day & Time	Thursday 1.30pm to 4.30pm
                                Work Experience	20 hours of work placement. Students will engage with a
                                                 “mentor” during two workshops for the practical assessment
                                                 during school holidays.
                                Special Requirements	Students must be prepared to complete 1-2 hours each week of
                                                      eCampus learning in their own time. Students must attend 90% of
                                                      the classes for successful completion.
                                	Students are required to obtain their first aid certificate before the
                                  end of the course.
                                                              Bring own practical gear, sports shoes and water bottle.
                                Further Education	Certificate IV in Fitness; Diploma of Fitness.
                                Career Pathway	Opportunity for employment as a group fitness instructor in health
                                                club/ gym, studio or group fitness.

                                30   I   Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015
Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation

                                                                                                       Science, Trades and Technology
Registered Training Organisation TAFE
Delivery Site                            Seaview High School
Qualification Title                      Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation (FULL)
Qualification Code                       AUR10112
Number of SACE Credits	Up to 20 at Stage 1

                             ISCA Schools
 Course Fees:                $100
 Additional Costs:           $150 consumables
 Total:                      $250

Course Description
The course introduces students to fundamental Automotive mechanics and electronics
through a number of practical based topics, with related theory. Students will complete
a number of competencies to gain their Certificate I. For more information on the
competencies offered, please enquire.
Commencement Date Week 2, Term 1
Length of Course           1 year
Day & Time                 To be advised
Work Experience	
                Required. 2 weeks of work placement in an Automotive Mechanical
Special Requirements	
                     Students will be required to write a letter of application and
                     undergo an interview before acceptance into the course. Safety
                     footwear and eye protection will be required and must be worn
                     at all times in the workshop. (Students to supply)
Pre-Requisites	Literacy and numeracy skills at Stage 1 standard.
Further Education          Successful completion of this qualification may lead to additional
Pathway                    VET studies at Certificate II level.
Career Pathway	Successful completion of this qualification may lead to an
                apprenticeship within the Motor Trades Industry. For more
                information please see:

                      Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015 I 31
Certificate II in Driver Competence
Science, Trades and Technology

                                 Registered Training Organisation	Allan Miller Driving School (Code: 40118)
                                 Delivery Site                               Hamilton Secondary College
                                 Qualification Title                         Certificate II in Driver Competence (FULL)
                                 Qualification Code                          30995QLD
                                 Number of SACE Credits                      Up to 25 at Stage 1

                                                                 ISCA Schools
                                  Course Fees:                   $1,895 (non-RAA members)
                                                                 $1,795 (RAA members)
                                  Additional Costs:              Nil
                                  Total:                         $1,895 (non-RAA members)
                                                                 $1,795 (RAA members)

                                 Course Description
                                 Comprehensive road safety and driver education, combining theory in the classroom
                                 with 10 professional driving lessons, plus another P-ready lesson before driving solo on
                                 P licence. Addressing Skills, Knowledge and behaviour needed to develop safe driving
                                 skills for life.
                                 Commencement Date	Week 4, Term 1 (Wednesday, February 18)
                                                    Week 2, Term 3 (Wednesday, July 29)
                                 Length of Course              1 semester
                                 Day & Time	Wednesday 4.00pm to 5.00pm
                                 Work Experience               Not required
                                 Special Requirements	Need to attend a parent and student induction session at the
                                                       beginning of the course.
                                 Pre-Requisites	Valid Learner’s Permit, and access to a Qualified Supervising
                                                 Driver and vehicle to achieve 2 hours of driving practice in
                                                 between professional driving lessons.
                                 Career Pathway	Sales, Courier Driver, Transport Industry, Bus Driver, Truck Driver.

                                 32   I   Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015
Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology

                                                                                                       Science, Trades and Technology
Registered Training Organisation TAFE SA (Code: 40161)
Delivery Site                            Urrbrae Agricultural High School
Qualification Title                      Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology (FULL)
Qualification Code                       AUR20512
Number of SACE Credits	Up to 40 at Stage 2

                              ISCA Schools
 Course Fees:                 Nil
 Additional Costs:            Year 1: $350 (for consumables and maintenance)
                              Year 2: $350 (for consumables and maintenance)
 Total:                       $700

Course Description
Students will gain skills in working in an automotive workplace using troubleshooting
processes to inspect and service batteries, braking systems, cooling systems, steering
systems, suspension systems and engines. Students will service drive assemblies,
transmissions and petrol fuel systems, test and repair electrical circuits and charge and
replace batteries.
Commencement Date Week 2, Term 1 (Wednesday, February 4)
Length of Course            2 years
Exit point                  Certificate I at end of Year 1
Day & Time                  Wednesday 11.00am to 5.00pm
Work Experience	Required. 4 weeks of structured work placement per year in an
                 Automotive Mechanical workshop.
Special Requirements	Written application and attend an interview prior to acceptance.
                      Safety footwear, overalls and eye protection will be required.
                      (Students to supply)
Pre-Requisites	A genuine interest in developing skills in the automotive industry.
                Certificate I Automotive – literacy and numeracy skills at SACE
                Stage I standard and Certificate I in Automotive is required for
                Certificate II Automotive Servicing Technology.
Further Education Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology or other
Pathway 	relevant qualifications.
Career Pathway	May lead to an apprenticeship within the Motor Trades Industry.
                For more information please see:

                      Inner South Schools VET Programs (Vocational Education and Training) 2015 I 33
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