Vice President of Student Affairs - Prince George's Community College - Prince George's Community ...

Vice President of Student Affairs - Prince George's Community College - Prince George's Community ...
Vice President of
    Student Affairs
    Prince George’s Community College

Vice President of Student Affairs - Prince George's Community College - Prince George's Community ...
          rince George’s Community College (PGCC) announces the continuation of its search for
          its next Vice President of Student Affairs (VPSA) to fill this critical and influential position
          with a qualified person who truly understands and appreciates the essence of the College.
          This includes its rich history as a predominantly black institution, an abiding passion for the
success of all members of the PGCC community, and optimism about the promise of the future for its
graduates and community members. In light of our core commitment to facilitating an extraordinary
student experience and the lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic, the questions for the next
VPSA to answer are: How will you improve a comprehensive, student-ready, learning-centered system
for student affairs, and how will you lead that effort?

The Opportunity                                             a steadfast focus on the College’s mission and
Our new president, Dr. Falecia D. Williams, joined          extraordinary service to students.
Prince George’s Community College in August                    The Vice President of Student Affairs will report
2020. She is engaging the College’s internal com-           directly to President Williams, serve as a member
munity and external stakeholders in developing a            of the Senior Team, represent the College’s posture
new vision and strategic imperatives for the work.          on the student experience in state-level meetings,
It is an exciting time for the College, characterized       and operate as a trusted advisor and advocate for
by new energy, a progressive outlook, an intentional        the highest quality for student services. The ability
focus on student success and equitable outcomes,            to cultivate and sustain positive relationships with
and a hunger for dynamic partnerships and systems           staff, campus leaders, and peers, coupled with an
to strengthen our organizational effectiveness.             unwavering passion for the mission of community
    Prince George’s Community College seeks                 college, will be prominent in the chosen candi-
a strategic, visionary, transformative, inclusive,          date’s portfolio of achievements.
decisive leader with the ability to foster innova-
tion, design systems, maximize collaboration, and
strengthen the execution of the work through                Student Affairs at Prince
 and with colleagues. The ideal candidate has held          George’s Community College
          progressively responsible leadership roles        Student Affairs is comprised of six administra-
                      with demonstrated experience          tive units: Student Affairs Operations, Enrollment
                        building strong teams and           Management, Academic and Career Advising,
                          infrastructure focused on         Financial Aid, Student Success & Engagement,
                            student success, equity         and Athletics. The staff and administrators within
                                 and inclusion, and         Student Affairs strive to promote an environment
                                       professional         that allows students to succeed and complete their
                                        excellence.         educational goals. This past year, the team focused
                                       The successful       on the entire student experience from the front-
                                    candidate will          door to graduation and beyond.
                                  be a proven leader           The direct reports for the Vice President of
                                with solid experience       Student Affairs are:
                              leading and navigating           • Executive Associate II
                           change while fostering              • Director for Athletics

Vice President of Student Affairs - Prince George's Community College - Prince George's Community ...
• Director for Student Financial Aid                          • Design, imple-
   • Director for Student Affairs                                  ment, and maintain
   • Dean for Student Enrollment Services                          an organizational
   • Director for Student Academic Planning and                   structure to effectively
     Career Readiness                                              accomplish the division’s
   • Dean for Student Success and Engagement                       goals and objectives,
                                                                   ensuring they align with
   Principal duties and responsibilities of the Vice               institutional goals. The VPSA
President of Student Affairs include:                              oversees the recruitment,
   • Advise and assist the president and senior lead-             training, supervision, profes-
     ership team in addressing College issues, policies,           sional development, and evaluation of
     and strategic plans related to complex student                the division’s professional and student staff.
     issues and concerns, emerging trends in student             • Maintain a visible and engaging presence
     life and student affairs in higher education, as               at PGCC’s main campus and satellite locations
     well as crisis situations in light of Covid-19.                with external constituents, stakeholders,
   • Establish and implement short- and long-                      and students, becoming the “face” of
     range goals and objectives, strategic plans,                   Student Affairs.
     policies, and standard operating procedures in              • Manage the division’s resources and budget,
     student affairs that are aligned and integrated                ensuring the appropriate use of government
     to promote the academic success of students                    funding (local, state, and federal) and funding
     in credit and noncredit programs.                              from other external sources.
   • Collaborate across divisions and with other                • Ensure that student conduct, development,
     vice presidents to support the College’s                       and student-related policies and services
     mission and student success by leveraging                      comply with federal, state, and local laws,
     available resources.                                           rules, and regulations, including the Clery Act,
                                                                    Title IX, and ADA/504.

                                                                  Prince George’s Community College is one of 16
“There’s something special about
                                                               community colleges in Maryland that are compre-
  Prince George’s Community College.                           hensive, open-admission institutions with afford-
  We have a proud 62-year legacy,                              able tuition. The College’s main campus is in Largo,
                                                               and five additional locations within Prince George’s
  with a focus on all who seek to learn,                       County offer degree, certificate, and continuing
  including underrepresented and                               education programs conveniently close to where
                                                               students live and work. The annual total undupli-
  non-traditional students.”
                                                               cated headcount in FY 2020 was 33,280, an 11%
               – President Falecia D. Williams, Ed.D.          drop from the 37,411 in FY 2019.
                                                                  The College was initially accredited by the
                                                               Middle States Commission on Higher Education in
   • Foster greater student engagement through                1969. It received reaffirmation of its accreditation
     healthy and thriving organizations that are               in June 2015 along with more than 20 commen-
     diverse in scope and mission, including aca-              dations reflecting the College’s ongoing commit-
     demic, Greek, international, multicultural,               ment to student success. Based on the new 8-year
     leadership development, political, professional,          timeline, the next accreditation review is scheduled
     recreational, and service organizations.                  to occur in 2023.

Vice President of Student Affairs - Prince George's Community College - Prince George's Community ...
The system of governance at Prince George’s                   engagement, and strategic partnerships that inspire
Community College is one of a collaborative nature               educational, career, and personal success.
grounded in integrity, transparency, and respect.
Myriad bodies are involved in the governance                     Mission
     system, and they have distinct roles as iden-               Prince George’s Community College provides afford-
        tified by formal recognition in the College              able, high-quality learning experiences that support
           Code of Policies. This includes, but is not           personal, professional, and educational development
            limited to, representative constituency              for diverse populations, contributing to the economic
             groups such as faculty, students, admin-            equity and cultural vibrancy of our community.
              istrators, professional staff, technical and
              support staff, and American Federation             Strategic Goals
                      of State, County and Municipal             Strategic goals are intended to focus the institution
                           Employees — Local 1646.               in a manner that will facilitate its ability to leverage
                                  With student success           strengths and resources that best serve its mission for
                                 a high priority, the            the period defined by this strategic plan. They include:
                                  College became a                   • Student Success: Creating and sustaining
                                   Pathways institution in             optimal conditions for students to design and
                                   2015 to help students               achieve academic, career, and personal goals.
                              reach their goals with                 • Regional Impact: Driving strategic partnerships
                         certainty. The program lays out               to identify and respond to the region’s present
                    the specific sequence of classes                   and future priorities.
              needed to reach 10 academic goals,                     • Organizational Excellence: Creating and
        saving students time and money. A Promise                      sustaining agile, effective, and efficient institu-
Scholarship program developed in partnership with                      tional synergies.
Prince George’s County funds student tuition and
fees not covered by other scholarships or grants,
removing any financial obstacles for those seeking               The College’s Values
higher education.
   The campus itself is the site of three new state-             Excellence – We strive to ensure quality outcomes
of-the-art facilities that have opened in recent                 through rigorous learning experiences designed to
years. They include a Center for Performing Arts,                develop the mind and build character through civic
a Culinary Arts Center, and a Center for Health                  engagement and service-learning.
Studies. In addition, a number of renovations and                   Our Actions:
expansions have been completed, and an $87.5                        • We are proactive, not reactive.
million project is currently underway to provide                    • We handle and fix problems (not just pass
high-tech classrooms for students at Marlboro Hall                    them on).
when it reopens in July 2023.
                                                                 Success – We believe all individuals have the
                                                                 potential to realize their goals.
The College’s Vision, Mission,                                     Our Actions:
and Strategic Goals:                                               • We set high expectations for our
                                                                     colleagues and ourselves and hold each
Vision                                                               other accountable.
Prince George’s Community College is the region’s                  • We support innovation and act boldly to be a
premier center for innovations in learning, community                better Prince George’s Community College.

Vice President of Student Affairs - Prince George's Community College - Prince George's Community ...
Diversity – We promote opportunities to expand               Bureau, U.S. Internal Revenue Service, NASA-
our worldview through exposure to and a                      Goddard Space Flight Center, U.S. Department
greater understanding of all peoples, cultures,              of Agriculture, National Maritime Intelligence
and lifestyles.                                              Integration Office, National Oceanic and
   Our Actions:                                              Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Food and Drug
   • We collaborate across the College – under-             Administration, and U.S. National Archives and
     standing we all bring something to the table            Records Administration. A major partner in edu-
     (we are all in this together).                          cation, Prince George’s County Public Schools

Respect – We treat every person with the same
humanity, courtesy, and civility that we expect
for ourselves.
   Our Actions:                                              “This College really invests in students
   • We model the behavior we expect.                         to make sure they can continue to work
   • We agree and disagree in responsible ways.
                                                              toward their educational goals.”
Professionalism – We believe all individuals will                                    – Paulette Foxx-Dawodu,
approach their responsibilities ethically, fairly, and                      Technology Client Support Services
with high standards.
   Our Actions:
   • We manage our College resources responsibly.
   • We respond to all communications in a
     timely manner.                                          serves 130,000 students and is the second-larg-
   • We work with our colleagues to set expecta-            est system in the state and the 17th largest in the
     tions for which we can be held accountable.             nation. The University of Maryland College Park,
                                                             the flagship institution; Bowie State University,
Lifelong Learning – We promote learning and                  the first historically Black college in Maryland; and
development at all stages of life. We believe learn-         the University of Maryland Global Campus, for-
ing takes place at all times, both inside and outside        merly UMUC, are located within 8 miles of Prince
of the classroom. We honor and embrace all forms             George’s Community College and serve as three
of learning, both formal and informal.                       of the top transfer universities.
   Our Actions:                                                 The County continues to grow its commitment
   • We change, grow, and adapt.                            to economic vitality and residents’ well-being
                                                             through such employers as Verizon, United Parcel
                                                             Service, Giant Food, Safeway Foods, Adelphi
About Prince George’s County                                 Laboratory Center, Gaylord Resort and Convention
With 908,670 people, Prince George’s County                  Center, MGM National Harbor, University of
is the second most populous county out of 24                 Maryland Capital Region Health System, Doctors
in the state of Maryland. In 2019, the median                Community Hospital, and Medstar Southern
family income of Prince George’s County house-               Maryland Hospital Center. Additionally, 95% of all
holds was $84,920 ($6,000 above the national                 businesses identify as small businesses, and more
median family income for the United States                   than 4,000 nonprofit organizations are based in
in FY 2020). The 500-square-mile jurisdiction                Prince George’s County. Combined, these busi-
is home to federal agencies that include Joint               nesses and others account for a workforce of
Base Andrews and Air Force One, U.S. Census                  515,000 employees.

Vice President of Student Affairs - Prince George's Community College - Prince George's Community ...
Leadership Agenda for the                                    Use equity-minded
Vice President of Student Affairs                            practices and design.
                                                             The Vice President of
The Vice President of Student Affairs will:                  Student Affairs will be
                                                             committed to equity-minded
Provide strategic and visionary leadership.                  practices and design across
As a member of the College’s senior leadership               programs and services that
team and chief student affairs officer, the Vice             lead to positive change and
President of Student Affairs will articulate a com-          productive outcomes for
pelling, bold, and innovative strategic imperative           students, employees, and
for the student affairs area focused on building a           partners. The College’s demographic
knowledgeable, versatile team and nimble, effec-             data indicate a diverse student body based
tive service model designed to improve the student           on race/ethnicity, age, gender, socio-economic
experience and core operations for a complex and             status, and veteran status, including more than
distinctive portfolio of programs and services. The          50% of students considered first-generation.
ability to authentically assess the environmental            “First-gen students” have unique support needs
context, performance data, operational effective-            similar to those who are underrepresented and
ness, and barriers to success will be fundamental to         English language learners. The successful candi-
designing and executing sustainable and progres-             date will embody a strong vision for advancing
sive models across all aspects of student services.          justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in partner-
                                                             ship with the College community.
Codify learning and holistic student supports
as core pillars of student affairs.                          Champion a student-engaged community
The Vice President of Student Affairs will relent-           and enriched campus life.
lessly pursue the highest levels attainable for              Prince George’s Community College is a commuter
learning and student success outcomes within                 institution serving a very diverse student popu-
the student affairs area and in partnership with             lation distributed across multiple locations with
academic affairs and all areas of the College.               varied needs and interests. The Vice President of
The importance of working collaboratively with               Student Affairs will need to offer fresh insights for
President Williams, the Senior Team, direct reports,         actively and effectively engaging students beyond
leaders across the College, and students to max-             their classes in ways that build their agency and
imize the College’s responsiveness to achieving              promote the completion of their educational and life
equitable outcomes is paramount. Being well                  goals. The Vice President of Student Affairs has the
versed in programs and services that mitigate                opportunity to envision post-pandemic systems for
    academic and non-academic barriers to student            strengthening students’ intellectual, emotional, phys-
         success is critical. This leader will embrace       ical, social, and career growth through co-curricular
                learning and holistic student sup-           partnerships, programs, and services.
                      ports within the bevy of
                            innovative, promising            Foster deep engagement and exceptional
                               practices deployed to         responsiveness to students.
                               strengthen outcomes           As the face and voice of the Office of Student
                              in enrollment manage-          Affairs, the Vice President of Student Affairs will
                             ment, academic advis-           possess excellent communication skills, both
                          ing, engagement, reten-            written and oral, and the ability to engage and
                       tion, and completion.                 inspire staff, faculty, administration, academic

Vice President of Student Affairs - Prince George's Community College - Prince George's Community ...
affairs, enrollment management, and senior                      Qualifications and Desired
members of leadership to achieve meaningful                     Characteristics of the New
systemic change that supports and advances the                  Vice President of Student Affairs
goals of the College, specifically student access,              The Vice President of Student Affairs will have a
retention, persistence, and completion. Crafting,               distinguished record in student affairs in higher edu-
conveying, and championing the critical narrative               cation, preferably in a community college or similar
for engaging students with care, concern, and con-              learning environment. This individual will have a deep
scientiousness is an essential aspect of the work.              commitment to serving the total needs of a diverse,
The next leader will vigorously inspire the College’s           urban/suburban, multi-generational community of
ongoing attention to this need.                                 learners to support the attainment of their educa-
                                                                tional and career development goals and objectives.
Promote professional growth and achievement                     The ideal candidate must have the following profes-
through development, training, and mentoring.                   sional qualifications and personal attributes:
The skills, competencies, and accomplishments                      • An advanced degree, with an earned doctorate
of staff, including front-line employees, should be                   required, in higher education, management,
   recognized, valued, rewarded, and relied upon as                   administration, leadership, or a related field.
       subject matter experts. Similarly, all staff must           • Adherence to the highest ethical standards,
          engage in lifelong learning for professional                values, and principles, including honesty,
           growth and mastery. The Vice President                     integrity, trustworthiness, and discretion.
            of Student Affairs will acknowledge the                • A demonstrated understanding of and com-
            importance of mentoring, help colleagues                  mitment to the mission and philosophy of
            discern appropriate career pathways,                      community colleges in the 21st century, which
                   and develop systems for ongoing                    emphasizes both academic study and career
                         professional growth through                  preparation for the world of work.
                            workshops, retreats, par-              • A demonstrated commitment to excellence
                               ticipation in professional            in education, training, and development, both
                                 organizations, profes-              inside and outside the classroom, for student
                                 sional certification,               development, empowerment, and success. This
                                 education and training,             should include a record of using technology
                           and other external opportu-               effectively (for conducting student and com-
                      nities to increase achievement,                munity forums, virtual staff meetings, academic
                 retention, professional engagement,                 advising, office hours, proctoring exams, etc.)
            productivity, and enjoyment.                             and implementing creative and innovative pro-
                                                                     gramming and services that promote student
Demonstrate knowledge and experience                                 development, success, and wellness.
with legal issues in higher education.                             • A record of progressive leadership responsi-
As higher education has been faced with an                            bilities and substantive senior-level adminis-
increasing array of complex legal matters, there is a                 trative experience in a complex student affairs
need for both knowledge and experience with Title                     division in higher education. Evidence of using
IX, FERPA, ADA, and the Clery Act. The sensitivity,                   data to make decisions and assess the efficacy
professionalism, and confidentiality necessary for                    of student affairs programming and services.
addressing these issues and underlying topics such                 • A history of being collaborative, visible, and
as the student code of conduct, sexual harassment,                    relatable to students, institutional leadership,
and disability accommodations are ethical impera-                     faculty, alumni, and other stakeholders.
tives for the Vice President of Student Affairs.                      Also, proven skill in fostering collaborative,

Vice President of Student Affairs - Prince George's Community College - Prince George's Community ...
consultative, and meaningful partnerships                 The search is being assisted by:
    between student affairs, academic affairs, and            Dr. Wayne Wormley and Joy Yablonsky
    other institutional constituents and stakehold-           of AGB Search
    ers that advance student success.
  • Strong interpersonal skills, including the ability       Nominations and inquiries may be directed to:
    to communicate effectively in both written                  • |
    and oral forms, and those required to be an                   (215) 432-7913
    engaged listener.                                           • | (215) 934-1386
  • A demonstrable ability to engage students
    (both credit and noncredit) to seek their input           Application materials should be submitted
    on an ongoing basis and be mindful of the                 electronically (in Adobe PDF or MS Word) to
    unique needs of the diverse student popula-     
    tion of PGCC.                                             and include:
  • The ability to establish, encourage, and foster             • Cover letter responding to the “Leadership
    an environment of respect, recognition, and                    Agenda for the Vice President of Student
    inclusion of diverse backgrounds and per-                      Affairs” in this profile.
    spectives as demonstrated through a record                   • Complete resume or curriculum vitae.
    of success in advancing diversity, equity, and               • Contact information (email and phone) for
    inclusion initiatives on a college campus.                     five professional references, none of whom
  • A clear commitment to mentoring and devel-                    will be contacted without prior knowledge
    oping staff for ongoing professional growth                    and permission of the candidate.
    and development.
  • Demonstrated financial acumen; effective                    All nominations, inquiries, and applications will
    human resource, financial, and organizational             be received and evaluated in complete confidence;
    management experience; and the ability to                 references will not be contacted without the candi-
    respond to fiscal limitations and other chal-             date’s expressed permission.
    lenges collaboratively and creatively, especially
    in light of Covid-19.
  • A record of compliance with state and federal
    laws, rules, and regulations, including knowl-            “We leverage all of Prince George’s
    edge of the Clery Act, Title IX, ADA, etc.
                                                               Community College assets
                                                               and point them to
Procedure for Nomination and Application                       greater impact.”
For full consideration, all application materials
should be received by May 14, 2021. The Search                  – June Evans, Innovation Hub.
Committee for the Vice President of Student
Affairs will begin reviewing applications on May 18,
2021, and will continue until the position is filled.
   Nominations and expressions of interest are
encouraged and will be accepted through the
application deadline. An appointment is antici-
pated by late June, with an anticipated start date
of August 1, 2021, based on the successful candi-
date’s current commitments.

Vice President of Student Affairs - Prince George's Community College - Prince George's Community ...
Equal opportunity employment has been, and will
continue to be, a fundamental principle at Prince
George’s Community College, where employment is
based upon personal capabilities and qualifications
without discrimination because of race, color, creed,
gender identity, religion, sex, age, national origin,
disability, sexual orientation, or any other charac-
teristic protected by law. This policy applies to all
policies and procedures relating to recruitment and
hiring, benefits, termination, and all other terms and
conditions of employment. Questions or concerns
should be referred to the human resources office.
In compliance with federal law, all persons hired will
be required to verify identity and eligibility to work
in the U.S. and complete employment eligibility
verification paperwork.


Vice President of Student Affairs - Prince George's Community College - Prince George's Community ...
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