Voice - Life in the fast lane - but how? - Sharing true life New stories Life Stories - FGB UK

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Voice - Life in the fast lane - but how? - Sharing true life New stories Life Stories - FGB UK

  ‘Why we
  are a very
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Life in the fast lane - but how?
Voice - Life in the fast lane - but how? - Sharing true life New stories Life Stories - FGB UK
More about your
Voice magazine                        The best
For more than 50 years, this
pocket-sized magazine has
                                      news of
been distributed around the
world in many languages.
In each issue, we share
                                      my life
inspirational stories of              Clive Addison, right,
ordinary people who share             a former Chief Officer in
their own story in their own
                                      Local Government and an
                                      international expert in
Each story tells how the
writer came to a living faith
                                      horticulture, shares his
in Jesus Christ, who                  uplifting story
promised an abundant life to
all who would trust in Him.
Jesus asked his followers:
                                      I   was surprised, even
                                         shocked, during a
                                      discussion group at the home
“Are you tired? Worn out?             of my neighbour, Peter, when
Burned out on religion?               a senior Local Government
Come to me. Get away with             official shared his story – and
me and you’ll recover your            mentioned that he had a
life.                                 heartfelt personal relationship
                                      with Jesus Christ.
“I’ll show you how to take a
real rest. Walk with me and           The speaker, Don Latham, said
work with me - watch how I            he ‘involved Jesus in every
do it . . .I won’t lay anything       business decision.’ But what on
                                      earth did he mean? I’d never
heavy or ill-fitting on you.
                                      met anyone who included God
Keep company with me and
                                      in his professional career!
you’ll learn how to live freely
and lightly.”                         As I recall my childhood at
                                      Lymington, on the South
 - An extract from Matthew
11:28 in the Bible, using the         Coast, I’d found church
popular ‘Message’ translation.        services incredibly boring. On
                                      Sundays, our family also went
Voice - Life in the fast lane - but how? - Sharing true life New stories Life Stories - FGB UK
work and studied hard for
                                         further qualifications – I
                                         wanted to be a Chief Officer in
                                         Local Government. I began
                                         with parks management in
                                         Swindon. Later, I became deputy
                                         parks manager for the city of
                                         Bath. Finally, after 15 years as a
                                         Director in a number of other
                                         Local Authorities, I took early
                                         retirement and became a worker
                                         with the Royal Horticultural
                                         Society as a judge for the ‘Britain
                                         in Bloom’ competition, where
                                         villages, towns and cities
                                         compete for the best environ-
                                         mental and landscape practices.
                                         For six years I represented the
                                         UK as a judge in the European
sailing in the Solent and I much         competition called ‘Entente
preferred that.                          Florale’ – and became chairman
                                         of their international jury as we
When I grew up and left home, I          travelled to 12 countries. It
stopped attending church. Yet            seemed to me that I’d come a
the strange story of the man in          long way from early days as an
the same profession as me, and           assistant gardener to reaching
who heard from God, made me              the top of my profession.
curious. So I’ll share more later
about the impact of that in a            Today, looking back, I vividly
moment.                                  recall that day I first heard Don
                                         Latham tell us how he daily
I’ll mention here that I qualified       sought God’s guidance in making
in horticulture and met my wife,         important decisions. It set me
Heather, at college. We had two          thinking - and with some
children, Lorna and Duncan. My           curiosity I accepted an invitation
family attended the local village        to attend a dinner evening of a
church, but on Sundays I often           Christian businessmen’s
found other things to do around          fellowship at a local hotel.
the house and garden, instead!
                                         The speaker was a professional
I was also ambitious in my               marketing executive, who also

Voice - Life in the fast lane - but how? - Sharing true life New stories Life Stories - FGB UK
involved Jesus in everything he       it’s here now, when the
did! At the end of his talk, he       [spiritually] dead will hear my
invited non-Christian visitors to     voice - the voice of the Son of
receive Jesus into their lives –      God. And those who listen will
to receive ‘new life.’ The Bible      live.”
calls this being ‘born again’
                                      Deep down, I knew I was
spiritually, and in that way we
                                      spiritually ‘dead’, but if I ‘heard
also receive eternal life, he said.
                                      His voice’ and accepted Christ
Now I realised I definitely           as my Saviour, then this would
didn’t know this Jesus. I made        be life-changing. I couldn’t
no response to his appeal,            resist this God-given invitation,
perhaps through pride. Yet I          and confessed my long time
was aware that this series of         indifference to God’s love. Then
‘God-encounters’ were no              I asked Jesus to be Lord of my
accident. I remembered that           life. A simple step, but it has
discussion group, when some-          truly proven to be a
one said, ‘if anyone wants to         life-changing decision.
get serious with God, they
should read John’s Gospel in
the Bible.’
                                      N     ow, years later, that
                                            precious moment is still
                                      fresh in my mind. My new life
So, back home, I found a Bible        as a believer in Jesus has been
which opened at that very spot.       so much better than anything I
As my eyes flew across the            could have dreamt. It was the
pages of John’s Gospel, the           best news ever – even my
words at the top of the page          professional career ‘took off’ in
stood out: ‘Jesus said: “I tell       a miraculous way. For
you the truth, those who hear         example, I didn’t have the right
my message and believe in             qualifications but I was
God who sent me, have eternal         accepted for a MSc university
life. They will never be              course. Within two years, at the
condemned for their sins, but         age of only 36, I gained my first
they have already passed from         position as a Chief Officer of a
death to life.” ’ (John 5:24).        large multi-disciplined
                                      department in Local
I was amazed as I re-read those
words – I felt God was speaking
directly to my heart. The next        I found fellowship with other
verse promised: “I assure you         believers and was involved in
that the time is coming, indeed       exciting challenges – I’ve

Voice - Life in the fast lane - but how? - Sharing true life New stories Life Stories - FGB UK
always loved foreign
travel. So in my new
joy as a Christian I was
involved in
smuggling Bibles into
‘closed’ countries.
We saw miraculous
answers to prayer as
we trusted the Holy
Spirit to guide us.
Life can of course be
tough for all of us, but
Jesus promises never,
ever to leave us. This
is true, even in
devastating times. Heather and
                                       Jesus our Lord.’ (Romans 8).
I were heartbroken when our
                                       Despite our tears, there was joy
16-year-old son, Duncan, who
                                       ahead: six months later, our
was once so wonderfully full of
                                       daughter, Lorna, now married
life, became seriously ill with
                                       to Stephen, told us they were
leukaemia. He died, aged 19.           expecting their first baby - and
We faced agonising questions –         our first grandson arrived
why hadn’t God healed                  safely. Today, Heather and I
Duncan? Yet in our confusion           have five healthy and active
we knew many people were               grandsons, pictured above.
praying for our family, and we         The family lives and works in
were strengthened by the Holy          Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and
Spirit who is also called ‘the         we regularly visit them.
Comforter’.                            We don’t know what the future
We know that death is not the          holds, but God will see us
end of the story – and Duncan          through. There’s a little verse
is in Heaven right now, because        that says, “taste and see that the
the Bible promises us that             Lord is good, blessed are those
‘nothing can ever separate us          who take refuge in
from God’s love . . . neither          Him.” (Psalm 34:8).
death nor life . . . no power in
                                       That has been our experience –
the sky above or in the earth
                                       why don’t you make it yours?
below will ever be able to
separate us from the love of            Clive’s email address is:
God that is revealed in Christ          cliveheather7@gmail.com
Voice - Life in the fast lane - but how? - Sharing true life New stories Life Stories - FGB UK
Why we’re
a very
Our cover story:
Aubrey Morris,
teacher, musician, singer
and author, shares a
journey of faith that has
taken him from South
Africa to Ireland

I   grew up among a family of 12        awarded to me and I went to
   children in South Africa – we        university - I felt it must be ‘a
were hardworking but                    gift from God’ although I
desperately poor. In our                wasn’t a Christian. “Someone up
two-room home, it was difficult         there must be looking after me,”
to even find a place to ‘put your       I thought.
head down’ at night.                    At 17, I was drawn with other
As children, we made our own            young people into drink, drugs
toys and sometimes went                 and discos - despite the advice
hungry, yet despite abject              of my dear Granny who was the
poverty, I remained quite               only Christian in our family.
optimistic that life would one          She loved me a lot and we were
day get better. Then, at                very close. But if you had said
secondary school, the very kind         ‘Jesus’ to me, I wouldn’t have
secretary, Mrs Goss, asked me           known much about him.
what I was going to do next –           One of my younger brothers,
and advised me to apply for a           still at secondary school,
study grant. Amazingly, this was        attended a Christian fellowship,

Voice - Life in the fast lane - but how? - Sharing true life New stories Life Stories - FGB UK
led by my former maths teacher,          music industry - as well as
Mr Wayne Thring. Some of the             writing plays. This continued
members of this ‘strange’ but            even when I was a teacher, as I
happy group visited our home             ran a children’s choir and
and I had to admit that there            launched a Christian club in a
was something genuine and                secular school where hundreds
magnetic about them – they               of kids came to faith in Jesus
were happy - and I wanted what           Christ. They would share their
they had. But how?                       joy with their families, so that

T     hree months later, I went          some parents got linked up with
      back to that school, met my        the local church, too. It was
former maths teacher in the              such a buzz – I really enjoyed it.
foyer, and said: “I want Jesus in        I met my future wife, Auriol, in
my life.” And right there, as            1998, and we were married two
Wayne prayed for me with his             years later. In due course we
hand on my shoulder, I was               had two sons, Dillon and Levi.
‘born again.’ It was that simple         In my work, I knew God was
- suddenly the awful emptiness           calling me to minister into the
left me and God’s love filled my         lives of young people, and for
life for the first time.                 four years I headed up the
As the bad things fell away from         Sports Department at a
my life, sceptical friends               Christian school.
thought it a was joke that I had
become a Christian, but I had
flushed away all the drugs,
declaring “no more!” It was a
                                         B    y then, three of my brothers
                                              were living in Ireland – and
                                         I woke up one morning with a
day of release and deliverance.          strong impression that Auriol
                                         and I would be moving there,
I’ve always loved sport,
                                         too. Four months later it
especially football and athletics.
                                         happened! And for nine years I
At University, talent scouts
                                         worked at a Christian School in
came to the Freshman’s Ball,
                                         Dundalk, the county town of
looking for people who they felt
                                         County Louth, Ireland – about
‘had the edge’ to work in TV ads,
                                         half way between Dublin and
catalogue and fashion model-
ling. They invited me to a free
modelling course and soon I was          I graduated from Bible School at
working with producers and               Grace Fellowship church. We
making money. It was a thrill            also felt led to serve with Newry
for me, because I’ve always been         Christian Centre, where I was
fascinated by the media, the             Youth Pastor for two years.
Voice - Life in the fast lane - but how? - Sharing true life New stories Life Stories - FGB UK
Newry, in Northern Ireland, is         was a mess. I remember driving
an historic town on the border         away from home in tears,
of Counties Down and Armagh.           feeling far away from God.
I now teach at Newry Christian         Then, at my lowest moment, I
Centre Bible School. I also            heard God whisper in my heart:
assist with the worship team           “I can fix your marriage.”
and preach occasionally. In            I turned the car around and
2011, I took a mission team to         drove back home. With God’s
South Africa.                          help, Auriol and I rebuilt our
                                       marriage, as I learned to sort
I   discovered early on as
   Christian that life isn’t
always ‘a bed of roses’. I have
                                       out my priorities as a husband.
                                       God has truly blessed us as a
also known great sadness –             family - we have so much to be
having lost four members of my         grateful for! I know first-hand
family, including my dear              the freedom that is ours
brother Leon, who was a                because of the restorative love
Christian, too. However, I             of God. Whatever challenges
know from the Bible that he is         you may face, please don’t give
‘with the Lord’ and one day I’ll       up – because God does not give
see him again.                         up on you.
I’ve also learned that even as a
believer, our lives are very
much ‘a work in progress’. God
                                       I  ’ve discovered, too, that the
                                          Holy Spirit enables us to
                                       discover our God-given destiny
is so merciful – when we turn          to bring hope and blessing to
back to him there is always a          others. For example, I’ve always
fresh start with the help of the       dreamed of becoming an
Holy Spirit.                           author, so with my wife’s
In my early years of poverty, I        encouragement, I’ve written
often felt I was ‘fighting to catch    two books to help people to
up’ – I was overly competitive,        ‘dream again’ - to seek those
always busy with this and that -       things that God has for them as
and for years I struggled with         they pursue their goals and
frustration and anger issues.          visions.
Sadly, I brought this problem           My first book is called
into my marriage. Ten years            “Wisdom for Life 101 –
ago, despite much counselling,         Life-changing Principles.”
we faced the prospect of our           ………………………………………………………………………………….

marriage breaking down.                Aubrey’s email address is:
Frankly, at that point, my life        morrisaubs@yahoo.ie
Voice - Life in the fast lane - but how? - Sharing true life New stories Life Stories - FGB UK
strong in
Businessman Gordon
Bambridge, right,
shares a story 0f
recovery in the face of
great loss                              successful as a salesman with
                                        managerial positions, and

O   ne simple family event on           well-regarded in my company.
    a Sunday morning in May             After the guests left the
was a life-changer for my wife,         christening party, Jacqui and I
Jacqueline and I.                       talked beyond midnight about
Like many families, we had              the impact of the service – and
decided to have our two young           eventually we both joined the
daughters christened in the             local church! As we steadily
local Church of England – not           grew in our new faith, we led
so much for faith reasons, but          Bible studies, taught in Sunday
really as an excuse for a big           school and I even became a lay
                                        preacher in various denomina-
family party – which we did!
However, we hadn’t reckoned
on a ‘God-encounter’ in that            More surprises were in store for
service because, through it, we         us: our church life was rocked
both became aware of our                by some members who claimed
                                        they had been ‘filled with the
need for personal salvation.
                                        Holy Spirit’ and even spoke in a
Up to that point I’d say I was a        new prayer language, called
normal chap with no real faith,         ‘speaking in tongues.’
but with a general belief in God.
In my work I was reasonably             Well, I ‘knew better’ ! So I
Voice - Life in the fast lane - but how? - Sharing true life New stories Life Stories - FGB UK
took it upon
myself to call on
them, and ‘set
them straight’
about what the
Bible says about
this phenomenon.
The outcome was
quite different,
as I too was soon
baptised in the
Holy Spirit in a
church meeting in    After their visit to a Royal Garden Party at
a neighbouring       Buckingham Palace: Councillor Gordon
village.             Bambridge and his wfe, Jacqueline
I, too, spoke in
tongues - an experience I had      Norwich, part of a worldwide
once struggled to ignore. I        fellowship of Christian laymen.
realised that God is very good
to his reluctant followers.         I had even distributed their
                                   ‘Voice’ magazines, like the
This experience of knowing the     one you are reading now.
presence and power of the
Holy Spirit led us to a much       Up to then I thought that this
closer walk with God – we          fellowship was mainly in
started seeing miracles in so      America, without realising they
many areas of our lives. For       had a local Chapter a mile from
example, trusting God to meet      my home in Norfolk!
our material needs, even in the    I was really too ill to attend,
midst of a sudden business         due to a slipped disc in my
disaster when we lost              lower back. During the early
everything through fraud.          part of the evening, whilst
There were healings, too – we      people were singing a worship
prayed for a friend who faced a    song, my back was totally
cancer operation but who was       healed, although no-one was
fully healed.                      praying for me. I shared my
                                   story after the meeting and
Around that time I was invited     became an instant FGB
to a dinner of the Full Gospel     member.
Businessmen (FGB) in
                                   Since I was filled with the Holy
Spirit 37 years ago, it has been    we never drew benefits.
my privilege to speak at church     Eventually we won permission
and FGB events all over the         to build our small home on this
UK, as well as in Europe and        field, thanks to low rates
North America. I’ve seen            provided by builders.
hundreds respond to the
message of Jesus, but I’ve also     Amazingly, I also paid all my
learned that being a Christian      trade creditors without falling
can bring testing and trials.       out with any of them. My
                                    biggest creditor, when he was
As our wholesale business           told of my bankruptcy, said: “I
prospered, we were able to also     know you are a man of honour,
promote the Gospel - I was          so place my account on the
able to take time out to travel     bottom of the pile and forget it
and share the message of            till you can pay.”
Jesus at home and abroad.
                                    In due time, I was discharged

T    hen, in the 1990s, whilst      from bankruptcy and I remain
     visiting friends, FGB          self-employed. I was also
chapters and local churches in      elected to a District Council in
America, my business suffered       2003, serving in many
a large fraud. Deals collapsed      capacities, and being re-elected
and we lost most of our stock,      three times with an increased
leaving us with massive debts       majority each time.
– we also lost our savings, our     I know that my story of
home and pension rights.            “trusting in God” is truly the
In sharing my story, I had          way He has led us. We have
always emphasised our “trust        learned that God really is the
in God for all things, including    Great Restorer, who heals the
our substance.” Now we had a        broken hearted. I also know
new baby - but had lost our         that whatever trials I face, I
home and everything else,           can remain strong because of
except for about £11 in cash.       the victory that Christ has won
                                    for us on the Cross. If you are
Somehow we managed to keep          facing tough times, remember
our faith in Jesus to see us        that Jesus is only a prayer
through, even as we moved           away. He longs to help you - all
into a 70-year-old wooden           we need to do is ask.
caravan on a field we owned.
We had no electricity, no           Gordon’s email address is:
phone, no mains water – and         sgbjays@aol.com

My journey                              days, it seemed that God was
                                        looking after me, though I had
                                        no idea why. I wasn’t religious,
from conflict                           although our family was
                                        nominally Methodist. You
                                        might say I was a ‘gentle
to peace                                sinner’ – perhaps rather self-
                                        righteous because I didn’t live
Civil engineer Daniel                   an excessive life-style.
Nquot shares his                        In 1988, two friends invited me
remarkable story                        to a New Generation Church
                                        where the speaker clearly

M     ore than a million people
      died in the three-year
Civil War in Nigeria. I was a
                                        presented the radical message
                                        that ‘God loved the world so
                                        much that he gave his one and
child when my family fled from          only Son, so that everyone –
our remote village and we               including me - who believes in
became refugees.                        Jesus will not perish but have
                                        eternal life,’ (John 3: 16).
Up to that point I was a
happy-go-lucky 10-year-old              The speaker said that Jesus
who loved playing football in           had opened the way for me to
our village of Mbiabong in              have an exchanged life – a new
south-east Nigeria. My father           life, lovingly empowered by my
died of sickness during the             Father in Heaven, in exchange
conflict.                               for my old self-centred,
                                        self-righteous life.
After the war, we moved back

to our village. I was so                    realized that this was my
fortunate to prosper after the              moment of decision, but I
terrible war: I was a keen              had an academic mindset,
student and became the only             always trying to analyse
one in my immediate family              everything. Now God was
who eventually went to                  speaking to my heart – so in
University where I studied civil        simple trust I responded to the
engineering and also gained a           ‘altar call’ to go forward as an
master’s degree in structural           outward sign that I truly
engineering. I later became             accepted the salvation offered
Chief Engineer with the                 by Jesus, who had paid a great
Highways Department.                    price for me by dying publicly
Looking back to those early             on a cruel Cross.
neighbour, a lawyer,
                                                who collapsed at home
                                                after an epileptic fit. I
                                                heard shouts and
                                                rushed in to find him
                                                on the floor. A doctor
                                                said it was a ‘hopeless’
                                                Suddenly, I felt the urge
                                                to pray for the lawyer. I
                                                put my hands on his
                                                 head, and as I prayed,
 Daniel and his wife, Kate                       his eyes opened.
                                                 People were shocked,
As I stepped out in faith that                   then the family broke
day, I was ‘born again’ – and I         into celebration as the lawyer,
became spiritually alive. It was        now alive, was taken to hospital
a landmark moment as a                  for a confirmation check-up.
Christian counsellor led me in a        Two years later, when Kate, my
simple prayer to accept Christ          English-born wife and I were
as my personal Saviour. I also          visiting relatives, we heard a
welcomed the Holy Spirit into           tremendous commotion as a
my life as my Helper, Guide             six-year-old boy lay still after
and Friend, just as Jesus               choking on something. His
promised, (see John 14:16).             family were crying helplessly,
                                        as others ran around in a panic.

T    his was all very new to me,
     but as the months passed
by I experienced a new freedom
                                        So my wife and I laid hands on
                                        the boy and, as we prayed, he
                                        suddenly sneezed and opened
as the ‘gentle craving for sin’         his eyes! I was amazed.
subsided. Prayer became real,
                                        Many times we have seen God
the Bible came alive – and I
                                        answer a prayer for healing.
was living a daily spiritual
                                        For example, an older relative
adventure. I discovered I could
                                        of mine who was very highly
even pray with people and see
                                        regarded - he worked in the
their lives changed, too. Some
                                        Diplomatic Service – became ill
who were sick were healed!
                                        with a serious allergy. His face
On two occasions, we appeared           had swollen up, but when we
to see the dead return to life.         prayed for him he rapidly
The first instance was a                recovered.
In Nigeria, I became a member          groups set up at Liverpool
of FGB – the Full Gospel               University and in the city,
Businessmen’s Fellowship –             where Kate and I and our three
where I became president of a          children were happily settled
local FGB ‘chapter.’ We have           for 14 years.
more than 3,100 of these
                                       I loved reaching out to our
chapters across Nigeria, where
                                       neighbours with the Gospel
our national conventions can
                                       message, and gave away
attract over 20,000 people.
                                       thousands of Voice magazines,

I  n my journey of faith, I have
   been inspired by many
Christians, especially the life of
                                       like the one you are reading
                                       today. Nowadays I teach civil
                                       engineering at a college in
Mary Slessor, (1848- 1915).            Welwyn Garden City in
She was a hard working                 Hertfordshire; my wife Kate is
Scottish mill girl and an              a health visitor.
unorthodox Sunday School
                                       We attend an FGB Fellowship
teacher, who, inspired by David
                                       in the city of St Alban’s and we
Livingstone, became a mission-
                                       are setting up a new FGB
ary in Calabar, Nigeria, an area
                                       chapter in the London Borough
where no European had set foot
                                       of Enfield.
Despite illness and constant
danger, she lived with the
                                       I   thank God for the day I first
                                          heard the Good News about
                                       an amazing New Life with
tribes, learned their language,
                                       Jesus. I’d like to leave you with
and traditions, earning their
                                       the words of the Apostle Paul,
respect and putting an end to
                                       in the New Testament, who
some barbaric practises, such
                                       said: “I’m glad in God . . . I am
as the killing of twins. She
                                       just as happy with as little as
adopted many Nigerian
                                       much . . . whatever I have,
children (particularly twins)
                                       wherever I am, I can make it
who had been left to die.
                                       through anything in the power
Mary died in 1915, aged 67,            of Jesus who makes me who I
with great mourning among the          am,” (extract from Philippians
tribes to whom she had                 chapter four, in ‘The Message’
dedicated her whole life.              translation).
In 2002 I came to the UK to do

a doctorate degree in Civil            Daniel Nquot is on email
Engineering, and also saw FGB          at: dperfecter@yahoo.co.uk

make. Here is a prayer you can
Your response?                     pray - if you can find a quiet

A     s you have read the
      true-life stories in this
magazine, you may also
                                   place to quietly pray this aloud:
                                   “Lord Jesus, I believe you are
                                   the Son of God. I believe you
want to ask God into your
                                   died on the Cross for me. I am
life. There are three simple       sorry for my sins and I truly
steps to do this:                  want to turn away from them.
A real Christian is someone who    I ask you to forgive me and
has a personal relationship with   cleanse my heart.” (Pause here
God by inviting Jesus to become    to mention anything on your
their Lord and personal Saviour.   conscience. Then continue . . .)
STEP 1: Admit that you have        “I want to trust you with my
sinned by falling short of God’s   life, starting right now. Please
standard - admit that you need     be my Lord and Saviour. I invite
a Saviour to deal with your past   you into my life. Please help me
and assure your future.            to live by the power of the Holy
STEP 2: Believe that Jesus is      Spirit, to guide and to teach me.
the Son of God who died on the     “I now believe your promise in
Cross to pay the penalty for       the Bible that I am born again. I
your sins.                         am a true child of God. Help me
STEP 3: Receive Jesus as           to trust you with all my heart.
Saviour and Lord of your life by   Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen.”
personal invitation and ask His
forgiveness for your sins.         Contact us: post off the
                                   coupon below, right away, and
 Your decision to receive Christ
                                   we will send you a free guide
as Saviour and Lord is the most
                                   on how to grow as a Christian.
important decision you will ever

An opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour
Tick here to request a free booklet ‘Finding God’ 
Today I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour 
Please send me details about FGB 
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True stories in this issue . . .

Clive Addison    Aubrey Morris       Gordon            Daniel Nquot
The best news    Why I am so         Bambridge         From conflict
of my life       grateful to God     A story of hope   to peace

T    his magazine is produced
     by the Full Gospel
Businessmen in the UK and
                                     Men of all backgrounds are
                                     welcome, whether working,
                                     retired or unemployed, no-one
Ireland — or FGB for short.          is excluded. FGB is an ‘arm of
This fellowship began through        the church’ endorsed by many
the vision of a Christian            Christian leaders, including the
businessman. Today, there are        Archbishop of York, Dr John
thousands of Local Chapters          Sentamu who says, “We need
meeting in more than 100             more men like them!”
countries. FGB is in many towns      To contact us, email:
and cities across the UK and we      office@fgbuk.org
welcome newcomers to our             Tel. 01565 632 667
regular events, usually dinner       See our website for more true
evenings with a guest speaker.       life stories: www.fgbuk.org

                     For your local contact:

  Check our website for events in your region - see www.fgbuk.org
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