Volume 03 Issue 18 - CIES

Volume 03 Issue 18 - CIES
2nd International Conference on Knowledge
   Management: Role of Social Sciences,
          Economics & Business

Volume 03
Issue 18

                                  February 16-17, 2019
                                     Barcelona, Spain

       2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business
Volume 03 Issue 18 - CIES

DISCLAIMER                                                                                                          IV

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE                                                                                                 V

CONFERENCE CHAIR MESSAGE                                                                                            VI

CONFERENCE PROGRAM                                                                                                  VII

LIST OF CONFERENCE ATTENDEES                                                                                        IX

TRACK A: BUSINESS, ECONOMICS, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES                                                         11

Political Entrepreneurship for Growth and Entrepreneurial Diversity                                                  12

Overview of Female Entrepreneurship in Croatia                                                                       13

TRACK B: MEDICAL, MEDICINE AND HEALTH SCIENCES                                                                       14

Establishment of the Shari’ah Framework for the Application of Somatic Gene Therapy in Human                         15

SCIENCES                                                                                                             16

Exposure Assessment of 226Ra and 222Rn from the drinking Water in the                                                17

Jalandhar and Kapurthla districts of Punjab                                                                          17

Text Correction Algorithms for Correct Grammar and Lexical Errors in                                                 18

the English Languagey                                                                                                18

FUTURE EVENTS                                                                                                        19

              2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business


Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business

                                    CIES – 2019

                                  BARCELONA, SPAIN

     2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business
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      Proceedings of the Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business


ISBN: 978-969-683-698-8


Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the material in this book is true, correct, complete,

and appropriate at the time of writing. Nevertheless the publishers, the editors, and the authors do not

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necessarily reflect those of the Charles Institute of European Studies.

Office Address:
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Barcelona, Spain
CONTACT: 932 540-1 800
EMAIL: contact@cies.education

              2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business
Organizing Committee

1. Ms. Grace Ooi

Conference Organizer

Email: grace@cies.education

2. Mr. Leon Yap

Conference Organizer

Email: leon@cies.education

3. Mr. Metin

Conference Organizer

Email: metin@cies.education

        Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business

                                                 Barcelona, Spain

            Venue: Salles Hotel Pere iv Carrer De Pallars, Barcelona Spain

            2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business
Conference Chair Message

Dr. Carlos

2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics &

Business (KSEB-FEB-2019) serves as platform that aims to help the scholarly community across

nations to explore the critical role of multidisciplinary innovations for sustainability and growth of

human societies. This conference provides opportunity to the academicians, practitioners, scientists, and

scholars from across various disciplines to discuss avenues for interdisciplinary innovations and

identify effective ways to address the challenges faced by our societies globally. The research ideas and

studies that we received for this conference are very promising, unique, and impactful. I believe these

studies have the potential to address key challenges in various sub-domains of social sciences and

applied sciences.

I am really thankful to our honorable scientific and review committee for spending much of their time

in reviewing the papers for this event. I am also thankful to all the participants for being here with us to

create an environment of knowledge sharing and learning. We the scholars of this world belong to the

elite educated class of this society and we owe a lot to return back to this society. Let’s break all the

discriminating barriers and get free from all minor affiliations. Let’s contribute even a little or single

step for betterment of society and welfare of humanity to bring prosperity, peace and harmony in this

world. Stay blessed.

Thank you.

Dr. Carlos
Conference Director
Email: carlos@cies.education
CIES– 2019

              2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business
Conference Program

                                           DAY 01 Saturday (February 16, 2019)

                         Venue: Salles Hotel Pere iv Carrer De Pallars, Barcelona Spain

09:00 am – 09:20 am          Welcome Reception & Registration

09:20 am – 09:30 am          Introduction of Participants

09:30 am – 09:40 am          Welcome Remarks – Conference Coordinator

09:40 am – 09:50 am          Grand Networking Session

09:50 am – 10:00 am           Tea Break

                      2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business
DAY 01 Saturday (February 16, 2019)
                                         Session 1 (10:00 am – 11:30 am)
                                                 Venue: Room 1
                                            Session Chairs: Leon Yap
                               Track A: Engineering Technology & Applied Sciences

                    Exposure Assessment of 226Ra and 222Rn from the drinking Water in the Jalandhar and
SAASM-FEB19-B1003                                                                                                          Rajan Jakhu
                    Kapurthla districts of Punjab

                    Text Correction Algorithms for Correct Grammar and Lexical Errors in the English
SAASM-FEB19-B1004                                                                                                          Abbas Hussein Tarish

                    Track B: Business, Management, Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities

KSEB-FEB-104        Political Entrepreneurship for Growth and Entrepreneurial Diversity                                    Daniel Silander

KSEB-FEB-104A       Political Entrepreneurship for Growth and Entrepreneurial Diversity                                    Charlotte Silander

                                                                                                                           Mihaela Mikic
                    Overview of Female Entrepreneurship in Croatia

                                      Track C: Medical, Medicine and Health Sciences

                    Establishment of the Shari’ah Framework for the Application of Somatic Gene Therapy                    Zakiah Samori
BAR-329-110M        in Human

                             Closing Ceremony & Lunch Break (11:30 am –12:30 pm)

                     2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business

 The following Scholars/ practitioners/educationist who don’t have any paper presentation, however they will attend the conference as delegates & observers.

                            Sr.     Official ID                   Name                             Affiliation Details
                            1.                                    Farag An Khalifa                 Libyan Swiss Medical Center, Libya
                            2.                                                                     Rue Abid Issac- Sassine Square – Facing
                                    BAR-329-103MA                                                  Byblos bank call center -Sunset building 1st
                                                                  Elias Kharrat                    floor. Beirut- Lebanon.

                                          2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business
DAY 02 Sunday (February 17, 2019)

All respective guests are free to conduct their own sightseeing and tour. The
      second day of the event is reserved for this memorable purpose.

                   2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business
Abstract Proceeding Book
                                                                                                   KSEB–February 16-17, 2019
                                                                                                              Barcelona, Spain
                                               ISBN: 978-969-683-698-8


      2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business                11
Abstract Proceeding Book
                                                                                                             KSEB–February 16-17, 2019
                                                                                                                        Barcelona, Spain
                                                         ISBN: 978-969-683-698-8

              Political Entrepreneurship for Growth and Entrepreneurial Diversity

                                          Daniel Silander1*, Charlotte Silander2
                         Department of Political Science and Education, Linnaeus University, Sweden


    Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs are vital aspects of a growing and dynamic economy. Entrepreneurs are
expected to, through entrepreneurship; provide innovations and know-how that promotes a society of growth,
employment and welfare. While research on entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship mostly has taken place within
economics, there are very limited studies on entrepreneurial activities in the public sector. The political
entrepreneur is to be found in the public sector. However, the public entrepreneur acts in relation to other public
actors, but also in relation to the business sector with entrepreneurs. To discuss and understand who is the political
entrepreneur is therefore to explore the relationships and networks between the public sector and the business
sector and the entrepreneurs involved and how the political entrepreneur must act to promote favourable
conditions for entrepreneurs. In times of global economic competition, economic recession and transformation of
the urban and rural economic landscapes, it is from a local and regional perspective important to have political
entrepreneurs that seek new opportunities for growth. This is done by seeking new opportunities for
entrepreneurship and to change traditional norms and values on who the entrepreneur might be and how
entrepreneurship is to be conducted. It is about identifying window of opportunities and to explore new formal
and informal favourable conditions for existing and potential entrepreneurs.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Favorable Conditions, Potential Entrepreneurs

*All correspondence related to this article should be directed to Daniel Silander
Department of Political Science and Education, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Email: daniel.silander@lnu.se

                2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business
Abstract Proceeding Book
                                                                                                             KSEB–February 16-17, 2019
                                                                                                                        Barcelona, Spain
                                                         ISBN: 978-969-683-698-8

                             Overview of Female Entrepreneurship in Croatia

                                                         Mihaela Mikic*
                               University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Croatia


Entrepreneurship embodies a generator of economic development and employment in every country. Despite the
difficulties in defining the term itself, it is agreed that activity must be evenly distributed, regardless of gender,
age, educational structure and others. The latest trend is increasing female entrepreneurship, which should in the
future lead to assisting the Republic of Croatias economic development and contribute to reducing unemployment.
Women ´ are a majority in population, yet constitute a minority in the field of entrepreneurship. Those who do get
involved face adversity in their endeavours. Following are analyses of female perspectives in entrepreneurship in
Croatia through theoretical analysis, i.e. characteristics of women entrepreneurs, the obstacles they encounter, and
the numerous motives that trigger them. Past research has shone light upon many problems requiring urgent
solutions, including the historic and cultural gender imbalance. Such will require elimination of stereotype barriers
and empowerment through an increase of social awareness. Empirical research has been conducted to provide a
better understanding of female entrepreneurship and its role in stimulating economic growth in Croatia. Results
show an inevitable growth of female entrepreneurship due to the measures and support of programs and financial
resources available. This should provide a better understanding of female entrepreneurship and its role in
stimulating economic growth in Croatia.

Keywords: Female Entrepreneurship, Women Entrepreneurship, Economic Development, Inequality

*All correspondence related to this article should be directed to Mihaela Mikic
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Croatia
Email: mmikic@efzg.hr

                2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business
Abstract Proceeding Book
                                                                                             KSEB–February 16-17, 2019
                                                                                                        Barcelona, Spain
                                         ISBN: 978-969-683-698-8


2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business
Abstract Proceeding Book
                                                                                                            KSEB–February 16-17, 2019
                                                                                                                       Barcelona, Spain
                                                        ISBN: 978-969-683-698-8

   Establishment of the Shari’ah Framework for the Application of Somatic Gene Therapy in

                                       Zakiah Samori1*, Fadilah Abd Rahman2
                 Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia

    Human gene therapy is best known as a transfer of nucleic acids to either the somatic cells or germ cells of an
individual. It introduces genetic materials which have therapeutic purpose ranging from inherited genetic
disorders to certain malignancies and infectious diseases. This medical scientific breakthrough has received
lucrative demand worldwide as it offers potential treatment to cure genetic diseases in human at the molecular
level. Since then, thousands of people have already participated in the trials thus it is likely to be part of medical
practice in the future. Despite of the tremendous benefits that it promises, this new biomedical technology has
given rise to several contentious issues from the ethical and religious point of view. Since it comprises of two
different therapies namely somatic and germ line gene therapy, each involves different procedures thereby poses
different legal ruling and decision. This study attempts to propose a complementary model of the Shari’ah
framework on the human gene therapy with special reference to the somatic gene therapy. In achieving this, a
detailed analysis and outlook into the Qur’anic evidences along with the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh
were carried out. Following this, its position from the pragmatic approach of the Maqasid al-Syariyyah (Objective
of the Shari’ah) and the Qawa’id Fiqhiyyah (Islamic Legal Maxims) is also analysed in further detail. Various
fatwas (Islamic verdict) decreed by the variety of fatwa councils from all over the world are also highlighted. This
model of Shariah Framework would serve as the ethical basis for the application of somatic gene therapy in
Malaysia and beyond (particularly Muslim countries) especially for Muslim doctors, scientists and Muslims at
large. For Muslim countries such as Malaysia where Muslims makes the majority of the population and Islam as
the official religion in Article 3 of its Federal Constitution, this framework is deemed to be important reference in
providing the essential guidelines on the permissibility of this therapy. Consideration of the position of Somatic
Gene Therapy from the Shari’ah perspective is undeniably crucial in any attempt to regulate Somatic Gene
Therapy in any Muslim countries in the future.

Keywords: Somatic Gene Therapy Shari’ah Framework Islamic Principles Maqasid Syariyyah Qawaid Fiqhiyyah

*All correspondence related to this article should be directed to Zakiah Samori, Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies,
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia
Email: zahiah44@gmail.com

               2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business
Abstract Proceeding Book
                                                                                                 KSEB–February 16-17, 2019
                                                                                                            Barcelona, Spain
                                             ISBN: 978-969-683-698-8


    2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business
Abstract Proceeding Book
                                                                                                             KSEB–February 16-17, 2019
                                                                                                                        Barcelona, Spain
                                                         ISBN: 978-969-683-698-8

              Exposure Assessment of 226Ra and 222Rn from the drinking Water in the
                            Jalandhar and Kapurthla districts of Punjab

                                                          Rajan Jakhu*
                              Department of Physics-Guru Nanak National College Nakodar, India

    Naturally occurring Radium (226Ra) and Radon (222Rn) concentration in the drinking water samples of 20
villages of Jalandhar and Kapurthla districts of Punjab has been determined for health risk assessment. Activity
concentration of 226Ra and 222Rn in the studied water samples varies from 0.08 Bq l-1 to 0.13 Bq l-1 and 1.42
Bq l-1 to 5.26 Bq l-1, with the average concentration of 0.1 Bq l-1 and 3.51 Bq l-1 respectively. The dose to the
internal parts of the body is received from 222Rn through inhalation and ingestion while 226Ra contributes dose
mainly through ingestion. The annual average inhalation and ingestion dose from 222Rn in water in the studied
area is 0.89 nSv a-1 and 0.74 Sv a-1. The mean annual ingestion dose from 226Ra in water is 18.73 Sv a-1. The
total mean annual effective dose due to 226Ra and 222 Rn in water is 19.46 Sv a-1. As the total annual effective
dose due to 226Ra and 222Rn in water samples of the study area is lower than the reference dose level of 10 mSv,
the health hazards related to these radionuclides are expected to be negligible.

Keywords: 226Ra, 222Rn, Rad7, Inhalation and Ingestion dose

*All correspondence related to this article should be directed to Rajan Jakhu
Department of Physics-Guru Nanak National College Nakodar, India
Email: rajan.jakhu@gmail.com

                2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business
Abstract Proceeding Book
                                                                                                            KSEB–February 16-17, 2019
                                                                                                                       Barcelona, Spain
                                                        ISBN: 978-969-683-698-8

               Text Correction Algorithms for Correct Grammar and Lexical Errors in
                                      the English Languagey

                                       Abbas Hussein Tarish1*, Hasan K. Naji2
             English Linguistics, Methods and Applications-West University of Timisoara Bucharest, Romania

     The utilization of the language web-search engine has exploded in its popularity and its potential applications.
The value of search results has become a commodity, as the ability and ease of finding information, services, and
locations has increased in importance over time. To date, web search engines are now becoming one of the most
popular tools for identifying and researching information online (Stefanowski & Weiss, 2003). Authorities in the
field have begun to understand that the search for data on the internet is in need of some guidance, which creates a
problem concerning how a query will be able to retrieve documents or a subset of documents that are relevant to
the inquiry (Weiss, 2001). This seems to bring to question how it is possible to find any relevant information
about a particular topic online (Fletcher, 2004; Weiss, 2001). Automatic grammar learning is one of the
technologies that have been utilized in aiding the ability for web search engines to identify lexicons of natural
language, in addition to developing more accurate grammar (Copestake & Flickinger, 2000; Lee, Chang, & Hsieh,
2014). Even while there are automatic grammar learning paradigms being employed by software, still many of the
computer applications are partially hand-built grammar or require manual work. A majority of researchers are
now attempting to build more accurate algorithms that are less manual, more automated, and far more proficient
in its implications (Porter, 2001).

Keywords: Algorithms, Text Correction Algorithms, Correct Grammar, Lexical Errors

*All correspondence related to this article should be directed to Abbas Hussein Tarish,
English Linguistics, Methods and Applications-West University of Timisoara Bucharest, Romania
Email: abbasamradu@yahoo.com

               2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business
Abstract Proceeding Book
                                                                                             KSEB–February 16-17, 2019
                                                                                                        Barcelona, Spain
                                         ISBN: 978-969-683-698-8

                                    FUTURE EVENTS

2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business
Abstract Proceeding Book
                                                                                                           KSEB–February 16-17, 2019
                                                                                                                      Barcelona, Spain
                                                       ISBN: 978-969-683-698-8

You can find the Details regarding our future events by directing to the following links:


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              2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business
Abstract Proceeding Book
                                                                                             KSEB–February 16-17, 2019
                                                                                                        Barcelona, Spain
                                         ISBN: 978-969-683-698-8

                             Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona, Spain

2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management: Role of Social Sciences, Economics & Business
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