WANTED Page 2 - Not a plane crash - Delmar Johnson. See story on Page 3 - Pointe FM Radio

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WANTED Page 2 - Not a plane crash - Delmar Johnson. See story on Page 3 - Pointe FM Radio

 Page 2 - Not
a plane crash
                                Delmar Johnson. See story on Page 3
WANTED Page 2 - Not a plane crash - Delmar Johnson. See story on Page 3 - Pointe FM Radio

                                Local News
ABAA dispells plane crash rumors
   On Thursday, the country     ever, that the supposed crash
was alarmed by reports that     was actually a simulation
they may have been an air-      exercise that had been car-
plane crash at the V. C. Bird   ried out by the Antigua and
International Airport.          Barbuda Airport Authority
   Social media was soon        (ABAA). The ABBA car-
abuzz with rumors of a crash    ried out the exercise in order
and photographs of a smoke      to test the efficacy of the na-
filled area near the airport    tional response that would
began to circulate online.      be activated in the event of
   It was soon revealed, how-   an aircraft emergency.
                                                                    According to the ABAA,        opened some hours after for
                                                                  “The drill replicated an air-   the resumption of regular
                                                                  craft accident of a 737 air-    commercial operations.”
                                                                  craft caused by severe wind       The ABAA explained that
                                                                  shear and a strong crosswind    part of the drill utilized all
                                                                  as the plane approached the     of Antigua and Barbuda’s
                                                                  V. C. Bird International        emergency services, includ-
                                                                  for landing shortly before      ing the EMS, Fire Services,
                                                                  mid-morning on Thursday.        the Police, the Antigua and
                                                                  The airport was officially      Barbuda Defence Force
                                                                  closed as a result and re-                    cont’d on pg 3
WANTED Page 2 - Not a plane crash - Delmar Johnson. See story on Page 3 - Pointe FM Radio

      Local News                                                                                                   PAGE 3

Jamaican national wanted
  A Jamaican national is being pur-        custody. Anyone with information of
sued by immigration officials after        the whereabouts of the wanted man is
running afoul of the law.                  asked to contact the Immigration En-
  The Immigration Department has           forcement Unit at 464-3245 or 464-
issued a wanted poster identifying         3141 or contact the nearest Police
Delmar Johnson, 34, who escaped            Station,” the wanted poster stated.
from the department’s detention cen-         The department is also advising the
tre prior to being deported.               public against assisting or harbouring
  Johnson is described as being dark       Johnson.
in complexion, approximately 5 feet          The Immigration Department is
7 inches in height, of slim build and      also warning persons that they should
weighing approximately 150 lbs.            not approach the wanted man.
  “The assistance of the general pub-        Johnson was released from Her
lic is being sought in locating the sub-   Majesty’s Prison after being ordered
ject.                                      to leave the state when he escaped
  “Johnson is wanted after escaping        from immigration officials.

cont’d from pg 2
and other relevant agencies
that fall under the Nation-
al Emergency Operations
Centre. This call to action
was signaled as an “activa-
tion” protocol.
  The authority continued,
“The Airport’s Emergency
Centre was activated and
provided overall manage-
ment of the activity under
the watchful eyes of the
National Office of Disaster
Services. Key agencies and      years, and partial emergen-
the critical departments of     cy exercises in the interven-
the entire airline community    ing year, to ensure that any
were engaged as a measure       deficiencies found during
of overall effectiveness in     the full scale aerodrome
dealing with an incident of     emergency exercise have
this magnitude.”                been corrected.”
  The emergency drill was         Director of Safety and Se-
conducted as part of a re-      curity Avery Henry said he
quirement by the Interna-       was satisfied with the out-
tional Civil Aviation Orga-     come of the drill.
nization (ICAO).                  “I am very pleased we
  The requirement states        were able to hold the exer-     mediately to make improve-       Services and its team led by
that, “ Contracting States      cise at this time since we      ments in this critical area of   Director Philmore Mullin
must conduct a full scale       are now able to assess our      our emergency operations.”       for the support and guidance
emergency exercise at in-       strengths and our weakness-       Henry also thanked the         they provided in the execu-
tervals not exceeding two       es so that we can move im-      National Office of Disaster      tion of the exercise.
WANTED Page 2 - Not a plane crash - Delmar Johnson. See story on Page 3 - Pointe FM Radio

                                   Local News

St. Paul primary schools receive supplies
  Students of Cobbs Cross     demic.
Primary, Liberta Primary        He said that as a national
and Bethel Seventh Day        and community leader he
Adventists have become        is compelled to go the extra
the latest beneficiaries of   mile in order to help those
school supplies from Mem-     in need.
ber of Parliament for St.       The gifts to the Liberta
Paul, E.P Chet Greene.        Primary School were made
  Books, geometry sets,       possible through a donation
pencils and school bags       from the Falmouth Harbour
were among the items do-      Marina. General Manager,
nated on Wednesday morn-      Robert ‘Bobby’ Reis said
ing by Minister Greene and    that as a corporate citizen
his team.                     the company feels a re-
  Greene, who made a pre-     sponsibility to give back to
sentation to schools in the   the community.
area last week, indicated       During the ceremony,
that there had been addi-     face masks were presented
tional requests for assis-    to each school by a repre-
tance as many parents have    sentative of the community
been negatively impacted      mask making initiative or-
by the coronavirus pan-       ganized by Greene.
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       Local News                                                                                                PAGE 5

   Barbuda’s secession
request goes to Parliament
  A showdown is set to        head of government as jus-      shy away.                      national economic mix so
take place when a resolu-     tification for the Council’s      “For Antigua and Barbu-      that we can build infra-
tion is introduced at the     move.                           da to consider at this stage   structure and provide ser-
next sitting of Parliament       Nedd said these and oth-     the giveaway of one third      vices throughout the coun-
to address the Barbuda’s      er incidents created a strain   of its resources and to let    try. The almost religious
Council’s request to se-      on the failing relationship     it walk away is incompre-      fervor by which Barbudans
cede from Antigua.            between Antigua and Bar-        hensible, it’s unthinkable.    associate with questions of
  The government is tak-      buda. He further expressed      So at this time the gov-       the land is something that
ing the unprecedented step    the view that Barbuda was       ernment’s position will be     we note, but we are not go-
of presenting the matter      being used as a bread bas-      well laid out in our pre-      ing to be afraid of it. It is a
to the Parliament after it    ket for Antigua, which is       sentations. The resolution     matter of law that the lands
received a letter from the    evidenced by the use and        would likely be a negative     on Barbuda are vested in
Barbuda Council request-      abuse of the island’s re-       resolution but nonethe-        the crown; it’s incontest-
ing that discussions com-     sources without benefit to      less everyone will have a      able and we are going to
mence on the separation of    their people.                   chance to have their say,”     go forward on that basis,”
Antigua from Barbuda.            The contentious issue        he remarked.                   Nicholas declared.
  In the letter dated 31st    will be introduced in the         Nicholas told reporters        The minister acknowl-
August, 2020, Council         Lower House, by way of a        that Barbuda is important      edged that the tone of the
Secretary, Paul Nedd, in-     resolution next Thursday.       to the country as a whole      discussions between the
formed Cabinet Secretary,        Information     Minister,    and there are no plans to      islands could be improved
Konata Lee, that the Coun-    Melford Nicholas, said          change that.                   and he expressed the hope
cil wished to secede from     the matter is not one from        “The resources that are      that this would be one of
Antigua in order to deter-    which the government will       on Barbuda get into the        the outcomes of the debate.
mine a separate future for
Barbuda and its people.
  The letter continued that
this move had become nec-
essary as a result of the
Gaston Browne admin-
istration’s neglect of the
Barbudan people which
only intensified after the
passage of Hurricane Irma
in 2017.
  Adding that the Coun-
cil had no choice but to
expose the mistreatment
the Barbudan people have
been subjected to, Nedd
went on to cite the Barbu-
da Land Act of 2007, the
declaration by the prime
minister that Barbudans
are ‘squatters’ along with
the ‘derogatory name call-
ing’ of Barbudans by the
WANTED Page 2 - Not a plane crash - Delmar Johnson. See story on Page 3 - Pointe FM Radio

                                 Local News
  PM congratulates
Goddard on expansion
  Prime Minister Gaston
Browne has offered his gov-
ernment’s congratulations
to the Goddard Catering
Group on the opening of
its new multi-million dollar
facility on the Sir George
Walter Highway.
  In his remarks at the open-
ing, Browne highlighted
the company’s long histo-
ry in Antigua and Barbuda
having opened its doors in
  During this timeGoddard
Catering has provided many
opportunities for nationals.
  “Goddard Catering has of-
fered training for our people    Utilities Minister, Sir Robin
                                 Yearwood, Station Manager
in catering and food prepa-      GCG Antigua, Mario Colin-
ration services.                 dres, PM Gaston Browne and
  “It is an international com-   GCG Regional Manager, Pe-
pany that is required to sat-    dro Corbin
isfy the required standards,”    this was a hallmark of the
Browne noted.                    company’s competence and
  The prime minister also        competitiveness.
congratulated the company          Goddard Catering Group
for diversifying its prod-       opened its new state-of the-
uct offerings adding that                     cont’d on pg 7
                                                                 PM Browne and Mario Colindres formally cut the ribbon to the
                                                                 multi-million dollar facility
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Local News

                                                                                                                 PAGE 7

Home-porting under consideration
  At least one cruise com-      posal as an economic op-       fall ill with COVID-19,        sengers to Antigua. Upon
pany has initiated dia-         portunity.                     facilities onshore will be     arrival here, passengers
logue with the government         “It is an opportunity for    made available to them         will board the vessel. Simi-
to establish layover or         some onshore business to       with the caveat that this      larly crew will arrive to and
home-porting arrangement        get an economic lift. We are   does not affect the coun-      depart from the V. C. Bird
in St. John’s.                  in the preliminary stages of   try’s COVID-19 statistics.     International Airport.
  In order to reduce costs to   the discussion but we have     These particulars, he said,      The Cabinet revealed that
the company, it is propos-      to consider all the issues     are now being fine tuned.      the final decision on which
ing that its crew layover in    relative to that including       This week’s post-Cabi-       Caribbean port will receive
St. John’s before heading       the safety protocols specif-   net Notes revealed that the    home-port status will likely
off on new cruises.             ically related to COVID,”      General Manager of the         be determined by cost.
  Several ports in the Carib-   he explained.                  Deepwater Harbour was            The Cabinet warned
bean have been approached         Discussion was held on       invited to the meeting to      against a race to the bot-
setting off competition be-     crew members who may           address the home-porting       tom and has cautioned the
tween regional ports for fa-    test positive for Coronavi-    proposal which at least one    company’s general manag-
vour with the company.          rus.                           cruise line has made in its    er to decide on the basis of
  Information       Minister,     Nicholas noted while the     effort to reduce the cost of   a defined policy set by the
Melford Nicholas, says the      crew is not expected to        passengers flying its pas-     Cabinet.
government views the pro-       come ashore, should they

PM Browne assists GCG Station Manager with unveiling the
cont’d from pg 6                in airline catering..
art complex in Antigua on         The company also pro-
Thursday.                       vides catering services for
  The $18 million invest-       local events.
ment is expected to provide       Goddard Catering oper-
a major fillip to the compa-    ates in thirteen Caribbe-
ny’s plans for diversifying     an territories. Its Regional
its operations.                 Manager is Pedro Corbin,
  The Goddard Catering          who is based at the new fa-
Group is primarily engaged      cility.
WANTED Page 2 - Not a plane crash - Delmar Johnson. See story on Page 3 - Pointe FM Radio

                                    Local News
  Bench warrant against
 Asot Michael discharged
  The civil case against Member of                                                  pains for more than a week which
Parliament for St. Peter, Asot Michael,                                             eventually resulted in him being trans-
was adjourned until September 21,                                                   ported by ambulance to the Mount St.
2020, when he appeared in court on                                                  John’s Medical Centre.
Thursday morning.                                                                     Subsequent to being treated at the
  Michael presented himself to the                                                  hospital, he also visited ophthalmol-
court after a bench warrant was issued                                              ogist, Dr. Ian Walwyn, last Friday to
for his arrest by Chief Magistrate Jo-                                              receive treatment for a ruptured blood
anne Walsh because he failed to ap-                                                 vessel in his left eye.
pear before the court on a civil matter.   Member of Parliament for St. Peter, Asot   Michael said he had been heavily se-
  His appearance on Thursday result-                                                dated during his illness resulting in his
ed in the bench warrant being dis-         neys have described the civil suit as inability to appear before the Court.
charged.                                   ‘outrageous’, the St. Peter MP ex-         In the interest of preventing further
  Michael offered humble apologies         plained that he had ‘absolutely no in- delays to the court, and in the interest
to Chief Magistrate Walsh for failing      tention of disrespecting the Court’ and of the swift execution of justice,Mi-
to present himself to the court on Sep-    was absent due to illness.               chael instructed his attorneys request
tember 9th.                                  He continued that he had been suf- that the Court grant a continuance of
  Although Michael’s defense attor-        fering low blood pressure and chest the matter in his absence.

Governor General to spearhead
   Caribbean Wellness Day
  Governor General, Sir         regular exercise, proper di-
Rodney Williams, will           etary habits and the aware-
spearhead activities to mark    ness of the factors that
the observance of Caribbe-      predispose to non-commu-
an Wellness Day 2020 to-        nicable diseases.
morrow.                           The staff of the Office of
  In addition to Education      the Governor General are
and the preservation of His-    active participants in the
tory and Heritage, Health       ‘Don’t Quit, Get Fit’ and
and Wellness are among the      Caribbean Wellness Day ac-
platforms to which Sir Rod-     tivities.
ney and Lady Williams have        Meanwhile,        Governor
pledged their support.          General Williams has com-
  Last month, Sir Rodney        mended national sports
launched the ‘Don’t Quit,       icons Sir Richie Richardson
Get Fit’ programme with the     and Team Island Girls and
support of the Halo Founda-     the       Non-Communicable
tion.                           Disease (NCD) Unit in the       Governor General, Sir Rodney Williams
  This initiative is designed   Ministry of Health and oth-       Caribbean Wellness Day       non-communicable diseases
to sensitize the nation to      er groups who are engaged       was introduced by CAR-         such as hypertension, dia-
the importance of leading       in the activities to mark the   ICOM in 2007 in response       betes mellitus and obesity in
healthy lifestyles through      annual occasion.                to the high prevalence of      the Caribbean.
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        Local News                                                                                   PAGE 9

 Sandals Antigua GM tours
  Wallings Nature Reserve
  Sandals Grande Antigua
Resort & Spa General Man-
ager, Matthew Cornall, has
taken his first official tour
of the newly refurbished
administrative building at
the Wallings Nature Re-
  The structural upgrades
were made possible by a
US$27,000 donation from
the Sandals Foundation
earlier this year.
  Work on the building of a deck, shed, electrical facility also boasts a wheel- cameras and a solar panel
began in February and in- work, painting, tiling and chair-accessible bathroom, system.
cluded the construction guttering. The improved four water tanks, security         Information signs will
                                                                                 also be installed along the
                                                                                 surrounding hiking trails in
                                                                                 order to highlight the area’s
                                                                                   The Wallings Nature Re-
                                                                                 serve project was under-
                                                                                 taken as part of outreach
                                                                                 intended to meet the objec-
                                                                                 tives of the Sandals Foun-
                                                                                 dation – community, edu-
                                                                                 cation and the environment.
                                                                                   Cornall’s tour was led by
                                                                                 the reserve’s Executive Di-
                                                                                 rector, Refica Attwood.
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                                Local News
   DPP won’t seek death
penalty in Christian’s murder
   The Director of Public       of the DPP and not the exec-
Prosecution will not pursue     utive. Greene also disclosed
the death penalty against the   that when he commented on
people responsible for Nigel    the issue earlier this week,
Christian’s murder.             he was unaware that the
   This assurance has been      DPP had already moved to
given to the United King-       respond to the UK’s terms
dom whose help is being         for assistance.
sought in the Christian ho-        A look at DPP Arm-
micide investigation.           strong’s letter to UK author-
   This was a condition de-     ities revealed that several
manded by UK authorities        factors were carefully con-
if a request by Antigua and     sidered before responding
Barbuda for assistance from     to the conditions outlined
Scotland Yard with the in-      by the British.
vestigation of the murder of       “In the event that a person
the former Customs officer      or persons is or are charged,
was to be granted.              persecuted and convicted for      Nigel Christian
   Foreign Affairs Minister,    the murder of the late cus-         Although capital punish-      capital punishment as that
E.P Chet Greene, has now        toms officer, Nigel Chris-        ment has not been carried       issue falls under the author-
revealed that Director of       tian, the Director of Public      out since the early 1990s in    ity of the judiciary.
Public Prosecution, Antho-      Prosecution will not at the       Antigua and Barbuda, it re-       He said until the people of
ny Armstrong dispatched a       start of the trial, during the    mains an available penalty      Antigua and Barbuda decide
communiqué to London in         trial or completion of the tri-   for homicide under the laws     in a referendum that they no
which a commitment was          al upon conviction seek the       of the state.                   longer wish to have capi-
given that his office would     death penalty,” Armstrong’s         This week, Foreign Affairs    tal punishment as a penalty
not pursue a death penalty      said.                             Minister Greene confirmed       for crimes against the State,
case.                              The letter did not, howev-     that the executive arm of       he will continue to take the
   Greene made it clear that    er, state that the death penal-   government was unwilling        position that this is a matter
it was proper for the matter    ty will be removed from the       to meddle with the affairs of   best left to under the pur-
to be pursued by the Office     books entirely.                   the judiciary with respect to   view of the courts.
Local News

                                                                                                                        PAGE 11

Janice Sutherland to head local chapter
  of Caribbean Women in Leadership
  A national chapter of the regional or-
ganisation, Caribbean Women in Lead-
ership (CIWiL) organization has been
  Following the recent election of a na-
tional executive on 8th September, CI-
WiL announced on Thursday that the
CIWiL Antigua and Barbuda National
Chapter had been formed.
  Antigua and Barbuda is now home to
the organisation’s fourth regional Na-
tional Chapter.
  According to the organisation, “Ca-
ribbean Women in Leadership (CI-            Janice Sutherland
WiL) is a non-partisan and independent      while Independent Senator, Bakesha
organisation, established to monitor        Francis-James, was elected Vice Chair-
                                            person.                                      Calisha Spencer
and strengthen the work of increasing
women’s leadership, decision-making           The other elected executive members        tional leadership joining women across
and political participation in the region   of the chapter include Marian Barbara        our region. You have our solidarity and
through advocacy, networking, research,     Hesse, Merchant and Secretary/ Coor-         support. Know that there are other wom-
and capacity building.”                     dinator, Calisha Spencer,Treasurer and       en just like you with very similar stories
  The local chapter is composed of An-      award-winning entrepreneur, Chaneil          all wanting better for our sisters across
tiguan and Barbudan female leaders and      Imhoff, Public Relations Officer.            the region. I welcome you to this move-
future leaders across several sectors in-     In welcoming the executive to the re-      ment of women.”
cluding politics, business and non-gov-     gional organization, CIWiL President           Antigua and Barbuda now joins CI-
ernmental organisations.                    Lady A. Anande Trotman-Joseph of-            WiL members in St. Kitts and Nevis, the
  At the end of the elections, Digicel      fered congratulations and encourage-         Commonwealth of the Bahamas, and
Chief Executive Officer, author and life    ment to the incoming executive.              Trinidad and Tobago.
coach, Janice Sutherland was named             “Congratulations to all the sisters who     The organisation has pledged its con-
Chairperson of the National Chapter         have stepped up to be part of Team An-       tinued commitment to women leaders
                                            tigua and Barbuda. We commend and            and aspiring women leaders as it works
                                            salute you on this journey of transforma-    toward women’s equality in leadership
                                                                                         throughout the region.

Chaneil Imhoff                              Bakesha Francis-James                        Marian Barbara Hesse

                                       UWI Update
Building named to honour UWI’s Sir Hilary
   Chancellor of The Univer-                                                                                 man pillars that reflect the Eu-
sity of the West Indies (UWI),                                                                               ropean legacy. The Usain Bolt
President of Universities Ca-                                                                                Sport Complex was conceived
ribbean, and Chairman of the                                                                                 and designed to celebrate the
CARICOM Reparations Com-                                                                                     blended beauty of Barbados’
mission, Professor Sir Hilary                                                                                land and sea environments.
Beckles, has been paid special                                                                               Cave Hill now has a unique
tribute by having the admin-                                                                                 multicultural built environ-
istration building at the Cave                                                                               ment that celebrates human
Hill Campus named in his                                                                                     cultural diversity.The iconic
honour.                                                                                                      3Ws Oval serves as the cen-
   The building now bears the        justice and minority economic       creating new and innovative         trepiece of identity cohesion
name Hilary McDonald Beck-           enfranchisement, adding, “He        programmes and facilities that      with the Mandela Freedom
les Administration Complex.          is someone who thinks ahead         enabled the campus to thrive.       Park as an open invitation.
   The iconic four storey struc-     of the times. His emphasis on       These developments meant               These structures were creat-
ture was conceptualised by Sir       reparatory justice is one exam-     that the enrolment of the           ed in order to radically improve
Hilary, during his tenure as         ple.”                               campus could move from the          the pedagogical and educa-
principal at Cave Hill to reflect       Sir Hilary served the Cave       3,000 range to the 9,000 range      tional capacity of the campus
the architectural motif of the       Hill Campus as the Universi-        within the context of a scien-      with new and innovative aca-
Golden Stool of the Ashan-           ty’s youngest appointed Per-        tific system that monitored the     demic programmes, and an ag-
ti that serves as a symbol of        sonal Professor, Head of the        relationship between quanti-        gressive postgraduate training
cultural identity and the col-       History Department, and Dean        ty and quality. The academic        and research culture. From the
lective wisdom of elders and         of the Faculty of Humanities        quality management system           Creative Arts to the Faculty of
ancestors. Sir Hilary invited        and Education before assum-         at Cave Hill became highly          Medicine, the School of Busi-
the Asantehene, or King of the       ing the office of Principal,        respected by national and in-       ness and Student Services, ac-
Ashanti, Otumfuo Osei Tutu           which he held for 13 years be-      ternational experts. Working        ademic disciplines and student
II of Ghana to Barbados to lay       tween 2002 and 2015.                with the Owen Arthur Regime         support systems were empow-
the foundation plaque.                  He is a globally distin-         he successfully negotiated the      ered in this way.
   The building was opened in        guished academic whose wide         acquisition of 50 acres of addi-       Sir Hilary, commenting on
April 2010.                          ranging scholarship includes        tional lands at the Lazaretto for   the honour said, “My entire
   Principal, Professor, the         gender research, an interna-        expansion, reflecting the com-      professional life has been ded-
Most Honourable Eudine               tional thought leader, transfor-    mitment to the quality remit.       icated to perfecting a contri-
Barriteau, said the Cave Hill        mational education administra-         Sir Hilary has a deep inter-     bution to the art and science
campus community, and wider          tor, United Nations Committee       est in the identity issues of the   of decolonization and nation
UWI family, fully supported          official, private sector director   built environment. Never ac-        building within the context of
the honour given Sir Hilary’s        of major corporations, and ex-      cepting up front a design brief,    institutional and public educa-
more than forty years of contri-     pert in sport history, science      he worked closely with the          tion. It has been by necessity a
butions to the development of        and practice. He holds Barba-       best local architects to fulfill    highly discursive experience,
the university, and his current      dos’ highest national honour,       his passion by conceptualis-        and therefore inevitably con-
leadership of The UWI’s man-         Commander Knight of St An-          ing, sketching, and co-design-      tentious. One’s head is always
agement of the COVID-19              drew, in acknowledgment of          ing the many iconic buildings       buried in the work at hand, and
pandemic.                            his distinguished service in the    on the campus. These include:       this expression of generosi-
   “It is entirely appropriate       field of education, culture and     the Errol Barrow Centre for         ty from my peers gave cause
for him to be saluted through        sport. He also holds the second     Creative Imagination building       to lift it and smile. I feel very
the naming of that building in       highest national recognition        that reflects the indigenous        blessed by this recognition
which decisions are made that        from the Commonwealth of            creole culture; the ‘China/         and accept it as a tribute to
give the institution its direction   Dominica, the Sisserou Award        India’ building that hosts the      all my very noble colleagues,
and governance. He is some-          of Honour.                          Confucius Institute, reflecting     staff and students, who I know
one renowned for his decisive           During his tenure as prin-       the regional Asian heritage;        worked and are working very
role and leadership qualities,”      cipal of the Cave Hill Cam-         the Administration Building,        hard for the campus and uni-
she said. Professor Barriteau        pus, Sir Hilary transformed         celebrating African culture;        versity, enabling our collective
also hailed Sir Hilary’s advo-       the academic, funding and           and the CLICO and Sagicor           results to be viable, sustainable
cacy work in the areas of social     infrastructural environment,        buildings with majestic Ro-         and visible.”
Local News

                                          PAGE 13

Internal strife making Guyana
a continuing regional problem  
(The writer is Antigua and Barbu-            a public statement, saying: “I am
da’s Ambassador to the U.S. and the          calling on every single member of the
OAS.  He is also a senior fellow at          People’s National Congress Reform,
the Institute of Commonwealth Stud-          irrespective of your status, I am
ies at the University of London and at       saying that we cannot continue. This
Massey College in the University of To-      carnage must stop.”   Similar strong
ronto. The views expressed are entirely      statements from the Opposition leader
his own)                                     in Parliament, Mr Joseph Harmon, and
                                             former President David Granger, would
  Once again, Guyana is causing              be the responsible thing for them to do.
regional and international worry               Guyanese, who lived through
following two sets of killings of young      Guyana’s destructive and haunting
men (two of African origin and two           racial violence between 1962 and
of Indian origin) that have sparked          1964, worry that a similar disaster
the flames of communal violence and          is being promoted, which could not
threaten to engulf the country.              be controlled or stopped without
  The facts of these killings are yet        foreign military intervention.  In
unknown and unestablished. As this           the 1962-64 period, Guyana was a
                                                                                              By Sir Ronald Sanders
commentary is being written, the Police      British Colony and British troops
are still in the process of investigating    intervened.  Nonetheless,             the   Commissions might be helpful, but as
the crimes. What should be a period of       considerable loss of life and property      in South Africa and Northern Ireland, it
national support to find the perpetrators    wounded the country and scarred the         is in Guyana that solutions to communal
and deliver justice, has been misused to     society.                                    strife must be found.
promote violence and civil disturbance.        Addressing the present situation,            In this, he should follow the lead
  Justice for the four persons who have      Guyana’s President, Irfaan Ali,             of a remarkable Guyanese – Mr.
been killed is necessary, but justice        assured the Guyanese people that his        Gladstone Henry, the father of one of
is not about assuming facts, acting          government “will work to bring justice      the murdered boys.  Mr. Henry has
lawlessly and exploiting emotional           to every single person who has been         publicly declared, “I am not supporting
sentiment to further the ambitions of a      affected in these circumstances”.   He      immoral protesting.  As a family we
few politicians.                             announced that he would be                  want justice (but) we as a nation cannot
  Following the first killings of the        approaching the British Government          be fighting each other”.   
African-Guyanese teenagers, Isaiah           and the Caribbean Regional Security            Therefore, consideration might be
and Joel Henry, supporters of the            System for help in investigating the        given to the creation of a “One Guyana
opposition, APNU-AFC, blocked                killings.  He should include a forensic     Commission”, to explore practical
main highways and confronted                 investigator in his request.  An external   steps that can be taken to cement
Police.  Hooligans took advantage of         qualified investigator would help to        Guyana’s one society.  The work of the
the protests to commit atrocities which      give confidence to the thoroughness of      Commission should be countrywide,
included beatings.  The following day,       investigations.                             listening to the free contention of all
two Indo-Guyanese were killed – one            President Ali also said that he is        voices, concerning ways in which
of them a 17-year old, Hareshi Singh,        “exploring the commissioning of an          every Guyanese can honour the
and the other Prettipaul Hargobon who        International Commission of Inquiry to      strands of their ancestral heritage while
was beaten to death by a crowd.              look at every aspect of this situation”.    celebrating their uniquely blended
  Commendably, Volda Lawrence,               However, he should also consider how,       Guyanese civilization, with equal
the Chairman of the People’s National        as a nation, Guyana will, internally,       opportunities for all.
Congress Reform (PNCR), the main             address the racial issue that has been         An observation made by Joshua
party in the opposition APNU, made           exploited for so long. International                                cont’d on pg 15

                                       Opinion                                                                          PAGE 15

cont’d from pg 14                              Guyanese – of all races – have            themselves of the very high quality
Hyles in his book, ‘Guiana and the           resided together for almost two             of life that their recent oil and gas
Shadows of Empire’ is compelling:            centuries.  In doing so, a Guyanese         production offers.
“Country studies of Guyana point             civilization has been woven from               In the past, violence in Guyana has led
out that the country’s disparate ethnic      strands that originated in other lands –    to refugees, migration, and instability in
groups have come to resemble one             in India, Africa, Europe, China and in      the region. Neither the countries of the
another culturally and physically more       Guyana itself. What has been created is     Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
than those of their (racial) countries of    a unique blend that is Guyanese.            nor the nations of the Americas would
origin”.  In other words, what Hyles           Together, the two main groups in          sit-by and watch Guyana descend into
is saying is that a person of Indian or      Guyana – people whose ancestors             civil strife and violence now.  Such a
African origin living in Guyana often        came from Africa and India – are            development would have consequences
exhibits more cultural and physical          a formidable force.  The British            for them, and they will undoubtedly act
similarities to a person of Indian or        colonizers and plantation owners            if circumstances demand it.    
African origin in Guyana than another        knew that very well, which is why              For the time being neighbouring
Indian or African abroad.                    they employed the strategy of divide        states will keep a watchful eye, hoping
  This is a truism for any Guyanese          and rule; a strategy continued by self-     that good sense will prevail among
of Indian or African origin who has          serving local politicians. In the words     all the politicians in Guyana to calm
travelled to India or Africa.  Those, who    of Lord Varys in the television series,     emotions and maintain stability.   
have visited the lands of their ancestors,   Game of Thrones:  «He would see this           Guyana must become part of the
recognize that their visceral homeland       country burn if he could be King of the     solution to the region’s challenges, not
is Guyana. The challenges of language        ashes.»                                     continually be part of its problems.
of tribe, of cast, of culture set aside        Guyanese should free themselves              Responses          and        previous
Guyanese, except Amerindians, from           from the ‘race’ trap if they are to avoid   commentaries:                       www.
the distant lands of their ancestors.        despoiling their country and robbing        sirronaldsanders.com

Regional News

                                                                                                                          PAGE 17

 Dominica cancels 2020
World Creole Music Festival
  (SKNnews) A decision has made to                                                         Miss Charles also said to the patrons
cancel the top signature event of Dom-                                                   of the importance of the protocols es-
inica, the World Creole Music Festival.                                                  tablished for COVID-19, she stated that
  The event, which was scheduled for                                                     they have to adhere to the protocols,
October 23, 24 and 25, would have                                                        as a government, they cannot encour-
been the 22nd edition of the event.                                                      age mass gathering activities till things
  The World Creole Music Festival                                                        come under control.
saw a footfall of over 20,000 attend-                                                      Given the current world pandemic,
ees in 2019, and the event has served                                                    an assessment was done of the status
as a strong economic stimulant for the                                                   of the current source markets to include
island.                                                                                  Martinique, Guadeloupe, St. Lucia,
  The Honorable Denise Charles, the          the World Creole Music Festival for         St. Maarten, Antigua and by extension
Minister for Tourism, International          2020.                                       North America and Europe (France,
Transport and Maritime Initiatives, of-        The decision of cancelling the World      England).
ficially announced the cancellation of       Creole Music Festival was extremely           The analysis included the number of
the event stating during an interview on     important.                                  COVID-19 active cases, border restric-
August 28.                                     The Dominica Festivals Committee          tions and the overall ability of individ-
  She said that the country would have       did thorough consultation with approx-      uals to travel.
loved to have the World Creole Music         imately forty diverse stakeholders and        It was concluded that there is uncer-
Festival, but as these are challenging       the members of the Dominica Festivals       tainty as it relates to airline capacity and
times and the health and safety of the       Committee. All of them have played          frequency and that new protocols for
citizens is a priority and, the govern-      a vital role in the implementation and      travel and mass gatherings may hinder
ment has taken the decision to cancel        success of the festival over the years.     the experience for patrons significantly.

T&T Police advise: Report sour
 ‘sou sou’ incidents to police
  (LoopTT) Acting Depu-           their payments until the cycle
ty Commissioner of Police,        is up.
Jayson Forde is calling on          However, an uprise in a
members of all ‘blessings cir-    new money sharing method
cles’ and ill-advised ‘sou sou’   disguised as a sou sou has
circles to report their experi-   been noticed. Police, the
ences to the police.              Ministry of Finance and the
  A sou sou, traditionally, is    Financial Intelligence Unit
an agreement made among a         have all come out imploring
group of people where they        citizens to stay away.
all contribute equal amounts        Speaking at the Trinidad        if you enter and are aggrieved   have come out, admitting
of money either months or         and Tobago Police Service’s       and made a report it will        that they were bamboozled in
weekly, in an effort to save      Weekly Media Briefing,            be investigated and if per-      their sou sou circles.  
money. At the beginning,          DCP Forde said that despite       sons are found culpable, then      Some have even claimed
each person is made aware of      the uncertainty surround the      we will take the necessary ac-   that administrators of the cir-
when their payment or ‘hand’      practice, the police will still   tion within the ambits of the    cles have gone missing, tak-
will be made and they are         try to be of service.             law,” he said.                   ing the members’ money with
expected to continue making         “Like any other interaction        Various social media users    them.

                              Regional News
Guyana asks Britain, RSS to help
 probe killings; inquiry planned
  (Demerarawaves) President Irfaan
Ali Wednesday night announced that
Guyana has asked the United King-
dom (UK) and the Caribbean Region-
al Security System (RSS) to probe the
killing of three youths over the past
three days and violent unrest in West
Coast Berbice that has resulted in se-
vere injuries, robberies and damage to
  “In consultation with the Guyana Po-
lice Force, I have engaged the mecha-
nism in which I will be reaching out to
the British Government and the RSS,
which is the Regional Security System
to come to Guyana in support of the        President Irfaan Ali
Guyana Police Force’s investigative        means available to hold to account, all     would be aimed at getting a compre-
capacity,” he said.                        those who spread race hate and insti-       hensive and holistic picture as to all the
  Autopsies on the mutilated bodies of     gate racial strife,” the President said.    events surrounding what took place.
Isaiah and Joel Henry were conduct-          The President said as part of efforts     Dr. Ali said he was confident that the
ed Wednesday and the bodies handed         to bring to justice all those responsible   Guyana Police Force and the Guyana
over to the families for burial. Seven     for the killings and associated events,     Defence Force would restore order in
people- including the owner of the         he was considering holding a Com-           keeping with all available resources,
coconut estate at Cotton Tree village      mission of Inquiry.                         laws, protocols and guidelines to en-
where Henrys’ bodies were found, his         “We need to understand who insti-         sure the situation does not escalate.
son, a handyman and coconut vendors-       gated, what was instigated and as a         The President promised “to bring jus-
remained in custody. Attorney-at-Law       result, I am exploring the commission-      tice to every single person who has
Nigel Hughes reportedly captured           ing of an International Commission of       been affected in these circumstances.”
video and pictures of the autopsies to     Inquiry (COI) to look at every aspect         Hours after he blamed Leader of the
provide to an international forensic in-   of this situation, to look beyond what      People’s National Congress Reform
vestigator. The opposition A Partner-      took place on the ground, to look at the    (PNCR), David Granger and Opposi-
ship for National Unity+Alliance For       behaviours that came about as a result      tion Leader Joseph Harmon for oppor-
Change (APNU+AFC) has also called          of statements made. The COI is im-          tunistically using the brutal slayings
for an impartial and professional probe    portant for us to have a comprehensive      of the Henrys to confront the illegiti-
as it has no confidence in Crime Chief,    understanding as to what took place,”       mate People’s Progressive Party (PPP)
Senior Superintendent Wendell Blan-        he said.                                    administration, the President flayed
hum.                                         “The events surrounding these hor-        those who wanted to score political
  Dr. Ali also announced that he was       rific and barbaric acts of murder and       points from such tragic circumstances.
mulling an international Commission        the criminality that saw the loss of          “The time has come for us to deal
of Inquiry into the events surrounding     property, that saw even the loss of         with this issue very frontally. The time
the killings and would ask the United      lives, people being chopped, robbed         has come for us to deal with it very se-
Nations (UN) for help to possibly pun-     and brutally assaulted, require a more      riously and no one must believe that
ish perpetrators or racial hostility. “I   comprehensive and holistic review           they can use situations like these for
have asked the Attorney General and        and as such, we need to get to the bot-     any political gain. There is no gain
Minister of Legal Affairs to explore,      tom of this,” the President added.          whether politically, socially, econom-
within the United Nations system, all        He said those planned three steps                                 cont’d on pg 19
Regional News

                                                                                                                     PAGE 19

    Teachers must have ‘office
   hours’; some schools require
 students to wear uniforms online
  (BVI NEWS) In an effort
to create a sound educa-
tional structure during this
online learning school year,
teachers will be required to
have consultation hours and
some schools will require
students to wear school
uniforms during live online
  This is according to Chief
Education Officer Connie
George who recently said
the Ministry of Education
has been working to create
an atmosphere for online
students that will reflect the
physical school environ-
  “A school day will run
from 9 am to 2:30 pm, of
course, with the lunch and       the two children who would      would resemble the usual        schools
the breaks in between as         need extra attention or extra   pre-COVID school morning          To further assist with
usual. So we want it to look     help with special education     pattern.                        conditioning the minds of
exactly like it would have       or extra the reading time,”       “You need to have a good      students, George said that
looked if they were actual-      the Chief Education Officer     structure for the child at      some schools have taken the
ly getting up in the morning     added.                          home.                           extra step of requesting their
and going off to school,”          Parents encouraged to cre-      “The child must feel like     students to wear uniforms
she said.                        ate structure                   ‘I am going to school’. So      during the online classes.
  “We are encouraging what         To assist with the minis-     they must be asked to get up      “I know that some schools
we are calling office hours      try’s intended goal, George     at a certain time, have their   have encouraged children to
for the teacher where at that    is asking for parents to        bath and their breakfast and    put on their school uniforms
time, they would be able to      create a daily atmosphere       get themselves ready.”          so that when they open the
zero in on the one child or      within their household that       Uniform wearing by some       camera everybody is wear-
 cont’d from pg 18                                                                               ing their school uniforms.
                                                  17-year old Haresh Singh was killed and
                                                                                                 That’s not mandated, but it
 ically, morally or culturally. There is no     motorcycle burnt as he was heading to his
                                                                                                 does help the child to fall in
 gain that you can get out of this. The only    farm aback Number Three Village, West
                                                                                                 line and recognise, ‘yes I am
 persons who lose are the families who are      Coast Berbice. Later Wednesday after-
                                                                                                 really going to school’,” she
 suffering, the people who received and         noon, 34-year old Chatterpaul Harripaul
 who were inflicted with blows and loss of      called Roy of Bath Settlement was beaten
                                                                                                   The 2020/2021 academic
 property and the country; the credibility      to death after, according to police, he exit-
                                                                                                 year for local public schools
 and image of our country suffers greatly,”     ed his car and fired his shotgun at a crowd
                                                                                                 is set to begin on September
 he said.                                       of protesters about 60 metres away.

                                                                   AROUND THE WORLD

Dozens of Amazon’s own products
have been reported as dangerous
   (CNN) When firefighters arrived at
Austin Parra’s home on January 12,
2017, they could see smoke and the
charred remnants of an office chair out-
   Parra, then 20, had been transported
to the hospital. His mother explained to
firefighters that her son’s chair caught on
fire while he was sleeping, and he was
burned as he carried the flaming chair
   Anthony Dignoti, the Wethersfield,
Connecticut, fire marshal in charge of
investigating the incident, could see that
the door and door frame were damaged
by the fire as well. He noticed bowls
strewn about, which he wrote in his offi-
cial report had been filled with water in
an attempt to extinguish the fire.
   But most interesting to Dignoti was
a white USB cord. Part of the cord was
hanging off the chair and still intact, but
the other side was stuck to the seat and
had melted into a bare wire, he said in       The fire at Austin Parra’s home originated with an AmazonBasics USB cord, Fire Mar-
his report and an interview with CNN.         shal Anthony Dignoti determined.
   Dignoti ultimately concluded that the      can create at a similar or higher quality   1,500 reviews, covering more than 70
fire originated with the cord Parra was       and lower price point when compared to      items, have described products explod-
using to charge his cellphone. His report     existing name brands -- a strategy also     ing, catching on fire, smoking, melting,
stated the cord experienced a short cir-      employed by companies such as Costco        causing electrical malfunctions or other-
cuit, and while it was unclear why this       and Target.                                 wise posing risks, according to an anal-
happened, “the heat produced by the              A growing number of AmazonBasics         ysis of AmazonBasics electronics and
cord ignited the upholstery for the office    products, which the company promotes        appliances listed on its website.
chair.”                                       heavily on its site, have become best-         The reviews identified represent a
   The cord had been branded with the         sellers since the line’s inception, and     small fraction of the overall purchas-
name of the world’s largest online retail-    many have ratings above four stars, ac-     es of the products, and fires caused by
er: Amazon.                                   cording to Marketplace Pulse research.      consumer electronics are not unique to
   It was sold by one of Amazon’s pop-        In recent months, the online retailer’s     Amazon branded items. User error can
ular private label lines, AmazonBasics,       sales have been soaring as millions of      also be a factor, as can faulty or aging
which offers budget-friendly products         Americans have been staying at home         wiring within a home or a defective de-
including consumer electronics, house-        -- and in many cases working remotely       vice being used in conjunction with the
hold appliances, home goods and office        -- during the ongoing pandemic.             product.
accessories.                                     But consumers have raised serious           But when well-made and used proper-
   Launched in 2009, AmazonBasics has         safety concerns about AmazonBasics          ly by consumers, electronics like those
grown to offer more than 5,000 products,      items in complaints to government reg-      sold under the AmazonBasics name
according to the retailer. Its mission:       ulators and in reviews posted on Ama-       should rarely pose dangers, said electri-
identifying everyday items that Amazon        zon’s own website. Since 2016, at least     cal engineers interviewed by CNN.

                                                                                                                         PAGE 21
                                                                    AROUND THE WORLD

Huge fire at Beirut port sows
panic after last month’s blast
  (AP) A huge fire broke out
at Beirut’s port Thursday,
raising new panic among
residents still struggling
with the traumatic effects of
the catastrophic explosion
at the same site last month.
  Some sought safety in
closed bathrooms or threw
open their windows to guard
against shattering glass in
case of another blast; oth-
ers piled into cars to flee the
  Dark smoke and the smell
of toxic fumes enveloped
Beirut in the evening as
army helicopters circled
and sprayed water over the
orange flames, helping fire-
fighters on the ground.           Black smoke rises from a fire at warehouses at the seaport of Beirut, Lebanon yesterday.
  It was unclear what caused
the blaze at the port, which      non radio that the fire started   blamed on decades of mis-        shake. Living a flashback.”
was decimated by the Aug.         in a warehouse containing         management and corruption           Jennifer Moorehead, Save
4 explosion when nearly           barrels of cooking oil and        by an entrenched political       the Children’s country di-
3,000 tons of ammonium ni-        later spread to where tires       class. Last month’s blast is     rector in Lebanon, said the
trate blew up, sending out a      were piled. He added it was       seen as the culmination of       fire will inevitably bring
shock wave that killed near-      too early to say if it began as   leaders unable to to manage      back distressing memories
ly 200 people and caused          “the result of heat or some       the country’s affairs or pro-    to many Lebanese children
widespread damage.                other mistake.”                   tect its people. So far, au-     who are still trying to recov-
  The Lebanese army said            In a sign of the ever-wid-      thorities have been unable       er from last month’s blast.
the fire started in the port’s    ening gulf of distrust after      to provide answers about            “Children in Beirut have
duty free zone amid con-          the explosion, many Leba-         the explosion, and there has     experienced a terrible shock
tainers of tires, oil and other   nese accused politicians of       been no accountability for       and they need time to re-
flammable materials.              deliberately trying to de-        it.                              cover; today’s fire and pan-
  Fabrizio Carboni, regional      stroy evidence at the port           For Dana Awad, a mother       ic will only make things
director for the International    that led to the blast. Thurs-     of two girls, the fire brought   worse,” she said.
Red Cross, tweeted that the       day’s fire was the second         back memories of the trem-          Najat Saliba, a professor
warehouse on fire is where        mysterious blaze there this       or that shook her Beirut         specializing in atmospheric
his organization stores thou-     week, following a small fire      neighborhood before the ex-      chemistry at the American
sands of food parcels and         on Tuesday that also caused       plosion.                         University of Beirut, tweet-
oil, risking the serious dis-     some panic but was quickly           “We opened all windows        ed warnings for the elder-
ruption of humanitarian op-       extinguished.                     and are in the corridor right    ly and children to protect
erations.                           Lebanon is gripped by an        now,” Awad said as they          themselves or even to leave
  Port director Bassem            unprecedented        economic     sought safety in a hallway.      the city if possible until the
al-Qaisi told Voice of Leba-      crisis and financial collapse,    “I am still feeling the earth    smoke cleared.

                                                                    AROUND THE WORLD

  EU mulls legal action against
 UK over plan to break Brexit deal
  (Aljazeera) The United
Kingdom and the European
Union held emergency talks
on Thursday over Prime Min-
ister Boris Johnson’s plan to
undercut parts of the Brexit
divorce treaty, with Brussels
exploring possible legal ac-
tion against London.
  As the UK pushes ahead
with its plan to act outside in-
ternational law by breaching
the divorce treaty, the EU ne-
gotiators are trying to gauge
how to deal with London.
  The EU said the UK must
withdraw the planned law
dealing with Northern Ireland
trade by the end of the month      Britons voted to leave the EU in a June 2016 referendum
or face a legal fight even be-     of the legal obligations con-    try to push the bill into law     the treaty breach or prepare
fore the transition period fol-    tained in the text - which the   quickly, scheduling it for de-    for a messy divorce. The UK
lowing Britain’s EU depar-         European Union will not be       bate in Parliament starting on    signed the treaty and formal-
ture ends on December 31.          shy in using,” Sefcovic said.    Monday.                           ly left the EU in January, and
  “By putting forward this           EU diplomats and officials       “I made it perfectly clear to   leaves the single market when
bill, the UK has seriously         had previously said the bloc     Vice President Sefcovic that      the status quo agreement ex-
damaged trust between the          could use the Withdrawal         we would not be withdraw-         pires at the end of this year.
EU and the UK. It is now           Agreement to take legal ac-      ing this legislation,” Gove         Sterling, which tends to fall
up to the UK government to         tion against the UK, though      said.                             when Brexit hits a snag, has
reestablish that trust,” Euro-     there would be no resolution       Sefcovic said the EU “does      tumbled in recent days. The
pean Commission Vice Pres-         before the end-of-year dead-     not accept the argument that      currency was flat at $1.2999
ident Maros Sefcovic said,         line for Britain’s full exit.    the aim of the draft Bill is to   on Thursday, but overnight
using language that, by the          The British government         protect the Good Friday (Bel-     implied volatility, an indi-
EU’s diplomatic standards,         says its planned law, put for-   fast) Agreement. In fact, it is   cator of investor jitters, rose
was furious.                       ward on Wednesday, clarifies     of the view that it does the      13 percent, its highest since
  He spoke after meeting           ambiguities in the Withdraw-     opposite.”                        March 26.
Britain’s chief Brexit minis-      al Agreement, and its main         A note distributed by the         Talks on a trade deal have
ter, Michael Gove, at a hastily    priority is the 1998 Northern    EU executive to the 27 EU         been stuck over state aid
arranged meeting in London.        Irish peace deal that ended      member states said the With-      rules and fishing. Without an
  Sefcovic said that if Brit-      decades of violence.             drawal Agreement gives            agreement, nearly $1 trillion
ain didn’t change course by          Britain says its law is in-    the bloc up to four years to      in trade between the EU and
the end of September, the EU       tended to ensure there are       launch a legal procedure          the UK could be thrown into
would take legal action.           no barriers to trade between     against the UK if it violates     confusion at the beginning of
  “The Withdrawal Agree-           Northern Ireland and the rest    EU rules during a transition      2021, compounding the eco-
ment contains a number of          of the UK in the event that      period this year.                 nomic impact of the corona-
mechanisms and legal rem-          there is no deal with the EU.      Europe’s leaders have been      virus pandemic.
edies to address violations        On Thursday, it said it would    handed an ultimatum: accept                     cont’d on pg 23

                                                                                                                            PAGE 23
                                                                   AROUND THE WORLD

US revokes visas for 1,000 Chinese
  students deemed security risk
   (BBC) The US says it has revoked the
visas of more than 1,000 Chinese stu-
dents and researchers who are deemed
to be a security risk.
   The move follows a proclamation by
President Donald Trump in May aimed
at Chinese nationals suspected of having
ties to the military. He said some had
stolen data and intellectual property.
   China has accused the US of racial
   Nearly 370,000 students from China
enrolled at US universities in 2018-19.
   A state department spokeswoman de-
scribed those whose visas were revoked
as “high-risk graduate students and re-       adding that China reserved the right to      still comes as a bombshell for nearly
search scholars”.                             “further respond”.                           370,000 Chinese nationals studying in
   She said they were a “small subset” of        The proclamation of 29 May accused        the US.
the total number of Chinese students.         China of engaging in a “wide-ranging            Many of them have been anxious
   “We continue to welcome legitimate         and heavily resourced campaign to ac-        about US-China tensions, especially
students and scholars from China who          quire sensitive United States technolo-      Washington’s increased scrutiny of Chi-
do not further the Chinese Communist          gies and intellectual property” and said     nese students in America over technolo-
Party’s goals of military dominance,”         it was using some students “to operate as    gy theft and economic espionage.
the spokeswoman said.                         non-traditional collectors of intellectual      US Assistant Secretary of State David
   The Chinese foreign ministry de-           property”.                                   Stilwell told me last month that, against
nounced the move at a daily media brief-         Some Chinese students in the US say       Chinese nationals who concealed mili-
ing in Beijing.                               they are facing increased hostility and      tary ties and came to the US “masquer-
   “This is outright political persecution    suspicion on university campuses, and        ading” as students, “we have to defend
and racial discrimination. It seriously vi-   their reasons for studying being ques-       ourselves”. The US authorities have in-
olates the human rights of these Chinese      tioned.                                      dicted several Chinese nationals for visa
students,” spokesman Zhao Lijian said,           Though hardly unexpected, this move       fraud and theft of trade secrets.
                                                                                              But many Chinese students see Wash-
 cont’d from pg 22                              US House of Representatives Speak-         ington’s move as unreasonable, fearing
   The latest dispute centres on rules for    er Nancy Pelosi said any move by the         that they are being used as a pawn in the
 Northern Ireland, which shares a land        UK that undermined the 1998 Irish            escalating US-China competition.
 border with EU member Ireland. Un-           peace agreement would ensure that a             According to an online spreadsheet
 der the 1998 agreement, there must be        potential United States-UK trade deal        collecting self-reporting information
 no hard border in Ireland.                   would not pass the US Congress.              from affected students, Washington’s
   To ensure that, the British-EU di-           Former British leaders Theresa May         scope of visa revocation appears to go
 vorce pact calls for Northern Ireland to     and John Major scolded Johnson for           beyond Chinese graduate students in
 continue to apply some EU rules. But         considering an explicit, intentional         advanced scientific fields, also targeting
 the UK’s new bill unveiled this week         breach of international law.                 undergraduate students and those study-
 would assert the power to override             “If we lose our reputation for hon-        ing economics and finance.
 many of those EU rules, acknowledg-          ouring the promises we make, we will            Education used to be low-hanging
 ing that London would be violating in-       have lost something beyond price that        fruit for US-China co-operation but now
 ternational law by doing so.                 may never be regained,” Major said.          it has turned into a new front in the bilat-
                                                                                           eral conflict.
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