Page created by Warren Stone
WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021         |   ISSUE 239 |     WWW.POINTVILLE.AG

                            A HOLDUP!
                                     SEE PAGE 3

                                                               Orchestra thanks bank
                                                               with performance
                                                               Members of the Antigua and Barbuda Youth
                                                               Symphony Orchestra (ABYSO) pose inside
                                                               CIBC-FirstCaribbean International Bank
                                                               where they rendered a musical performance
                                                               of gratitude for a hefty donation by the
                                                               financial institution. (STORY ON PAGE 13)

PAGE 2                                                    WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021


 Cultivating vistas of broader
    international relations
  Antigua and Barbuda’s Prime       to point out, “This agreement       sported some rather memo-
Minister Gaston Browne and          provides an additional foun-        rable names such as Irma and
Foreign Minister of the Rus-        dation to bold-stream the re-       Luis.
sian Federation Sergei Lavrov       lationship between our coun-          We have made this other-
yesterday (via the ZOOM vir-        tries, following an agreement       wise protocol news item into
tual platform) signed a bilater-    on the visa abolition for the       an editorial, because it high-
al agreement to further devel-      mutual trips of our nationals       lights – yet again – the bold,
op cooperation between the          that we signed back in June         imaginative, visionary and in-
two countries in areas includ-      2019.”                              novative character and qual-
ing – but not limited to – trade,     Prime Minister Browne, ac-        ity of leadership that Antigua
economy, social fields, culture,    knowledging that he will be         and Barbuda enjoys under the
education, sports, healthcare,      taking up the rotating chair-       leadership of Prime Minister
science and technology.             manship of the Caribbe-             Gaston Browne and his Cab-
  With the most apt timing and      an Community (CARICOM)              inet when it comes to foreign
relevance, considering the an-      “within a matter of weeks”,         policy and international rela-
nual season of hurricanes into      pledged to do “all that is with-    tions that place the interests of
which we have just entered          in the power of Antigua and         this country and the benefits
– again! – the agreement be-        Barbuda, utilizing its influ-       to its people as foremost con-
tween Moscow and St. John’s         ence, to strengthen the bilat-      siderations.
also includes mutual cooper-        eral relationship between the         Posturing on the global stage
ation for the prevention and        CARICOM region and Russia.”         for the mere purpose of iden-
mitigation of natural disasters.      But perhaps most notable          tifying with dubious and irrel-
  The ground for yesterday’s        was Prime Minister Browne’s         evant ideologies, or aligning
signing had been laid two           reiteration of Antigua and Bar-     with geopolitical polariza-
years ago when Prime Minis-         buda’s considered and pur-          tions that take no account of
ter Browne and Foreign Min-         poseful policy of “reaching out     our particular disadvantages
ister Lavrov met during the         to countries external of the        and vulnerabilities, are ab-
Antigua and Barbuda leader’s        traditional relations that we       surdities that cannot be en-
brief stay in the Russian city of   would have enjoyed for de-          tertained within Antigua and
St. Petersburg to attend an In-     cades …” One important area         Barbuda’s pragmatic quest
ternational Economic Forum.         of collaboration between An-        for sustainable development,
  Lavrov, who spoke first, de-      tigua and Barbuda and Russia,       sensible self-reliance – and a
scribed the agreement just          PM Browne pointed out, was          decent, self-respecting attain-
signed as “an historic docu-        the issue of climate change –       ment of manifold resilience to
ment, a treaty on basic rela-       the effects of which are known      the maximum extent that we
tions between the Russian           only too well in the Caribbean      alone can determine for our-
Federation and Antigua and          region – none more poignant-        selves to be realistic and pos-
Barbuda”. Signficantly, as Lav-     ly than this twin-island State      sible.
rov was elated and eloquent         whose destructive guests have
WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021                                    LOCAL NEWS     PAGE 3

         Chairman says
       Pharmacy Council
      has already approved
        Russian vaccine
 By Shelton Daniel       are awaiting WHO       mally sanctioned              “However, there
                         approvals” for use     its use, like it did for    is a second body
  The Antigua and        of the Sputnik-5,      the Oxford-Astra-           – and this was in
Barbuda Pharma-          was pointing a fin-    Zeneca jab that is          the news just after
cy Council says it       ger at the Pharmacy    currently in almost         COVID started and
has already grant-       Council                exclusive use here          the idea of Covax
ed permission for          But he said even     in Antigua and Bar-         came about – where
the Russian-manu-        though WHO has         buda. “There are            the Ministry of
factured Sputnik-5       not yet given the      two different bod-          Health put togeth-
vaccine to be used       nod to Sputnik-5,      ies. There is the An-       er a body called the
in Antigua and Bar-      the        Pharmacy    tigua and Barbuda           National Technical
buda.                    Council has decid-     Pharmacy Council            Working Group to
  The      Council’s     ed,     nonetheless,   which is the reg-           advise Cabinet on
chairman, Michael        to go ahead and        ulatory body for            vaccines; how to
Joseph, told Pointe      give the greenlight    all    pharmaceuti-         use them, when to
Xpress that the body     based on its own       cals, including vac-        use them in Antigua
he heads is not the      assessments, inqui-    cines, that has the         and Barbuda. This
one standing in the      ries and research.     authority to grant          is the body that is
way of Sputnik-5           He said it was an-   approval for use of         chaired by the es-
being      adminis-      other advisory body    any drug in Antigua         teemed Dr. Lester
tered to persons. He     set up by Cabinet,     and Barbuda. So             Simon.
said there appears       which, while it is     far, the Pfizer, Mod-         “So, what the
to be a misunder-        not empowered to       erna, AstraZeneca           Prime Minister was
standing that Sat-       grant or withhold      and, most recently,         referring to was
urday’s reference        permission,      has   the Sputnik and the         that they were giv-
by Prime Minister        been urging Cabi-      SinoPharm          have     en the approval for
Gaston Browne that       net not to roll out    been approved for           use by the Pharma-
“health      officials   the Russian vaccine    use in Antigua and          cy Council, but the
here have said they      until WHO has for-     Barbuda.                    role of the National

                                                                                     Cont’d on pg 4
PAGE 4   LOCAL NEWS                                    WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021

Technical Working        day, in effect, “That   forward”.                     vaccines sitting idle,
Group is to say to       the intention is to       Michael    Joseph           undelivered which
Cabinet, ‘Yes, this is   have a discussion       reached out to                was published in
approved for use in      this week with the      Pointville     Com-           the Pointe Xpress
Antigua but we are       National Technical      munications after             newspaper of Mon-
not ready to use it      Working Group …         reading our article           day 7th June 2021.
yet, we don’t think      to come to some         titled Authorization
we should use it yet.’   sort of consensus       holdup has Sputnik
And this is what the     around the use of
National     Techni-     [the Sputnik-5 vac-
cal Working Group        cine] … Some indi-
has said to Cabinet:     viduals will err on
That although it’s       the side of caution
approved for use in      with its use; and
Antigua and Barbu-       some individuals,
da by the Pharmacy       for other reasons,
Council, they are        will say ‘If it’s ap-
recommending not         proved for use, let’s
to use it until WHO      go ahead and use
gives its approval.”     it’.”
 Joseph told Pointe        In Joseph’s assess-
FM’s        morning      ment, Prime Minis-
program Starting         ter Browne was al-
Pointe on Tuesday        luding to “meeting
that this was his un-    with the Technical
derstanding of what      Working Group, ei-
Prime       Minister     ther as a body or, if
Browne had stated        not, with the Chair-
on stated in Satur-      man as to the way

  COVID Dashboard Update for
       Tuesday 8th 2021
  The Ministry of      with laboratory con-
Health,    Wellness    firmed COVID-19
and the Environ-       cases in Antigua and
ment has received      Barbuda remains at
no new reports         1,263, which is in-
from the Sir Lester    clusive of three (3)
Bird Mount St. John    active cases. There
Medical Centre or      are no hospitalized
the Caribbean Pub-     cases.
lic Health Agency        Meanwhile, 34,368
(CARPHA) in Anti-      first doses of the
gua and Barbuda as     COVID-19 vaccines
of Sunday 6th June     have been adminis-
2021 at 6:00 p.m.      tered, while 22,896
One (1) recovered      second doses were
case was recorded      administered.
from the samples         The dashboard has
processed over the     been updated to re-
weekend.    Conse-     flect these changes.
quently, the total
number of persons
PAGE 6   LOCAL NEWS                           WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021

     16,800 additional
vaccines doses arrive today

 In April 2021 the Government of Antigua and Barbuda received 24,000 COVID-19
 AstraZeneca vaccines through the COVAX facility.

  Today, 16,800 dos-
es of the Astra Zene-
ca vaccine will arrive
in Antigua and Bar-
  According to the
Ministry of Health,
Wellness and the En-
vironment, “These
doses were secured
through the COVAX
  Collecting the vac-
cines at the V.C Bird
International     Air-
port on behalf of the
Government of An-
tigua and Barbuda
will be Health Min-
ister Sir Molwyn Jo-
seph and Director of
Pharmaceutical Ser-
vices Alfred Athill.
  The arrival of the
                                                                      Cont’d on pg 7
WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021                                    LOCAL NEWS         PAGE 7

additional vaccines is in tan-    economic, social and cul-          from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
dem with the national call        tural activities with greater        The Ministry of Health,
for more residents to come        ease of travel. To date, 34,368    Wellness and the Environ-
out and get vaccinated. The       first doses of the Covid-19        ment is reminding the pub-
public, according to health       vaccines have been admin-          lic that pre-registration for
authorities, are being en-        istered, while 22,896 second       COVID-19 vaccination con-
couraged to actively partic-      doses were administered.           tinues. For online registra-
ipate in the COVID-19 vac-          Meanwhile, residents are         tion, visit www.vaccineanti-
cination program to create        reminded of the four vacci- and select
herd immunity, whereby the        nation sites: Villa Polyclinic,    the “Vaccine Registration”
majority of the population        Glanvilles Polyclinic, Perry       tab.
is protected from becoming        Bay Multipurpose Cultur-             Persons who have received
seriously ill with COVID-19.      al and Exhibition Center,          the first dose are also ad-
With herd immunity, it is ex-     and the Precision Center in        vised to secure their vacci-
pected that the country will      Paynters. The public vacci-        nation cards, as these must
return to some degree of nor-     nation sites will operate on       be presented for the second
malcy, thereby facilitating       Mondays through Fridays            COVID-19 vaccine dose.

    Halo Foundation and
    Royal Drawing School
      offer training for local art teachers
  The Halo Foundation has         ways for incorporation into       for HRH Prince Charles,
partnered with the Jumby          the existing art curriculum.      The Duke of Cornwall, wel-
Bay Fund, the Royal Drawing         The course, which will run      comed the opportunity to
School (RDS) United King-         from September to Decem-          share his expertise as the lo-
dom, and The G (Art Gal-          ber 2021, will facilitate the     cal counterpart.
lery) in providing a 3-month      collaboration of two art-           In addition to the strength-
certification course for art      ists from the Royal Draw-         ening of skills, the Halo
teachers in Antigua and           ing School with Antigua’s         Foundation will award a
Barbuda.                          local artist, Anson Henry,        grand prize of 5-days/4-
  The project is endorsed by      to administer a series of         nights in London to the
the Ministry of Education,        workshops aimed at the            participating teacher with
Sports and Creative Indus-        development of visual arts        the most impressive sub-
tries, and provides teach-        education in the twin-is-         missions by that school’s
ers the opportunity to learn      land nation. Mr. Henry, who       students to Halo’s annual
contemporary art tech-            had previously produced a         Christmas Art Competition.
niques and develop new            portrait rendering as a gift        With a tentative 2022
                                                                                     Cont’d on pg 8
PAGE 8                                                      WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021

  File photo (2019): At Royal Drawing School in Scotland, UK. (L-R): Jeremy Cross, International Net-
working Manager, The Prince’s Foundation; 2 artists from RDS; H.E. Sir Rodney Williams; Janet Casey,
International Partnerships Manager, Royal Drawing School and H.E. Lady Williams.

opening for the Sir       Excellency Lady Wil-       be on display at the           is an independent,
Selvyn Walter Art         liams    anticipates       gallery’s first art ex-        not-for-profit     re-
Gallery at Govern-        that pieces from           hibition. “This will           source that aims to
ment House, Her           the workshops will         create an alterna-             raise the standard
                                                     tive avenue for us to          and profile of draw-
                                                     showcase and high-             ing through teach-
                                                     light the talent of our        ing and practice. [It
                                                     local artists — and            is] one of only a few
                                                     will foster a great-           institutions in the
                                                     er appreciation for            world offering in-
                                                     the arts,” expressed           depth, quality tui-
                                                     Lady Williams. “The            tion in drawing from
                                                     training offered will          observation”.
                                                     augment our home-                Approximately 20
                                                     grown creative tal-            teachers from pri-
                                                     ent and hopefully,             mary and second-
                                                     not only hone the              ary schools, both
                                                     skills of art teachers         private and public,
                                                     in schools, but en-            have already en-
                                                     tice young, interest-          rolled in the pro-
                                                     ed artists to tap into         gramme. The Royal
                                                     employment oppor-              Drawing       School’s
                                                     tunities within the            instructors will be
                                                     creative industry. “           flown to Antigua by
                                                       According to its             the Halo Founda-
                                                     website, “The Roy-             tion in August at the
                                                     al Drawing School              start of the project.
WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021                                                      PAGE 9

     Antigua and Barbuda and
    UNDP pledge to strengthen
  Antigua and Barbu-      she expressed hope        as part of efforts to      funding      available
da and the United Na-     that this will con-       assist with the re-ac-     for these entities.
tions Development         tinue in the years        tivation of this sector.   We are rethinking
Programme (UNDP)          ahead. She identified       According to Cliff,      ways to keep more
have pledged to con-      the areas of focus for    it is the small and        of the tourism dollar
tinue to build on the     the UNDP, to include      micro enterprises in       in-country, and how
commitment and co-        tourism. She noted        tourism that remain        to make these bene-
operation that have       that PM Browne re-        the     organisation’s     fit people in-country
expanded over the         cently participated in    special focus for the      rather than the large
past 40-plus years of     high-level dialogue       immediate future.          multi-national cor-
their relationship.       with his Dominica           “Our focus is small      porations,” she stat-
  The commitment          counterpart, Roos-        and micro enterpris-       ed.
came as the Bridge-       evelt Skerritt, as well   es that are part of the      Noting Antigua and
town-based UNDP           as the UNDP’s Assis-      supply chain of tour-      Barbuda’s vulnera-
representative      for   tant Secretary, Luis      ism. We have a small       bility to natural di-
Barbados and the          Felipe Lopez-Calva,       amount of grant            sasters and climate
OECS, Valerie Cliff,
presented her cre-
dentials to Prime
Minister       Gaston
Browne in a virtu-
al presentation that
also involved Foreign
Minister E.P Chet
Greene; Antigua and
Barbuda’s Permanent
Representative       to
the United Nations,
Ambassador Aubrey
Webson; and Perma-
nent Secretary in the
Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Ambassador
Anthony Liverpool.
  In her remarks,
UNDP representa-
tive Cliff spoke of
the longstanding re-
lationship between
the twin-island state
and the UNDP and
                                                                                        Cont’d on pg 10
PAGE 10   LOCAL NEWS                                      WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021

change, the UNDP represen-         provide a platform for these      programme managed by the
tative said her organization       states to amplify their con-      UNDP.
is also working to help coun-      cerns. This, he noted, has led      Minister Greene singled out
tries in the Caribbean access      many large countries to add       the work being done to high-
more financing because of          their voices to advocacy on       light the role of women in na-
their ‘extreme vulnerability’.     the issue of climate change.      tion-building. “The work we
  “This goes beyond GDP,             He also highlighted the         do with our women, as part
even what the UNDP has             work of UNDP in the areas         of the remit of the UNDP, is
done over the last few de-         of the blue economy and           again a signature arrange-
cades, as one disaster can         the COVAX facility through        ment for us in Antigua and
wipe away years or achieve-        which Antigua and Barbuda         Barbuda as we focus on the
ments and good decisions by        has been able to acquire vac-     challenges women have had
a government,” she added.          cines to fight the COVID-19       in the Caribbean, includ-
  In his remarks, PM Browne        virus.                            ing Antigua and Barbuda, in
thanked the UNDP for the             For his part, Foreign Minis-    terms of equality, equity, and
work it has done for Antigua       ter Greene spoke of the sever-    participation in national life,”
and Barbuda over the years,        al projects being undertaken      he remarked.
including assisting with           jointly between the govern-         As a government, Greene
building capacity. He noted        ment and UNDP, including          said, the administration
that while climate change          the Barbuda housing devel-        looks forward to working
has been identified as an ex-      opment programme where            along with UNDP to record
istential threat to small island   more than 30 islanders have       even more successes in this
states, the UN and its sever-      so far received keys to new       area.
al agencies have helped to         homes under an EU-funded
WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021                                  LOCAL NEWS       PAGE 11

Project to determine true economic
 contribution of creative industries
  The second phase of a proj-       cultural/creative sectors. It   on the ground, getting the
ect involving the collection        is also expected to raise the   information from them, us-
of data from contributors to        profile of the Department of    ing that data and channeling
the creative/cultural indus-        Culture and highlight its im-   it …”
tries is being restarted after it   portant role in the nation’s      Cordice added that Anti-
was halted for almost a year.       advancement.                    gua and Barbuda has many
  The mapping project,                 By the project’s end, an     people who make “a full-
which runs until January            online cultural informa-        time living from the creative
2022, is titled “Measuring          tion portal will be created to  industries, and this living is
the economic contribution           publish a national cultural     also impacting the move-
of cultural industries to An-       industries database and re-     ment of trade within Antigua
tigua and Barbuda’s national        ports that will result from the and Barbuda and even to our
development.”                       project. The cultural infor-    export markets as well. That
  The United Nations Educa-         mation portal is expected to    is what we are now trying to
tional, Scientific and Cultur-      improve public information      document …”
al Organization (UNESCO)            sharing and exchange.
has contributed US$50,033             The manager for this
to fund the implementation          and other UNESCO IFCD/
of this project.                    ICH-sponsored projects is
  Mapping is an important           Dr. Hazra Medica, advisor on
method of measuring and             culture to the Government of
investigating the value of cul-     Antigua and Barbuda.
tural and creative industries.        She told Pointe Xpress that,
It assists policymakers with        “Things are moving steadily
creating       evidence-based       along for those of us in the
policies that will allow for the    cultural sector and those of
sustainable development of          us in the cultural and cre-
such industries.                    ative industries.”
  This project is expected to         She recalled that, “Back in
spotlight the contribution          2018 we made an application Mr. Khan Cordice
of creative industries to the       to the International Fund for
national economy by im-             Cultural Diversity (IFCD)”
proving the collection and          which, “out of 1,000 applica-
dissemination of related cul-       tions, I think we were one of
tural statistics and data relat-    eight to be successful.”
ed to this.                            Director of Culture Khan
   In the long term, the in-        Cordice said the project
creased availability of data        would help to cure a long-
demonstrating the immense           standing challenge “to mea-
economic value of cultural/         sure the true contribution of
creative industries to nation-      creatives to the economy of
al development are expected         Antigua and Barbuda. The
to encourage increased coor-        phase we are now going to
dinated investment and pol-         get into is that in which we
icy attention to the country’s      will be speaking with people Dr. Hazra Medica
PAGE 12    LOCAL NEWS                                            WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021

PM Browne congratulates centenarians
  on 5th Annual Centenarian Week
Today, Prime Minister Gaston          Union (AT&LU) in 1939. While         centenarians being celebrated
Browne joined the nation in con-      increasing wages was a focus of      during this Annual Week, provide
gratulating 26 centenarians and       the union, seeking to improve        testimony to the success of this
their families as they embark on      living conditions required taking    great small island-state. Despite
the Fifth Annual Centenarian          hold of the law-making machin-       the grip with which the Covid-19
Week, recognized on the Antigua       ery, the union leaders concluded.    disease may now be choking our
and Barbuda calendar.                 The success of the union resulted    economy, we are all fighting to
  In a message to Antigua and Bar-    in better conditions of work for     succeed utilizing our imagination
buda’s golden group, PM Browne        the generation birthed after 1921.   and drive. It is the spirit and resil-
said, “For more than 385 years, the   The centenarians are evidence        ience of the centenarians which
people of modern Antigua and          of improved medical care, better     strengthen the determination of
Barbuda have been slowly trans-       diets, more rest and recreation,     our many sectoral leaders.”
forming the very harsh and op-        access to learning and to greater      “May the God of our forebears
pressive conditions under which       formal schooling by the time of      continue to bless our people with
they were compelled to live and       their 20th birthday. A much stur-    power and even greater endur-
die. During the past 82 years, the    dier nation of people was being      ance, and may many more cen-
effort to improve was intensified     nurtured, thanks to the agitation    tenarians continue to grace our
with the founding of the Antigua      of the Union.”                       population. Much love and bless-
and Barbuda Trades and Labour           PM Browne continued, “Our 26       ings.” PM Browne said.
WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021                                    LOCAL NEWS                     PAGE 13

  Bank donates $$$                                                                     NOTICE

  to Youth Symphony
                                                                                         TO: HER HONOUR
                                                                                      The Licensing Magistrate
                                                                                   District “A” Magistrate’s Court
                                                                                              Perry Bay

                                                                                              St. John’s

                                                                                    COMMISSIONER OF POLICE
CIBC FirstCaribbean hands over donation to ABSYO                                        Police Headquarters
                                                                                           American Road
On Monday, the Anti-      tives Eurileen Thibou,     with Viola, Shamma                       St. John’s
gua & Barbuda Youth       head of fundraising,       Samuel, Cellist Khad-                      Antigua

Symphony Orchestra        and Claudine Benja-        ijah Ladoo, and Joelle
                                                                               I, JANET VELASQUEZ, of Grays Farm,
(ABYSO)     gratefully    min, chief operating       Michael.
                                                                                St. John’s, Antigua DO HEREBY GIVE
accepted a charitable     officer.”                    The group’s tutor
                                                                                NOTICE that it is my intention to apply
donation from CIBC          Thanking the finan-      in residence, Litsa        at the next Bottle Licensing hearing to
FirstCaribbean Inter-     cial institution for its   Tunnah, also attend-      be held at the Magistrate’s Court, Perry
national Bank (CIBC-      generosity, six of the     ed and played a solo        Bay, St. John’s, Antigua on Thursday
FCIB) of $13,500 to       musicians performed        piece during their         1st July, 2021 for a Bottle License for
assist with the fur-      a short recital (see our   short performance.         the premises known as The Terrazita

ther development of       front page picture) to       The    organization     Drink situated at King Obstinate Drive in

the orchestra and its     express the orches-        says it would “wel-        the Parish of St. John’s in the Island of

training program.         tra’s profound grat-       come and invite more      Antigua pursuant to Section 11(5) of the

  In a thank you post     itude. ABYSO musi-         support for the or-        Licensing (Intoxicated Liquor) Act,

by the musical youth      cians’ representatives     chestra as [it seeks]      Cap 249 of the Laws of Antigua and

                                                                                  Barbuda, Revised Edition 1992.
group, the ABYSO          – violinist Alfranqi-      to expand [its] ob-
said, “On hand to re-     ue Joseph, J’herdine       jectives in realizing            Dated the 4th, June, 2021
ceive the cheque at       Browne, Khara Jo-          musical excellence               Cumberbatch & Associates

the      handing-over     seph, and Calynia          among        talented        Attorneys-at-Law for the Applicant

ceremony were ABY-        Edwards – displayed        young Antiguans and
SO Board representa-      their talent, along        Barbudans”.
PAGE 14                                                   WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021

     Antigua’s UN Ambassador leads
  global declaration on plastic pollution
                                                                        -“76 nations sign Oceans Day
                                                                      Plastic Pollution Declaration
                                                                      championed by islands”
                                                                        On Tuesday 8th June 2021, the
                                                                      world celebrated ‘World Oceans
                                                                      Day’. While countries celebrated
                                                                      the internationally recognized day,
                                                                      small island states’ used the oppor-
                                                                      tunity to stand up against plastic
                                                                      pollution and has since garnered a
                                                                      swift and enthusiastic response at
                                                                      the UN.
                                                                        According to the Alliance of Small
                                                                      Island States (AOSIS), during their
                                                                      World Oceans Day Messaging: “At
H.E Ambassador Aubrey Webson, Permanent Representative of             a high-level UN General Assembly
Antigua and Barbuda to the United Nations, Chair of the Alliance of   debate last week on ocean conser-
Small Island States (AOSIS).                                          vation, chair of the Alliance of Small

                                                                                           Cont’d on pg 15
WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021                                                              PAGE 15

                                Locals urged to increase
Island States (AOSIS),
Ambassador         Aubrey
Webson of Antigua and
Barbuda, made a decla-
ration for a new global
                                knowledge of BitcoinSV
agreement on plastic
pollution. The declara-          during free livestream
tion has already gained
76 country signatures in
a week.”
   AOSIS went on to
state, “Marine plastic
pollution is an issue of
particular concern for
island nations. The plas-
tic produced globally
can easily overwhelm
the marine ecosystem
services that these na-
tions depend on for
their survival.”
   “Millions of tons
of plastic waste are             Local entrepreneur Calvin Ayre is        new business models that were previ-
dumped into our oceans         inviting all Antiguans and Barbudans       ously unfeasible due to traditional fee
every year,” said Ambas-       to watch the CoinGeek Conference,          structures. These include new social
sador Webson. “We have         which will be broadcast live without       media platforms that allow users to
spent too long trying to       charge from Zurich, Switzerland from       generate micro-payments through
address this issue from        June 8-10.                                 other users’ likes and shares of social
various angles, across           The theme of the seventh CoinGeek        media posts.
various      instruments,      Conference is igniting the power of          Larger enterprises are employing
and it’s abundantly clear      data on the Bitcoin SV (BSV) block-        BSV’s data-handling capacity to in-
that this ad hoc ap-           chain. BSV is the only protocol that       troduce new efficiencies in the glob-
proach is not working.”        lives up to the original vision of peer-   al food chain that promise to reduce
   Buoyed by the wide          to-peer electronic cash as described       waste and lower commodity prices.
and rapid support for          in the 2008 Bitcoin white paper, as        Other projects aim to improve han-
the declaration, Am-           well as the only protocol capable of       dling of medical records to enhance
bassador Webson is op-         scaling to handle enterprise-level         safety measures by reducing the like-
timistic the UN could          data needs.                                lihood of inaccurate diagnoses and
successfully adopt a             Unlike other protocols that have         prescriptions.
resolution this year to        abandoned their original designs             Whatever the level of one’s BSV
launch formal negotia-         in favor of serving as an inert ‘store     knowledge, all those who check out
tions for a legally bind-      of value,’ BSV’s commitment to vir-        the CoinGeek Conference’s free lives-
ing global agreement to        tually unlimited scaling allows it to      tream will come away more empow-
combat plastic pollu-          function as it was originally intend-      ered to take advantage of all that BSV
tion.                          ed: a friction-free, low-cost payment      has to offer.
   “We need a dedicat-         channel that can handle transactions         Visit to
ed global instrument to        both large and small, quickly and with     register for the virtual event, peruse
guide urgent and trans-        miniscule fees.                            the schedule of events and list of
formative actions before         This capacity to handle true mi-         speakers, and embrace the future of
it’s too late.” The Anti-      cro-transactions is driving innovative     electronic commerce.​
guan Ambassador said.
PAGE 16    FEATURE                                          WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021

    Job search
During a Pandemic
Under normal circumstanc-           eas as we prepare for the long      ing burnt out. Plan carefully
es, the job search process can      anticipated kickstart of eco-       and start with the obvious: the
be extremely stressful. We are      nomic activities in our coun-       type of job you want based on
eighteen months into the Pan-       try. This certainly makes for a     your qualifications and expe-
demic and we see the situa-         hopeful outlook and as human        rience and the level of com-
tion being compounded even          resource (HR) practitioners we      pensation you require based
further with a downturn in the      are encouraging all job seekers     on your responsibilities. Sala-
economy and hiring freezes          to develop practices that will      ry expectations must be man-
in many industries leading to       aid in making the process less      aged as compensation has
scarce employment options           daunting.                           changed somewhat due to the
and greater competition for           First, be strategic. As desper-   Pandemic and one must be
the available vacancies.            ate as things may seem right        flexible and willing to nego-
  It is encouraging though that     now, the last thing one wants       tiate a package of salary AND
in the face of all of this we are   to do is to spend their entire      benefits.
still seeing postings for vacan-    day consumed with job search          Once you have decided on
cies mostly in the hospitality      activities. This could lead to      the job you would like to land
sector but also in other ar-        feeling overwhelmed and be-         your search can be more fo-
                                                                                           Cont’d on pg 17
                    WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021                                       FEATURE

cused. There are several lo-        Perfection is not expected, but     for an interview and how to de-
cal hospitality offerings in the    surely a willingness to go the      compress after one. No matter
newspapers and the One Stop         extra mile”.                        how accomplished or experi-
Employment Centre (OSEC)              In addition, the reduction in     enced you are, your job search
has recently advertised regis-      economic activity, makes it an      will undoubtedly include re-
tered vacancies ranging from        opportune time to “level up”        jections and disappointments.
Assistant Chief Engineer to         on a skill or take advantage of     You need to know how to react
Salon Stylist. If you are willing   opportunities provided local-       to any such news that you will
to relocate, you could consid-      ly to become competent in a         receive as part of the process.
er regional and internation-        new area such as agro-pro-          It is also imperative that you
al postings and widen your          cessing or hydroponics. As          learn how to acknowledge and
search to social media and job      the adage says: luck happens        celebrate small achievements
market sites. So, part of your      when preparation meets op-          along the way.
strategy is also knowing where      portunity.
and how to target your search.        Then, develop a network of          The Human Resource Pro-
  According to Brandy Sim-          support. This specific group        fessionals of Antigua and
ula, a professional develop-        includes those professionals        Barbuda (HRPAB) is a regis-
ment specialist and life de-        who would be willing to give        tered non-profit, profession-
sign coach, “Approaching a          strong written references re-       al association dedicated to
job search strategically also       garding your character and          the advancement of the HR
requires resisting the urge to      ability. It would also include      profession for national devel-
apply wildly. It’s useful to ap-    persons who may be able to          opment. We began informally
ply widely but letting anxi-        guide you and make repre-           from 2009 and legally regis-
ety and fear about the lack of      sentations on your behalf in        tered in 2011. HRPAB’s grow-
availability of positions drive     their own circles and spheres       ing membership represents
you to apply to every position      of influence. You will also need    private and public organiza-
for which you’re qualified re-      individuals who could of-           tions as well as independent
gardless of how interested you      fer advice on your resume or        consultants specializing in
are or how strong a candidate       prepare you for an interview.       one or more areas of human
you are, is not the most effec-     Most interviews these days          resource management and
tive use of your time”.             are conducted virtually so ex-      development. Membership is
  Next, dedicate some time          tra preparation is needed for       offered for three categories:
to updating your resume and         that as well as a stable internet   professional, non-profession-
sharpening your skills. Cur-        connection. Interruptions and       al, and honorary. You may
rently employment options           disruptions are distracting to      contact us via email at hrpro.
are limited and your resume         recruiters. Do not forget to or on Face-
should differentiate you from       make self-care part of the pro-     book and Instagram @HR-
other candidates. Trinidadian       cess. Over the past year many       Pro268.
Master Resume Writer, Akeem         persons have been finding it
Branford puts it this way, “The     very difficult to cope under
modern jobseeker must have          these trying circumstances.
a world-class resume that can       If you have not yet developed
stand up to intense scrutiny        self-care practices, now is the
and shows MS Office sophisti-       time. You need to understand
cation. The resume must show        how your body responds to
a fully developed professional      stress and develop a routine to
identity coupled with robust        deal with these stressors. You
experience and qualifications.      need to know how to prepare
PAGE 18     FEATURE                                             WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021

 Building your home
 – one of the most
 serious financial
 investments in
 your life

   By Colin John Jenkins

  (Executive Board Member at          en and bedroom; the rest doesn’t       your name or does not belong to
Caribbean Centre for Renewable        matter.” Does this statement re-       you, then a copy of a lease agree-
Energy and Energy Efficiency          flect your needs? Truth is, it may     ment as well as a letter allowing
(CCREEE), Antigua and Barbu-          or may not. Your needs may vary        you permission for construction
da)                                   from a studio-type setting to a        will be needed.
  Unfortunately, reports from dis-    multi-level minimalist structure.        (b) Land Survey Information:
gruntled homeowners who have          I cannot stress how important it       The property should be surveyed
had poor experiences with de-         is to be certain of what you want.     by a professional (a licensed sur-
signers/contractors and/or oth-       After all, you may have to live with   veyor) in an effort to verify bound-
er series of unfavourable events      this decision for a very long time.    aries. The issue of boundaries
can turn this sweet dream into a        2. Ensure all of your documents      has been a “bone of contention”
nightmare. Fortunately, the good      in relation to the design and con-     among many, so the importance
news is that their experience does    struction phase are in place with      of this step speaks for itself. The
not have to be yours if you follow    the aid of your residential design-    Block & Parcel Number of your
these basic preliminary steps         er. These include several pieces       property (which can be found
[which pertain to] a general Ca-      of information that the Planning       on your Deed or Land Registry
ribbean context:                      Department would ask for as part       Document) will provide the pre-
  1. One of the first aspects of      of the application process for ex-     requisite information to obtain
owning your own home involves         ample:                                 a printout of your property from
“knowing what you want”. Per-           (a) Ownership information: As        the relevant authorities. This
sonal taste and/or family needs       per norm, if the property is in        printout is of value during your
differ from person to person and      your name, then the Land Deed          initial conceptual, project brief
we need to be sure that what we       identifying that the property be-      and planning states, as it iden-
tell our design consultants re-       longs to you and/or a copy of          tifies dimensions and boundary
flects the way we want to live in     ownership information (which           placements for your property. In
our new dwelling place. You may       can be obtained from your Land         Antigua, such printouts may be
hear persons make remarks like,       Registry Department) will be           obtained from the Land Survey
“I want a large living room, kitch-   necessary. If the property is not in   Office.
                                                                                                  Cont’d on pg 19
                      WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021                                             FEATURE

  (c)     Topographical       Survey    is equally important. A perco-         nancial lenders” that, according
(sometimes optional): The gradi-        lation test simply records the         to their protocol for debt ratio,
ent (i.e. the slope) of your proper-    absorption capacity of the soil.       our spending power is a lot less
ty will determine whether a topo-       Data obtained from percolation         (actual budget).
graphical survey is necessary.          tests is very useful in the design       Some homeowners tend to
In many cases (especially if the        of proper waste management             execute this process in reverse,
property isn’t cleared), the naked      systems. Most design consul-           having drawings made for un-
eye may perceive the property as        tants can direct you to persons        sustainable homes only to be in-
having a very gentle slope or as        that specialize in this process.       formed that the actual cost of the
being flat. However, during the         Other tests may need to be car-        plan is beyond what the banks
actual building process issues re-      ried out, such as test pits, etc.      are willing to lend them. These
sulting from misperceived steep-        Depending on the circumstanc-          homeowners must then return
ness may occur. A topographical         es, discuss with your design and       to the drawing board with their
survey maps out the contours of         building team to ensure that you       consultant; a process which of
the property giving the architect       are on the right track.                course requires more time, plus
and his team (engineers, con-             4. Finally and maybe most im-        further payment, due to the Cost-
tractors, etc.) an accurate un-         portantly, ask your bank or credit     Time-Resource relationship.
derstanding of the said property.       union’s loan officer for your cred-      Let’s face it: Building a home is
This information is a valuable          it limit. This should probably be      an expensive venture; so it is es-
influence on building design, as        your first step if you are consid-     pecially important to get it right
it allows for the consideration of      ering building a home. It is im-       the first time. One last note: As
changes in levels of the property.      portant to have an idea of what        much as possible, avoid rushing
  A topographical survey may            you can afford before any sort of      the design process. Most well-ex-
save you from budget overruns           design commences. Normally,            ecuted home designs take time
in the early stages of construc-        there are rates for different types    to develop – sometimes sever-
tion. Too many homeowners are           of construction that are used as       al months to a year. Luckily, 3D
stuck having to build an extra          a guide by your consultant, al-        technology provides an excellent
floor level or make foundation          though it is a budget estimation.      tool for visualizing the finished
walls higher in order to compen-        If your architect knows what your      product, both inside and out,
sate for poorly perceived land          actual (not perceived) budget is,      thus ensuring minimal changes.
gradients. These changes can be         then they may be better able to          With all the above points con-
costly. It is therefore beneficial to   design something tailor made to        sidered and discussed, you are
let your architect, land surveyor       your pocket AND your needs.            on your way to a great start!
or engineer advise you accord-            I make reference to “actual
ingly, although it may seem like a      budgets” and “perceived bud-            (Previously published October
lot of money upfront. Better safe       gets” because we often believe         28th 2014 on the author’s Linke-
than later sorry.                       that we have a certain amount of       dIn page. Reprinted with per-
  3. Have a percolation test done.      spending power (perceived bud-         mission.)
This is another requirement that        get), only to find out from the “fi-
PAGE 20     REGIONAL NEWS                                              WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021

 Guyana COVID-19 vaccination
 rollout ‘injected’ with 100,000
 more Sputnik V jabs

 The 100,000 doses of the Russian Sputnik V vaccines that arrived at
 the Cheddi Jagan International Airport in Guyana

Guyana Chronicle - As Guy-               identical first and second doses,        release, noted that it is possible
ana continues its aggressive             the second dose of the Sputnik V         to increase the minimum inter-
COVID-19 vaccination rollout,            vaccine is made differently from         val between the first and second
after already administering more         the first.                               vaccine doses up to 12 weeks (or
than 210,000 people with their              Recently, the Ministry of Health      three months) after getting the
first of two doses, an additional        announced that there has been            first. This has been accepted by
100,000 first doses of the Russian       a shortage of the second dose of         the local Health Ministry.
Sputnik V vaccine were received          the Sputnik V vaccines, owing to           As such, those people who are
on Monday afternoon at the               a delay in shipment. The Guyana          now due for their second Sputnik
Cheddi Jagan International Air-          Chronicle understands that the           V dose, but are unable to receive
port (CJIA).                             shipment is expected soon.               it due to the shortage, can wait
  The amount of vaccines re-                Minister of Health, Dr. Frank         until the consignment of second
ceived on Monday was confirmed           Anthony, recently explained that         doses arrives to get that jab.
by the Public Relations Officer          if people are due for their second         Meanwhile, the Ministry of
(PRO) of the Ministry of Health,         dose of this particular vaccine but      Health has noted that those who
Shabana Shaw. In total, Guyana           are unable to receive it because of      require the second dose of the
received about 305,537 doses of          the shortage, there is no need to        AstraZeneca and SinoPharm can
the Sputnik V vaccine as well as         worry since the date for the sec-        get those vaccines now.
118,400 AstraZeneca doses and            ond dose has been extended.                Guyana has ordered a total
20,000 Sinopharm vaccines.                  For clarity, the Health Ministry      of 800,000 Sputnik V vaccines;
  The Russian Sputnik V vaccine,         had asked people who received            400,000 first doses and 400,000
like the AstraZeneca and Sino-           their first dose of the Russian vac-     second doses.
Pharm vaccines, is given in two          cine, by way of writing in their           The Adviser at the Ministry of
doses. The first dose, according to      blue vaccination books, to re-           Health, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy,
scientists, helps the body to rec-       turn four weeks after to get their       said the fact that Guyana was
ognise the virus and allows the          second dose. This was because            able to secure such a large num-
immune system to respond. The            the Gamaleya Research Centre,            ber of vaccines when other coun-
second dose, on the other hand,          which developed the Sputnik V            tries have not been able to do so,
is known as the ‘booster dose’           vaccine, advised that the second         proves that the government has
and it helps to strengthen immu-         dose should be given at this time.       been “very aggressive” in its ef-
nity. Unlike the AstraZeneca and            More recently, however, the Re-       forts to tackle the disease.
Sinopharm vaccines which have            search Centre, by way of a press
WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021                                     REGIONAL NEWS              PAGE 21

  St. Lucia considers
  virtual carnival in 2021

XUVO Carnival Band’s intended ‘Heaven on Earth’ theme for St. Lucia Carnival 2020

Loop St. Lucia - Plans are afoot           Ministry of Health and increased         Director of Red Carnival Band,
to host a virtual carnival produc-         concerns about the spread of           Thaddeus Antoine, welcomes the
tion in St. Lucia, the first of its kind   COVID-19.                              idea of a virtual event and high-
since the onset of the COVID-19              “There are a number of propos-       lights its economic benefits.
pandemic in July 2021, Loop                als on the table, some of which are      “You can get sponsors to come
News has confirmed.                        still under review, some of them       on board, you could have a pay
  Details surrounding the produc-          from private promoters. However,       per view. But sometimes the eco-
tion were not divulged to Loop             a decision has not been finalized      nomic benefits are not simply in
News. However, the entity tasked           as yet. At this time, we cannot con-   cash, but also keep the buy-in,
with the production is said to be          firm an entire calendar of events      keep people going, keep people
the Events Company of Saint Lu-            for the season, but we do know         encouraged, have them look for-
cia, according to Minister for Cul-        there is an absolute sincere plan      ward to something bigger and
ture and Creative Industries, Sen-         for there to be some kind of carni-    better, I think it is more import-
ator Fortuna Belrose.                      val activity.”                         ant…We have to get more of the
  According to sources close to the          Carnival has become a staple in      island involved in carnival,” An-
Events Company of Saint Lucia,             Saint Lucia’s culture, growing tre-    toine said.
while the matter is still at a discus-     mendously over the years to be-          A number of islands are making
sion level, a decision will be made        come the biggest festival on the       plans to host a virtual carnival, in-
in line with the guidance of the           island.                                cluding Bermuda.
PAGE 22    REGIONAL NEWS                                      WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021

      SVG recognizes locally produced
        medicinal cannabis products

  St. Vincent and the       La Soufriere volcano.
Grenadines’ Agricul-        Several major commer-
ture Minister, the Hon.     cial operators have also
Saboto Caesar, has          established     vigorous
commended         locally   cleaning operations to
owned and operated          restart production fol-
company “Medicinal”         lowing the most recent
on the recent launch of     eruptions.
an extensive line of lo-      The list of items
cally produced medici-      launched by Medicinal
nal cannabis products.      includes lotions and
  The island nation has     tinctures.
embarked on a path for        Minister Caesar noted
the establishment of a      that St. Vincent and the
modern medicinal in-        Grenadines has an es-
dustry that entails not     tablished and fast ma-
only the production         turing platform for the
of raw material from        production of medicine
plants and fungi, but       in the hemisphere.
also the processing of        “I wish to encourage
raw material for the nu-    our scientists to con-
traceutical and phar-       tinue to dedicate their
maceutical industry.        efforts in research and
  Traditional cultiva-      development with the
tors have been signifi-     objective of lifting the Honourable Saboto Caesar, Minister of Agriculture,
cantly affected by ash      profile of the industry,” Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry
fall as a result of the     Minister Caesar con- & Labour, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
explosive eruptions of      cluded.
WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021                                REGIONAL NEWS            PAGE 23

  Jamaican Justice of the Peace under probe
    for having 14-year-old girl as bartender

Jamaica Observer - A St. An-         employment of any child of the       summons to attend court, the
drew-based justice of the peace      age referred to…”                    police were told that the girl did
(JP) is now the subject of an in-      In addition, the legislation       not have any form of identifica-
vestigation by the police after it   states : “No person shall employ     tion with her. She told the cops
was discovered that she has had      a child in the performance of        that she was employed and
a minor working in a bar she         any work that is likely to be haz-   could call her boss to identify
operates.                            ardous or to interfere with the      her.
  The girl, who is now 17 years      child’s education or to be harm-       When the employer arrived at
old, has claimed that she had        ful to the child’s health or phys-   the police station, she declared
been working in the bar since        ical, mental, spiritual or social    that she was a JP as she sought
she was 14.                          development; or in night work        to have the girl released into her
  Under Section 34 of the Child      or an industrial undertaking.”       custody.
Care and Protection Act: “No           But a Jamaica Observer source        But investigators had the girl
person shall employ a child who      said the girl, who was recent-       call her mother to come to the
has attained the age of 13 years,    ly stopped by the police in          station. When the mother ar-
but who has not attained the age     Half-Way-Tree, St. Andrew, and       rived, she told the police that
of 15 years, in the performance      charged for breaching the Di-        her daughter ran away from
of any work other than in an oc-     saster Risk Management Act as        home when she was 14 years
cupation included on the list of     she was not wearing a face mask      old.
prescribed occupations…con-          in public, claimed that she has        According to the moth-
sisting of such light work as the    been a bartender for some three      er, months later she saw her
minister responsible for labour      years.                               daughter again when she was
considers appropriate for the          In the process of issuing her a    taken back home by the JP.

                      Hundreds arrested in massive
                      global crime sting using
                      messaging app

BBC - More than 800 suspect-        eration had “struck a heavy         only communicate with some-
ed criminals have been arrested     blow against organised crime”       one on the same platform,” the
worldwide after being tricked       around the world.                   Australian police explained.
into using an FBI-run encrypted       European Union police agen-         Australian fugitive and alleged
messaging app, officials say.       cy Europol described Operation      drug trafficker Hakan Ayik was
  The operation, jointly con-       Trojan Shield/Greenlight as the     key to the sting, having unwit-
ceived by Australia and the FBI,    “biggest ever law enforcement       tingly recommended the app to
saw devices with the ANOM           operation against encrypted         criminal associates after being
app secretly distributed among      communication”.                     given a handset by undercover
criminals, allowing police to         The FBI began operating an        officers, police said.
monitor their chats about drug      encrypted device network called       Dubbed the “Facebook gang-
smuggling, money laundering         ANOM and covertly distribut-        ster” by Australian media out-
and even murder plots.              ed devices with the chat app        lets, Ayik is seen in social media
  Officials called it a watershed   among the criminal underworld       photographs with large tattoos
moment.                             via informants.                     and a muscular physique. Local
  Targets included drug gangs         The idea for the operation        outlets say he has been living
and people with links to the ma-    came after two other encrypted      in Turkey since evading arrest,
fia.                                platforms were taken down by        living a luxury lifestyle with a
  Drugs, weapons, luxury vehi-      law enforcement agencies, leav-     Dutch wife.
cles and cash were also seized      ing criminal gangs in the market      Police said he was “best off
in the operation which was con-     for new secure phones.              handing himself in to us” as
ducted across more than a doz-        The devices were initially used   soon as possible, as he may be
en countries. This included eight   by alleged senior crime figures,    in danger himself, having un-
tonnes of cocaine, 250 guns and     giving other criminals the confi-   wittingly helped the FBI with
more than $48m (£34m) in var-       dence to use the platform.          their sting.
ious worldwide currencies and         “You had to know a criminal         In total, some 12,000 encrypt-
cryptocurrencies.                   to get hold of one of these cus-    ed devices were used by around
  Australian Prime Minister         tomised phones. The phones          300 criminal syndicates in more
Scott Morrison said the op-         couldn’t ring or email. You could   than 100 countries.
WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2021                   INTERNATIONAL NEWS                  AROUND THE WORLD   PAGE 25

     Nigerians launch legal action
   against government’s Twitter ban
                                                                                                       Ghana for its first Afri-
                                                                                                       can headquarters.
                                                                                                         Gbenga Sesan, ex-
                                                                                                       ecutive director of the
                                                                                                       Paradigm Initiative, a
                                                                                                       pan-African social en-
                                                                                                       terprise working on
                                                                                                       digital inclusion and
                                                                                                       rights, told Al Jazeera
                                                                                                       the suspension of Twit-
                                                                                                       ter sent the wrong sig-
                                                                                                       nal to foreign investors,
                                                                                                       adding that small busi-
                                                                                                       nesses using Twitter as
Twitter said it will work to restore access for all those in Nigeria who rely on it ‘to communicate’   a source of livelihood
                                                                                                       in Nigeria would be af-
Aljazeera - Dozens of             ans used virtual private           of the Federal Govern-            fected. “Businesses in
Nigerians and a local             networks to access the             ment,” the suit read,             Nigeria use digital me-
rights group have filed           site. The government               according to the group.           dia to reach customers,
a lawsuit at a regional           has said those who                   Kolawole Oluwadare,             expose their brands
court seeking to lift the         continued to use Twit-             SERAP’s deputy di-                and communicate with
government’s ban on               ter would be prosecut-             rector, said the ban              various stakeholders.
Twitter, describing the           ed.                                “negatively impacted              That will definitely be
decision to suspend the             On Tuesday, the So-              millions of Nigerians             affected by this erratic
hugely popular social             cio-Economic Rights                who carry on their dai-           decision,” he said.
media platform’s oper-            and       Accountability           ly businesses and op-               Information minister
ations as an attempt to           Project (SERAP), a lo-             erational activities on           Lai Mohammed told
silence criticism of the          cal rights group, and              Twitter,” calling it “final       the Thomson Reuters
government.                       176 Nigerians filed the            proof of shrinking civ-           Foundation that the
  Authorities         an-         lawsuit at the Econom-             il space in Nigeria and           suspension had noth-
nounced the ban on                ic Community of West               the intention of govern-          ing to do with Buhari’s
Friday, two days after            African States Commu-              ment to stifle any dis-           tweet being deleted,
Twitter removed a post            nity Court of Justice in           senting voice”. In 2021,          but rather with “sep-
from President Mu-                Nigeria’s capital, Abuja,          Nigeria ranked 120th              aratists inciting vio-
hammadu Buhari that               calling for an interim             out of 180 countries in           lence” online.
threatened to punish              injunction restraining             the Reporters without               “Regulating      social
regional secessionists.           government from im-                Borders (RSF) World               media is not about sti-
  The     government’s            plementing the ban.                Press Freedom Index.              fling press freedom. All
move prompted an                    “The suspension of                 Africa’s most popu-             we are talking about
immediate       backlash          Twitter is aimed at in-            lous country has been             is the responsible use
among social media                timidating and stop-               celebrated as one of the          of these platforms,”
users and human rights            ping Nigerians from                few on the continent              said Mohammed, add-
activists, with #Ni-              using Twitter to assess            attracting investment             ing that Facebook,
geriaTwitterBan      and          government policies,               into its tech ecosys-             WhatsApp and You-
#KeepitOn trending on             expose corruption, and             tem, but was recently             Tube were still accessi-
the platform as Nigeri-           criticize acts of official         shunned when Twitter              ble.
                                  impunity by the agents             chose      neighbouring

   Washington state kicks off ‘Joints
    for Jabs’ to promote COVID-19
                                                                                         only U.S. state to get
                                                                                         creative in incentiviz-
                                                                                         ing people to receive a
                                                                                         COVID-19 vaccine. In
                                                                                         Arizona, a cannabis dis-
                                                                                         pensary is handing out
                                                                                         free pre-rolled joints
                                                                                         and gummy edibles in
                                                                                         exchange for getting
                                                                                           On April 20, a day
                                                                                         widely considered the
                                                                                         unofficial pot holiday,
                                                                                         cannabis reform ac-
                                                                                         tivist group D.C. Mar-
                                                                                         ijuana Justice (DCMJ)
                                                                                         gave away more than 8
                                                                                         pounds of locally-grown
                                                                                         cannabis rolled up into
                                                                                         over 4,200 joints at 30
                                                                                         vaccination sites across
                                                                                         Washington, D.C. Then
                                                                                         New Jersey partnered
                                                                                         with 13 local breweries
ABC News - Adults can       21 or older when they         beer, wine or cocktail
                                                                                         to offer free beer to resi-
claim a complimentary       receive their first or sec-   to be provided at no
                                                                                         dents who got their first
joint of marijuana in       ond dose of a COVID-19        cost for those 21 or old-
                                                                                         vaccine dose in May.
Washington State this       vaccine at an active, on-     er who are vaccinated
                                                                                           Meanwhile,       several
week when they receive      site vaccination clinic.      by June 30. More than
                                                                                         states have launched
a COVID-19 vaccine            Customers can only          44% of the Evergreen
                                                                                         COVID-19 vaccine lot-
shot. The Washington        claim     the     compli-     State’s population is
                                                                                         teries in which vacci-
State Liquor and Can-       mentary joint from the        fully vaccinated against
                                                                                         nated residents are eli-
nabis Board announced       retail location during        COVID-19, according
                                                                                         gible to win cash prizes.
Monday that the pro-        the same visit as receiv-     to latest data from the
                                                                                           Since the start of the
motion, called “Joints      ing the jab, according to     Washington State De-
                                                                                         pandemic, more than
for Jabs,” was effective    the board.                    partment of Health.
                                                                                         33 million people across
immediately and would         The Board said it has       Meanwhile, over 42%
                                                                                         the United States have
run through July 12.        “received multiple re-        of the U.S. population
                                                                                         been diagnosed with
  During the afforded       quests from cannabis          is fully vaccinated, ac-
                                                                                         COVID-19 and nearly
time period, state-li-      retail licensees to en-       cording to latest data
                                                                                         600,000 have died from
censed cannabis retail-     gage in promotions to         from the Centers for
                                                                                         the disease, accord-
ers are permitted to give   support State vaccina-        Disease Control and
                                                                                         ing to data collected by
one free pre-rolled joint   tion efforts.” The Board      Prevention (CDC).
                                                                                         Johns Hopkins Univer-
to customers who are        recently allowed for a          Washington is not the
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