Warranty & Care Guide - wynstan.com.au 1300 667 679

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Warranty & Care Guide - wynstan.com.au 1300 667 679
1300 667 679

                 Warranty &
                 Care Guide
Warranty & Care Guide - wynstan.com.au 1300 667 679
Wynstan is committed to high standards         Wynstan warrants the initial purchaser
of manufacturing, offering high quality        that the product will be uninhibited from
products which will last for years.            defects in materials and workmanship for
Wynstan is pleased to back their products      a period of three (3) years from the date of
with a 3 year limited warranty as provided     installation, provided that
by Wynstan Designs Pty Ltd (ABN 94 120
                                               (i) all products were installed by a Wynstan
486 099), located at 6 Foray St, Yennora,
                                               Authorised representative
NSW, 2161.
                                               (ii) proof of purchase of the full original
The benefits given to you in Wynstan’s
                                               purchase price can be provided by the
warranty are in addition to other rights and
                                               initial purchaser
remedies you have under law in relation
to the products or services to which           (iii) the products are maintained in
Wynstan’s warranty relates. Wynstan            accordance with the care instructions
products come with guarantees that             attached. Replacement of the product
cannot be excluded under Australian            or a part does not extend or restart the
Consumer law. You are entitled to a            warranty term.
replacement or refund for a major failure
                                               The obligation of Wynstan is limited to
and for compensation for any reasonable
                                               the repair or replacement of products
foreseeable loss or damage. You are also
                                               or components found to be defective.
entitled to have the products repaired
or replaced if the products fail to be of      In the first year this includes the
acceptable quality and the failure does not    cost of removal and re-installation
amount to a major failure.                     of the product, the parts and labour.
                                               In the second and third year, the
                                               warranty is limited to products or
                                               components found to be defective and
                                               the labour associated with replacing
                                               those defective parts. This excludes
                                               the removal and re-installation of the
                                               product. A service call fee will be
                                               charged for the cost of removing and
                                               re-installing the product. Wynstan
                                               shall not warrant any incorrect choices
                                               made by the purchaser.

                                               To make a claim under the Wynstan
                                               Warranty you will need to:
                                                1. Contact your nearest Wynstan
                                                   showroom to register your
                                                   warranty claim. This can be done by
                                                   using the contact details found at

2 wynstan.com.au | 1300 667 679
Warranty & Care Guide - wynstan.com.au 1300 667 679
2. You will then be contacted by a             manufacturer’s instructions with
    member of the Wynstan team who will         respect to measurement, installation,
    schedule a time to come and assess          cleaning or maintenance
    the situation.                            §§ Damage to the surface of any textile
    Note: as per the Wynstan warranty            fabric due to the scrubbing or the use
    you may be required to pay a                 of a soap powder or detergents, fungal
    service call fee. However, to avoid          growth due to the build-up of surface
    this call-out fee, you are welcome           dirt, grime, leaves or bird matter or
    to drop the product off for repair at        accumulations of water lying on
    a Wynstan showroom.                          the fabric
 3. To make a claim you will need:            §§ Installations where salt spray, marine
   »» A copy of your original quote and/or       influences, industrial or corrosive
      proof of purchase                          environments or internal situations
   »» Be the initial purchaser                   subject to moisture-laden air can affect
                                                 the products.
   »» To ensure that all products were
      installed by a Wynstan Authorised       §§ Any damage caused by wind, hail,
      Installer                                  lighting, rain, or other acts of God
   »» That you have maintained your           §§ Any electrical work, or associated
      products as outlined in the Warranty       costs, this is the sole responsibility of
      & Care Guide                               the purchaser.
If Wynstan deems the product(s)               §§ Damaged or not working for a period
requires replacement, the existing               longer than 3 months
product(s) must all be returned to            §§ Any cost associated with removal is
the factory prior to the new products            not covered under this warranty
being manufactured. Any repairs will         At no time does any person or
be made with like or similar parts.          organisation have the authority to give any
                                             additional warranty or guarantee on behalf
General Exclusions and limitations,          of Wynstan for its manufactured products.
to the full extent permitted by law:
                                             Thank you for your business,
 §§ Products that have been damaged          we appreciate your comments!
    through misuse or neglect
                                             If you have any further enquiries please
 §§ Normal wear and tear including but
                                             don’t hesitate to contact us:
    not limited to normal shrinkage of
    fabrics on textile products and other    Head Office: 
    changes which occur normally with the
                                             6 Foray St, Yennora NSW 2161
    passage of time
 §§ Variations in wood colours and           Phone: 02 8863 6363
    warping which may occur over time        Email: info@wynstan.com.au
 §§ Any conditions or damages resulting
    from accidents, alterations, misuse,     Website: wynstan.com.au
    abuse, interventions of motorised
    devices, or failure to follow the

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Warranty & Care Guide - wynstan.com.au 1300 667 679
The Installation of Child Safety               So what does Wynstan do to
Devices for corded window                      protect your family?
coverings is not only common                    §§ Every product that leaves our
sense, we enforce it on every                      production plant will display a sticker
appropriate installation.                          that outlines the dangers of cords.
Safety in the home is paramount to              §§ Every product will be accompanied by
any home owner or occupier, but one                a suitable safety device. See below.
aspect of home safety that is frequently        §§ Each safety device will be
overlooked is corded window coverings.             accompanied with suitable fixing and
Corded window coverings can be a                   installation instructions.
real danger for all people within your
                                                §§ Each and every product that is
home, especially children.
                                                   installed by Wynstan will have the
Being a child is a great time in life but as       safety device fitted without exception.
we all know, their curiosity will get them
into all sorts of situations. Unfortunately,
                                               What can you do to protect your
some of these situations have the              children?
possibility of being very serious. Steps
need to be taken in order to reduce the
threat to children from corded
window coverings.
At Wynstan we take child safety very
seriously. We are a family business, we
have children of our own, and child safety
is paramount to us in the design of our
products. Please pay particular attention
to the information provided in this guide as
it contains a number of tips to keep your
children safe within your home.                 §§ Ensure that your blinds have been
                                                   installed correctly using the Child
The installation of Child Safety Devices           Safety Cords and Cleats.
for corded window coverings is just             §§ Always tie cords around the Child
common sense.                                      Safety Device.
                                                §§ Move anything a young child can sit
                                                   on, stand on or climb on (like cots,
                                                   highchairs, beds, sofas, tables, chairs
                                                   and bookshelves) away from the
                                                §§ Purchase Wynstan window covering
                                                   products that don’t have cords,
                                                   i.e. Plantation shutters, Motorised
                                                   products, or window coverings
                                                   with wands.

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Warranty & Care Guide - wynstan.com.au 1300 667 679
Penalties and Consequences
 1. A supplier may be found guilty of a
    criminal offence if they fail to:
 2. Comply with a mandatory safety
    standard. The maximum fine is
    $220,000 for an individual or $1.1
    million for a body corporate. Civil
    penalties for the same amounts
    also apply.
 3. This is an offence of strict liability,
    which means a court does not have to
    consider the person’s intention before
    finding them guilty.
The information contained in this
document is a guide only. It should not be
relied upon as a statement of law, nor is it
legal or professional advice. You should
obtain professional advice if you have any
specific concerns.

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Warranty & Care Guide - wynstan.com.au 1300 667 679
Operation of Roller Blinds                    Cleaning
Wynstan offers two different types of         Cleaning of Roller Blinds is reasonably
controls for Roller Blinds:                   simple. You can choose to do it yourself
                                              or have them professionally cleaned. If
Chain Control: The chain loop can be
                                              you decide to clean them yourself, please
found at the side of the blind. To raise or
                                              follow the instructional guide below:
lower the blind simply pull on the side of
the loop. Once the blind is in the desired     1. Most dust can be removed with the
position you can let go of the chain.             soft brush attachment of your vacuum
                                                  cleaner. If you do not have one of these
Motorised: Please refer to the separate
                                                  brushes, then try a cotton sock over
operating instructions that came with your
                                                  your hand or a feather duster.
remote or app.
                                               2. To remove light marks on the Roller
                                                  Blind, Wynstan suggests using a new
                                                  damp cloth. Avoid excess moisture on
                                                  the cloth.
                                               3. For stubborn marks, you may need to
                                                  use a mild cleaning agent. This should
                                                  be tested on a small inconspicuous
                                                  area first to ensure the cleaning agent
                                                  will not damage the fabric. Before
                                                  using any cleaning agent, Wynstan
                                                  recommends that you contact your
                                                  local showroom for further advice.
                                               4. If the mark still has not been removed,
                                                  then try removing it with a light rub of a
                                                  rubber or eraser.

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Warranty & Care Guide - wynstan.com.au 1300 667 679

Operation of Roman Blinds
Wynstan offers two different types of         1. M
                                                  ost dust can be removed with the
controls for Roman Blinds:                       soft brush attachment of your vacuum
                                                 cleaner. If you do not have one of
Cord Control: To raise, pull on the
                                                 these brushes, then try a cotton sock
cord until you have reached the desired
                                                 over your hand or a feather duster.
position, then pull the cord outwards to
lock it into place. To lower, pull the cord   2. T
                                                  o remove light marks on the Roman
across again, and slowly release the cord        Blind, Wynstan suggests using a new
back into the head box until the blind is        damp cloth. Avoid excess moisture on
in the desired position. Then simply pull        the cloth.
the cord to the side again to lock it into    3. F
                                                  or stubborn marks, you may need to
position.                                        use a mild cleaning agent. This should
                                                 be tested on a small inconspicuous
Motorised: Please refer to the separate
                                                 area first to ensure the cleaning agent
operating instructions that came with your
                                                 will not damage the fabric. Before
remote or app.
                                                 using any cleaning agent, Wynstan
                                                 recommends that you contact your
                                                 local showroom for further advice.
Cleaning of Roman Blinds is reasonably        4. If the mark still has not been removed,
simple. You can choose to do it yourself          then try removing it with a light rub of
or have them professionally cleaned. If           a rubber or eraser.
you decide to clean them yourself, please
follow the instructional steps listed:

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Warranty & Care Guide - wynstan.com.au 1300 667 679
Operation of Timber Venetians                   Cleaning
 1. When raising and lowering the blind,        Cleaning of Timber and Timber Look
    the slats must be in the horizontal         Venetians is reasonably simple. You can
    open position.                              choose to do it yourself or have them
 2. When opening the window, do not put         professionally cleaned. If you decide to
    your hand through the slats. Raise          clean them yourself, please follow the
    the blind then open the window. This        instructional guide below:
    will reduce unnecessary wear and
                                                 1. Venetians should be cleaned on a
    buckling of the cords and slats.
                                                    regular basis to prevent build up of
Wynstan offers two different types of               foreign materials.
controls for Venetians:
                                                 2. Most dust can be removed with the
Cord Control: At the side of your                   soft brush attachment of your vacuum
Venetian, you will find two sets of cords.          cleaner. If you do not have one of
The first is a set that is joined together by       those brushes, try a cotton sock over
a pull-apart Child Safety Device. This cord         your hand or a feather duster.
will raise and lower the blind. To raise the     3. To remove light marks from the slats,
Venetians, pull on the cord until you have          Wynstan suggests using a new damp
reached the desired position. Then pull             cloth. Avoid excess moisture on
the cord to one side to lock it into place.         the cloth.
To lower the Venetians, pull the cord to the
                                                 4. For stubborn marks, you may need to
opposite side, then slowly release the cord
                                                    use a mild cleaning agent. This should
back into the head box until the blind is in
                                                    be tested on a small inconspicuous
the desired position. Then simply pull the
                                                    area first to ensure the cleaning agent
cord to the side to lock it into position.
                                                    will not damage the blind. Before
The other set of cords will open and close          using any cleaning agent, Wynstan
the blind. They work in opposite directions         recommends that you contact your
to each other. Pulling one cord down will           local showroom for further advice.
fully close the Venetian in one direction,       5. Do not let rain fall on the blinds. If the
while pulling the other cord down will close        blinds do get wet, they should be dried
it in the opposite direction.                       immediately.
Motorised: Please refer to the separate          6. In seaside locations the salt from the
operating instructions that came with your          sea mist should be cleaned off on
remote or app.                                      a regular basis. Every two weeks is
                                                 7. To slow the effects of fading from the
                                                    sun, Wynstan recommends that you
                                                    alternate the side of the slats that are
                                                    facing the sun.

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Warranty & Care Guide - wynstan.com.au 1300 667 679
Operation of Aluminium Venetians            lock it into place. To lower the Venetians,
                                            pull the cord towards the center of the
 1. When raising and lowering the blind,
                                            blind and slowly release the cord back
    the slats must be in the horizontal
                                            into the head box until the blind is in the
    open position.
                                            desired position. Then simply pull the cord
 2. When opening the window, do not put     outward again to lock it into position.
    your hand through the slats. Raise
    the blind then open the window. This    The wand will open and close the
    will reduce the unnecessary wear and    Venetian. A simple twist of the wand will
    buckling on the cords and slats.        tilt the slats and open the blind allowing
                                            light through. Beware not to over twist
Wynstan offers three different types of
                                            the Venetian.
controls for Venetians:
                                            Cord Control:
Cords and Wand:
                                            At the side of your Venetian you will find
Venetians are operated by the combination
                                            two sets of cords. The first is a set that is
of a cord and a wand. The cord raises the
                                            joined together by a pull-apart Child Safety
blind, while the wand opens and closes
                                            Device. This cord will raise and lower the
the blind.
                                            blind. To raise the Venetians, pull on the
To raise the Venetians, pull on the cord    cord until you have reached the desired
until you have reached the desired          position, then pull the cord to one side to
position, then pull the cord outwards and   lock it into place. To lower the Venetians,

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Warranty & Care Guide - wynstan.com.au 1300 667 679
pull the cord to the opposite side, then       2. Most dust can be removed with the
slowly release the cord back into the             soft brush attachment of your vacuum
head box until the blind is in the desired        cleaner. If you do not have one of
position. Then simply pull the cord to the        these brushes, try a cotton sock over
side to lock it into position.                    your hand or a feather duster.
The other set of cords will open and close     3. To remove light marks from the
the blind. They work in opposite directions       slats, Wynstan suggests using a
to each other. Pulling one cord down will         new damp cloth. Avoid excess
fully close the Venetian in one direction,        moisture on the cloth.
while pulling the other cord down will close   4. For stubborn marks, you may need to
it in the opposite direction.                     use a mild cleaning agent. This should
                                                  be tested on a small inconspicuous
Motorised: Please refer to the separate
                                                  area first to ensure the cleaning agent
operating instructions that came with your
                                                  will not damage the blind. Before
remote or app.
                                                  using any cleaning agent, Wynstan
                                                  recommends that you contact your
                                                  local showroom for further advice.
Cleaning of Aluminium Venetians is             5. Do not let rain fall on the blinds. If the
reasonably simple. You can choose to              blinds do get wet, they should be dried
do it yourself or have them professionally        immediately.
cleaned. If you decide to clean them
                                               6. In seaside locations, the salt from the
yourself, please follow the instructional
                                                  sea mist should be cleaned off on
guide below:
                                                  a regular basis. Every two weeks is
 1. Venetians should be cleaned on a              recommended.
    regular basis to prevent build up of
    foreign materials.

10 wynstan.com.au | 1300 667 679
Installation Date

Order Number

Customer Name

Site Address

Have Child Safety Devices been fitted to your window coverings?

    Yes         No         N/A

Did the installer give instructions on how these devices work and explain the importance
of these fittings?

    Yes         No

Has the installer explained how to operate and best care for your Wynstan Products?

    Yes         No

Have the terms and conditions of the Wynstan warranty been explained?
    Yes         No

Customer Signature                                         Date

Are there any other suggestions or feedback you have on your Wynstan experience?

Amount Paid                                  Technician Signature
Operation of Vertical Drapes                 Cleaning
At the side of the blind you will find two   Cleaning of Vertical Drapes is reasonably
loops of cords: a synthetic cord and a       simple. You can choose to clean them
beaded cord. By pulling one side of the      yourself or have them professionally
synthetic cord loop, the vertical slats      cleaned. If you decide to clean them
will move sideways along the track.          yourself, please follow the instructional
The beaded cord will open and close          guide below:
the slats. Simply pull on one side of the
                                              1. M
                                                  ost dust can be removed with the
beaded cord loop until you have found
                                                 soft brush attachment of your vacuum
the desired position.
                                                 cleaner. If you do not have one of
Note: Do not move the slats sideways             these brushes, then try a cotton sock
while the blind is in the closed position.       over your hand or a feather duster.
Vertical Drapes are not designed to           2. T
                                                  o remove light marks on the Vertical
be moved while closed. Movement                  Drapes, Wynstan suggests using
while closed may cause damage to the             a new damp cloth. Avoid excess
mechanisms inside the track. Also, if the        moisture on the cloth.
window is open, the verticals must be in
                                              3. F
                                                  or stubborn marks you may need to
the open position to allow air to pass.
                                                 use a mild cleaning agent. This should
                                                 be tested on a small inconspicuous
                                                 area first to ensure the cleaning agent
                                                 will not damage the fabric. Before
                                                 using any cleaning agent, Wynstan
                                                 recommends that you contact your
                                                 local showroom for further advice.
                                              4. If the mark still has not been removed,
                                                  then try removing it with a light rub of
                                                  a rubber or eraser.
                                              5. In the past, some Vertical Drapes
                                                  were washed in baths and washing
                                                  machines. This may clean the slats
                                                  effectively, however it may cause
                                                  damage to the fabric. Wynstan
                                                  does not advise washing the
                                                  Vertical Drapes in this manner.

                                                       wynstan.com.au | 1300 667 679 12
Operation of Vision Blinds                    cleaned. If you decide to clean them
                                              yourself, please follow the instructional
Chain Control: The chain loop can be          guide below:
found at the side of the blind. To raise or
lower the blind simply pull on the side of     1. M
                                                   ost dust can be removed with the
the loop. Once the blind is in the desired        soft brush attachment of your vacuum
position you can let go of the chain.             cleaner. If you do not have one of
                                                  these brushes, try a cotton sock over
Motorised: Please refer to the separate           your hand or feather duster.
operating instructions that came with your
remote or app.                                 2. T
                                                   o remove light marks from the Vision
                                                  Blind, Wynstan suggests using a new
Cleaning                                          damp cloth. Avoid excess moisture on
                                                  the cloth.
Cleaning the Vision Blind is reasonably        3. F
                                                   or stubborn marks, Wynstan
simple. You can choose to clean them              suggests you contact a professional
yourself or have them professionally              cleaning company.

13 wynstan.com.au | 1300 667 679
Operation of Panel Glides                   2. T
                                                o remove light marks on the Panel
                                               Glides, Wynstan suggests using
Wynstan offers one type of control for         a new damp cloth. Avoid excess
Panel Glides:                                  moisture on the cloth.
Wand Control: Find the wand in the          3. F
                                                or stubborn marks, you may need to
middle or at the side of the blind. To         use a mild cleaning agent. This should
open or close the blind, simply pull the       be tested on a small inconspicuous
wand sideways until the panels are in the      area first to ensure the cleaning agent
desired position.                              will not damage the fabric. Before
                                               using any cleaning agent, Wynstan
Cleaning                                       recommends that you contact your
Cleaning of Panel Glides is reasonably         local showroom for further advice.
simple. You can choose to clean them        4. If the mark still has not been removed,
yourself or have them professionally            try removing the mark with a light rub
cleaned. If you decide to clean them            of a rubber or eraser.
yourself, please follow the instructional   5. F
                                                or stubborn marks, Wynstan
guide below:                                   suggests you contact a professional
 1. M
     ost dust can be removed with the         cleaning company.
    soft brush attachment of your
    vacuum cleaner.

                                                     wynstan.com.au | 1300 667 679 14
Operation of                                    Cleaning
Whisper Cellular Blinds
                                                Whisper Cellulars are made of a non-
Wynstan offers four different types of          woven polyester and therefore do not
controls for Whisper Cellulars:                 allow dust to cling, coupled with the
CordLock: To raise the blind, pull on the       regular operation of your blinds which
cord until you have reached the desired         causes most dust to fall off. However, if
height. Then pull the cord to one side to       you choose to clean them yourself or have
lock the blind in place. To lower the blind,    them professionally cleaned, please follow
pull the cord to one side and lower the         the instructional guide below:
blind to the desired position. Pull the cord
                                                 1. Most dust can be removed with the
back to one side to lock it into place.
                                                    soft brush attachment of your vacuum
CordLoop: The cord loop can be found                cleaner. If you do not have one of these
at the side of the blind. The cord will raise       brushes, try a cotton sock over your
and lower the blind. Pull on the cord in            hand or feather duster.
the direction you want the blind to move.
                                                 2. Foreign materials inside the cells of the
CordLoop is supported by a spring which
makes movement of the blind easier.                 blind can be removed with a vacuum
                                                    cleaner placed at the end of the cell.
CordLess: To lower the blind, pull on the        3. To remove light marks from the
bottom of the blind until you reach the
                                                    Whisper Cellular, Wynstan suggests
desired position. To raise the blind, push
                                                    using a new damp cloth. Avoid excess
up on the bottom of the blind until you
                                                    moisture on the cloth.
reach the desired height.
                                                 4. For stubborn marks, Wynstan
Motorised: Please refer to the separate             suggests you contact a professional
operating instructions that came with your          cleaning company.
remote or app.

15 wynstan.com.au | 1300 667 679
Operation of                                   Cleaning
Whisper Sheer Blinds                           Cleaning of Whisper Sheers is reasonably
Wynstan offers two different types of          simple, should choose to clean them
controls for Whisper Sheer Blinds:             yourself or have them professionally
                                               cleaned, please follow the instructional
Cord: The cord loop can be found at            guide below:
the side of the blind. This cord has two
functions. The first is raising and lowering    1. M
                                                    ost dust can be removed with the
the blind. The second is opening and               soft brush attachment of your vacuum
closing the vanes. If you pull on one side         cleaner. If you do not have one of
of the cord loop, the blind will lower. Once       these brushes, try a cotton sock over
it has reached the bottom of the window,           your hand or feather duster.
the blind will stop lowering and the vanes      2. F
                                                    oreign materials inside the cells
will start to open. To close or raise the          of the blind can be removed with a
blind, just pull the other side of the             vacuum cleaner placed at the end of
cord loop. Stop pulling the cord at                the cell.
anytime when you have reached the
                                                3. T
                                                    o remove light marks from the
desired position.
                                                   Whisper Cellular, Wynstan suggests
Motorised: Please refer to the separate            using a new damp cloth. Avoid excess
operating instructions that came with your         moisture on the cloth.
remote or app.                                  4. F
                                                    or stubborn marks, Wynstan
                                                   suggests you contact a professional
                                                   cleaning company.

                                                        wynstan.com.au | 1300 667 679 16
Operation of Awnings
                                                 All the external awning fabrics are
Wynstan offers five different types of
                                                 designed to lock in colour and provide
controls for Awnings:
                                                 easy cleaning for a prolonged life. Mildew
Rope or Tape: can be fed into your home,         growth is not supported by the fabric but
offering internal control via a winding lever.   foreign materials that build up on the fabric
Turn the handle until the awning is in the       can lead to mildew growth.
desired position.
Spring loaded: Spring loaded awnings
can be pulled into a position that locks the     The best way to keep your awning fabric
awning in position. To unlock the awning         looking like new and delay deep vigorous
twist the main bar to cause the awning to        cleaning is to hose off the awning on a
automatically retract.                           monthly basis or when foreign materials
                                                 come into contact with the awning.
Internal Crank/Winch: Wind the lever to
position your awning in the ideal position.      When deeper cleaning is required, you will
                                                 need to use a mild cleaning agent. This
Crank Control: Wind the crank until              should be tested on a small inconspicuous
the awning is in the desired position            area first to ensure the cleaning agent will
and, where possible, fasten the awning           not damage the fabric. Before using any
to the fixings.                                  cleaning agent, Wynstan recommends
Motorised/Automated: Please refer to             that you contact your local showroom for
the separate operating instructions that         further advice.
came with your remote or app.
                                                 Tips for cleaning an Awning:
Please follow the advice below:
                                                  §§ When cleaning the awning use a soft
 1. M
     ake sure that your awnings are                  bristle brush to clean them.
    pulled up when raining.
                                                  §§ Only use cold water.
 2. D
     o not roll up when wet. This will cause
                                                  §§ Air dry when finished.
    damage to the fabric and increase the
    likelihood of mildew growth.                 Warning: Awnings can be installed in
                                                 areas where a ladder is needed to reach
 3. In high winds, roll up your awning. It
                                                 them. Wynstan does not recommend that
     will act as a sail on the side of your
                                                 you clean any awning that is out of your
     wall and could be pulled from the wall
                                                 reach. In this case, Wynstan recommends
     by the wind.
                                                 that you get a professional to clean
                                                 your awnings.

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Operation of Timber & Fauxwood                  Cleaning
Plantation Shutters
                                                Cleaning of Timber and Fauxwood
Take note of the details below to learn         Plantation Shutters is not a difficult
about the operation of shutters.                process. Should you choose to do
Opening the blades                              it yourself or have them cleaned
                                                professionally, please follow these
Clearview System: These will open by            instructions:
twisting the slats. You should do this by
using both hands so that an equal amount         1. Shutters should be cleaned on a
of force is placed on the top and bottom of         regular basis to prevent build up of
the blades you are trying to open.                  foreign materials.
                                                 2. Most dust can be removed with the
Centre Tilt Bar: Move the Centre Tilt Bar
                                                    soft brush attachment of your vacuum
in the direction you wish the blades to move.
                                                    cleaner. If you do not have one of
Opening Your Plantation Shutters                    these brushes, try a cotton sock over
                                                    your hand or a feather duster.
Note: all shutter blades must be closed
before opening your shutters out.                3. To remove light marks from the
                                                    slats, Wynstan suggests using a
Hinged: With care, pull the shutters open.          new damp cloth. Avoid excess
Use two hands to direct equal force on              moisture on the cloth.
the shutter.
                                                 4. For stubborn marks, you may need to
Bi-Fold: With care, pull the shutter                use a mild cleaning agent. This should
towards you. The shutter will fold up               be tested on a small inconspicuous
against the other shutter next to it.               area first to ensure the cleaning agent
Continue until the shutter is fully open.           will not damage the shutters. Before
                                                    using any cleaning agent, Wynstan
Sliding: With care, slide the shutter to the
                                                    recommends that you contact your
side of the window or door.
                                                    local showroom for further advice.
                                                 5. Do not let rain fall on the shutters.
                                                    If the shutters get wet, they should be
                                                    dried immediately.
                                                 6. In seaside locations, the salt from the
                                                    sea mist should be cleaned off on
                                                    a regular basis. Every two weeks is
                                                 7. To slow the effects of fading from the
                                                    sun, Wynstan recommends that you
                                                    alternate the side of the slats that are
                                                    facing the sun.

                                                           wynstan.com.au | 1300 667 679 18
Operation of Aluminium Shutters                Cleaning
Take note of the details below to learn        Cleaning of Aluminium Shutters is not a
about the operation of shutters.               difficult process. Being outdoors means
                                               you can generally use a hose or bucket to
Opening the blades
                                               soak and rinse the blades with water. After
Clearview System: These will open by           rinsing, apply a mild detergent by mop or
twisting the slats. You should do this by      sponge and rinse off thoroughly and allow
using both hands so that an equal amount       to air dry or use a cloth to remove excess
of force is placed on the top and bottom of    water to avoid streaks.
the blades you are trying to open.
                                               See opposite page for a list of methods
Opening Your Plantation Shutters               for cleaning our Aluminium and Stainless
                                               Steel products. These methods aid in
Note: all shutter blades must be closed
                                               offering you the longest product life
before opening your shutters out.
                                               possible. It is essential that routine
Hinged: With care, pull the shutters open.     maintenance is performed.
Use two hands to direct equal force on
the shutter.
Bi-Fold: With care, pull the shutter
towards you. The shutter will fold up
against the other shutter next to it.
Continue until the shutter is fully open.
Sliding: With care, slide the shutter to the
side of the window or door.

19 wynstan.com.au | 1300 667 679

Cleaning of external Aluminum and               the bottle with water, then with the aid of
Stainless Steel is simple enough, being         a soft sponge, wipe the door or the grille
outdoors also means you can generally           over. Once finished, rinse the door or grille
use a hose or bucket to soak and rinse          with water.
the blades with water. After rinsing, apply
a mild detergent by mop or sponge and
rinse off thoroughly and allow to air dry.
Cleaning your doors or grilles is
important, as all mesh acts as a filter,
trapping airborne dirt and salt. These
trapped substances can affect the mesh,
grille or frame of the product causing
corrosion of the paint and metal over
time. Therefore, it is essential that routine
maintenance is performed using the
table below.
To clean the products, Wynstan
recommends that you use a wash and wax
car wash. Add the amount prescribed on

        ENVIRONMENT                      DESCRIPTION               CLEANING INTERVAL
                                   More than 10kms from
             Mild                                                    Every 6 months
                                 beach front or sheltered bay

                                  1km to 10kms from the
          Moderate               beach front, sheltered bay        Every 2 to 3 months
                                     or industrial area

                                  500m to 1km from beach
            Marine                 front, sheltered bay or          Every 2 to 3 weeks
                                       industrial area

                                   Less then 500m from
        Severe Marine            beach front, sheltered bay         Every 1 to 2 weeks
                                     or industrial area

                                                          wynstan.com.au | 1300 667 679 20
wynstan.com.au | 1300 667 679
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