Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King

Page created by Miguel Hunt
Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King
Contact GFL with waste collection questions
1-866-421-5625 | wasteline@gflenv.com

2022                           Waste Collection Calendar
                               Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste
Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King
Waste Collection                                                       What’s Inside
                                Calendar 2022                                                          Approved Recycling/Garbage Containers ..............................4
                                                                                                       Battery Disposal ....................................................................4
                                On behalf of Township of King Council, I am pleased to welcome         Bulky Item Pickup (furniture, carpets, toilets etc.) ...............15
                                you to the 2022 Waste Collection Calendar. This calendar is full of    Cell Phone Recycling .............................................................4
                                important information about our waste collection program, along        Christmas Trees ...............................................................5, 16
                                with tips on being more environmentally responsible.                   Collection Map......................................................................2
                                King Township is well known for its rural character, rolling hills,    Construction / Demolition Waste...........................................3
                                extensive tree canopy and being home to more than 60 per cent          Curbside Collection Reminders..............................................1
                                of the Holland Marsh.
                                                                                                       Electronic Waste..................................................................13
Important                       We never take our green spaces for granted. We’re constantly           Fats & Oil Disposal ..............................................................14
Calendar disclaimer:            looking for ways to ensure our environment is sustainable and
                                                                                                       Garbage Tags Purchase .........................................................1
Due to the ongoing and          protected for future generations to enjoy.
                                                                                                       Green Bin Sorting Guide........................................................6
quickly changing nature         We have made significant strides by declaring a climate emergency.
of the COVID-19 pandemic,                                                                              Household Hazardous Waste (paint, solvents, etc.) .........7, 13
                                This declaration was made to help deepen our commitment to
information in this             leading in the environmental and climate change field. Out of that     Lyme Disease.......................................................................10
calendar may by outdated,       declaration came our new Climate Change Action Plan.                   Mayors Message ...................................................................1
particularly our regularly
                                This plan aims to provide a framework of future priorities, actions,   Metal Item Pickup (appliances, bbq, bed frames etc.) .........15
scheduled Special Events
like Soupfest and the Craft     studies and pilots. To learn more about the plan, please visit         Recycling Guide...................................................................17
Beer and Food Truck Festival.   speaking.king.ca/climate-action-plan.                                  Textile Recycling....................................................................4
For the most up-to-date         We are also refreshing our Integrated Community Sustainability         Tire Recycling ........................................................................3
information on programs         Plan. Adopted by Council in 2012, the plan is corporately led and      Tree Planting .........................................................................9
and services, please visit      community supported. We look to this guiding document whenever         Waste & Recycling Drop-Off Depot Locations .......................3
www.king.ca                     we make decisions that will impact our environment. To learn more      West Nile Virus....................................................................12
For the most up-to-date list    about the plan refresh, please visit speaking.king.ca/ICSP.
of Special Events, please                                                                              Yard Waste ............................................................................8
                                Thanks for doing your part to protect our beautiful Township.          Yard Waste Drop-Off Depot ...................................................3
visit www.king.ca/
communitycalendar                                                                                      New Year – January 2023....................................................16
                                Mayor Steve Pellegrini
                                Township of King
Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King
Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King
Download our new waste app!
Waste Collection Days                                  Recycle Coach (scan the QR code) or go to
                                                       recyclecoach.com for more information and
                                                       weekly reminders.

        Collection Day

                                                                                        HI L R O
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Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King


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Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King
Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King
Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King
Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King
Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King
Visit our website at www.king.ca/onlineservices
January 2022                                                        Have a question?
                                                            Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                                           for online payments and service requests.

     SUNDAY              MONDAY                         TUESDAY                WEDNESDAY                THURSDAY                   FRIDAY         SATURDAY
                                                                                                                                             1   New Year’s Day
                                                  CHRISTMAS TREE COLLECTION IS ON JANUARY 10.
                                                  Remove ALL decorations, nails, tree stands, and plastic tree bags. Please
                                                  note crews will not dig out a tree or climb a snow bank to retrieve one.

2                   3                              4                       5                        6                         7              8

9                   10                             11                      12                       13                        14             15
                    Christmas Tree
                    Collection day
                    Maximum 6’ (1.8 m) -
                    cut in pieces, if necessary

16                  17                             18                      19                       20                        21             22

23                  24                             25                      26                       27                        28             29
30                  31

     Garbage Collection Week                             Green Bin & Blue Box                                Christmas Tree                      Recycling Guide
     BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                           WEEKLY (No Limit)                                   Collection Day                      Inside Back Cover
Don’t know where it goes?
February 2022                                             Have a question?
                                                  Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                           Go to recyclecoach.com to download the FREE Recycle Coach app!

     SUNDAY              MONDAY                 TUESDAY             WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY             FRIDAY                  SATURDAY
                                           1                    2                      3                   4                       5

6                   7                      8                    9                     10                   11                      12

13                  14   Valentine’s Day   15                   16                    17                   18                      19

20                  21 Family Day          22                   23                    24                   25                      26
                    Family Day                                                                                                     Repair Café
                    Winterfest                                                                                                     (*see note below)
                    (*see note below)

27                  28
                                           1 in 7 items we put in our blue box does not belong   *Visit www.king.ca/communitycalendar to confirm
                                           there & contaminates the entire waste truck load.      details of all events and for the most up-to-date list   6
                                           Better Blue starts with YOU! www.york.ca/bluebox.      of Special Events.

     Garbage Collection Week                    Green Bin & Blue Box                                                                   Recycling Guide
     BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                  WEEKLY (No Limit)                                                                      Inside Back Cover
Building a pool this summer. Get your Pool Permit
March 2022                                                        Have a question?
                                                          Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                             Application submitted. www.king.ca/poolpermit

     SUNDAY                      MONDAY                 TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY       THURSDAY              FRIDAY                 SATURDAY
                            Purchase garbage,      1                   2               3                   4                       5
                            metal, or bulky item
                            tags online. Visit

6                           7                      8                   9               10                  11                      12
                                                                                                                                   Cold Creek
                                                                                                                                   Maple Syrupfest
                                                                                                                                   (*see note below)

13 DST begins               14                     15                  16              17 St. Patrick’s Day 18                     19
     (turn clocks forward
     one hour at bedtime)

20                          21                     22                  23              24                  25                      26 Earth Hour
First day of Spring                                                                                                                     8:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

27                          28                     29                  30              31
                                                                                                            *Visit www.king.ca/communitycalendar
                                     Week                                                                   to confirm details of all events and for the        7
                                     Beginning                                                              most up-to-date list of Special Events.

      Garbage Collection Week                           Green Bin & Blue Box                                                           Recycling Guide
      BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                         WEEKLY (No Limit)                                                              Inside Back Cover
Planning Summer Construction.
April 2022                                                  Have a question?
                                                    Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                               Visit www.king.ca/buildingpermits

      SUNDAY                MONDAY               TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY             THURSDAY           FRIDAY                SATURDAY
                                                                 Grasscycling can                       1                     2
                                                                 help your lawn
    *Visit www.king.ca/communitycalendar for more information
                                                                 choke out weeds by
    and to confirm details of all events.
                                                                 denying them the
                                                                 light and air.
3                      4                    5                   6                     7                 8                     9

10                     11                   12                  13                    14                15   Good Friday      16
                                                                                                         NO SERVICE
                                                                                                         Collection one day
                                                                                                         later this week.

17 Easter Sunday       18 Easter Monday 19                      20                    21                22 Earth Day          23  King Clean-Up
                                                                                                                              Curbside Giveaway
                                                                                                                              Day (*see note above)
                                                                        Earth Week (April 18-24)
24                     25                   26                  27                    28                29                    30
                                                                                                                              Repair Café
                                                                                                                              (*see note above)       8

     Earth Week
       Garbage Collection Week                   Green Bin & Blue Box                           Yard Waste                        Recycling Guide
       BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                 WEEKLY (No Limit)                              Collection                        Inside Back Cover
Visit our website at www.king.ca/onlineservices
May 2022                                                   Have a question?
                                                   Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                             for online payments and service requests.

     SUNDAY                  MONDAY              TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY             THURSDAY                FRIDAY               SATURDAY
1                       2                   3                   4                     5                     6                      7   Spring Indoor
                                                                                                                                   Community Yard Sale
                                                                                                                                   & Community
                                                                                                                                   Electronic Recycling
                                                                                                                                   (*see note below)
                                                            Youth Week (May 1-7)
8    Mother’s Day       9                   10                  11                    12                    13                    14

15                      16                  17                  18                    19                    20                    21 Schomberg Fair
                                                                                      Schomberg Fair        Schomberg Fair              (*see note below)
                                                                                      (*see note below)     (*see note below)     Curbside
                                                                                                                                  Giveaway Day
                                                                                                                                  (*see note below)
22                      23   Victoria Day   24                  25                    26                    27                    28
    Schomberg Fair      Nobleton Victoria
    (*see note below)   Day Fair
                        (*see note below)

29                      30                  31                   *Visit www.king.ca/communitycalendar to confirm details of all events and for the
                                                                  most up-to-date list of Special Events.
                                                                 *REMINDER: For the most up-to-date information on programs and services, please            9
                                                                  visit www.king.ca

      Garbage Collection Week                    Green Bin & Blue Box                                Yard Waste                        Recycling Guide
      BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                  WEEKLY (No Limit)                                   Collection                        Inside Back Cover
Don’t know where it goes?
June 2022                                                        Have a question?
                                                         Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                  Go to recyclecoach.com to download the FREE Recycle Coach app!

     SUNDAY                  MONDAY                  TUESDAY               WEDNESDAY        THURSDAY             FRIDAY                SATURDAY
                                                Purchase garbage,      1                2                   3                     4
*Visit www.king.ca/communitycalendar            metal, or bulky item                                                              Community
 to confirm details of all events and for the   tags online. Visit                                                                Pollinator Planting
 most up-to-date list of Special Events.        www.king.ca/                                                                      (*see note above)
5                       6                       7                      8                9                   10                    11
                                                                                                                                  King City Craft Beer
                                                                                                                                  & Food Truck Festival
                                                                                                                                  (*see note above)

12                      13                      14                     15               16                  17                    18
                                                                                                                                  Giveaway Day
                                                                                                                                  (*see note above)

19   Father’s Day       20                      21   First day of      22               23                  24                    25
                                                                                                                                  King Classic
                                                                                                                                  (*see note above)

                                                                    National Pollinator Week (June 20-26)
26                      27                      28                     29               30                  Broken or damaged green or blue bins?
King Classic                                                                                                Contact GFL directly at 1-866-421-5625
(*see note above)                                                                                           to arrange for replacement right at your      10
                                                                                                            door! Bins must have a visible logo for

     Garbage Collection Week                          Green Bin & Blue Box                          Yard Waste                        Recycling Guide
     BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                        WEEKLY (No Limit)                             Collection                        Inside Back Cover
                                        in 9 different

Download the FREE waste and recycling app:

     Personalized collection schedule
     Waste collection reminders
     Customized notifications
     “What Goes Where” search tool
     Report-a-problem feature

Download the app today!
Visit our website at www.king.ca/onlineservices
July 2022                                                    Have a question?
                                                     Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                                  for online payments and service requests.

     SUNDAY               MONDAY                  TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY                FRIDAY               SATURDAY
                                                                                                                 1   Canada Day       2
                        *Visit www.king.ca/communitycalendar to confirm details of all events and for the
                         most up-to-date list of Special Events.                                                 NO SERVICE
                                                                                                                 Collection one day
                        For the most up-to-date information on programs and services, please visit www.king.ca   later this week.

3                   4                        5                     6                      7                      8                    9

10                  11                       12                    13                     14                     15                   16

17                  18                       19                    20                     21                     22                   23
                                                                                                                                      Giveaway Day
                                                                                                                                      (*see note above)

24                  25                       26                    27                     28                     29                   30

     Garbage Collection Week                      Green Bin & Blue Box                                   Yard Waste                       Recycling Guide
     BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                    WEEKLY (No Limit)                                      Collection                       Inside Back Cover
Don’t know where it goes?
August 2022                                               Have a question?
                                                  Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                           Go to recyclecoach.com to download the FREE Recycle Coach app!

     SUNDAY                 MONDAY              TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY         THURSDAY                 FRIDAY                  SATURDAY
Purchase garbage,      1   Civic Holiday   2                   3                 4                       5                       6
metal, or bulky item
tags online. Visit

7                      8                   9                   10                11                      12                      13

14                     15                  16                  17                18                      19                      20
                                                                                                                                 Giveaway Day
                                                                                                                                 (*see note below)

21                     22                  23                  24                25                      26                      27

28                     29                  30                  31
                                                                                  *Visit www.king.ca/communitycalendar
                                                                                   to confirm details of all events and for                              12
                                                                                   the most up-to-date list of Special Events.

     Garbage Collection Week                    Green Bin & Blue Box                           Yard Waste                            Recycling Guide
     BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                  WEEKLY (No Limit)                              Collection                            Inside Back Cover
Visit our website at www.king.ca/onlineservices
September 2022                                                    Have a question?
                                                          Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.                   for online payments and service requests.

       SUNDAY                  MONDAY               TUESDAY               WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY            FRIDAY                SATURDAY
    Going back to school? Use reusable                                                        1                 2                      3
    containers for meals; carpool or bike      *Visit www.king.ca/communitycalendar
    rather than driving; reuse binders and      to confirm details of all events and for
    school supplies. In addition, never idle    the most up-to-date list of Special Events.
    in a school zone to protect young lungs.

4                         5    Labour Day      6                      7                       8                 9                      10

11                        12                   13                     14                      15                16                     17
                                                                                                                                       Giveaway Day
                                                                                                                                       (*see note below)

18                        19                   20                     21                      22                23                     24
                                                                      First day of Fall

25                        26                   27                     28                      29                30    National Day
                                                                                                                      for Truth and

       Garbage Collection Week                      Green Bin & Blue Box                                 Yard Waste                        Recycling Guide
       BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                    WEEKLY (No Limit)                                    Collection                        Inside Back Cover
Don’t know where it goes?
October 2022                                                  Have a question?
                                                      Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                      Go to recyclecoach.com to download the FREE Recycle Coach app!

     SUNDAY                 MONDAY                 TUESDAY             WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY                FRIDAY                   SATURDAY
             Pumpkins, straw, cornstalks and leaves are                                                                                 1
             collected with yard waste. Please do not put
                                                                    *Visit www.king.ca/communitycalendar to confirm details of          Holland Marsh
             these materials in the garbage.
                                                                    all events and for the most up-to-date list of Special Events.      Soupfest
             Spread shredded leaves and grass clippings on                                                                              (*see note to the left)
             your lawn to boost nutrients and water retention.
2                      3                      4                    5                      6                      7                      8

9                      10   Thanksgiving      11                   12                     13                     14                     15

16                     17                     18                   19                     20                     21 Haunting on King Road
                                                                                                                    (*see note above)
                                                                                                                                        Giveaway Day
                                                                                                                                        (*see note above)
                                                                 Waste Reduction Week (October 17-23)
23                     24   Municipal         25                   26                     27                     28                     29
Waste Reduction Week        Election Day
30                     31   Halloween

     Garbage Collection Week                       Green Bin & Blue Box                                 Yard Waste                          Recycling Guide
     BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                     WEEKLY (No Limit)                                    Collection                          Inside Back Cover
Visit our website at www.king.ca/onlineservices
November 2022                                               Have a question?
                                                    Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                      for online payments and service requests.

     SUNDAY              MONDAY                 TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY       THURSDAY              FRIDAY                  SATURDAY
Broken or damaged green or blue bins?      1                   2               3                    4                       5
Contact GFL directly at 1-866-421-5625                                                                                      DST ends
to arrange for replacement right at your                                                                                    (turn clocks back
                                                                                                                            one hour at bedtime)
door! Bins must have a visible logo for
6                   7                      8                   9               10                   11   Remembrance        12

13                  14                     15                  16              17                   18                      19

20                  21                     22                  23              24                   25                      26

27                  28                     29                  30                      Please refrain from blowing fallen leaves into the street.
                                                                                       Leaves and other debris can build up and interfere with
                                                                                       storm water drainage. Alternatively, you can:
                                                                                        • sweep or blow your leaves for collection and bagging      15
                                                                                        • rake or blow leaves into a compost pile where they
                                                                                          can decompose and act as a natural fertilizer
     Garbage Collection Week                    Green Bin & Blue Box                       Yard Waste                           Recycling Guide
     BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                  WEEKLY (No Limit)                          Collection                           Inside Back Cover
Don’t know where it goes?
December 2022                                                   Have a question?
                                                        Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                 Go to recyclecoach.com to download the FREE Recycle Coach app!

     SUNDAY                  MONDAY                 TUESDAY               WEDNESDAY             THURSDAY         FRIDAY                 SATURDAY
 Try giving waste-friendly        *REMINDER: Visit www.king.ca/       HAPPY HOLIDAYS!       1               2                      3
 gifts this year. You can wrap    communitycalendar to confirm        Best wishes for a                                            Main Street
                                  details of all events and for the   safe and happy                                               Christmas,
 gifts using reusable materials
                                  most up-to-date list of Special     holiday season.                                              Schomberg
 like a scarf or gift bag.        Events.                                                                                          (*see note to the left)
4                       5                      6                      7                     8               9                      10
Nobleton Tree
(*see note above)

11                      12                     13                     14                    15              16                     17

18                      19                     20                     21                    22              23                     24
                                                                      First day of Winter

25   Christmas Day      26   Boxing Day        27                     28                    29              30                     31

     Garbage Collection Week                        Green Bin & Blue Box                                                               Recycling Guide
     BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                      WEEKLY (No Limit)                                                                  Inside Back Cover
Have a question?
January 2023                                                  Happy New Year!                                                Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.

     SUNDAY                MONDAY                        TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY        THURSDAY               FRIDAY               SATURDAY
1    New Year’s Day   2                             3                   4                5                     6                    7

8                     9                             10                  11               12                    13                   14
                      Christmas Tree
                      Collection day
                      Maximum 6’ (1.8 m) -
                      cut in pieces, if necessary

15                    16                            17                  18               19                    20                   21

22                    23                            24                  25               26                    27                   28

29                    30                            31
                                                                                   To confirm the 2023 Christmas tree pick up day, please refer to
                                                                                   the 2023 calendar or visit www.king.ca/communitycalendar                 16

      Garbage Collection Week                            Green Bin & Blue Box                     Christmas Tree                        Recycling Guide
      BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                          WEEKLY (No Limit)                        Collection Day                        Inside Back Cover
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