Biffa plc - Business Overview and Investment Case - March 2019

Page created by Pedro Stevens
Biffa plc - Business Overview and Investment Case - March 2019
Biffa plc – Business Overview and Investment Case

March 2019
Biffa plc - Business Overview and Investment Case - March 2019
Who Are We
Biffa plc - Business Overview and Investment Case - March 2019
The UK’s Leading Waste Management Business

1912       Net revenue
                           EBITDA FY18
                                              Operating across

                                              195+ 2,700

Biffa                                                            Front-line
formed     £978m £150m                        locations
                                              nationwide         vehicles

2016       Over
           75,000 10.9m
                                              Leading Over
Floated                    waste collected,
                                              performance in
on LSE
                           processed or
           I&C customers                      the waste sector
                           landfilled p.a.

Biffa plc - Business Overview and Investment Case - March 2019
What We Do

                                                                                   Biffa operations
                                                                                   Planned future operations
                                                                                   Biffa has no or limited operations

Collection                                        Waste incineration

                                                                               RDF = Refuse Derived Fuel
                                           Mech. and Bio. Treatment (MBT)
 Municipal/       3rd party
 household                                        RDF preparation
   waste                                                                            End products

                                          Materials Recycling Facility (MRF)

Industrial and    Transfer                                                           Commodities
                                                 Recyclate recovery
 Commercial      and bulking
 (I&C) waste      of waste                                                              Energy
                                Organic       Anaerobic Digestion (AD)
Construction                                                                              Gas
                                          Soil Treatment & Composting (STC)
                                             Treatment of hazardous waste
(C&D) waste
                                               Processing of C&D waste                Aggregates

                                                Landfill disposal

Biffa plc - Business Overview and Investment Case - March 2019
How We Are Organised

      Industrial &                                          Resource Recovery
                                     Municipal                                                    Energy
      Commercial                                               & Treatment
   Waste collection and          Household waste and            Waste processing          Infrastructure including
    related services to           recycling collections,         and disposal            Landfill Gas, AD and MBT
industrial and commercial      street cleansing and other                                        technology
        customers                        services

   FY18 Net Revenue:           FY18 Net Revenue:           FY18 Net Revenue:           FY18 Net Revenue:
    £574.0m                      £194.7m                      £121.3m                      £87.7m
   FY18 Underlying             FY18 Underlying             FY18 Underlying             FY18 Underlying
    Operating Profit: £48.1m     Operating Profit: £8.7m      Operating Profit: £13.7m     Operating Profit: £28.1m

   c. 3,200 employees          c. 3,600 employees          c. 600 employees            c.150 employees
   74,000 customers            34 municipal contracts      3.1m tonnes landfilled      34 landfill gas locations
   Over 95% UK postcode        2.3m households served       annually                    80.4 MW installed
    coverage                                                 5 fully automated MRFs       capacity

Biffa plc - Business Overview and Investment Case - March 2019
Market Dynamics &
Biffa’s Positioning
Biffa plc - Business Overview and Investment Case - March 2019
UK Waste Market – and Biffa’s Positioning

 Fragmented I&C collection market undergoing         Biffa #1 with 10+% market share – natural
  much-needed consolidation                             consolidator with proven track record

 £1bn investment needed in UK recycling in the       Biffa has established capabilities in all areas of
  next decade to meet Govt targets                      recycling and benefits from control of material
                                                        feedstock through collection operations. Recent
                                                        projects include PET bottle recycling facility

 Insufficient Energy from Waste infrastructure.
  Significant and persisting under-capacity           Biffa partnership with leading US EfW developer
  (currently c.13m tonnes p.a.)                         Covanta to develop two much needed facilities
                                                        with a capacity of 350ktpa

 Ongoing need for landfill disposal - shortage of
  well-engineered, well located sites                 Biffa has over 10% market share across 9 open

 UK shortage of reliable low-carbon energy
  supply                                              Existing Biffa Landfill Gas operations (c. 380
                                                        GWh p.a.) and new Energy from Waste
                                                        infrastructure planned

Biffa plc - Business Overview and Investment Case - March 2019
UK Waste Market – Resources & Waste Strategy Highlights

 UK signed up to EU Circular Economy recycling      Established infrastructure well placed to deal with
  targets of 65% by 2035 – requires a 50%              increased recycling and domestic reprocessing
  increase in recycling from current levels            demands

 Commitment to mandatory food waste/biowaste        Will require more collections for separate food
  collections in line with EU law by 2023              waste (Municipal and I&C) and will stimulate
                                                       investment in AD plants – where Biffa has a

 Tax on plastic with
Strategic Priorities
and Delivery
Strategic Goals

                      Drive organic growth through leveraging Biffa’s established brand,
                       reputation and breadth of service offering
    Grow market
     presence         Pursue synergistic acquisitions to leverage operational platform

                      Leverage control of waste streams and expertise to invest in waste
       Develop         processing, recycling and energy recovery assets
     services and
                      Expand service offering to meet increasingly complex needs of
    infrastructure     customers

                      Drive value from existing operations through efficient business
      Optimise         operations
    systems and
                      Further investment to improve efficiency of operations and enhance
                       customer experience

Grow Market Presence – I&C Organic Growth

 High profile customer wins and extensions during H1 2019 across a broad range of sectors

  Key contract wins:

  Key contract renewals:

 Growth of partnership model – embedding our proposition into our customers’ operations

                  On track to deliver a record level of new business this year
Grow Market Presence – I&C Acquisitions

     Another period of strong acquisition growth:
            4 acquisitions completed in H1 2019 – investment of £20m
            1 small acquisition completed since H1 2019
            All acquisitions in I&C and with good geographic spread
     Integration and synergy delivery progressing well
     Financing and internal resources in place to facilitate delivery of M&A strategy
     Pipeline remains strong

                                                                     Cash plus
             Acquired business                          Location      net debt
1     London Recycling Limited*                      London             0.1      April 2018

2     Bisset Waste Management Limited*               Scotland           0.3      July 2018

3     Weir Waste Services Limited                    West Midlands      16.1     August 2018

4     H&A Recycling Limited*                         Cornwall           3.5      August 2018

5     Kier Group Companies * **                      East Sussex /      1.1      October 2018
      * Trade and assets purchased ** Completed after H1 FY19

                                  We continue to deliver against our I&C acquisition strategy
Develop Services and Infrastructure – Energy from Waste
                                                       30                    UK Residual Waste Treatment Gap (Mtpa)
A Compelling Investment Opportunity
 Proven capacity gap                                       13.6                    7.1                    5.9                         5.9

 Tightening European market
 Strong investor and lender appetite, providing the
  right technology is chosen                           10

 Biffa’s increasing control of feedstock makes this    5

  even more compelling (Weir acquisition adds           0
  c.30kt)                                                   2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

                                                                       RDF Export                    Existing EfW Capacity
 Strengthened central government support for EfW
                                                                       Expected EfW Capacity         Residual waste suitable for EfW

                                                            Source: Reality Gap report

Status of Projects                                                         Indicative investment metrics (per site)
 EPC and funding processes nearing completion              Capital cost                                         £260m - £270m

 Both Newhurst (Leicestershire) and Protos                 Capacity                                                350ktpa
  (Cheshire) sites permit applications progressing          Biffa’s share of equity                                   50%
  well                                                      Biffa’s equity contribution                          £33m – £41m
 Financial case compelling                                 Leverage                                                70-75%

 Financial close on both projects expected in H1           Equity IRR                                        Mid to high teens
  2019                                                      Biffa’s tonnage commitment                               c.70%

                            An increasingly compelling investment opportunity
Develop Services and Infrastructure – PET Recycling

 Biffa has a significant opportunity in plastic recycling:
       Proven operational credentials – past success in PP and
       Trusted relationships with major international plastic
        packaging groups
       Control of significant feedstock

 A supportive policy and market context exists:
       UK Govt Budget announcement to tax plastic with
Optimise Systems and Processes

                          Ongoing roll-out of on-board technology
  Optimising fleet
    operations            Double and triple shifting of vehicles

                          Includes frontline operations; back office;     
Delivering acquisition     procurement; internalisation
      synergies           All acquisitions on track to deliver targeted

                          Leicester contract performance
     Stabilising           improvement on track (Energy Division)
challenged contracts      Municipal under-performing contracts
                           turnaround plan in progress

 Responding to the        New products and end markets established
 changing recycling       Aldridge plant modifications complete
      market              Revised terms with local authorities agreed

     Maximising           Biffa Polymers HDPE – record throughputs
  production yields       Best in class Land Fill Gas operations

Biffa – a compelling investment opportunity

Biffa offers the opportunity to invest in a leading national operator with a strong track record
of delivery in a growing, changing industry

    Leading platform and brand with competitive positions in key markets

    Track record of profitable growth and strategic delivery

    Structural growth drivers in recycling and energy from waste underpinned
     by new government strategy

    Compelling case for market consolidation in core I&C collections space

    Stable defensible business model with limited risk of disruption

Five Year Performance Summary

    £m                                            2018A       2017A        2016A         2015A         2014A
    Statutory revenue                              1,077         990           928           878          860
    Net revenue                                      978         899           830           771          705
     % net revenue growth                           8.8%       8.3%          7.7%          9.4%            NM
    Underlying EBITDA                                150         138           122           105               97
     % margin                                     13.9%       13.9%         13.2%        12.0%          11.3%
    Underlying Operating Profit                        81         74            63            49               34
     % margin                                       7.5%       7.5%          6.7%          5.6%          3.9%
    Underlying FCF                                     44         29            36              4              (4)
    Leverage (uEBITDA / net debt)                    1.9x       1.8x           n/a           n/a           n/a
    Tonnes collected (kTns)                        4,124       3,769         3,603        3,475         3,322
    Tonnes processed (kTns)                        3,693       3,265         3,054        2,904         2,344
    Tonnes landfilled (kTns)                       3,118       2,790         2,800        2,592         3,335
    Energy generation (GWh)                          476         512           530           559          574
   Note: For financial and non-financial definitions see pages 26 and 27 of the H1 FY19 results presentation

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