We Are Divine Mercy APRIL 19, 2020

Page created by Wayne Salinas
We Are Divine Mercy APRIL 19, 2020

                 We Are Divine Mercy

See inside for more information regarding Streaming Masses
We Are Divine Mercy APRIL 19, 2020
Given our new reality, the only way we can truly communicate with our
parishioners is through email, our website and social media. We have been
sending out important information you need to know, so if you’re not receiving
our e-blasts, you need to get on our mailing list. They are also mobile-phone-
friendly now, so please check them out! Please send Carol Brown your email
address, and she’ll get you connected. You can email her at
clbrown@divinemercynorthshore.org or call our temporary office number:
847-881-6664. THANK YOU!

GLIMMERS OF JOY & HOPE                      hands are the artists. It looks that   -work spread the Good News that
In reflecting on these days, the            way to me.                             nothing can separate us from the love
opening line of Charles Dicken’s A                                                 of God in Christ and Christ’s healing,
Tale of Two Cities comes to mind: “It       It’s great to see.                     hopeful message of new life, a life
was the best of times, it was the                                                    even beyond pain, suffering and
worst of times, it was the age of                                                    death.
wisdom, it was the age of
foolishness, it was the epoch of                                                     We believe it. Let our homes
belief, it was the epoch of                                                          radiate it in every form possible.
incredulity, it was the season of                                                    That’s how we will spread Good
Light, it was the season of                                                          News and be evangelizers!
Darkness, it was the spring of
hope, it was the winter of
despair. . .”                                                                        OUR FEAST DAY
                                                                                     One of the reasons why the name
Perhaps the contrasts are not                                                        of our new parish was so attractive
quite as absolute as that, but you                                                   to the naming committee is that it
get my drift. “Best and worst”                                                       comes with a built in patronal feast,
qualifies as a description for these                                               the Second Sunday of Easter is also
challenging days.                           I also have enjoyed seeing all the     called “Divine Mercy Sunday.” Saint
                                            teddy bears in windows, unicorns,      Pope John Paul II designated it as
I have to admit, there are times            and pictures of Easter eggs.           such on April 30, 2000.
during the day (actually, in the            Those kinds of things are also great
evening when the day is done, I’m           to see.                                It will be difficult for us since we
not busy in the office and darkness                                                cannot come together in church on
has fallen) when I’m a bit down. Who        I’d go so far as to say that these     this day, which is our patronal feast
wouldn’t be?                                signs, artwork and displays are        day. But we will be together online
                                            forms of evangelization, for what is   for Mass.
That’s when I have to remind myself         evangelization but spreading the
that we’re all in this together, there      Good News! I know that teddy           We can also be united by our prayers.
are a ton of heroics in evidence by         bears are not referenced in the New    Read the Divine Mercy chaplet on
healthcare workers and other                Testament. For that matter, neither    page 5 and 6 of this bulletin. You can
workers, and even young kids are            are Easter eggs. And that’s OK. The    say it individually, or recite the
stepping up to make life bearable           New Testament has plenty to say        chaplet as a family.
and even joyful.                            about resurrection and that amazing
                                            reality, in turn, comforts us          We can also continue to decorate the
In my walks through the different           especially in these tough times (and   outside of our homes to spread good
neighborhoods around Sacred Heart           teddy bears represent nothing but      cheer and joy. Include our Divine
church where I live, I am delighted         comfort). Decorated and colorful       Mercy heart logo, too!
and heartened by the many signs of          eggs have long been associated with
joy and hope. Looking at the                the Easter message of resurrection.    Our priests and volunteer ministers
artwork displayed in family homes or                                               also continue to make phone calls to
chalked on the sidewalks, I’m               Let the teddy bears, Easter egg        parishioners and check up on them.
thinking that younger hearts and            pictures and other artwork and chalk   Our staff works from home and holds
We Are Divine Mercy APRIL 19, 2020
regular Zoom meetings. The Senior         happen. We appreciate the emails of       parish as well. We initiated efforts to
Leadership Team does the same as it       thanks that some of you have shared.      collect supplies on behalf of three
puts some finishing touches on a much     At the same time, we have heard           charitable organizations, and were
needed roll out of a Mass schedule        your feedback and concerns                able to make donations them during
change.                                   regarding the audio quality.
                                          Unfortunately, we have experienced
Thank you to all of you who are giving    technical difficulties with our hard-
of your time, energy and treasure to      wired equipment that are causing
further the work of God’s mercy in the    frustration, and we acknowledge that
world!                                    our audio quality must be improved.
                                          We are awaiting expedited delivery
Given the shelter in place order, the     of new equipment to
mission of our parish goes forward        make that happen,
even as the methods change in order       despite shipping
to accomplish that mission. Where         restrictions that are out
there is a will, there is a way: making   of our control.
disciples, building church, serving       Additionally, the new                               the first week.
others.                                   equipment is not yet                                Unfortunately, due to safety
                                          available and the                                   concerns, we were forced to
                                          installation will be a bit                          redirect our efforts. While
                                          tricky due to COVID-19                              we encourage you to
WHAT’S HAPPENING AT                       safety concerns. We                                 continue to set aside items to
DIVINE MERCY?                             thank you for your                                  donate in the future, we’ve
First, we continue to pray for your       patience and                                        encouraged parishioners to
health and safety during this             persistence in                                      make direct donations to
extraordinary time in our lives. The      continuing to worship with us.            these charitable organizations so they
surreal experience of watching the                                                  can continue their important work
COVID-19 pandemic spread                  Father Steve’s Daily Reflections          during this crisis. Note that we will
throughout the world, our country,        While we can no longer celebrate          resume physical collections as soon as
and our own community, is indeed          daily Mass, Father Steve is recording     we are able.
unprecedented and heart wrenching.        daily scripture reflections which are
Since Cardinal Cupich announced the       shared on our website’s homepage.         Further Outreach to Parishioners
suspension of Masses throughout the                                                 Two weeks ago, we developed a
Archdiocese of Chicago exactly one        Love Your Neighbor Program                strategy to reach out to every single
month ago on March 13, as well as         This new program emerged                  family in our parish. Father Steve,
Governor Pritzker’s “Stay at Home”        immediately after the                     Father Dean, Father Mike and Father
order, the reality in which we find       announcements from our Cardinal           Dan, in addition to staff members and
ourselves is one which we could not       and our Governor. We identified           a cadre of nearly 30 volunteers have
have imagined a few short weeks ago.      those in our parish who are elderly,      been making phone calls to every
                                          living alone or in special need so that   parishioner. To date, they have
There is no doubt that our inability to   we could reach out to them and offer      attempted nearly 500 phone calls. In
gather, in person, as a faith             support. Soon thereafter,                 addition, the priests, staff members
community creates unique challenges.      parishioners started calling and          and volunteers are sending emails to
We have made a number of positive         emailing to see how they could help       many parishioners, while a group of
strides to change the ways in which we    others during this time of crisis. We     our young people are writing and
stay connected with you during these      decided to link these groups              sending cards to parishioners. One
past weeks. Here is a glimpse of some     together. This group began to grow        kind soul sent out 30 Easter cards to
of the important work that has been       as more parishioners volunteered to       various people, and 20 parishioners
going at Divine Mercy both behind the     reach out to others, and our list of      have “signed on” to receive weekly
scenes and in our new virtual reality.    those in need increased. Many of          phone call check-ins and/or grocery
                                          these people have been paired up, to      deliveries. That is just a glimpse of all
Streaming Masses                          meet the needs of everyone involved.      the love that is radiating in this parish.
Using Vimeo, we have been able to
livestream Masses since the shutdown      Within days of the creation of Love       Of special note is that many of the
began, and we thank the team who’ve       Your Neighbor, it was extended to         phone calls that have been made
been working tirelessly to make this      include outreach efforts beyond the       reveal the reality in which we are
We Are Divine Mercy APRIL 19, 2020
receive a call and make connections.      Virtual Meetings                          You won’t be disappointed. You can
Some are struggling with the isolation    Even though our offices are closed and    help us increase our reach by sharing
of the “Stay-at-Home” Order, and are      desks are empty, Father Steve, the        these platforms with friends and
grateful to have the opportunity to       other priests, staff members, council     fellow parishioners.
talk to someone. Others are               and board members, and other
overwhelmed while they manage             Archdiocesan constituencies continue      Donations
workloads and homeschooling of            to meet virtually utilizing Zoom,         First and foremost, we are grateful for
children. Others are struggling           Microsoft Teams, and Google               your continued financial support
financially, as they have lost their      Hangouts. These virtual meetings          during these unprecedented times.
jobs, and are thankful for the prayers    include:
and offer of support. We are the Body     • Staff Meetings                          We are thrilled to now have the “Text
of Christ, all loved by the Lord and      • Senior Leadership Team Meetings         to Donate” option within Give Central
deserving of our care and concern.        • Archdiocesan Operations Meetings        and are pleased to see that more
                                          • School Board Meetings                   parishioners are using the text option
(We have noted that some of the           • Children’s Ministry Meetings            and the traditional E-giving options.
former “land line” phone numbers in       • Finance Council Meetings                We hope the recently-released “How
our records are no longer in                                                        to Donate Electronically” video on our
                                          • Alpha Meetings
operation, and in some cases, we                                                    website provides useful guidance.
                                          • Evangelization Meetings,and
have no cell phone contact
                                          • Small Faith Sharing Group
information. If you haven’t heard                                                   We also encourage you to continue to
from us, please send us your contact                                                send checks to the parish office if you
information by emailing                                                             prefer. There is someone who
                                          Sacred Heart School
mwasielewski@divinemercynorthsho                                                    physically goes through the mail once
                                          Through hard work, persistence, and
re.org                                                                              a week for the parish.
                                          thorough planning, Kristen Fink, our
                                          principal, and our talented teachers
New Website                                                                         Our parish staff is blessed to witness
                                          have transitioned to e-learning. While
After months of planning, design                                                    countless acts of kindness each and
                                          undoubtedly challenging for everyone
work and content creation, we                                                       every day. We thank God and you,
                                          (yes, parents, too! or maybe,
launched our new website just as our                                                and wish you God’ s many blessings.
                                          “especially” for parents), our students
physical doors were closing. We
                                          are engaged and happy.
continue to edit, refine and add
information every day to make sure        If you haven’t seen Ms. Fink’s morning
you have access to the most up-to-
                                          assemblies and witnessed her
date information.                         creativity via Facebook, you may want
                                          to become a “facebooker” for that         PRAYER AND WORSHIP
E-blast Communications
                                          reason alone. Of course, the tear-
We have always used Constant
                                          jerker “Thank You” video created by       RESPECT LIFE
Contact to send out weekly e-blasts.
                                          our students (and their parents) is a     That the Mercy of our Risen Savior
This platform is now our primary
                                          strong inducement as well.                may draw all sinners to the fountain of
means of communication. Since
                                          Alternatively, we will be sharing some    repentance, forgiveness, and healing,
March 13, we have sent a total of 22 e-
                                          of these videos via eblast or our         we pray to the Lord.
blast messages. Our contact list
                                          website in the coming weeks.
grows daily as many of you are
reaching out to us via a link on our                                                PRAY CHICAGO: VIRTUAL
                                          Children’s Ministry
website, and we currently have nearly                                               PRAYER GROUPS
                                          Our Children’s Ministry team, under
1,900 contacts. That translates to                                                  During these extraordinary times the
                                          the leadership of Kathy Handelman, is
approximately 34,000 “sends” during                                                 Archdiocese and Divine Mercy Parish
                                          finding creative ways to engage with
this time period with a 40% “open                                                   want to offer ways for people to stay
rate,” which is considered above                                                    connected. All are welcome! Join a
average.                                                                            small prayer group (15 people per
                                          Social Media
                                                                                    group) that will gather weekly for 30-
                                          Check out Divine Mercy on Facebook
Additionally, our e-blasts are now                                                  40 minutes to pray, read and reflect on
mobile-friendly, making it easier for                                               scripture, offer prayer intentions and
                                          divinemercynorthshore), even if you’re
you to stay up to date!                                                             share helpful tips/resources. There are
                                          not a Facebook subscriber and
                                                                                    a variety of dates and times availa-
                                          Instagram (@divinemercynorthshore).
                                                                                    ble. Sign up here as soon as possible.
We Are Divine Mercy APRIL 19, 2020
HAPPY FEAST DAY!                               the devotion are its novena, the         confidence in divine benevolence, the
From U.S. Catholic:                            Chaplet of the Divine Mercy (a series    difficulties and trials that mankind [sic]
What is Divine Mercy Sunday?                   of prayers organized similarly to a      will experience in the years to come.”
When and why did the Church begin              rosary), the Hour of Great Mercy (a
celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday?               time of prayer traditionally             This article first appeared in the May 2011
The world was in the midst of the              celebrated at 3 p.m.), and the plenary   issue of U.S. Catholic (Vol. 76, No. 5, page
                                               indulgence granted to those who          46).
Great Depression in 1931 and the
memories of World War I were still             receive the Eucharist and celebrate
very much alive in the minds of                reconciliation on Divine Mercy
Europeans when in Poland a sister of           Sunday.
                                                                                        DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY
the Congregation of Sisters of Our
Lady of Mercy, Faustina Kowalska               But the road to the universal            VIDEO
(1905-1938), is said to have been              recognition and institutionalization     You can even watch a short video
personally visited by Jesus.                   of the devotion was anything but         about the institution of Divine Mercy
                                               smooth. Since Sister Faustina’s diary,   Sunday on YouTube from Rome
According to her diary, which was              which she claimed Jesus himself had      Reports here:
listed on the Index of Forbidden
Books for more than 20 years, an
image was revealed to her of the risen
Lord, from whose heart shone two
rays, one red (representing blood)
and the other “pale” (symbolizing
water), with the words “Jesus, I trust                                                  https://www.youtube.com/watch?
in you” at the bottom. Faustina wrote
in her diary that Jesus told her, “I
promise that the soul that will
venerate this image will not perish.”
                                                                                        THE DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET
                                                                                        All kinds of information can be found
When she was canonized in 2000                                                          about Divine Mercy Sunday on the
under the direction of fellow                                                           following website:
countryman Pope John Paul II, he                                                        www.thedivinemercy.org, including
proclaimed that the Second Sunday                                                       how to say the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
of Easter would henceforth be known                                                     The Chaplet of Mercy is recited using
as Divine Mercy Sunday, thereby                                                         ordinary rosary beads. The Chaplet is
widely promoting the devotional                asked her to keep, had been              preceded by two opening prayers from
practices associated with Faustina’s           previously listed on the Index of        the Diary of Saint Faustina and
visions, already popular in many               Forbidden Books, it curtailed the        followed by a closing prayer. The
communities.                                   exercise of the devotional practices.    following outlines a guide for all:
                                               Detractors claimed that her writing
St. Faustina, a poorly educated                contained theological errors, while      1. Make the Sign of the Cross
daughter of a humble Polish family,            her defenders attribute mistakes to a    In the name of the Father, and of the
kept a 600-page diary of the                   faulty translation from Polish to        Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
apparitions she claimed continued for          Italian. While the diary is no longer
years. Her entries focus on God’s              on the Index and her canonization        2. Optional Opening Prayers
mercy, the call to accept God’s mercy          has officially put away concerns         You expired, Jesus, but the source of
and to be merciful, the need for               regarding the orthodoxy of her           life gushed forth for souls, and the
conversion, and the call to trust in           writings, critics remain.                ocean of mercy opened up for the
Jesus. It had been Jesus’ own wish,                                                     whole world. O Fount of Life,
she wrote, to establish a feast day:           The celebration of Divine Mercy          unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop
“I [Jesus] desire that the Feast of Mercy      Sunday is an opportunity to reflect      the whole world and empty Yourself
be a refuge and shelter for all souls. . . .   on the theme of how God’s mercy          out upon us.
I am giving them the last hope of              can overcome sin and, as the
salvation; that is, the Feast of My            Congregation for Divine Worship and      (Repeat three times)
Mercy.”                                        the Discipline of the Sacraments         O Blood and Water, which gushed
                                               states, “a perennial invitation to the   forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount
Among the practices associated with            Christian world to face, with            of mercy for us, I trust in You!
We Are Divine Mercy APRIL 19, 2020
3. Our Father                               9. Conclude with Holy God (Repeat             confidence submit ourselves to Your
Our Father, Who art in heaven,              three times)                                  holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself.
hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom           Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy
come; Thy will be done on earth as it is    Immortal One, have mercy on us and
in heaven. Give us this day our daily       on the whole world.
bread; and forgive us our trespasses as
we forgive those who trespass against       10. Optional Closing Prayer
us; and lead us not into temptation,        Eternal God, in whom mercy is
but deliver us from evil, Amen.             endless and the treasury of
                                            compassion — inexhaustible, look
4. Hail Mary                                kindly upon us and increase Your
Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is       mercy in us, that in difficult moments
with thee. Blessed art thou amongst         we might not despair nor become
women, and blessed is the fruit of thy      despondent, but with great
womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of
God, pray for us sinners, now and at
the hour of our death, Amen.
                                           THE NOVENA OF CHAPLETS
5. The Apostles’ Creed                     A novena is typically nine days of prayer. At the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy,
I believe in God, the Father almighty,     the Chaplet is recited perpetually at the three o'clock hour. The Chaplet can be said
Creator of heaven and earth, and in        anytime, but the Lord specifically asked that it be recited as a novena. He promised,
Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,      "By this Novena (of Chaplets), I will grant every possible grace to souls."
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary, suffered
under Pontius Pilate, was crucified,
                                           For each of the nine days, our Lord gave Saint Faustina a different intention:
died and was buried; He descended
                                           All mankind, especially sinners; the souls of priests and religious; all devout and faith-
into hell; on the third day He rose
                                           ful souls; those who do not believe in God and those who do not yet know Jesus; the
again from the dead; He ascended into
                                           souls who have separated themselves from the Church; the meek and humble souls
heaven, and is seated at the right hand
                                           and the souls of little children; the souls who especially venerate and glorify His mer-
of God the Father almighty; from
                                           cy; the souls detained in purgatory; and souls who have become lukewarm.
there He will come to judge the living
and the dead. I believe in the Holy
                                           "I desire that during these nine days you bring souls to the fountain of My mercy, that
Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the
                                           they may draw therefrom strength and refreshment and whatever grace they have
communion of saints, the forgiveness
                                           need of in the hardships of life, and especially at the hour of death" (Diary, 1209).
of sins, the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting. Amen.
                                           SCHEDULE FOR MASSES                                   television/broadcast-masses
6. The Eternal Father                      Tune into our website                            2) Daily Mass from Loyola Academy
Eternal Father, I offer you the Body       www.divinemercynorthshore.org to                 at 8:00 a.m. VISIT: https://
and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your       view the links for our streaming Mass            www.goramblers.org/daily-mass, and
Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus        on Saturdays at 5:00 p.m. We hope                scroll down to Daily Mass.
Christ, in atonement for our sins and      you’ll join us for our weekly liturgy.           3) Daily Mass with Bishop Barron
those of the whole world.                  You will be able to watch the Mass               videos are posted on the Word on Fire
                                           anytime after 5:00 p.m. on Saturday,             website each day at 8:15 a.m. EST.
7. On the 10 Small Beads of Each           as it will be recorded.                          VISIT: https://www.wordonfire.org/
For the sake of His sorrowful Passion,     WEEKDAY MASS OPTIONS
have mercy on us and on the whole
                                           Parishioners have several options                CHURCH & OFFICE HOURS
                                           from which to choose. Here are three             Our Churches and Offices are closed
                                           we recommend at this time.                       for the time being, but you can
8. Repeat for the remaining decades
                                           1) Daily Mass at 10:00 a.m. from St.             contact all staff members via email, or
Saying the "Eternal Father" (6) on the
                                               James Chapel from the                        call our TEMPORARY OFFICE
"Our Father" bead and then 10 "For
                                               Archdiocesan offices in Chicago.             NUMBER: 847-881-6664.
the sake of His sorrowful Passion" (7)
                                               VISIT: https://                              You can find our email addresses in
on the following "Hail Mary" beads.
                                               radiotv.archchicago.org/                     the back of the bulletin.
We Are Divine Mercy APRIL 19, 2020
COMMUNITY                                  OUTREACH



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EASTER DONATIONS                           Last year, for example, we received       continued generous support of our
During this Easter season, we              just over $90,000 in collection income    parish during this time. Please
encourage you to either mail in your       for Easter. Of that total, only $3,200,   prayerfully consider an Easter gift to
donations or donate via Give Central       or 3.5%, was donated electronically.      Divine Mercy parish.
through this link:                         This year, we again set an Easter
https://www.givecentral.org/               budget of $90,000 based on prior          You can also mail checks to our main
location/205/event/4265                    giving patterns, and obviously well       parish office: Divine Mercy Parish, 1077
As you might imagine, Easter provides      before this current crisis. If you are    Tower Road, Winnetka, IL 60093.
Divine Mercy with significant offertory    able, we are grateful for your            Thank you!
income. And rest assure that the Give
Central site is safe and secure.
                                           FINANCES AT A GLANCE AS OF APRIL 12, 2020
                                           (Combined St. Philip the Apostle/ Sacred Heart Church Sites )
                                           YTD 2019-2020 Sunday Collection            $802,996
                                           (Online this week $5,271)
                                           (Received in the mail $8,486)
                                           YTD 2018-2019 Sunday Collection                     $869,203

                                           Easter 2020 Collection - to date $69,469
                                                  Our Goal is $90,000

                                           Thank you, Divine Mercy parishioners! Your generosity in these
 Easter Collection                         challenging times is amazing and we are so grateful!
We Are Divine Mercy APRIL 19, 2020

                                    LOOK WHAT’S HAPPENING AT
                                      SACRED HEART SCHOOL!

During Holy Week, students were asked to think about how to "set the week apart" for God. They thought about how they spend
their time in a typical week, and then something different they could do each day during Holy Week to spend more time with God.

                                                                        E-Learning may bring on challenges but it's also allowed
                                                                        our creativity to grow outside of the classroom!

                                                                        5th graders were busy learning all about conversions!
                                                                        They took some of their favorite recipes and needed
                                                                        to convert into another form of measurement. For
                                                                        example cups into pints or tablespoons into teaspoons.

                                                                        Then off they went to baking and cooking their
                                                                        creations! Check out what cooks / bakers we have in
                                                                        the fifth grade!

                                                                              Peace be with you all and stay safe.
We Are Divine Mercy APRIL 19, 2020

                                                                SPIRITUAL COMMUNION
                                                                        My Jesus,
                                            I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
                                                              I love you above all things,
                                                      and I desire to receive you into my soul.
                                                            Since I cannot at this moment
                                                              receive you sacramentally,
                                                       please come spiritually into my heart.
                                                                   I embrace you now
Lord, we lift up our prayers                                 as if you were already there
    to you for all those                                  and I unite myself wholly to you.
    suffering from the                                               Never permit me
  Coronavirus, their loved
                                                              to be separated from you.
 ones, and all those health
 care professionals taking
care of those who are sick.

               MINISTERS OF CARE                                                     PLEASE PRAY
Our Ministers of Care currently are prohibited from visiting                    For Those Who Are Sick
Nursing Homes in the State of Illinois. If the Minister would
still like to serve in hospitals, they must comply with          The following people suffer from illness or chronic conditions.
protocols established by the hospitals.                              They have asked for the prayers of our parish family.
And due to the fact our Churches are closed, home visits                     Please remember them to the Lord.
cannot be made at this time. We encourage everyone to                 Mark Agnew, Jeannie Ambrose, Michael Anderson,
tune into the parish livestream Masses found on our               Dorothy Banas, Donald Blair, Elaine Boback, Sande Bolan,
website www.divinemercynorthshore.org.                            Paula Brady, Dennis Braun, Wendy Braun, Luciana Butera,
                                                                         Milly Calabrese, Kierre Caldwell, Patt Carlson,
                                                                           Teresa Chapman, Kelly Bolan Chevalier,
                                                                             Sheila Devlin, Tim Doll, Rick Doucette,
            LITURGICAL MINISTERS                                      David and Mary Ann Duerwachter, Maureen Dwyer,
                                                                    Timothy Feeney, John Flynn, Lisa Franke, Lydia Gatton,
                                                                 Benjamin Grillo, Philip Hall, Laura Hendricks, John Hoerster,
Note: Please ignore any emails from Ministry                     Nancy Holihan, Mario Iturino, The Jatis Family, Becky Jones,
Scheduler Pro. It has been technologically                       Philip Jones, Marge Kalsch, Edward Kennedy, Ginny Kunkel,
difficult to cancel the automatic emails. Just                   Gina Quirk Lazicki, Anne Lesniak, John Madden, Drew Mans,
know that ALL liturgical ministry assignments                      Jackson Mans, Beth O'Brien, Sally O’Malley, Ennio Rossi,
                                                                 Mary Sabo, Donna Sabido, Dick Schager, Catherine Scheid,
are suspended until further notice.                                      Mary Shepherd, Judy Sokal, Heather Stepan,
                                                                      Mary Tatro, Linda Walsh, Patty Wilson, Julie Wright,
                                                                             Lisa Zitella and Dr. Jerome Zwierzycki

                                                                               For Those Who Have Died
                                                                          May the souls of the faithfully departed,
                                                                          Through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
                                                                                 Ellyn “Ellie” Beilmann,
                                                                                     Mary L. Brault,
                                                                                    Patricia Catarello
                                                                            Mary Frances “Frannie” Reynolds
We Are Divine Mercy APRIL 19, 2020
All Mass Intentions offered at            All meetings at Divine Mercy      Please adhere to the following
Sacred Heart Church and St.               Parish are currently suspended    specifications when submitting an
                                                                            item for the bulletin. The deadline is
Philip the Apostle Church for the         until further notice.             Tuesday, 9:00am for the following
past and coming week will be                                                Sunday.
offered at the Saturday                   The Church is now closed to the
Livestream Mass at 5:00 p.m.              public until further notice, in   BULLETIN SPECS:
                                          order to keep people safe, per    FONT STYLE: Corbel
                                                                            FONT SIZE:
                                          the Governor’s “Shelter-at-       Headlines: 12 (ALL CAPS & BOLD)
SACRED HEART & ST. PHILIP FOR             home” order.
LAST WEEK (April 12-April 18):                                              Body text: 10
Margery Livingston, John J. Flynn, Jr.,                                     LINE SPACING:
Greg Salm, Joyce Ward, Edmund                                               Before and After Paragraphs: 0pt
Horsch, Judy Zacher, Katie Madden                                           Between Lines: 1sp
(Birthday Blessings)                                                        Avoid outlining text boxes, if you can.

SACRED HEART & ST. PHILIP FOR                                               Continue to create ads for special
THIS WEEK (April 19-April 26):                                              events like Nite Lites. We simply ask
Mercedes Rooney, Rita Madden,                                               you incorporate the Corbel font style
Rowland and Rosemary Hoffman, Joyce                                         when you are able. Please submit all
Ward, Genevieve Conway, Brian John                                          items to:
Blair, Robert Hutchings, and                                                divinemercybulletins@gmail.com
John F. Flynn, Jr.

NEXT WEEK (April 27 - May 2):                                               DIVINE MERCY OFFICES
Carol Kane, Antonio and Rose Barone,
Megan Starsiak, Lourdes Mariano,          SACRAMENTS                         Given the Governor’s Shelter
Marta Segura (Birthday Blessings), The
                                                                             in Place Order, our offices are
Coradini Family, Mary Joyce DiCola,
Blessings for all unborn children, and    Please call the Parish Office      currently closed. You can still
John F. Flynn, Jr.                        temporary number at                reach us by calling our
                                          847-881-6664 for the most          temporary office number at
                                          current information regarding      847-881-6664.
                                          Sacraments during this crisis.
                                                                             You can also reach any staff
                                                                             member via email. You can
                                                                             find that directory on the
                                                                             next page.

                                                                             Thank you for your

       Even when we ‘Shelter-at-Home’…
 Divine Mercy Parish is a Welcoming Community
          that Inspires Disciples of Jesus
  to Share God’s Love and Transform the World.

Pastor - Rev. Steven M. Lanza, slanza@divinemercynorthshore.org
Associate Pastor - Rev. Dean Semmer, dsemmer@divinemercynorthshore.org
Associate Pastor - Rev. Michael J. Solazzo, msolazzo@divinemercynorthshore.org
Resident - Rev. Daniel Cassidy, dcassidy@divinemercynorthshore.org
Deacon Mike McNulty, mimcnulty@divinemercynorthshore.org
Deacon Gerry Keenan, gekeenan@archchicago.org, 773-251-6626
Deacon Bob Puhala, bpuhala@usml.edu
Director of Communications - Judy Pyke, jpyke@divinemercynorthshore.org
Principal Sacred Heart School - Kristen Fink, kfink@shwschool.org
Director of Evangelization and Lifelong Formation - Sue Lehocky, slehocky@divinemercynorthshore.org
Director of Pastoral Care, Outreach and Special Events - Maureen Valvassori, mvalvassori@divinemercynorthshore.org
Director of Liturgy & Music - Ron Vanasdlen, rvanasdlen@divinemercynorthshore.org
Associate Music Director - Sarah Cozzi, scozzi@divinemercynorthshore.org
Director of Operations - Michelle Wasielewski, mwasielewski@divinemercynorthshore.org
Finance Office - Cindy Atsaves, cindyatsaves@divinemercynorthshore.org
Administrative Assistant - Carol L. Brown, clbrown@divinemercynorthshore.org
Religious Education Admin (SH) - Debbie Perkins, dperkins@divinemercynorthshore.org
Coordinator of Children’s Ministry - Kathryn Handelman, khandelman@divinemercynorthshore.org
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