We are here 20 20 - The Chicago Lighthouse

Page created by David Ortega
We are here 20 20 - The Chicago Lighthouse
The Chicago Lighthouse        Annual Report


We are here
We are here 20 20 - The Chicago Lighthouse
Lisa and Pete Birmingham, “Love Is Blind,” 2020.
Acrylic and hardware on wood panels.
Artwork spells LOVE in Braille and is on permanent
display at The Chicago Lighthouse.
We are here 20 20 - The Chicago Lighthouse
                                                    WE ARE HERE, embossed in Braille.
                                                    Conveyed in the tactile writing system used
                                                    for generations by people who are blind or
                                                    visually impaired, this message celebrates our
                                                    community while challenging people who are
                                                    sighted to discover their meaning.

WE ARE HERE                                         2020 annual report
             … for you, our community.              FEATURES
                                                    P1   Access and Inclusion in Action
                                                    P3   Living in Parallel with Blindness
                                                    P7   Zooming In to Make a Difference
                                                    P9   Silver Linings Playbook
                                                    P19  In Memoriam
                                                    P20  Announcements
You are what keeps us strong. Your resilience
gives us hope. Your generosity sustains us.         DEPARTMENTS
                                                    P5   Thought Leading in 2020
For over a century, we have grown together          P11  Volunteers/Planned Giving
through joy and adversity.                          P12  Lifetime Donors
                                                    P13  Hamill Society Gifts
We are still here through it all, and we are only   P16  In-Kind Kindness
getting stronger.                                   P17  Lighthouse Keepers
                                                    P21  Board of Directors
The Lighthouse will always be a beacon for          P22  Lighthouse Industries
those we serve. As we look forward to what’s        P23  Financial Statements
next, we’re finding new ways to connect, to         P25  Chicago SociaLight
                                                    P27  Leadership
serve and to make an impact in Chicagoland
and beyond.
What does The Lighthouse mean to you? Share
your stories: @ChicagoLighthouse
We are here 20 20 - The Chicago Lighthouse
Throughout its history, The Lighthouse has     healthcare professionals and other front-
embraced every challenge as a new oppor-       line workers, and the compassion of neigh-
tunity. Resilience, empathy and hope have      bors helping neighbors.
guided us through more than a century—         To protect the health and safety of our
in which the only constant was profound        community during the COVID-19 crisis, we
change.                                        transitioned much of our staff to remote
Still, 2020 was a year like no other.          work while continuing to provide critical
We adapted to new ways of working. We          services on virtual platforms.
learned to live with new realities and press   In doing so, we strengthened our bonds
on through uncertainty. Our city, and our      with those we serve and those who sup-
nation, took to the streets to stand against   port us. We realized our potential to make
injustice and systemic racism.                 a greater impact by expanding our reach
Through it all, we were buoyed by our con-     beyond our physical locations through new
nections with others, the bravery of our       partnerships across the region and around
                                               the country.
We are here 20 20 - The Chicago Lighthouse
The year 2020 also marked the 30th         Spotlight
anniversary of the Americans with
Disabilities Act, which has enabled so     New Board Chair Robert Clarke
many to live with greater access and
                                           For The Lighthouse’s new Board Chair Robert
inclusion. However, there’s so much        (Bob) Clarke, 2020’s challenges underscored the
work left to do. We must acknowledge       vital role our organization plays in the community.
that barriers to equal opportunity         From employment to eye care to legal services,
still remain and advocate for lasting      our programs help ensure our at-risk community
change.                                    receives the assistance they need.
As you read through these pages, we        “We cannot let people fall through the cracks,” Bob
hope you enjoy the stories of lives         says. “Our work is more important than ever now.”
changed, and that you share in our re-     As a member of our Board for more than a de-
newed focus on the future. We look         cade, Bob is also following in his father’s footsteps.
forward to your continued support as       Bob’s dad, Norman Clarke, served on our Board for
we build an even stronger Lighthouse,      26 years from 1955 to 1981. Norman also served
ready to meet the challenges of the        two terms as Board President. In fact, The Light-
next 115 years and beyond.                 house has become a Clarke family affair: Bob’s
                                           mother, Jane, previously served on the Board (at
With appreciation and gratitude on be-     the same time as Norman). Now, Bob’s wife, Jan, is
half of our team and all those we serve,   also a Board member.
                                           Bob hopes his family’s ongoing commitment to
                                           The Lighthouse will inspire others. As a Senior Vice
                                           President at Northern Trust, Norman encouraged
                                           clients to include us in their estate plans. As Bob
                                           enters his three-year term, he hopes to generate
                                           similar support for our Envision the Future Endow-
   Robert W. Clarke                        ment Campaign.
   Chair, Board of Directors
                                                                     “We want to continue
                                                                      providing our servic-
                                                                      es for generations to
                                                                      come,” Bob says. “That
                                                                      is why the Endowment
   Janet P. Szlyk, Ph.D.                                              Campaign is so essential
   President and Chief Executive Officer                              to The Lighthouse, and
                                                                      why it is a top priority
                                                                      during my tenure.”

                                                                 Norman and Jane Clarke
                                                                 pictured during their time
                                                                 as Board Members.
We are here 20 20 - The Chicago Lighthouse
Access and Inclusion in Action
                   Careers launched at The Lighthouse demonstrate how
                            inclusion in the workplace benefits everyone.
    the success story of Carolyn Gaulden
    Carolyn Gaulden’s path                                         Center in 2017.
    to becoming a doctor has                                       A year later, while at
    not been a smooth one.                                         work in the Call Cen-
    As a medical student in                                        ter, Carolyn was noti-
    Michigan, Carolyn was                                          fied of her placement in
    diagnosed with muscular                                        a psychiatric program
    dystrophy and required                                         in Detroit. Carolyn was
    a wheelchair. Though                                           overjoyed at The Light-
    her classroom learning                                         house’s support. “We
    was unaffected by her                                          couldn’t have been hap-
    diagnosis, once Caro-                                          pier that day. It was so
    lyn moved into clini-                                          great to see her dreams
    cal rotations, profes-                                         becoming a reality,”
    sors told her she looked                                       says Jeanette Bonzani,
    weak, was too slow, and       Now in her third                 Senior Vice President
    couldn’t keep up with
    the program. Some went        year of residency, of               Human Resources at
                                                                   The Lighthouse.
    as far as to liken her dis-
    ability to the patients she
                                  Carolyn was                      In fact, Carolyn’s work
                                                                   at The Lighthouse pre-
    was treating …and not in      elected Chief                    pared her for the chal-
    a positive way.
                                  Resident by her                  lenges of psychiatric
    Rather than get discour-                                       residency during the
    aged, Carolyn moved on, peers.                                 COVID-19 pandemic.
    finding a program in Chi-                                      Working with patients
    cago where she could complete her work      over the phone in the Call Center acquaint-
    and get her medical degree. As she awaited  ed Carolyn to the nuances that come with
    her resident assignment, Carolyn decided    remote counseling. “Working at The Light-
    she needed a job for living expenses and to house helped me become more comfort-
    begin paying off student loans. Once again, able working with patients over the phone,”
    Carolyn had trouble convincing hiring man-  she says.
    agers that she could do the job.            Now in her third year of residency, Carolyn
    Working with a rehabilitation center’s em-  was recently elected Chief Resident by her
    ployment counseling service, Carolyn came   peers, a position in which she advocates
    to The Lighthouse. Recognizing her talents  for her team to ensure everyone is treated
    and intelligence, we hired her to work as   equally. She knows first-hand, just how im-
    a Registration Agent in our UI Health Call  portant that is.

We are here 20 20 - The Chicago Lighthouse
it’s a huge blessing
                                                         to work in this
                                                         field...Best of all,
                                                         I’m helping people
                                                         who face the same
                                                         challenges I do.
                                                                         —geovanni bahena

geovanni bahena’s journey...in his own words
Four years ago, if you told me where I’d be      where I work now. We assist businesses
now, I would’ve thought you were crazy           in making their apps and websites
because I was struggling to find a job.          accessible for people with disabilities.
I’ve always had a passion for technology.        In partnership with American Foundation
As a child, I was given a computer with          for the Blind, DAX expanded in 2020 to a
JAWS (screen reading software) installed. I      team of four analysts who provide usability
thought, wow, this is so cool—a person who       testing, focus groups and audits to help
is blind can actually use a computer.            clients meet global accessibility standards.
When I graduated from high school, I was         It’s a huge blessing to work in this field. I
told a totally blind person couldn’t work in     love the camaraderie with my coworkers.
IT. It was stressful and discouraging.           It makes the job even more fun. Best of
I came to The Lighthouse as a client of their    all, I’m helping people who face the same
Employment Services Program. Their job           challenges I do.
counselors helped me with my resume and          The Lighthouse sees everyone’s unique
told me about an open position as a Call         talents and what they can offer to the
Center Agent.                                    world. They put people in positions to be
I was in awe of how quickly it happened.         successful and thrive. Dr. Szlyk has said
One day, I didn’t have a job. The next, I came   that one of the greatest joys of her life
in for an interview. Then I was called back      is to help launch careers and see people
for a background check—and hired!                realize their dreams. She certainly did that
                                                 for me!
As a Call Center Agent, I learned and
grew a lot and built relationships that led      The career I launched at The Lighthouse
to a new opportunity: a position with The        has opened up a world of possibilities in my
Lighthouse’s DAX program, which stands           life.
for Digital Accessible Experience. That’s

We are here 20 20 - The Chicago Lighthouse
Ben, his wife Martha,
and their dogs, Louie
and Sammie, are
settling into their
new home.

                                                                         RETAKE PHOTO--
                                                                         ben and his wife
                                                                         by their home

Living “In Parallel” with Blindness

      For Ben Chargot, Team Lead in our UI                who were blind. Now, at The Lighthouse,
      Health Call Center, being blind isn’t a hard-       not only does he meet people who are blind
      ship or a source of inspiration. It’s just a part   every day, he also leads a team of 14 people
      of his life. “I’ve had hurdles to overcome.         who all have some degree of vision impair-
      But in the end, everyone’s got their burdens        ment. “I’m able to help them with anything
      to bear.”                                           from technical problems to finding navi-
      As he reflects upon his life, Ben doesn’t           gation routes within the building. I’m in a
      believe any of his accomplishments hap-             unique position to help other people who
      pened “in spite” of his blindness. Rather,          are blind because I understand their expe-
      he says they occurred “in parallel.”                riences,” Ben says.
      Ben was born with Leber Congenital Am-              First hired as an agent in The Chicago Light-
      aurosis, a rare genetic eye disorder that af-       house’s UI Health Call Center in 2019, Ben’s
      fects the retina. Growing up in a small town        work ethic and strong communication skills
      in Michigan, he rarely encountered others           caught the attention of his supervisors.
We are here 20 20 - The Chicago Lighthouse
They quickly promoted him to Team Lead
within the Call Center.
“I hope I’m paving the way for more people
 who are blind to ‘climb the company ladder.’
 I’m focused on my career here and how I
 can move forward,” Ben says.
In the early days of the COVID-19 pandem-
ic, Ben developed a newfound appreciation
for both his job and The Chicago Lighthouse.
As the spring lockdown began, Ben and his
wife were in the process of buying a home. Ben has risen through the ranks at The Lighthouse and
                                             was recently promoted to UI Health Team Lead. His
Thanks to the efforts of The Lighthouse’s supervisor notes how he tackles every challenge that
IT team, Ben was able to transition to comes his way with a positive outlook.
working from home, maintaining a steady
income to support the purchase. “We own using public transportation. That ex-
wouldn’t have been able to buy our home if perience gave him the motivation to move
I hadn’t been able to keep my position,” he to Chicago, where he reunited with his high
says. Now, Ben, his wife Martha, and their school bandmates. They continue to write
dogs, Sammie and Louie, are keeping busy music and perform together.
with home improve-                                                     Ben is now utiliz-
ments and pursuing                                                     ing his creative pas-
one of their favorite                                                  sions and talents to
hobbies, cooking.        I’ve had hurdles to                           develop a podcast—
Prior to coming to                                               produced in our ful-
Chicago, Ben attend-
                        overcome.           But   in the         ly-accessible Media
ed college in St. Paul, end, everyone’s got                      Center—which he
Minnesota, where he                                              hopes will dispel
studied percussion
                        their     burdens        to  bear.       myths and stigmas
performance        and                     —ben chargot          people may have
music business. In                                               about blindness and
contrast to his small-town upbringing, city will become a voice of empowerment for
life opened up a world of independence. He the blind community.
could venture throughout the city on his “It’s important to have an outlet for these
                                                 issues. I’m hoping the podcast brings the
                                                 blind and sighted worlds together more
                                                 while providing entertainment along the
                                                 way,” he says.

                                                 Ben is a team player always willing to help out, as shown
                                                 here when he volunteered to model for our FLAIR fash-
                                                 ion show fundraiser benefiting our Children’s Programs.
                                                 He is shown here, with his guide dog Sammie, escorting
                                                 Service Club of Chicago Member Jamie Thorsen down
                                                 the runway.

We are here 20 20 - The Chicago Lighthouse
thought leading in 2020
1.   “Increased access to assistive technology can make
     workplaces more accessible. In the 30 years since the
     Americans with Disabilities Act’s passage, technology
     has fueled monumental change all over the world,” writes
     Chicago Lighthouse President and CEO Dr. Janet Szlyk
     in an op-ed published by the Chicago Tribune near the
     30th anniversary of the ADA. In the piece, she speaks to
     the vital role of assistive technology in breaking barriers to
     employment for people with disabilities.
2.   Through our Employment Services Program, Robert was
     employed by ComEd’s Energy Force Ambassador Program,
     which provides valuable training and employment for
     adults with developmental disabilities. “I like my job. It’s
     very informative and I like to go into the community and give
     people educational tips to help them save energy,” he says.
     He is pictured as he prepares to give a video presentation on       1
     energy conservation.
3.   The Chicago Lighthouse’s advocacy for people with
     disabilities reached a national audience when a letter to
     the editor by our President and CEO Dr. Janet Szlyk was
     published by The New York Times. The letter responded to
     a story about a former Lighthouse client who failed his U.S.
     citizenship exam because he was not provided with a Braille
4.   “I am proud to represent the United States and The Chicago
     Lighthouse on Leo Messi’s Dream Team. Together, we are
     all winners,” says Chicago Lighthouse Superstar Kalari. Leo
     Messi, OrCam, and The Chicago Lighthouse are leading
     the charge to raise awareness of how the OrCam MyEye
     Pro levels the playing field for people who are blind or
     visually impaired.
5.   The doctors in our Low Vision Clinic received national ex-
     posure for their professional expertise throughout the year
     with published research in a number of notable medical jour-
     nals. Dr. Kara Crumbliss is pictured with her article. The          2
     article, published in Optometry Times, shared recommenda-
     tions for accommodating patients with vision loss during the
     COVID-19 pandemic to ensure health, safety and comfort.
6.   The Lighthouse received recognition from 1871, a
     prominent Chicago-based tech incubator, for our
     groundbreaking use of assistive technology in the
     workplace. We were honored to be named as a finalist for
     the Industry Disrupter Award, which is presented to an
     organization that has developed an ingenious and innovative
     product or service that has significantly disrupted its industry.
7.   Chicago Lighthouse President and CEO Dr. Janet Szlyk
     receives the National Federation of the Blind of Illinois’
     Eileen O’Brien Memorial Award for her professional
     dedication and service helping people who are blind live
     independent lives. Dr. Szlyk is only the fourth person to
     receive this award since it was created in 1993.

Pictures reflect time periods before and during the pandemic.

5                                                                        3



7           6
zooming in                                                         to make
                                                                   a difference
        Throughout the pandemic, we’ve used Zoom in innovative ways to provide critical
                      resources, services and a sense of community for clients of all ages.

    Teachers foster                                 “We miss in-person
                                                     learning and can’t
    community through                                wait for it to resume,”   Thanks to a generous, anony-
    remote learning                                  says preschool par-
                                                                               mous donor, students of our
                                                                               Preschool received tablets to
    Since April 2020, students in the Judy and       ent Charmell.             participate in remote learning.
    Ray McCaskey Preschool, as well as the          Until then, our Pre-
    Birth-to-Three Program and the Children’s       school staff is doing its best to adjust to new
    Development Center, have engaged in re-         challenges, says paraprofessional Gail Jor-
    mote learning.                                  dan. “We’re working together to make it a
    Our teachers, some of whom are blind or         positive, fun and interactive experience for
    visually impaired themselves, adapted their     our children.”
    lessons to meet each child’s unique needs
    while fostering a sense of togetherness         Helping youth
    online. Their tireless efforts made us even     succeed in the real
                                                    world, virtually
    They even offer evening sessions, which al-
                                                    With the generous support of the Reader’s
    low busy parents to witness firsthand how
                                                    Digest Partners for Sight Foundation, the
    educators work with their children, com-
                                                    Youth Transition Program went virtual, too.
    municate directly with teachers and socially
    engage with other families. They all say it’s   In our annual weeklong Summer in the City
    crucial to maintain continuous learning op-     Program, youth ages 15-24 explored ways
    portunities for their kids.                     to increase their independence and confi-
                                                    dence via group video chats and hands-on
    But remote learning can be difficult for stu-
                                                    solo activities. We mailed students a variety
    dents who are blind or visually impaired,
                                                    of materials to enhance their experience,
    who learn through both sound and touch.
                                                    including 3D printed tactile maps that en-
Our virtual Youth Transition’s Summer in the City and
                                                          First Jobs Programs helped youth stay connected, en-
                                                          tertained and inspired safely from home.

                                                          Amy Eshleman, about their cre-
                                                          ative photos produced as part of an
                                                          initiative called Photography for All.
                                                          One teen, who struggles with anxi-
                                                          ety, was initially hesitant to take
                                                          part in the Photography for All Pro-
abled them to take virtual tours of Chicago       gram. Through a capstone project that fo-
neighborhoods. They even received a free          cused on expressing feelings about the pan-
delivered Chinese meal to complement              demic, he built the confidence to confront
their tour of Chinatown.                          his fears and become more independent.
Our First Jobs Program transitioned to an         He even got a job working on a podcast for
online format as well. Participants engaged       the Westside Health Authority.
with Apple software engineers specializing        Our online programs “went off without a
in accessibility and participated in mock         hitch,” said another participant, who also at-
interviews with companies like Synchrony.         tended Summer in the City in 2019. “It was as
They even talked with Chicago’s First Lady,       immersive as virtual can get.”

Telehealth Breaks Barriers to Low Vision Care
In response to Stay-at-Home orders in             Lois has been able to maintain regular op-
March 2020, our Low Vision Clinic quickly         tometry appointments with Dr. Scherer
developed a telehealth model in order to          from home. As a longtime participant of our
continue to serve our patients. While we          Seniors Program, she has also continued to
have safely resumed in-person services, we        participate in support group sessions, book
are continuing to offer telehealth appoint-       club and health talks all through the phone,
ments for low vision exams, occupational          as the Seniors Program is also functioning
therapy, and psychological services.              remotely. This remote model has made the
“Telehealth has opened the door to low vi-        Program accessible to more Seniors than
 sion rehabilitation for a population that has    ever.
 multiple barriers to care, including mobility,   “Despite the pandemic, The Lighthouse is
 transportation and simply a limitation of         still here for me,” says Lois.
 services nationwide,” says Dr. Kelly Scherer,                                          Lois participates
 Optometrist and Director of Clinical Ser-                                              in a telehealth
 vices at The Chicago Lighthouse. “We now                                               session with
                                                                                        Dr. Scherer. Pre-
 can meet with patients from anywhere,                                                  pandemic, Lois
 greatly improving access to low vision care.”                                          received iPad
                                                                                        training through
For Lois, a Senior with vision loss, these ser-                                         The Lighthouse’s
vices have been vital. Thanks to telehealth,                                            Seniors Program.

Silver Linings
    The challenges of 2020 opened
    up a new world of opportunity
    Hindsight, as the saying goes, is 2020. As we     first Low Vision Clinic. In the ‘70s, we
    reflect on the year that was, we have come        launched an Early Intervention Program for
    to realize how significant our impact can be.     infants and toddlers with low vision. Today,
    Just as The Chicago Lighthouse helps cli-         The Lighthouse continues to innovate in a
    ents find strength by overcoming obstacles,       variety of ways:
    the challenges of 2020 have helped us re-         • Partnering with non-profits around the
    discover our own potential to create more           country to bring our social enterprise
    avenues for access and inclusion in our             model to more areas, creating even
    state, our nation and the world.                    more job opportunities for people with
    Remote platforms are helping us reach               disabilities and Veterans.
    more people than ever before. Thanks to           • Continuing to work with pioneering
    Zoom, eight teens and 20 teachers from the          Assistive Technology companies such
    Illinois School for the Visually Impaired in        as OrCam and IrisVision to bring the
    Jacksonville, Illinois (a four-hour drive from      most advanced devices to our clients,
    The Lighthouse) attended their first Youth          which are sold through our Tools for
    Transition Program Career Fair. Work-               Living® stores.
    from-home capabilities have enabled us to
    create jobs for people with disabilities who      • Participating in groundbreaking re-
    live outside of our geographic area or have         search projects, including a clinical trial
    mobility issues.                                    of an Intracortical Visual Prosthesis,
                                                        which will provide critical information
    Our rapid transition to remote services is          about the vision produced by stimula-
    a testament to our ability to adapt to any          tion of an electrode array implanted in
    challenge we encounter. Such agility has            the brain.
    been the key to our organization’s longev-
    ity, and it will continue to serve us well into   • Our planned accessible housing project,
    the future.                                         an apartment building for people who
                                                        are blind or visually impaired and one of
    The Lighthouse has pioneered indepen-               the first to be financed through Low In-
    dence and employment for people who                 come Housing Tax Credits in the United
    were blind or visually impaired since the           States, will become a model for similar
    1920s. By the ‘50s, we opened the area’s            ventures throughout the country.

Those initiatives are just the beginning. The
adjustments we made during the COVID-19
pandemic demonstrated that when we work
together, the possibilities are limitless. Our
work advocating for access and inclusion—in
our classrooms, in our workplaces and in our
society—is more important than ever.
Throughout the past year, The Chicago Light-
house remained a beacon of hope for some
of the most vulnerable in our community.
With 2020 behind us, we look forward to all
the opportunities ahead, and the chance to
create a brighter future.

Above: In 1954, our Low Vision Clinic was the first
facility in the Midwest to provide diagnosis and treatment
for people who were visually impaired. Top Right:
Partnerships with companies like OrCam have taken our
message of access and inclusion for all to a global stage.
Here, Chicago Lighthouse superstar Kalari (bottom row,
second from left) joins Leo Messi’s #OrCam_DreamTeam.
Middle Right: Our planned accessible housing project
will provide 76 safe, accessible apartments for people
who are blind or visually impaired. Bottom Right:
Participating in clinical trials for technologies like the
Intracortical Visual Prosthesis will advance knowledge
in the field of vision restoration.

Pictures reflect time periods before and during the pandemic.
Community has always been at the heart of The
                                                                        Chicago Lighthouse, and this year was no different.
                                                                        Our outstanding volunteers continued to support our
                                                                        organization in crucial ways, even when they could not
                                                                        join us in person.

                                                                        Volunteers at our CRIS Radio station were vital to
                                                                        keeping our community connected with the latest news
                                                                        and entertainment during the pandemic. With the help
                                                                        of Associate Producer Sandy Murillo, who is blind, 35 of
                                                                        our talented volunteers transitioned to recording content
                                                                        remotely to ensure our reading services would not be
                                                                        Corporate partners of our Employment Services Program
                                                                        also stepped up to assist in our continued support of
                                                                        job seekers who are blind, visually impaired, disabled or
                                                                        Veterans by conducting virtual mock interviews from their
                           In addition to leading our CRIS
                                                                        homes. These interviews build our clients’ confidence and
                           Radio station, Sandy Murillo
                                                                        help them develop effective communication strategies.
                           also publishes the highly popular
                           blog Sandy’s View, which is con-             We are so grateful for all who helped our light shine as
                           sistently one of the most popular            brightly as ever in 2020.
                           pages of our website.

     planned giving
                          Milton J. Samuelson Society Members
                          Friends who have remembered The Chicago Lighthouse in their wills or estate plans or who have made
                          another type of planned gift.

     Anonymous (78)                            Lorraine Jacobsen                          William Paullin
     Steven and Pamela Adelman                 Ed Jepson and Dr. Susan Sicotte            Jeanette Peter
     Rick and Patricia Berlet                  Lillian Joerger                            Kathleen Peter
     Dominic Calabrese                         Dr. Joel and Roberta Kaplan                Patricia Rees and Patrick Romanchek, Sr.
     John Cardiello                            James and Barbara Kesteloot                Paul W. Rink
     Franklin and Doralu Chanen                Lois Kline                                 Leonard Rodriquez
     Helen Collins                             Carl and Margarete Konrath                 Ramona C. Samuelson
     Sandi Dorst                               Davida Levy                                Arturo and Janette Saenz
     Susan and Noel Elfant                     Cathy Lindfors                             Richard and Patricia Schnadig
     Melvin B. Franklin                        Lee H. Martin                              Ann Scher
     Andrzej and Marian Gerlach                Judy and Ray McCaskey                      Drs. Janet P. Szlyk and Jeffrey Jackson
     Richard Greenberger                       Jennifer and Steve Miller                  Lila Tankus
     Bruce and Jamie Hague                     John and Winifred Morris                   Theodore M. Utchen
     Sandra Horwitz                            Donald G. Morrow

       For information about making a planned gift to The Chicago Lighthouse, please contact Jennifer Miller,
       Chief Development Officer, at (312) 997-3643 or jennifer.miller@chicagolighthouse.org.
       If you have remembered us in your will or estate plan, please let us know so we can properly honor you.
Lifetime Donors
$1,000,000+                              Ralph Juchcinski Trust                  Bernard Jaffee Trust
Anonymous (2)                            Dr. and Mrs. Joel A. Kaplan             Evelyn L. Kilker Trust
The Chicago Community Trust              Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lader               Marjorie Klecar Trust
The Chicago Lighthouse                   Lions Clubs International Foundation    Mr. and Mrs. Carl Konrath
 Associate Board                         George Martin Sus Trust                 Dr. Manus C. Kraff
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Barancik*        Arthur R. Metz Fund,                    Mr. Donald W. Krumrey
Sandy and Rick Forsythe                   Globe Foundation                       Ms. Shirley Langridge*
Mr. Corwith Hamill*                      Mr. Walter Nathan*                      Ruth M. Levine Trust
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation              Edmond and Alice Opler Foundation       Mrs. Mary E. Liebman*
Mrs. Beatrice C. Mayer*                  The Retirement Research Foundation      Elick and Charlotte Lindon
Mazza Foundation                         Anita Swanstrom Trust                     Charitable Trust
North Suburban Healthcare                Dollie Swarts Memorial Trust            Lions of Illinois Foundation
 Foundation                              Elvira Teel Trust                       Irma Lobe Trust
Polk Bros. Foundation                                                            Locke Lord LLP
Robert R. McCormick Foundation           $100,000-$249,999                       Russell Marshall Trust
United Way of Metropolitan Chicago       Anonymous (7)                           McDonald’s Corporation
Wohlers Family Foundation                The L & R Anixter Foundation            Michael Reese Health Trust
                                         Assurance Agency, Ltd.                  The Elizabeth Morse
$500,000-$999,999                        Mr. and Mrs. John S. Bakalar              Charitable Trust
Anonymous                                Mr. Bernard J. Beazley*                 Elizabeth Morse Genius
Mrs. Lindy Bergman*                      Chester Bialczak Trust                    Charitable Trust
The Berner Charitable and                The Blowitz-Ridgeway Foundation         The Northern Trust Company
  Scholarship Foundation                 BMO Harris Bank                         Northern Trust Foundation
The Boeing Company                       William* and Rita* Bold                 PERT Foundation
Eleanor W. Browning Trust                BP Amoco, PLC                           The Reader’s Digest Partners for
Crown Family Philanthropies              Helen Brach Foundation                    Sight Foundation
Elizabeth Z. Drew Trust                  Bridgeview Bank Group                   Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rich
The Healthcare Foundation                Mr. and Mrs. Franklin A. Chanen         Ronald McDonald House Charities
  of Highland Park                       CIBC Bank                               Carl H. Sandin Trust
Julius N. Frankel Foundation             Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Clarke           Florence Schaffenegger Trust
Arthur O.* and Esther O*. Kane           Mrs. Rosanne Cohen                      Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Schnadig
Kresge Foundation                        CompTIA Educational Foundation          The Siragusa Family Foundation
Mrs. Tina Lavezzorio*                    CSX Corporation                         Mr. Milan Sluka*
Judy and Ray McCaskey                    The Patrick and                         Lois Smith Estate
Fred Mickina Estate                       Anna M. Cudahy Fund                    SmithBarney Citigroup, Inc.
Microsoft Corporation                    Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Deutsch          Special Kids Foundation
Irvin Newgren Trust                      Ernst & Young LLP                       The Edward S. Sprague Foundation
Dr. Scholl Foundation                    Henry Erskine, Jr. Marital and Family   Mr. and Mrs. James Steinback
                                          Trust                                  Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stone
$250,000-$499,999                        The Field Foundation of Illinois        Drs. Janet P. Szlyk and
Anonymous                                First Nonprofit Foundation                Jeffrey M. Jackson
The Barker Welfare Foundation            Robert W. Galvin Foundation             Topfer Family Foundation
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois   Mrs. Mary B. Galvin                     Abbie E. Tyrrell Fund
Larry* and Susanne Broutman              The John S. and Christine S. Gates      Mrs. Lois Unell
Fred J. Brunner Foundation                Charitable Trust                       Union Pacific Foundation
Kate Charshan Trust                      Mr. H. Dennis Giertz                    Wilczynski Trust
JPMorgan Chase Foundation                Max Goldenberg Foundation               Richard H.* and Diane* Wille
Cless Family Foundation                  Goldman Sachs & Company                 William Blair & Company Foundation
Exelon Corporation                       The Robert J. Gunterberg                Ethel Wiseman Trust
Foglia Family Foundation                  Charitable Foundation                  George H. Zendt Charitable Trust
The Foundation Fighting Blindness        Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Hague
Lloyd A. Fry Foundation                  Hamill Family Foundation                * Deceased
Benjamin Benedict Green-Field            The Irving Harris Foundation
 Foundation                              David and Nancy Huber
The Harris Family Foundation             Frederick E. & Ida H. Hummel
Carrye & Abraham S. Hart Fund             Foundation

The corwith Hamill society
     The Corwith Hamill Society honors and recognizes our long-term donors. Gold is for 20 or more years of continuous
     giving; silver is for 15 and bronze is for 10.

     Gold Level                              Ms. J.A. Fellows+                        Mrs. Patricia M. Livingston
     (20+ years of continuous                Mr. Sam W. Fiarman                       Mrs. Jodi S. Loeb
     giving)                                 Rocco Fiore & Sons Inc.                  Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Longo+
     Anonymous (4)                           Mr. August Fischer, Jr.                  Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Malinowski
     Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Adelman          Mr. Edward H. Fischer                    Mrs. Susan A. Mandell
     Mr. James H. Ainsworth                  Mrs. Ava L. Fogel                        Mrs. Nina Mann
     Mr. Joseph B. Annenberg                 Mr. Bruce W. Foudree and                 Mrs. Karen Marcus
     Dr. and Mrs. Alan J. Axelrod+            Ms. Suzanne Reade                       Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mazukelli
     Mr. Thomas G. Bach                      Julius N. Frankel Foundation             Mr. Richard H. Medland
     Mrs. Haley L. Baer+                     Mr. and Mrs. William J. Frankel          Mrs. Monica Mellovitz
     Ms. Sarah J. Baker                      Ms. Isabel E. Franzen                    Arthur R. Metz Fund, Globe Foundation
     Mrs. Lynn Barnett                       Mr. and Mrs. Franklin K. Fredriksen      Mrs. Sheila M. Moss
     Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bauske             Mrs. Jo Ann Galston                      Mrs. Shareefah Muhammad
     Mr. Thomas R. Bell                      Mr. H. Dennis Giertz                     Mr. Marion Musacchio
     Mr. and Mrs. Roland Benesch             Mrs. Jan Gilberg                         Mrs. Lynn Muslin
     Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Berens             Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gilbert               Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Nachman
     Mrs. Susan Berk+                        Mrs. Kris A. Glicken                     Mr. and Mrs. William North+
     Mr. and Mrs. Rick Berlet                Max Goldenberg Foundation                Edmond and Alice Opler Foundation
     The Berner Charitable and               Mrs. Nancy Grayheck                      Mrs. Jaclyn Patinkin
       Scholarship Foundation                Ms. Louise E. Grieshaber                 Mr. and Mrs. Murry Perkins
     Mrs. Violet Berta                       Mr. Robert R. Gross                      Ms. Brenda R. Pessin
     Mr. and Mrs. Jerzy Blazejowski+         Mr. Adolph J. Habich                     Ms. Beverly V. Peters
     Mrs. Jill Bleiman                       Hamill Family Foundation                 Mrs. Karen Gutheim Pinsof
     Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Bohrer             Mr. Richard P. Hamlin                    William K. Platt, M.D.
     Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Bolger           Mr. and Mrs. Ernst K. Heimann            Ms. Blanche M. Raab
     Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Bolotin          Mrs. Diane Heller                        Mrs. Susan K. Raskin+
     Mrs. Gail B. Boorstein+                 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hilliard          Mr. James G. Ring
     Mr. Norman A. Brabec                    Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Hirsch               Mr. Paul W. Rink, J. D.
     Ms. Nena Bradshaw                       Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hirsch           Riverside Township Lions Club
     Miss Judith C. Brinkman                 Mrs. Barbara R. Hollenberg               Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Roberts
     Fred J. Brunner Foundation              Ms. Mary K. Howe                         Mr. Leonard Rodriguez
     Mr. John C. Buddig                      Mrs. Pamela M. Hoxsey                    Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Rogers, Jr.
     Mr. and Mrs. William R. Buecking        Ms. Helen Jahnke                         Mrs. Eve Rooth
     Mrs. Nancy Burstyn+                     Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Januszewski           Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rosen+
     Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Callistein          Mrs. Judith Kahn                         Mrs. Helga Rosenberg
     Central Lions Club of Chicago+          Dr. and Mrs. Joel A. Kaplan+             Benjamin J. Rosenthal Foundation
     Central Steel & Wire Company            Mr. and Mrs. Max S. Kasper
     Mr. and Mrs. Franklin A. Chanen         Mrs. Jill Katlin
     Mr. John D. Chaney                      Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Keenan
     Mrs. Burnetta Cloos+                    Mr. and Mrs. James M. Kesteloot
     Ms. Debra L. Cohen                      Mr. and Mrs. Carl Konrath
     Mrs. Lynn Cohen                         Mrs. Janice A. Korn+
     Mr. James Coleman                       Mrs. Julie D. Kraff
     Mrs. Jane B. Colman                     Mrs. Sondra F. Kraff
     Mrs. Elizabeth E. Copeland              Dr. Cheryl Kraff-Cooper and
     Mrs. Marian M. Costello                  Mr. Carey Cooper
     Mrs. Muriel L. Cowen                    Ms. Irene Krolis
     Mr. Joseph J. Crickard                  Mr. Frank R. Krom
     Ms. Michelina D’Agostino                Mr. Perry Kupietz
     Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Deutsch          Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lassen
     Mrs. Patricia A. DeWolf                 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Lee
                                             Mrs. Deborah Leeb                       Corwith Hamill was The Lighthouse’s
     Mr. Vincent Dina
     Mr. Leo J. Domzalski                    Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Leeds              longest continuous donor. When he
     Mr. and Mrs. Denis Dywan                Mrs. Pamela Leslie                      passed away in 2013 at the age of 99,
     Mr. and Mrs. Keith Edmonson             Mr. and Mrs. Gary Levenstein            he had donated to The Lighthouse for
     Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Eich               Mrs. Cindy Levy                         the majority of his life. In recognition
     Mr. Terry Elliott                       Mrs. Debra F. Lewin+                    of Mr. Hamill and his generosity to
     Ms. Lucy P. Evans                       Mrs. Lynne Green Lieber                 us, we created a society named in his
     Mr. Thomas W. Fahy                      Ms. Mary Anne Limbos                    memory.

Mr. and Mrs. Warner A. Rosenthal     Mr. and Mrs. Brett Carl                      Mrs. Jean Petryniec
Mrs. Rochelle D. Rubinoff            Mrs. Linda Carpenter+                        Mrs. Debbie Pielet
Mrs. Alison Salzman                  Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Carr                  Polk Bros. Foundation
Mrs. Ramona C. Samuelson             Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carroll                  Ms. Susan Kushner Pollack
Mr. Paul L. Schmelzer                Chicago Mexica Lions Club                    Mrs. Lynn C. Razowsky+
Mrs. Claudia P. Schwartz             Mrs. Lois Chudacoff                          Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Refner
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schwartz           Mr. Ali Cinar+                               Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rheinheimer
Ms. Sally Schwartz                   Ms. Marcia E. Cohen+                         Mr. David A. Ross+
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schwellenbach   Mrs. Rosanne Cohen                           Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Rourke+
Mr. Warren R. Sedlacek               Lions John and Pat Coleman                   Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Rowells+
Mrs. Ilene Shaw                      Kara Crumbliss, O.D.+                        Mr. and Mrs. David Rushing+
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Siena           Mr. Tom Donegan                              Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Samuels
The Siragusa Family Foundation       Mr. Al Dorevitch+                            Mrs. Marjorie Sandlow
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith            Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Doub                 Ms. Marika O. Schaefer+
Mrs. Julie L. Smith                  Mrs. Carmen E. Fair                          Mr. James W. Schmitt+
Ms. Thomasina Smith                  Ms. Leslie G. Finkle                         Ms. Linda G. Schub and
Mrs. Jean C. Sobek                   Mr. and Mrs. Jon W. Fisher+                   Mr. Jay Wightman
The Edward S. Sprague Foundation     Dr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Fishman+              Richard A. Shapiro, M.D.+
Mrs. Clara Stasior                   Mr. George V. Fluks                          Mrs. Roslyn C. Sheppard
Mrs. Paula M. Stendel                Dr. Andrew W. Forrester                      Mrs. Melissa Silverman
Ms. Susan Stern                      Mrs. Debbie S. Frank+                        Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Small
Ms. Eydie L. Sternberg               Dr. Kelly A. Frantz and Mr. Karl J. Frantz   Mr. and Mrs. Irvin M. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. William I. Swedler      Ms. Lynn Froy                                Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Stepp+
Mr. Charles A. Tausche               Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Furnari              Mrs. Mindy B. Sterns
Ms. Dorothy M. Thomas                Mrs. Constance J. Galliart                   Ms. Jill Stieghorst
Mr. Edward J. Thompson               Elissa Geier, Psy.D.                         Mrs. Julie Stracks+
Ms. Lois A. Tortorelli               Mr. and Mrs. George M. Gogola+               Drs. Janet P. Szlyk and
Ms. Virginia Townsend                Goldman Sachs & Company                       Jeffrey M. Jackson+
United Way of Metropolitan Chicago   Ms. Ellen F. Gross                           Ms. Anna L. Thomas
Mr. Dainius Valiukenas               Mr. and Mrs. Eston M. Gross                  Mrs. Nancy D. Toomey
Mr. Ray Van Dyke                     Mrs. Sheila H. Gutman+                       Mr. Don Toy
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Walczynski+      Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hagedorn+            Ms. Susan Ulaszek+
Mrs. Lois Waller                     Harris and Harris LTD+                       Mr. Theodore M. Utchen
Mrs. Barbara Walner                  Mrs. Gayle Harris+                           Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Vilim
Ms. Carole A. Walsh+                 Mr. and Mrs. Matt Hart+                      Mr. Edward W. Wavak
Mrs. Debbie Warsh                    Ms. Nancy Hartman+                           Mrs. Sheila G. Wexler and
Samuel Weinstein Family Foundation   Ms. Juanita L. Jefferson+                     Mr. Philip Block
Mr. Robert J. Wendler                Ms. Liane J. Joseph+                         Willow Springs Lioness Club
Mrs. Gloria Wexler                   Mr. Keith A. Kebernik+                       Mr. Harvey W. Wittenberg+
Mr. Michael P. Whelan                Mrs. Lore Kirchheimer                        Mr. and Mrs. James P. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Whitcomb         Mrs. Heidi Kirsch                            Ms. Helene S. Zarcone+
Mrs. Laura P. White                  Ms. Edith Kubas+                             Dr. and Mrs. Simon Zimnowodzki
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wolff            La Grange Highlands Lions Club
Mrs. Alison Yastrow                  Mr. and Mrs. Emerson W. Lacey, Jr.           Bronze Level
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Yastrow           Mrs. Alyce I. Lang                           (10+ years of continuous
                                     Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lasky                 giving)
Silver Level                         Mrs. Julie L. Lehrman                        Anonymous (3)
(15+ years of continuous             Mrs. Lorrie Levitz                           Ms. Letty Abel
giving)                              Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Livingston+           Mr. and Mrs. William Abrams
Shirle Affeldt+                      Mrs. Tamara Lorber+                          Ms. Mary Abramson
Mr. Leroy R. Anderson+               Mr. and Mrs. David J. Malina                 Adreani Foundation
Ms. Barbara J. Baer                  Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McCaskey+               Advanced Sprinkler Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Baer+        Mrs. Penny Meyers+                           Ms. Janet L. Ahrensfeld
Ms. Diana Baldacci                   Ms. Margaret M. Michalski                    Alden Management Services
The Barker Welfare Foundation        Midwest Truck & Auto Parts, Inc.+            AL-TY Corporation
Mrs. Sue Bergen                      Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mizicko+                   (Norton’s Restaurant)
Mrs. Jennie Berk                     Mrs. Gloria G. Morison                       Mr. and Mrs. Richard Amend
Bloomingdale Lions Club+             Ms. Myrna Natkin                             Mr. and Mrs. Breman Anderson
Ms. Carlene M. Blumenthal            Mr. James E. Neuhauser+                      Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Anderson Jr
The Boeing Company                   Northwest Lions Club+                        Mr. and Mrs. John S. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. David Brint             Ms. Amy W. Olswang+                          Art Optical Contact Lens, Inc.
Dr. Steven U. Brint                  Ms. Joan L. Oslan                            Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Bajzek
Scott Byron & Company+               Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perlman                 Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Belgrad
Mr. Dominic Calabrese+               Mr. Pasquale Perrone+                        Dr. and Mrs. Ira J. Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Campbell     Mrs. Jeanette S. Peter                       Mr. and Mrs. Philip Blackwell

Bronze Level (cont.)

     Marcia E. Blake, O.D.                   Ms. Karen S. Hammermeister              Mr. Randy Markowitz
     Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blakey              Ms. Gwendolyn Harris                    Dr. and Mrs. Edward Mazur
     Ms. Susan Block                         James M. Harris, O.D.                   Mr. Mark McGee
     Helen Brach Foundation+                 Mrs. Jeanene C. Hazen                   Mr. R. V. McGrath
     Mr. Preston Bricker                     The Healthcare Foundation of            Mr. and Mrs. William McNally
     Brinshore Development, LLC               Highland Park                          Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meehan
     Ms. Elaine Britton                      Ms. Heather E. Hebbeler                 Metro Commercial Real Estate, Inc.+
     Ms. Anne L. Buda                        Mr. William Held                        Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyer
     Mr. Robert F. Callbeck and Ms.          Mr. and Mrs. Richard Herman+            Ms. Barbara Miller+
      Margaret L. Waverly                    Mr. Leo F. Hickman                      Jennifer and Steve Miller
     Mr. Michael D. Carey                    Highland Park Joy Cleaners Inc.         Mr. and Mrs. Martin Miretzky
     Mr. and Mrs. William T. Carey III       Mrs. Carol Honigberg                    Ms. Ericka E. Mixon
     Ms. Carol L. Carr                       Mr. and Mrs. David Huber                Mr. and Mrs. Morton R. Mollner
     Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Carroll          Ms. Jayne A. Hultman                    Ms. Clara S. Moran
     Mr. Robert W. Churchill                 Mr. Richard Jankowicz+                  Mr. George W. Morris
     Clarendon Hills Lions Club              Mr. R. Razz Jenkins and                 Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Moss
     Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Clarke+           Prof. Patti Interrante                 Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Moy
     Ms. Michelle Clyne and                  Mrs. Dolores C. Jilovec                 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore F. Mueller
      Mr. John Paprocki                      Mr. Brian H. Jingst+                    Mr. Richard Musson
     Ms. Anida Johnson “Cookie” Cohen+       Dr. Mary Kay Johnson                    Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nadler
     Dr. and Mrs. Michael Conrad+            Mr. Thomas R. Johnston                  Naperville Noon Lions Club
     Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cormier          Jolie Maison, LTD                       Mrs. Ann Nathan+
     Mr. and Mrs. Noel P. Cusick             Mr. and Mrs. John C. Jones              Ms. Mary M. Naughton
     Mr. Rick M. Daitchman                   Mr. and Mrs. Reid C. Kanies             Mr. Michael A. Neigoff
     Davis Imperial Cleaners, Inc.           Mrs. Cindy Kaplan+                      Joan C. Nelson
     de Giulio kitchen design, inc.          Dr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Kaplan          Marguerite L. Nelson
     Russell and Frieda De Yong Foundation   Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Kaplan           Mr. Timothy P. Neylon
     Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Delaney          Ms. Rosa Karpati                        Ms. LaVerne A. Nichols
     Ms. Barbara Desmond                     Mrs. Edna Kaucher                       Non Profit Risk Services, Inc.
     Ms. Catherine E. K. Diggle              Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kearney            Mr. Gerald L. O’Donnell
     Mr. Charles Diorka+                     Mr. Michael L. Kelly                    Mr. Patrick W. O’Leary
     Mrs. Mary D. Disis                      Mr. Robert Kim                          Mr. and Mrs. Brian Oriente
     District 1-A Lions Clubs+               Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kinn            Ms. Julie Overbeck+
     Mr. and Mrs. James E. Drexler           Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kinsella            Mrs. Marla B. Patzik+
     Mr. Albert J. Dru                       Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klage, Jr.            Ms. Nancy B. Paul
     Ms. Colleen C. Dwyer                    Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Knopf             Mr. and Mrs. James J. Pelts
     Mr. William J. Dzialo                   Gerald A. & Karen A. Kolschowsky        Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perkins
     Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ebster               Foundation+                            Ms. Virginia L. Phillips
     Mrs. Sally Eide+                        Ms. Myrna B. Kopin                      Mrs. Francine Pine
     The Evangelical Lutheran Church         Ms. Lois Krabec                         Ms. Deloris Pinkney
      of the Good Shepherd                   Dr. Manus C. Kraff                      Ms. Joyce Plecki
     Evergreen Park Lions Club               Ms. Alice L. Kratky                     Ms. Elizabeth M. Postell
     Family Club Solta                       Ms. Cynthia E. Krch                     Primex, Inc.
     Mr. Nairn Farnsworth                    Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lader               Mr. and Mrs. James E. Pushaw
     Mr. and Mrs. Edward Filippini           Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Lanciotti      Mrs. Michelle Rich
     Ms. Phyllis L. Fineberg                 Mr. Henry L. Latkin+                    Mr. Lester Rockoff
     Ms. Christine M. Fiorito+               Mr. Steven Laughman+                    Mr. Allen J. Rogers
     Mr. and Mrs. Randolph H. Foster         Ms. Shirley Lauriano                    Mrs. Lisa E. Rush+
     Fox River Grove Lions Club Inc          Mrs. Kirsten Laurie+                    Mr. Frank Russo
     Mrs. Arlene Frommer                     Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leaf+              Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Ruth+
     Ms. Joan T. Gagen                       Mrs. Andrea W. Leshem                   Mr. Jack A. Ryan
     Mrs. Janet R. Gates                     Ms. Davida Levy                         Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Sana
     Mrs. Arlene Gellis Segal                Ms. Judith R. Levy                      Ms. Mary Beth Schirmang+
     Mr. David R. Gerber+                    Mrs. Laurie F. Lieberman+               Mr. Edward Schmidt+
     Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gerber                Ms. Mary Lu Linnane+                    Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Schnadig+
     Mr. Frank Giglio                        Mr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Locascio+       Mrs. Kim Schwartz
     Glen Ellyn Lions Club                   Locke Lord LLP+                         Mrs. Lili Schwartz+
     Ms. Dianne E. Goren                     Lodge Friendship No. 66 C.S.A.+         Mrs. Roberta Seedman
     Grant Thornton LLP                      Mrs. Joan Loeb                          Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shemely
     Mrs. Gerilyn A. Greenberg               Mr. Joseph S. Lushnia                   Mr. and Mrs. David Shine
     Ms. Beverly Gumola                      Mrs. Roberta G. Mann+                   Ms. Martha Sichau
     Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hagberg              Mr. Robert F. Mantsh+                   Mrs. Jody Silverman
     Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Hague             Mariani Enterprises, Inc. DBA Mariani   Mr. Leonard P. Slotkowski, Jr.
     Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hamel+               Landscape                              Ms. Mary Jane Smilanik

Bronze Level (cont.)

Mrs. Deborah L. Smith                      Mr. Thomas Theodore                            Mr. and Mrs. Johannes Weertman
Mr. and Mrs. Zygmunt K. Sokolnicki         Thompson Family Foundation                     Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wegner, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Ann Spyrison                     Tinley Park Lioness Club                       Ms. Dorothy R. Weiskopf
Ms. Sharon J. Stanley                      Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tobias                       Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Werle
Rabbi Steven Lowenstein and                Mr. John L. Toboja                             Ms. Virginia S. Willcox
 Mrs. Julie Stark-Lowenstein               Topfer Family Foundation                       Ms. Judith L. Williams
Mr. Leonard F. Stein                       Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tryba                        Ms. Karleen Williams+
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Stern              Mr. Pete and Mrs. Pam Tully+                   Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Windle
Mr. Warren G. Stober                       Mr. Eric F. Ulaszek                            Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F. Wisz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stone+                 Union Pacific Foundation                       Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Young
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stone                   Ms. Lydia Usha                                 Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold H. Zar
Mr. Thomas Swigart, Jr.                    Ms. Shirley A. Vallort                         Ms. Susan Zissman+
Mr. Kenneth L. Tarnoff                     Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Vitu
Mrs. Nancy M. Taxman+                      Ms. Katherine Wachowski

                                Denotes those who have either moved up a Hamill Society level or are brand-new to the Hamill Society.

In-Kind kindness
Allegretti’s Bakery-            Dusek’s                            La Scarola                         Barbara Serven
 Norridge                       Ebert Fine Art Portraiture         Laugh Factory                      Adam Sheppard
Ann Tell Interiors              Edge of Sweetness Bakers           Lauren Lein, LTD.                  Maura Slattery-Boyle
Anne Fontaine                   Egea Spa                           Leah Chavie Skincare               Soulcycle
Anonymous                       Elegant Desserts                     Center & Boutique                SpaDerma
Anthony Cristiano Salon         Elevare                            Debi Learner                       Sports Clips
Arthur Murray                   Elite Island Resorts               Patricia Livingston                Sprinkles Cupcakes
Artopolis Bakery                Elle’s Belles                      L’Occitane en Provence             Jason Stanford
Asha SalonSpa                   Empire Beauty School               Lush Cosmetics                     Sugar Bliss
Athena Greek Restaurant         ENAZ                               Magnolia Bakery                    Sugar High
Aveda Institute                 Erie Café                          Nina Mann                          Sunda New Asian
Avli                            FEW Spirits                        Manny’s Deli                       Temperance Beer Co.
Basil Leaf Café                 First Ascent Climbing              Mario’s Barber Shop                The Bar Method
Holly Brown                     George Fourkas                     Mart Anthony                        Highland Park
Brownie Points                  Frances Heffernan                  Midtown Athletic Club              The Denim Lounge
Joel Bruckman                   Gen Furla                          Mark Murray                        The Drake Hotel
Caesars Entertainment           Jo Ann Galston                     Nothing Bundt Cakes                The Second City
Candyality                      George the Salon                   Piccolo Sogno                      The Sinless Tan
Carlisle                        Gibsons Italia                     Pizzeria Portofino                 The Windsor
Carnivale                       Gibsons Steakhouse                 Brenda Porzel                      Renee Thibault
Chanel                          Susan Gohl                         PRP Wine International             Tiny Pies
Debbie Chessick                 Megan Goldish                      Puddin Hill                        TopGolf Naperville
Chicago Blackhawks              Gotta Have S’More                  Bob Pulford                        Trish McEvoy
Chicago Children’s Museum       Grand Victoria Casino              Reach Yoga                         Vanille Patisseries
Chicago Dermatology             Greek Islands                      Red Door Spa                       Victory Italian
Chicago Magazine                Khalid Hasan                       Regenevéda                         Vineyard Vines
Chicago Plastic Surgery         Homewood Suites                    Revolution Brewery                 We Take the Cake
 Center LCC                     Hooseir Mama                       Rivers Casino                      Wendella
Chicagoland Speedway            Hyatt House                        RL Restaurant                      West Town Bakery
Contessa Bottega                David Inglis                       Paula Rose                         Wheel of Fortune
Corner Bakery                   Jane Skin Care Studio              Rosebud Chocolates                 Wicked Cupcakes
Cross Town Fitness              Jen Hansen Jewelry                 Roses Bakery                       Wildfire
Cupcake Counter                 Jessica Cohen Orthodontics         Andy & Ellen Roth                  Wines for Humanity
Cupcake Novelties               Jimmy Choo                         Royal Palm Shuffle Board           Winesellers
Dana’s Bakery                   Junior’s Cheesecake                  Club                             Wyndham Resorts
Debjani Desai                   Kaufmans Deli                      Saks Fifth Avenue                  Zazu
Jamie Dickler                   Kendra Scott Jewelry               Salon Buzz
Do-Rite Donuts                  KOVAL                              Savannah’s Candy Kitchen
Drury Lane Theater              Cheryl Kraff-Cooper, M.D.          Scooter’s Custard

Lighthouse Keepers
     The Lighthouse Keepers is a group of special friends of The Lighthouse who annually give $1,000 or more.
     We regret we cannot list every donor but we extend our sincere thanks to each each and every one!
     (This list reflects cumulative gifts of more than $1,000 received between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020.)

     $250,000 and above                         Harry Jensen Estate                        Arthur R. Metz Fund, Globe Foundation
     Wohlers Family Foundation                  Mr. Edward C. Jepson and                   Mr. Patrick J. O’Hara
                                                 Dr. Susan Sicotte                         OrCam Inc.
     $100,000 - $249,999                        Dr. and Mrs. Joel A. Kaplan                Paycom
     Chester Bialczak Trust                     Klaff Family Foundation                    Ms. Susan Regenstein
     Foglia Family Foundation                   Gerald A. & Karen A. Kolschowsky           The Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice
     Julius N. Frankel Foundation                Foundation                                 Foundation
     Robert W. Galvin Foundation                Dr. Cheryl Kraff-Cooper and                Mr. Paul W. Rink, J. D.
     Robert R. McCormick Foundation              Mr. Carey Cooper                          Benjamin J. Rosenthal Foundation
     $50,000 - $99,999                          Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lader                  Sage Foundation
     Anonymous (2)                              Ms. Cheri Lawrence                         Sea Products
     The Boeing Company                         Lawyers Trust Fund of Illinois             Singola Consulting
     Cless Family Foundation                    Mrs. Averill Leviton                       The Edward S. Sprague Foundation
     Crown Family Philanthropies                Elick and Charlotte Lindon                 Rabbi Steven Lowenstein and
     The Healthcare Foundation                   Charitable Trust                           Mrs. Julie Stark-Lowenstein
      of Highland Park                          George Martin Sus Trust                    State Farm Insurance
     Daniel Marchewka Trust                     Mazza Foundation                           Synchrony Foundation
     Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McCaskey              Mr. Fred Mickina Estate                    Drs. Janet P. Szlyk and
     Northern Trust Foundation                  Edmond and Alice Opler Foundation           Jeffrey M. Jackson
     Ghislane J. Skrzekut Living Trust          Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rich                     Union Pacific Foundation
     Mr. and Mrs. James Steinback               Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Rourke              United Way of Metropolitan Chicago
     Target Corporation                         Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Schnadig           Walgreen Co.
     Mrs. Lois Unell                            Dr. Scholl Foundation                      Mrs. Mamie Walton
                                                Charles and M.R. Shapiro                   Ms. Catherine J. Wytzka
     $25,000 - $49,999                           Foundation, Inc.                          George H. Zendt Charitable Trust
     Anonymous (1)                              The Siragusa Family Foundation
     BMO Harris Bank                            Spark Therapeutics Inc.                    $2,500 - $4,999
     Lloyd A. Fry Foundation                    Florence and Laurence Spungen              Anonymous (3)
     Ellis Goodman Family Foundation             Family Foundation                         Appelbaum Family Foundation
     PERT Foundation                            The Stahl Family Charitable Foundation     Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Belgrad
                                                Dollie Swarts Memorial Trust               Bolingbrook Lions Club
     $10,000 - $24,999                                                                     Mrs. Paula Borg
     Anonymous (4)                              Telemed, Inc.
                                                Estate of Ernest F. Ulrich                 Mr. and Mrs. David Brint
     Ackerman Foundation, Inc.                                                             Harry F. & Elaine M. Chaddick
     Assurance Agency, Ltd.                     Mr. Ray Van Dyke
                                                Mr. Ted Wecker                              Foundation Inc.
     Charles and Margery Barancik                                                          Mr. Vernon R. Duncan
      Foundation                                $5,000 - $9,999                            Enaz, Inc.
     The Barker Welfare Foundation              Anonymous(3)                               Ms. Alison Faith
     The Berner Charitable and                  Adreani Foundation                         Glenview Lions Club
      Scholarship Foundation                    Mrs. Rosanne Cohen                         Mrs. Susan G. Gohl
     Helen Brach Foundation                     Comcast                                    Grant Thornton LLP
     Larry* and Susanne Broutman                Harvey and Ethel Daeumer Foundation        Dr. William W. Hauswirth
     Fred J. Brunner Foundation                 John M. Davis, M.D.                        Mr. Steven and Ms. Lisa Hilton
     Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Clarke              Elkay Manufacturing Company                Mr. and Mrs. David Huber
     Lions John and Pat Coleman                 Exelon Corporation                         Mr. Tim Jahnke
     ComEd                                      Max Goldenberg Foundation                  Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Januszewski
     Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation              Hailstorm Brewing                          Jewel-Osco
     CSX Corporation                            Frederick E. & Ida H. Hummel               Mr. and Mrs. John C. Jones
     The Patrick and Anna M. Cudahy Fund          Foundation                               Beena and Martin Joseph
     Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Deutsch             Illinois Bar Foundation                    Mr. Tim D. Kenrick
     Freeborn & Peters LLP                      Mr. and Mrs. Val R. Jensen                 Lake Carroll Association
     Ms. Caroline Grossinger                    Mr. Ron Katz and Ms. Cheryl Coleman        Mr. Steven Laughman
     GSG Consultants, Inc.                      Dr. Manus C. Kraff                         Mr. and Mrs. Todd Martin
     Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Hague                Mrs. Patricia M. Livingston                Nesko Electric Company
     Carrye & Abraham S. Hart Fund              Locke Lord LLP                             Mr. William G. Paullin
     Conrad N. Hilton Foundation                Macy’s State Street                        Pave Works

Perkins Coie LLP
Pinnacle Development
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Randolph
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Raske
Retina Consultants, LTD
Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Ross
Rotary Club of Schaumburg-
 Hoffman Estates
Rush University Medical Center
Thompson Family Foundation
Mr. Edward J. Thompson
Abbie E. Tyrrell Fund
United Way Of Central Maryland
Samuel Weinstein Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Windler
Woodward, Inc.
Harold D. and Hazel C. Wright
$1,000 - $2,499                      Matilda, a graduate of our Preschool, continues to receive care from
Anonymous (3)                        The Lighthouse through our Low Vision Clinic.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Adelman
Allgreens Dispensary LLC
                                     George M. Eisenberg Foundation          Ms. Karin Norington - Reaves
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Ascoli
                                      for Charities                          Mr. and Mrs. William North
Robert W. Baird & Company Inc.
                                     Ms. Laura Scoville Ekstrom              Northfield Township
Mrs. Michelle Baker
                                     The Evangelical Lutheran Church         Mr. and Mrs. Brian Oriente
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford A. Bank
                                      of the Good Shepherd                   Mr. Thomas Osborne
Ms. Luanne A. Beck
                                     Mr. and Mrs. Jon W. Fisher              Palos Lions Club
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Berg
                                     Mr. John S. Gates, Jr.                  Mr. and Mrs. John Pendergast
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Bollier
                                     Mr. H. Dennis Giertz                    Mr. Mark Peskor
Ms. Eleni Bousis
                                     Ms. Katherine M. Glenney                Mrs. Sally Jo Pfaff
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bramsen
                                     Mrs. Kris A. Glicken                    Mr. and Mrs. James Pillars
Mr. Adam Bruns
                                     Mr. and Mrs. George M. Gogola           Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reid
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Buecking
                                     Google LLC                              Roberts Family Foundation
Mr. Joseph Bunta
                                     Mrs. Pamela R. Hamilton                 Messrs. Frank J. Rus* and Don Toy
Mr. Edward Caveney
                                     Ms. Mary P. Hines                       Mr. Mena Shehata
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin A. Chanen
                                     Hochberg Family Foundation              Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sheppard
Mr. John D. Chaney
                                     Ms. Charlotte Jackson                   Mrs. Junia Shlaustas
Mr. Joseph Claps
                                     Jocarno Fund                            Dr. and Mrs. Steve Sholl
Clarendon Hills Lions Club
                                     Ms. Dorothy A. Kapchinski               Sirius
Ms. Anida Johnson “Cookie” Cohen
                                     Dr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Kaplan          Mrs. Melissa Small-Cefalu and
Community Foundation of the
                                     Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kearney               Mr. Peter Cefalu
 Fox River Valley
                                     Mr. and Mrs. James M. Kesteloot         Mr. Steven B. Towbin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Conrad
                                     Lion and Mrs. Brian S. Kotas            Ms. Brenda Tran-Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Dino Damato
                                     Mr. Jason Kowalczyk                     Turano Baking Company
Davis Imperial Cleaners, Inc.
                                     Ms. Deborah M. Lader                    Urbut Family Donor Fund
Alex Demond Fund
                                     Mr. Henry L. Latkin                     Mr. Theodore M. Utchen
District 1-A Lions Clubs
                                     Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Livingston       Mr. and Mrs. James L. Valukas
Mr. and Mrs. Dante Domenella
                                     Mattingly Low Vision, Inc.              Mr. Narendra Vempati
Amelia Dregosh Trust
                                     McLean Foundation                       Mr. Charles Whalen
Mrs. Bubbly Duggal
                                     Mr. and Mrs. William McNally            Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wine
Ms. Melody Dworin
                                     MIS Computer                            Ms. Karen Wolfe
                                     Mobilisation, LLC                       Susan Young
Mr. John D. Edelman and
                                     Mrs. Ann Nathan
 Ms. Suzanne Krohn
                                     Ms. Doris Newton

In Memoriam

                                  Beverley kroll: A trailblazer and role model
                                  Beverley (“Bev”) Kroll was originally brought onto The Lighthouse
                                  Board, where she served for five years, by her dear friend, Harry
                                  Tankus. Bev was a behavioral scientist co-founded Peryam & Kroll, a
                                  highly successful national marketing research company.
                                  Perhaps Bev’s greatest legacy to The Lighthouse occurred after she
                                  left the Board. With her full support, in 2011, the North Suburban
                                  Healthcare Foundation, where she served as president, granted us
      Beverley Kroll              monies to purchase our Glenview facility, Chicago Lighthouse North.
                           “Bev was a pioneering woman who served as a mentor for female lead-
    ers. She was highly intelligent, strong and always seeking to support those who were vulner-
    able,” says Dr. Janet Szlyk, Lighthouse President and CEO.

                                  HARRY TANKUS: A Lighthouse friend and leader
                                  Lighthouse Board Member of eighteen years. CEO, engineer, and patent-
                                  holder. World War II Purple Heart recipient. Father. Husband of over 70
                                  years to Lila, his beloved wife. Harry was all these and more.
                                  “My dad immigrated from Poland at age seven and was the first in his fam-
                                   ily to attend college,” says his daughter, Ilyse Benton. “He rose through
                                   the ranks to become CEO at John Crain Company. He would wake up
                                   at 4:00 a.m. to say goodbye to the night staff and greet the morning em-
     Harry Tankus celebrating      ployees.”
     his 99th birthday with his
     daughter, Ilyce Benton,      “Harry was amazing,” adds Jim Kesteloot, immediate past Executive Di-
     this past August.             rector and current Lighthouse Board member. “He helped us raise a lot of
                                   money for our 1990s Capital Campaign (when the school wing and sec-
                                   ond floor were added). He touched countless lives.”

                                   paul scher: advocate for Disabled people
                                   Long-time Board Member Paul Scher devoted his life to breaking bar-
                                   riers—both those faced by himself and others. In 1957, he became the
                                   first person who was blind to graduate from Harvard University. He
                                   went on to earn two master’s degrees from The University of Chicago
                                   and the University of Illinois.
                       Mr. Scher joined The Lighthouse’s Board in 1974 and served for more
                       than 45 years. He helped The Lighthouse maintain its status as a na-
     Paul Scher        tional model for employing individuals with disabilities. In addition, he
                       worked for Sears, Roebuck and Company for over twenty years in the
    National Human Resources Department resolving issues related to people with disabilities.
19 “Paul was a national treasure,” says Jim Kesteloot, Board Member and past Executive Director.

Honoring our Retired Friends                                    Two World-Class
who changed The Lighthouse for the better                       Services Separated
                                                                by a City Block
                              Dr. Gerald Fishman
                              Dr. Gerald Fishman retired
                              after 10 years as Director
                              of The Lighthouse’s Pan-
                              gere Center for Inherited
                              Retinal Diseases. Through-
                              out his 50-year career in         As we look to 2021 and be-
                              comprehensive vision care,        yond, we’re optimistic about
                              he helped change the lives        the future.
                              of countless people of all        Dr. Gerald Fishman’s retire-
                              ages in our community.            ment last August led us to
                           “I learned so much from him,         reimagine The Lighthouse’s
not only about inherited eye diseases, but also about           partnership with the Uni-
how to be a professional and care for other people,” says       versity of Illinois at Chicago
Lighthouse President and CEO Dr. Janet Szlyk.                   (UIC) Department of Oph-
                                                                thalmology and Visual Sci-
                                                                ences. The new Pangere Part-
                              Mary Lynne Januszewski            nership for Inherited Retinal
                                                                Diseases brings together The
                               After a 39-year career           Lighthouse’s renowned com-
                               at The Lighthouse, Mary          prehensive low vision care
                               Lynne Januszewski retired        services with UIC’s leading
                               from her role as Chief Fi-       treatment of specialized in-
                               nancial Officer. Throughout      herited retinal diseases.
                               her exemplary career, she
                               was instrumental in making       Led by our own Dr. Kara Crum-
                               vital financial recommen-        bliss and UIC’s Dr. Robert
                               dations that helped The          Hyde, the new Pangere Part-
                               Lighthouse expand its role       nership will provide seamless,
                               in changing lives. “Through      coordinated vision care to our
all of these years, most of all, it’s been about the people,”   community.
she says. Mary Lynne has left an indelible mark on our          “By working together,” says
organization. In her retirement, she is continuing to give      our President and CEO Dr.
her time to The Lighthouse as a Senior Financial Advisor.       Janet Szlyk, “we can enpower
                                                                the individuals we serve to en-
                                                                hance their lives and live more
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