We believe in climbing, in thriving, in setting the pace - PRESIDENT'S PROGRESS REPORT 2016-2017

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We believe in climbing, in thriving, in setting the pace - PRESIDENT'S PROGRESS REPORT 2016-2017
We believe in climbing, in thriving, in setting the pace.
We believe in climbing, in thriving, in setting the pace - PRESIDENT'S PROGRESS REPORT 2016-2017
FOUNDED IN 1859 by the Sisters of                      St. Mary’s Academy Leadership and Staff
    the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, St.
    Mary’s Academy is a Catholic high school
    for young women, providing a college-                  BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2016-2017                  Cathy Myers                                       Alena Kelly
                                                           Kent Roberts                                  Senior Vice President, SSOE Group                 Assistant Principal of Academics
    preparatory education in a vibrant                     Chairman                                      Past Parent
    learning environment. We educate the                   Shareholder, Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt                                                        Patty Gorman
    whole person by nurturing spirituality,                Past Parent                                   Mollie Reavis, SNJM                               Dean of Students
                                                                                                         Community Volunteer
    encouraging creativity, promoting
                                                           Joan Hansen, SNJM                             Past Principal                                    Emily Niedermeyer Becker ’86
    justice and inspiring a sense of global                Secretary                                                                                       Vice President for Development
    interdependence to prepare students for                Retired Director of Resident Services,        Mariah Scott
                                                           Mary’s Woods                                  Co-President, Skyward, A Verizon Company          Rose Bontemps
    service and leadership.
                                                                                                         Past Parent                                       Chief Financial Officer
                                                           Bill Berg
    Standing on the shoulders of the                       President, Sigma Investment Management        Hayden Thomas                                     DEVELOPMENT STAFF
    pioneering Sisters who founded St. Mary’s              Past Parent                                   Community Volunteer                               Coralynn Arrigotti ’83
                                                                                                         Past Parent                                       Director of Leadership Giving
    Academy more than 158 years ago, we                    Pat Murphy Bradach ’80
    are Oregon’s only all-girls Catholic high              Senior Director Global Planning, Strategic    Chandra Wahrgren                                  Meagan Bataran
    school, with more than 10,000 diverse,                 Enterprise Capabilities, Nike, Inc.           President, Ardon Health                           Director of Annual Giving
    talented and dynamic alumnae. Our
                                                           Mary Burke, SNJM ’60 †                        Dana White                                        Annie Diess
    unique programs for leadership formation               Past Principal, Consultant                    Vice President, Real Estate and Construction,     Development Associate
    build self-confidence and provide                                                                    Providence Health and Services
                                                           Kimberly Cooper                               Past Parent                                       Lindsay Frickle
    continual opportunities for learning,
                                                           President/CEO, Fortuna Group                                                                    Major Gifts Officer
    leading and innovating, as well as spiritual           Past Parent                                   EX-OFFICIO
    development. St. Mary’s graduates are                                                                Christina Friedhoff                               Kendall Murphy
    trusted leaders and stewards of their                  Tom Fink                                      President, St. Mary’s Academy                     Associate Director of Development
                                                           President, Magnacorp
    communities.                                           Past Parent                                   SNJM PROVINCE MINISTRIES                          Michael Scott
                                                                                                         Pat Barr                                          Development Database Manager
                                                           Marcy Moore Forman ’67                        Coordinator of Incorporated Province Ministries
                                                           Owner, Timberhill Place                       Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary       SPECIAL EVENTS STAFF
                                                                                                         Past Principal                                    Hilary Baker
                                                           Mary Ferguson Glass ’79                                                                         Director of Special Events
                                                           Community Volunteer                           Elizabeth Crean, SNJM
                                                                                                         Corporate Member                                  Paige Silverston
                                                           Bob Harold                                    Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary       Assistant Director of Special Events
                                                           Retired Global Brand Controller, Nike, Inc.
                                                           Former CEO, Laika, Inc.                       ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM                               COMMUNICATIONS STAFF
                                                           Past Parent                                   Christina Friedhoff                               Gina Rau
                                                                                                         President                                         Director, Marketing and Communications
                                                           Henry Hooper
                                                           Lincoln High School Faculty                   Nicole Foran                                      Helen Veyna
                                                           Past Parent                                   Principal                                         Marketing and Communications Specialist

503.228.8306 | 1615 SW Fifth Avenue | Portland, OR 97201
We believe in climbing, in thriving, in setting the pace - PRESIDENT'S PROGRESS REPORT 2016-2017
Messsage from St. Mary’s Academy President and Principal

Dear Friends,
During this Blessed Season, we celebrate            talented leaders who care about others and
St. Mary’s Academy, a school dedicated to           make decisions from a place of integrity, love
preparing girls for lives of commitment,            and compassion.
confidence, contribution, faith and fulfillment.
We are fortunate to be stewards of such             We are at a time where our work and clarity
meaningful and important work.                      of mission have created a strong foundation
                                                    upon which to chart our bold future. Our
The 2016-2017 school year: boldness,                exciting campus expansion plan continues
dynamism and creativity. This was a year filled     while at the same time curricular and co-
with new opportunities for students to achieve      curricular programs are constantly evaluated
their full potential. With the adoption of Next     to assure relevance in these changing times.
Generation Science Standards, embedding
engineering strands in all science content          While our journey continues, we are grateful
areas as well as adding new classes such as         to stand on the shoulders of the pioneering
ukulele, and yoga and mindfulness, St. Mary’s       Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary
Academy continued to excel in the education         who founded St. Mary’s Academy more than
of the next generation of female leaders—           158 years ago.
women who are capable of thinking critically,
creatively and comprehensively.                     We wish you God’s abundant peace and love
                                                    as we all begin a new year. Thank you for your
We are blessed with a passionate leadership         prayers and belief in the power of a St. Mary’s
team, visionary Board of Directors and              Academy education.
dedicated faculty and staff who are
committed to working with students today
with an eye on what they will need tomorrow.

The 2016-2017 school year included many            CHRISTINA FRIEDHOFF
opportunities for us to collaborate and            President
engage our many stakeholders in discussions
about the culture of our school. Our many
productive discussions have served to increase
pride in St. Mary’s Academy as the only all-
girls school in Oregon where young women           NICOLE FORAN
are empowered to become self-confident,            Principal

                                                                                                           PRESIDENT’S PROGRESS REPORT 2017   |   1
                                                                                                      PRESIDENT’S PROGRESS REPORT 2016–2017   |   1
We believe in climbing, in thriving, in setting the pace - PRESIDENT'S PROGRESS REPORT 2016-2017
Profile: Class of 2017
                                                                                                            FOUNDED              By the Sisters of

In June, the staff and faculty of St. Mary’s Academy
celebrated the graduation of 188 students.
                                                       Over their four years at St. Mary’s Academy,
                                                       members of the Class of 2017 dedicated more than
                                                                                                            1859                 the Holy Names
                                                                                                                                 of Jesus and Mary
                                                       36,000 hours of voluntary community service.
The Class of 2017 boasts 78 National Honor Society     They served the homeless, cared for neighborhood

members who have been acknowledged for their           gathering spaces, organized fundraising events and
excellence in the areas of scholarship, service,       helped those in need.
leadership and character.
                                                       This class represents St. Mary’s first to use
Every member of the Class of 2017 graduated and        iPads in a 1:1 Digital Learning Experience all
was accepted to an institution of higher learning.     four years. The program has proven to foster
This class received more than $24 million in merit     collaboration, innovation and the skills necessary   Diverse Student Body
scholarships from colleges and universities.           for a 21st-century career.                                                            CAUCASIAN 63%
                                                                                                                                             AFRICAN-AMERICAN 4%
                                                                                                                                             A S I A N / PA C I F I C I S L A N D E R 8 %
Five St. Mary’s seniors were recognized as National                                                                                          H I S PA N I C 5 %
Merit Scholarship Finalists, and eight were                                                                                                  MIDDLE EASTERN 1%
                                                                                                                                             M U LT I R A C I A L 5 %
recognized as National Merit Commended Students.                                                                                             N AT I V E A M E R I C A N 1 %
                                                                                                                                             NOT PROVIDED 13%

                                                                                                            Catholic Students

                                                                                                                                       C LO S E T O

                                                                                                                                       $1.8 MILLION
                                                                                                                                       I N T U I T I O N A SS I STA N C E
                                                                                                                                       AWA R D E D TO 41 % O F ST.
                                                                                                                                       M A RY ’ S C U R R E N T FA M I L I E S

                                                                                                            S T U D E N T-   AVERAGE                            FA C U LT Y
                                                                                                             TEACHER          CLASS     FA C U LT Y       W I T H A D VA N C E D
                                                                                                               R AT I O        SIZE                             DEGREES

                                                                                                              11:1            21          63                    79%
We believe in climbing, in thriving, in setting the pace - PRESIDENT'S PROGRESS REPORT 2016-2017

St. Mary’s Academy Mock Trial team won the           region. SMA is proud to have the largest number       Three St. Mary’s Academy students were
State Championship title and represented             of student winners across the region.                 recognized in the Garaventa Center for Catholic
Oregon at the National High School Mock Trial                                                              and Intellectual Life essay contest for Catholic
Competition in Hartford, Connecticut.                St. Mary’s Academy student-produced art and           high school juniors. Students wrote essays on the
                                                     literary magazine, Escribe Maria, was honored         theme, My Game with God.
St. Mary’s Academy Science Olympiad team tied        with a first-place award in the national American
for first place at the State Championship. Due       Scholastic Press Association competition. This
to the winter snow and ice issues, our team had      honor is shared by the artists, writers and others
no competition opportunities this year until the     that participate in this extracurricular club.
State Championship which meant that, for many
of our young scientists, the biggest competition     Three St. Mary’s Academy students were among
in Oregon was their first competition of the year.   the top ten winners in the Oregon Poetry Contest
                                                     high school division of this statewide competition.
In the prestigious Scholastic Art and Writing        An SMA Junior went on to finish first place in the
Awards competition, 37 St. Mary’s Academy            Manningham Poetry Trust National Contest.
writers won 54 prizes in the multi-state west

                                                We believe in becoming. We believe in the artist, the
                                                thinker, the dancer, the coder, the athlete, the servant,
                                                the leader—especially the leader.

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We believe in climbing, in thriving, in setting the pace - PRESIDENT'S PROGRESS REPORT 2016-2017
Advancing Innovation                                     St. Mary’s Academy Honors and Thanks Founding Donors
                                                         of the SMA Robotics Program
The SMA Beta Blues Robotics Team, the only
all-girl team in Oregon, proudly took on their           Bill and Julie Reiersgaard share a passion for
second year of competition, finishing the qualifying     engineering that was evident in the successful
rounds of their first district event as the sixth seed   robotics company they founded and led together.
team out of 38 total teams. At the PNW District          Decades after selling their company, they continue
Championship, the Beta Blues joined 63 other             to support robotics programs, and in particular,
teams from Oregon, Washington and Alaska. As our         encourage young women to get involved in the
students were faced with challenges along the way,       engineering field. Throughout their careers, they
they continued to innovate and make improvements         noticed that female engineers see things and
for their robot.                                         approach problems in a unique way that adds
                                                         significant value to their work.
The Beta Blues came within 10 places of qualifying
for the World Championship, an impressive feat for       In 2014, Bill and Julie approached St. Mary’s with
our young team.                                          a proposal to help launch a robotics program.
                                                         With their deep knowledge in robotics, valuable
                                                         connections with our neighbor Portland State
                                                         University, experience kicking off a similar program
                                                         at Holy Family School and generous financial support,     Bill and Julie Reiersgaard
                                                         this dream became a reality.

                                                         Their initial major gift to St. Mary’s in December of
                                                         2014 funded the purchase of our first 3-D printer
                                                         as well as Lego Mindstorm NXTs to initiate student
                                                         learning in robotics and engineering. That spring the
                                                         Reiersgaards funded the purchase of Snap Circuits kits
                                                         to help introduce robotics and engineering concepts
                                                         to students previously unfamiliar with the disciplines.

                                                         In December 2015, they started making major gifts
                                                         to support the launch of the Beta Blues, the St. Mary’s
                                                         Academy Robotics Team, the only all-female robotics
                                                         team in the state. Along with a grant from NASA,
                                                         and donations from Puppet, First Tech and a select
                                                         number of committed St. Mary’s parents and alumnae,
                                                         the Reiersgaards helped enable St. Mary’s to take this
                                                         significant step towards an enhanced STEM offering.

We believe in climbing, in thriving, in setting the pace - PRESIDENT'S PROGRESS REPORT 2016-2017

Achievement in Innovation                           DIGITAL LEARNING DAYS                                  entertainment industries. These students worked
                                                    This school year brought an unprecedented number       side-by-side with engineers, designers and other
Natacha Chough, M.D. ’97 is a Flight Surgeon        of snow days and St. Mary’s Academy was quickly        technology leaders, many of whom were women,
with NASA who is charged with caring for            able to accommodate this challenge by implementing     to define and design new product requirements for
astronauts and their families in the highly         Digital Learning Days, made possible by our 1:1        software. These important mentorships encouraged
specialized field of aerospace medicine. She        iPad program. Digital Learning Days allow students     the girls to continue their work in STEM topics and
most recently provided ground and telemedical       to access instructional content and engage in live     with the SMA Robotics Team.
support as the Crew Surgeon for Kate Rubins,        interactions with teachers and classmates from home
Ph.D., the 60th woman to fly in space. She says,    through Schoology, an online learning management       ADVANCING STEM PROGRAMS AT SMA
“It’s like taking care of Lewis and Clark.”         system. Students maintained their learning             This summer, Apple Distinguished Educator
                                                    momentum despite the weather, which avoided            Liane Rae joined St. Mary’s Computer Science team
                                                    extending the school year in June.                     after thirteen years as Cathedral School’s middle
                                                                                                           school science teacher and technology coach. New
                                                    AUTODESK INTERNSHIP                                    programs, including a fabrication laboratory for the
                                                    Two students enjoyed a summer-long internship          robotics program and a learning environment that
                                                    with Portland-based Autodesk, maker of software        integrates science, technology, engineering, the arts
                                                    for the architecture, engineering, manufacturing and   and mathematics have already come to life.

                                                   We believe in
                                                   taking risks.

                                                                                                                PRESIDENT’S PROGRESS REPORT 2016–2017       |    5
We believe in climbing, in thriving, in setting the pace - PRESIDENT'S PROGRESS REPORT 2016-2017
Athletic Achievements
The 86-member strong SMA Blues Cross Country
Team charged their way into the OSAA 6A State
Meet by winning their sixteenth consecutive
league title at the 2016 Three Rivers League (TRL)
District Meet. At the OSAA 6A State Meet the Blues
captured the third-place trophy. The team earned
the OSAA Scholastic Stars Top Ten award with an
average GPA of 3.93. Head Coach Mike Bojorquez
                                                       The SMA Blues Senior Golf Team had another             The SMA Blues Soccer Team worked hard to
was honored by his peers as the 2016 TRL Girls’
                                                       strong year, placing third in the Three Rivers         move up in the ranks this season, playing against
Cross Country Coach of the Year, his second such
                                                       League and second at the Regional Tournament           powerhouse teams in the Three Rivers League.
honor in three years.
                                                       which qualified the team for the OSAA 6A Girls’        The girls earned themselves a 7-4-3 season record,
                                                       State Tournament. The varsity Blues earned a third-    a fourth place league finish, a 24th place power
The SMA Blues Basketball Team tied for fourth
                                                       place ranking among all 6A Girls’ Golf Teams in the    ranking, along with a spot in the state playoffs.
place in the league, earning a spot in the playoffs.
                                                       OSAA Academic Top Ten, recognized for a 3.83
Taking down top-seeded teams along the way,
                                                       team average GPA.                                      The SMA Lacrosse Team advanced considerably
the Blues secured a spot in the OSAA 6A Girls’
                                                                                                              this year, finishing the season in fourth place within
Basketball Elite Eight and faced top-ranked
                                                       The SMA Alpine Ski Racing Team had a breakout          what is arguably the strongest league in Oregon.
Southridge High School. While the eventual
                                                       season, finishing in second place in both the JV and   The Blues earned a ninth-place power ranking in
champions were too much for the youthful
                                                       varsity Mt. Hood Conference standings, chasing         the state (Gold Bracket) and a first round victory
Blues, the SMA cheering section never stopped
                                                       league champion Hood River Valley High School the      against Westview High School (15-10). In the
supporting the team. St. Mary’s school spirit earned
                                                       entire season. SMA skiers moved on to the Oregon       quarterfinal round, SMA went down against the
the OSAA’s 6A Tournament Sportsmanship award.
                                                       Interscholastic Ski Racing Association’s (OISRA)       defending and eventual state champs from Lake
Senior Bendu Yeaney was named 2017 Three Rivers
                                                       State Alpine Championships where the Blues             Oswego High School.
League Player of the Year.
                                                       finished eighth overall in the state.

                                                       At the Oregon High School Nordic Organization
                                                       (OHSNO) state races at Mt. Bachelor, SMA skiers
                                                       took sixth-place finishes in freestyle team results
                                                       and classic team relay events.

                                                       The SMA Volleyball Team once again challenged
                                                       opponents in the fiercely competitive Three Rivers
                                                       League and finished in fourth place and 24th overall
                                                       in the state power rankings. Six varsity players
                                                       earned league honors.

We believe in climbing, in thriving, in setting the pace - PRESIDENT'S PROGRESS REPORT 2016-2017
The SMA Swim Team saved their best for the Three                                                                                 evement
                                                                                                                     ALUMNA SPOTLIGHT
Rivers League District Meet, where numerous
swimmers posted personal records. The team
                                                                                                                     Achievement in Athletics
qualified twelve swimmers for the OSAA 6A State
                                                                                                                     Maureen “Mo” Clifford Atchison ’77 was
Championships in two individual events and two
                                                                                                                     a four-year varsity starter in both basketball and
relays. The 46-member SMA team finished fifth in
                                                                                                                     volleyball, six-time Metro League All-Star, four-
the Three Rivers League in both the regular season
                                                                                                                     time State Tournament All-Star, the first female
as well as at the district meet.
                                                                                                                     Parade All-American in basketball from the state
                                                                                                                     of Oregon and member of the 1976 OSAA State
With 72 students participating this year, all three of
                                                                                                                     Championship Volleyball team. She was one of
our Dragon Boat Teams had a spectacular season.
                                                                                                                     the first three women in history at the University
Team #1 paddled their way to a silver medal in
                                                                                                                     of Portland to receive an athletic scholarship
the Women’s B Final at the Rainier Dragon Boat
                                                                                                                     and graduated as the all-time leading scorer
Festival in Tacoma, Washington in May where they
                                                                                                                     in basketball. Her victories have extended
paddled Hong Kong-style boats.
                                                         Meet competition. SMA athletes achieved All-TRL             beyond the court; she is currently a Senior
                                                         First Team honors, along with spots in the OSAA             Vice President at Umpqua Bank as the Credit
The SMA Blues Tennis Team finished the spring
                                                         6A State Track Meet held at Hayward Field on the            Administrator for the Commercial Real Estate
season competition with a record of 7-5-1 to place
                                                         University of Oregon campus.                                Divisions in Washington, Oregon and California.
fifth in the Three Rivers League District Tournament.
The Blues took sixth among the fifty-three 6A
Girls’ Tennis teams in the OSAA Academic Top Ten         SENIOR HIGHLIGHTS
competition with a team average GPA of 3.76.             SMA Lacrosse senior, Mattie Ziegler, was one of six
                                                         area high school athletes awarded the Triple-Impact
The 72 athletes who participated on the 2017 SMA         Competitor Scholarship, given by the Positive
Track and Field Team worked hard to end the              Coaching Alliance in recognition of her dedication to
season with a fourth-place finish in the combined        make herself, her teammates and the game better.
Three Rivers League Dual Meet and the TRL District

Twelve SMA seniors have
committed to continue their
athletic pursuits in college
including senior basketball
star, Bendu Yeaney, who went
on to play with the Hoosiers at
Indiana University.

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We believe in climbing, in thriving, in setting the pace - PRESIDENT'S PROGRESS REPORT 2016-2017
Spotlight on Arts                                                                                                        KATHRYN E. BRIGGS ENDOWMENT
                                                                                                                         Alumna Teri Mariani ‘70 has been honored for her
For the third year in a row, St. Mary’s
                                                                                                                         contributions to women’s athletics by many. She
Marian Singers were 2017 Three Rivers
                                                                                                                         is a member of Oregon’s Sports Hall of Fame, the
League champions, advancing to the State
                                                                                                                         Softball Hall of Fame and Portland State University
Championship for the sixth year in a row. The
                                                                                                                         Hall of Fame. Teri is a quintessential “True Blue”
Marians performed at many popular events
                                                                                                                         alumna of St. Mary’s and credits much of her
throughout the year, including the Christmas
                                                                                                                         success to the values and life skills she acquired
festival at the Grotto and the Singing Christmas
                                                                                                                         at St. Mary’s Academy.
Tree at the Keller Auditorium.
                                                                    packed the house every performance for this
                                                                                                                         While Teri left a lasting impression on the field of
Eleven St. Mary’s students were selected                            beloved, joy-inspiring musical.
                                                                                                                         athletics, she has a great love of music. Teri has
among the best choral singers in the state of
                                                                                                                         witnessed the inspiring evolution of the choral
Oregon for this year’s prestigious All-State and                    A special addition of the dancing marionettes in
                                                                                                                         program at St. Mary’s under the direction of
All-Northwest Honor Ensembles. One of our                           “The Lonely Goatheard” song, not featured in the
                                                                                                                         Kathy Briggs.
violinists was accepted to All-State Orchestra,                     original Broadway version, was brought to life in
and an oboist was accepted to both All-State                        our production. A special sing-along was dedicated
                                                                                                                         Under Kathy’s leadership, the Marians were the
Orchestra and All-Northwest Band.                                   to Sr. Ignatia Ann (Nancy Moore), drama director,
                                                                                                                         first female choir to compete at the Oregon State
                                                                    teacher and mentor for 17 years at SMA.
                                                                                                                         Choir Championships at the 6A level, and won first
St. Mary’s Academy Theatre Department
                                                                                                                         place at the 2011 A Cappella in Albany Vocal Jazz
celebrated a banner season that opened with                         Thirty-nine St. Mary’s students entered 135 pieces
                                                                                                                         Festival. In 2009 Kathy Briggs conducted student
Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” in the fall, and brought                    and five senior portfolios to the Portland Metro
                                                                                                                         and alumnae musicians from SNJM schools across
back the popular “Sound of Music” for our                           Scholastic Art Awards. St. Mary’s students won 65
                                                                                                                         the country and Canada for a memorable concert
spring musical production. The largest cast                         awards at the competition, including thirteen Gold
                                                                                                                         celebrating 150 years of Catholic education in the
and crew in SMA history, 123 members strong,                        Keys and thirteen Silver Keys winners.
                                                                                                                         U.S. Kathy has taken the Marians to perform at the
                                                                                                                         White House twice, including a special performance
                                                                                                                         for President Obama that ended with a rendition of
                                                                                                                         “Oh Punahou,” his high school alma mater.

                                                                                                                         Teri knows that these accomplishments are directly
                                                                                                                         related to the extraordinary leadership of Kathy
                                                                                                                         Briggs and is passionate about this legacy. To
                                                                                                                         ensure that the critical resources are in place for
                                                                                                                         decades to come, Teri created an endowment
                                                                                                                         in Kathy Briggs’ name to support the St. Mary’s
                                                                                                                         Academy music program.

                                                                                                                            Teri invites the many Miss Briggs fans, as well as
                                                                                                                            SMA music fans alike, to join her in making a gift
        Kathy Briggs pictured with the St. Mary’s Academy Marians                                                           of any amount to this endowment to encourage
                                                                                                                            extraordinary choral directors like Kathy Briggs.

                                                   Nurturing Spirituality

Achievement in the Arts                            FAITH DEVELOPMENT                                    RAISING FEMALE CATHOLIC VOICES
                                                   St. Mary’s Academy offers a variety of ways          After their daughter Sara graduated in 2015,
Kathleen “Kathy” Custer Mitchell ’64 was an        for students to pray together, celebrate special     Marypat and Steve Hedberg remain faithful and
art educator for more than 40 years and was        occasions and grow in faith as individuals and a     generous donors who continue to be involved in the
recognized for her charismatic commitment          community. Through attending monthly all-school      St. Mary’s community. Inspired by their daughter’s
to instilling artistic skills, along with the      Mass or participating in Campus Ministry, students   experience, the Hedbergs sponsor programs at
work ethic required to realize them. With          deepen their own spirituality while engaging the     St. Mary’s to showcase the female voice within
her guidance, countless young people at St.        larger St. Mary’s community. Each year, students     the Catholic church. Each year, they generously
Mary’s and beyond have been inspired to            participate in a retreat program designed to         donate towards this meaningful mission. To kick off
create meaningful art, to illustrate emotion and   develop self-aware, civic-minded, compassionate      the program, their first year donation was used to
unlock their creativity. Kathy retired in 2017     leaders and deepen relationships.                    commission a processional cross used for all school
after 28 years of teaching at St. Mary’s.                                                               Masses. In the years to follow, the Hedbergs have
                                                   GIVING BACK THROUGH SERVICE                          worked closely with Theology Department Chair
                                                   St. Mary’s Academy students actively participate     and Dean of Students, Patty Gorman, to create
                                                   in service each year and graduate as stewards        an annual lecture series, bringing in a nationally-
                                                   of the community. Service takes on many forms,       recognized female Catholic theologian to speak to
                                                   including the Hands Full of Heart day of service,    SMA students.
                                                   Mississippi Service Immersion Trip, Mexico Border
                                                   Immersion Trip and the Justice and Peace Network.
                                                   A commitment to service plays a vital role in the
                                                   profile of SMA students and alumnae.

                                                       “SMA is a wonderful steward of the
                                                       donations and a blessed shelter of a simple
                                                       intention to encourage the faith experience
                                                       of young women.”
                                                       MARYPAT HEDBERG

                                                                                                          Marypat and Steve Hedberg

                                                                                                            PRESIDENT’S PROGRESS REPORT 2016–2017     |   9
                                                  Developing Leaders

Achievement in                                    STUDENT LEADERS
                                                  Preparing young women to lead in professional,
                                                                                                            We believe in
Community Service                                 personal and service-minded pursuits sits at the          global citizenship
                                                  heart of St. Mary’s mission. Our students have
Mary Winter Graves ’83 is the founder of No
Student Eats Alone, a program designed to
                                                  access to a wide range of opportunities to learn
                                                  and grow into leaders.
                                                                                                            and stewardship.
teach students the value and importance of
being aware of and kind towards one another.
                                                                                                            We believe in
                                                  LINK Mentors are sophomores, juniors and seniors
It empowers students with the skills and
mindset to have sincere conversations that
                                                  who are dedicated to shepherding freshmen through         service and
                                                  their transition from middle school to high school.
help positively impact their peers’ lives. Mary
says, “To reach out to others with just a brief
                                                                                                            collaboration. We
                                                                                                            are neighbors and
                                                  Our largest leadership group at 150 members, St.
conversation can help make them feel like         Mary’s Academy Ambassadors, proudly represents
they matter and they are not alone…We all just
want to belong, no matter how old we are and
                                                  our school and community to prospective students
                                                  and their parents as they explore SMA at our annual       we are friends.
especially at the fragile age of teenagers.”      Open House, Shadow Visits and other events
                                                  throughout the school year.

                                                  Five elected Associated Student Body officers
                                                  and 20 class officers serve the school community
                                                  as Student Council Members. These leaders
                                                  represent the student body and work closely with
                                                  school staff, faculty and administration on special
                                                  projects that encourage and support enhanced              2016 SPIRIT WALK STUDENT FUNDRAISER
                                                  communication, organization, time management              For three weeks, the students of St. Mary’s
                                                  and public speaking skills.                               Academy show their school pride by
                                                                                                            fundraising within their communities. The
                                                  LEADING THE WAY AT SMA                                    collective power of over 700 young women,
                                                  Before the school year kicked off, 60 students            faculty and staff raised nearly $119,000.
                                                  attended the second annual two-night retreat,             This effort was celebrated with a lively pep-
                                                  Leading the Way at SMA to explore various facets          rally and three-mile walk around Portland’s
                                                  of leadership. Students gain an appreciation for the      Esplanade on October 7, 2016.
                                                  importance of culture and the influential role they
                                                  each play in its development. This year’s retreat,
                                                  titled “Sisters’ Keepers,” included a variety of expert
                                                  speakers and workshops to deepen students’
                                                  leadership skills, confidence and ability to positively
                                                  impact their communities.

In her 40th year at St. Mary’s Academy, Patty                   hievement
                                                    ALUMNA SPOTLIGHT
Gorman stepped into a new leadership role
as Dean of Students. Though no longer in the
                                                    Achievement in Leadership
classroom, she will continue having a positive      and Entrepreneurship
impact in students’ faith formation as Theology
Department Chair. Gorman has influenced the         Suzann Baricevic Murphy ’83 is the Founder/
lives of many through her unique approach to        Owner/President of (w)here Real Estate,
helping students find meaning in their faith that   a collective of 50 brokers and support team
originates from her true love for the Catholic      members who are passionate about the
faith which is so central to her life.              experience of buying and selling homes. Suzann
                                                    calls on her passions for engineering, business
Gorman believes that developing strong,             and stories to evaluate, assess and market
trusting relationships with students has been       homes in the Portland area and beyond. For
critical to her success as a teacher, and is        over 28 years, she has found a way to give back
even more important now. In her new role,           to the community and the neighborhoods she
she looks forward to supporting and                 loves so much. A portion of every (w)here sale
encouraging every girl at St. Mary’s to fulfill     is donated to a local charity. Suzann credits
her God-given potential.                            her parents and her Catholic school education
                                                    for inspiring values that allow her to serve her
                                                    clients and business partners with respect,
                                                    creativity and a spirit of partnership.

                                                    PRESIDENT’S PROGRESS REPORT 2016–2017     |   11

Throughout our 158-year history, St. Mary’s Academy      St. Mary’s Academy is fortunate to be located in
has always been future-facing, able to plan, prepare     a vibrant, urban setting with programs that will
and position our students for the opportunities and      interface with other community organizations
challenges they will experience in their lifetimes.      toward developing tomorrow’s women leaders who
Our future vision is focused on our commitment           are innovators and critical thinkers. The Campus
to educate the next generation of female leaders.        Expansion Master Plan is envisioned to create an
Much of this will be accomplished through our            unparalleled, regional model for dynamic, 21st
Campus Expansion Master Plan which will allow us to      Century education.
translate our values into a vision. To serve a growing
number of students, the Campus Expansion Master
Plan elevates and expands educational opportunities.
The school has created program initiatives that will
be enhanced by the addition of space. These include:
                                                             “Our future vision
+ Urban leadership and entrepreneurship
+ Catholic identity and enhancement of the Sisters
                                                              is focused on our
  of the Holy Names’ charism and values
+ Design thinking, technology and innovation
                                                              commitment to educate
+ Sustainability, engineering and systems thinking
+ Athletics emphasizing health, wellness
                                                             the next generation
  and balance.
                                                              of female leaders.
                                                              Much of this will be accomplished
                                                              through our Campus Expansion
                                                              Master Plan which will allow us to
                                                              translate our values into a vision.
                                                             To serve a growing number of
                                                              students, the Campus Expansion
                                                              Master Plan elevates and expands
                                                              educational opportunities.”

                                                              CHRISTINA FRIEDHOFF

Financial Review

OPERATING REVENUES, GAINS, AND OTHER SUPPORT                       TOTAL     Presenting a total of 3,171 donors, these charts illustrate the
                                                                             sources of the $1,637,271 contributed to St. Mary’s Academy
Tuition and fees                                               10,446,225    between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017.
Operating contributions and grants                                781,190
Special fundraising events                                       1,637,271
Rental income                                                    201,699     DONOR BASE BY CONSTITUENCY
Sales                                                             138,524       Alumnae and Students                                          4%
Investment income                                                 153,823       Parents and Grandparents
Net Appreciation (decline) in the fair value of investments     1,134,894       Parents of Alumnae
                                                                                                                                 33%                      36%
Other revenues                                                    195,523       Friends, Faculty and Staff
                                                                                Foundations, Corporations
Total Operating Revenues                                       14,689,149       and Organizations
                                                                                                                                        11%         16%
Net assets released from restrictions for Operating purposes            —

Total Operating Revenues gains and other support               14,689,149

EXPENSES                                                           TOTAL

Instructional                                                   4,066,618    GIFTS ($) BY CONSTITUENCY

Instructional support                                           3,038,617       Alumnae and Students

Student services                                               2,093,304        Parents and Grandparents                                               21%
                                                                                Parents of Alumnae                                 28%
Scholarships and financial aid                                  1,823,208
Academic support                                                  817,314       Friends, Faculty and Staff
                                                                                Foundations, Corporations                                                    14%
Plant operation and maintenance                                   911,780
                                                                                and Organizations
Depreciation                                                     730,925                                                            19%
Auxiliary activities                                             139,864                                                                           18%

Total expenses                                                 13,621,630

                                                                             Derived from Audited Statement of Activities for
Net Operating results                                           1,067,519    2016-2017 Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2017
                                                                             Report by Independent Accountants, Gary McGee & Co., LLP, CPAs

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Record Setting Fundraising Events
Last November, more than 725 attendees gathered                    Nowak. St. Mary’s students shone brightly, with
for the St. Mary’s Academy 23rd annual Food for                    a dazzling performance by the Marian Singers and
Thought Luncheon benefiting financial aid. Keynote                 a special message from senior, Daae An ’17, who
speaker, best-selling author of “How to Raise                      talked about the vast opportunities open to her
an Adult” and parenting expert, Julie Lythcott-                    because of tuition assistance.
Haims captivated the audience for the fabulously
successful event, raising more than $500,000.                      “St. Mary’s is a very important part of my life.
                                                                   It has shaped who I am and who I will become.
Debora Knapp, KATU News Anchor, emceed the                         Without my scholarship, I wouldn’t be able to be at
event which included testimonials from SMA alumna                  St. Mary’s, and being here has given me the drive
and longtime teacher and coach, Sara Follen Salvi                  and confidence to know I will be successful in the
’71 , who co-chaired this year’s event with fellow                 future,” said Daae.
class of 1971 graduate, businesswoman Teri Wu

                                                                                                                                    Daae An ‘17

     Co-chairs: Teri Wu Nowak ’71 and Sara Follen Salvi ’71   Jessica Hickox Meyer ’94, Jamie Sprando ’94 and Brittney Clark ’94   Max and Gina Williams, Monica McQueen and Kimberly Cooper

                                                                                            $1 MILLION FOR THIRD CONSECUTIVE YEAR
                                                                                            The 29th Annual St. Mary’s Academy Auction
                                                                                            was a smashing success and raised nearly
                                                                                            $1,077,000, making it the most successful St.
                                                                                            Mary’s auction ever.

                                                       Mike Clark, Pat and Erin McClaskey   “This year’s theme, ‘Oh, The Places You’ll Go,’
                                                                                            was so appropriate, given that the journey
                                                                                            taken by each young woman at St. Mary’s
                                                                                            Academy is made possible by the support of
Co-chairs: Andrew Berlinberg, Ria Look, Anna Graham,                                        our community,” said Christina Friedhoff, St.
Gay Ellen Eagan and Mike Hagel
                                                                                            Mary’s Academy President.

                                                                                            Over 800 guests gathered at the Oregon
                                                                                            Convention Center for the April event.
                                                                                            Highlights included a performance by the
                                                                                            cast of St. Mary’s Academy’s production of
                                                                                            “The Sound of Music.” The paddle raise, Bids
                                                                                            for Kids, sets the tone for the generosity
                                                                                            of this community. The bidding started at
                                                       Jeanne Giles, Mariah Scott,          $15,000 and, collectively, St. Mary’s raised over
                                                       Aline Mocellin, Marilyn Scott
                                                                                            $356,000 towards tuition assistance.

                                                                                            The event’s success was due in large part
                                                                                            to this year’s co-chairs, dedicated SMA parents
                                                                                            Andrew Berlinberg, Gay Ellen Eagan, Anna
                                                                                            Graham, Mike Hagel and Ria Look. “Our auction
Jill Newsom, Fall Newsom, Karen Newsom,
Debbie Hayes and Brooks Newsom
                                                                                            is both a celebration and the most important
                                                                                            fundraising event for our school,” said Emily
                                                                                            Niedermeyer Becker ’86, Vice President for
                                                                                            Development. “So much work goes into the
   We believe in the real                                                                   event, and we could not do it without our co-
                                                                                            chairs, who give their time, expertise and other
   world—shaping it and                                                                     resources. They are wonderful examples of the
                                                                                            kind of generosity demonstrated by hundreds
   letting it shape us.                                                                     in our community.”

                                                       Asha Harold and Ann Murphy

                                                                                               PRESIDENT’S PROGRESS REPORT 2016–2017          |   15

Throughout our history, St. Mary’s Academy
has honored our founding Sisters’ commitment
to providing a college-preparatory Catholic
education to young women, regardless of financial
circumstances. These generous scholarship donors
allow us to keep that mission alive.

We are so grateful for the alumnae, parents and
friends who have generously established endowed
and annual scholarship funds, ensuring that all
young women have access to a St. Mary’s Academy

                                                    Virginia Mathews and Molly Mathews
                                                    Bjorklund ’85 (and scholarship recipients)

                                                                                                                    Mary Mathews Stevens ’80, Molly
     Bryan Concannon and Debi Dereiko
                                                                                                                    Mathews Bjorklund ’85, Marilyn Whitaker,
     (and scholarship recipients)
                                                                                                                    Christina Friedhoff

                                                     THANK YOU TO MARK AND MARY                  Service Scholarships more than 27 young

         We believe in an impossibly                 MATHEWS STEVENS, ’80, for their
                                                     generous support. Through the Virginia
                                                                                                 women receive financial aid at St. Mary’s
                                                                                                 each year. This investment in future women

         bright future.                              Mathews Endowed Scholarship, Richard
                                                     Mathews Endowed Scholarship and Virginia
                                                                                                 leaders of the world is extraordinary. We
                                                                                                 can’t thank you enough for believing in us!
                                                     Matthews Academic, Leadership and

ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPS                                   Frances Bocci Heinig '45 Music Scholarship
Nancy Martello Abbott '67 Memorial Scholarship         Katherine "Peggy" O'Neill Higgins '43 Endowed
Sr. M. Ignatia Ann '47 Endowed Scholarship             Scholarship Fund
 Thomas Bricker                                         Katherine “Peggy” O’Neill Higgins ‘43 †
 Mary Follen '74                                       Hotchkiss Family Endowed Scholarship
 Barbara Herron Fredenburg '63 and Ed Fredenburg        Loren and Martha Hotchkiss
 Molly Morrell '69 and George Cahill                    Deanna Hotchkiss Agostinelli '83 and Marty Agostinelli, Jr.
 Toni Roberti Mountain '66 and James Mountain          Claire LaRue Howe Memorial Scholarship
 Catherine Lynch Paque '60 and John Paque               Jim Fitzgerald and Karen Howe
 Marjorie Harstick Rossman '47                         Darlene E. Whisler Hoyt '56 Memorial Scholarship
 Nancy Bromberger Seppi '61 and Karl Seppi             Kate Jeans-Gail '97 Memorial Scholarship
 Mary Lou Custer Wickwire '60 and James Wickwire       Walter & Jeanne Kramer Endowed Scholarship
 Inarose Zuelke                                        Katharina W. Kratz Memorial Scholarship
Arntson Family Scholarship                             Maybelle Clark Macdonald Scholarship
Arrigotti Family Endowed Scholarship                   Dr. Molly A. Mack '68 Memorial Scholarship
 Raemarie Arrigotti '76                                Teri Mariani '70 Endowed Scholarship
 Coralynn Arrigotti Petrie '83                          Teri Mariani '70
B.P., Lester and Regina John Foundation Scholarship    Richard H. Mathews Endowed Scholarship
Bernice & Jim Baney Scholarship                        Virginia Mathews Endowed Scholarship
Rebecca M. Barendrick '86 Memorial Scholarship         Cassandra McCann '07 Performing Arts Scholarship
Stockton G. Barnett Memorial Endowed Scholarship        Jennifer Adams '07
 Lucy Barnett                                           Meredith Bennett
Sr. Shawn Marie Barry Scholarship                       Adrienne Remy Daniels '07 and Sam Huie
Rita Bateman Memorial Scholarship                       Camber Hansen-Karr '07
 Ron and Ann Emmerson                                   Betty and John Hansen
 Jock and Barbara Kimberley                             Judith Hansen
Marie Boyle Burke '26 Memorial Scholarship              The Judith Anne Hansen Trust
Sr. Mary V. Burke '60 Scholarship                       Jeffrey Kuehl and Hanna Bauer-Kuehl
Nikki Burns Memorial Scholarship                        Lauren Neiheisel '07
 Hilary Burns                                           Claire Riggs '07
 Melanie Burns Kemper ‘70                               Carla Roberts '99
Mary Clark Memorial Endowed Scholarship                McDonald Family Scholarship
Marilyn Peri Conboy Memorial Scholarship               Ann Welch McDonald '58 Endowed Scholarship
Concannon-Dereiko Family Scholarship                   Ann Dwyer McDougall '31 Memorial Endowed Scholarship
 Debi Dereiko and Bryan Concannon                      Elizabeth McGinley '37 Scholarship
Creitz Family Endowed Scholarship                      Sr. Mary McNassar '58 Endowed Scholarship
Sr. Arlene Cummings Memorial Scholarship                Alice McNassar '61
Hazel C. Miller Driscol '33 Memorial Fund               Carolyn and Bill Winter
Dustrude-Tung Family Scholarship                       Sr. Beverly Miles '51 Music Scholarship
Fink Family Endowed Scholarship                        Mary Ann Cook Moffitt '65 Memorial Scholarship
Betty Fogarty Endowed Scholarship                      Sharron Monroe Andersen '56 & Ione Rosellini Monroe '32
Sr. Maria Consuela Ford '26 Endowed Scholarship          Scholarship
 Laura Hollis Schuck '82 and Eric Schuck                Dick and Jan Andersen
Wes and Marcy Forman '67 Endowed Scholarship            Barbara Monroe Nelp '59 and Wil Nelp
Kathleen Sample Fouts '35 Memorial Scholarship         Sr. Pat Nizic '50 Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Rosemary Dwyer Frey '24 Memorial Endowed Scholarship    Peter and Marilyn Foster
Margaret Mary Galati '76 Memorial Scholarship Fund     Theresa Wu Nowak '71 and Andrew Nowak Endowed
Mary Margaret Godfrey Scholarship                       Scholarship
Amy Gregersen '90 Memorial Scholarship                 Patricia M. Obradovich '76 Scholarship
Bob and Sue Harold Endowed Scholarship                  Vince and Mary Frances Obradovich
 Bob and Sue Harold                                    Adeline Estes Patrick Endowed Scholarship
Barbara Hazlett '28 Scholarship                        Agnes Stoffel Romanaggi Memorial Endowed Scholarship
William Randolph Hearst Scholarship                     Dr. Don Romanaggi
Jim F. Heath Endowed Scholarship                       Barbara Sue Seal Scholarship
 Judith Letcher Heath '67

                                                                                                                      PRESIDENT’S PROGRESS REPORT 2016–2017   |   17

Last March, St. Mary’s Academy lost a precious member
of our freshman class, Eleanor Claire Landis. We are
deeply saddened by the loss, and yet filled with hope that
Ellie’s spirit and legacy will live on and continue to inspire   Life is beautiful. Life
others for generations to come.
                                                                 is the best gift anyone
Ellie loved St. Mary’s. Despite her diagnosis, treatment
and two-year struggle, she fully engaged in everything St.       could have.”
Mary’s. She made friends, studied hard, joined clubs and
devoured every experience of what it meant to her to be          ELLIE LANDIS ’20
a St. Mary’s girl.

Ellie’s parents, Tim and Madeline Landis, are directing
their unimaginable grief into action by creating an
endowed scholarship in Ellie’s name at the school that
their daughter so dearly loved. They are committed to
preserving Ellie’s legacy of strength, courage and great
love of life. “Ellie’s life ended too soon, and with it, her
ability to touch lives. We want to ensure that in spite of
this, she is able to continue making a positive difference
for others. This scholarship will give young girls the
opportunity to pursue their dreams at the school that                               Landis Family
meant so much to Ellie.”

The family set an ambitious goal of $100,000, and
gifts made to date in honor of Ellie total more than
$50,000. Ellie chose to never stop believing and fighting,
despite facing great challenges. It is in Ellie’s spirit of
perseverance that her parents will not stop until that goal
is surpassed.

     On behalf of the Landis family, we invite you to make
     a gift to The Ellie Landis Class of 2020 Endowed
     Scholarship in memory of Ellie and in celebration of
     the many lives that she can touch by providing much-
     needed scholarship support for one St. Mary’s girl,
     every year forevermore.

Ellie Landis Class of 2020 Endowed Scholarship
 Patty Barrett
 Marianne Bous '56
 Mary Brinkley
 David Buono
 Mark Busch
 Mike Carey
 Jasmine Cleary '20
 Walter Cox
 Rich Cramer
 Lance and Cristi Dayton
 Stephanie Dazer
 Peter and Kathleen Diamond
 Excel Finishing, Inc
 Cyndi Furseth
 Stephen and Sandra Ganey
 Kathryn and Jeffry Garrett
 Donald George
 Stephen Giansante
 Sally Gibson
 Lynnanne Hayes                                  Mary and Mike Serres Memorial Scholarship                    ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIPS
 Mike and Ferne Healy                             Anonymous                                                   Blue Note Annual Scholarship
 Wendy and Blake Hering                          Siena Club Scholarship                                       Mary Laughlin ‘60 Scholarship
 Kevin Johnson                                   R. Diane Spitznagel Scholarship                               Jean Laughlin Miller ‘68 and George Miller
 Eric and Vivian Kama                            Dephane Marie Sporrer '72 Memorial Scholarship               Marylee A. Lowry Memorial Scholarship
 Richard and Kelly Klitenick                     St. Mary's Academy Faculty Endowed Scholarship               McCarthy Family Scholarship
 Rupert and Bobby Jo Koblegarde                   Kelli Clark and Steve Kucas                                  Barbara McCarthy and Jon Tribbett
 Dolores Landis                                  Dianne LaGrand Strain '60 Memorial Scholarship               Gwyn Fitzgerald McGuirk ’05 Annual Scholarship
 Tim and Madeline Landis                         Lois Dayton Surber '37 Scholarship                            Anonymous
 Kevin Mason                                      Bonnie Rathjen '70                                          Evelyn Almeata Olson Scholarship
 Meg McCauley                                    Margaret & Thomas Thompson Scholarship                       Quest Foundation Scholarship
 Pamela and Larry McGeath                        Vaillancourt Family Scholarship
 Virgil and Karen Meads                           Jacques and Mary Vaillancourt
 Joe and Mylene Moorad                           Shannon Warden Family Scholarship
 Beth Moore                                      Sam Wheeler Scholarship
 Patrick Morley
                                                 Kari Yakubisin '01 Service Scholarship
 Gary and Kathleen Nedelisky
                                                  Kari Yakubisin '01 and Tim Clemens
 Terry Page
 Robert Park
 Kent and Sara Roberts                           ENDOWED FUNDS
 Joe and Sally Robinson                          B.P., Lester and Regina John Foundation Music Endowed Fund
 Don and Eileen Rueck                            Kathryn E. Briggs Music Endowment
 Marv and Mary Lou Rueck                          Teri Mariani ‘70
 Gregory and Deborah Sherwood                    Al and Sue Corrado Endowed Fund
 Andy Sloop                                      The Bob and Evelyn Dieringer Family Foundation
 Bob and Karen Spencer                            Bob and Evelyn Dieringer Family Fund
 John Sporseen                                    Gene and Karen Dieringer
 J Michael Starr                                  Timothy Dieringer †
 Phil and Marian Thom                            Endowed Fund for Faculty Salary
 Jack and Dorothy Trygg                          Rosemary Dwyer Frey ‘24 Fine Arts Endowment
 Rosemary and Stephen Twohey                     Frances Harold Endowed Fund for Student Support
 Michael Valenti                                 William Hunt Endowed Fund
 Ronald J. Whittier Foundation                   Meyer Endowed Fund
 Greg and Ruth White
 Michael Wiswall

                                                                                                                   PRESIDENT’S PROGRESS REPORT 2016–2017       |   19
Gifts That Make Impact Now
and in the Future
Marcy Moore Forman graduated from St. Mary’s
Academy in 1967, studied at Portland State University
and enjoyed a successful banking career. She married
her high school sweetheart Wes Forman, a Central
Catholic alumnus who still chuckles about waiting
for Marcy on the front steps of SMA, “because boys
weren’t allowed inside the building.”

Marcy and Wes’ passionate belief in the benefits of
an all-girl education has inspired their generous
support of St. Mary’s Academy, including Marcy’s
term on the Board of Directors and her service as the
founding chair of the Alumnae Advancement Council,        Marcy Moore Forman ’67, Sophia Hallinan ’18 and
                                                          Sophia’s mother, Sheila Hallinan ’89
and the countless volunteer roles she has taken on
over the years.
                                                          MOTHER MARIE-ROSE HERITAGE SOCIETY
In 2012, amid discussions to update their estate
plans, they considered joining the Mother Marie-          The Mother Marie-Rose Heritage Society honors those individuals who bolster the financial strength of St.
Rose Heritage Society with a scholarship that would       Mary’s Academy through planned gifts. Many have included St. Mary’s in their will, others have established
be funded through those long-term plans. Through          charitable trusts or gift annuities. Through thoughtful estate planning, these generous gifts help extend the
these conversations, they realized the gift in watching   extraordinary St. Mary’s experience to future generations of bright, talented girls.
the impact of their investment come to life and
established a small endowed scholarship knowing
that it will make a significant impact on SMA students    Mary Baker Alander ‘57                                  Imelda John Condon ‘30 †
                                                          Anonymous                                               Elizabeth Condon †
in the future.                                            Phyllis Ballou †                                        Andre Conlin ‘84
                                                          Helen Bambrick †                                        Freda Goodrich Cowling ‘19 †
The late Shawn Marie Barry, SNJM made a mark              Carol Beauchamp-Gredvig ‘67                             Norm and Marjorie Creitz
                                                          Katy Day Bedell ‘66 and Tom Bedell                      Whitney Preece Crofut ‘92 and Peter Crofut
on the Formans when she said, “St. Mary’s inspires        Sam Bernunzio †                                         David and Kathleen Cunningham
ordinary girls to be extraordinary young women.”          Ernest and Anna Bisio †                                 Phyllis Ganz DeJardin ‘33 †
                                                          Marianne Bous ‘56                                       Francine Loud Dennis ‘83
Considering themselves to be ordinary people who
                                                          Margaret Anderson Branson ‘55                           Debi Dereiko and Bryan Concannon
benefitted greatly from a Catholic education, the         Avis Brennan †                                          Evelyn Wojcik Dieringer ‘45 †
endowed scholarship in their name is intended             The Honorable Anna Jaeger Brown ‘70 and Paul Brown      Timothy Dieringer †
                                                          Joanne DiBenedetto Burdick ‘73 and David Burdick        Florence Donnelly ‘14 †
for an “ordinary girl” who dreams of becoming an          Betty Burke                                             Helen Powers Dooney ‘31 †
extraordinary young woman through her education at        Ellen Bussing                                           Mary Ellen Berger Doshas-Meucci ‘43 and Ray Meucci
St. Mary’s Academy.                                       Charlene Carpenter ‘51 †                                Dorothy Scheel Dragoo ‘49 †
                                                          Dorothy Serres Canavan ‘55                              Margueritte Hirschbuhl Drake ‘44
                                                          John and Linda Charles                                  Donna Deputy Dubinski ‘51
                                                          Sally Christianson †                                    Patricia McKenna Duffy ‘33 †
                                                          Mary Clark †                                            Judith Eddy
                                                          Maurie Clark †                                          Kristine Schray Erving ‘63 and John Erving

Mother Marie-Rose Heritage Society continued                                                    HONORING BOB AND SUE HAROLD WITH THE MOTHER
Anna Poli Feammelli ‘36 and Charles Feammelli †      Ann Dwyer McDougall ‘31 †                  MARIE-ROSE AWARD
Tom and Marilyn Fink                                 Jack McEwen †
Marcy Moore Forman ‘67 and Wes Forman                Elizabeth McGinley ‘37 †
                                                                                                Mother Marie-Rose was a leader whose passion was put into
Frances Driscoll Foumal ‘54 and Ron Foumal           JoAnne Sericko McMahan ‘62
Marion Fouse ‘35 †                                   Mary Crouch Moak ‘80 and Todd Moak         action. She believed that to live charitably was to love and
Mary Freilinger †                                    Laurence Morin                             serve. St. Mary’s Academy recognized Bob and Sue Harold
Rosemary Dwyer Frey ‘24 †                            Jan Charles and Elizabeth Mosser
Helen Friar †                                        Connie Muessle †
                                                                                                with the Mother Marie-Rose Award in gratitude for their
Barbara Stewart Gary                                 Hazel Boyle Neiger ‘35 †                   endless generosity. We are inspired by their commitment and
Kathy Matcovich Gatto ‘62 and August Gatto           Carolyn McGuigan Nielsen-Smith ‘54 †       grateful for their leadership.
Mary Quigley George ‘69 †                            Alice O’Hare ‘14 †
Ronald George †                                      Mildred Lacy Bird Orr ‘20 †
Carla Gonzales ‘75                                   Rollo Palmer †                             “Throughout their 25 years of dedicated service and
Mary Anne Grams ‘48 †                                George Paradis †                           outstanding leadership, Bob and Sue’s many acts of love and
Albertina Hankey †                                   Virginia Peri ‘55 †
Bob and Sue Harold                                   Joanne and Frank Pinelli                   service have touched all of us at St. Mary’s Academy. They
Frances Harold †                                     Tom and Najat Rask                         have been a role model for Board Members who seek to make
Rose Marie Navarra-Herb ‘44 †                        Tessie McBride Ratty ‘62 and Brian Ratty
                                                                                                a difference,” said Kent Roberts, Chairman of the Board of St.
Judith Letcher Heath ‘67                             Kathy Richard ‘75
Katherine “Peggy” O’Neill Higgins ‘43 †              Patricia Richard                           Mary’s Academy.
Helen Steele Hill ‘44 †                              Janice and Bill Ruiter †
Holly Humphreys †                                    Laurence J. Ryan †
Kathleen Ihnken ‘82                                  Elizabeth Scheelan ‘31 †
                                                                                                Bob and Sue demonstrate a commitment to honoring the
Kathleen Henzler Jakin ‘56 and Collins Jakin         Mary Tennant Scott ‘41                     charism of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary
Robert Johnson †                                     Barbara Sue and Bill Seal                  and have inspired staff, faculty and students with their vision
Dan and Lynn Jones                                   Bernie and Erin Shadder
Donna Kuzelka ‘66                                    William Sherman †                          and passion for education. Thanks to the Harolds, students
Steve and Ann LaRiviere †                            Patricia Smith ‘58                         today benefit from the opportunity to learn in an environment
Josephine Thomas Lawler †                            Ruby Parr Stevens ‘33 †
                                                                                                that encourages faith, inspires hope and nurtures love.
Rachel Leiber ‘00                                    Pamela Hicks Still ‘64 and Kenneth Still
Patricia LeMarte ‘54 †                               Mark and Tami Teaford
Margaret Schimmel Leonard ‘38 †                      Gail Myers Thayer ‘67 and Michael Thayer   “In the Spirit of Mother Marie-Rose, the students of St. Mary’s
Louise Smith Little ‘29 †                            Kathryn Donoghue Thomson ‘67
Marylee Lowry †                                      Doris Lincoln Trepp ‘34 †
                                                                                                Academy thank Mr. and Mrs. Harold for being moved by the
Maybelle Clark Macdonald †                           Patricia Bunce Trout ‘61                   same spirit and for being a shining light for students to be
Molly Mack ‘68 †                                     Hibbert de la Fontaine Unger ‘16 †         hopeful for the future,” said Emily Purkey ‘17.
Teri Mariani ‘70                                     John and Mary Lyn Villaume
Bill and Claire Mariucci                             Sarah McDonald Warner ‘70
Bernice Mayer ‘29 †                                  Dorothy Greenstein Wilson ‘38 †            Tom and Marilyn
Mary Johnston McCarter ‘40 †                         Joan Bork Woolard ‘51 †                    Fink, Bob and
                                                                                                Sue Harold,
† Denotes deceased

    There are many ways to become a member of the Mother Marie-Rose Heritage
    Society, including income-producing vehicles, all the while still providing for
    your loved ones. For more information about planned giving contact Coralynn
    Arrigotti ’83 at 971.256.9968 or Coralynn.Arrigotti@smapdx.org.

                                                                                                                  PRESIDENT’S PROGRESS REPORT 2016–2017   |   21

                                                                                                                                  FOUNDRESS CIRCLE

                                                 Honor Roll of Donors                                                             $5,000–$9,999
                                                                                                                                  (w)here Inc. and Suzann Baricevic

     On behalf of the faculty,
                                                                                                                                    Murphy ‘83
                                                                                                                                  Stephania Alexander
                                                 St. Marys’ Academy appreciates the generosity and                                Paul Bascom

     staff and students of St.
                                                                                                                                  Erika Johnson Bayless ‘96 and Bryan
                                                 acknowledges the support of our contributors who help
                                                 further our mission. We recognize the donors listed in this                      Bill and Katie Berg

     Mary’s Academy, I’d like to                 report for their cumulative gifts to St. Mary’s between July 1,
                                                 2016 and June 30, 2017.
                                                                                                                                  Andrew Berlinberg and Ellen Raim
                                                                                                                                  Marianne Bous ‘56
                                                                                                                                  Patricia Murphy Bradach ‘80 and

     thank our generous board,                                                                                                      George Bradach
                                                                                                                                  Debbie Burton and Michael Drais
                                                                                                                                  Rhett and Tiffanie Carlile

     parents, alumnae and friends                GOLDEN ROSE SOCIETY                        Judith Letcher Heath ‘67
                                                                                                                                  Kelli Clark and Steve Kucas
                                                                                                                                  Debi Dereiko and Bryan Concannon
                                                                                                                                  Joe and Laurie Ferguson

     who supported our school                    $50,000+
                                                                                            Candi and Jon Holzgrafe
                                                                                            Jon V. Jaqua and Kimberly B. Cooper
                                                                                              Fund of The OCF
                                                                                                                                  Chris and Dan Friedhoff
                                                                                                                                  Mark Garzotto and Anne Myrthue
                                                                                                                                  Carla Gonzales ‘75

     this past year. Thank you
                                                 B.P., Lester and Regina John
                                                   Foundation                               Teri Mariani ‘70                      Anna and Brent Graham
                                                 The Bob and Evelyn Dieringer Family        Cathy and Mark Myers                  Bill and Allyson Harris
                                                                                            Fall and Jill Newsom                  Harry A. Merlo Foundation

     for paying it forward and
                                                 Mary Shindler Boyle ‘67 and Timothy        Theresa Wu Nowak ‘71 and Andrew       Marypat and Steve Hedberg
                                                   Boyle                                      Nowak                               Ken Helm

     believing in all we do.”
                                                 Mike and Tracey Clark                      Suzanne Price ‘63 and James Price     Laurel Hook
                                                 Clark Foundation                           Kent and Sara Roberts                 Loren and Martha Hotchkiss
                                                 Timothy Dieringer †                        Dr. Don Romanaggi                     Howard S. Wright Construction
                                                 Ronald George † and Joanne Paxton          Laura Hollis Schuck ‘82 and Eric      Sara Jewell and Steven Brown
     EMILY NIEDERMEYER BECKER ’86                Shawn and Mike Hagel                         Schuck                              Andrew and Lisa Johnson
                                                 Bob and Sue Harold                         Bonnie Serkin and William Emery       Kirsten Kinsman and George Marshall
     VICE PRESIDENT FOR DEVELOPMENT                                                         Pamela Hicks Still ‘64 and Kenneth    Patrice Kleinheinz ‘86
                                                 Katherine “Peggy” O’Neill Higgins ‘43 †
                                                 Intel Foundation                             Still                               Claudia and Joel Leonard
                                                 Karen and Terry Newsom                     Uncle Wally Foundation and Walt       Regan and Ria Look
                                                                                              LeDoux                              Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund
                                                 SILVER ROSE SOCIETY                        Jacques and Mary Vaillancourt         Janeen and Malcolm McAninch
                                                 $25,000–$49,999                            OCF Joseph E. Weston Public           Dwayne and Kathleen Melancon
                                                 Deanna Hotchkiss Agostinelli ‘83 and         Foundation                          K.C. and Charease Mink
                                                   Marty Agostinelli, Jr.                   Dana and Michael White                Moda Health
                                                 Tom and Marilyn Fink                       William G. Gilmore Foundation         Barbara Monroe Nelp ‘59 and Wil Nelp
                                                 Marcy Moore Forman ‘67 and Wes             Carolyn and Bill Winter               Elisabeth White Niedermeyer ‘76 and
                                                   Forman                                                                           Thomas Niedermeyer
                                                 Grand Hotel and Dan Musser and
                                                   Marlee Brown
                                                 Ann and Sean Murphy
                                                 O’Donnell Law Firm LLC and Mark
                                                 SNJM U.S. Ontario Province

                                                 BLUE RIBBON SOCIETY
                                                                                                 We believe in that
                                                 Peter and Susan Bishop
                                                                                                 undefinable something
                                                 Peter and Sister Bragdon
                                                 Marian and Matt Brouns
                                                 Larry Brown
                                                                                                 so much larger than
                                                 Jim Fitzgerald and Karen Howe
                                                 GBD Architects
                                                 Mary Ferguson Glass ‘79 and George Glass
                                                 Susan Ferraris Hansen ‘77

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