Page created by Scott Hanson
                          P721Q- John F. Kennedy Jr.School

          Vocational Scope and Sequence
          Pacing Calendar & Framework

  1                        2                        3                        4         5
                                     “We Care”
    We envision a school in which all students, regardless of background, become
independent and productive members of our community to the greatest extent possible.

Table of Contents
Pages   Content
 3      Pre-ETS Curriculum
 4      School Web Resources
 5      District Web Resources
 6      ENL/Bilingual Resources
7-12    Tier 1 ELA & Resources
13-18   Tier 1 Math & Resources
19-24   Tier 1 Social Studies & Resources
25-30   Tier 1 Science & Resources
31-36   Tier 2 Work Study & Resources
37-42   Tier 3 Work Study & Resources
43-48   Tier 4 Work Study & Resources
49-62   Vocational Scope & Sequence         2
Click on the book to access it.

You may also
access these resources at
& by clicking on
the "All Resources" tab on the
same page:

                                  www.721Q.com   3
School Web Resources
721Q Web-based Resources and Login Information:
• https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D4Fcdeylw3sAayosQYa6XipTYZVl5NIbiJ52T1-
  ZZ3s/edit?usp=sharing. (Updated)
• https://www.p721q.com/uploads/8/4/4/0/84404500/user_accounts_passwords.pdf.

2020-2021 Resources Folder:
• https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aOXwimon9B2VBKLXZKUpmbw4s01uYSrA?usp=sharing

Interactive Board Resources:
• https://www.p721q.com/uploads/8/4/4/0/84404500/interactive_web-based_resources_.pdf

Pre-ETS Curriculum Resources (various):
• https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qgxq5k3JKg4Y-gwfqLrE6Nvk8_1HqSxe?usp=sharing

Pre-ETS PowerPoints and Vocabulary Worksheets:
• https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmTUuIOvv6tcHXgi52t92SeqJ30Guen3?usp=sharing

                                            www.P721Q.com                                4
District Web Resources
Sign in with Office 365 Microsoft:
• Nearpod: https://nearpod.com/login/ (presentations on all subjects)
• Discovery Education: https://app.discoveryeducation.com/learn/signin# (all subjects- videos & audiobooks)
• Actively Learn: https://read.activelylearn.com/account.html#/ (all subjects articles)
• Flipgrid: https://auth.flipgrid.com/educator (engaging video discussions)

Sign into Teach Hub to access: (Click on the Tabs: Home, K-12 and Highschool)
• Everfi (Clever access): https://platform.everfi.net/ (math & budgeting courses)
• Myon (Clever access): https://www.myon.com/login/ (online books based on reading level)
• Nalinikids: https://nalinikids.org/at-home (physical & emotional wellness videos)
• Wonderama: http://www.wonderamatv.com/ (all subjects videos)

Other Resources
• Limited Access to Pebble Go & Pebble Go Next through: https://orionlibrary.org/youth/student-
  resources/ (scroll down to Pebble Go/Next- all subjects articles/literacy supports- text to speech)
• Encyclopedia Britannica English & Spanish: https://www.britannica.com/
  (create a personal account- all subjects articles)
• Attainment Hub: https://hub.attainmentcompany.com/ (create a personal account- all subjects books)
*District resource access is constantly updated.
                                                   www.P721Q.com                                        5
ENL/Bilingual Resources
§ Colorin Colorado (Instructional Strategy Articles for ELLs)

§ Brainpop Español (All subjects in Spanish)

§ Nearpod (Spanish) (All subject presentations in Spanish)

§ Boom Cards (Instant feedback interactive lessons)
  (click on language of choice)

§ Duolingo (Language Acquistion website)
                                     www.P721Q.com                  6
Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1: English Language Arts                                                                                                                 Pacing Calendar

                                                                   September – October 2020
                                                                                                                                                                        DLM Essential
     U n i t / T h eme                                 Skills                                     Essential Questions

 Theme: Me in the Workplace
    Unit: Personal Interest                                                                                                                                                   EE.RI.9-10.2
                                     • Identify personal interests                 • What are my personal interests and abilities?                                Determine the central idea of the text and
Book 1: Job and Career Exploration   • Identify abilities/skills                   • How do my personal interests/abilities relate to my future goals?                  select details to support it.
                p. 3-18              • Compare and contrast personal               • How can my personal interests/abilities be an asset to the group?
  Book 2: Work-Based Learning          interests/abilities to a peer                                                                                              EE.L.9-10.4 Demonstrate knowledge of
            p. 3-8, 83-85                                                                                                                                                   word meanings.
      Life Skill Lessons p. 184
                                                                                                                                                                     CDOS: 3b - 2 Communication
                                                                                                                                                             Demonstrate effective communication skills needed
 Theme: Me in the Workplace                                                                                                                                    to meet the expectations of human and public
                                     • Identify different career areas                                                                                                      services consumers.
   Unit: Vocational Interest
                                       (clerical, food service, retail,
                                                                                   • Which skills are required for each career area in our school?
Book 1: Job and Career Exploration     maintenance)                                                                                                              CDOS: 3b - 7 Thinking/Problem Solving
                                                                                   • How can we describe the differences between two or more career
              p. 3-24                • Differentiate required interests                                                                                        Solve problems, set goals, and make decisions in
                                       for different career areas                    areas?                                                                    order to provide services to best meet the needs
   Book 2: Work-Based Learning       • Identify personal interests                 • How do you identify a career area that match your personal interests?                        of others.
          p. 1-3, 57, 85-88          • Match personal interests to
                                       vocational opportunities                                                                                                                CDOS: 3b - 6
                                                                                                                                                                 Safety Provide safe environments for others.

 Theme: Me in the Workplace                                                                                                                                                        DLM
                                                                                                                                                                   F-33 Can demonstrate understanding of
 Unit: Completing a Vocational
                                                                                                                                                                       personal distinction in thought
 Assessment (Self-Assessment)        • Match skills/strengths to a career area     •    How do I match my skills/strengths to a career area?
                                     • Identify career areas that match personal   •    How do I follow the directions of my assigned job?                             F-139 Can provide real world
Book 1: Job and Career Exploration     strengths                                   •    How do I complete a checklist of tasks needed to complete my job?         connections between words and their use
              p. 71-76               • Identify vocational opportunities           •    What are the rules and regulations of my career areas?
  Book 2: Work-Based Learning
                                       in school/community                         •    How does this career area connect to my personal interests?                   Refer to DLM Essential Elements:
              p. 85-88
                                                                                   •    What are some vocational opportunities in the school/community       https://dynamiclearningmaps.org/sites/default/files/do
                                                                                        and how can I access them?                                              cuments/ERP/foundational_maps-all_grades.pdf
      Reference Thinking
    Map: p. 4, 8-9 14, & 18-19

                                                                                       www.P721Q.com                                                                                             7
Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1: English Language Arts                                                                                                                        Pacing Calendar

                                                                             November-December 2020
                                                                                                                                                                             DLM Essential
      U n i t / T h eme                                        Skills                                      Essential Questions

   Theme: Career Opportunities
  Unit: Identifying Jobs in Each Career      • Identify different jobs found in             • Which jobs are associated with each career area?                                       EE.RI.9-10.3
                Areas                          each career areas                            • What are some of the tasks in each career area?                                 Determine logical connections
                                             • Explain the purpose for each                 • What are some similarities and differences between two career            between individuals, ideas, or events in a text.
    Book 1: Job and Career Exploration         career area                                    areas?
                  p. 17-40                   • Describe the differences between career                                                                                                    CDOS:
      Book 2: Work-Based Learning              areas                                                                                                                  CDOS: 3b - 2 Communication- Demonstrate
                  p. 13-49                                                                                                                                           effective communication skills needed to meet the
                                                                                                                                                                         expectations of human and public services
    Theme: Career Opportunities
   Unit: Identifying the Right Career Area                                                  • What vocational tasks are required in these career areas?
                                             • Identify career areas based on skills                                                                                 CDOS: 3b - 7 Thinking/problem solving, solve
                for Me                                                                      • What strategies/skills can I use to complete a vocational task in
                                             • Engage in vocational tasks                     my career area?                                                       problems, set goals, and make decisions in order to
                                                                                                                                                                     provide services to best meet the needs of others.
    Book 1: Job and Career Exploration       • Understand skills for career areas           • How do I use my skills and abilities to choose a career area?
                 p. 17-40
                                                                                                                                                                                      CDOS: 3b - 6
     Book 2: Work-Based Learning
                                                                                                                                                                       Safety- Provide safe environments for others.
                 p. 13-49
      Theme: Career Opportunities                                                                                                                                     F-149 Can demonstrate understanding of action
Unit: Demonstrating Learned Skills in a      • Identify skills needed in                                                                                                                   words
                                                                                            • What skills are required to successfully complete activities at
       Real-life Setting                       various situations (at home, in                                                                                        ELA-1382 Can name objects in pictures/tactics
                                                                                              home, in the community and at work?
                                               the community, at work)                                                                                               graphics used to represent book pictures during a
    Book 1: Job and Career Exploration       • Demonstrate skills to complete a task (at    • What skills do I need to develop to successfully                                         shared activity
                                                                                              complete a task? (at home, in the community and at
              p. 17-40, 60-66                  home, in the community, at work)                                                                                        F-138 Understands that there are a number of
                                             • Demonstrate skills learned in a mock           work)                                                                          subgroups within a broad category
                                               simulated setting                            • How do you apply skills to a real-life setting?
      Book 2: Work-Based Learning
           p. 13-49, 59, 65-70                                                                                                                                               Refer to DLM Essential Elements:
         Reference Thinking Map:
                 p. 6,7

                                                                                           www.P721Q.com                                                                                                        8
Vocational Scope and Sequence
  Tier 1: English Language Arts                                                                                                                       Pacing Calendar

                                                                                  January – February 2021
        U n i t / T h eme                                            Skills                               Essential Questions                                DLM Essential Elements/CDOS

       Theme: Acquiring New Skills
 Unit: Exploring Career Areas Outside of
               My Interest                                                                         • How can I use my strengths to advocate for my career                         EE.SL.9-10.1
                                                 •   Identify career interests                       areas?                                                              Engage in collaborative discussions.
   Book 1: Job and Career Exploration p. 1-8,    •   Apply career skills/strengths                    • How can I match my strengths/skills to                                     EE.RI.9-10.3
                     41-45                       •   Identify career areas outside of interest          different career areas?                              Determine logical connections between individuals, ideas, or
                                                 •   Ask clarifying experience questions about career • How can I experience career areas outside of my
     Book 2: Work-Based Learning p. 50-53,                                                                                                                                         events in a text.
                                                     areas                                              interest?
                   66 – 69
                                                                                                                                                                                   CDOS: 3b – 6
                                                                                                                                                                     Safety Provide safe environments for others.

   Theme: Acquiring New Skills                                                                                                                                                     CDOS: 3b-7
                                                                                                                                                              Thinking/Problem Solving, Solve problems, set goals, and
   Unit: Expectations in Different Career                                                          • How are the expectations for each
                                                                                                                                                                    make decisions in order to provide services to
              Areas                              • Identify expectations of career areas             career area different?
                                                                                                                                                                           best meet the needs of others.
                                                 • Determine what skills are needed in each        • How does completing a career survey help
  Book 1: Job and Career Exploration p. 52-68,     career area                                       me find a better career match?                                                       DLM
                     77-92                       • Complete self-assessment/surveys                                                                                       F-178- can identify functional words
    Book 2: Work-Based Learning p. 66-68,
                                                                                                                                                                to describe common persons, places, objects, or events
                                                                                                                                                             F-93- can identify a forward sequence from a familiar routine
                                                                                                                                                                      F-176- can identify actions associated with
       Theme: Acquiring New Skills                                                                                                                                                   familiar routines
Unit: Learning Skills for Different Career                                                                                                                          F-177- can identify the end of a familiar routine
                                                                                                   • Why skills do I need to learn for my/a given career?
  Book 1: Job and Career Exploration p. 41-45    • Identify skills for different career areas      • How do you learn additional skills for your career                  Refer to DLM Essential Elements:
                                                 • Learn skills for different job areas              areas?                                                 https://dynamiclearningmaps.org/sites/default/files/documents
     Book 2: Work-Based Learning p. 50-53,       • Perform skills for different career areas       • How can I apply what I learned in the school to                    /ERP/foundational_maps-all_grades.pdf
                 85-87, 88-89                                                                        the community?
          Reference Thinking Map:
          p. 14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22

                                                                                                www.P721Q.com                                                                                            9
Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1: English Language Arts                                                                                                                     Pacing Calendar

                                                                                      March – April 2021
                                                                                                                                                                              DLM Essential
       U n i t / T h eme                                        Skills                                             Essential Questions

  Theme: Career Awareness
  Unit: Career Opportunities         • Identify/research career opportunities at                   • How do I research jobs for a career area?
                                       school                                                      • How do I prepare for the job I researched?
Book 1: Job and Career Exploration   • Identify/research career opportunities in the               • How do the career opportunities in my school prepare me
              p. 48-59                 community                                                     for jobs in the community?                                                    EE.RL.11-12.1
                                     • Discuss the relationship of personal                                                                                               Analyze a text to determine its
  Book 2: Work-Based Learning          skills/experience to career opportunities                                                                                 meaning and cite textual evidence to support explicit
            p. 57-74                                                                                                                                                       and implicit understandings.

         Theme: Career                                                                                                                                                               EE.SL.8.4
          Awareness                                                                                                                                                Present descriptions, facts, or details supporting
                                     •   Discuss how their skills directly relate to a job         • Why do my qualifications make me the best candidate                  specific points made on a topic.
    Unit: Applying for a Job         •   Research about different careers                            for a career choice?
                                     •   Identify the components of a job application              • How do I become a better candidate for the job I’m                             CDOS: 3b - 6
Book 1: Job and Career Exploration   •   Fill out a job application                                  applying for?                                                   Safety Provide safe environments for others.
          p. 48-59, 79 -80                                                                         • How do you fill out a job application?
                                                                                                                                                                      CDOS: Standard 3a- Personal qualities generally
  Book 2: Work-Based Learning                                                                                                                                          include competence in self management
         p. 59-64, 83-107                                                                                                                                             and the ability to plan, organize, and take
                                                                                                                                                                                  independent action.

  Theme: Career Awareness            • Identify the daily expectations of a career                 • What are the daily tasks of a career area?                         Refer to DLM Essential Elements:
                                     • Identify rules and regulations of the career                • How do I describe the steps to acquire skills needed in   https://dynamiclearningmaps.org/sites/default/files/do
Unit: Maintaining Career Area                                                                        my career area?
                                     • Follow directions of the job                                                                                               cuments/ERP/foundational_maps-all_grades.pdf
                                     • Complete a checklist of tasks needed to complete            • What are reasons to call your employer?
Book 1: Job and Career Exploration                                                                 • How do you leave a message on an answering machine?
                                       your job
            p. 48-59, 76
                                     • Call/leave a message on a machine to a
  Book 2: Work-Based Learning          supervisor
          p. 59-64, 106

                                                                                             www.P721Q.com                                                                                       10
Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1: English Language Arts                                                                                                  Pacing Calendar

                                                                           May – June 2021
   U n i t / T h eme                                   Skills                               Essential Questions                         DLM Essential Elements/CDOS

                                 • Explain the hazards that may exist at work
   Theme: Applying Career        • Identify work safety skills needed                • How can hazards in the workplace impact
                                                                                                                                            Use digital media (e.g., textual, graphical,
           Skills                  for different career areas                          your job performance?                                audio, visual, and interactive elements) in
                                 • Discuss actions you can take to make              • What are some work safety skills needed for                       presentations to
   Unit: Work Safety Skills        your experience at work safer                       different career areas?
                                                                                                                                                     support understanding.
                                                                                     • What are the steps to be safe at work?
 Book 2: Work-Based Learning
          p. 89-107                                                                                                                                       EE.W.9-10.6
                                                                                                                                             Use technology, including the Internet, to
                                                                                                                                         produce, publish, and update individual or shared
Theme: Applying Career Skills                                                        • How are resumes and job applications similar?                    writing products.
                                 •   Identify your work experiences                  • How do you include your work experiences and
        Unit: Resume             •   Discuss your qualifications                       qualifications on a resume?
Writing/Work Experience/Vol      •   Fill out a resume                               • What are the steps needed to complete a
         unteering                                                                     resume?                                                Engage in collaborative discussions.
                                 •   Identify what volunteering/internship is and
                                     why its beneficial                              • How is volunteering/internships beneficial for                     EE.W.11-12.2
Book 2: Work-Based Learning
                                                                                       your professional growth?                         Write to share information supported by details.
          p. 89-107
   Theme: Applying Career
               Skills                                                                                                                           Refer to DLM Essential Elements:
                                                                                     • What are the rules of job interview              https://dynamiclearningmaps.org/sites/default/files/
       Unit: Interviews          • Identify the appropriate manners to follow          etiquette?                                       documents/ERP/foundational_maps-all_grades.pdf
 Book 2: Work-Based Learning       during an interview                               • How do I create a checklist to prepare for an
        p. 79-80, 89-107         • Perform a mock interview                            interview?
                                 • Explaining the reasons to send an e-mail /        • How did I perform during a mock interview?
                                   letter                                            • Why is it important to send an
  Reference Thinking Map:                                                              email/letter to set up an interview?
 p. 14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22

                                                                              www.P721Q.com                                                                             11
Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1 Additional Resources: ELA                                                               Pacing Calendar

              ØPersonal Interests: https://share.nearpod.com/cjCQBWFmD7
September -
              ØAbilities: https://share.nearpod.com/1VI2XlaHH4
              ØHobbies and interests: https://www.esl101.com/resources/hobbies-and-interest-lesson-plan#.X01mGhNKiRs
   2020       ØDescribe Strengths and Weaknesses: https://share.nearpod.com/1WFU4cmLp9

November –    Ø​Preparing a resume: https://share.nearpod.com/vfXJPLeyLQ
 December     ØGrowth Mindset: https://share.nearpod.com/RSmF4WgaiQ
   2020       ØStories about Jobs: https://share.nearpod.com/wEGpVCAGp9

January –     Ø​Creating Classroom Jobs: https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/blog-posts/tiffani-mugurussa/creating-classroom-jobs/
February      ØJob Interview basics: https://share.nearpod.com/nIyoBXGyLQ
  2021        ØConducting an interview: https://www.brainpop.com/english/writing/conductinganinterview/

 March -      Ø​Thriving on the job: https://share.nearpod.com/Gno1H6ByLQ
  April​      ØTime management: https://share.nearpod.com/KzLlVGt2F5
  2021        ØCommunicating with peers and supervisors: https://share.nearpod.com/rHPTRGcyLQ

              Ø​Employee Rights: https://share.nearpod.com/vKiNeQKxLQ
May – June    ØApplication and Interviews: https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/applications-and-
  2021          interviews/
              ØCommunication in the Workplace: https://share.nearpod.com/tYn85EZbaT

                                                           www.P721Q.com                                                         12
Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1: Mathematics                                                                                                                               Pacing Calendar

                                                             September –October 2020
                                                                                                                                                                            DLM Essential
        U n i t / T h eme                                               Skills                                  Essential Questions
       Theme: Personal Information
Unit: Important address and phone number
         of home / s c h o o l / work
                                                                                                        • What is AM & PM?
                                                 • Identify numbers in sequence and patterns
      Book 1: Job and Career Exploration                                                                • What are activities for different times of the day
                  p. 10, 36-40                   • Identify AM & PM
                                                 • Identifying activities for different times of           (AM/PM)?
        Book 2: Work-Based Learning                                                                     • What is a schedule and when do you use one?
                                                   day (AM/PM)
                     p. 9-17
                                                 • Identify when a schedule is used and how to          • How do you follow a schedule?
                                                   follow one                                           • How do you sequence numbers and identify
            Life Skills Lessons (Math)                                                                                                                                Use properties of geometric shapes to describe
                      p. 8                                                                                patterns?
                                                                                                                                                                                     real life objects.

       Theme: Personal Information               • Identify important addresses/ phone                  • Where can I find my personal information?
                                                                                                        • What are some important addresses, phone                                EE.G-CO.1.
 Unit: Important numbers for forms (age,           numbers of home, school and work                                                                         Know the attributes of perpendicular lines, parallel lines,
  date of birth, ID number, SS number)           • Identify and memorize important numbers: age,          numbers at home, school and work?
                                                                                                                                                                    and line segments; angles; and circles.
                                                   date of birth, ID number and social                  • What are some important numbers and how do you
        Book 2: Work-Based Learning                security number                                        store them?
                      p. 11                      • Fill out forms that ask for age, date of birth, ID   • How can you use your personal information to fill
                                                                                                                                                                                   CDOS 3a-1.
         Life Skills Lessons (Math)                number, social security number, etc.                   out a form?
                                                                                                                                                            Basic skills include the ability to read, write, listen, and
                      p. 8                                                                                                                                  speak as well as perform arithmetical and mathematical
      Theme: Personal Information                                                                                                                                                   functions
  Unit: Using a map to follow directions to
             find an address

           Life Skills Lessons (Math)            • Analyze the components of a map                      • What are the components of a map?                                Refer to DLM Essential Elements:
                      p. 8                       • Identify the address of various places in the        • What are the addresses of various places in the        https://dynamiclearningmaps.org/sites/default/files/docum
         Book 2: Work-Based Learning               community                                              community?                                                     ents/ERP/foundational_maps-all_grades.pdf
                     p. 35-40                    • Find the directions to a place in the community      • How do you find the directions to a place in the
                                                   using a map (physical and digital map)                 community using a map (physical and digital map)?
 Book 4: Focus on Workplace Readiness (Part 2)
                p. 66-67, 117-118

         Reference Thinking Map:
                  p. 12,13

                                                                                            www.P721Q.com                                                                                          13
Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1: Mathematics                                                                                                                              Pacing Calendar

                                                                       November-December 2020
                                                                                                                                                                          DLM Essential
    U n i t / T h eme                                          Skills                                        Essential Questions
     Theme: Personal Finance                                                                                                                                                         S-ID.1-2
    Unit: Understanding Salaries                                                                                                                                Given data, construct a simple bar graph (table, line,
                                        • Identify salaries for different careers                 • What are some salaries for different careers?                   pie, bar or picture) and interpret the data.
    Attainment's Explore Budgeting      • Discuss information found on a check / pay stub         • What is some information found on
               p. 59-90                 • Describe and compare wage laws / minimum wage             checks/pay stubs?                                                                  S-ID.3
                                          requirements                                            • What are some wage laws in your state and                       Interpret general trends on a graph or chart.
       Supplemental Material:                                                                       other states?
       Life Skills Lessons (Math)                                                                                                                                                     S-ID.4
                                                                                                  • What are minimum wage requirements in your
                    p.8                                                                                                                                                Calculate the mean of a given data set
      Theme: Personal Finance                                                                                                                                                          CDOS:
Unit: Understanding Monthly Income                                                                                                                                     CDOS 3a-7. Using resources includes
                                        • Identify ways to increase your income                   • What are the ways to increase your income?                     the application of financial and human factors,
    Attainment's Explore Budgeting      • Discuss the difference between a fulltime / part        • What are the differences between fulltime and part-                and the elements of time and materials
                  p. 59-90                time job / volunteer work                                 time jobs or volunteer work?                                     to successfully carry out a planned activity
        Supplemental Material:          • Differentiate needs from wants                          • What are the bills you must pay?
        Life Skills Lessons (Math)                                                                • How do you track expenses?                                                          DLM
                     p.8                                                                                                                                           F-2- Recognize sameF-45- Order Objects F-61-
                                                                                                                                                                                arrange objects in pairs
     Theme: Personal Finance                                                                                                                                                        M-76- Classify
    Unit: Understanding Savings                                                                                                                                                F-71- Recognize patterns
                                                                                                                                                                         F-84- Recognize Separateness F-38-
 Book 4: Focus on Workplace Readiness                                                                                                                                                Recognize set
                 (Part 1)               • Determine the cost of products/services (cost of        • How do you identify coins and bills?                                            F-63- Combine
                p. 66-78                  living)                                                 • What are the steps when paying for an item at a store?              F-27- Use perceptual subitizing F-72-
    Attainment's Explore Budgeting      • Developing a monthly budget and tracking daily          • What are some ways in which you can manage money?                                Partition sets
                p. 93-114                 expenses using a log                                                                                                              F-59- Recognize subset F-30-
                                                                                                  • How do you compare salaries and expenses?
                                        • Explain the importance of saving money for the          • How do you budget and save to buy items at a                                     Combine sets
       Supplemental Material:             future                                                    store?
       Life Skills Lessons (Math)                                                                                                                                    Refer to DLM Essential Elements:
                                                                                                  • What should you do when you have no money to make
                    p.8                                                                                                                                    https://dynamiclearningmaps.org/sites/default/files/docu
                                                                                                    a purchase?
     Reference Thinking Map:
              p. 12,13

                                                                                             www.P721Q.com                                                                                       14
Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1: Mathematics                                                                                                                                 Pacing Calendar

                                                                            January-February 2021
    U n i t / T h eme                                           Skills                                         Essential Questions                         DLM Essential Elements/CDOS

  Theme: Managing Time & Budgeting
        Unit: Identifying Time                                                                                                                                                      A-SSE.1
                                           • Identify components of time                        • What are the components of time?                        Identify an algebraic equation involving one operation with
   Book 4: Focus on Workplace Readiness    • Tell time (analog vs. Digital)                     • How do you tell time using an analog clock vs. a               one variable to represent a real world problem
                    (Part 1)               • Determine ways to help be on time (punctuality,      digital clock?
                    p. 13-24                 adequate time, elapsed time, set an alarm clock)   • How can we practice time management?                                              CDOS:
          Life Skills Lessons (Math)                                                                                                                                CDOS 3a-3. Personal qualities generally
                      p. 8                                                                                                                                     include competence in self-management and the
                                                                                                                                                            ability to plan, organize, and take independent action.

  Theme: Managing Time & Budgeting                                                                                                                         CDOS 3a-7. Using resources includes the application of
 Unit: Creating and following a Schedule   • Create a schedule                                  • How do you create a schedule?                           financial and human factors, and the elements of time and
                                           • Assess whether the schedule was used               • How do you assess whether the schedule was used                     materials to successfully carry out a
   Book 4:Focus on Workplace Readiness       correctly                                            correctly?                                                                    planned activity
                 (Part 1)                  • Track work schedule                                • How do I track my work schedule?
                 p. 13-24                                                                                                                                                            DLM
                                                                                                                                                                             F-2- Recognize same
                                                                                                                                                                     F-67- Compare objects for sameness
                                                                                                                                                                       F-65- Recognize attribute values
                                                                                                                                                                       F-76- Recognize different
                                                                                                                                                                       F-52- contrast objects F-45-
  Theme: Managing Time & Budgeting         • Identify a daily budget                            • What is a daily budget?                                                 Order Objects
         Unit: Daily Budgets               • Create a daily budget                              • How do you create a daily budget?                                     F-61- arrange objects in pairs
                                           • Identify items to stay within your budget          • How do you identify items to stay within your budget?                         M-76- Classify
      Attainment's Explore Budgeting       • Identify a discount/items on sale                  • What is a discount?                                                      F-71- Recognize patterns
                p. 5-32, 35-56             • Identify checking, debit and credit                • How do you get a discount?                                            F-84- Recognize Separateness
          Life Skills Lessons (Math)       • Differentiate between ordering/buying              • How do you differentiate between checking, debit and                        F-38- Recognize set
                      p. 8                   food vs. shopping for food                           credit cards?                                                                 F-63- Combine
                                           • Identify ways to save daily                        • What are the differences between ordering/buying                     F-27- Use perceptual subitizing
       Reference Thinking Map:                                                                    food vs. shopping for food?
                p. 12,13                                                                        • How do you identify ways to save daily?                            Refer to DLM Essential Elements:

                                                                                            www.P721Q.com                                                                                              15
Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1: Mathematics                                                                                                                              Pacing Calendar

                                                                           March – April 2021
       U n i t / T h eme                                     Skills                                          Essential Questions
                                                                                                                                                                          Essential Elements/CD

Theme: Spatial Awareness &Budgeting
                                      • Identify the size of different
    Unit: Math in the Community                                                                • What are the sizes of different objects (packages)?
                                        objects (packages)
                                                                                               • How can we compare the names and properties of different                              N-CN.2.b
                                      • Identify various shapes
      Book 2: Work-Based Learning                                                                shapes?                                                              Solve real world problems involving addition
                                      • Engage in spatial recognition
                  p. 26-29                                                                     • How can you describe the similarities and differences shapes?         and subtraction of decimals, using models
                                      • Match appropriate box sizes for items
        Life Skills Lessons (Math)                                                             • How do we engage in spatial recognition and awareness?                               when needed.
                                      • Use appropriate measuring tools
                    p. 8                                                                       • How do you match appropriate box sizes for items?
                                                                                               • How do you use appropriate measuring tools?                                          N-CN.2.c
                                                                                                                                                                               Solve real world problems
                                                                                                                                                                       involving multiplication of decimals and
Theme: Spatial Awareness &Budgeting   •   Identify ways to make a weekly budget                •   How do you make a weekly budget?                                  whole numbers , using models when needed.
                                      •   Identify weekly expenses                             •   How do you read a check?
   Unit: Creating a Weekly Budget                                                                                                                                  CDOS 3a-3. Personal qualities generally include
                                      •   Fill in a form for a weekly budget                   •   What are the components of a check?
                                      •   Differentiating between credit, debit or cash        •   What is a credit card and how do you use it?                    competence in self-management and the ability to
     Attainment's Explore Budgeting   •   Identify the components of a check                   •   When should you use a credit card, debit or cash?                 plan, organize, and take independent action.
                   p. 59-90           •   Identify how and when to use coupons                 •   What are ways to save money?
         Life Skills Lessons (Math)                                                            •   How do you budget your expenses?                                   CDOS 3a-7. Using resources includes the
                   p. 8                                                                        •   When and how do you use coupons?                                 application of financial and human factors, and
                                                                                                                                                                                  the elements of time
                                                                                                                                                                    and materials to successfully carry out a planned
Theme: Spatial Awareness &Budgeting
                                      • Identify ways to make a monthly budget                 • How do you make a monthly budget?                                         Refer to DLM Essential Elements:
   Unit: Creating a Monthly Budget
                                      • Identify monthly expenses                              • How do you make car, insurance, rent/house,                     https://dynamiclearningmaps.org/sites/default/files/doc
                                      • Fill in a form for a monthly budget                      etc. payments?                                                      uments/ERP/foundational_maps-all_grades.pdf
     Attainment's Explore Budgeting
                                      • Identify ways to shop online                           • How do you shop online?
                  p. 93-114
                                      • Identify ways to pay bills such                        • What is insurance?
         Life Skills Lessons (Math)
                                        as cellphones and credit cards                         • Where should you budget your extra money?
                  p. 8
                                      • Identify ways to save money                            • How do you manage your budget to plan ahead?
                                      • Identify ways to plan ahead
      Reference Thinking Map:
               p. 12,13

                                                                                          www.P721Q.com                                                                                                  16
Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1: Mathematics                                                                                                                      Pacing Calendar

                                                                            May – June 2021
     U n i t / T h eme                                   Skills                               Essential Questions                         DLM Essential Elements/CDOS

   Theme: Sales, Taxes & Loans
                                                                                      • What is a sale?                                                          S-ID.1-2
      Unit: Thrifty Thinking        • Identify sales at a store (online or physical
                                                                                                                                            Given data, construct a simple bar graph (table, line,
                                      store)                                          • How do you identify sales at a physical
                                                                                                                                                pie, bar or picture) and interpret the data.
   Attainment's Explore Budgeting   • Decide what a bargain is                          or online store?
               p. 117-144           • Compare prices in different stores              • How do you decide whether an item is
       Life Skills Lessons (Math)                                                       a bargain or not?                                      Interpret general trends on a graph or chart.
                   p. 8
                                                                                                                                                   Calculate the mean of a given data set
  Theme: Sales, Taxes & Loans       •   Identify what loans are
   Unit: Loans and Investments      •   Identify different types of loans             •   What is a loan?
                                    •   Identify how to make loan payments            •   When and why do we use loans?                      Create an equation involving one operation and
   Attainment's Explore Budgeting   •   Identify what a fine/late fee                 •   How do you make bill payments?                   one variable and use it to solve a real world problem.
               p. 117-144                                                             •   How can you avoid a fine/late fee?
       Life Skills Lessons (Math)                                                                                                                               CDOS 3a-7.
                   p. 8                                                                                                                            Using resources includes the application
                                                                                                                                              of financial and human factors, and the elements
                                                                                                                                               of time and materials to successfully carry out
                                                                                                                                                              a planned activity
   Theme: Sales, Taxes & Loans
           Unit: Taxes                                                                • What items are taxed? Why?                                 Refer to DLM Essential Elements:
                                    • Identify what taxes are                         • How do you read a paycheck stub?               https://dynamiclearningmaps.org/sites/default/files/documents/
                                    • Identify when taxes are used (clothing, food,                                                                ERP/foundational_maps-all_grades.pdf
   Attainment's Explore Budgeting                                                     • What are deductions?
               p. 147-176             paycheck/pay stub, salary, income tax, etc.)
       Life Skills Lessons (Math)
                  p. 8

    Reference Thinking Map:
             p. 12,13

                                                                           www.P721Q.com                                                                                                 17
Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1 Additional Resources: Mathematics                                                                     Pacing Calendar

September -   Ø   Personal information: https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/completing-job-application/
              Ø   Reading Maps: https://share.nearpod.com/gsf2kc1IzO
 October      Ø   Completing a Job Application: https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/completing-job-application/
   2020       Ø   Telling Time: https://share.nearpod.com/vsph/4AxOXRQdQz

November –    Ø   ​Bank Checks: https://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/economics/banking/
              Ø    Counting Money: https://share.nearpod.com/vsph/0pWZACcMEA
 December     Ø    Money: https://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/economics/money/
   2020       Ø    Money planning: https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/sponsored-content/18-19/regions/lesson-2-money-planning/

              Ø   ​Telling Time: https://share.nearpod.com/R1I1lQX8v0
January –     Ø    Elapsed Time: https://www.brainpop.com/math/dataanalysis/elapsedtime/
February      Ø    Budget: https://share.nearpod.com/7GR2V503GQ
  2021        Ø    Calculate Discount and Markup: https://share.nearpod.com/e/ZQtF3tVMp9
              Ø    Time Management: https://share.nearpod.com/vsph/RwYOwaLCYG

 March -      Ø   ​M ath Tools: https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/articles/teaching-content/math-tools/
              Ø    Online Safety: https://www.brainpop.com/technology/digitalcitizenship/onlinesafety/
  April​      Ø    Value of Money and Budgeting: https://share.nearpod.com/FtBqRGKeiQ
  2021        Ø    Credit Card: https://share.nearpod.com/e/pHhVKywNp9

              Ø   ​How Do You Actually Buy a House?: https://share.nearpod.com/bB1vsicVq9
  May –       Ø    Taxes: https://www.brainpop.com/math/ratioproportionandpercent/taxes/
  June        Ø    Menu Math and Grocery Shopping Math: https://share.nearpod.com/TgSyu6n8hQ
  2021        Ø    Managing Credit: https://share.nearpod.com/XeB7VOuHGQ
              Ø    Debt: https://www.brainpop.com/math/ratioproportionandpercent/debt/

Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1: Social Studies                                                                                                                            Pacing Calendar

                                                                         September – October 2020
           Unit/Theme                                               Skills                                               Essential Questions                              DLM Essential Elements/CDOS

      Theme: Who a m I?
      Unit: Discovering Me

 Book 1: Job and Career Exploration      • Create a chart/timeline of your life                         • Who am I?
              p. 3-9, 81                 • Identify diversity and its benefits                          • What makes you unique?
   Book 2: Work-Based Learning           • Identify examples of needs (food, clothing, and              • Why is knowing your strengths, preferences, & interests                     EE.RI.9-10.3
                p. 3-8                     shelter) and wants in various images.                          important?                                                           Determine logical connections
                                                                                                                                                                        between individuals, ideas, or events in a text.
       Supplemental Material:
  Life Skills Lessons (Social Studies)                                                                                                                                                EE.RI.9-10.2
       p. 60, 66, 68, 69, 74, 87
                                                                                                                                                                       Determine the central idea of the text and select
                                                                                                                                                                                    details to support it.
      Theme: Who a m I?
  Unit: Discovering My World                                                                                                                                           EE.RI.9-10.10 Demonstrate understanding,
                                                                                                                                                                       while active engaged in reading or listening to
 Book 1: Job and Career Exploration      • Discuss why taking turns is important for getting                                                                                         literary nonfiction.
       p. 36-42, 44-45, 74, 87             along                                                        •   How do you get along with others?
   Book 2: Work-Based Learning           • Identify ways / skills needed for making new friends         •   How do you make friends?                                                         CDOS:
       p. 33-34, 67, 81, 96-98           • Explain and demonstrate steps to take when solving a         •   How do you solve problems with others?                                CDOS-3b-2 Technology:
                                           problem.                                                     •   What makes someone a good worker?                          Use the computer and a variety of input devices
        Supplemental Material            • Identify times when you can help others                                                                                       (e.g., handwriting, keyboard, mouse, stylus,
  Life Skills Lessons (Social Studies)                                                                                                                                  scanner, voice) as tools to process information
     p. 56, 57, 59, 71, 77, 82, 90                                                                                                                                              and to assist in making decisions.

   Reference Thinking Map:                                                                                                                                                   Refer to DLM Essential Elements:
         p. 6,7,8,9,10,11                                                                                                                                            https://dynamiclearningmaps.org/sites/default/files/d

                                         •   Identify the parts of a computer/laptop/tablet             • How are computers used in our daily lives?
                                         •   Identify alphabet on a keyboard
   Technology Theme: Typing              •   Type letters, words, sentences, or paragraphs
                                                                                                        • Where are the parts of a computer/laptop/tablet located?
                                         •   Explain the ways computers/laptops/tables are used every   • How can using technology help me in the future?

                                                                                            www.P721Q.com                                                                                          19
Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1: Social Studies                                                                                                                                 Pacing Calendar

                                                                      November – December 2020
            Unit/Theme                                              Skills                                           Essential Questions                          DLM Essential Elements/CDOS
  Theme: Cultural Background
        Unit: My Family

 Book 1: Job and Career Exploration
                                            • Recognize the different type of groups (race,        •   What groups do you belong to?
          p. 67-68, 80, 83-86                                                                                                                                                 EE.SL.11-12.1
   Book 2: Work-Based Learning                religious, age, gender, etc.) to which we belong     •   How do family members care for each other?
                                                                                                                                                                     Engage in collaborative discussions.
    p. 3-17, 48, 54, 64, 70-73, 106         • Discuss roles of different family members, homes,    •   How do families change over time?
                                              and activities                                       •   Why do you celebrate different family traditions?
                                            • Identify and demonstrate the impact of               •   What do good neighbors/community members do?
       Supplemental Material:                                                                                                                                          Determine logical connections
  Life Skills Lessons (Social Studies)        helping others                                                                                                     between individuals, ideas, or events in a text
      p. 56, 65-67, 70, 75, 78-79

                                                                                                                                                                           CDOS-3b-2 Technology:
  Theme: Cultural Background                                                                                                                                  -Identify transferable skills that might be necessary
        Unit: My School                                                                                                                                                    for continued employment
                                            • Describe your social interactions in school                                                                   -Use the computer and a variety of input devices (e.g.,
 Book 1: Job and Career Exploration         • Explain the importance of learning from your         •   How do we handle disagreements?                      handwriting, keyboard, mouse, stylus, scanner, voice)
  p. 24, 36-44, 58, 60-66, 74-80, 87          peers                                                •   Why do schools and careers have rules?                                   as tools to process
   Book 2: Work-Based Learning              • Discover why rules are needed                        •   How do we work as a team on a task?                       information and to assist in making decisions.
  p. 13-15, 41-48, 62-67, 81, 85, 96        • Discuss the importance of rules                      •   How can my peers help me?
                                                                                                                                                              CDOS 3b-6: Interpersonal Dynamics Students-
         Supplemental Material                                                                                                                               exhibit interpersonal skills essential for success in the
   Life Skills Lessons (Social Studies)                                                                                                                        multinational business world, demonstrate basic
p. 56, 59, 62, 65, 68, 71, 77, 82, 83, 87                                                                                                                           leadership abilities/skills, and function

    Reference Thinking Map:
          p. 6,7,8,9,10,11                                                                                                                                            Refer to DLM Essential Elements:
                                            • Identify internet safety                             • What is internet safety?
          Technology Theme:
                                            • Determine ways to be safe on the internet            • What are some ways to be safe on the internet?
             Internet Safety
                                            • Discuss the importance of internet safety            • What is the importance of internet safety?

                                                                                              www.P721Q.com                                                                                    20
Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1: Social Studies                                                                                                                             Pacing Calendar

                                                                               January – February 2021
              Unit/Theme                                                 Skills                                       Essential Questions                          DLM Essential Elements/CDOS
         Theme: Community                                                                                                                                    EE.RI.11-12.3 Determine how individuals, ideas, or
         Unit: My Community                                                                                                                                      events change over the course of the text.

   Book 1: Job and Career Exploration          • Design a community that includes places to live & work    • What opportunities are in my community?                           EE.SL.11-12.1
      p. 17-23,31-44, 74-77, 81-86             • Create presentation representing service workers and      • How are services provided by the community               Engage in collaborative discussions.
                                                 write descriptions of their workers’ job that they then     used by the people who live in it?
      Book 2: Work-Based Learning                present at a “job fair.”                                  • How can I be a smart consumer?                                    EE.RL.11-12.2
         p. 48-52, 62-64, 71-73                • Access Community Resources                                • How do I access community resources?            Recount the main events of a text which are related to
                                                                                                                                                                          the theme or central idea.
          Supplemental Material:
     Life Skills Lessons (Social Studies)                                                                                                                      EE.RI.9-10.10 Demonstrate understanding while
 p. 56, 59, 60-66, 69, 74, 77-81, 84, 86, 89                                                                                                                    actively engaged in reading or listening to literary
        Theme: Community
Unit: My Impact on the Environment
                                                                                                                                                              CDOS 3b-6. Interpersonal Dynamics- exhibit
   Book 1: Job and Career Exploration
                                               • Research problems in the community                        • How do people impact our                     interpersonal skills essential for success in the multinational
              p. 77-92 69-87
                                               • Propose possible solutions to given community               community/environment?                       business world, demonstrate basic leadership abilities/skills,
                                                                                                           • How can people advocate and solve problems     and function effectively as members of a work group or
      Book 2: Work-Based Learning                problems
                                                                                                             that arise in the community?                                              team.
p. 10-15, 41-48, 62-64, 81, 96-99, 104-107     • Compare community solutions with how
                                                                                                           • How can one person make a difference?
                                                 people solve these problems today
                                                                                                           • How do citizens help their communities?                                 CDOS 3b-2 Technology
          Supplemental Material
                                                                                                                                                                        -Identify and use software programs for
    Life Skills Lessons (Social Studies)
                                                                                                                                                                    specific applications such as word processing,
        p. 56-65, 72, 74-77, 82-89
                                                                                                                                                            database management, graphics, and telecommunications
                                                                                                                                                                    -Use the computer and a variety of input devices
      Reference Thinking Map:
                                                                                                                                                          (e.g., handwriting, keyboard, mouse, stylus, scanner, voice) as
            p. 6,7,8,9,10,11
                                                                                                                                                                 tools to process information and to assist in making
                                                                                                           • How do you access the internet?                                           decisions.
                                               •   Access the internet                                     • How do I “surf” the internet safely?
          Technology theme:                    •   ”Surf" the web safely                                   • How do you use several search engines?                   Refer to DLM Essential Elements:
          Surfing the Internet &               •   Use several search engines                              • How do you research about jobs and career    https://dynamiclearningmaps.org/sites/default/files/documents/
             Researching Jobs                  •   Research jobs and career areas                            areas?                                                   ERP/foundational_maps-all_grades.pdf
                                                                                                           • What websites are creditable for research?

Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1: Social Studies                                                                                                                               Pacing Calendar

                                                                                       March – April 2021
               Unit/Theme                                                 Skills                                          Essential Questions                           DLM Essential Elements/CDOS

         Theme: Globalization
  Unit: Our Community and Beyond

    Book 1: Job and Career Exploration          • Locate your community on a map                          • How does geography affect the way we live?
       p. 17-23,31-44, 74-77, 81-86             • Write and illustrate travel brochures for               • How can we encourage people from other                 EE.RI.11-12.3 Determine how individuals, ideas,
     Book 2: Work-Based Learning                  four communities in your neighborhood                     communities to travel to our community?                  or events change over the course of the text.
          p. 48-52, 62-64, 71-73                • Discover what happens to economies when people travel   • How does it affect an economy when people travel
                                                  from place to place                                       from one place to the next?                                             EE.SL.11-12.1
           Supplemental Material:                                                                                                                                          Engage in collaborative discussions.
      Life Skills Lessons (Social Studies)
 p. 56, 59, 60-66, 69, 74, 77-81, 84, 86, 89
                                                                                                                                                                      Make connections between texts with related
           Theme: Globalization
                                                                                                                                                                                themes and concepts.
Unit: Regions of our Country/the World
                                                                                                                                                                                CDOS-3b-2 Technology:
    Book 1: Job and Career Exploration          • Read about different groups and draw                    • What factors shape a community's culture?                -Identify and use software programs for specific
       p. 17-23,31-44, 74-77, 81-86               images/symbols to represent that group’s experience     • How have different groups contributed to the United                   applications such as word
     Book 2: Work-Based Learning                • Distinguish between different regions of the US and       States?                                                    processing, database management, graphics,
          p. 48-52, 62-64, 71-73                  the world beyond                                        • How do people live in the Northeast?                                   and telecommunications
                                                • Compare cities v. towns and cultural traditions of      • What are different parts of the world like?             -Use the computer and a variety of input devices
           Supplemental Material:                 comparative locales.                                                                                                  (e.g., handwriting, keyboard, mouse, stylus,
     Life Skills Lessons (Social Studies)
                                                                                                                                                                    scanner, voice) as tools to process information and
  p. 56, 59, 60-66, 69, 74, 77-81, 84, 86, 89
                                                                                                                                                                                 to assist in making decisions.
       Reference Thinking Map:
                                                                                                                                                                           Refer to DLM Essential Elements:
             p. 6,7,8,9,10,11
                                                • Identify what an email address is                       •   What is an email address?
                                                • Create an e-mail                                        •   How do you create an email address?
           Technology Theme:                    • Discuss the importance of a resume and                  •   What is the importance of an email address?
         Creating an E-mail Address               email address                                           •   What are the etiquette rules for emailing?

                                                                                              www.P721Q.com                                                                                                22
Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1: Social Studies                                                                                                                               Pacing Calendar

                                                                                          May – June 2021
             Unit/Theme                                          Skills                                          Essential Questions                                   DLM Essential Elements/CDOS
  Theme: Looking to the Future
Unit: Developing 21st Century Skills
                                           •   Identify different web browsers
Book 1: Job and Career Exploration                                                                 •   Where do I discover facts needed to answer
                                           •   Complete steps to research topics / job
          p. 17-35, 49-59                                                                              important questions?                                                         EE.W.11-12.6
                                               openings using web browsers
                                                                                                   •   How do I find job opportunities?                     Use technology, including the internet, to produce, publish,
                                           •   Compose, send, and follow-up on e-
 Book 2: Work-Based Learning                                                                       •   How do I communicate effectively using                   and update an individual or shared writing project.
                                               mail messages.
    p. 47-52, 66-67, 95-107                                                                            technology?
                                           •   Name, sort, and organize
                                                                                                   •   How do I organize documents using a computer?                                EE.SL.11-12.1
                                               electronic documents on desktop folders
        Supplemental Material:                                                                                                                                             Engage in collaborative discussions.
   Life Skills Lessons (Social Studies)
           p. 56-60, 81, 86-88                                                                                                                                                        EE.SL.11-12.5
Theme: Looking to the Future                                                                                                                                  Use digital media strategically (eg. textual, graphical, audio,
Unit: Planning for the Future                                                                                                                                 visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to support
                                                                                                                                                                             understanding and add interest.
Book 1: Job and Career Exploration         •   Describe the skills that these new jobs will
   p. 3-5, 17-23, 49-59, 77-82                 require                                             •   What skills should you develop to be prepared                            CDOS-3b-2 Technology:
                                           •   Explore how modes of transportation may                 for future career?                                             -Identify and use software programs for
Book 2: Work-Based Learning                    evolve overtime                                     •   How will you travel from home to your destination?         specific applications such as word processing,
 p. 3-9, 41-49, 62, 73, 85-107             •   Discuss the role that your school plays             •   How does school help you prepare for your                database management, graphics, and telecommunications
                                               in preparing you for your future                        future?                                                -Use the computer and a variety of input devices (e.g.,
          Supplemental Material                                                                                                                                        handwriting, keyboard, mouse, stylus,
    Life Skills Lessons (Social Studies)                                                                                                                    scanner, voice) as tools to process information and to assist in
   p. 55-56, 64-67, 79, 80, 83, 87-90                                                                                                                                              making decisions.
                                                                                                                                                                  -Describe an educational program appropriate to
     Reference Thinking Map:                                                                                                                                   the requirements for one job (e.g., technician, engineer,
           p. 6,7,8,9,10,11                                                                                                                                                or technology education teacher)

                                           •   Identify games (physical, on                        •   How are physical, board, and computer                             Refer to DLM Essential Elements:
                                               the computer, online, etc.)                             games similar and/or different?                       https://dynamiclearningmaps.org/sites/default/files/document
                                           •   Follow the steps to create a game online            •   How can you create a game online?                                s/ERP/foundational_maps-all_grades.pdf
         Technology Theme:                 •   Play the game to assess if it                       •   How do you assess your game to see if it worked
        Create Your Own Game                   works smoothly                                          smoothly?
                                           •   Connect skills to create a game to                  •   How are vocational skills used to create a
                                               vocational skills                                       computer/online game?

                                                                                              www.P721Q.com                                                                                            23
Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1 Additional Resources: Social Studies                                                                   Pacing Calendar

September –   Ø   About Me: https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/activity-plan-4-5-all-about-me/
              Ø   Friendships, Communication, & Problem Solving: https://share.nearpod.com/RKUUIqe6hQ
  October     Ø   Celebrating Differences: https://choices.scholastic.com/issues/2019-20/020120/she-s-celebrating-differences.html
   2020       Ø   Accepting Differences: https://www.edutopia.org/blog/lesson-plan-helping-young-children-learn-accept-differences-maurice-elias

              Ø   ​Family Traditions: https://nyc.discoveryeducation.com/learn/videos/5d04f445-d198-45b4-8ad6-02acc31cf1d7/
November –    Ø    Family Traditions (Spanish): https://nyc.discoveryeducation.com/learn/videos/0f291792-f36e-4d9d-bb2a-418c6171718d/
 December     Ø    Getting Involved in the Community: https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/volunteer.html
   2020       Ø    Building School Community: https://share.nearpod.com/vsph/vBHcnQoITG
              Ø    Culture: https://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/culture/

              Ø   ​Community Resources: https://share.nearpod.com/W03qyCd4iQ
 January –    Ø    Goods and Services: https://nyc.discoveryeducation.com/learn/player/b92777b9-62d7-4013-98c4-59a718d5883a
 February     Ø    How Leaders and Events Shape Communities: https://nyc.discoveryeducation.com/learn/player/50eae9d8-a9cf-42af-889c-d5df7a565728
   2021       Ø    Using the Environment/Natural Resources: https://www.brainpop.com/science/energy/naturalresources/
              Ø    Making a Difference: https://choices.scholastic.com/pages/text-sets/making-a-difference.html

              Ø   ​M aps & Mapping: https://nyc.discoveryeducation.com/learn/videos/fe2944f4-6363-412c-ad12-764d00f3004d/
 March –      Ø    American Cultures: https://www.livescience.com/28945-american-culture.html
 April ​      Ø    Urban, Suburban, Rural Communities: https://share.nearpod.com/HSx9fCKCCQ
  2021        Ø    The Study of Culture: Geography: https://nyc.discoveryeducation.com/learn/player/2a5bb2cc-f6ff-4827-9d23-b5a519a8ca99
              Ø    Sending an Email: https://jr.brainpop.com/artsandtechnology/technology/email/

              Ø   Cultural Communication: https://nyc.discoveryeducation.com/learn/player/d3e037e8-1b63-44df-a371-bbd8747cb449
  May –       Ø   Jobs for Kids: https://www.thebalancecareers.com/jobs-for-kids-4161895
  June        Ø   Vocational Skills: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y46i-Tzgj6VzNdC4KB7yt22Ly-TsH7ew/view?usp=sharing
  2021        Ø   Trains, Planes, Automobiles: https://share.nearpod.com/vsph/qBMMHH5uPz
              Ø   Travel and the Environment: https://share.nearpod.com/vsph/xxBI6UWfPz

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Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1: Science                                                                                                                                        Pacing Calendar

                                                                                    September – October 2020
                                                                                                                                                                              DLM Essential
       U n i t / T h eme                                                         Skills                                Essential Questions
             Theme: Hygiene                                                                                                                                               CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.9-10.4
          Unit: Viruses vs. Bacteria                                                                                                                                      Determine the meaning of symbols, key
                                                                                                               • What is a virus?
                                                                                                                                                                                  terms, and other domain-
Life Skills Lessons (Science) p. 96, 99, 104-111, 116,   •   Identify Viruses vs. Bacteria                     • What is bacteria?
                                                                                                                                                                      specific words and phrases as they are used in a
              122, 125-128, 131, 133-134                 •   Identify where viruses and bacteria exist         • Where do viruses and bacteria exist?
                                                                                                                                                                     specific scientific or technical context re levant to
                                                         •   Discuss the illnesses they can cause              • What illnesses can viruses and
              Supplemental Material:                                                                                                                                             grades 9-10 texts and topics
                                                         •   Identify ways you can catch virus or bacteria       bacteria cause?
        Book 1: Job and Career Exploration                   at home/work/in the community                     • What are some ways you can catch viruses
                  p. 48-59, 67-69                                                                                or bacteria at home/work/in the community?                          EE.SL.9-10.1
          Book 2: Work-Based Learning                                                                                                                                       Engage in collaborative discussions.
                  p. 59-64, 71-81
            Theme: Hygiene
                                                                                                                                                                          Target Level: Use a model to illustrate
         Unit: Illness Prevention
                                                                                                               • How do I stop germs /viruses from getting me             how growth occurs when cells multiply
Life Skills Lessons (Science) p. 96, 99, 104-111, 116,   • Identify and discuss how to prevent germs virus       sick?
              122, 125-128, 131, 133-134                   from making us sick                                 • How can I clean my environment to prevent from                           CDOS:
                                                         • Discuss ways to clean your environment                getting sick?                                                CDOS- 3B-1 Health Services-
              Supplemental Material:                     • Discuss tools you can use to clean                  • What tools can I use to clean away germs?                       Academic Foundations:
        Book 1: Job and Career Exploration               • Show how to use the cleaning tools to               • How can I use cleaning tools to prevent germs        Identify and describe science concepts (anatomy
                  p. 48-59, 67-69                          prevent germs from spreading in all environments      from spreading in all environments?                    and physiology, biology, chemistry, physics,
          Book 2: Work-Based Learning                                                                                                                                               growth/development
                  p. 59-64, 71-81
             Theme: Hygiene                                                                                                                                                 CDOS- 3B- 3 Health Services-
          Unit: Hygiene Routine                                                                                                                                                  Health Maintenance:
                                                         • Identify the term hygiene                                                                                     Demonstrate good personal health habits
             Life Skills Lessons (Science)                                                                                                                               to promote physical, mental, and social
                                                         • Describe hygiene routine to follow throughout the   • How do I keep my body clean?
 p. 95-95, 104, 106, 108-109, 111, 114, 116, 119, 133-                                                                                                                    health Initial Level: Recognize that
                                                           day                                                 • Why is it important to wash our hands?
                           134                                                                                                                                              organisms are composed of cells
                                                         • Discuss and show how to wash hands                  • How often should I brush my teeth?
              Supplemental Material:                       and brush teeth                                     • How often should I take a shower?
Book 1: Job and Career Exploration p. 48-59, 67-69       • Discuss how often to shower                         • What steps do I take to          [name
                                                         • Sequence the steps to wash hands, brush               of hygiene routine]?                                       Refer to DLM Essential Elements:
  Book 2: Work-Based Learning p. 59-64, 71-81
                                                           teeth, bathe, etc.                                  • Why is it important to keep good hygiene at home   https://dynamiclearningmaps.org/sites/default/files/d
                                                         • Identify reasons for having good hygiene              and work?                                            ocuments/ERP/foundational_maps-all_grades.pdf
           Reference Thinking Map:
                   p. 2,3,4,5                              at home and work

                                                                                                     www.P721Q.com                                                                                    25
Vocational Scope and Sequence
Tier 1: Science                                                                                                                                              Pacing Calendar

                                                                                   November – December 2020
                   U n i t / T h eme                                         Skills                                    Essential Questions                           DLM Essential Elements/CDOS
                 Theme: My Body
    Unit: Identify Different Parts of the Body                                                               •   What are the functions of different parts of                 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.9-10.4
                                                        •   Identify different parts of the body
                                                                                                                 the body?                                          Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other
               Life Skills Lessons (Science)            •   Identify the functions of different parts
                                                                                                             •   What are the uses of various parts of the            domain-specific words and phrases as they are used
 p. 95, 96, 102-104, 108-109, 115, 119, 121, 128, 132   •   Identify uses of parts of the body
                                                                                                                 body when working (fingers, hands, arms, feet        in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to
                                                            when working (fingers, hands, arms, feet
                                                                                                                 and legs)                                                           grades 9-10 texts and topics
            Supplemental Material:                          and legs)
                                                                                                             •   What items do you need to keep your body safe
      Book 1: Job and Career Exploration                •   Identify items to keep your body safe (masks,
                                                                                                                 during different weather, climate or wide spread                        EE.SL.9-10.1
         p. 3-16, 12-23, 72-76, 80-87                       gloves, cleanliness, etc.)
                                                                                                                 illness problems?                                              Engage in collaborative discussions.
       Book 2: Work-Based Learning
                p. 3-6, 85-88
              Theme: My Body                                                                                                                                           CDOS- 3B-1 Health Services- Academic
              Unit: Five Senses                                                                                                                                                       Foundations:
                                                                                                                                                                             Identify and describe science concepts
              Life Skills Lessons (Science)                                                                                                                          (anatomy and physiology, biology, chemistry, physics,
  p. 95-96, 101-104, 108-111, 115, 119, 121, 128-133    •   Identify and describe the five senses
                                                                                                             •   How do I use my five senses?                                       growth/development)
                                                        •   Describe the function of each sense
                                                                                                             •   What sense do I use to complete a task?
            Supplemental Material:                      •   Discuss the use of senses at the workplace
                                                                                                             •   How do our senses help us at the workplace?            CDOS- 3B- 3 Health Services- Health
      Book 1: Job and Career Exploration
                 p. 3-16, 72-76
                                                                                                                                                                      Demonstrate good personal health habits to promote
       Book 2: Work-Based Learning
                                                                                                                                                                             physical, mental, and social health
                p. 3-6, 85-88
           Theme: My Body                                                                                                                                                                    DLM:
       Unit: Systems in the Body                                                                                                                                                     F-2- Recognize same
                                                                                                                                                                    F-67- Compare objects for sameness F-65- Recognize
                                                        •   Identify and describe different systems in       •   What are the different systems of our bodies?
           Life Skills Lessons (Science)                                                                                                                                              attribute values
p. 95-96, 101-104, 108-111, 115, 119, 121, 128-133          the body (Cardiovascular, Digestive,             •   How do the systems of the body help us
                                                                                                                                                                       F-76- Recognize different M-76- Classify
                                                            Endocrine, Immune, Respiratory, and                  every day?
                                                                                                                                                                                 F-84- Recognize Separateness
            Supplemental Material:                          Nervous System)                                  •   How do we keep our systems healthy in order to
      Book 1: Job and Career Exploration                •   Discuss how systems in our body help                 do everyday tasks such as work?
                                                                                                                                                                                Refer to DLM Essential Elements:
                 p. 3-16, 72-76                             us everyday
       Book 2: Work-Based Learning                      •   Identify how to keep our systems healthy in
                p. 3-6, 85-88                               order to do everyday tasks like working

        Reference Thinking Map:
               p. 2,3,4,5
                                                                                                      www.P721Q.com                                                                                            26
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