West - West Noble School Corporation

Page created by Nathaniel Malone
West - West Noble School Corporation
                                               AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE WEST NOBLE SCHOOL CORP.

                                                                                           Color run celebrates
                                                                                                                      SUMMER 2021

                                                                                           WNP staff, friends
                                                                                           These runners took part in the annual
                                                                                           Ligonier Color Run May at Kenney
                                                                                           Park. The event is in celebration of
                                                                                           the memories West Noble Primary
                                                                                           friends and staff members who have
                                                                                           died. Honored were Nancy Howell,
                                                                                           Troy Riser, Ethan and Shawn Kiser,
                                                                       PHOTO CONTRIBUTED   Barb Miller and Carol Rose.

  Welcome back to West Noble Primary
   The staff at West Noble Primary             WNP believes in the power of                   7. Sharpen the saw
School hopes you had a great summer         kindness. Our first grade classrooms              Our Meet the Teacher/Back to
and are now ready to get back to school.    will go on several “Kindness Missions”.        School Night will be Thursday, August
We had a great year at WNP and are          Look for them out in the community             12th from 5-7 p.m. This is a wonderful
ready to improve even more in the           doing “The Right Thing” for others!            opportunity to meet your child’s teacher
upcoming school year.                       Come see us in our Annual Kindness             as well as other staff and look over West
   Our custodial staff has worked very      Parade!                                        Noble Primary School. There will be
hard to prepare our building for the           This year, ask your child about             games, food, and music for all to enjoy!
start of the 2021-22 school year. They      Tiering. They will receive on level            Your child can have their picture taken
have set the tone with a fresh coat of      instruction based on Common Assess-            with our Charger Mascots or pick a face
paint and a shine on the floors:Way to      ments. This will enable your child to          painting picture. Make plans now to
go Nick Gaff, Cindy Staton, and Tim         work toward grade level or be enriched.        come as we look forward to an exciting
Records!                                    The goal is to assure that all students        2021-22 school-year at West Noble
   We look forward to serving your          have mastered the critical standards,          Primary School!
child as a whole person. We care for        represented on WNP’s Standards Based              Your child’s supplies will be $5 for
them from an educational side with          Report Card, before moving on to the
                                                                                           kindergarten and $5 for first grade.
great programs such as Pre and Post         next level.
Assessments, Guided Reading, Guided            Our newest program is Leader in Me.         Please send the money with your child
Math, Tier 1, 2, & 3, Grapeseed, and        This program will focus on the 7 Habits        on the first day of school. In addition,
Leader in Me.                               of Highly Effective People. Ms. Juday          there will be a list of other supplies,
   We also focus on the physical            will be heading up the program and her         found online, for your child to bring on
wellness of your child.We have a fitness    lessons will stress the habits to make         the first day.
club with 50, 100, and 150 mile club        staff and students more effective at              Great things are happening at West
levels. Each level earns awards with the    WNP! The lessons will be built on these        Noble Primary School! This is due to a
150 mile club members receiving shoes.      7 habits:                                      great staff that is willing to work with
We were unable to have this program            1. Be Proactive                             you as a parent to help your child reach
in 2020/21, but we look forward to             2. Begin with the End in Mind               their fullest potential.
bringing it back. :) Look for the Charger      3. Put first things first                      Please feel free to come visit us. We
Mile papers to come home sometime in           4. Think Win – Win                          look forward to working with you!
September. WNP will compete against            5. Seek first to understand, Then to                             #UNCOMMON
other schools in a 1000 meter run at the    be understood                                             Brian Shepherd, Principal
WNHS. We are defending champions!              6. Synergize                                          West Noble Primary School
West - West Noble School Corporation
Register your
                                                                                                     students for the
                                                                                                     2021-22 school year
                                                                                                        What you need to know for
                                                                                                        If you have a returning West Noble
                                                                                                     student, log in to Skyward Family
                                                                                                     Access to register for the coming new
                                                                                                     year 2021-2022.
                                                                                                        If you have a new student and
                                                                                                     ALSO have Family Access in Skyward,
                                                                                   SHERYL PRENTICE   please log in to enroll your new student
Students arrive early Friday morning at West Noble Primary School for their                          through Family Access.
first day of classes in the 2020-21 school year.                                                        If you are a NEW STUDENT at
                                                                                                     West Noble, please use the link on our
        Welcome back to                                                                              website.
                                                                                                        Website address: westnoble.k12.in.us
                                                                                                        Click on “Register a Student” then
  West Noble Elementary School                                                                       “New Student Enrollment Portal.”

    We are eagerly anticipating the start
of a new school year. A new school
                                              Open House in August. It will be held
                                              on August 12 from 4-5:30 p.m. This
                                                                                                              EOE Statement
year means welcoming new students,            will be an opportunity for our kids and                               •
reconnecting with returning students,         families to meet their teachers, bring                     The West Noble School Corporation
and a new sense of excitement and             their school supplies, and know where                  is committed to equal opportunity. It
enthusiasm. This new year will be             to go on the first day of school.                      is an “Equal Opportunity Employer”
especially exciting as we look forward           West Noble Elementary’s school                      and does not discriminate on the
to doing many of the activities we have       hours will be 7:45 a.m. to 2:15 p.m..                  basis age, race, color, religion, sex,
done in the past.                             The school day officially starts at                    handicapping conditions, disability,
    The start of the year is also a time to   7:45 a.m. Our first bus dismissal will be              or national origin, including limited
build new relationships. We believe that      at 2 p.m. with the second bus dismissal                English proficiency, in any employ-
the most important thing we can do as a       at 2:10 p.m. Student drop off/pickup                   ment opportunity.
school is to build strong connections. We     will, like last year, be at the back of the                If you have experienced discrimina-
strive to build connections with students,    school. Students may be dropped off                    tion you should make written inquiries
families, and each other that will create     before school from 7:30-7:45 a.m. and                  about procedures that are available
a culture of belonging, caring, and           picked up after school from 2-2:25 p.m.                for consideration of complaints.
learning. We believe that strong relation-       We truly appreciate your involvement                Complaints alleging such discrimina-
ships are the key to creating a school        and support for your kids and West                     tion should be directed to:
environment that will help our students       Noble Elementary. Together we can                                  Superintendent of
learn, grow, and be successful.               create a safe, caring, and welcoming                       West Noble School Corporation
    We will be kicking off the 2021-2022      learning environment that provides the                          5050 N. US Highway 33
school year with a “Back to School”           best education for every student!                               Ligonier, IN 46767-9606
                                                                                                               Phone: 260-894-3191
                                                                                                         CTE Courses available through
                                    Stewart, Brimner, Peters & Company                               West Noble School Corporation
                                                                                                     include Agriculture, Various Computer
                                                                                                     Applications, Family and Consumer
                                                    Serving The                                      Science, Cooperative Education,
                                                    West Noble                                       Culinary Arts Career, Education and
                                                                                                     Early Childhood Careers, Emergency
                                                   School Corp.                                      Medical Services, Automotive,
                                                                                                     Introduction to Health Care Systems,
                                                                                                     Law Enforcement, Construction,
 3702 Rupp Dr.                                                                                       Cosmetology, Printing/Graphic Design,
 P.O. Box 5577                                                                                       Machine Tool, Project Lead the
 Fort Wayne, IN 46895
 Phone (260) 482-6900
                                              Jason Brimner, CPCU                                    Way, Radio & TV Broadcasting, and
                                                                                                     Welding. Pre-requisites for each course
                                   Also in Kendallville, Stewart, Brimner, Peters & Company
 Fax (260) 482-7305                                                            260-347-1352
                                                                                                     vary and are available by contacting
                                                                                                     West Noble High School.
Page ­2                                   Go West • Summer 2021 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.
West - West Noble School Corporation
Welcome back to West Noble Middle School
BY STEVE GARBACZ                                       and student recognition programs such
sgarbacz@kpcmedia.com                                  as the Charger Character Awards, the                               Opening Day
   Welcome to West Noble Middle                        NJHS Induction Ceremony and Athletic
School! We look forward to having you                  Awards. We have also invited our Paw                               Information
with us for the 2021-2022 school year.                 Patrol canines to come back to join us                  • Back to School Night (open
We believe that middle school should be                this year!                                              house) — Monday, Aug. 9 6-8 p.m.
awesome, and we work hard to create                        Middle school is a terrific time to
exciting experiences for our students.                 make new friends and try new things!                    • First Student Day — Friday, Aug.
   In addition to our challenging and                  Our students help us to make WNMS                       13
interactive classrooms, our students                   the best it can be, and we continue to                  • School begins at 8:45 a.m.
also enjoy activities such as the                      listen to their suggestions for improve-
Homecoming Dance, STAR Parties,                        ments to our school. Our students credit                • School ends at 3:20 p.m.
special ILEARN week activities, and                    our staff as being the best thing about                 • Student schedules can be picked
Spring Fling. We also offer a wide range               the middle school. We are here to help                  up at Back to School Night or
of music classes, sports and after-school              you and can’t wait for you to join us!                  viewed on Skyward in early August.
clubs! We are excited to continue                          Welcome Back!
programs such as the Charger Reading                             Mrs. Tijerina, Mrs. Bradley,                  • Check our school website for
Challenge, Achieve 3000, 5th Grade                                              and Mr. Teel                   updates!
BizTown, 6th Grade Outdoor School                               WNMS Administrative Team

                                          West Noble Middle School Supply List
5th Grade                             •   water bottle                          • 24 lapices #2                           • 2 borradores rosas
 • Earbuds or Headphones              •   2 Highlighters                        • lapices de colores (12 or mas)          • resultadores
     (to remain at school)            •   2 Erasers (Cap or Pink)               • paquete de papel de hojas sueltas       • 2 marcador permanente de negro
 • 2 boxes tissues                    •   2 black Sharpie markers (art)             (200 o más)                               (para arte)
 • 24 count of #2 pencils             •   1 fine tip, 1 ultra fine tip          • marcadores de borrado en seco           • 1 punta fina, 1 punta ultra fina
 • Colored pencils (Any size of       •   Colored markers (art)                     (8 pack)                              • marcadores de colores (para arte)
     12 or more)                      •   Sketchbook (art)                      •   borrador de pizarra seco o calcetín   • el cuaderno de bocetos (para arte)
 •   200 ct. Loose leaf lined paper   7th Grade                                 •   tijeras
 •   Dry erase markers (8 pack)
                                      •   3 composition notebooks
                                                                                •   pegamento de palo                     7th Grade
 •   Dry erase eraser or sock                                                   •   2 rollos de cinta adhesiva
                                                                                                                          •   3 cuadernos de composición
                                      •   erasers
                                                                                •   borradores
 •   Scissors
                                      •   4 Pocket Folders                                                                •   borradores
 •   1 glue stick                                                               •   resaltadores                          •   4 carpetas con bolsillo
                                      •   Earbuds (to remain at school)
                                                                                •   3 cuadernos de composición de
 •   2 rolls of Scotch tape
                                      •   24 #2 pencils                                                                   •   audifonos para guardar en
 •   Erasers (cap or pink)                                                          100 páginas                               la escuela
                                      •   highlighters Yellow and Pink
                                                                                •   2 carpetas con bolsillo
 •   Highlighter
                                      •   1 box of 12 colored pencils                                                     •   24 lapices #2
 •   3 composition notebooks                                                    •   regla                                 •   resaltador amarillo and rosa
                                      •   1 box of tissues
                                                                                •   2 marcador permanente de negro
     (100 page)                                                                                                           •   lapices de colores (12 or mas)
                                      •   Scotch tape
                                                                                    (para arte)
 •   2 pocket folders
                                      •   Water bottle                                                                    •   1 caja de kleenex
 •   Ruler
                                      •   Ruler                                 •   1 punta fina, 1 punta ultra fina      •   rollos de cinta adhesiva
 •   Gym shoes
                                      •   Glue stick                            •   marcadores de colores (para arte)         transparente
 •   Water bottle
                                      •   Scissors                              •   el cuaderno de bocetos (para arte)    •   pegamento de palo
 •   2 black Sharpie markers (art)                                              •   botella para agua                     •   botella para agua
 •   1 fine tip, 1 ultra fine tip     8th Grade                                 •   zapatos para gimnasio                 •   tijeras
 •   Colored markers (art)            • 1 box of tissues                      6th Grade                                   •   regla
 •   Sketchbook (art)                 • colored pencils w/ hand held
                                          sharpener                             • 1 caja de kleenex
6th Grade                             •   highlighters (2)                      • 4 marcadores de borrado en seco         8th Grade
 • 1 box of tissues                   •   #2 pencils (24)                       • rollos de cinta adhesiva                • 1 caja de kleenex
 • 4 dry erase markers                •   eraser                                    transparente                          • 2 resaltadores
 • Scotch tape (for math teacher)     •   3-ring binder (science)               •   24 lapices #2                         • lapices de colores (12 or mas)
 • 24 #2 pencils                      •   4 spiral notebooks                    •   pluma roja                            • sacapuntas
 • red pens                           •   earbuds (to remain at school)         •   lapices de colores (12 or mas)        • 24 lapices #2
 • 1 box of 12 colored pencils        •   $5 class dues                         •   palo de pegamento                     • borradores
 • 1 glue stick                       •   water bottle                          •   4 cuadernos de composición            • 4 cuaderno spiral (social studies)
 • 4 composition notebooks                                                      •   caja para guardar lápices             • botella de agua
 • pencil box                         5th Grade                                 •   audifonos para guardar en             • audifonos para guardar en
 • earbuds or headphones              • audifonos para guardar en                   la escuela                              la escuela
   (to remain at school)                  la escuela                            •   zapatos de gimnasio                   • carpeta de tres anillos (ciencias)
 • gym shoes                          • 2 cajas de kleenex                      •   botella para agua                     • $5 (cuotas de clase)
                                                Go West • Summer 2021 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.                                              Page ­3
West - West Noble School Corporation
Welcome back to West Noble High School
    Dear Parents and Community,                   The high school will hold a freshman             feel welcome and connected and to
    Welcome back! The start of school is      orientation August 12th from 6:00-8:00               ensure they know they are an important
fast approaching, and I couldn’t be more      PM. There will be a meeting for parents              part of our West Noble family. We have
excited for this new year. For some, I        at 7:00 PM. Students and parents may                 big plans and goals in place, and I know
may be a familiar face. For those that        feel free to come in before or after to              2021-2022 is going to be a great year. I
don’t know me, I’d like to introduce          find their classes, meet administra-                 look forward to meeting our freshman
myself. I’m from Wilmot, and I am an          tors and teachers, and participate in a              class at orientation and to seeing our
alumni of West Noble. After college,          drawing. Upperclassmen may feel free                 students back in the building on the first
I taught social studies at Westview for       to come in and walk their schedules as               day. Go Chargers!
11 years. I became assistant principal        well. The first day of school is August                                     Amanda Nine
at West Noble high school in 2011 and         13th, and school hours will remain the                    West Noble High School Principal
enjoyed that role for 7 years. Since          same: 8:45 AM -3:20 PM.
then, I was the junior high principal             Student drivers: If you recently                 WNHS Back to School Information
at Westview and assistant principal at        got your driver’s license or changed                    Athletes, please make sure you have
Warsaw Community High School. I’ve            cars, please make sure you purchase a                a physical turned in so you can start on
been blessed to work at three amazing         parking permit or update your informa-               time. A meeting for fall athletes and
schools, and I’m excited to apply what        tion. This can be done during freshman               their parents will be held on August 5th
I’ve learned back home.                       orientation or during lunch. The cost of             at 5:00 PM in the high school blue seats.
    I know the last school year was a         a permit is $5.                                         The cutoff for schedule changes is
struggle for everyone, and for some, the          Dear Parents and Community,                      August 9th. Remember, a form with
effects are still there. Our goal at the          Welcome back! The start of school is             a parent signature must be filled out
high school is to make sure all students      fast approaching, and I couldn’t be more             before that date.
feel welcome and connected and to             excited for this new year. For some, I                  The high school will hold a freshman
ensure they know they are an important        may be a familiar face. For those that               orientation August 12th from 6:00-8:00
part of our West Noble family. We have        don’t know me, I’d like to introduce                 PM. There will be a meeting for parents
big plans and goals in place, and I know      myself. I’m from Wilmot, and I am an                 at 7:00 PM. Students and parents may
2021-2022 is going to be a great year. I      alumni of West Noble. After college,                 feel free to come in before or after to
look forward to meeting our freshman          I taught social studies at Westview for              find their classes, meet administra-
class at orientation and to seeing our        11 years. I became assistant principal               tors and teachers, and participate in a
students back in the building on the first    at West Noble high school in 2011 and                drawing. Upperclassmen may feel free
day. Go Chargers!                             enjoyed that role for 7 years. Since                 to come in and walk their schedules as
    WNHS Back to School Information           then, I was the junior high principal                well. The first day of school is August
    Athletes, please make sure you have       at Westview and assistant principal at               13th, and school hours will remain the
a physical turned in so you can start on      Warsaw Community High School. I’ve                   same: 8:45 AM -3:20 PM.
time. A meeting for fall athletes and         been blessed to work at three amazing                   Student drivers: If you recently
their parents will be held on August 5th      schools, and I’m excited to apply what               got your driver’s license or changed
at 5:00 PM in the high school blue seats.     I’ve learned back home.                              cars, please make sure you purchase a
    The cutoff for schedule changes is            I know the last school year was a                parking permit or update your informa-
August 9th. Remember, a form with             struggle for everyone, and for some, the             tion. This can be done during freshman
a parent signature must be filled out         effects are still there. Our goal at the             orientation or during lunch. The cost of
before that date.                             high school is to make sure all students             a permit is $5.

All students eligible to receive free meals
   Notice: Free Meals for All Students        during meal delivery. The cashier or                 ically offered to all students regardless
   The United States Department of            other school staff will help students take           of income.
Agriculture (USDA) has approved all           a full reimbursable meal.                               Families that believe they would
schools to offer free lunch to all students      If students purchase extras (such as              qualify for free and reduced meals
regardless of income. Those schools that      a bottled drink) available in the serving            normally, should still submit a free
offer breakfast will be able to offer free    line, a la carte (such as a singular                 meal application as this can help with
breakfast to all students as well. This       milk or entree), snacks from vending                 qualifying for other assistance programs
means students will receive their meals       machines, etc.,the student will be                   for the family and student. Benefits
for FREE for the 2021/2022 school year.       charged for these items. If your student             from completing applications stretch
   Some things to keep in mind:               intends to purchase items other than                 far beyond the cafeteria and impact
   Students must take the required            a meal, please make sure there are                   students in the classroom and at home.
components to make a reimbursable             adequate funds on their account.                     All information submitted in these
meal in order for it to be free. How             Nothing needs to be sent to the                   applications is private and confidential.
students make a reimbursable meal will        school in order to have a student receive            Applications are available on West
be posted/displayed in the cafeteria or       meals for free. Free meals are automat-              Noble’s website under “Services”.
Page ­4                                   Go West • Summer 2021 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.
West - West Noble School Corporation
Former WNHS prinicpal takes over lead at Lakeland
BY SHERYL PRENTICE                                                                                       “We are not friends. My first name is
sprentice@kpcmedia.com                                                                               ‘Doctor’ or ‘Mister’ to you,” he said.
    LIGONIER — An education career                                                                       He has great satisfaction in seeing his
forged, then shaped, at West Noble                                                                   former students and wrestling athletes
High School is propelling Principal                                                                  mature into productive and responsible
Greg Baker to new heights soon. Baker                                                                adults. One of his wrestlers later became
will become superintendent July 1                                                                    a West Noble school resource officer.
at Lakeland School Corporation in                                                                        Baker acknowledges that the
LaGrange.                                                                                            pandemic has been tough on students,
    As he leaves the nest at West Noble,                                                             who missed many 2020 events that
Baker is reflecting on what he will miss                                                             would make memories any other
most.                                                                                                year. The shutdown last spring denied
    “The students,” he said. “We have                                                                students the chance to engage in activi-
a great bunch of kids. I never say ‘I’m                                                              ties and with each other.
going to work.’ I always say, ‘I’m going                                                                 “I love to see students enjoying the
to school. It’s the relationships with the                                                           prom, the Theater33 productions, the
kids.”                                                                                               band concerts, the games,” he said. “It’s
    Baker didn’t take the direct route into                                                          (the pandemic) a little like the Blizzard
education and it took him a while to                                                                 of ’78 for those of us who remember it.
figure out what his life’s work would be.                                                            We remember it all our lives.”
He entered the U.S. Marine Corps right                                                                   There were dark times during
out of high school, serving four years                                                               Baker’s tenure at West Noble, too. The
before his discharge.                                                                                deaths of students or faculty members
    After that, he worked at various                                                                 weigh especially hard, so Baker tries to
construction jobs, RV factories and                                                                  use those experiences to make students
other jobs to try to figure out what he                                                              stronger.
wanted to do. That all changed suddenly                                                                  “When I think about the students
at a workplace in Millersburg.                                                     SHERYL PRENTICE   we’ve lost, it’s a stark reminder of how
    “I just stopped and said, ‘What am I      Greg Baker sits in his office at West                  short life can be,” he said.
doing?’” Baker said.                          Noble High School in the waning                            Baker is preparing for the June 4
    He turned to a favorite teacher, Mr.      days of his tenure as West Noble                       graduation ceremony for 144 graduates
Freisner, his eight-grade history teacher,    High School principal. He will                         as his last official act as principal. He’s
for advice. Baker had always enjoyed          become superintendent of Lakeland                      excited that the 7 p.m. ceremony on
the subject of history in school, so his      School Corporation in LaGrange on                      the gymnasium’s main floor will be in
teacher suggested he take a couple of         July 1.                                                person, and that each student will have
college classes to see whether teaching                                                              a limited number of family members
would be a good fit.                          daughters at home. He earned his Ph.D.                 present to keep the capacity within
    Baker took several classes at IPFW,       at Purdue University, West Lafayette.                  guidelines.
then quit his job to attend college               “Classes were online, and on campus                    “Graduation is important for the
full-time. The discipline he learned as a     sometimes,” Baker said. “I set my clock                families to watch their son or daughter
Marine served him well in his studies.        for 2 a.m. and would get up to do my                   graduate,” he said. I’m glad that we’re
He earned a master’s degree in adminis-       work” so that it didn’t cut into time with             able to have that.”
tration at IPFW.                              his family.                                                After that, Baker will spend June
    Baker has spent his entire career             Another factor with the Lakeland                   cleaning out his office and transitioning
in education at West Noble. He was            position is timing. Baker’s favorite                   to his new space at Lakeland. One key
a social studies teacher for five years       school event is graduation. This year,                 element he will take along is his own
and a wrestling coach. He was assistant       it’s even more so, as his twin daughters               talent for hiring people who bring skills
principal at the high school for six years    are graduating from West Noble. One                    and talents to the table that he says he
before moving into the principal’s office     will attend Indiana University; the other              doesn’t have.
10 years ago. He became principal as          is going to Purdue.                                        “The key is to hire the best possible
he was near the halfway point of his              As principal, Baker gets to                        people you can get,” Baker said.
master’s degree program.                      present the diplomas. The task of                      “Their strengths will complement your
    It was another mentor, former             pronouncing the graduates’ names falls                 weaknesses.”
superintendent Dennis VanDyne, who            to the assistant principal. As assistant                   Baker said he was influenced by
planted the seeds for a doctoral degree.      principal, he practiced the pronunci-                  a book called “The Good Degree”
He approached Baker in 2010 to suggest        ations before commencement, often                      that former superintendent VanDyne
that the principal get his doctorate.         asking students about the correct way to               recommended he read. The book used
    “I learned from him what an impact        say their names.                                       the analogy of passengers on a bus.
you can have as a superintendent,”                Baker said he’s enjoyed the relation-                  “If you get the right people in the
Baker said.                                   ships he’s built with students, striking               right seat,” he said, “You blossom
    The doctoral program was a                a balance between being approachable                   because you are where you’re supposed
challenge for Baker, who had two young        and establishing appropriate boundaries.               to be.”
                                          Go West • Summer 2021 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.                                     Page ­5
West - West Noble School Corporation
Theatre33 hones skills during pandemic shutdown
BY SHERYL PRENTICE                                                                                     working around the students’ schedules
sprentice@kpcmedia.com                                                                                 for studying, jobs and sports. Even
    LIGONIER — Live theater perfor-                                                                    before the pandemic hit, students
mances — from high schools across                                                                      committed their time on Saturdays to
the country to the lights of Broadway                                                                  build sets for productions and rehearsals
— came to a screeching halt a year                                                                     during after-school hours.
ago when the coronavirus pandemic                                                                         “We had no idea what to do” when
hit the nation. The very nature of stage                                                               the pandemic canceled everything, “
productions, with actors interacting                                                                   Dreibelbis said. “Most schools had to
close together onstage and audiences                                                                   postpone their shows or cancel them.
packed tightly together in the house                                              PHOTOS CONTRIBUTED
                                                                                                       Carroll (High School) did one show, but
seats, created an ideal environment for        Lilly Klein, Anna Wines, Isaac Porter,                  only parents could attend.”
transmitting the virus.                        Ethan Wilkins, and Ryan Stump,                             Theatre33 bears a financial cost
    West Noble’s high school club,             from left, play “Party Guest,” an                       for the loss of its productions. The
Theatre33, has tried to keep its 20-30         improvisational game, on the stage                      club depended on proceeds from each
student members engaged in learning            at West Noble High School. The                          show’s ticket sales to fund the next
theater skills, even without the usual         school’s theater club meets after                       production. In the past, students parked
shows, through activities such as table        school to practice and learn improvi-                   cars and performed in re-enactments
reads of scripts and improvisational           sational skills.                                        for the Stone’s Trace Pioneer Festival
games.                                                                                                 to earn extra money, but that festival
    Theatre33’s students are especially        credit. Theater arts classes at many high               was canceled in 2020. Another popular
dedicated to their craft with their            schools are part of the curriculum.                     fundraiser, a pizza buffet, also was
time and talent because the club is an            Club sponsor Amy Dreibelbis said                     canceled in 2020.
extracurricular activity, not a class for      the club meets once or twice a week,                                       SEE THEATRE33, PAGE A7
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West - West Noble School Corporation
THEATRE33                     seniors because there was
                              no closure,” Dreibelbis
                              said. “And the 2021 season
                                                                                                      Jasmin Gibson,
FROM PAGE A6                  is in limbo, too.”                                                      Sierra, and
   The actors, especially         The health of cast                                                  Makayla
seniors, suffered             members is also a factor                                                Withrow, from
disappointment, too. They     in planning for a show.                                                 left, pose with
anticipated playing lead      Casts are often small in                                                Theatre33’s
roles in the 2020 shows,      the number of actors, and                                               giant greeting
because it was finally                                                                                card, created
                              there’s no safety net if they
their turn to shine. Some                                                                             for the Kendall-
of them looked forward        get sick.                                                               ville Parks
to doing interviews if            “It’s not like sports.                                              Department’s
they captured a lead role,    There’s no bench of                                                     large Christmas
Dreiblebus said.              understudies waiting to go                                              card display
   Dreibelbis is hoping to    on,” Dreibelbis said.                                                   in Bixler Lake
schedule public improvisa-        Theatre33 is accepting                                              Campground.
tion sessions or open mic     financial donations for                                                 The West Noble
nights, all properly masked   its future productions.                                                 theater club
and social distanced, so      Contact Dreibelbis at                                                   has participated
that students have some       dreibelbisa@westnoble.                                                  in the holiday
opportunity to perform.       k12.in.us to make a                                                     display for
   “I felt bad for the 2020   contribution.                                                           several years.
                                        Go West • Summer 2021 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.              Page ­7
West - West Noble School Corporation
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West - West Noble School Corporation
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West - West Noble School Corporation
C.H.A.R.G.E Club
                                               Members of West Noble Primary school’s C.H.A.R.G.E
                                               Club (Children’s Hands And Reading Get Entwined)
                                               are shown with their books. Members read “Pete the
                                               Cat Falls for Autumn” and made glittery autumn leaves
                                               for an art project. The second book was “Snowmen at
                                               Night” with an art project of découpaging a snowman
                                               napkin onto a jar. The Ligonier American Legion and
                                               Ligonier Rotary Club donated funds to support the

                           PHOTO CONTRIBUTED

Page ­10   Go West • Summer 2021 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.
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Go West • Summer 2021 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.             Page ­11
Chargers make grid season in sectional opener
BY KEN FILLMORE                                                                                           It was a rebuilding situation for
kfillmore@kpcmedia.com                                                                                West Noble after they graduated its
    EDITOR’S NOTE: With a new                                                                         strong 2020 class, led by a couple of
school year and new sports season                                                                     its all-time greats in Brandon Pruitt and
approaching, KPC Media Group                                                                          Josh Gross. Then the Chargers were hit
sportswriters took time to recall some                                                                hard by injuries early and often to start
of their favorite events from 2020-21.                                                                last season. Proven lineman Jeremyah
This is part of the series.                                                                           James, an All-Area selection in 2019,
    It was a tough season for West                                                                    suffered a season-ending knee injury in
Noble’s football team in 2020 after                                                                   the Week 1 home loss to Central Noble.
having one of its best seasons ever in                                                                    Nine Chargers were sidelined
2019.                                                                                                 by season-ending injuries when the
    But in a struggling season, you                                                                   sectional rolled around. Not one senior
can make your season in one game. A                                                                   started on defense against the Falcons.
lot of times, it can happen against a                                                                     West Noble had to keep it simple to
neighborhood rival, whether it be in the                                                              give themselves a chance. Run the ball,
same county, the same city or the same                                                                run the clock, take care of the ball. A
school district. A lot of times, it can be                                                            couple of first downs are better than
accomplished in the postseason.                                             FILE PHOTO KEN FILLMORE   nothing and will help tilt field position.
    The Chargers did just that in their      West Noble quarterback Kolby Knox                            Led by Braxton Pruitt and Peter
first sectional game they hosted John        (15) runs the football all the way to                    Bradley, the Charger defense forced
Glenn on Oct. 23.                            the end zone as Charger running                          three John Glenn turnovers in the first
    West Noble held the Falcons to 89        back Peter Bradley gets out in front                     half and held the Falcons to 24 yards of
yards of total offense in winning the        as a blocker during the first quarter                    total offense in the second half.
                                             of a Class 3A sectional first-round                          West Noble scored both touchdowns
contest 14-0 to advance to the Class
                                             game in Ligonier against John Glenn                      on relatively short fields. After Charger
3A Sectional 26 semifinals against
                                             on Oct. 23, 2020. The Chargers went                      freshman Nolan Parks picked off
                                             on to their biggest win of the season                    sophomore quarterback Aden Johnson,
    It was clearly an upset. The
                                             defeating the Falcons 14-0.                              West Noble scored 29 yards and
Chargers got their second win of the
                                                                                                      seven plays later on a 1-yard plunge
season against a John Glenn team that        early in the season. But the result that                 by quarterback Kolby Knox with 7
ended up 4-6. I thought this was a           really caught my eye in their regular                    minutes, 8 seconds left in the first
winnable game for West Noble on the          season was a 15-6 win at South Bend                      quarter.
days leading up to kickoff after looking     Clay on Oct. 9. The week before, I                           West Noble recovered an onside
at statistics and results. I told Fred       saw Clay provide no resistance when it                   kick to open the second half, and the
Inniger that on the Hawk Sports Talk         mattered against an Angola team that                     game was in John Glenn territory for
program on WAWK radio (95.5 FM,              was short-handed due to COVID-19                         much of the third quarter. Bradley
Kendallville, and 94.3 FM Auburn)            issues with the Hornet junior varsity                    broke loose for a 33-yard touchdown
prior to the sectional openers.              team where some starters and other                       run with 4:18 left in the stanza.
    Glenn struggled offensively based        role players on the varsity were in                      Brayden Barth made both extra-point
on what I found. It only scored more         close contact and could not play for                     kicks.
than 20 points twice, and that was in        a couple of weeks. Angola led the                            “We knew it was going to take
its first two games of the season, which     Colonials 42-0 with 53 seconds gone in                   awhile before it culminated into
were both victories.                         the second quarter and went on to win                    something like this,” Chargers coach
    The Falcons did beat Jimtown 10-7        49-0.                                                    Monte Mawhorter said after the game.
                                                                                                      “This was a big step.
                                                                                                          “Bradley stepped up. He never left
                                                                                                      the field and carried the ball around

                    Fashion Farm Restaurant                                                           30 times. The offensive line did an
                                                                                                      awesome job.”
                                                                                                          John Glenn-West Noble was hardly
                                  OPEN 7 DAYS                                                         a glamour matchup. But that sectional
                                                                                                      football game had its own charm
                                                                                                      and should be very beneficial for the
                          Daily specials                                                              Chargers for this upcoming season.
           Homemade pie & ice cream • Carry-outs available                                                The anti-climactic postseason
                                                                                                      ending we are all too familiar with
                                                                                                      happened a week later when the
                 1680 Lincolnway West, Ligonier                                                       Chargers lost at Jimtown 38-0. But to
                        260-894-4498                                                                  persevere from adversity and achieve
                                                                                                      victory against the Falcons was West
                                                                                                      Noble’s game of the year.
Page ­12                                 Go West • Summer 2021 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.
Cromwell Days Festival
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                                                                                                  & More.
                                                                                            Follow “Cromwell Days” on Facebook
                                                                                                    for more information

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                    PHOTO CONTRIBUTED                                                                   COMMERCIAL
West Noble royalty
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homecoming king, Eric Medina,                                                                             6422 Noe Street
and queen, Jacqueline Mayorga,                                                                         Kimmell, Indiana 46760
were introduced to the crowd at
the home football game between
                                                                                                       Chuck Replogle, Owner
the Chargers and Garrett
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                                        Go West • Summer 2021 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.                          Page ­13
Street stops: Yellow minibus joins West Noble fleet
BY SHERYL PRENTICE                                                                                                 they can’t do the midday routes.
sprentice@kpcmedia.com                                                                                                 Problems arise when students live in
    LIGONIER — West Noble’s new                                                                                    neighborhoods that have no driveways or
pint-size yellow minibus made its maiden                                                                           no available parking on the street, and the
voyage in April, taking its place alongside                                                                        activity bus has nowhere to park for stops
the full-size buses in the fleet. The new                                                                          on the route. Pulling in and backing out of
minibus may make West Noble the envy                                                                               a driveway — when one exists — is also
of other area school districts.                                                                                    a risk.
    Transportation director Brandon                                                                                    “This bus has the stop arm to pick up
Chordas couldn’t be happier that the                                                             SHERYL PRENTICE   students from the street like the bigger
Thomas Minotour bus is on the road and                       West Noble transportation director                    buses,” Chordas said. “It’s the same size
ready to serve students who need a ride in                   Brandon Chordas shows off the                         as the white (activity) buses but has the
the middle of the school day.                                safety features in the district’s new                 color and equipment to stop on the road.”
    Chordas said school transportation isn’t                 yellow minibus, capable of stopping                       The small yellow bus meets all
just morning and afternoon bus routes but                    traffic for street pickups and                        the same federal motor vehicle safety
happens throughout the school day. The                       drop-offs. A nearly all-glass entrance                standards as larger yellow buses. School
school district provides transportation for                  door and extra side window give                       buses have a “safety cage” body construc-
students who have modified schedules,                        the driver a better view of students                  tion, one-piece roof supports, and internal
attend half-day alternative school, take                     getting on and off the bus.                           roof rails for rollover protection. Inside,
vocational classes elsewhere, or have an                                                                           seats carry seat belts and built-in child
                                                                 The district does most of its midday              safety seats for younger students.
Individualized Education Plan.                               routes with white activity buses, which                   “West Noble is fortunate to have the
    The district also picks up and drops                     are not equipped with flashing lights and             small bus,” Chordas said. “It is very
off so-called “homeless” students, who                       a stop arm for stopping traffic on the                versatile. It’s not something that the
attend West Noble schools but have                           street. White activity buses must pull off            community has seen before.”
circumstances that require that they live                    of the street into a driveway to pick up or               And just like the full-size yellow buses,
with relatives in nearby Goshen and other                    drop off students. Most of West Noble’s               all traffic must stop when the yellow
towns.                                                       full-time bus drivers have a second job, so           minibus stops, lights flashing and the stop
                                                                                                                   arm is activated.

                  fisher insurance
                                                                                                                       Chordas, who is a former police officer
                                                                                                                   and school resource officer, said most
                                                                                                                   stop-arm runners can expect to be caught
                                                                                                                   and prosecuted. He has direct communica-
                                                                                                                   tion with law enforcement officers when
                                                                                                                   stop-arm violations occur.
                     Your Local Independent Agency                                                                     Everyone works together to catch
                                                                                                                   motorists who blow by school buses when
                                                                                                                   the stop arm is activated. Chordas said

                                                                                                                   West Noble bus drivers are very good at
                                                                                                                   capturing violators’ license numbers and
                                                                                                                   relaying that information to the district’s
                                                                                                                   current school resource officers, Chris
                                                                                                                   Shearer and Grant Moser. All violations
                                        1290 Lincolnway South                                                      are treated as serious crimes.
                                                                                                                       Most stop-arm violations happen in
                                                                                                                   town but they also occur in rural areas,
                                                                                                                   Chordas said.
  Youth Flag Football - Boys & Girls Ages 5-11
                                                                                 Affordable                            For safety, bus drivers on routes along
      Registration Begins August 9-23                                                                              U.S. 6 and U.S. 33 will still pull into
    League runs September 11 - October 16
                                                                                                                   driveways for stops if the driveway is
                                                                                                                   large enough. The small bus will be used
             Fitness Rooms                     Ladies Fitness Room                                                 for on-street stops in town, at residences
 Bikes, Treadmills, Ellipticals and Weights          Quantum System                                                around the lakes or in mobile home parks,
                                                                                                                   all places where space is limited.
              Senior Fitness Classes (Ages 55 & over)                                                                  One advantage of the small yellow bus
                        & Group Fitness
                 8 week sessions, call for dates, times & fees.
                                                                               LIGONIER PARKS                      is in the licensing requirements. Drivers of
                                                                                & RECREATION                       full-size yellow buses must have a CDL
                                                                                                                   license and a Yellow Card, a certification
                          Farmers Market                                           CENTER                          obtained in three days of training that
               Pettit Memorial Park - Vendors welcome.                              260-894-7344
                       Every Sat. starting 1st Sat.                                                                includes bus laws and regulations, student
                                                                                  502 West Union St.
           in May through last Sat. in October. 8 AM - 2 PM.                                                       management, railroad crossing protocols
                                                                                                                   and traffic crossings for students.
Page ­14                                                Go West • Summer 2021 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.
West Noble School Corporation
                                                                        July 21                                                                                    August 21
                                                              Su M Tu W Th F Sa
                                                                                                  School Year Calendar                                       Su M Tu W Th F Sa                          Staff Only
                                                                               1 2         3                                                                  1    2    3   4    5     6   7
                                                              4     5    6 7 8 9          10        First staff day                Aug 12, 2021               8    9   10   11   12   13   14           School Closed
                                                              11   12   13 14 15 16       17        First student day              Aug 13, 2021              15   16   17   18   19   20   21
                                                              18   19   20 21 22 23       24                                                                 22   23   24   25   26   27   28   H       Holiday - No Classes
                                                              25   26   27 28 29 30       31              180 Student Days (includes 1 Flex Day)             29   30   31
                                                                                                          184 Staff Days

                                                                   September 21                   October 21                       November 21                    December 21                   Aug 12                 First Staff Day
                                                              Su M Tu W         Th   F    Sa   Su M Tu W Th F            Sa   Su M      Tu   W    Th F Sa    Su M Tu W           Th   F    Sa   Aug 13                 First Student Day
                                                                       1        2    3    4                    1          2       1      2    3    4 5 6              1           2   3     4   Sept 6                 Labor Day
                                                              5 H 7 8            9   10   11    3 4 5 6 7 8               9    7 8       9   10   11 12 13    5 6 7 8             9   10   11   Oct. 4 & 6            Parent Teacher Conferences
                                                              12 13 14 15       16   17   18   10 11 12 13 14 15         16   14 15     16   17   18 19 20   12 13 14 15         16   17   18   Oct. 8                 Flex Day
                                                              19 20 21 22       23   24   25   17 18 19 20 21 22         23   21 22     23   24   H 26 27    19 20 21 22         23   24   H    Oct. 28, 29          Fall Break
                                                              26 27 28 29       30             24 25 26 27 28 29         30   28 29     30                   26 27 28 29         30   31        Nov. 9                  End of Trimester 1
                                                                                               31                                                                                               Nov. 10                 Staff Day
                                                                                                                                                                                                Nov. 24-26           Thanksgiving Break
                                                                    January 22                    February 22                           March 22                       April 22                 Dec 20 - 31          Winter Break
                                                              Su M Tu W Th F Sa                Su M Tu    W    Th   F    Sa   Su M Tu        W    Th F Sa    Su M Tu W Th F                Sa   Feb 21                 End of Trimester 2
                                                                                H                     1    2    3    4    5          1        2    3 4 5                     1              2   Feb 22                 Staff Work Day
                                                               2 3 4 5 6 7 8                    6 7 8      9   10   11   12    6 7 8          9   10 11 12    3 4 5 6 7 8                   9   April 4 - 8           Spring Break

Go West • Summer 2021 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.
                                                               9 10 11 12 13 14 15             13 14 15   16   17   18   19   13 14 15       16   17 18 19   10 11 12 13 14 H              16   April 15              Good Friday
                                                              16 17 18 19 20 21 22             20 21 22   23   24   25   26   20 21 22       23   24 25 26   17 18 19 20 21 22             23   May 25                 Last Student Day
                                                              23 24 25 26 27 28 29             27 28                          27 28 29       30   31         24 25 26 27 28 29             30   May 26                 Last Staff Day
                                                              30 31                                                                                                                             June 5                 Graduation

                                                                        May 22                      June 22                             July 22                    August 22
                                                              Su   M Tu    W    Th   F    Sa   Su M Tu W       Th   F    Sa   Su M Tu W Th       F      Sa   Su M      Tu   W    Th   F    Sa
                                                               1    2 3     4    5    6    7             1      2    3    4                       1      2       1      2    3    4    5    6
                                                               8    910    11   12   13   14    5 6 7 8         9   10   11    3   H     5 6 7 8         9    7 8       9   10   11   12   13
                                                              15   1617    18   19   20   21   12 13 14 15     16   17   18   10   11   12 13 14 15     16   14 15     16   17   18   19   20   Make-up days will be added to the end
                                                              22   2324    25   26   27   28   19 20 21 22     23   24   25   17   18   19 20 21 22     23   21 22     23   24   25   26   27   of the school year
                                                              29   H 31                        26 27 28 29     30             24   25   26 27 28 29     30   28 29     30   31

Page ­15
Corporación Escolar West Noble

Page ­16
                                                                        July 21                                                                                    August 21
                                                              Su M Tu W Th F Sa
                                                                                               Calendario Escolar Anual                                      Su M Tu W Th F Sa                          Solamente Personal
                                                                               1 2         3                                                                  1    2    3   4    5     6   7
                                                               4    5    6 7 8 9          10        Primer Día -Personal           Aug 12, 2021               8    9   10   11   12   13   14           Escuela Cerrada
                                                              11   12   13 14 15 16       17        Primer día de Clases           Aug 13, 2021              15   16   17   18   19   20   21
                                                              18   19   20 21 22 23       24                                                                 22   23   24   25   26   27   28   H       Día Festivo - No Hay Classes
                                                              25   26   27 28 29 30       31              180 Días de Clases (incluyendo 1 Día Flex)         29   30   31
                                                                                                          184 Días para Personal

                                                                   September 21                   October 21                       November 21                    December 21                   12 de ago           Primer Día para Personal
                                                              Su M Tu W         Th   F    Sa   Su M Tu W Th F            Sa   Su M      Tu   W    Th F Sa    Su M Tu W           Th   F    Sa   Aug 13                First Student Day
                                                                       1        2    3    4                    1          2       1      2    3    4 5 6              1           2   3     4   6 de sept                Día Laboral
                                                              5 H 7 8            9   10   11    3 4 5 6 7 8               9    7 8       9   10   11 12 13    5 6 7 8             9   10   11   4 & 6 oct     Juntas entre Padres y Maestros
                                                              12 13 14 15       16   17   18   10 11 12 13 14 15         16   14 15     16   17   18 19 20   12 13 14 15         16   17   18   8 de oct                 Día Flex
                                                              19 20 21 22       23   24   25   17 18 19 20 21 22         23   21 22     23   24   H 26 27    19 20 21 22         23   24   H    28, 29 de oct       Vacaciones de Otoño
                                                              26 27 28 29       30             24 25 26 27 28 29         30   28 29     30                   26 27 28 29         30   31        Nov 9               Fin del 1er Trimestre
                                                                                               31                                                                                               10 de nov       Día de Trabajo para Personal
                                                                                                                                                                                                24-26 nov Vacaciones de Acción de Gracias
                                                                    January 22                    February 22                           March 22                       April 22                 Dic 20 -31    Vacaciones de Invierno
                                                              Su M Tu W Th F Sa                Su M Tu    W    Th   F    Sa   Su M Tu        W    Th F Sa    Su M Tu W Th F                Sa   21 de feb          Fin del 2do Trimestre
                                                                                H                     1    2    3    4    5          1        2    3 4 5                     1              2   22 de Feb     Día de Trabajo para Personal
                                                               2 3 4 5 6 7 8                    6 7 8      9   10   11   12    6 7 8          9   10 11 12    3 4 5 6 7 8                   9   4-8 de abril     Vacaciones de Primavera

Go West • Summer 2021 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.
                                                               9 10 11 12 13 14 15             13 14 15   16   17   18   19   13 14 15       16   17 18 19   10 11 12 13 14 H              16   15 de abril             Viernes Santo
                                                              16 17 18 19 20 21 22             20 21 22   23   24   25   26   20 21 22       23   24 25 26   17 18 19 20 21 22             23   25 de de mayo       Ultimo Día de Clases
                                                              23 24 25 26 27 28 29             27 28                          27 28 29       30   31         24 25 26 27 28 29             30   26 de mayo       Ultimo Día para Personal
                                                              30 31                                                                                                                             5 de junio              Graduación

                                                                        May 22                      June 22                             July 22                    August 22
                                                              Su   M Tu    W    Th   F    Sa   Su M Tu W       Th   F    Sa   Su M Tu W Th       F      Sa   Su M      Tu   W    Th   F    Sa
                                                               1    2 3     4    5    6    7             1      2    3    4                       1      2       1      2    3    4    5    6
                                                               8    910    11   12   13   14    5 6 7 8         9   10   11    3   H     5 6 7 8         9    7 8       9   10   11   12   13
                                                              15   1617    18   19   20   21   12 13 14 15     16   17   18   10   11   12 13 14 15     16   14 15     16   17   18   19   20   Los días a recuperar se agregarán al final
                                                              22   2324    25   26   27   28   19 20 21 22     23   24   25   17   18   19 20 21 22     23   21 22     23   24   25   26   27   del año escolar.
                                                              29   H 31                        26 27 28 29     30             24   25   26 27 28 29     30   28 29     30   31
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