Weston Recreation Summer Camps 2022 Information Pamphlet

Weston Recreation Summer Camps 2022 Information Pamphlet
Weston Recreation
Summer Camps 2022
Information Pamphlet

       Weston Recreation Department
    20 Alphabet Lane, Weston, MA 02493
           Phone: (781) 786-6260
Weston Recreation Summer Camps 2022 Information Pamphlet
                               Camp Registration
                                           March 29, 2022
                                          Starts at 7:00pm!

                                  Walk in Registration begins on
                                         March 31, 2022
                                  8:30am in the Recreation Office

                                  Camps are filled on a first come
                                        first served basis.

                         Our Commitment to Quality
Your satisfaction is our goal. We strive to provide high quality recreational programs, and
take pride in making your recreation experience an enjoyable one. Please feel free to share
 any comments and suggestions for improvement. If you are not completely satisfied with
      your experience, please call us. We are always happy to answer any questions.

       Weston Recreation Department Summer Camps are licensed by the Town Board of Health
(105 CMR 430.000 et. Seq.: Minimum Sanitation and Safety Standards for Recreational Camps for Children).
Weston Recreation Summer Camps 2022 Information Pamphlet
                    Do not forget to apply for a Recreation Badge.
    Your child must have an Camp Badge or Memorial Pool Badge in order to attend the
                            following summer camp programs.

                                          Camp ABC
                                       Camp Adventure
                               Sports, Sports, and more Sports
                                         Outer Limits

Weston Recreation - Summer Camps
        The Weston Recreation Department prides itself on providing quality summer programs for
children of all ages. We offer cost-effective programming in conjunction with maintaining a non-
competitive, safe, structured environment for playing, learning, and creating. Our experienced summer
staff comes from a wide variety of backgrounds including education, child development, social work,
recreation, or a related field. The staff consists of college graduates, college students as well as high
school students from Weston and other surrounding towns.
        This summer we will be featuring a wide variety of activities based on a different theme each
week. Some themes may include: Fun in the Sun Week, Wild and Crazy Camper Week, Wacky Water
Week, Kids Karnival and much more! Games, arts & crafts, cooperative leadership activities, drama,
music, dance, swimming, science, cooking and much more will be a part of each camper’s summer fun!
                            Dates: Summer 2022
                           Week 1: July 5 – July 8
                         (No camp Monday, July 4th)
                          Week 2: July 11 - July 15
                          Week 3: July 18 – July 22
                          Week 4: July 25 – July 29
                         Week 5: August 1 – August 5
                         Week 6: August 8 – August 12
Weston Recreation Summer Camps 2022 Information Pamphlet

                        Camp Registration Information
                                             Registration begins on
                           March 29 at 7:00 PM ONLINE ONLY!
Walk in Registration will be on March 31st starting at 8:30am in the Recreation Office.
For your convenience, 2022 summer camp information will be available starting February 4th. Please
visit www.westonma.gov. Sessions will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
                           ALL CAMPER FORMS WILL BE
                            COMPLETED AT JOTFORM!
    We will email you a link to the camper information on JotForm once you have registered for camp.
    The following important forms must be completed online before your child may attend camp.
    ▪ Registration Form
    ▪ Medical Release Form, a physical must have been performed within two years of the date that
       your child starts summer camp.
    ▪ Updated Physical Form and Immunizations
    ▪ Pick-up Authorization card
    ▪ Sunscreen Authorization form
    ▪ Participants in camp must have a Recreation Badge for the season beginning in May of 2022.
    ▪ If you are going to register online, please double check with our office to make sure that your
       child’s grade reflects that of the upcoming school year, if it is not updated in our computer, you
       will not be able to register online.

     Camp ABC, Camp Adventure and Sports Camp
Pick-up Authorization Cards: Before camp begins, you will receive two Pick-up Authorization Cards.
Any vehicle that is picking up your child must have an Authorization Card visible in the passenger side
of the dashboards window. A vehicle that does not have an Authorization Card will be asked to pull over
to the parking lot area. When regular pick-up is finished, a staff member will come over to assist you.
Should you need more than two Authorization Cards, they may be obtained from the Camp Director upon

                                        Cancellation Policy
     To be eligible for a refund of camp fees, the Recreation Office must be
    notified of withdrawals/transfers by June 10, 2022. A full refund minus a
    $50 administrative fee will be issued for withdrawals. Transferring weeks
                of camp will be charged a $25 fee until June 10, 2022.
Weston Recreation Summer Camps 2022 Information Pamphlet
Who: Ages 4-5 (as of July 5, 2022)
What: 5, 3.5 hour sessions
When: Monday – Friday
July 5 – August 12. 2022
(No Camp on July 4th)
1 week sessions
Where: Country School
Time: 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Extended day, 12:00pm-2:30pm, no extended day on Fridays
Fee: Week 1, No camp July 4th, $210
Week 2-6, $260
Extended Day, $25/day
MAX: 40 Campers/week
Camp Email: westonreccampabc@gmail.com

Description: Campers will enjoy a fun-filled, action packed summer. They will be selectively placed
in age-appropriate groups with well-trained staff members. The staff will be sensitive to the growth and
development needs of each child. The camp will facilitate making new friends, while developing
cognitive skills, fine and gross motor skills, communication skills, and developing an awareness of one’s
surrounds. Each day will be made up of four activity periods – free swim, sports, art, music and
movement or a special event – with time reserved for snack and water breaks.
Counselor/Camper Ratio – 5:1

Drop-off: 8:30 AM – 8:45 AM. For the Safety of the children and the staff, please do not allow your
child to exit the vehicle at any point other than the designated Drop Off area. A staff member will signal
you to pull up to the appropriate area, and they will open your car door. If you need to speak with a staff
member, please wait in line and park your car in the parking lot. Please do not leave your vehicle in the
drop-off area. Your cooperation is necessary to ensure the safety of the children and the staff, as well as
to prevent any traffic delays. If you are dropping you child off after 8:45 AM, you must park your car
and walk with your child to the Director’s Office.

Pick-up: 12:00PM. Please follow the same traffic procedures and regulations as when dropping off
your child. For regular pick-ups, curbside counselors will attend to your vehicle at the front entrance.
For pick-ups at any time other than the specified times noted above, you must park your car and go to
the Director’s office.

   Camp ABC Extended Day Pick-up: 2:30PM, Extended day is held Monday through Thursday.
                          There is no Extended Day on Friday.
You can sign up for as many days as you want. During Extended Day, children will collectively decide
on an activity such as arts & crafts, sports activities or free swim.
Please Note: Lunch in not provided. Please remember to pack your child a lunch if they are staying for
Extended Day. Cost $25 per day
Weston Recreation Summer Camps 2022 Information Pamphlet
Camp Adventure
Who: Grades 1-4 (in fall of 2022)
What: 5, 7 hour and 30 minutes
When: Monday – Friday
July 5 – August 12. 2022
(No Camp on July 4th)
1 week sessions
Where: Woodland School
Time: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Fee: Week 1, 4 Day Week,
No camp July 4th, $250
Week 2-6, $310
MAX: 80 Campers/week
Camp Email: wrcampadventure@gmail.com

Description: Throughout the day, campers will follow a set schedule of 45-minute blocks (including
Red Cross swimming lessons in the morning). These activities might include: arts & crafts, free swim,
drama, chess, cooking, gymnastics, yoga, and much more! Counselor/Camper Ratio – 10:1
Drop-off: 8:30 AM – 8:45 AM. Drop-off is at the front of the Woodland School. Turn onto Alphabet
Lane and stay in the left lane. Please note that the right lane is for dropping off children for Camp ABC.
Please do not allow your child to exit the vehicle until a staff member in the designated area opens your
door for you. Your cooperation is necessary to ensure the safety of the children and staff, as well as to
prevent any traffic delays. If you are dropping you child off after 9:00 AM, you must park your car and
walk with your child to the Director’s Office.
Pick-up: 4:00PM. Please follow the same traffic procedures and regulations as drop-off. For regular
pick-ups, curbside staff will meet your vehicle, with your child, at one of the safety cones. Please send a
note in the morning with your child if you would like him or her to be dismissed at one of our early
pick-up times (12 Noon and 2:30 PM). A counselor and your camper will be waiting at the front of the
school at the time you have chosen. For pick-ups at any other time, you must park your car in the
parking lot and                                                                          speak to the camp
Weston Recreation Summer Camps 2022 Information Pamphlet
                   and More Sports
                              Who: Grades 1-5 (in fall of 2022)
                              What: 5, 7 hour and 30 minute sessions
                              When: Monday – Friday
                              July 5 – August 12. 2022
                              (No Camp on July 4th)
                              1 week sessions
                              Where: Woodland School
                              Time: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
                              Fee: Week 1, 4 Day Week,
                              No camp July 4th, $250
                              Week 2-6, $310
                              MAX: 30 Campers/week
                              Camp Email: westonsportscamp@gmail.com
                              MUST HAVE A CAMP OR POOL BADGE TO ATTEND

Description: This is the camp for your child if they love sports and sport related activities. Your child
could participate in soccer, basketball, baseball, flag football and much more. Including free swim time
at the Memorial Pool. Each week includes a field trip to a special sports related place as well.
Counselor/Camper Ratio – 10:1
Drop-off: 8:30 AM – 8:45 AM. Drop-off is at the front of the Woodland School. Turn onto Alphabet
Lane and stay in the left lane. Please note that the right lane is for dropping off children for Camp ABC.
Please do not allow your child to exit the vehicle until a staff member in the designated area opens your
door for you. Your cooperation is necessary to ensure the safety of the children and staff, as well as to
prevent any traffic delays. If you are dropping you child off after 9:00 AM, you must park your car and
walk with your child to the Director’s Office.
Pick-up: 4:00PM. Please follow the same traffic procedures and regulations as drop-off. For regular
pick-ups, curbside staff will meet your vehicle, with your child, at one of the safety cones. Please send a
note in the morning with your child if you would like him or her to be dismissed at one of our early
pick-up times (12 Noon and 2:30 PM).
Camp Outer Limits
                       And KWEST
                       Who:        Grades 5-7 (in fall of 2022) Outer Limits
                                   Grades 8-9 (in fall of 2022) KWEST
                      What:        5, 7 hours and 30 minute hour sessions
                      When:        Monday – Friday
                                   July 5 – August 12
                                   (No Camp on July 4th)
                                   1 week sessions
                      Where:       Woodland School
                      Time:        8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
                      Fee:         Week 1, 4 Day Week, No camp July 4th, $295
                                   Week 2-6, $395
                      MAX: Outer Limits, 25 Campers/week
                            KWEST, 5 Campers/week
                      Camp Email: olandkwest@gmail.com

Description: On Mondays, campers will follow a set schedule that will consist of activities such as
swimming, arts & crafts, sports, cooking and more. The following four days of the week, campers will
be attending a large variety of field trips. Tentative trips for this summer include: White water rafting,
Boston harbor islands, Paintball and Six Flags.
Counselor/Camper Ratio – 10:1
Drop-off: 8:30 AM – 8:45 AM (unless otherwise noted for an early field trip departure time). Drop-off
is in the front of the Woodland School, pull up and a counselor will assist your child out of the car if
necessary and will see that they get to their appropriate group.
Pick-up: 4:00PM. Pick-up is in front of the Country School, in the bus loop. For regular pick-ups,
curbside staff will meet your vehicle, with your child. Other than 4pm, please see the director of your
child’s camp to arrange depending on Field Trips, most days this is not possible but we will do
everything we can to be accommodating.

                      What To Bring to Camp! (All Camps)
                                         Swim Suit
                                    Towel and Sunscreen
                            Snack, labeled with your child’s name
                            Lunch, labeled with your child’s name
                              Water bottle that can be refilled
                       Sneakers and socks for field games or field trips
                                   Please DO NOT Bring
                                         Cell Phones
                                 Glass bottles or containers
                                     Money or valuables
                                      Electronic Games
                       Magic or Pokemon Cards (anything of that type)
Coronavirus Protocols:
COVID Protocols: We are committed to keeping our staff and campers safe this summer.
Campers will be grouped together by age and will remain with that group of campers and
staff throughout the week. Campers and staff will be able to go mask-free outdoors and will be
required to wear masks inside. During field trips, we will mask while riding on the bus and
keep windows open as well. Campers and staff will be required to wash hands before and
after snack & lunch, and we will be sanitizing equipment between groups.
*We will NOT be doing COVID screening each morning, if your camper is sick, please keep
them home!
(these protocols are as of January 2022, they are subject to change and we will make sure
you are aware if and when they do.)

The strength of our program lies in our qualified, enthusiastic, caring and responsible camp
staff. Well-motivated professionals are teamed with carefully screened high school and
college students to provide the skills and energy needed to ensure the success and enjoyment
for each camper. Many former campers return year after year to become CIT’s and counselors.
Staff is certified in First Aid and CPR. All staff must pass a CORI and SORI check to work at
the program. The staff and the program meet the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Camping
Standards and the Weston Health Department licenses the program.

Camper Expectations:
For the enjoyment and safety of everyone involved, campers are expected to adhere to the
following rules while at camp:
    1. Listen to the Directors or counselors (staff) at all times.
    2. Stay with your buddy or group at all times.
    3. Never go anywhere alone. Tell a counselor if you need to leave the group and they will
       send someone with you.
    4. Respect the rights of others and treat others with the same respect and dignity with
       which you expect to be treated.
    5. Fighting, bullying, or aggressive behavior toward staff, campers, or anyone involved
       with camp will not be tolerated.
    6. Destroying or stealing property belonging to another person or camp will not be
    7. Most important – HAVE FUN AND ENJOY THE SUMMER!!!

Swimming is an integral part of the camp experience and we are fortunate to have the
Memorial Pool so close to camp. Swimming will occur each day unless we are on a field trip,
the pool is closed, or a special theme day event is happening! Swimming lessons are provided
at Camp Adventure and Sports Camp. Water safety will be introduced to Camp ABC campers.
While at the pool, counselors will be in the water and on the pool deck to supervise campers,
and lifeguards will be on duty as usual. Campers who do not want to go swimming will
remain on the pool deck to play games with the counselors or in the sandbox.
Theme Weeks:
Each week of camp will have a special theme. Activities, special events and field trips will
revolve around that theme. Please refer to the camp calendar to find out what this year’s
weeks will be.

Special Events:
Special events help to enhance the camp experience. Whole camp special events will be on
Fridays; however, many special things will happen all week! Each special event will be based
on the theme of the week and will offer many activities such as hired entertainers, arts and
crafts, music, sports, games, and cooking. Please refer to the camp calendars for a listing of
this year’s special events.

Field Trips:
Throughout the summer, campers will go on off-site field trips to enhance their camp
experience. While on the field trips, campers will adhere to the buddy system. Like at camp,
campers will be supervised at all times while on a field trip. Please refer to the camp calendars
for a listing of this year’s field trips.
Every camper will receive a Weston Recreation Summer Camp T-Shirt. Camp shirts must be
worn on field trips days. Transportation to and from the field trips will be provided by the
Weston School Departments buses.

Inclusion Program:
At Weston Recreation we believe that all children should have the opportunity to participate
in a summer camp experience. The Weston Recreation Department works closely with the
Weston Public Schools to place children from inclusive programs in to our summer camps.
These children receive additional assistance at camp to ensure a successful experience.

CIT Program:
There is a Counselor in Training program for boys and girls ages 14-15 (or entering grade 9) at
Weston Recreation. This program is run by the Assistant Director’s at Camp ABC and Camp
Adventure and it emphasizes skills necessary to become a camp counselor. All CIT’s attend a
training session to learn what it takes to become a camp counselor. CIT’s will work closely
with camper groups, lead group games, work in a cooperative group setting and have fun
while gaining experience on how to become a GREAT counselor.
The CIT Program includes:
    • Guidance from senior staff members to develop a repertoire of skills to successfully
       work with children.
    • Leadership opportunities in organizing and planning events.
    • Embracing and exemplifying camp culture.
    • Meeting with Directors to discuss important facets of being a camp counselor, including
       maintain camper safety, managing conflicts, and working professionally with peers.
*Completion of 2 summers in the CIT program is a great preparation for counselor positions.
While this does not guarantee a position as a camp counselor with Weston Recreation,
successful participants will be given priority in our hiring process.

               Important Responsibilities for Parents

   1. Always call the camp when your child will be absent.
   2. Label all belongings and remember to check the lost and found if you are
      missing items.
   3. Be on time when dropping off and picking up or call to let the camp know
      you are running late.
   4. Ensure that all camp forms are filled out completely and on time BEFORE
      your child attends the first day of camp.
   5. Make the camp aware in writing, if someone other than the
      parent/guardian will be picking up if not listed on the pickup card
   6. Advise the camp director and counselors of any health concerns your child
      might have. (Medications, allergies, personality traits, likes and dislikes.)
   7. Explain the camp rules to your child prior to the start of camp.
   8. Always feel free to ask questions to gain more information about camp
   9. Check your child’s backpacks for any notices that are sent home.
   10.Evaluate the program and let us know how we are doing. We strive to
      make camp a wonderful experience for all, campers and parents.

                       SMILE AND ENJOY THE
Camp ABC, Camp Adventure, Outer Limits, KWEST and Sports Camp Parents

         I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our 2022 summer camp program.
Summer is quickly approaching, and it is time to complete the paperwork so that your child can attend
camp. These forms comply with Department of Public Health regulations and must be strictly followed.
 Failure to adhere to these regulations will mean that your child CANNOT attend camp.
         All camper forms will be done electronically through JotForm this summer. After registration
with the recreation department you will be sent a link via email. You will then be required to log in and
fill out your camper’s information forms. All fields must be filled out. In addition, a copy of your
camper’s most up to date physical (not older than 2 years from the start of camp) and immunization
record must be scanned and submitted.
         Campers with incomplete forms (Camper Information Packet & Physical/Immunizations) WILL
If your child arrives at camp with no forms on file, the child will be brought to the camp office and a
parent will be contacted for pick up. The child will remain in the office until a parent or guardian
         Below is some important information regarding JotForm, please read carefully. JotForm is
secure, easy-to-use web-based solution helps our camp manage health forms, medications/allergies and
health logging throughout the summer. It’s safe and easy to use which makes it an invaluable resource
here in Weston.
To access JotForm you need to follow these instructions:

1. Register for Weston Recreation summer camp through the Weston Recreation Department.
2. You will receive within 2 weeks of registration an email asking you to log in via the link provided in
the email.
3. When you log in it will prompt you to update your account if you are a new user.
4. You will be required to complete the following sections:
            • Parent Contact Information
            • Health History
            • Sunscreen Authorization
            • Pick Up Card Information
            • Health Care Information
            • Healthcare Provider Forms
                (Here is where you will be required to upload a copy of your child’s physical and
                immunization records)

REMEMBER, your child can not attend camp unless you complete 100% of the sections.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How many counselors are with a group of campers?
The counselor to camper ratio is 5:1 for Camp ABC (Approx. 15/group) 10:1 for Camp Adventure and
Sports Camp (Approx 20/group) and 10:1 for Camp Outer Limits and KWEST. There will be an
additional staff member at each activity and several at the pool.
2. Can my child be grouped with a friend?
We are unable to take requests. Camp ABC campers will be grouped with other children their age and
Camp Adventure groupings will be done by grade entering in the fall.
3. Can my child’s friends and family members visit?
No. We cannot allow anyone to attend camp that is not registered.
4. How often will my child be swimming?
Camp ABC: Once daily during scheduled free swim. Camp Adventure: Every morning during
instructional swim with certified Water Safety Instructors, and in the afternoon during free swim. Camp
Outer Limits/Kwest: During free swim on non-field trips days and, sometimes, in the afternoon.
5. What type of swim lessons are offered during camp and how are children tested?
A certified Water Safety instructor will test each camper on his or her first day of camp for the summer
and place him or her in the correct ability level. As children progress throughout the summer, he or she
may be moved into a higher level.
6. How can my child be allowed to be in the deep end?
Your child will be given a deep-water test done by a lifeguard at the pool. When your child attends
camp, he or she can be tested during their swim lessons.
7. What should I pack for my child for camp each day?
Please pack the following: 2 snacks, 2 drinks, a lunch, a towel, a bathing suit, and sun block. Please
label everything with the child’s full name and keep it in one bag.
8. Should I send my child with sun block already on?
YES! Please do! If you would like additional sun block applied during the camp day, please send it to
camp. We would love to have your child use lotion sunscreen if possible!
9. Is transportation available?
No. Transportation to and from camp is not provided.
10. What if someone else is picking up my child up?
Written permission indicating whom your child is going home with, and what time they are to be
dismissed is required.
11. Is there a penalty for late Pick-up?
Because of staffing, it is important that you pick up your child on time. After the first 5 minutes, there is
a penalty of $5 for every 5 minutes, payable immediately.
12. Are there specific early pick up times?
Yes. Camp Adventure and Sports Camp have specific times (12 and 2:30) which we ask you to please
observe for safety and staffing reasons. If you need to pick up early from Outer Limits or KWEST,
please arrange with the directors.
13. What should I do if my camper losses a belonging?
Please check the group’s meeting area, the Camp Director’s office, the Memorial Pool, and the Weston
Community Center.
14. What do I do if my child is absent from camp?
Daily and weekly absences must be reported by telephone before 9:00AM, especially on field trip days.
Please call the Recreation Office, (781)786-6260, or the director’s line.
15. What should I do if my child is sick /on medication?
Please do not send a sick child to camp. You will be called to pick up your child if they are unable to
participate in activities or have a contagious illness (lice, conjunctivitis, head colds, sore throats, vomiting, fevers, etc.) If your
child is on any medication that needs to be given during camp hours, a Medical Release Form must be
completed. Medication must be in its original container and go to the Director immediately upon its
arrival at camp. Your spoken instruction or telephone contact will not be adequate regarding the
administering of medication. No exceptions.
16. Once my child begins camp, can I add sessions?
Yes, many parents choose to add if space is available.
17. Do I have to pay extra for field trips?
No. The price is included in the fee.
18. Are scholarships available?
The policy of the Recreations Department is that no resident of the town be refused participation in a
program or use of facilities because of an inability to pay. Confidential applications are made to the
Recreation Director, and if a hardship preventing payment of fees exists, the applicant may receive a
scholarship or reduction in fee at the discretion of the Recreation Director.
You can also read