What a pain! - Women's Health Tasmania

Page created by Wade Manning
What a pain! - Women's Health Tasmania
                                                                                                               SUMMER 2019

Inside this issue:
The Opioid Story Part I:
                                                                        What a pain!
A Crisis in Tasmania����������������������������������������2
                                                                        Our last magazine was focussed on sexual and
What’s on at our 25 Lefroy St centre?�����3                            reproductive health. People said they liked the
                                                                        ‘special’ focus so we’re doing it again.
Your bunions and the proposed
Religious Discrimination Act���������������������� 4                   Given all the talk recently about opioids, access to pain killers
                                                                        and women’s experiences of pain we thought that pain and
The Opioid Story Part II: What part                                     painkillers would be a good topic for our newsletter.
has Tasmania played in the
US Opioid Epidemic?������������������������������������� 5

#EndEndo���������������������������������������������������������� 6   This magazine covers the               Oh yes, and then there is that
                                                                        situation with opioid prescribing      strange thing, the proposed
The Opioid Story Part III: The State of                                 rates in Tasmania, the opioid          Religious Discrimination Act.
Oklahoma vs Johnson & Johnson�������������7                            crisis in the US and the strange       A journalist from The Australian just
                                                                        story of Tasmania’s connection         compassionately said the staff of
Fibro — we’re not talking about
                                                                        to it . . . and we also talk about     the Attorney General’s department
cement sheets here���������������������������������������� 8
                                                                        the flip side of this story — the      who are working on it have had
Vaginismus — finally, a name for it�������� 11                         strange pain conditions women          the equivalent of having an angry
                                                                        experience and their difficulties in   possum in a hessian sack tied over
Book review: Pain and Prejudice�������������13                         talking to doctors about them.         their heads. It’s true, a lot of people
                                                                                                               are very cross about it. Read on . . .
NILS Loans��������������������������������������������������������16

Getting in touch
25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002
Open 9.15am–4pm Mon–Thurs
P: 6231 3212 F: 6236 9449
Women’s Health Information Line Free
call: 1800 675 028

facebook: womens-health-tasmania
twitter: WomensHealthTAS

WHT receives funding support from
the Tasmanian Government through
the Department of Health.
What a pain! - Women's Health Tasmania
The Opioid Story Part I: A Crisis in Tasmania
Accidental opioid overdose                   The growing rate of hospitalisations        Evidence shows Tasmania has higher
and death is a silent epidemic               around the state has put a significant      reports of opioid overdoses, yet is far
gripping Tasmania — but these                burden on Tasmanian hospitals.              less likely to overdose on the opioid
opioids are not illicit drugs.                                                           heroin than other states and territories.
                                             Besides codeine, methadone tablets in
                                                                                         Some people have theorised this is
The main way people are accessing            Tasmania are currently being sold at
                                                                                         because Tasmania has limited access
lawful opioids, such as oxycodone or         two and a half times the national rate,
                                                                                         to heroin. This has resulted in people
morphine, is through prescriptions as        and oxycodone prescriptions had an
                                                                                         who, in other circumstances, might
pain relief. Tasmania has the highest        increase of over 100% between 2010
                                                                                         have used illicit opiates turn to these
prescribing rate of any state or territory   and 2015.
                                                                                         legal forms of opiates.
in Australia.                                It is thought social and health
A main culprit in these cases is the drug    issues such as an aging population,
codeine, used to treat mild to moderate      experiencing chronic pain, and living
pain. Codeine became prescription only       with a chronic illness like cancer have
                                             contributed to the increased rate in        www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/psbtas/
in February 2018 when it was discovered
                                             prescriptions. However, there are also      codeine_rescheduling/rescheduling_
that at least 500,000 Australians had                                                    of_codeine_a_tasmanian_perspective/
some form of codeine addiction. Up           people intentionally seeking opioids
until restrictions, codeine was easily       to misuse them — and the number of
accessible over the counter.                 people doing so doubled between 2013
                                             and 2016.                                   psmag.com/ideas/opioids-limiting-the-
There is debate following the decision                                                   legal-supply-wont-stop-the-overdose-crisis
on whether prescription rates have
changed, but some pharmacists are
                                             Trends in Opioid Use                        https://ndarc.med.unsw.edu.au/resource/
claiming patients are filling scripts        There are also other factors associated
for higher doses because lower dose,         with higher prescribing rates in these
over-the-counter codeine is no longer        local areas. Prescribing rates are higher   www.themercury.com.au/news/tasmania/
                                             in regional communities (compared           opioids-and-legal-pharmaceuticals-
available. This could mean a consistent
                                             with urban or remote), and areas of low     the-leading-causes-of-accidental-drug-
flow of prescriptions, but at higher doses                                               overdose-deaths-in-tasmania/news-story/7
due to the fact the prescription provides    socio-economic status.
access that over the counter didn’t.         There has also been a link made
                                             between experiencing chronic pain
How many people are                          and higher prescribing rates. The risk      prescriptions/10884252
taking opioids in Tasmania?                  of experiencing chronic pain increases
                                             with age but also due to social
There are over 73,000 opioid                 factors, like not having private health
prescriptions dispensed per 100,000          insurance, being a woman, receiving
people in Tasmania, a 27% increase           unemployment or disability benefits,
from 2013-14. Locally, the South East        being unemployed due to health
Coast (the areas between Hobart to           reasons and experiencing high levels
Port Arthur and Hobart to Bruny Island),     of psychological stress.
Brighton and Hobart have some of
the top rates of opioid prescribing
Consumption of codeine increased
steadily from 2000 to 2009. It is
responsible for many preventable
deaths in Tasmania, with codeine
related deaths doubling in that period.
Tasmania has the highest accidental
death rate in Australia, as well as a
higher rate of oxycodone-related
deaths in the country.
In 2017, 30 Tasmanians died of
unintentional overdose. People
presenting to the emergency
departments of 3 major public hospitals
in Tasmania (Royal Hobart, North-
West Region and Launceston General)
for opioid overdose, dependence,
intoxication or withdrawal has
increased by 32% in the four years
between 2011 to 2015.

What a pain! - Women's Health Tasmania
What’s on at our 25 Lefroy St centre?
        Monday                  Tuesday               Wednesday               Thursday               Friday

 AM     9:30 to 10:30am         10:30 - 11:30am       9:45–11am               10–10:30am             10am–2pm
        Ageing Well             Meditation            Yoga (Hatha)            Meditation             Waste to Wonderful
        with Weights            Guided and safe       experienced             10:30–11am             Textile skill sharing
        8 week courses          with Jean Gilbert     $8 per session                                 Jen 0417 137 100
        Feb 17 – Apr 20         By donation           Come early for a spot
                                                                              Mindfulness &
        Apr 27 – Jun 22
                                                                              Self Compassion
                                                                              Valerie 0405 329 687

                                10–11:30am            10:30–12:30
                                Fitball (beginners)   Women’s Walks                                     Come in for a
                                                                                                        cuppa, browse
                                Gil Whitehouse $8     6231 3212
                                                                                                        in our library
                                                      Calendar on                                       or use the
                                                      the website                                       photocopier.

        11am–12pm               11am–12:30pm          11:15am–12:30pm
        Tai Chi                 Community             Yoga (Hatha)
        Weekly $8               Health Nurse          beginners
                                                      $8 per session
                                                      Come early for a spot

 PM     1–3pm                   1–1:30pm                                      12:30–1:30pm
        No Interest Loans       Meditation                                    Feldendrais
        (NILS) Loan Officer     1:30–2pm                                      10 week blocks
        Ring Alison at WHT                                                    Feb 2 – Apr 9 and
        for appointment                                                       Apr 30 – Jul 2
                                Changing your Mind
                                                                              Nicole 0409 896 576
                                with Valerie

        3–4pm                                         3–4pm                   1–3pm
        Ageing Well with                              Ageing Well with        No Interest Loans
        Weights Practice                              Weights Practice        (NILS) Loan Officer
        For women who                                 For women who           Ring Alison at WHT
        have completed                                have completed          for appointment
        the 8 week course.                            the 8 week course.

        5:30–6.30pm                                                           5:30–7pm
        Yoga and                                                              Yoga and
        Mindfulness                                                           Mindfulness
        8 week course for                                                     8 week introduction
        participants with                                                     course – see ad on
        some experience –                                                     page 15
        see ad on page 15

Therapists and monthly groups
Breast Cancer Support Group     NDIS Information              Warped Wenches                  Bowen Therapy (NST)
Third Tuesday of the month      Every second Thursday         Third Saturday of the month     and Emmett Technique
11:45 am–1:15 pm                from 14 November, 2–4 pm      10am–4pm                        Every Wednesday
For any woman diagnosed         Come in and have a cup of     A group of women who love       $65 per session. To make
with breast cancer who would    tea with an NDIS worker       to sew, and share an interest   an appointment, contact
like information and support.   if you have any questions     in all sorts of crafts.         Christine Toyama on
                                about the NDIS.               Contact Denise 0417 808 871.    0417 363 108.
Writers’ Support Group
First Wednesday of the month
2–4 pm. New members welcome.
What a pain! - Women's Health Tasmania
Your bunions and the proposed Religious Discrimination Act
What could a podiatrist possibly            The Bill doesn’t recognise the ethical      And this is the kind of service delivery
be asked do to feet that might              and professional obligations of these       most at risk of raising a conscientious
make them need to refuse                    service providers.                          objection:
to treat the feet on religious              And it doesn’t just cover doctors. The      • Sexual health services
grounds? There’s no punchline to            Bill covers a range of professionals:       • Reproductive health services
that question – we’re genuinely             pharmacists, optometrists,
                                                                                        • IVF services
curious.                                    occupational therapists, psychologists,
                                            podiatrists and physiotherapists.           • Transgender health services
The proposed Religious Discrimination                                                   • Vaccination services
Act raises a lot of questions. So far,      The conscientious objection laws also
debate has focussed on the fact that        apply to institutions organised on          • Palliative care (end of life directives)
the Bill gives people with religious        religious lines. This includes hospitals    • Blood transfusions
beliefs the freedom to discriminate         and potentially some insurance              • Drug and alcohol services
against other Australians. But there        companies. Under these laws it will be
                                                                                        • Any general health service working
are also lots of questions about how it     possible for these institutions to refuse
                                                                                          with a vulnerable population
will affect our access to healthcare.       to treat or insure people on religious
                                            grounds.                                    • Any health service to a woman if
If passed, this Bill is will introduce                                                    there are religious proscriptions on
dangerous special rules which will          It also creates the possibility that a        gender
allow health service providers to           religious hospital or health service
refuse to provide services on religious     could bring a charge of discrimination      The USA has seen these kinds of
grounds.                                    against a government department             dangerous ‘religious freedom’ laws
                                            that tried to regulate the provision of     flourish. It has produced disturbing
Doctors can already refuse to provide       health services or set standards around     examples of cruelty towards
some services. Existing laws and codes      what services should be delivered.          marginalised groups: the infant
of practice protect conscientious                                                       children of LGBTIQ couples refused
objection, guided by bodies such as the     Who will act for the interests of           medical check-ups, all hospitals in
Australian Medical Association and the      patients?                                   Mississippi given the right to refuse
Medical Board of Australia.                 The impacts of this are so broad-           treatment to trans people and women
These codes ensure that where health        reaching that it is almost impossible to    refused treatment for miscarriages.
practitioners have conscientious            imagine. Under the Bill a doctor could      It has also produced brave whistle
objections, they must still give patients   refuse to treat a patient because they      blowers who report that they want
referrals and continuity of care. The       are Jewish, or Muslim, or not married…      to treat their patients, but they are
codes make sure there is a balance          Here are some of the people                 prohibited from doing so by the
between the rights of doctors to and        potentially affected:                       institutions they work for.
the rights of patients.
                                            • Women                                     Under Australia’s proposed Bill health
These professional codes would be                                                       practitioners will be permitted to
over-ridden by the proposed Bill.           • People with disabilities
                                                                                        refuse to perform lawful, safe and
                                            • LGBTIQ people and their children          justifiable treatment that would
Under this Bill, employers and
regulatory bodies can’t impose              • Divorced people, unmarried couples,       benefit patients even if that causes
guidelines on health practitioners’ who       single parents                            adverse impacts for the patient.
conscientiously object. That is, they       • People with addictions                    ‘Adverse impacts’ are permitted if they
can’t require them to treat patients, or                                                are ‘justifiable’ (to whom? the doctor?
                                            • People with HIV
to refer them or provide pathways.                                                      the patient?).
                                                                                        This broad right to conscientious
                                                                                        objection runs the risk of a significant
                                                                                        expansion of discrimination and harm
                                                                                        to patients.
                                                                                        Patients’ rights to accessible and safe
                                                                                        care should always come before the
                                                                                        religious beliefs of health professionals.
                                                                                        It is expected the Bill will be tabled in
                                                                                        Federal Parliament before the end of
                                                                                        the year.
                                                                                        There is still time to let your local
                                                                                        members know how you feel about
                                                                                        the Bill. You would even have time
                                                                                        to contact all the members of the
                                                                                        Australian Parliament. Let’s make
                                                                                        our voices heard and exercise our
                                                                                        democratic rights.
What a pain! - Women's Health Tasmania
The Opioid Story Part II:
What part has Tasmania played in the US Opioid Epidemic?
Since the 1980s Tasmania has                bypass the existing morphine restriction    Oxycodone made from Tasmanian-
been a significant supplier of              as it didn’t apply to thebaine. The cost    grown thebaine was used by Purdue
opium internationally through               and effort of making oxycodone was          Pharma for their patented oxycodone
its poppy crops. However,                   dramatically cut.                           pill, OxyContin. Oxycontin is sometimes
                                                                                        called ‘hillbilly heroin’.
its ascent to control of the                This is the suspected start of the opioid
market was secured in 1994                  oversupply and overdose crisis in           Tasmanian Alkaloids was eventually
when a Tasmanian researcher                 America.                                    sold in 2016.
from the Johnson & Johnson’s                In 1997 Tasmanian Alkaloids, part of the    Now, in the wake of the US opioid
pharmaceutical conglomerate                 Johnson & Johnson’s empire, where the       crisis, blame has been directed at
bred a mutant poppy that                    Norman was discovered, took charge of       the Tasmanian opium manufacturers
produced high levels of                     contracting farmers to grown Norman         for the oversupply and enabling of
‘thebaine’.                                 poppies. It has been reported that          opioid misuse.
                                            Tasmanian Alkaloids offered various
Thebaine is a key ingredient in the
                                            farmers tens of thousands of dollars
production of heroin’s cousin, oxycodone.
                                            in cash incentives, with some growers
Morphine is difficult and expensive to
                                            reporting to have received luxury cars
convert into oxycodone, thebaine is
                                            for harvesting the highest yields of drug   Want to read more?
dramatically cheaper and easier.
                                                                                        “How an island in the antipodes became
The poppy was named the Norman,                                                         the world’s leading supplier of licit opioids”
                                            In a 2011 report to Australia’s
a play on “no morphine”.                                                                Pacific Standard, July 11, 2019 https://psmag.
                                            Therapeutic Goods Administration,
                                            Johnson and Johnson claimed                 com/ideas/opioids-limiting-the-legal-
The USA has established regulations to
cap the amount of morphine allowed          Tasmanian Alkaloids’ Norman poppy
to enter the country. After the discovery   was providing 80% of the global market
of the Norman poppy, Tasmanian              for oxycodone’s raw materials.
pharmaceutical companies could

What a pain! - Women's Health Tasmania
Don’t we wish we could end                   How is it treated?                            Tell your gynae your concerns, explain
endo! Endometriosis affects                  Currently there is no known cause or
                                                                                           your symptoms and create an action
around 10% of women in their                                                               plan going forward. Depending on
                                             cure for endometriosis, only disease
reproductive years.                                                                        your gynae’s knowledge and surgical
                                             management. The types of treatment
                                                                                           training, you may need a referral to
The condition causes tissue, similar to      options are:
                                                                                           another specialist who is more qualified
the lining of the uterus, to grow outside    1. Medical treatments (Medication)            to treat endometriosis.
it in unusual areas throughout the           2. Allied treatments (physiotherapy,
body. When the lining grows within                                                         3. Speak up about your suspicions!
                                                alternative medicine, etc.)
the uterus, it bleeds and sheds during                                                     Many people feel brushed off when
                                             3. Surgical treatments
menstruation. When endometriosis is                                                        they voice their suspicions, which can
present, this lining bleeds in unexpected    Because every person and every case           leave them feeling embarrassed and
places and can cause acute pain.             of endometriosis is different, no single      unwilling to seek help again.
                                             treatment plan will suit all.
For most people, endometrial growth                                                        Don’t back down! You are your biggest
is found in the pelvis. These pockets of     It is best to talk to your gynaecologist      advocate when it comes to living with
growth can cause an array of symptoms        about what is best for you, as there are      endometriosis - trust yourself and what
that vary in severity, such as pelvic        disadvantages, advantages and risks           your body is saying.
pain, infertility, pain with sex, fatigue,   associated with all treatment options.
                                                                                           Honestly, when faced with any
bladder or bowel incontinence, nausea,       For most people, it takes trial and error
                                                                                           resistance, you’ll want to find a new
vomiting, heavy periods and muscle           to find the right therapy or combination
                                                                                           doctor who will not only listen, but be
damage.                                      of therapies to manage their symptoms.
                                                                                           there for you throughout your whole
However, the amount of endometriosis         For example, you might take a hormone         journey. It’s exhausting constantly
does not determine the type or intensity     medication (like the pill or Mirena),         having to push against your doctor at
of your symptoms. This means women           regularly attend an incontinence              every turn.
can have advanced disease and no             physiotherapist, and plan for a
                                                                                           4. Ask for further testing
symptoms, or little disease with severe      diagnostic and excision surgery
symptoms. Symptoms are not an                in the future.                                Part of your action plan will probably
indicator of the damage caused by                                                          include getting some tests done, as well
                                                                                           as some lifestyle changes. If you feel
endometriosis.                               What if I suspect I                           that the current state of investigation is
                                             have endometriosis?                           not enough, don’t be afraid to ask your
Would you like to know                       1. Log your symptoms and when                 gynae for more thorough testing, such
how it is diagnosed?                            they occur!                                as the specific ultrasound (Deep Endo
The only way to diagnose endometriosis       For many people, symptoms increase            Scan). “If you don’t ask, the answer will
is through a laparoscopic (keyhole)          or decrease at certain points in their        always be no.” You have nothing to lose!
surgery and a biopsy (tissue sample).        menstrual cycle. Often, symptoms and          Endometriosis is a complex disease with
During a laparoscopy a surgeon uses          their severity tend to flare in the lead up   little understanding as to how and why
a narrow telescope (inserted through         to and during menstruation. So log your       it occurs. It takes an average of 10 years
the belly button – YES, it is under a        symptoms and see if you can find any          to receive a formal diagnosis, with lack
general anaesthetic) to see your organs      patterns in your cycle, or use your data      of knowledge by doctors being a huge
in the pelvis and abdomen, magnifying        to try and establish your cycle if you        contributor to the wait time. Don’t let
tissue so that small growths can be          don’t know it.                                your doctors dismiss you - speak up!
seen. Tissue that is thought to be           2. Make an appointment with your              Spread the word on the commonality
endometriosis is removed and tested             regular gynaecologist, or your GP.         of endometriosis and how to receive
for diagnosis.                                                                             the best care by sharing your new
                                             If you don’t see a gynae, make an
There are cases where diagnosis can be       appointment to see your GP for                knowledge with others who could be
made without surgery. An ultrasound          a referral.                                   affected by this disease.
technician might be able to see
endometrial cysts on the ovaries or
other pelvic organs.
A technician doing a specific internal                                                     Resources:
endometriosis ultrasound will probe
various organs, which should move                                                          Endometriosis Fact Sheet
freely and without resistance.                                                             https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/aefbed_
Tissue that has difficulty moving or
causes pain when probed could be
a sign of endometriosis.
The only way to be 100% sure of the
diagnosis is to have a laparoscopy
and/or biopsy.

What a pain! - Women's Health Tasmania
The Opioid Story Part III:
The State of Oklahoma vs Johnson & Johnson
In late August 2019, an                      Several other US states have reached      Before the trial began, the state
Oklahoma judge ruled against                 settlements with pharmaceutical           reached a settlement with two other
one of America’s biggest                     companies. Currently the Ohio state       defendant groups, one of which was
companies — Johnson &                        courts have 1500 opioid lawsuits          the manufacturer of OxyContin, Purdue
                                             before them filed by state, local         Pharma. The settlement reached was
Johnson — and its subsidiaries
                                             and tribal governments.                   US$270 million (AUD $398.5 million).
after finding that the company
had helped to fuel the state’s               Across both Australia and America,        Back in present Australia, The Greens
opioid crisis. The companies                 there has been a high level of            party have asked for the Tasmanian
were found guilty of having                  concern surrounding the influence         poppy industry to reconsider working
companies launched a deceptive               pharmaceutical companies have on          with Johnson & Johnson’s.
                                             prescribing rates. However, it has also
campaign overstating the
                                             been recognised that these companies
effectiveness of opioid drugs                fill a gap in education delivery.
in treating chronic pain,                                                              References
and understating the risk of                 The Oklahoma judge ruled that Johnson
                                             & Johnson were to pay USD$572.1 million   ABC News, US opioid crisis ruling leads to
addiction.                                                                             $845 million fine for drug maker Johnson &
                                             (AUD$845 million) for the deceitful
The Oklahoma Attorney General called         marketing of opioids that contributed     Johnson in Oklahoma, 27 August 2019
Johnson & Johnson an opioid ‘kingpin’                                                  abc.net.au
                                             to the death of nearly half a million
and the human and financial cost of          Americans between 1999 and 2017.          AP, Spotlight on Oklahoma for start
the prescription painkiller crisis created                                             of trial for opioid makers, May 28, 2019,
by their marketing campaigns as                                                        apnews.com
‘catastrophic’.                                                                        WebMD, Judge orders J&J Pay $572 Million
                                                                                       in Opioid Case, webmd.com

                                    GROUP A story about
                                                                       friendship and
                                                                       Meets first Wednesday
                                                                       of the month 2–4pm at
                                                                       Women’s Health Tasmania
                                                                       This group is for all women writers
                                                                       — published, experienced or not!
                                                                       For more information call Women’s
                                                                       Health Tasmania on 6231 3212.

What a pain! - Women's Health Tasmania
Fibro — we’re not talking about cement sheets here
Did you know that women are                Fibro is a pain in the ...               Symptoms of your menstrual cycle
much more likely to suffer from            everything                               or menopause can also feel worse
fibromyalgia, with 9 out of 10                                                      as a result of fibro. Many women
                                           Fibro can cause an array of symptoms.    experience more frequent symptoms of
diagnosed being women aged                 People experience few or many, and       premenstrual syndrome and increased
20 – 50? And that women also               at varying degrees of severity. Some     period pain.
report higher levels of pain for           symptoms of fibro are:
longer periods of time compared
to men?
                                           • Widespread pain for 3 months           Fibro flares!
                                             or longer
                                                                                    There are times when fibro symptoms
Fibromyalgia can hurt. It’s a form of      • Stronger menstrual pain                will intensify - called a flare. Flares can
rheumatoid disease that can cause          • Sleeping troubles (unable to fall      be triggered or amplified by factors
chronic musculoskeletal pain and             asleep or get restful sleep)           like illness, injury, getting too tired or
tenderness.                                                                         stressed, hormonal changes, changes in
                                           • Extreme fatigue
There is no known cause or cure for                                                 treatment, travelling – even changes in
                                           • Sensitivity to light or noise
fibro, but the evidence suggests that                                               the weather!
an onset can sometimes be caused by        • Cognitive difficulties (often
                                             called fibro fog) and short term       Triggers vary from person to person.
psychological trauma or severe stress,                                              Discovering what your personal triggers
after having an infection or virus, pain     memory loss
                                                                                    are can help you take action when
from injury or trauma, family history,     • Morning stiffness
                                                                                    affected by them.
and substance abuse.                       • Pelvic pain
                                           • Teeth grinding in sleep                Fibro hides!
                                           • Feeling faint or light-headed          There are no x-rays, blood tests or
                                           • Restless leg syndrome                  scans that can test for fibro, as the
                                           • Tingling or numbness in the hands      body’s tissues will appear normal
                                             and feet                               when examined. However, your doctor
                                                                                    may order these just to rule out any
                                           • Bladder and bowel problems.
                                                                                    other conditions. Receiving a fibro
                                           • Tenderness at particular points on     diagnosis can feel a bit like a process of
                                             the neck, shoulder, chest, hip, knee   elimination.
                                             and elbow

What a pain! - Women's Health Tasmania
Because fibro is often diagnosed after       Managing fibro                             • Sleep — sleep is important, as poor
excluding other conditions, nearly                                                        sleep only aggravate symptoms. Try
                                             There are many ways of managing
half of fibro sufferers attend 4 to 6                                                     to keep a consistent bedtime routine
                                             fibro, from medication to alternative
practitioners before receiving an official                                                as part of living a balanced life.
                                             therapies. Like other complex, chronic
diagnosis.                                                                              • Nutrition — eating healthily helps
                                             diseases, you need to tackle it in a
                                             range of ways.                               you support energy levels and
Fibromyalgia & chronic                                                                    improve overall wellbeing.
                                             Usually, a management plan will involve
overlapping pain conditions                  a combination of:
                                                                                        • Staying at work — keeping your
As if fibro wasn’t enough! The crossover                                                  regular routine is beneficial for your
                                             • Education — understanding your             health and quality of life. Talk to your
of fibromyalgia with other medical
                                               body, how fibro affects you and what       doctor or other allied practitioners
conditions is common. It’s often
                                               your triggers are. This allows you to      about methods to help you get back
diagnosed in women who also have
                                               actively manage the condition and          to work or stay at work.
conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome
                                               make informed decisions.
(IBS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,                                                        • Massage — can help relax the
interstitial cystitis or endometriosis.      • Pain management — learning how             muscles and help with stress
                                               heat packs, cold packs, ointments,         management.
However, doctors often treat                   medication, etc. affect the different
each condition individually, not                                                        • Peer support — find a peer support
                                               types of pain helps you get on top
acknowledging the overlap. For                                                            group in your area by contacting
                                               of pain as quickly as possible. Often,
example, fibro can increase the                                                           Musculoskeletal Australia, or go
                                               this takes trial and error with the
pain experienced by women with                                                            online to search for a forum or
                                               guidance of your doctor.
endometriosis, a disease in which the                                                     Facebook support group.
                                             • Stress management — stress can
symptoms ease after menopause.
                                               aggravate symptoms, learning how
However, fibro can interfere and still
                                               best to relax will help avoid flaring.
cause discomfort post menopause.                                                        References
                                               Some ideas are planning your day
Furthermore, women with fibromyalgia           and its priorities, going for a gentle   BOOK: Pain and Prejudice
are 40% more likely to have depression,        walk, listening to music, talking to a   – Gabrielle Jackson
45% more likely to have anxiety, and           trusted friend, and avoiding stress.
                                                                                        Arthritis Australia Fibromyalgia
70% more likely to have IBS. They are        • Exercise — regular exercise improves     arthritisaustralia.com.au
also more likely to suffer from various        the symptoms of fibro.
autoimmune diseases, such as lupus,                                                     Health line “Why does fibromyalgia
                                             • Balance — a lot of symptom               predominantly affect women’ healthline.com
rheumatoid arthritis and lower back
                                               management is knowing how to
pain, to name a few.                                                                    Healthline “How does fibromyalgia affect
                                               spend the limited energy you have.
                                                                                        women differently?” healthline.com
                                               Alternate between periods of activity
                                               and periods of rest, breaking big
                                               tasks into smaller ones to avoid
                                               overdoing it.

             Women’s                                              Every Wednesday
               Walks                                              10:30am–12:30pm
                                                                  Leaves Women’s Health
                                                                  Tasmania (25 Lefroy Street,
                                                                  North Hobart) at 10:15am
                                                                  We do a different walk every week —
                                                                  for details go to the Walking Calendar
                                                                  on our website or call 6231 3212.

What a pain! - Women's Health Tasmania
Women’s Health Tasmania

     Preparation for
     birth, pregnancy
     and parenting

     Develop skills for
     calm and confidence
     with psychologist Kelly Madden

     To book call 6231 3212 or email
Vaginismus — finally, a name for it
It sounds like some weird Roman            What causes vaginismus?                       How do you treat
gladiator but for some women               Medical professionals aren’t exactly          vaginismus?
vaginismus is the most private,            sure what causes vaginismus, but in           To treat vaginismus, you need a
painful secret of their lives. Here’s      some cases, it is thought to be linked        multidisciplinary team of health
the good news – it’s treatable,            to anxiety or fear of having sex, or          professionals, including:
and sometimes quite quickly.               physical trauma. However, it’s uncertain
                                           which came first, the anxiety or the          A pelvic floor physiotherapist.
Vaginismus is when the pelvic
                                           vaginismus.                                   Also known as a continence therapist.
floor muscles around the vagina
tighten involuntarily, causing pain or     Some women experience the symptoms            They will teach you techniques to relax
discomfort on penetration. This makes      from the very first time they try to insert   the pelvic floor muscles and desensitize
it very painful or even impossible for     something into their vagina, such as a        the skin around the genital area. Some
women to have penetrative sex, insert      finger or tampon. For other women sex         methods they may recommend are
a tampon, or endure a gynaecological       and insertion was fine to begin with,         vaginal trainers / dilators, stretches and
examination. Often, people aren’t          but something changed and caused the          massage. They may also assist with the
even aware that it is their pelvic floor   pain to start.                                muscle-brain connection by helping
causing this pain.                                                                       to re-teach the brain what’s actually a
                                           Some women experience vaginismus in           pain sensation and what’s not.
Vaginismus can happen regardless if        all situations, whereas others might only
you’ve been sexually active or not.        experience it in certain circumstances        A sexual therapist and psychologist.
                                           with certain objects. For example, sex        They can help you uncover and
You also may not know that despite its
                                           with one partner is okay but not with         understand why you might have an
name, there is no issue with the actual
                                           others, or penetrative sex is painful but     unconscious (or conscious) fear of
vagina of someone with vaginismus.
                                           tampon insertion isn’t.                       penetration, and work through trauma
The vagina is just a tube with little
muscle inside it - it’s the muscles        (It’s worth remembering that painful sex      that may be influencing the vaginismus.
surrounding it that are spasming and       might be because you’re not ready to
                                                                                         An understanding general practitioner.
causing discomfort upon contact.           have sex or you’re not turned on by the
                                           sex, or you don’t want to have sex but        Vaginismus is a common condition but
The pain experienced by people with                                                      you might need to shop around to find
                                           are feeling pressured into it.)
vaginismus has been described as a                                                       a GP who you feel comfortable talking
burning, tearing sensation, or like the     Sometimes vaginismus is associated           to, and who recognises the symptoms.
penis is “hitting a brick wall” during     with some kind of trauma, such as             Your fears and experiences are valid,
penetrative sex.                           childbirth, sexual assault, infections like   and there are practitioners out there
                                           thrush (yeast infection), or other physical   who will acknowledge them.
                                           conditions such as endometriosis.
                                                                                         Please don’t give up if your first
                                           For some vaginismus sufferers, it’s a         practitioner brushes you off - you
                                           complex combination of some or all of         deserve the medical attention you’re
                                           these factors.                                asking for! Penetration shouldn’t be
                                                                                         excruciating, and you don’t have to live
                                                                                         with the pain.
                                                                                         So, thumbs down to you, Vaginismus.
                                                                                         You’ve been ruining women’s lives since
                                                                                         forever, but we’ve got you on the run.

                                                                                         Want to read more?
                                                                                         Health Direct Vaginismus
                                                                                         Webmd Vaginismus www.webmd.com

Gabrielle Jackson
Pain and Prejudice is the end product        us as anything
– what started as Gabrielle Jackson’s        more than an
examination of a single issue led to a       inferior version
quest to discover how women, in the          of themselves
past and right up to the present day,        – or creatures
are failed by systems which should           controlled by
ensure they are healthy and informed         their uterus.
decision makers.
                                             Some of the
Like 176 million women worldwide,            accounts
Gabrielle endures the painful condition      are hard to
of endometriosis. After a particularly       read – like the
debilitating flare-up in 2014, Gabrielle     father of modern                              after menopause, as a preventative
decided to attend a patient-centred          gynaecology, Dr J. Marion Sims, who           treatment for heart disease. The study
endometriosis conference run by the          developed a technique to repair fistulas      enrolled 8,314 men – and no women!
advocacy group, EndoActive.                  by operating without anaesthesia on           Another, which examined how obesity
                                             enslaved African-American women. He           impacted on uterine and breast cancer,
There, Gabrielle discovered all the other
                                             operated on one woman thirty times            did not even include one woman.
symptoms she had been suffering were
                                             before he got the procedure right.
in fact associated with the condition.                                                     Heart disease is the leading cause
The self-doubt, and belief that she was      While some things have improved               of death among women, and yet
weak or flaky, were released in a flood      for women since then, many things             almost everything we know about
of tears as she realised her experience      remain the same. Women’s pain is still        it and its treatment has been learnt
was real and had a valid explanation.        often dismissed, diagnosis for many           from studying men. Our medical
                                             conditions takes a long time and is           professionals have been trained to look
The tears turned to rage at the lack
                                             often only achieved after women have          for the symptoms men present with,
of awareness of endometriosis, even
                                             endured being belittled. Hysteria and/        which we now know is not the same for
within the medical profession, the
                                             or attention seeking is still the go-to for   women.
scant research, and how symptoms are
                                             many medical professionals when they
dismissed and often go undiagnosed                                                         Gabrielle explains the lack of research
                                             can’t find a reason for women’s pain.
for a median of 7 years.                                                                   into pain by funding bodies is driven
                                             Then there is the lack of research into       by the desire to support studies with
Her personal story led to a global
                                             women’s health or, when it is conducted,      specific, measurable results. It is difficult
investigation by the Guardian into the
                                             being carried out on men or male              to produce such results when so little is
disease, an article and this book.
                                             laboratory animals.                           known about the mechanisms of pain.
While this book may have been
                                             Excluding women from medical                  Reading this book will enlighten you
inspired by Gabrielle’s experience of
                                             and science knowledge production              and no doubt make you angry. It
endometriosis, it is by no means just
                                             has resulted in a healthcare system           is indeed a call to arms for women
about women’s reproductive organs and
                                             made by men, for men. One study               and their bodies. It is time to say, as
the pain which can accompany many of
                                             described in Gabrielle’s book was on          Gabrielle concludes, ENOUGH!
the conditions associated with them.
                                             an oestrogen supplement for women,
As well as exploring many other
conditions women suffer from, often
at higher rates than men – such as
irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatoid
arthritis, Graves disease, chronic fatigue

and fibromyalgia – it also thoroughly
analyses how women’s pain has
been dismissed and ignored over the
centuries by patriarchy and a sexist
medical profession.
I thought I had some idea of what                     Self-compassion — skills in how to have compassion for yourself,
women have suffered over the                          skills which can help when you’re having a difficult time.
centuries, at the hands of men and
                                                      Mindfulness — paying attention to the present moment with
medical professionals. But after reading
                                                      openness, curiosity and without judgement.
this book, I realise the horrors are far
worse and the oppression of women                     Come and learn meditation, self-compassion and mindfulness
calculated and callous, based on                      with Valerie, our skilled facilitator at Women’s Health Tasmania.
nothing more than men’s inability to see
                                                      Thursdays 10–10:30am
                                                      Followed by a discussion from 10:30–11am
W OWomen’s
     M E N ' S HHealth
                 EALTH Tasmania

 Emotional support, information and
   Strength and solution focussed


  You can book a phone or face to face
 appointment by calling 1800 675 028 or
 emailing info@womenshealthtas.org.au
Yoga and
Introduction to                                     Some benefits of a regular yoga and
                                                    mindfulness practice may include:
Yoga and Mindfulness
                                                    •    Less anxiety and stress and staying calm
An 8 week experiential course introducing                and centred in midst of busyness
powerful mindfulness practices and gentle yoga.
                                                    •    Less reactivity more responsiveness
                                                    •    More Mental clarity and ability to self-
FEB 13th, 20th, 27th. MARCH 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th        manage ‘unhelpful’ thoughts
APRIL 2nd 2020 at Women’s Health,
25 Lefroy Street North Hobart                       •    Better ability to go to sleep and better
                                                         sleep quality
A 90 minute weekly class include 45 minutes
of yoga and 45 minutes of mindfulness               •    Overall improvements in physical health
practice and theory. Investment is $150 or $120          including more strength and flexibility
concession for the 8 week course.

Yoga and Mindfulness
An 8 week course designed for participants
that have some experience practicing yoga and

FEB 3rd, 17th, 24th MARCH 2nd, 16th, 23rd, 30th
APRIL 6th, 2020 at Women’s Health,
25 Lefroy Street, North Hobart.

A 60 minute weekly class including yoga
postures, breathing and mindfulness
meditation practices. Investment is $110 or $90     For more information and bookings contact
concession for the 8 week course or casual (if      Michelle on 0418 631 660.
places available) $18 or $15 concession.            www.everybodyyoga.weebly.com

Thinking   You can get a NILs loan through
                 us! No Interest Loans provide
 about getting   affordable finance for essential
     a heater?   goods and services to people
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 Or paying for   Pension Concession Card and you
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                 can get a NILS loan. To book an
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                 Loans officer call 6231 3212.

                                                             Well with
                                                             Popular program returns Mondays
                                                             February 17 – April 20 2020
                                                             April 27 – June 22 2020
                                                             $10 / week or $65 for 8 weeks
                                                             To book call Women’s Health Tasmania on
                                                             6231 3212 or email info@womenshealthtas.org.au

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                                                        Breast Cancer
                                                        Support Group
                                                                    11:45 am - 1.15 pm
                                                                   3rd Tuesday of the month

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