What's Happening @ Your Library?

Page created by Ellen Hansen
What's Happening @ Your Library?
Marshall Public Library

                                                   What’s Happening @
                                                     Your Library?
                      Est. 1916

          “Your Downtown Window to the World”
 Volume 15, Issue 2                                                                                  March/April 2021

Local students Read to Feed while learning life science
It’s a lovely story...an out-of-                as a child. When Daniel and           earned, with options such as
town couple visits rural li-                    Chris returned to their Flori-        “buy a heifer”, “install an irri-
brary while traveling across                    da home, they couldn’t shake          gation pump” or “send a girl
the United States and are                       Marshal Public Library; they          to school”. Recently, the stu-
captivated    by     its                                  wanted to do some-          dents voted in favor of send-
charm.      It started                                    thing to help this          ing a girl to school. Illustrat-
when a library clerk                                      library. And so it          ing how much our students
came in on her day off                                    began, the Garcia’s         really do value free education.
to assist the out-of-                                     now sponsor the 5th         This year, the library is part-
towners with genealo-                                     grade    “Read     to       nering with Clark County
gy research, Toddler                                      Feed” through Heif-         Farm Bureau to place chick
Time was happening in the                       er International. Since 2016,         incubators in every 5th grade
background, teens gathered                      they have pledged to donate           classroom. Students will not
around a computer, a patron                     $1 for every book read in a six       only be challenged to read,
read a newspaper; a typical                     -week period. Students start          but will also learn about life
day at the library. All the                     the program each year with a          science and see firsthand the
while the couple observed, re-                  special kickoff introducing           value of raising an animal.
searched and learned about                      them to the reading chal-             The reading challenge begins
small town life. The partner-                   lenge. The motivating factor?         March 3rd and ends April
ship between out-of-towners                     Every dollar earned goes to           7th.     Partnership       with
Daniel and Chris Garcia, real-                  support another person in             Friends of the Library help
ly began a generation before—                   need around the world. Stu-           make this program possible.
Mr. Garcia grew up in South-                    dents have an opportunity to
ern California where his                        vote on how to use the money
mother Louise Dawson Garcia
would tell stories of a small                                        Free tax assistance will be available to taxpayers
rural community called Mar-                                          with middle and low income with special attention
shall where she would visit                                          to those 50 and older. The library will use Johns
her grandfather each summer                                          Hopkins ESRI data tables to determine risk.
                                                                     This service begins March 2nd and ends April 15th.

  Curbside Service                              Volunteers have been trained through the AARP Tax-Aide program and
                                                provide this confidential tax preparation service at no charge. Assistance
continues indefinitely—give us a call to
                                                is by appointment only and will take place in the library. Persons inter-
       schedule your pickup.
                                                ested in receiving free tax assistance should call the library to schedule
                                                an appointment, space is limited. Please bring last year’s income tax
                                                forms and all supporting documentation.
What's Happening @ Your Library?
PAGE 2                                WHAT’S HAPPENING @ YOUR LIBRARY?                                       V O LU M E 1 5 , I S S U E 2

Make-and-Take Kits Relieve Boredom for Pre-K thru Teen
Due to Covid-19, library programming looks a little different this school year. Programs for Little Book Beginners ages 3-
5 years, STREAM for 3rd –6th grades and TAB for teens 7th—12th grades offer make-and-take kits and Facebook
streaming videos in lieu of in-person programming. Monthly kits are available for pick up at the library, with a limit of
one kit per family for Little Book Beginners and one kit per child for STREAM and TAB. To reserve your FREE kit
please call the library beginning the first day of each new month, kits may be picked up starting the third
Monday of each month. Supplies are limited.
     Little Books Beginners Kits                  STREAM Challenge Kits                         TAB Activity Kits
      For preschoolers 3-5 years old            For children 3rd—6th grades                   For teens 7th—12th grades
      A new kit will be available for           A new kit will be available for               A new kit will be available for
       pick up beginning the 3rd Mon-             pick up beginning the 3rd Mon-                 pick up beginning the 3rd Mon-
       day of each month                          day of each month                              day of each month
      Kits include a book, craft and/or         Kits include a science, technolo-             Kits include teen friendly activi-
       activity with a reading log                gy, engineering, art or mathe-                 ty and/or craft
                                                  matic challenge
               March’s book:                             March’s theme:                                March’s theme:
                 “Easter Egg”                             “Windmills”                                    “ Para cords”
               April’s book:                             April’s theme:                                April’s theme:
          “10 Little Rubber Ducks”                      “Kitchen Science”                               “ Terrariums”

                                  Book Chat’s ‘Book of the Month’
                                           “Book Chat” is a book discussion group that meets at the library the
                                           third Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. Upcoming featured books
                                           Station Eleven—Featured Big Read book—                                          copies!
                                           by Emily St. John Mandel — March 17th

                                           Born a Crime by Trevor Noah — April 21st
                                                    Multiple copies of featured books are available at the library.

                  In person programming returns with 2-part diabetes series by
                  U of I Extension—Managing Diabetes in a Modern World
                                             Call the library or go to library’s Facebook page to register
 Marshall Public         Marshall Area      Take the First Step—Thursday 4/22, 6:30 p.m.
 Library Board           Public Library     Dive into what it means to have diabetes, what is going on in your body,
 of Trustees:            District Board
 2020/2021               of Trustees:
                                            and the next steps. Learn how to set realistic personal goals related to
                         2020/2021          what you eat and being more active with diabetes in mind.
 John Tarble—
                         Cynthia Wright—
                                            Make the Most of Diabetes Resources—Thursday 4/29, 6:30 p.m.
 Janet Hasten—                              Explore different resources, services, and supports related to diabetes
 Vice President
 Mike Cameron—
                         Jeff Burress—      that anyone can use. From websites, books, and classes or to insurance-
                         Vice President
                         Elaine Miller—
                                            covered education classes and diabetes footwear, we will cover a variety
 Jenn Smitley—                              of resources you can use to manage your health better.
                         Kelley Ray—
 Melissa Strait
                         Secretary                                          Local displays
 Vickie Wallace
                         Alice Schroeder
 Herman Wallace
                         Nathan Crews
                                             March’s display: Read to Feed w/ Chick Incubators—
 Jody Green                                       by Clark County Farm Bureau and library staff
                         Kent Mitchell
                                             April’s display: MHS memorabilia— by library staff
What's Happening @ Your Library?
V O LU M E 1 5 , I S S U E 2                 W H AT ’ S H AP P E N IN G @ Y O U R L IB R A R Y?                                  PAGE 3

                          Friends of the Library meeting for January 7th was cancelled due to Covid, the next meeting
                          will be held at 5:00 PM on March 4th in the library’s Dale McConchie meeting room.

                                         March Classes:
                                                                         Free Wi-Fi with portable Hotspot
                                          3/11 & 3/25 4:00 p.m.           Did you know patrons may checkout free, portable Wi-Fi
 All users must first go through the     Saturday:                        from the library? Perhaps you just moved and don’t have
Basic 3D printing class prior to print- 3/13 at 2:30 p.m.                 Internet or you plan to travel and need portable Wi-Fi—
                                                                          we can help!
 ing alone. To register for this free April Classes:
   class—please call the library.       4/8 and 4/22 at 4:00 p.m.
                                                                          The library has five devices available for two
                                                                          week checkout periods. Patrons must be 18
                                                                          years or older to checkout a device.
                                         4/10 at 2:30 p.m.

                                                                                                                        Online …
                                                                                                                        book club
Mindful Me - A free online series open to youth ages                      What if you had clarity around what is healthy for you to
3 – 8 and their caregivers. Occurs once a month at                        eat and what isn’t? What if you developed a deeper sense
10:30 a.m. via Zoom. Recordings will be available for                     of listening to your body for when it needed to move and
those unable to attend live sessions. In this series, Illi-               when it doesn’t? What if you knew how much sleep was
nois Extension 4-H Youth Development Educator Su-                         right for you? Explore these questions and more in our
san Sloop reads aloud a story to introduce various con-                   wellness virtual book club.
cepts of mindfulness and then does a “virtual” activity.                                                April’s featured book:
Attend all or just one session! Register by going to the                                       Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?
library’s or University of Illinois Extension Facebook                                                    by: Mark Hyman, MD
                                                                                               Sunday, April 11th at 4:00 p.m.
Once you register you will receive an email prior to the                                       Sunday, April 25th at 4:00 p.m.
lesson with a list of materials that are needed for the
                                                                                                      To register please visit:
hands-on activity.
           The next two sessions will be held on:
                                                                          This book will stretch over two months and will be guid-
           Tuesday, March 30th at 10:30 a.m.                              ed with a handout. Multiple copies of the book will be
            Monday, April 19th at 10:30 a.m.                              available for checkout at the library.

 In Memory of… Colonel Edwin P. Ramsey                                           In Memory of… Paul Dean Blockinger
 Donated by: Dr. Raquel R. Ramsey                                                Donated by: Tony & Kim Williams, Richard & Jill Medsker,
 Lieutenant Ramsey’s War — by Edwin Price Ramsey & Stephen J.                    and Stephen & Lesley Robinson
 Rivele                                                                          One year of Wall Street Journal Subscription
 In Memory of… Nadine Ramsey, WASP Pilot                                         Donated by: John & Fern Waight
 Donated by: Dr. Raquel R. Ramsey                                                A Small Farm Culture —by Chris Smaje
 Taking Flight: The Nadine Ramsey Story—by Raquel Ramsey &                       Fresh Food from Small Spaces —by RJ Ruppenthal
 Tricia Aurand                                                                   Growing Perennial Foods —by Acadia Tucker
                                                                                 Edible Paradise —by Vera Greutnik
 In Memory of… Kent Hall
 Donated by: Shannon Snedeker, Sally Acklin, Ken & Nancy                         Donated by: Irmagene Nelson
 Claypool, Sue Snedeker, John & Sara Tarble, John & Janet Hasten,                Fruitful Labor—by Mike Madison
                                                                                 Farming for the Long Haul—by Michael Foley
 Tracey Valinevicus, James and Vicky Abernathy, Trinity Lutheran
 One year of Verizon Wi-Fi Devices (3)
                                                                                 In Memory of… Hilda Jones
                                                                                 Donated by: Marshall High School Class of 1952
 Donated by: Marshall Public Library Board of Trustees                           Rays of the Dawn: Natural Laws of the Body, Mind and Soul —
 Good Night Trucks (board book) —by Adam Gamble                                  by Dr. Thurman Fleet
 The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Trucks —by Peter Davies
What's Happening @ Your Library?
      612 Archer Avenue
      Marshall, IL 62441

      Phone: 217/826-2535
      Fax: 217/826-5529
      E-mail: marshallpubliclibrary@gmail.com

      Monday through Wednesday: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
      Thursday: 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM
      Friday and Saturday: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

      Library Director: Alyson Thompson
      Head Librarian: Jamie Poorman

                     Check us out at

  “Marshall’s Downtown Window to the World”

                                          LEAF BAGS FROM THE LIBRARY EACH MONTH

                                                LARGE PRINT
          Spotlight on                                                                        JD Robb; Library of Boone’s Hollow - Kim
                                                                                              Vogel Sawyer; Black Bonanza - Leslie
                                                Against the Loveless World - Susan
             New                                Abulhawa; Colors of Truth - Tamara Al-        Scott; Minutes to Die - Susan Sleeman;
                                                                                              Woman before Wallis - Bryn Turnbull;
                                                exander; Thousand Texas Longhorns -
           Materials!                           Johnny Boggs; Luck and a horse - Max          Orphan Collector - Ellen Marie Wiseman;
                                                Brand; Mockingbird’s Song - Wanda             Picture of Love - Beth Wiseman; Hush-
                                                Brunstetter; Burden of Proof - Davis          hush- Stuart Woods; Haunting at Bona-
                                                Bunn; Turning Tide - Melody Carlson;          venture Circus - Jaime Jo Wright
ADULT                                           Devil’s Due - James Clay; Season of an
                                                Amish Garden - Amy Clipston; Spin -           DVD
Christian Fiction                               Patricia Cornwell; Acceptable Risk -          History & archaeology of the Bible; How
Castaway in Cornwall - Julia Klassen; A         Lynette Eason; Singing Lariat - Will Er-      to create comics; How to plan for retire-
Strand of Hope - Amanda Tero; The Secret        mine; Remember Me - Mario Escobar;            ment; Mulan; Wild Horses; Upside-down
Place of Thunder - Alice Ruggieri               Shootout at Souix Wells - Cliff Farrell;      Magic; The Mustang; Cobra Kai, Season 1
Mystery/Suspense                                Until I met you - Tari Faris; The Cul-de-     & 2; Heartland, Season 2, 3, 6, 7, 8; I Love
Darling Dahlias & the Voodoo Lily - Susan       sac War - Melissa Ferguson; A Life Once       Lucy - complete series; The Office - com-
Wittig Albert; Out of Hounds - Rita Mae         Dreamed - Rachel Fordham; Before She          plete series; Schitt Creek
Brown; Spin - Patricia Cornwell; The            Disappeared - Lisa Gardner;
Wrong Family - Taryn Fisher; Under the          Piecing it All Together - Leslie Gould;
Alaskan Ice - Karen Harper; Blink of an         Love and a little white lie - Shelley
Eye - Iris Johansen; Serpentine - Jonathan      Shephard Gray; Point of Danger - Irene
Kellerman; The Lost Boys - Faye Keller-                                                                Do you have a 0 – 5 years
                                                Hannon; Killer Takes All - W. Johnstone;
man; All the colors of night - Jayne Ann        North of Laramie - W. Johnstone; The
                                                                                                       old child who lives in the
Krentz; The Russian - James Patterson;          Came to Kill - W. Johnstone; All the Col-              Marshall School District?
Scorpions Tale - Preston & Child; Shadow        ors of the Night - Jayne Ann Krentz; The               If so, your child qualifies
Box - Luanne Rice                               Girl from the Channel Islands -Jenny                   to receive a free monthly
General Fiction                                 Lecoat; Arizona Ranger - Leslie Scott;
Umbrella Lady - V.C. Andrews; The Four                                                      book! Gerald and Jean Forsythe
                                                Vineyard at Painted Moon - Susan Mal-
Winds - Kristin Hannah; Neighbors - Dan-                                                    sponsor Dolly Parton’s Imagination
                                                lery; What You Said to Me -Olivia New-
ielle Steel; South of the Buttonwood Tree -     port; Relative Silence - Carrie Parks;      Library offering Marshall children
Heather Webber                                  Someone to Watch Over Me - Robert Par-      free monthly books! Apply online at
Historical Fiction                              ker; Fragments of Light - Michele Phoe-     www.imaginationlibrary.com or at the
Children’s Blizzard - Melanie Benjamin;         nix; The Yukon Trail - William Raine; In
The Last Garden in England - Julia Kelly;
                                                an Instant - Suzanne Redfern; Steadfast
Arctic Fury - Greer McCallister                 Mercy - Ruth Reid; Faithless in Death -
What's Happening @ Your Library? What's Happening @ Your Library? What's Happening @ Your Library? What's Happening @ Your Library? What's Happening @ Your Library? What's Happening @ Your Library?
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