What's onat Hutt City Libraries - Wellington Pride Festival Neighbour's Day Sea Week and Parks Week

Page created by Charlie Howell
What's onat Hutt City Libraries - Wellington Pride Festival Neighbour's Day Sea Week and Parks Week
March 2021

             at Hutt City Libraries

                                   Wellington Pride Festival

                                               Neighbour's Day

                                Sea Week and Parks Week

library.huttcity.govt.nz   HuttCityLibraries
                                                    Hutt City
What's onat Hutt City Libraries - Wellington Pride Festival Neighbour's Day Sea Week and Parks Week
Author Talk: Judy Melinek +             Are you an Adult Fan of LEGO®?
T.J. Mitchell                           3 March, 6pm
24 March, 6:30pm                        War Memorial Library
War Memorial Library                    Learn from our local expert LEGO®
Join New York Times best-selling        builders from Well-LUG (Wellington
co-authors Judy Melinek M.D. and        Lego® User Group) about different
T.J. Mitchell for a candid discussion   ways to construct a tree, then get
on writing together, the life of a      creative and make your own version!
forensic pathologist and their latest   This is aimed at adults but you are
book, Aftershock.                       welcome to bring your whānau.

Happy Birthday, Dr Seuss!               FACTOPIA
2 March, 3:45pm                         25 March, 3:45pm-5pm
Naenae Library                          War Memorial Library
Celebrate Dr Seuss's birthday at        Did you know an ostrich’s eye is
Naenae Library with Seussilicious       bigger than its brain?
stories, then design a new hat for
The Cat in the Hat.                     Let our expert tour guides take you
                                        on a wander around Factopia and
                                        discover quirky and fascinating facts!
What's onat Hutt City Libraries - Wellington Pride Festival Neighbour's Day Sea Week and Parks Week
Kaupapa Moana
Sea Week (6-14 March)
Sea Week Storytimes                      Antarctic Sea Ice
9 March, 10:30am                         6 March, 1:30pm
Wainuiomata Community Hub                Petone Library
10 March 10:30am                         9 March, 3:30pm
Naenae Library                           Eastbourne Library,
10 March, 11am                           13 March, 2:30pm
Moera Library                            Koraunui Community Hub
11 March 10:30am                         Join Associate Professor Craig
Petone Library                           Stevens (NIWA) to learn how the ice
                                         and oceans around Antarctica are
11 March, 11am                           changing with climate change – and
Koraunui Community Hub                   what this means for Aotearoa.
12 March, 10:30am                        We’ll play some games using a
War Memorial Library                     paddling pool and a fan to help
Join us in the library for a half-hour   us understand the challenges
of sea-themed stories to celebrate       of oceanography in extreme
Kaupapa Moana.                           environments! For ages 8+.

All ages welcome!
                                         Science in the Hutt: Impacts
                                         of climate change on NZ’s kelp
Pop-up Bricks & Pieces                   forest ecosystems
10 March 3:45pm                          10 March, 6:30pm
Naenae Library                           War Memorial Library
Join us in the library for a             Chris Cornwall (Victoria University
sea-themed LEGO® building                Wellington) on ocean warming
session at Bricks & Pieces.              and acidification threatening
                                         New Zealand’s iconic kelp forest
All ages welcome!
                                         Run in conjunction with Lower Hutt
                                         Cafe Scientifique.
What's onat Hutt City Libraries - Wellington Pride Festival Neighbour's Day Sea Week and Parks Week
Garden Swaps for Neighbours            Children's Day - Saturday
Day Aotearoa                           Storytime
20 March 10am-1pm                      Saturdays, 10:30am
Eastbourne Library                     Eastbourne Library
20 March, 10am                         We’re celebrating Children’s Day with
War Memorial Library                   a Storytime every Saturday in March!

27 March, 11am-2pm                     Bring the whole whānau for stories
Naenae Library                         and crafts with us in the library.

28 March, 11am-1pm                     Suitable for ages 3-7.
Koraunui Community Hub
Take part in The Great Plant Swap      Celebrate Children's Day
for Neighbours Day!                    6 & 7 March, 2pm
                                       Petone Library
Bring your garden surplus, seeds
and stuff to the library to swap       Join us for a special storytime and
with others and say kia ora to your    craft to celebrate tamariki from
neighbours from around Te Awa          around the world.
                                       Social Drama for Seniors
Neighbour's Tree for                   Tuesdays, 10:30am-12noon
Neighbours Day Aotearoa                Petone Library
Help us celebrate Neighbours Day       No lines to learn, no audience,
by acknowledging those who live        just fun!
and work around us.
                                       Use improvisation, drama and
Write a message of appreciation        storytelling to gently stretch the
to a kind or helpful neighbour on a    grey matter and keep the mind active
leaf and add it to the neighbourhood   and creative.
tree inside War Memorial Library
anytime from 20-30 March               Classes are full of play, laughter, and
                                       connection. Morning tea provided.
What's onat Hutt City Libraries - Wellington Pride Festival Neighbour's Day Sea Week and Parks Week
Books on Wednesday: Anne            Stepping UP Computer
Manchester                          Classes - Term 1 2021
3 March, 11am                       Hutt City Libraries and Digital
Eastbourne Library                  Inclusion Alliance Aotearoa offer
Join us to chat about what you’ve   FREE computer classes for people
been reading and get inspired for   with basic or no computer skills.
what to read next!                  Term 1 classes start Monday 1 March
This month we are joined by local   and are available at Naenae, Petone,
author Anne Manchester and her      Stokes Valley, Taita, Wainuiomata,
recently published book Memory      and War Memorial Libraries.
                                    Visit http://library.huttcity.govt.nz
                                    or see in-library for the class
                                    Phone 04 570 6633 or ask at your
                                    local library to register for a class.

                                    Car Seat Clinic
                                    11 March, 8:30am-11am
                                    Koraunui Community Hub
                                    Car seats are compulsory in New
                                    Zealand for children under 7, but they
                                    can be confusing to install!
Parks Week Storytimes
10 March 10am                       Get your seat checked and get advice
Bishop Park (Eastbourne Library)    and support from a registered child
                                    restraint technician at this free clinic.
11 March, 10:30am
Petone Library
Celebrate Parks Week with special
storytimes outside!
What's onat Hutt City Libraries - Wellington Pride Festival Neighbour's Day Sea Week and Parks Week
Regular Events & Services

Book Talks                            Senior Social Group                   Help With Family History
Library staff talk about new          Get together and share                Members of the NZ Society
and interesting non-fiction.          stories with others over a            of Genealogists (Hutt Valley)
                                      cup of tea.                           can assist with researching
N    1 Mar, 10:30am
                                      P      22 Mar, 12pm                   your family history.
S    3 Mar, 1:30pm                                                          P     No sessions in March
T    4 Mar, 10:30am                   Justices of the Peace
                                      Need a JP? No need to book,
WM 25 Mar, 10:30am                    pop in anytime during the hour.       Family History Drop-in
                                                                            Get help with your family
                                      E      6 Mar, 12pm
Book Groups                                                                 history enquiries. No need
Friendly and casual monthly           T      1 Mar, 1pm                     to book, just drop in!
book discussion groups.                                                     W     9 Mar, 1pm
                                      WM Wednesdays, 11:30am
E    3 Mar, 11am                                                            N     10 Mar, 1pm
                                      N      24 Mar, 1pm
M    4 Mar, 10:30am                                                         T     17 Mar, 1pm
                                      P      26 Feb, 2pm
W    11 Mar, 10:30am                                                        E     18 Mar, 1pm
                                      W      Thursdays, 2pm
P    17 Mar, 1:30pm
                                      Writers' Table                        Craft Groups
N    15 Mar, 1pm                      Meet-up with other writers                  Nash Knitters
                                      to share experiences.                 T
S    15 Mar, 7pm                                                                  Tuesdays, 1pm
                                      WM 18 Mar, 5pm                              Craft Group
Steady As You Go                                                                  Thursdays, 2pm
Gentle exercise to increase           Scrabble Club
                                      Enjoy playing Scrabble with                 Craft and Chat
balance, strength & mobility,                                               N
                                      others. All ages welcome.                   Fridays, 2pm
with Age Concern. Entry by
Koha.                                 E      Fridays, 2pm-4:30pm                  Crafty Volunteers
     Mondays, 1:30pm                                                              Saturdays, 10:30am
T                                     WM 12 Mar, 1pm
     Wednesdays, 12pm                                                             Craft Group
                                                                                  Sundays, 1pm
     Tuesdays, 11am                   Social Drama for Seniors              P
S                                                                                 Colouring In
     Thursdays, 1pm                   No lines to learn, no audience,             Sundays, 2pm
                                      just fun!
Ready. Steady. Balance.                                                     Community Law Clinics
Class for seniors. Includes           P      Tuesdays, 11:30
                                                                            Hour-long legal advice
exercises for improving
                                      Movie Morning                         clinics provided by the
stability, balance and
                                      Join us to watch Agatha               Wellington and Hutt Valley
coordination. All welcome!
                                      and the Truth of Murder.              Community Law Centre.
P    Mondays, 11am
                                      E      18 Mar, 11am                   N     Tuesdays, 2pm
N    Tuesdays, 1pm
                                                                            W     Wednesdays, 11am
WM Thursdays, 1pm                     Petone Flicks
W    Fridays, 11am                    P      23 Mar, 11am

    Petone Library            Stokes Valley Library         Taita Library           Wainuiomata Library
 P 7A Britannia Street   S Koraunui Community Hub         T Walter Nash Centre   W Wainuiomata Community Hub
What's onat Hutt City Libraries - Wellington Pride Festival Neighbour's Day Sea Week and Parks Week
Regular Events & Services

Baby Bounce & Rhyme               Bricks & Pieces                        Inklings Book Group
A half-hour of songs,             Make amazing LEGO®                     Exploring books and beyond!
rhymes, and fingerplays for       builds at the library! Ages 5+         For ages 8-12.
your pēpi aged 0-2 years.               12 Mar, 3:30pm
                                  T                                      E     18 Mar, 3:30pm
                                        27 Mar, 2pm
E     Mondays, 10am                                                      N     Tuesdays, 3:45pm
                                  E      11 Mar, 3:45pm
   Mondays, 10am
                                         6 Mar, 2pm (NEW!)               P     13 Mar, 2pm
WM Mondays, 11am
   Wednesdays, 2:15pm                    19 Mar, 3:45pm
N     Mondays, 10:30am            P      28 Mar, 2pm                     [Common Room]:
                                                                         Creative Writing
      Tuesdays, 10:30am           W      Tuesdays, 3:30pm                Get inspired at these weekly
P     Fridays, 10:30am                                                   creative meet-ups for youth
                                         Fridays, 3:45pm
      Saturdays, 10:30am          N                                      aged 13–21.
                                         Saturdays, 11am
      Tuesdays, 10:15am
S                                                                        WM Fridays, 4:30pm-6pm
      Saturdays, 2pm              Rip, Snip and Create!
T     Wednesdays, 11am            Unleash your inner artist as
                                  we explore story with fun,             After-school Events for
W     Thursdays, 10:30am          creative and collaborative             Tamariki and Rangatahi
Level 4, Bob Scott Retirement     activities.
                                                                         W     Weekdays, 3:30pm
Village Petone                     WM 11 Mar, 3:45pm
24 Mar, 10:30am                                                          N     Weekdays, 3:30pm

                                  Dungeons and Dragons                   P     Weekdays, 3pm
Preschool Storytime               Calling all warlocks, monks,
A half-hour of stories and                                               T     Fridays, 3:30pm
                                  barbarians, rangers and
songs for tamariki aged           rogues! Learn how to swing
2-5 years.                                                               Silver Screen
                                  a sword, cast a spell and
                                                                         Enjoy a cuppa and a movie
W     Tuesdays, 10:30am           grapple monsters! All levels
                                                                         on the big screen.
                                  and abilities welcome.
T     Thursdays, 11:30am          Ages 10-18.                            T    11 Mar, 10am

N     Wednesdays, 10:30am         N     14 & 28 Mar, 1pm                 WM 17 Mar, 10am
M     Wednesdays, 11am
      Wednesdays, 10am            Board Games Time
                                  Bring friends and whānau to
E     Saturdays, 10:30am
                                  play our awesome selection             Note: Events and
      (during March)
                                  of games, or bring your own!           programmes may be
P     Thursdays, 10:30am                                                 cancelled or postponed
                                  N     Thursdays, 3:45pm
                                                                         depending on Covid-19
S     Thursdays, 11am
                                                                         Alert Level.
WM Fridays, 10:30am               Discover: Stories                      For up-to-date information
                                  Enjoy stories followed by a
                                                                         visit library.huttcity.govt.nz
                                  creative activity. Ages 5+.            or phone 04 570 6633.
                                   E     4 Mar, 3:15pm

     War Memorial Library      Eastbourne Library        Moera Library              Naenae Library
     2 Queens Drive
                            E 38 Rimu Street        M 107 Randwick Crescent     N 341 Cambridge Terrace
What's onat Hutt City Libraries - Wellington Pride Festival Neighbour's Day Sea Week and Parks Week
Rainbow Storytime with                         Rainbow Storytimes
Hugo Grrrl and Friends                         16 March & 23 March, 10:30am
27 March, 2pm                                  Wainuiomata Community Hub
War Memorial Library                           20 March, 11:30am
Join Hugo Grrrl and friends at the             24 March, 10:30am
library for a fun filled storytime full of     Naenae Library
songs and stories about love,                  20 March, 11:30am
acceptance, diversity and inclusion.           Taita Library
A safe and accepting environment               25 March, 10:30am
for all ages.                                  Petone Library
Let’s Get Queerzical                           Celebrate the Wellington Pride
27 March, 6:30pm                               Festival - Tū Whakahīhī e Te
                                               Whanganui-ā-Ta at our special
Walter Nash Centre
                                               Rainbow Storytime!
Come along to a free queer quiz for            Bring the whole whānau and join us
ages 13+!                                      for fabulous stories about diversity,
Awesome prizes up for grabs                    belonging and being yourself.
including vouchers from Seashore
Cabaret and Kāpura.                            Pride Scavenger Hunt
                                               30 March, 4:30pm-6pm
Email Librariesevents@huttcity.govt.nz
to register your team of 2-6 people.           War Memorial Library
Spaces are limited so get in quick!            As part of Wellington Pride Festival,
                                               join us for a special Pride scavenger
                                               hunt celebrating LGBTQIA+ literature
                                               for youth!
                                               Event starts 4:30pm on the top floor.

Note: Events/programmes may be cancelled or postponed depending on Covid-19
Alert Level. For up-to-date information visit library.huttcity.govt.nz or phone 04 570 6633.
What's onat Hutt City Libraries - Wellington Pride Festival Neighbour's Day Sea Week and Parks Week What's onat Hutt City Libraries - Wellington Pride Festival Neighbour's Day Sea Week and Parks Week
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