Good Morning! - Gobierno de Canarias

Page created by Marilyn Carlson
Good Morning! - Gobierno de Canarias
Good Morning!                                                                    6th
Wednesday, 18th March 2020
                             ● Correcting Homework Page 5 Activity 5, 6 & 7
                             ● Unit 4 - 4. What was Spain like during Franco's
                             ●   Homework Page 8 Activity 8 & 9
                             ●   Copying Visual Thinking

                             ● Reviewing song lyric “Irregular verbs”

                             ● Drawing a picture of the YouTube channel Art for Kids
                                 Hub or Drawing 4 Kids

Good Morning! - Gobierno de Canarias
● Pueden enviar las tareas con fotos (fichero adjunto) al
  correo electrónico
● En este correo también respondemos las dudas.
● Por favor pongan en el asunto la asignatura a la que va
● Se irán publicando las correcciones de las actividades en
  el blog, para que las puedan revisar cuando las tengan
                             Gracias por su colaboración
                               ¡Mucho ánimo! - CHIN UP!
Good Morning! - Gobierno de Canarias
CEIP Bilingüe José Pérez y Pérez
                                       Social Sciences, Unit 4 Morden Spain. The 20th century

                  Unit 4 Modern Spain. The 20th century
Wednesday, 18th March 2020, Worksheet

1. Revisar los deberes marcados el lunes - Correcting Homework Page 5 Activity 5, 6 & 7
   Es importante que primero hagan los deberes marcados solos, luego las familias pueden
   revisar los deberes con ellos. Me pueden enviar las fotos de los deberes antes o después de
   corregirlos, además de consultar las dudas que tenga. Muchas gracias a las familias por
   colaborar con nuestro trabajo.

2. Leer, visionar los vídeos y hacer los ejercicios de los puntos siguientes:
   Tanto en Naturales como en Sociales hay que leer los textos. En clase los leemos en inglés y
   los traducimos Apuntamos en la libreta el vocabulario que no conocemos y lo buscamos en
   el Wordreference. A continuación, vemos los videos y al final hacemos los ejercicios y
   copiamos los visual thinking.
   4. What was Spain like during Franco's dictatorship?
   Visionado del vídeo: El Régimen Franquista -
   Homework Page 8 Activity 8 & 9
   Copying Visual Thinking

Recuerda escribir en la libreta el vocabulario que no entiendas. Busca las palabras en el
Wordreference -

3. What was the Spanish Civil War?
5. Look at the map and answer the question.
   a) Which autonomous communities did the Nationalists control in 1936?
      Galicia, Principado de Asturias, Cantabria, País Vasco, Comunidad Foral de
      Navarra, La Rioja, Castilla León, Extremadura, Baleares and Canarias.
   b) Which autonomous communities did the Republicans control in 1936?
      Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana and Región de Murcia.
   c) Which autonomous communities were divided between the two sides?
      Andalucía, Madrid, Castilla la Mancha and Aragón.

6. Copy and complete the sentences in your notebook.
    a) The two sides in the Spanish Civil War were the ___________________ and the
        ___________________.       Nationalists
                             The ________________ supported Franco and the
           Republicans supported the Second Republic.
    b) The civil war started in July _______________                       1939
                                                     and ended in April ___________.
    c) The Soviet Union (Russia) supported the _______________________________.
    d) The         Nationalists
               ____________________          won     the    war.     They    established     a
           right-wing dictatorship

Good Morning! - Gobierno de Canarias
CEIP Bilingüe José Pérez y Pérez
                                  Social Sciences, Unit 4 Morden Spain. The 20th century

7. Find out more about the International Brigades.
   a) Which countries did they come from?
      They came from countries such as Germany, Italy, Poland, France, United
      Kingdom, United States, ... From more than 54 countries
   b) Why did people join the International Brigades?
      They were formed to take the first step to combat fascism and Nazism and help
      the Second Republic.
   c) What happened to them after the war?
      Most of the brigade survivors of the war tried to return to their countries.

   Brigadas Internacionales
                            1.     ¿De qué países provienen?
                            Provenían de países como Alemania, Italia, Polonia,
                            Francia, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, ... De más de 54
                            2.     ¿Por qué se unió la gente a las Brigadas
                            Se formaron para dar el primer paso para combatir el
                            fascismo y el nazismo y ayudar a la Segunda República.
                            3.     ¿Qué les pasó después de la guerra?
                            La mayoría de los supervivientes de la brigada intentaron
                            regresar a sus países.
  Esta foto de Autor

Para saber más, vídeo Informe Semanal sobre las Brigadas Internacionales

Good Morning! - Gobierno de Canarias
CEIP Bilingüe José Pérez y Pérez
                                     Social Sciences, Unit 4 Morden Spain. The 20th century

4. What was Spain like during Franco's dictatorship?
After the Nationalists won the Spanish Civil War, Franco established his dictatorship. He
made himself the head of state and of the government, and Caudillo (Leader) of Spain.
He took complete control of the country's politics, economy, religion and laws.
The constitution was abolished and there were no more democratic elections.

•   Political parties became illegal.
•   Trade unions also became illegal and workers lost their rights.
•   Freedom of the press was controlled by censorship.
•   There was no regional autonomy. Power was concentrated in the central
Many people who opposed Franco left Spain. They went to live in the United Kingdom,
France and other countries. Republicans who stayed in Spain were often imprisoned or

                                          In the 1940s and 1950s: living conditions
                                          were very hard. There weren’t much food and
                                          most people were very poor. Spain didn't
                                          participate in the Second World War, but
                                          Franco supported Germany. After the war the
                                          United Nations was established. Spain wasn't
                                          allowed to be a member until later on
                                          because it was a dictatorship.

Good Morning! - Gobierno de Canarias
CEIP Bilingüe José Pérez y Pérez
                                       Social Sciences, Unit 4 Morden Spain. The 20th century

In the 1960s: there were economic reforms and the economy started to improve. Living
conditions improved too. Tourism started to become important. Franco named Juan
Carlos de Borbón as his successor. The monarchy would be restored when Franco died.
In the 1970s: Franco was old and ill. His supporters
were divided: some wanted to continue as before, and
others wanted reform. Admiral Carrero Blanco was
prime minister. He wanted to continue the
dictatorship without any reforms. However, he was
killed by the Basque terrorist group ETA in 1973. In
1975, Franco died. Juan Carlos became king of Spain.

                                                                    Juan Carlos I and Franco


8. Match these words and phrases to dictatorship or democracy.
   •   free elections                                 •   one leader
   •   censorship                                     •   people can be imprisoned for their
   •   political parties                                  opinions.
   •   people can say what they like                  •   one official political party

              DICTATORSHIP                                     DEMOCRACY

9. In your notebook, write true or false. Correct the false sentences.
   a) Franco's dictatorship was based on the military, free elections and press
   b) Republicans who stayed in Spain didn't face any problems.
   c) The economy started to improve in the 19605.
   d) Spain participated in the Second World War.
   e) In the 19705 some of Franco's supporters wanted reform

Good Morning! - Gobierno de Canarias
CEIP Bilingüe José Pérez y Pérez
                             Social Sciences, Unit 4 Morden Spain. The 20th century

3. What was the Spanish Civil War?

Good Morning! - Gobierno de Canarias
CEIP Bilingüe José Pérez y Pérez
                                                   English and Art – Wednesday, 18th March 2020

Aclaración sobre los ejercicios on-line del día anterior.

El texto en azul son ejercicios on-line para practicar el Past Simple. Los enlaces en internet
(están en azul), puedes acceder con el ratón o en modo táctil si es con sistema Android.

    •    En el primero tienes en la imagen en qué consiste. Tienes que seguir los pasos que
         aparecen en el menú de la izquierda.

    •    En el segundo, es ver el vídeo e ir rellanando con los verbos que se te piden.

    •    Y en el último escribir en las casillas los verbos con las pistas que te dan.

Studying song lyric “Irregular verbs” (Estudiar la canción, speaking Unit 4)

Irregular verbs are easy for me Listen to the song and you will see…See saw seen, be was been
                         Think thought thought and buy bought bought
                              Always remember catch caught caught
 And one for the teacher: teach taught taught Come came come and do did done Swim swam
                                   swum and win won won
                    Everybody look around Lose lost lost and find found found
                   Some don't change so don't forget Put put put and let let let
                   Always keep it in your head Say said said and read read read
  Some are different, don't be afraid Of hear heard heard and make made made Know knew
            known and grow grew grown Throw threw thrown and fly flew flown
Some verbs end with “e” and “n” Like give gave given Take took taken Write wrote written Eat
       ate eaten Speak spoke spoken and Break broke broken Is it good or is it bad?
        30 verbs we have had had Now this is the end of our song So go went gone in 3,2,1

CEIP Bilingüe José Pérez y Pérez
                                                English and Art – Wednesday, 18th March 2020

Realizar todos los días un dibujo de estos canales les ayuda a mejorar el vocabulario y el

                  Art for Kids Hub – Canal donde encontrarás todo tipo de lecciones de arte
                  para niños, incluyendo cómo dibujar, incluso pintura y origami para niños..


                   Drawing 4 Kids | How to Draw - Welcome to channel dedicated to easier
                   drawing tutorials for younger artists. You can find lessons teaches art for
                   kids through step by step on original and fun characters.


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