WHITE-COLLAR DOLOR SIT AMET - Expertise & Experience

WHITE-COLLAR DOLOR SIT AMET - Expertise & Experience
Expertise & Experience


WHITE-COLLAR DOLOR SIT AMET - Expertise & Experience
JUVE 2014

            Light: We perform a precise analysis and examine every conceivable aspect in detail. We identify contexts,
            interrelationships and activities early on and shed light on complex issues. This enables us to react in good
            time and avoid liability.

WHITE-COLLAR DOLOR SIT AMET - Expertise & Experience

When companies come into contact with white-            White-collar criminal law aspects should never be
collar criminal law, it often happens unexpected-       considered in isolation; they are often closely re-
ly. However, this should not mean that you are          lated to other fields of law. White-collar criminal
unprepared. Your company can be affected by             law charges, for example, can have tax law con-
criminal investigations at any time, regardless of      sequences, trigger employment or civil law claims
whether these are directed at corporate bodies,         from customers, business partners or third par-
employees or third parties.                             ties, or – conversely – substantiate a company’s
                                                        claims for damages.
In addition, criminal or administrative regulations
can in many areas considerably impact the organ-
isation and implementation of business decisions.
White-collar criminal law issues must therefore
be taken into consideration in the early stages of
all business activities. This helps prevention, en-
sures compliance and is essential to avoid liabil-
Ignoring white-collar criminal law issues is a dan-
gerous attitude. The on-going commercial suc-
cess of a company depends not only on proactive
entrepreneurial decisions, but also on avoiding
violations of applicable law, or even the impres-
sion of such. It is not only possible legal sanctions
that may jeopardise the existence of a company;
any damage to a company’s image can have se-
vere economic consequences. The fact that inves-
tigative proceedings have even been initiated can
have an undesirable impact in terms of capital
markets or public procurement law.

WHITE-COLLAR DOLOR SIT AMET - Expertise & Experience

We have made it our business to ensure that you and your company are optimally and comprehen-
sively prepared for the worst and to support you at every stage along the way. We advise on all situa-
tions in which you may be confronted with white-collar criminal law issues.

In particular, we advise on the following:             assessment of investigation results, in particu-
                                                        lar from a company, employment and criminal
 preventative advice and drafting of expert
                                                        law point of view
  opinions on all white-collar criminal law and
  tax criminal law issues                              development of amnesty programmes
 representation of undertakings during search-        coordination of internal and external commu-
  es and confiscation measures                          nication concepts, in particular with respect to
                                                        media and capital markets
 defence of undertakings in criminal investiga-
  tions and administrative offence proceedings
 defence of executive boards members, super-
  visory board members and decision-makers in
  investigative and criminal proceedings
 planning and structuring of national and inter-
  national internal investigations (investigation
 use of tried and tested analysis tools, including
  Noerr’s own e-discovery infrastructure
 securing evidence in a form which can be used
  in court
 execution of internal investigations, both as an
  independent investigator and to support the
  units in an undertaking charged with clarifying
  suspected violations and infringements

WHITE-COLLAR DOLOR SIT AMET - Expertise & Experience
WHITE-COLLAR DOLOR SIT AMET - Expertise & Experience

Any conflict with criminal regulations can nearly     Irrespective of where in the world your company
always be prevented by carefully reasoned cor-        operates, structures and processes always have
porate organisation and well-thought-out action,      to be in place that comply with applicable laws
from the business model as a whole to individual      and regulations.
entrepreneurial decisions. Many structures can
                                                      We can support you with respect to:
be implemented in advance so that criminal or
administrative law risks are completely avoided        the structuring and implementation of compli-
or reduced to an absolute minimum.                      ance management systems

In particular, Noerr can support you by:               the organisation and establishment of a com-
                                                        pliance organisation
 identifying the relevant criminal, administra-
  tive fine or other regulations relating to penal-    the drafting of compliance policies and work
  ties                                                  instructions

 carrying out a criminal law risk analysis            the establishment of whistleblower systems

 comprehensively assessing specific issues            handling suspected cases

 making well-founded structural and organisa-         carrying out internal investigations, compli-
  tional recommendations for your projects              ance investigations and compliance audits

You can therefore make business decisions on a         the regulation of other compliance issues
sound basis, avoiding bad decision due to lack of      dealing with domestic and foreign investigat-
knowledge or misjudgement, which can be both            ing or supervisory authorities
dangerous and costly.

WHITE-COLLAR DOLOR SIT AMET - Expertise & Experience

Only to a certain extent companies can prevent           dealing with investigating authorities can be very
themselves or their employees from becoming              expensive. Companies should ensure that proac-
involved in criminal investigations. In critical situ-   tive precautionary measures are in place with re-
ations, investigating authorities have a broad           spect to the correct behaviour in such situations.
spectrum of judicial measures available to them.
                                                         We provide you with support to:
Companies can therefore be specifically impacted
by investigations in many different ways, often           establish an emergency plan
indirectly and seriously.                                 draft instructions regarding correct conduct in
                                                           investigation and search situations
Irrespective of whether proceedings are directed
against a company, its managers or employees or           train your employees
against external third parties, the instruments           deal with searches and confiscations
available to investigating authorities range from
the obligation of companies to provide infor-             represent your interests during investigative
mation and present documents, to access and in-            measures
spection rights, searching, securing and confiscat-       deal with investigating and judicial authorities
ing documents, records or other objects in
physical or electronic form and the freezing              the required crisis communications
(seizure) of assets.                                     All our German offices have “Dawn Raid Teams”,
                                                         comprising experienced lawyers who can support
Proactive crisis management is therefore neces-          you promptly and on site with respect to search-
sary to protect your company against inappropri-         es or other dawn raids by the investigating au-
ate intervention or the serious impact of investi-       thorities.
gative measures. Misconduct and ineptitude in

WHITE-COLLAR DOLOR SIT AMET - Expertise & Experience

If the possibilities of criminal law or administra-   This is the only way to guarantee that the find-
tive fine regulation infringements, serious viola-    ings obtain constitute evidence usable in court
tions of the law, wrongdoing or breaches of obli-     and that the internal investigation itself does not
gations are suspected, it is in the fundamental       become a compliance risk.
interest of the company to clarify these circum-
                                                      Having an internal investigation carried out by
stances. The interests and rights of the company
                                                      our lawyers has the advantage that the results of
must be secured and, if necessary, asserted. In
                                                      the investigation and the documents relating to it
particular, this requires identifying whether or
                                                      enjoy special protection due to attorney-client
not the company has suffered any damage and
                                                      privilege. You therefore have control over the de-
against whom claims for damages may, if appli-
                                                      cision whether, and if so, to what extent to dis-
cable, exist.
                                                      close the investigation findings to the authorities.
With an internal investigation in such cases, the
                                                      The structuring and preparation of internal inves-
clarification of circumstances must be conducted
                                                      tigations – particularly if the investigations also
in a structured and systematic manner. As well as
                                                      take place abroad – require an intensive review
identifying the facts, at the same time a basis for
                                                      of preliminary questions including data protec-
the optimisation and improvement of internal
                                                      tion, employment and co-determination, civil and
processes and control mechanisms must be cre-
                                                      criminal law. The results of an internal investiga-
                                                      tion often also raise issues relating to public pro-
The careful preparation and execution of internal     curement, tax, accounting and capital markets
investigations is therefore essential. This applies   law. As a multi- and interdisciplinary law firm
both to the establishment of the objectives and       with specialists in all relevant legal disciplines, we
scope of the internal investigation and the selec-    offer “one-stop” advice and support for internal
tion of investigation methods and analysis tools.     investigations.

WHITE-COLLAR DOLOR SIT AMET - Expertise & Experience
We can support you in connection with:
 planning and structuring the internal inves-      assessment and the best possible use of in-
  tigation, including data protection, works         vestigation results, in particular from a
  constitution and employment law compli-            criminal, civil, employment and company
  ance with the planned investigative                law perspective
                                                    representing your interests with respect to
 carrying out the internal investigation, as an     investigating and supervisory authorities
  independent investigator, or as support for
                                                    developing tailor-made amnesty pro-
  the units in your company responsible for
                                                     grammes to ensure the required coopera-
  clarifying any suspected violations or in-
                                                     tion of knowledge holders
                                                    communication with customers, employees,
 securing evidence in a form which can be
                                                     shareholders, business partners and the
  used in court


Because of constant changes and amendments in           tation periods for criminal liability also consider-
response to current developments, tax law regu-         ably increase the risk of criminal prosecution.
lations and their interplay have become so com-
plex that it is often very difficult for taxpayers to   If there is a risk of being accused of a criminal tax
keep track of the rights, obligations and permis-       offence, the most important thing is to react cor-
sible tax models concerned and their impact on          rectly and calmly. In many areas there is certainly
other taxes.                                            the possibility to avoid prosecution by submitting
                                                        a subsequent tax return or by the correction of
Carelessness with respect to tax models or tax          tax returns.
assessment can entail enormous risks. A discus-
                                                        We provide you with experienced support:
sion during a field tax audit can lead to unpre-
dictable risks. National or international disclo-        for the preparation and supervision of field tax
sures to tax authorities or even higher taxable           audits
earnings established during a field audit can trig-      with respect to subsequent tax returns
ger criminal investigations.
                                                         relating to voluntary self-reporting of tax eva-
At the same time, the requirements placed on              sion, also in complex situations (involving a
the assumption of indirectly intentional conduct          large number of persons or if different types of
are so low that the risk of prosecution due to            domestic and foreign taxes are concerned)
committing a tax offence nearly always exists.           by defending you in criminal tax law investiga-
Case law which states that suspended prison sen-          tion proceedings
tences for tax evasion of more than one million
euro can only be imposed in exceptional circum-          to represent you with respect to factual
stances, makes the potential risk for everyone re-        agreements with tax authorities
sponsible for taxes and customs duties very clear.       by representing you in appeal and fiscal court
Limited possibilities for the voluntary disclosure
of tax evasion and the extension of statutory limi-

If a company becomes the focus of investigative       Impact on other business processes
measures, appropriate and reliable strategies
                                                      A close eye should also always be kept on the
need to be developed quickly, for defence against
                                                      possible impact of investigative proceedings on
the accusations made, and conduct in dealings
with investigating authorities. Even minor in-
                                                      those business processes that are not directly in-
                                                      volved. This applies in particular to “corporate
fringements of criminal, administrative fine or
                                                      governance” – i.e. compliance with regulatory
other judicial regulations can have serious conse-
                                                      requirements, tax and accounting law, in public
quences; for example imposing of a fine on the
                                                      procurement proceedings and (export) financing.
company, “skimming-off” profits, declaring reve-
                                                      Issues relating to insurance law, collective and
nues forfeited or confiscated without the deduc-
                                                      individual employment law or civil law also often
tion of expenses or the seizure of assets. This
                                                      have to be taken into account. With our multidis-
may take place during investigative proceedings,
                                                      ciplinary structure, we cover all of these aspects
not just after a final conviction.
                                                      with rapid and efficient interaction between the
Investigative measures may be triggered by the        relevant departments of our firm and can advise
suspicion of a criminal offence by corporate bod-     you comprehensively on risks and reaction op-
ies, managers or employees, (unjustified) accusa-     tions.
tions by third parties or by the fact that evidence
                                                      Corporate bodies, managers and employees
significant for investigative proceedings is sus-
pected to exist at the company.                       As well as the company itself, its corporate bod-
                                                      ies, executive or supervisory boards, other man-
A proactive response and rapid action ensure
                                                      agers or employees may be affected by investiga-
that structures decisive for such a situation are
                                                      tive proceedings, either as the persons or party
correctly in place so that you do not give up the
                                                      accused of committing an offence or as witness-
opportunity of influencing how the investigative
                                                      es. Employment law and company policy often
proceedings are carried out and concluded.
                                                      dictate that the company has to provide the per-
                                                      sons concerned with assistance and support. It is
                                                      often essential that individual investigative pro-
                                                      ceedings are coordinated by the company’s law-
                                                      yers. We ensure that witnesses are supported by
                                                      accompanying them when they are questioned.

 providing defence against possible sanctions
If desired, and if possible, we assume the struc-
                                                         and incidental consequences
turing of collaborative defence and the coordina-
tion of the individual defences of managers or          establishing a collaborative defence and coor-
employees accused of offences.                           dinating and managing the individual defences
                                                         of staff affected
Cross-border cases
                                                        providing legal support for managers and em-
Cases across several jurisdictions are quite com-
                                                         ployees who are questioned as witnesses
mon and can be a challenge for the defence situ-
ation. The impact that investigative proceedings        managing proceedings in various legal disci-
in one country and defence against them in an-           plines and/or jurisdictions
other country can have must always be consid-
                                                        developing damage limitation strategies and
ered. It is particularly important to avoid parallel
domestic and foreign investigative proceedings. If
this is not possible, these should be coordinated       selecting and coordinating the best advisors in
and managed optimally on the basis of a global           each case for all relevant jurisdictions (on the
defence strategy.                                        basis of our excellent international network)

We can protect you and your company during              providing support with crisis communication
investigative proceedings by:                            and handling of shareholders, employees, cus-
                                                         tomers and business partners
 developing and implementing a (national and
  international) defence strategy
 representing you or your company before au-
  thorities and other bodies


Within the scope of business activities there is       With respect to all white-collar criminal law
always the risk that individuals may become the        and criminal tax law issues, in particular we
focus of investigative proceedings, as a party ac-     can represent you in relation to accusations
cused of committing an (alleged) criminal of-          in the following areas:
fence, or even simply because of their prominent
                                                        corruption and bribery offences
position in the company. This particularly applies
to directors and CEOs, due to their comprehen-          fraud and embezzlement
sive organisational and supervisory duties. Mem-        capital market and stock market offences
bers of supervisory boards, however, also fre-
quently become the focus of investigation               infringements of foreign trade and export con-
authorities.                                             trol regulations

We protect the individual interests of                  tax and customs offences
CEOs/directors, supervisory board members and           accounting and balance sheet offences
senior officers, as well as “private clients” in in-
vestigative and criminal proceedings and defend         insolvency and corporate crisis
them in investigative and administrative offence        employment, immigration/residency and so-
proceedings before the police, public prosecu-           cial security law offences
tors, tax and customs investigation services, as
                                                        IT and data protection
well as other investigation authorities and also in
court criminal proceedings.                             criminal construction law
                                                        criminal product liability
                                                        environmental criminal law
                                                        criminal competition law
                                                        criminal media and copyright law


Despite careful preventative measures, no com-         We support you in this context in respect to:
pany is completely immune to suffering financial
                                                        clarifying the situation and circumstances
damage due to the illegal action of managers,
employees or business partners, whether due to          securing evidence in a form usable in court
fraud, misappropriation, embezzlement, or dis-          identifying, securing and recovering assets in
closure of business and trade secrets.                   Germany and abroad
If this has happened, the damage must be active-        asserting claims for damages in civil and crimi-
ly limited. This includes the complete clarification     nal proceedings
of the circumstances surrounding the case, secur-
ing evidence and obtaining restitution by identi-       dealing with employees, customers and media
fying and asserting liability claims and claims for     dealing with investigation authorities and
damages.                                                 other offices/agencies
In cases of fraud, embezzlement or misappropria-        optimising controls and preventative protec-
tion, tracing cash flows and – in some cases – the       tion measures
cross-border recovery of misappropriated assets
are of considerable significance.


Noerr is one of the top European law firms with        International network
more than 500 professionals in Germany, Europe
                                                       The firm guarantees top-level international legal
and the USA. The firm delivers real value to cli-
                                                       advice with its own offices in eleven jurisdictions
ents by devising and handling the right solutions
                                                       and a network of top-ranked “best friends” law
to complex and sophisticated legal matters. The
                                                       firms all over the world. Noerr is also the exclu-
Noerr difference is its unique combination of le-
                                                       sive member firm in Germany for Lex Mundi, the
gal excellence, creative thinking, international
                                                       leading network of independent law firms with
experience and in-depth industry knowledge.
                                                       in-depth experience in 100+ countries worldwide.
Listed groups and multinational companies, large
                                                       Capacity in Central and Eastern Europe
and medium-sized family businesses as well as fi-
nancial institutions and international investors re-   Noerr is present with its own offices in all major
ly on Noerr.                                           capitals in Central and Eastern Europe. As one of
                                                       the first Western law firms to open offices in the
Interdisciplinary solutions
                                                       region, the firm has continuously built on this
Together with its tax advisors, auditors and man-      lead and regularly advises on greenfield invest-
agement consultants, the firm also develops sus-       ments, joint ventures, acquisitions and divest-
tainable solutions for finance and management          ments in Central and Eastern Europe by investors
by devising integrated solutions tailored to the       from all over the world. With 100 professionals,
specific requirements of its clients. This interdis-   Noerr is one of the top law firms in the region.
ciplinary approach offers clients seamless, effi-
                                                       Our offices
cient and comprehensive solutions.
                                                       Alicante, Berlin, Bratislava, Brussels, Bucharest,
Industry know-how
                                                       Budapest, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Lon-
                                                       don, Moscow, Munich, New York, Prague, War-
The professionals at Noerr understand their cli-
ents’ business: besides their excellent profes-
sional knowledge, the experts also have extensive      Noerr Group
experience in the industries they advise. Sector
                                                       Noerr LLP – Noerr Consulting AG – TEAM Treu-
groups range from automotive, energy, banking,
                                                       hand GmbH – NOERR AG-
finance and insurance, to healthcare, real estate
                                                       Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Steuerbera-
and retail.


Law Firm of the Year:   Law Firm of the Year     International Firm of the
Germany                 Law Firm of the Year     Year 2014
                        for M&A

The Lawyer European                              Legal Business Awards
Awards 2015             JUVE Awards 2014         2014

European Law Firm       Client Service           Firm of the Year for
of the Year             Law Firm of the Year     Banking & Finance,
                                                 Rescue and Distribution
                                                 and Franchising

The Lawyer European     Chambers Europe Awards
Awards 2012             2012 – 2010              JUVE Awards 2012


           Dr Christian Pelz
           Rechtsanwalt, specialist lawyer for criminal law
           and tax law
           Criminal law lecturer at the University of Augs-
           T +49 89 28628179

           Noerr LLP
           Brienner Straße 28
           80333 Munich

           Dr Lars Kutzner

           T +49 69 971477252

           Noerr LLP
           Börsenstraße 1
           60313 Frankfurt am Main

Alicante                             Dresden                   Moscow
Noerr Alicante IP, S.L.              Noerr LLP                 Noerr OOO
Avenida México 20                    Paul-Schwarze-Straße 2    1-ya Brestskaya ul. 29
03008 Alicante                       01097 Dresden             P.O.B. 247, 125047 Moscow
Spain                                Germany                   Russian Federation
T +34 96 5980480                     T +49 351 816600          T +7 495 7995696

Berlin                               Düsseldorf                Munich
Noerr LLP                            Noerr LLP                 Noerr LLP
Charlottenstraße 57                  Speditionstraße 1         Brienner Straße 28
10117 Berlin                         40221 Düsseldorf          80333 Munich
Germany                              Germany                   Germany
T +49 30 20942000                    T +49 211 499860          T +49 89 286280

Bratislava                           Frankfurt am Main         New York
Noerr s.r.o.                         Noerr LLP                 Noerr LLP
AC Diplomat                          Börsenstraße 1            Representative Office
Palisády 29/A                        60313 Frankfurt am Main   885 Third Avenue, Suite 2610
811 06 Bratislava                    Germany                   New York, NY 10022
Slovak Republic                      T +49 69 9714770          USA
T +421 2 59101010                                              T +1 212 4331396
Brussels                             Cooperation Partner:      Prague
Noerr LLP                            TOV Nobles                Noerr s. r. o.
Boulevard du Régent                  Vul. Khreschatyk, 7/11    Na Poříčí 1079/3a
1000 Brussels                        01001 Kiev                110 00 Prague 1
Belgium                              Ukraine                   Czech Republic
T +32 2 2745570                      T +380 44 4953080         T +420 233112111

Bucharest                            London                    Warsaw
S.P.R.L. Menzer & Bachmann - Noerr   Noerr LLP                 Noerr Sp. z o.o. Spiering Sp. k.
Str. General Constantin              Tower 42                  Al. Armii Ludowej 26
Budişteanu nr. 28 C, Sector 1        25 Old Broad Street       00-609 Warsaw
010775 Bucharest                     London EC2N 1HQ           Poland
Romania                              Großbritannien            T +48 22 5793060
T +40 21 3125888                     T +44 20 75624330

Noerr & Partners Law Office
Fő utca 14-18
1011 Budapest
T +36 1 2240900                                                www.noerr.com



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