William Martin CofE Schools and Nursery

Page created by Matthew Little
William Martin CofE Schools and Nursery
William Martin CofE Schools and Nursery
                                      Executive Headteacher: Gina Bailey
                                        Head of School: Claire Kearney

                                    Experiencing life in all its fullness
                                                                                   Friday 15th January 2021
                                       Tips on Reducing Anxiety

                                    Parent Update - Welcome Back
Dear Parents,
Firstly, I would like to welcome you all back to our new Spring Term. I hope that most of you were
able to enjoy Christmas, even though for most people it was much quieter than normal.

Unfortunately I tested positive on Christmas Day, (this was not contracted at school) so have only
just returned to work this week. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff,
particularly Mrs Kearney, for (in my absence) organising all the remote learning, Free School Meal
parcels, Welfare calls, staff rotas for teaching critical worker children at such short notice – as I’m
sure you are aware, we were informed that Harlow schools would be locked down on December 31st,
which gave us very little time to set things up.

I also want to send all our families who have found themselves positive or who have friends or
relatives who are fighting this horrible illness, our thoughts, prayers and best wishes, and hope that
you all stay safe and well, or get better soon.

Teaching and Learning
I wanted to write this letter to give you a more detailed understanding of our remote learning offer,
we are continuing to develop it, and thank parents for their patience as we adjust to this new way of
teaching and improve week on week.

The recommendation from the DFE and OFSTED is that schools deliver blended learning, a mixture
of live and pre-recorded, alongside a range of activities across the curriculum. The DFE has
recommended up to 3 hours for KS1 and Reception children and up to 4 hours for KS2. We have

Our Core Christian Values: Perseverance, Justice, Respect, Trust, Compassion, Responsibility, Forgiveness, Peace
William Martin CofE Schools and Nursery
chosen to hold one live lesson a week, and use more pre-recorded videos. This gives parents,
particularly those working, or families who have one laptop shared between several children, more
flexibility in the delivery of the home learning.

Please can I also add here though to parents, try not to get stressed about home learning, do what
you can, but be kind to yourselves, as parents we are all trying our best with our children, the most
important thing is to spend positive time with your children, play games, do some baking and keep up
the exercise, this really helps with everyone’s mental health and well-being.

The teachers are using the website as the primary platform for delivering home learning – work is no
longer being emailed.

The website is https://williammartinschools.org.uk/

We have moved the virtual school to the top of each class page and you will see all the week’s learning
in a file, each week’s file is dated so they are easy to navigate.

At the front of each file, is the weekly timetable, with links to videos that your child can watch to
help them learn. All the resources your child needs are kept in the subject files.

We are beginning to pre-record videos for Literacy, these will help your child complete their Literacy
activities independently. Please bear with us as this is a new skill that we are quickly learning to do!

Purple Mash
Some activities on your child’s timetable may be set in purple mash – the button to access this is at
the top of the Virtual School area on your classes page.

              Class                 Teacher                            Email
 Nursery      Elmer and Wilbur      Mrs Liles                          nursery.williammartin@dcvst.org
 Reception    Eric Carle            Mr Collin                          carle.williammartin@dcvst.org
              Beatrix Potter        Mrs Simpson/Mrs Stevens            potter.williammartin@dcvst.org
 Year 1       Dr Seuss              Miss Wood                          seuss.williammartin@dcvst.org
              Roger Hargreaves      Miss Cannell                       hargreaves.williammartin@dcvst.org

Our Core Christian Values: Perseverance, Justice, Respect, Trust, Compassion, Responsibility, Forgiveness, Peace
Year 2        Julia Donaldson      Miss Smith                         donaldson.williammartin@dcvst.org
               Roald Dahl           Mrs Raggio                         dahl.williammartin@dcvst.org
 Year 3        Riley                Mrs Williams                       riley.williammartin@dcvst.org
               Rosa Parks           Miss McGuinness                    rosaparks.williammartin@dcvst.org
 Year 4        Mandela              Mrs Richardson                     mandela.williammartin@dcvst.org
               Franklin             Mr O’Reilly                        franklin.williammartin@dcvst.org
 Year 5        Spielberg            Mr Golbourn                        spielberg.williammartin@dcvst.org
               Kahlo                Mrs Sivathanu/Mrs Gill             kahlo.williammartin@dcvst.org
 Year 6        Escher               Mrs Cleary                         escher.williammartin@dcvst.org
               Windsor              Miss Campbell                      windsor.williammartin@dcvst.org

To receive feedback from your child’s teacher, either email them your child’s work, or send it to
them via Purple Mash – either way your teacher will respond. Please note, the teachers are all
working at least 2 days a week in school, unless they are shielding, so your response will not be
immediate and will be during school hours.

Questions or Worries
If you have any questions or worries about your child’s work, please email your child’s teacher and
they will be happy to talk to you about your child.

Extra Challenges
Teachers will be organising extra challenges for children to participate in, such as PE and Science

A Times Tables Rockstar’s Competition has started this week, where children can win certificates.
Other challenges can be found on Oak Academy, BBC Bitesize or Purple Mash – links to these can be
found on the website.

Wow Walls and Superstar of the Week
These will be put on the website on a weekly basis, to celebrate all the excellent hard work the
children have been producing throughout the week.

Live lessons
Your class teacher will host a live session once a week on zoom; a register will be taken at the
beginning of the session. This will be an exciting opportunity for your child to see their class mates,
ask their teacher questions, listen to a story, play games etc.
Rules for taking part in live sessions:
   ➢ Please ensure your child is appropriately dressed for the session (no pyjamas)
   ➢ Please ensure they are in an appropriate room for the session (not in their bedroom or
   ➢ Please ensure you put the child’s name on the zoom call – this ensures the teacher only allows
       children from their class to access the live session. Unfortunately, we are unable to allow
       access to users who do not use their child’s name.

Our Core Christian Values: Perseverance, Justice, Respect, Trust, Compassion, Responsibility, Forgiveness, Peace
➢ Please do not share the log on details with anyone else, this will ensure we keep our children
   ➢ Please remind your child that the expectations for behaviour remain the same on zoom
       sessions as they are in school based lessons.

Younger children will need to be supported during the live session, as they may not be able to fully
engage in the session with the teacher, by muting and unmuting.
Teachers will endeavour to include the children, who are attending school, to participate in the live
zoom session so they can also see their friends.

    Monday             Tuesday                    Wednesday                     Thursday
    Miss Cannell –     Miss Smith – Year 2        Mr O’Reilly – Year 4          Mr Golbourn – Year 5
    Year 1 Roger       Julia Donaldson class      Franklin class                Spielberg class
    Hargreaves class   10:00am                    9:30am                        9:30am
                       Miss McGuiness – Year 3    Miss Stevens/Miss             Mrs Cleary – Year 6
    Mrs Sivathanu –    Rosa Parks class           Simpson – Reception           Escher class
    Year 5 Kahlo       11:00am                    Beatrix Potter class          10:30am
    class                                         10:00am.
    11:30am            Mrs Raggio – Year 2                                      Miss Wood – Year 1
                       Roald Dahl class           Mrs Gill – Year 5 Kahlo       Doctor Seuss class
                       10:00am                    class                         11:00am
                       Miss Campbell – Year 6                                   Mr Collin – Reception
                       Windsor class              Mrs Richardson – Year 4       Eric Carle class
                       1:00pm                     Mandela class                 12:00pm

                                                  Mrs Williams – Year 3 Riley

Welfare Calls
If your child attends the weekly live lesson, you will not need to receive a phone call from your child’s
class teacher or LSA.
Those not attending will still receive the weekly call. Please note these calls may show as ‘no caller
ID’ as staff are working from home. It is very important we remain in contact with you weekly during
this period of home learning.

Paper Based Packs
If you have requested one, home learning paper packs will be ready to collect from 9.00am every
Monday. These paper packs will contain work for the week. Please email or call if you require delivery
due to being unable to leave home.

Children attending school
Children attending school will receive the same lessons, that the children can access on the website.

Our Core Christian Values: Perseverance, Justice, Respect, Trust, Compassion, Responsibility, Forgiveness, Peace
Free School Meals
All schools were advised by the DFE to provide food parcels for the first 8 days of opening after the
Christmas holidays.

Beginning next week, we are moving over to Vouchers. We will be using Wonde to start with and then
move over to Edenred when these vouchers are available. If you have any queries regarding this,
email the Office on admin.williammartin@dcvst.org or call 01279 424122.

Wonde will be providing vouchers over the February Half Term holiday.

Thank you
So, thank you once again for all your patience and support over the past two weeks, I know that
everyone is worried about the current situation we find ourselves in, but we will do our very best to
support your children and their families.

If you find yourself in financial hardship, please contact the school as we are able to provide
supplementary food parcels for those families in need and can provide advice onwhere to get extra

Please stay safe everybody,

Very best wishes,

Gina Bailey
Executive Headteacher

Our Core Christian Values: Perseverance, Justice, Respect, Trust, Compassion, Responsibility, Forgiveness, Peace
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