WINTER 2022 -

Page created by Fred Hampton
WINTER 2022 -
               ONLINE COURSES
                AND ACTIVITIES
WINTER 2022 -
MISSION                                       Values
The LIFE Institute aims to be a leader in life-long learning,
inspiring and fulfilling a community of adults 50+ through
Continuing Education at Ryerson University.

To enable adults age 50+ to pursue their passion for life-long
learning through a wide range of educational courses,
activities and related opportunities to volunteer.

• Learning - We believe learning is core to healthy aging and
strive to include educational opportunities in all we do.

• Community - We create a convivial environment which
supports learning and building relationships and enables
everyone to contribute.

• Inclusion - We listen to each other and seek to understand
and broaden our viewpoint. We welcome people of all
backgrounds and abilities.

• Integrity - We are truthful and honest in all we do.
When faced with difficult decisions and hard choices, we do
the right thing.

WINTER 2022 -
          About The LIFE Institute™
                  “Learning is ForEver” … LIFE!                                 /disability notice/dates to
                                                                                remember ...................... 3
THE LIFE INSTITUTE is the largest program partner in Programs                Winter welcome/wait lists/
for 50+ in The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education                  refunds/class times and
at Ryerson University. LIFE offers lifelong learning programs to                dates .............................. 4
adults 50+ who are retired or preparing for retirement. Members of
                                                                             LIFE Board members ......... 4
LIFE can attend stimulating daytime classes and participate in
creative learning at Ryerson or at off-campus locations. All                 Courses by category .......... 5
members have full access to Ryerson facilities—the library,                  Course details ............... 6-14
audiovisual materials, bookstore, cafeteria, the Image Arts Centre,          Ombuddy ......................... 14
and the Ryerson Athletic Centre (applicable restrictions during              Courses at a Glance ........ 15
COVID-19 pandemic.)                                                          Clubs ........................... 16-18
THE LIFE INSTITUTE offers a wide variety of study groups and                 Online Course Formats ... 19
lecture courses in the arts, humanities, sciences, technology, and           Zoom Etiquette ................. 20
contemporary issues. Computer classes, theatre outings, and
                                                                             Online Code of Conduct ... 21
creative writing classes are just some of the many programs
offered in daytime classes throughout the Fall, Winter, Summer

and Summer semesters.
THE LIFE INSTITUTE is a non-profit organization managed by a

board of directors elected annually by members of LIFE. Members
are encouraged to participate in the many facets of the board’s
activities in furthering new concepts in lifelong learning programs.
Thanks to:
• Phyllis Ryall, Eva Bell, Neema Dainow, Dorothy Rubinoff,
  Martha Wall, and Gordon Winocur who formed the core
                                                                                      IT’S WHAT
  curriculum committee                                                                      LIFE
• Deborah Bonk Greenwood, Executive Director
• Rosanne Bernard, Program Manager                                                     IS ABOUT
• Denise Smith, Manager Volunteer Services
• Evette Glidden, Office Administrator
                                                                            The LIFE Institute © 2021
             D A T E S T O R E M E M B E R – W I N T E R 2 0 2 2 SESSION
Mon., December 6, 2021              Registration opens for LIFE WINTER 2022 courses
Wed., December 8, 2021              LIFE 2021-2022 Annual General Meeting
Dec. 24, 2021 – Jan. 4, 2022        Mid-Year Closure; Ryerson and LIFE closed
January 29 – March 26, 2022         Winter 2022 Semester
Sat. - Mon., February 19–21, 2022   Family Day Weekend; Ryerson University and LIFE are closed
Friday, April 15, 2022              Good Friday; Ryerson University and LIFE are closed                                 3   (416) 979-5000 x556989
WINTER 2022 -

                            Welcome to WINTER 2022 at The LIFE Institute™

                      This online calendar for Winter 2022 offers a           NOTE ON WAIT LISTS
                      varied selection of courses reflecting a range of       Some courses are extremely popular and fill up
                      styles and delivery.                                    very quickly. If you do not get in, you may remain
                      Membership and course registration                      on the wait list – additional spots may be made
                      • Both membership purchase and course                   available.
                        registration must be done on-line (payment by         Policy for refund of fees
                        credit card) at              To withdraw from a course or event, you will need
                        We regret, neither mail-in nor in-person              to notify The LIFE Institute office in writing.
                        registrations are available at this time.             Written application must be in the form of
                      • Only 2021-2022 LIFE members can enroll in             an email sent to
                        courses and clubs                                     A refund of course fees, minus a $20 administration
                      • Membership for the year ending June 30,               charge, will be made if your written application (via
                        2022 is $80 per person. Membership runs               email) is received by The LIFE Institute no less
                        from July 1 to June 30. You may join at any           than three business days before
                        time during the academic year, but the fee                • the first session of a two to four week
                        remains the same.                                              course
                        Registration is required for all courses and              • the second session of all courses that last
                        activities you wish to attend.                                 five weeks or more
                        Online Registration for Winter 2022 opens:            No refunds will be made for single-session
                        Monday, December 6, 2021 at 9 a.m.                    courses or events.
                      Regrettably, registration by mail is not available      If a course or event is cancelled, the entire fee is
                      this term due to the COVID-19. The LIFE Institute       refundable, and the administration charge will not
                      office is virtual; consequently, your mailed-in form    apply.
                      and cheque cannot be processed.                         Class times and dates
                      Priority of registration: registrations are             Class times and dates are usually as shown in
                      processed as received electronically, on a first        the calendar. Please read the course descriptions
                      received, first processed basis.                        carefully. From time to time, due to unforeseen
                      Confirmation of registration: confirmation is           events, a class (or class format) may have to be
                      immediate when you register on-line.                    cancelled. Should this happen, your
                                                                              understanding will be very much appreciated.

                                          The LIFE Institute Board of Directors 2020-2021
                                                                 Chair – Milvi Ester
                                                            Vice Chair – Lorne Bernstein
                                                            Vice Chair – Angèle Mongul
                                                              Treasurer – Alan Lavine
                                                            Secretary – Phillip Abrahams
                                                    Immediate Past Chair – Virginia Bosomworth
                                                   Executive Director – Deborah Bonk Greenwood
                                             Barbara Atlas, Eva Bell, Harvey Bernstein, Sheila Clemens,
                                                    Vince Fearon, Paul Herbert, Rhonda Singer
                              Paula Green, PhD, Program Director, Programs for 50+, The Chang School (ex officio)

                          N.B.: At the December 8th AGM, the composition of the board may change slightly for the 2021-2022 year
                                   To reach any of our board members, please contact The LIFE Institute office.

                                               4 (416) 979-5000 Ext.556989
WINTER 2022 -
CATEGORY          CODE                  TITLE                      INSTRUCTOR                        DAY
HISTORY /                 Art and Architecture of Ancient
                 W22-17                                            LIPOVITCH                        FRIDAY
ARCHEOLOGY /              Greece
                          If Enchanted Walls Could Talk:
                 W22-03   Famous Castles, Palaces, and             THOMPSON                        MONDAY
                          Mansions from Around the World
                 W22-14   Japanese Art and its Influence           DORMAN                         THURSDAY
                          Visionary Architects: The Risk
                 W22-21   Takers, the Changemakers, and            BEG                             SUNDAY
                          the Groundbreakers
FILM STUDIES     W22-01   Contemporary Women Directors             FLETCHER                        MONDAY
                          Screen Queens: Scandals and
                 W22-06   Triumphs of the Female Stars Who         MARCEAU                         TUESDAY
                          Changed Hollywood
HISTORY          W22-20   Great Enigmas in History                 COURTEAUX                      SATURDAY

                 W22-12   The People and Events that               DIAS                           THURSDAY
                          Shaped Canada
                          The Search for Global Influence:
                 W22-19   History and Geopolitics of the Indo-     COURTEAUX                      SATURDAY
                          Pacific Region
LITERATURE       W22-05   Book Talk                                SMALL/WINGATE/O’SULLIVAN        TUESDAY
                          Borders and Borderlands:
                 W22-07   Explorations in Contemporary             SIBONY                          TUESDAY
                          Literature and Art
MUSIC            W22-11   The Classic Albums                       DALEY                         WEDNESDAY
PASTIMES         W22-18   Let’s Talk Wine                          PINKUS                           FRIDAY
PHILOSOPHY       W22-04   An Introduction to Philosophy            DiCARLO                         MONDAY
                          Diverse Opinions: Commentary
POLITICS /       W22-09                                            DOYLE                         WEDNESDAY
                          from the World’s Press
PUBLIC AFFAIRS   W22-15   The Economist Seminar                    CADSBY/WATERMAN                  FRIDAY
                 W22-02   Politics, People, and Other Issues       CADSBY/WATERMAN                 MONDAY
                 W22-08   This Week in Global Affairs              ZOHAR                           TUESDAY
RELIGION         W22-10   The Abrahamic Religions                  SAMNAMI                       WEDNESDAY

SCIENCE          W22-16   An Introduction to Infection and         PERSAUD                          FRIDAY
                 W22-13   Plants, People, and the World            DIMANCHE                       THURSDAY                                     5    (416) 979-5000 x556989
WINTER 2022 -

                      M O N D A Y                                                   choose the topics for discussion at the beginning
                                                                                    of each semester.
                      W22-1 Contemporary Women
                                                                                    This is a discussion class, led by its course
                      Directors                                          NEW
                                                                                    leaders, and will be presented via live interactive
                      As the credits scroll by on the screen, have you              ZOOM meeting sessions. Participation by all
                      noticed that there are more women directors                   members is expected.
                      working in the film industry and that their work is
                      impressive? These pioneering women, working                   Jay Waterman has been a member of this class
                      during the last decade, will be the focus of this             for many years and has served as a Board
                      course. From Hollywood indies to Sub-Saharan                  member of The LIFE Institute. He is a Toronto
                      Africa, Iran, and China, and throughout Europe,               native and retired lawyer.
                      each week’s session will provide a case study
                      with a deep dive into two films, including                    Lloyd Cadsby is also a retired lawyer who is
                      recognizable titles recently anointed by the                  intrigued by the political and financial issues that
                      Oscars and featured at the Toronto International              dominate our lives. His background in mediation
                      Film Festival (TIFF) in 2021. Our goal will be to             is useful in the give-and-take of class discussion.
                      uncover the daunting challenges women
                      filmmakers face in this industry and celebrate                Limited to 23 participants
                      their boundary-pushing, transgressive works of
                      recent years. Featured filmmakers include Chloé               Dates: Jan.31 – Mar.28 (8 sessions, no class Feb. 21)
                      Zhao, Jane Campion, Kelly Reichardt, Céline                   Time: Mondays, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
                      Sciamma, and Mati Diop.                                       Fee: $65
                                                                                    Course Leaders: Lloyd Cadsby and
                      Film curator and historian Alicia Fletcher is                 Jay Waterman
                      Hollywood Suite's Archival Producer. She has                  W22-3 If Enchanted Walls Could
                      taught at Ryerson University and Humber                       Talk: Famous Castles, Palaces, and
                      College. Her film curation is featured at TIFF
                      Cinematheque, the AGO, the Royal Cinema, and
                                                                                    Mansions from Around the World
                      the Revue Cinema. Her writing appears in
                      Cinema Scope Magazine.                                        History and architecture will walk hand in hand on
                                                                                    our tour of some of the most famous castles,
                      This is a lecture course led by an expert in the              palaces, and mansions in the world. Beginning in
                      field with extensive audiovisual content presented            the British Isles, we’ll visit many castles, the
                      via LIVE ZOOM webinar format.                                 scenes of important historical events, among
                                                                                    which will be Glamis Castle, with its echoes of
                      Dates: Jan. 31 – Mar. 28 (8 sessions, no class Feb. 21)       Shakespeare’s Macbeth; Holyrood Palace, where
                      Time: Mondays, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.                              Mary Queen of Scots was married to Lord
                      Fee: $95                                                      Darnley and where she witnessed the brutal
                      Instructor: Alicia Fletcher                                   murder of her private secretary; and mystic
                                                                                    Tintagel, the castle associated with the legends of
                      W22-2 People, Politics, and Other
                                                                                    King Arthur. We’ll learn about important
                      Issues                                                        watersheds in Chinese and French history as we
                      We face many important and challenging issues                 explore the Forbidden City, the palace complex in
                      today, issues that will have far-reaching impact              the centre of Beijing; the Chateaux of the Loire
                      on our lives. We focus in this group on the                   Valley, places of refuge and relaxation for French
                      fundamental questions and key people driving                  royalty and aristocracy; and Louis XIV’s Palace of
                      these world events. We welcome opposing views,                Versailles, now an UNESCO World Heritage Site.
                      which make for a stimulating dialogue, carried on             We will also look at some stately homes of
                      in a collegial and respectful manner. Participants            Britain, including several built by Sir John
                                                                                    Vanbrugh; move on to pre-Civil war and Gilded

                                               6    (416) 979-5000 Ext.556989
WINTER 2022 -
Age America buildings, including Mount Vernon             via LIVE ZOOM webinar format.
and the Vanderbilt mansions, The Breakers and
Biltmore; as well as survey examples of Canadian          Dates: Jan. 31 – Mar. 28 (8 sessions, no class Feb. 21)
mansions, such as Rideau Hall and Dundurn                 Time: Mondays, 3 – 5 p.m.
Castle. And this is only a sample of the                  Fee: $95
extraordinary treats that lie ahead!                      Instructor: Dr. Christopher DiCarlo

James Thompson has been teaching adults                   T U E S D A Y
since 2006. He has a History BA from Queen’s
University and completed a History MA at                  W22-5 Book Talk
Durham University, UK. He studied Art History at          Come and join the discussion about books in this
the Courtauld Institute in London. He earned his          lively, thought-provoking group where we explore,
B.Ed. from OISE in 2002.                                  debate, and enjoy an assortment of contemporary
                                                          novels and biographies. We will present and
This is a lecture course led by an expert in the          discuss a different book at each class. These
field with extensive audiovisual content presented        books will be available either at the Toronto
via LIVE ZOOM webinar format.                             Public Library or for purchase from your local
                                                          bookstore or from Indigo or Amazon. We will
Dates: Jan. 31 – Mar. 28 (8 sessions, no class Feb. 21)   announce the books for the four sessions prior to
Time: Mondays, 12:30 – 2:30 p.m.                          the start of the course. The moderators will
Fee: $95                                                  present the book at the first class and then we will
Instructor: James A. S. Thompson                          be looking for class members to present at
W22-4 An Introduction to                                  subsequent classes.
Philosophy                                         NEW
                                                          This class involves participant presentations and
From Plato to The Matrix is a span of centuries,          lively discussion. It will be presented via live
but the same fundamental questions of existence           interactive ZOOM meeting sessions. Participation
endure. This introduction to philosophy will              by all members is expected.
explore some of the most provocative, powerful,
and interesting questions we humans have asked            Deborah Wingate, Patricia O’Sullivan,
about ourselves and our universe. Some of the             and Lindy Small are pleased to moderate this
topics for consideration include the concepts of          longstanding group for LIFE. Deborah and
truth, ignorance, belief, and knowledge;                  Patricia are retired librarians, and Lindy is a
appearance and reality; the idea of free will; the        retired educator. They enjoy books of all types
existence/non-existence of God (however                   and have been avid readers since childhood.
defined); the problem of evil; and the
philosophical implications of science (e.g., the          Limited to 16 participants
theory of evolution, quantum and astrophysics,
biotechnology/genetic engineering, etc.). We will         Dates: Feb. 8, 22, Mar. 8, 22 (4 sessions)
examine what history’s greatest minds have said           Time: Tuesdays, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
about these and other important issues.                   Fee: $45
                                                          Course Leaders: Lindy Small, Deborah Wingate,
Dr. Christopher DiCarlo is a philosopher,                 and Patricia O’Sullivan
educator, and author. He is a past Visiting               W22-6 Screen Queens: Scandals
Research Scholar at Harvard University. Dr.
DiCarlo has won several awards including TV               and Triumphs of the Female Stars
Ontario’s Big Ideas Best Lecturer in Ontario              Who Changed Hollywood          NEW
Award and Canada’s Humanist of the Year.                  This course, focusing on some of the screen’s
                                                          most iconic female stars, traces the evolution of
This is a lecture course led by an expert in the          the star system from the silent era which saw a
field with extensive audiovisual content presented                                    7    (416) 979-5000 x556989
WINTER 2022 -

                      new emphasis on individual performers to today’s         What happens in, or on, or at, a border? Borders
                      celebrity culture and the stars it produces. We’ll       divide space, separate us, and help people exert
                      explore Hollywood history, from that early period        control over each other. In the arts they can result
                      to the bombshells of the 50s, to the ground-             in differing categories and restrain the
                      breaking actors of the 1970s, and the franchise          imagination and prevent interaction with others.
                      stars of today. Along the way, we’ll meet Mary           But they also act as bridges, gateways, and
                      Pickford, the Queen of Hollywood; Barbara                meeting points in the arts, as well as in life, by
                      Stanwick, the quintessential femme fatale of Film        allowing the imagination to roam freely and
                      Noir; studio era stars Joan Crawford and Ingrid          different genres to meet and cross-fertilize.
                      Bergman who challenged the industry; icons like          Borderlands become the spaces in which we can
                      sex symbol Marilyn Monroe and gamine Audrey              produce new creative cultural and artistic fusions,
                      Hepburn; embattled Jane Fonda; prestige star             dream up a better world, and experience “radical
                      Meryl Streep; franchise stars Jennifer Lawrence          openness and possibility,” as cultural critic bell
                      and Kristen Stewart; and many more.                      hooks once wrote.

                      While stars are among the chief pleasures and            In this course, we’ll visit borders and borderlands
                      draw of cinema, we will also look at the political       in the work of contemporary artists and poets,
                      implications of these hugely popular and highly          with a particular focus on North American voices.
                      influential figures.                                     We’ll explore migration narratives, genre-bending
                                                                               arts, the boundaries of the body in art and poetry,
                      In search of these star’s mystique, we will              the role of translation, and more. You’ll hear new
                      examine some of Hollywood’s greatest                     and perhaps unfamiliar voices from the
                      films: Double Indemnity, Gentlemen Prefer                immigrant, Indigenous, and QTBIPOC (Queer,
                      Blondes, Voyage to Italy, The Deer Hunter, and           Trans, Black, Indigenous, People of Colour)
                      Being John Malkovich. But we will also look at a         communities and see the work of exciting artists
                      host of other materials, such as film reviews and        exploring the borders that divide us and the
                      interviews to explore the defining features of           borderlands we share.
                      several star personas.
                                                                               Sharoni Sibony is an experienced adult educator
                      Gabrielle Marceau is a film critic and lecturer          across multiple disciplines including literature,
                      living in Toronto. She has a Master of Arts in           ceramics, community-engaged arts, and Jewish
                      Cinema Studies from the University of Toronto            studies. She has been a tour guide in Kensington
                      and has taught courses on Gothic Cinema and              Market for nearly a decade and is currently
                      Film Noir. She has written criticism for Sight and       completing her portfolio as a scholar-artisan.
                      Sound, Mubi, and Cinema Scope and is the editor
                      of the film journal, In the Mood Magazine.               This is a lecture course led by an expert in the
                                                                               field with extensive audiovisual content presented
                      This is a lecture course led by an expert in the         via LIVE ZOOM webinar format.
                      field with extensive audiovisual content presented
                      via LIVE ZOOM webinar format.                            Dates: Feb.1 – Mar.22 (8 sessions)
                                                                               Time: Tuesdays, 12:30 – 2:30 p.m.
                      Dates: Feb.1 – Mar.22 (8 sessions)                       Fee: $95
                      Time: Tuesdays, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.                        Instructor: Sharoni Sibony
                      Fee: $95
                      Instructor: Gabrielle Marceau                            W22-8 This Week in Global Affairs
                      W22-7 Borders and Borderlands:                           We will always remember 2021 as the year when
                                                                               COVID-19, almost beaten, spawned the Delta
                      Explorations in Contemporary                             variant and surged back to the attack while
                      Literature and Art           NEW                         unleashing a series of cultural wars around
                                                                               vaccination, masking, and a world of conspiracy
                                                                               theories. But that year also unleashed

                                          8    (416) 979-5000 Ext.556989
WINTER 2022 -
earthquakes in the geopolitical landscape leaving     of information unknown even a few years ago.
our world more fragmented and volatile. The fall      The intention of this course will be to select three
of Afghanistan to the Taliban and the potential       to four of these pieces each week to use as a
resurgence of radical Islamic terrorist               basis for discussion. Articles will be taken from
movements, the intense competition for world          major Canadian news sources and the
supremacy between China and the USA, the              International Press. Selected columnists may
escalation of Iran’s expansionist aggression in the   include Doug Saunders, David Brooks, Thomas
Middle East with the danger of a regional war to      Friedman, Tony Burman and other respected
prevent it from becoming a nuclear power, and         journalists. The class format will allow for a wide-
the natural disasters, induced by the devastating     ranging discussion around these articles each
effects of climate change, are just a few. As         week.
citizens of the world, we need to understand and
interpret the consequences of these rapid and         Halton Doyle is a retired teacher and guidance
massive changes and how they may affect us. In        counsellor. In addition, he has instructed
this lecture series, we will review, analyze, and     counsellors-in-training in the Additional
interpret the most recent global affairs and their    Qualifications program at York University.
significance, as well as do a deep dive on specific
issues that may either threaten or better our         This is a discussion class, led by its course
planet, including healthcare, education, gender       leader, and will be presented via live interactive
equality, habitat and biodiversity loss, nuclear      ZOOM meeting sessions. Participation by all
proliferation, radical movements, human rights        members is expected.
violations, and regime change.
                                                      Limited to 20 participants
Amnon Zohar is a retired hi-tech entrepreneur.
Born and educated in Israel, he is a graduate of
                                                      Dates: Feb.2 – Mar.2 (5 sessions)
the Israeli Military Academy for Computer
                                                      Time: Wednesdays, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Sciences. Amnon studied Political Science at
                                                      Fee: $50
York University and International Relations at Tel-
                                                      Course Leader: Halton Doyle
Aviv University. He has offered several courses at
LIFE on the Middle East, football (soccer),           W22-10 The Abrahamic Religions
leadership, and global affairs.                                                                      NEW

This is a lecture course led by an expert in the      While Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have their
field with extensive audiovisual content presented    own unique beliefs, traditions, and practices, they
via LIVE ZOOM webinar format.                         all share a common interest in the patriarch
                                                      Abraham. Hence the umbrella term “Abrahamic
Dates: Feb.1 – Mar.22 (8 sessions)                    Religions.” This course will investigate the life of
Time: Tuesdays, 3 – 5 p.m.                            Abraham and his children, and their significance
Fee: $95                                              within the Abrahamic religions. We will overview
Instructor: Amnon Zohar                               the origins, scriptures, and founders of Judaism,
                                                      Christianity, and Islam. We will also explore how
                                                      these religions have faced the challenges of the
W E D N E S D A Y                                     modern era. More particularly, we will examine
                                                      how religious practices have changed over time
W22-9 Diverse Opinions:                               and how the role of women has increased within
Commentary from the World’s Press                     these religions.
Do you regularly peruse the comments section of       Rahim Samnani is an instructor at McMaster
the world’s press? Are you interested in world        University, where he is currently completing his
events? The online access we all have to opinion      PhD in early Islam and early Christianity. His
pieces on a daily basis provides us with a source     research focuses on the lives of Jesus and                                9   (416) 979-5000 x556989

                      Muhammad, examining the New Testament and              via LIVE ZOOM webinar format.
                      the Qur’an, as well as other available sources
                      that depict their lives. Having over five years of     Dates: Feb.2 - Mar.23 (8 sessions)
                      teaching experience at Queen’s University,             Time: Wednesdays, 3 – 5 p.m.
                      McMaster University, and Ryerson University,           Fee: $95
                      Rahim’s teaching interests include world               Instructor: Dr. Mike Daley
                      religions, Islamic thought and history, the
                      Crusades, and early Christianity.
                                                                             T H U R S D A Y
                      This is a lecture course led by an expert in the
                      field with extensive audiovisual content presented     W22-12 The People and Events that
                      via LIVE ZOOM meeting format.                          Shaped Canada                 NEW
                      Dates: Feb.2 - Mar.23 (8 sessions)                     Canada’s international reputation is that of a
                      Time: Wednesdays, 12:30 – 2:30 p.m.                    country founded on the vision of peace, order,
                      Fee: $95                                               and good government and populated by a polite
                      Instructor: Rahim Samnani                              and non-confrontational people. And the history
                                                                             of such a country must surely be boring. Well, this
                      W22-11 The Classic Albums                     NEW      course will attempt to debunk this popular notion.
                      In this new series, long-time LIFE Institute           We will meet some of the most complex figures
                      lecturer and musicologist Dr. Mike Daley delves        and seminal moments that have shaped our
                      into eight classic albums of the 1960s and ’70s –      country and our lives.
                      the Beatles’ Revolver, Bob Dylan's Highway 61
                      Revisited, The Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds, Joni            We’ll explore such events as the discovery of our
                      Mitchell's Blue, The Band’s self-titled album,         land by Europeans; the battle of the Plains of
                      Carole King’s Tapestry, Simon and Garfunkel’s          Abraham that ensured the victory of the English
                      Bridge Over Troubled Water, and Fleetwood              over the French; the American occupation of York
                      Mac's Rumours. Accompanying rare video and             when our future as an independent entity hung in
                      audio examples of this well-loved music will be        the balance; the building of a nation by building a
                      the story of the making of each album, a               railroad; how the tyranny of good intentions in the
                      discussion of the music and lyrics, and a              establishment of residential schools led to the
                      placement of each album in the context of              greatest stain on our history; Canada’s baptism of
                      popular music history. In this course you’ll get       fire in World War I; the Soviet-Canada hockey
                      illuminating research, a friendly and engaging         series; and finally, the emergence of modern
                      presentation style, and above all, that great          Canada.
                      music, always the music!
                                                                             You’ll gain a deeper understanding and
                      Dr. Mike Daley is a freelance popular music            appreciation of Canadian identity and our
                      history lecturer. He holds a Ph.D. in musicology       contributions on the world stage, as well as the
                      and has published widely on a variety of musical       skeletons in our historic closet, and the
                      subjects. Mike's well-received lectures on the         challenges facing Canada in this century.
                      Beatles, Elvis, jazz, folk music and much more
                      have gained him a strong following in the GTA.         Using his background in journalism, Paul Dias
                      Mike also offers video lecture series on his           combines rigorous scholastic research with
                      website,, and is currently          investigative storytelling. He is happy to continue
                      writing a history of live music in the Yorkville       working with The LIFE Institute’s community of
                      coffee house district of Toronto in the 1950s and      dynamic learners.
                                                                             This is a lecture course led by an expert in the
                      This is a lecture course led by an expert in the       field with extensive audiovisual content presented
                      field with extensive audiovisual content presented     via LIVE ZOOM webinar format.

                                          10 (416) 979-5000 Ext.556989
Dates: Feb.3 - Mar.24 (8 sessions)                   W22-14 Japanese Art and its
Time: Thursdays, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Fee: $95
                                                     Influence                                     NEW
Instructor: Paul Dias                                This course is a follow-up to Painting and
                                                     Printmaking in Japan and Europe: Cross-cultural
W22-13 Plants, People, and the                       exchange, Influence, and Inspiration, presented
World                                        NEW     in the spring of 2021, which looked at Japanese
                                                     and European art up to the end of the 19th
Have you ever considered the importance of
                                                     century. Now we will take a closer look at the art
plants in our lives and environment? This course
                                                     of pre-modern Japan: religious art, the fine art of
will introduce you to many ways in which plants
                                                     the elites, and the commercial art of the
have played an essential role in human existence
                                                     commoners. We’ll explore popular themes and
for millennia. For example, we know that green
                                                     subjects and pay particular attention to art that
plants provide a substantial proportion of the
                                                     tells a story. We will look at how Japanese art
world's oxygen and are the basis of most of
                                                     was marketed in the west in the 19th century and
Earth's ecosystems. But most importantly, plants
                                                     how it was preserved or changed in Japan during
supply us with food, medicines, and physical
                                                     the country’s period of rapid modernization. We
materials, as well as having other fascinating and
                                                     will continue through the 20th century to the
surprising uses.
                                                     present, looking at connections between
                                                     traditional and contemporary popular art.
Do you know where coffee is cultivated, how rice
                                                     Always, we will consider the cultural context as
noodles are made, or where chocolate comes
                                                     well as the esthetic of Japanese art. What cultural
from? In this class, you will learn more about our
                                                     values are reflected in the art? What were the
most useful plants, including some of the foods
                                                     social and economic forces driving the creation of
you eat, the spices that improve flavour, clothing
                                                     art in Japan?
materials like cotton, live-saving medicinal and
psychoactive plants, among many others. Our
                                                     Carol Dorman received an M.A. in anthropology
investigation will take us to countries around the
                                                     from the U of T and has worked for CBC
world where we will meet the people who work
                                                     television and as an art dealer specializing in
the land or create the final products. Come and
                                                     Japanese art. She draws on her background in
explore the contribution of plant life to human
                                                     art, cultural anthropology, and journalism to
                                                     create a course about art and its cultural context.
Christine Dimanche is a higher education
                                                     This is a lecture course led by an expert in the
professional with over 25 years of international
                                                     field with extensive audiovisual content presented
experience in teaching, with a focus on biology,
                                                     via LIVE ZOOM webinar format.
human biology, nutrition, health, and
wellbeing. Christine is currently teaching human
                                                     Dates: Feb.3 - Mar.24 (8 sessions)
biology and nutrition courses for George Brown
College and Older Adult Fitness classes at           Time: Thursdays, 3 - 5 p.m.
Ryerson University.                                  Fee: $95
                                                     Instructor: Carol Dorman
This is a lecture course led by an expert in the
field with extensive audiovisual content presented   F R I D A Y
via LIVE ZOOM meeting format.
                                                     W22-15 The Economist Seminar
Dates: Feb.3 - Mar.24 (8 sessions)                   Our stimulating discussions are based on articles
Time: Thursdays, 12:30 – 2:30 p.m.                   from this prestigious and influential magazine.
Fee: $95                                             The topics dealt with are broad in scope: issues
Instructor: Christine Dimanche                       relating to nations, the economy, the arts,
                                                     science, and the people influencing these                              11 (416) 979-5000 x556989

                      concerns. We will focus on specific articles that       Arvin T. Persaud is currently a virology PhD
                      the class members have been directed to and             student at the University of Toronto
                      discuss the challenging issues that are raised in       (Scarborough) in the department of Cell and
                      those articles. Join us in a lively and respectful      Systems Biology. Through the influence of
                      exchange of views.                                      inspirational teachers and mentors, his interests
                                                                              in viruses and immunity have grown over the
                      Please Note: Class members will be able to              years, and he is excited to share his knowledge
                      subscribe to The Economist at a considerably            with you.
                      reduced annual rate.
                                                                              This is a lecture course led by an expert in the
                                                                              field with extensive audiovisual content presented
                      Lloyd Cadsby and Jay Waterman are both
                                                                              via LIVE ZOOM webinar format.
                      retired lawyers who have found there is LIFE after
                      law by pursuing their interest in world events.
                                                                              Dates: Feb.4 – Mar.25 (8 sessions)
                                                                              Time: Fridays, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
                      This is a discussion class, led by its course           Fee: $95
                      leaders, and will be presented via live interactive     Instructor: Arvin T. Persaud
                      ZOOM meeting sessions. Participation by all
                      members is expected.                                    W22-17 The Art and Archaeology of
                                                                              Ancient Greece                NEW
                      Limited to 23 participants
                                                                              Here’s your chance to marvel at the art and
                      Dates: Feb.4 – Mar.25 (8 sessions)                      archeology of ancient Greece and learn how the
                      Time: Fridays, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.                        latest findings are changing our understanding of
                      Fee: $65                                                their history. We’ll begin in the Cycladic culture
                      Course Leaders: Lloyd Cadsby and                        whose strange stone figures inspired Picasso;
                      Jay Waterman                                            move to the Minoans of Crete with their exquisite
                                                                              frescoes; and then on to the militaristic
                                                                              Myceneans of the Bronze Age with their imposing
                      W22-16 An Introduction to Infection                     hilltop palaces.
                      and Immunity                    NEW
                      What happens during an infection? How does our          We’ll examine the archeological discoveries that
                      body defend itself? How do our immune                   enlighten the so-called “Dark Ages” when Greece
                      responses change as we age? This course will            returned to rural life and illiteracy before exploring
                      answer these and many more questions that are           Archaic Greece and the rise of cities like Athens
                      of special interest during the COVID-19                 and Sparta – the great cities of the Classical Era.
                      pandemic.                                               Finally, we’ll explore the world of Alexander the
                                                                              Great and his successors who spread Hellenistic
                      The field of virology is constantly changing as         culture to Asia.
                      every day we learn more and more about our
                      complex immune systems, the bodies’ line of             Dr David Lipovitch has worked with
                      protection against bacteria and viruses. This           archaeological excavations in Ontario, Israel,
                      course aims to familiarize you with some basic          Jordan, and Turkey. He has been lecturing for
                      concepts of immunology and provide you with an          30+ years, is an instructor in Laurier’s history and
                      overview of how our bodies respond to the               archaeology departments and is the
                      constant challenges by microbes. As well, the           zooarchaeologist for U of T’s Tell Tayinat project.
                      underlying science of how and why vaccines work
                      will be addressed. And, above all, you will gain        This is a lecture course led by an expert in the
                      the knowledge to have more informed                     field with extensive audiovisual content presented
                      discussions in your community.                          via LIVE ZOOM webinar format.

                                           12 (416) 979-5000 Ext.556989
Dates: Feb.4 – Mar.25 (8 sessions)                     the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and the
Time: Fridays, 12:30 – 2:30 p.m.                       seas connecting the two, is being used
Fee: $95                                               increasingly to describe a political and diplomatic
Instructor: Dr. David Lipovitch                        confrontation aimed at gaining global influence. A
W22-18 Let’s Talk Wine                                 look at the history of the region, its actors: China,
                                                       India, Japan, Indonesia, Australia, the U.S.,
Here’s your opportunity to take your wine tasting      France… and why the Indo-Pacific region is fast
to the next level! Join fellow wine-lovers to learn    becoming the latest geopolitical hot zone.
about the most popular grapes used to make the
wines we drink. This course will offer an in-depth     Dr. Olivier Courteaux received his B.A. in
look at those grapes with special pre-recorded         history, M.A. in war and conflict studies and Ph.D.
video comparisons featuring our intrepid               in contemporary international relations from the
instructor, Michael Pinkus, in a taste test            University of Paris-Sorbonne. He has lectured at
challenge as he tastes three wines and tries to        various Canadian universities, including Ryerson
determine which wine is made from that grape           and the Royal Military College of Canada. He is
being highlighted that week. And he’ll do it in the    the author of The War on Terror: the Canadian
most difficult way possible for any taster – blind.    Dilemma (2009), Canada Between Vichy and
Along the way we might have some special               Free France, 1940-1945 (2013) and Quatre
guests; plus, we will discuss the wines you will be    journées qui ébranlèrent le Québec on Charles
drinking that week and watch a PowerPoint              de Gaulle’s famous 1967 “Vive le Québec Libre”
presentation on that topic as well. Feel free to sip   (2017). He is currently working on his latest book,
along with some laughs and good wine along the         The Empress Eugenie at Suez, 1869: France and
way.                                                   Egypt during the Second Empire.

Michael Pinkus is a multi-award-winning                This is a lecture course led by an expert in the
journalist as well as national and international       field with extensive audiovisual content presented
wine judge. He is a freelance writer whose             via LIVE ZOOM webinar format.
articles have appeared in numerous publication
both in Canada and internationally. He is also the     Dates: Jan.29 – Mar.26 (8 sessions; no class Feb.19)
sole writer for his eponymous website                  Time: Saturdays, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. (formerly                  Fee: $95, and past-President of          Instructor: Dr. Olivier Courteaux
the Wine Writers’ Circle of Canada (2010-2015).
                                                       W22-20 Great Enigmas in History
This is a lecture course led by an expert in the                                                    NEW
field with extensive audiovisual content presented     On 27 September 52 BC, Vercingetorix was
via LIVE ZOOM meeting format.                          poised to defeat Caesar’s mighty legions. Yet the
                                                       exact opposite took place. How can we explain
Dates: Feb.4 – Mar.25 (8 sessions)                     such a military disaster? In 1785, Marie
Time: Fridays, 3 – 5 p.m.                              Antoinette’s reputation was forever tarnished by
Fee: $95                                               the scandalous “Affair of the Diamond Necklace.”
Instructor: Michael Pinkus                             Was she really guilty? On 25 November 1809, the
                                                       British ambassador to Vienna disappeared
                                                       without a trace. What happened? On 29 May
S A T U R D A Y                                        1968, Charles de Gaulle, then president of
W22-19 The Search for Global                           France, disappeared. Why did he travel to Baden-
Influence: History and Geopolitics                     Baden, Germany? The secrets surrounding those
                                                       events were never completely solved. A closer
of the Indo-Pacific Region       NEW                   look at eight mysterious episodes, some
Since 2011, the term Indo-Pacific, a geopolitical      forgotten, but all still fascinating.
area that comprises 24 nations from the waters of                                13 (416) 979-5000 x556989

                      Dr. Olivier Courteaux received his B.A. in               changemakers: Mies van der Rohe ushers the
                      history, M.A. in war and conflict studies and Ph.D.      classical styles into a modern realm, inspiring
                      in contemporary international relations from the         Norman Foster to a new cutting-edge style, while
                      University of Paris-Sorbonne. He has lectured at         Renzo Piano pushes the envelope, turning
                      various Canadian universities, including Ryerson         buildings inside out. Last, the groundbreakers:
                      and the Royal Military College of Canada. He is          Jean Nouvel looks to the East for inspiration in
                      the author of The War on Terror: the Canadian            modern cultural projects while Zaha Hadid gave
                      Dilemma (2009), Canada Between Vichy and                 the world Parametric Design, hard to define but
                      Free France, 1940-1945 (2013) and Quatre                 beautiful to the eye!
                      journées qui ébranlèrent le Québec on Charles            By looking at these international architects we will
                      de Gaulle’s famous 1967 “Vive le Québec Libre”           crisscross the globe studying and analyzing a
                      (2017). He is currently working on his latest book,      variety of projects, adding to our bucket list of
                      The Empress Eugenie at Suez, 1869: France and            must-see projects when we resume our travels.
                      Egypt during the Second Empire.
                      This is a lecture course led by an expert in the         Shermeen Beg is an internationally trained
                      field with extensive audiovisual content presented       architect with a passion for architectural history,
                      via LIVE ZOOM webinar format.                            the built environment, and public spaces. She
                      Dates: Jan.29 – Mar.26 (8 sessions; no class Feb.19)     brings her experiences of exploring places from
                      Time: Saturdays, 2 – 4 p.m.                              her travels to all her courses and has offered
                      Fee: $95                                                 several courses at LIFE on architecture.
                      Instructor: Dr. Olivier Courteaux
                                                                               This is a lecture course led by an expert in the
                                                                               field with extensive audiovisual content presented
                      S U N D A Y                                              via LIVE ZOOM webinar format.
                      W22-21 Visionary Architects: The
                      Risk Takers, the Changemakers,                           Dates: Jan.30 – Mar.27 (8 sessions; no class Feb.20)
                                                                               Time: Sundays, 1 – 3 p.m.
                      and the Groundbreakers         NEW                       Fee: $95
                                                                               Instructor: Shermeen Beg
                      Why does our contemporary built environment
                      look the way it does? Let’s meet eight trailblazing
                      architects who are responsible for pivotal                          LIFE’s OMBUDDY will
                      moments that changed the evolution of
                      architectural design – Filippo Brunelleschi, Mimar                 assist members who have
                      Sinan, Antoni Gaudí, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe,                      special financial needs.
                      Norman Foster, Renzo Piano, Jean Nouvel, and
                      Zaha Hadid. From the Cathedral of Florence to
                      the Sagrada Familia, from the Suleiman Mosque                       If you are experiencing
                      to London’s Shard, and more, we’ll examine their                 difficulties paying your fees,
                      vision and visit many of the buildings that made
                      them famous.                                                       or if you have any other
                      First, we’ll meet the risk takers: Brunelleschi,
                                                                                      problems you wish to discuss
                      credited with the development of linear                         confidentially, please contact
                      perspective used in art and with building the                            your Ombuddy,
                      unbuildable; Sinan, the chief Ottoman architect
                      during the reign of three sultans, and his
                      creations of a unified interior space with dome                          Jack Marmer
                      variations on the outside; and Gaudi, whose
                      inspiration from nature is evident in the Art
                      Nouveau style to this day. Next the

                                            14 (416) 979-5000 Ext.556989
                           WINTER 2022 ONLINE – COURSES AT A GLANCE

 TIME     MONDAY              TUESDAY         WEDNESDAY          THURSDAY              FRIDAY         SATURDAY            SUNDAY
         W22-01             W22-05            W22-09             W22-12            W22-15             W22-19
         Contemporary       Book Talk         Diverse            The People and    The Economist      The Search
 10      Women              SMALL/            Opinions:          Events that       Seminar            for Global
         Directors          WINGATE/          Commentary         Shaped            CADSBY/            Influence:
         FLETCHER           O’SULLIVAN        from the World’s   Canada            WATERMAN           History and
                                              Press              DIAS                                 Geopolitics of
  to     W22-02             W22-06            DOYLE                                W22-16             the Indo-
         Politics,          Screen Queens:                                         An Introduction    Pacific Region
  12     People, and        Scandals and                                           to Infection and   COURTEAUX
  PM     Other              Triumphs of the                                        Immunity
         Issues             Female Stars                                           PERSAUD               10 AM
         CADSBY/            Who Changed                                                                    –
         WATERMAN           Hollywood                                                                    12 PM

         W22-03             W22-07            W22-10             W22-13            W22-17                              W22-21
         If Enchanted       Borders and       The Abrahamic      Plants, People,   The Art and                         Visionary
 12:30   Walls Could        Borderlands:      Religions          and the World     Archeology of                       Architects:
         Talk: Famous       Explorations in   SAMNAMI            DIMANCHE          Ancient Greece                      The Risk-Takers,
         Castles,           Cotemporary                                            LIPOVITCH                           The
         Palaces, and       Literature and                                                                             Changemakers,
  To     Mansions           Arts                                                                                       and the
         from Around        SIBONY                                                                                     Groundbreakers
 2:30    the World                                                                                                     BEG
                                                                                                                            1 PM
                                                                                                                            3 PM
   3     W22-04             W22-08            W22-11             W22-14            W22-18             W22-20
  PM     An                 This Week in      The Classic        Japanese Art      Let’s Talk Wine    Great
         Introduction to    Global Affairs    Albums             and its           PINKUS             Enigmas in
         Philosophy         ZOHAR             DALEY              Influence                            History
         DiCARLO                                                 DORMAN                               COURTEAUX
                                                                                                           2 PM
   5                                                                                                         –
  PM                                                                                                       4 PM                                              15 (416) 979-5000 x556989

                       LOOKING FOR MORE WAYS
                                                TO ENGAGE?

                               LIFE CLUBS
                                                      CLASSIC NOVELS BOOK CLUB
                          Let’s revisit and rediscover the great works of fiction that have stood
                          the test of time. Their themes are universal, their characters
                          memorable, their scope large, and their insight profound. Join us as
                          we meet - usually on the fourth Saturday or Sunday of every month -
                          to savour some literary classics.
                          You must be a LIFE 2021-2022 member to attend.

                          Dates: to be confirmed
                          Time: 10 a.m. – 12 noon
                          Coordinators: Patricia Wilkes, Simon Pearson, and Martha Wall
                          Register via the The LIFE Institute website’s CLUBS PAGE

                                                           CLIMATE ACTION CLUB

                                              The Climate Action Club is for LIFE members who are eager to join forces to
                                              learn more about climate change and its effects, to discuss the issues and
                                              potential solutions, and to act together to support organizations in the climate
                                              change movement. Please join us if you want to meet others who are
                                              passionate or if you simply want to learn more about climate change. Click
                                              here to watch a short video in which 6 club members tell their
                                              stories. Meetings on the 1st Wednesday of every month at 10 a.m.

                          You must be a LIFE 2021-2022 member to attend.
                          Time: 10 – 11:30 a.m.
                          Coordinator: Peggi Liswood
                          Register via the The LIFE Institute website’s CLUBS PAGE

                                       16 (416) 979-5000 Ext.556989
                            THE PHILOSOPHER’S CLUB - NEW
    Looking for answers to life’s big questions and needing a small, focused discussion group? Join
    The Philosopher’s Club as we explore some of the major questions affecting our lives today
    through a philosophical lens. Each meeting we’ll be exploring topics that
    philosophers love to discuss. Dr. Marianne Loranger who has instructed
    courses at LIFE in Philosophy will be participating as a supportive guide to
    our discussions as we explore the love of philosophically speaking about
    living life a little more wisely.
    Who knows the places we’ll go?! Join us as we find out…
    You must be a LIFE 2021-2022 member to attend.
    Day: Second Friday of the month
    Time: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
    Coordinators: Phyllis Ryall, Philippa King, Dr. Marianne Loranger
    Register via the The LIFE Institute website’s CLUBS PAGE

                                     PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB

    Are you interested in photography? Do you want to be able to make better images? Our meetings
                           will feature discussions of ideas and techniques, equipment, computer
                           software, common problems, etc. In addition to professional
                           photographers who speak to our club, we include sharing and constructive
                           feedback for each other’s images, and sometimes group shoots or gallery
                           visits. The club is aimed at those who already have some experience
                           making photos, but LIFE members at any level of expertise are welcome.
                           A schedule of topics will be chosen at the beginning of each term.
                           You must be a 2021-2022 LIFE member to attend.
                           Dates: First and Third Wednesday of each month
                           Time: 12:30 – 2:30 p.m.
                           Register via The LIFE Institute website’s CLUBS PAGE: Pay $10 fee
    online when you choose to join this club. To get onto our email mailing list immediately - please
    send a copy of your paid club registration receipt to
    Questions? Contact the Club via email:

                               TRIPLE ‘E’ INVESTMENT CLUB
    The Triple-E Investment Club meets monthly to monitor the investment
    scene, to learn how to put together portfolios, and to enhance our
    investing knowledge. At club meetings we review the economic events of
    the past month, make presentations, review reports and books, and
    discuss issues raised by members.
    You must be a 2021-2022 LIFE member to attend.
    Day: Second Wednesday of each month,
    Time: 2– 4 p.m.
    Coordinator: Warren Mackenzie
    Register via The LIFE Institute website’s CLUBS PAGE
    Pay $5 fee online when you choose to join this club.
    Questions? Contact the Club via email:                   17          (416) 979-5000 Ext.556989

                                                         VIRTUAL COFFEE BREAK
                                                                   The LIFE Institute is pleased to announce the creation a
                                                                   place where members can hang out for an hour or so on
                                                                   a regular basis, meet with friends, old and new, in small
                                                                   groups to discuss real issues facing us all during these
                                                                   challenging times. Even with COVID-19 shelter-in-place
                                                                   restrictions scheduled to relax, the need for older adults
                                                                   to proceed cautiously when interacting physically
                                                                   continues and the Virtual Coffee Break provides the
                                                                   opportunity to be part of the larger LIFE community and
                                                                   just hang out.
                          You must be a LIFE 2021-2022 member to attend.
                          Day: Thursdays
                          Time: 11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
                          Coordinator: Harold Hutner
                          Register via The LIFE Institute website’s CLUBS PAGE

                                                              WRITERS’ CIRCLE
                          If you do not know what to do with the thoughts, ideas and opinions that swirl around in your head
                          while you sit at home during the pandemic, consider joining the new Writers’ Circle. This is a club
                          that will meet twice a month via Zoom to do some impromptu writing and to share stories that you
                          have previously prepared. Each participant will
                          share a story no longer than 10 minutes in length
                          when read aloud, be it fiction, memoir, essay, or
                          poetry. The rest of the circle will have the opportunity
                          to discuss it and provide positive feedback. A great
                          way to exercise your creativity and meet new
                          people with interesting ideas to share.
                          You must be a LIFE 2021-2022 member to attend.
                          Day: First and Third Wednesday of each month
                          Time: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
                          Coordinator: Tamara Handler
                          Register via The LIFE Institute’s CLUBS PAGE

                                       18 (416) 979-5000 Ext.556989
           •    Real-time presentation like a virtual lecture hall or auditorium
           •    Presented via Zoom
           •    Classes are NOT recorded
           •    Attendees join in listen and watch only mode -- view-only platform where the attendees cannot see
                each other, and the Host and Instructor cannot see the attendees.
           •    Instructors share their video, audio and screen.
           •    Only the Host and panelists can mute/unmute their own audio
           •    Attendees’ questions and comments are made through the CHAT or Q & A section and will be addressed
                at various intervals throughout the lecture.
           •    N.B.: If an instructor is hosting the course on their own account, participants may be on-screen and
                have audio permission – in these cases, it is recommended that LIFE members review the Zoom
                Etiquette and Best Practices document.

       •       This is a hybrid course
       •       Pre-recorded video presentations shared a few days prior to the advertised day and time.
       •       On the day and time listed in the calendar there is a LIVE Zoom Q & A session. Combined, the course material
               and live Q&A together should add up to the equivalent of approximately a 2-hour weekly class.
       •       Only the Host can mute/unmute their own audio
       •       Attendees’ questions and comments are made through the CHAT or Q & A section and will be addressed
               at various intervals throughout the lecture.
       •       N.B.: If an instructor is hosting the course on their own account, participants may be on-screen and have
               audio permission – in these cases, it is recommended that LIFE members review the Zoom Etiquette and
               Best Practices document.

                                   DISCUSSION / PARTICIPATION COURSE
       •       Smaller size class of 16-30 students per class.
       •       These are conducted in the standard Zoom meeting format, fully interactive and allows all participants the
               ability to see, speak, hear, and screen-share with each other.
       •       These classes or seminars are peer-led. Round-table discussion format.
       •       Students are expected to actively participate and to prepare and make presentations in these forums.
       •       Meetings are designed to be a collaborative event with all participants being able to screen share, turn on their
               video and audio, and see who else is in attendance.
       •       As students will be on-screen and have audio and video permissions it is recommended that members
               review the Zoom Etiquette and Best Practices document.

On occasion, some courses use breakout rooms to help students talk in smaller groups, just as they would do break-out
groups in a larger class environment. The instructor may visit the breakout rooms, broadcast messages to various rooms,
and end the breakout sessions when it is time to regroup.

                                                      THE LIFE INSTITUTE
       Office: 297 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario Mailing Address: 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario M5B 2K3
      Phone: 416.979.5000, ext. 556989 E-mail: Fax: 416.979.5286

                                         LEARN • SOCIALIZE • VOLUNTEER
With the shift to online classes here are some tips to ensure a positive experience for you as a class

   •    Due to enrolment numbers, many of LIFE's webinars are in listen-and-watch mode. Q&A is addressed by
        the instructor in the CHAT. Please note your comments are public, and you are not anonymous.

   •    In some classes or clubs, you will be on-camera with audio permissions. To help keep background noise
        to a minimum, please make sure you mute your microphone when you are not invited by the instructor or
        host to speak. If you are in a videoconference where your camera is on, remember to be wary of doing
        things you might not want others to see, or at least turn your camera off when doing so.

   •    These expectations are no different than what is expected in the classroom. Be on time for class, wait
        your turn to talk, and keep your discussions on topic.

If you are new to Zoom, please peruse LIFE's Using Zoom as a Participant which many members have
found a very helpful resource.

- Your LIFE Team

                                            Membership has its benefits.
                                      #StaySafe #StayConnected #AgingStrong

                                                 THE LIFE INSTITUTE
        Office: 297 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario Mailing Address: 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario M5B 2K3
       Phone: 416.979.5000, ext. 556989 E-mail: Fax: 416.979.5286

                                      LEARN • SOCIALIZE • VOLUNTEER
                         CLUBS STUDENTS AGREE TO:
                         Help to establish and maintain a positive and
                         supportive online learning environment.
                         Participants are expected to communicate in a
                         respectful, inclusive manner that is absent of
                         harassment, violence, racism, bullying, intimidation,
                         or discrimination of any kind.
                         Treat all other students and instructors and their
                         opinions with respect, cultural sensitivity and civility.
                         Stick to topics related to the course during online
                         CHATS and similar discussion forums.

                         Be supportive and constructive when offering
                         feedback to students and instructors in a
                         collaborative dialogue.
                         Mute their audio in interactive conferences when not
                         actively speaking so as to not distract the rest of the

                         BY ENROLLING IN LIFE COURSES AND
                         CLUBS STUDENTS AGREE NOT TO:
                         Share zoom links or passwords with individuals not
                         enrolled in the course or club.
                         Post/upload anything off-topic, offensive, abusive or
                         illegal to the CHAT.

                         Post/upload inappropriate messages, content,
                         unauthorized advertising, promotional material or
                         spam to the discussion forums/CHAT.

                         Any behaviour that is contrary to the Code of
                         Conduct will result in removal from a class or
                         club without refund or compensation.
The LIFE Institute Calendar WINTER 2022
The LIFE Institute™
Mailing address:
The LIFE Institute
The G. Raymond Chang School
of Continuing Education
Ryerson University
350 Victoria Street
Toronto, ON M5B 2K3

Office location:
The Chang School, 3rd floor, room 306
297 Victoria Street
                                                         Programs for 50+
Office hours:                                 The G. Raymond Chang School
Mon-Thurs 9 a.m.–3 p.m., Fri 9 a.m.–12 p.m.          of Continuing Education
                                                          Ryerson University
N.B.: The office is currently virtual                     Tel: 416.979.5103
Tel: 416.979.5000, ext. 556989                            Fax: 416.979.5286
Email:                        Email:
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