WOMEN INPOWER - Footwear News

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WOMEN INPOWER - Footwear News
WOMEN IN POWER    F O O T W E A R N E W S . C O M / M AY 1 7, 2 0 2 1 / @ F O O T W E A R N E W S

Tireless champion.
Ambitious entrepreneur.
Ardent equal pay
activist. As she builds her
influential platform,
a new play with K-Swiss.
WOMEN INPOWER - Footwear News
WOMEN INPOWER - Footwear News
Partnering with YG and the talent from his 4Hunnid
 label, K-Swiss celebrates this next generation of
entrepreneurs, showcasing one of the most iconic
     sneakers of all time, the K-Swiss Classic.
WOMEN INPOWER - Footwear News
WOMEN INPOWER - Footwear News
F O O T W E A R N E W S // M A Y 1 7, 2 0 2 1 // F O O T W E A R N E W S . C O M

  INSIDER                    32 A Gentler Way

                               To tackle sustainability,
                               Kenneth Cole will start
9 Stepping Up                  with Gentle Souls.
  Top women get candid
  about taking on new
                             32 Five Questions
  roles during the
                               Independent retailer
                               and C.Ped Jeffrey

                                                                                                                     “GROWING UP, I NEVER
                               Seidman gets candid
12 Burning                     about the business.

                                                                                                                     THOUGHT I WOULD BE
  A debate is brewing:
                             33 Ease Back In
  Should we label
                               Loafers are the perfect
  female executives?
                               style transition for a

16 FN Insights
  How these execs
                               return to the office.

                                                                                                                      TREATED UNEQUALLY
                               FN PICK
                                                                                                                    WHEN I GOT TO THE TOP OF
  are promoting women
  in the tech field.
                             34 Trail Blazer
  FEATURES                     A TV icon calls it quits
                               to focus on other
                               creative passions.
                                                                                                                          THE GAME.”
18 Venus                                                                                                                              — VENUS WILLIAMS
  The tennis legend and
  K-Swiss partner reflects
  on the power of sport
  and using your voice.

23 Ready to Serve
  K-Swiss embarks in
  a new direction that
  embraces the past while
  looking to the future.

27 Shoe of
  the Week
  Ecco modernizes the
  penny loafer with a lug
  sole and comfort tech.

28 Game On
  Why Cole Haan is
  venturing deeper
  into the performance

30 Burning
  How have consumer
  expectations changed
  when it comes to

31 Good Taste
  Martha Stewart on her
  latest shoe collab and                                                                                                                                          HERE &
  making life easier.                                                                                                                                    ON THE COVER
                                                                                                                                                           Photographed by
                                                                                                                                                         MARY BETH KOETH

WOMEN INPOWER - Footwear News

                                                                                                                                                                                   Twisted X only
                                                                                                                                                                                    sells product
                                                                                                                                                                               through its valued
                                                                                                                                                                                  retail partners.

                             A Retail Match
                             Made in Heaven
                In a competitive landscape, strong vendor partnerships can determine who succeeds in
                    retail in 2021. At Twisted X, it’s all about putting that retailer relationship first.

                                                  both retailers and the brand. The company                                                         which they would need to cancel. Those
                                                  is able to focus on how it can best support its                                                   that needed to keep some inventory on
                                                  retail partners, because it doesn’t have to fig-
                                                  ure out its own retail operations. Each party
                                                                                                             If we sell                             hand for their own selling purposes were
                                                                                                                                                    more likely to cancel on their vendors, thus
                                                  provides expertise in one area and each gets           direct, we become                          putting their merchant partners at risk of
                                                  to benefit from the other’s success.                                                              not meeting their own revenue goals. This
                                                      “We believe in being a true partner to             competition for                            kind of internal competition led many in

                   oday’s brands have a range
                                                  our retailers,” said Prasad Reddy, CEO of
                                                  Twisted X. “The clearest way we demon-
                                                                                                         our retailers                              the industry to rethink their existing rela-
                                                                                                                                                    tionships altogether.
of revenue channels to sell through, which        strate that is by not going DTC. If we sell            and that’s just                                But Twisted X has taken these circum-
can provide great opportunities for revenue
growth but also create competition within
                                                  direct, we become competition for our retail-
                                                  ers and that’s just not right. When our retail-
                                                                                                         not right.”                                stances as an opportunity to demonstrate its
                                                                                                                                                    commitment to its partners. Rather than
retail relationships. When a business is trying   ers have success, we have success. It really is        —Prasad Reddy,                             cancelling orders, the brand doubled down
to sell inventory through retailers, as well as   that simple.”                                          CEO of TWISTED X                           on its production so that it could meet the
direct-to-consumer, it can be challenging to          This approach is particularly nota-                                                           growing needs of the retailers that were now
maintain a fair and equal strategy that works     ble after the past year, which accelerated                                                        doing great business online.
for both parties. So Twisted X has taken a        most brands’ e-commerce expansion. With-           on getting the right inventory to its select       Twisted X has also made sure not to raise
different approach and opted out of direct-       out open stores to entice shoppers, DTC            retail partners.                               its prices, in order to offset any losses from
to-consumer altogether.                           e-commerce became the most appealing                   The pandemic’s disruption of the sup-      the past year. Instead, it has turned its focus
     Wholesale is the most traditional form       way to keep consumer connection while              ply chain has created additional chal-         to continually producing three collections a
of retail – and for a reason. By selling all      also shifting inventory. But Twisted X has         lenges. Without clear timelines on when        year in the spring, summer, and fall, each with
its goods through vetted retailers, Twisted X     made an active choice to remain strictly           new stock would arrive, brands had to fig-     a large breadth of styles, in order to keep its
is able to create a retail model that rewards     wholesale, so that the sole priority could be      ure out which orders they could fulfill and    merchants with a healthy supply of fresh

WOMEN INPOWER - Footwear News
product and fashion-forward designs.                by increasing our product inventory and
                                                                                                                                    Prasad Reddy,
   FN spoke with Twisted X CEO Prasad               making them easily accessible to retailers                                             CEO of
Reddy about the company’s partnership
ethos, its independent path forward and
                                                    the moment they needed a replenishment.
                                                    When Twisted X decided to do this about
                                                                                                                                        Twisted X.
                                                                                                                                                                The building,
what to expect in the coming months.                a year ago at the peak of the shutdowns,                                                                strengthening,
                                                    we knew it might be a risk. However, it was
FN: How does Twisted X approach                     one of the best ways to support our retail                                                              and continuation
its retail relationships?
Prasad Reddy: The building, strength-
                                                    partners and it ended up helping us fur-
                                                    ther our relationships with the retailers who
                                                                                                                                                            of our retail
ening and continuation of our retail rela-          constantly help us.                                                                                     relationships,
tionships, no matter the situation, is our
underlying philosophy. We think of our retail       FN: Twisted X very much takes its
                                                                                                                                                            no matter the
partners like family and tailor our support         own approach compared to the                                                                            situation, is
efforts to each one based on their individual       larger market. What made you want
needs and challenges, rather than offering a        to pave your own way and how has
                                                                                                                                                            our underlying
broad, one-size-fits all approach. We offer all     it proven to be successful?                                                                             philosophy.”
kinds of assets, layouts, web designs, emails       PR: Twisted X is an independent company.
                                                                                                                                                            —Prasad Reddy,
and whatever they might need to help them           We’re different than others in our market,
                                                                                                                                                            CEO of TWISTED X
tell our story as well as theirs.                   because of the values that we strictly stand
     The world of e-commerce has increased          by like no direct-to-consumer selling, sav-
massively this past year, but we felt a stron-      ing our environment from first stitch to
ger desire to continue supporting our retail-       final product, supporting the community          of wholesale?                                      retailers, trying to get feedback of what
ers by working alongside them instead of            we serve, and increasing our overall brand       PR: If there’s trade, there will be wholesale.     they’re needing and how we can support
competing with them. We have chosen to              leadership, as well as value in the industry     Every brand has its own values that consum-        them. Twisted X works hard to try to pro-
sell Twisted X products through our retail-         beyond sales. This mindset allows us to do       ers can relate to and every brand should strive    vide them with these assets, whether it’s the
ers because they have been with us since day        what we feel is right in the long run, includ-   to provide an assurance of quality and com-        product, merchandise, or marketing. Retail-
one. Without our retailers, we wouldn’t be          ing the continued support of our retailers       fort that customers are looking for. Brands will   ers need consumers to come to them and we
where we are today.                                 and also the innovation of our products          be here forever as long as the consumers are       want to find a way to bring the consumer to
                                                    and technologies so that we stay ahead of        still at the forefront trying to buy from them.    the retailers. We see ourselves to be in ser-
FN: How has the growth of e-com-                    the curve. We’re always looking at what’s                                                           vice to retailers, where our job is to make
merce and DTC changed the land-                     next and that makes us successful.               FN: What makes the Twisted X-                      footwear that makes us and our retailers suc-
scape for retailers and how has                                                                      retailer relationship unique?                      cessful together. The more successful they
Twisted X responded to this?                        FN: How do you see the future                    PR: We are constantly talking to our               are, the more successful we are.
PR: There’s no doubt e-commerce, espe-
cially amidst the pandemic, has grown sub-
stantially. Retailers were forced to find new
ways of capitalizing on that and had to shift
and do omnichannel selling: brick-and-mor-
tar, online sales, shows, events, and everything
in between. Since Twisted X is not direct-to-
consumer, we could instead focus on support-
ing our retailers in those efforts (both in-store
and online). For example, we increased inven-
tory ordering to keep up with demand and
supply chain slowdowns and kept our prices
consistent, while broadening the depth of
products and training offered to set them up
for success.

FN: What lessons has Twisted X
learned from the past year, in terms
of protecting and strengthening its
retail partnerships?
PR: The pandemic, worldwide lockdowns,
and shutting down stores has been tough
on most retailers. It caused financial strug-
gle and a lack of sales – sales that are ulti-
mately needed to support those brands.
The whole structure of retail was thrown
                                                     In 2020, the
a curveball – and our retailers needed               brand doubled
help in any way we could give them. We               down on its
knew we could take the financial burden              support of its
of holding inventory off their shoulders

For more information about sponsored opportunities, please contact Sandi Mines at smines@footwearnews.com                                                                                          7
WOMEN INPOWER - Footwear News
Evonne Goolagong-Cawley inspired Ash Barty
to chase her dreams. Goolagong and Barty, who
proudly share Indigenous heritage, started out as
little girls in Australia with big ambition. Now the
WTA’s no. 1 world-ranked singles player, Barty—
like Goolagong before her—is paving way for a
future generation of women, one slam at a time.

Ash Barty in the FILA Trailblazer collection
designed to pay homage to the 50th
anniversary of Evonne Goolagong-Crawley’s
historic London win.

WOMEN INPOWER - Footwear News
                                                                                                           HOT TOPIC Debating the right
                                                                                                           way to label female executives.

                                                                                                                                                     PLUGGED IN
                                                                                                                                   How women in tech are
                                                                                                                                 reshaping the industry. 16

                                                                  WOMEN IN POWER
                                                 THE BIG STORY9         B U R N I N G Q U E S T I O N 14                    F N I N S I G H T S 16

                                                                                                                                                                      F O O T W E A R N E W S // M A Y 1 7, 2 0 2 1 // F O O T W E A R N E W S . C O M
                                Susie Mulder
                                                                      Up                                                                             Caleres’ Lydia
                                                                                                                                                         Park Luis
                                                                      What’s it really like to
                                                                    jump into a big new role
                                                                     right now? Top women
                                                                      get candid about the
                                                                      dramatically changed
                                                                       business landscape.

                                                                           By FN Staff

                                Merrell’s                                                                                                             Nike’s Sarah
                                Janice Tennant                                                                                                            Mensah

WOMEN INPOWER - Footwear News

                                                                                         While female workers
                                                                                         continue to leave the
                                                                                         workforce in alarming
                                                                                   numbers, a turbulent year for
                                                                                   fashion has also fueled some
                                                                                   progress for women in the
                                                                                   C-suite and across leadership.
F O O T W E A R N E W S // M A Y 1 7, 2 0 2 1 // F O O T W E A R N E W S . C O M

                                                                                   According to a recent report from merchandising          ments,” said Crevoiserat, who noted that Tapestry
                                                                                   software company Nextail, 2020 saw more than             had already been expanding its parental leave ben-
                                                                                   100 CEO turnovers in fashion and retail, and in          efits to provide adequate leave as well as flexible
                                                                                   40.2% of those cases, a woman stepped into the           return-to-work arrangements.
                                                                                   top role. While still not quite on par with their            Among the initiatives Tapestry has been
                                                                                   male counterparts, that share is up from 31.8%           focusing on during the pandemic are a working
                                                                                   in 2019.                                                 parents’ employee resource group and increased
                                                                                       This trend can be explained in part by looking       wellness offerings to encourage both physical
                                                                                   at the pool of candidates today, said Paula Reid,        and mental health.
                                                                                   president of executive search firm Reid & Co.                Crevoiserat is proud that the company has
                                                                                   “Women have been moving up the ranks consis-             strong representation of female leaders “at all
                                                                                   tently, so you’re seeing more availability at the tier   levels of the company.”
                                                                                   down from the C-suite,” she said.                            “I’m passionate about creating a culture that
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Gonzalez with
                                                                                       Now, as the industry moves into recovery mode,       is equitable, inclusive and diverse — where all of         her family
                                                                                   there’s going to be a push to focus on culture and       our employees, customers
                                                                                   people, according to April Sabral, founder and           and stakeholders thrive.
                                                                                   CEO of Retailu, an online leadership development         Empowering women is a
                                                                                   company. “That’s where women can make a really           big part of that,” she said.
                                                                                   big difference,” she noted.                                   As part of its commit-
                                                                                       Here, women in power open up about their             ment, Tapestry is again par-
                                                                                   first days and months in their new jobs — and talk       ticipating in the “Women
                                                                                   about how they’re supporting women at all levels.        in the Workplace” study
                                                                                                                                            by McKinsey & Co. and
                                                                                   JOANNE CREVOISERAT                                       LeanIn.org, to garner
                                                                                   CEO, TAPESTRY INC.                                       even more insights about
                                                                                   Seven months into her role as CEO of Tapestry            how it can continue to
                                                                                   Inc., Joanne Crevoiserat has one guiding principle       support women.
                                                                                   for leadership.
                                                                                       “When it comes to unlocking the power of             FELICIA MAYO
                                                                                   people, I believe that you must unlock the power         CHIEF TALENT, DIVERSITY &
                                                                                   of purpose first,” said the executive, who was           CULTURE OFFICER, NIKE INC.
                                                                                   elevated to the top job after the sudden departure       “You have to do the work.”
                                                                                   of former CEO Jide Zeitlin.                                  Felicia Mayo, who be-
                                                                                       “Change is not always easy, but aligning behind      came Nike’s first-ever chief
                                                                                   a common purpose and having shared values with           talent, diversity and culture
                                                                                   our teams creates a clear understanding of why we        officer last summer, said          Felicia Mayo
                                                                                   all come to work every day. This has been especial-      that companies must con-
                                                                                   ly impactful throughout the pandemic, given the          stantly check themselves
                                                                                   level of uncertainty in other areas of our lives.”       when it come gender and racial diversity.                diversity,” said Mayo, who noted that transparency,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           PHOTOS: COURTESY OF COMPANIES

                                                                                       At Tapestry, where women make up the major-              “Where is your representation? Is it at all levels   both internally and externally, is critical.
                                                                                   ity of the employee population and customer base,        or does it stop?” said the executive, who joined            Nike’s 2020 Impact Report, unveiled in March,
                                                                                   the company understands the importance of sup-           Nike in 2019 from Tesla.                                 showed that women now make up 49.5% of the
                                                                                   porting its female team members now more than                After that, she explained, make sure you’re          Swoosh’s total employee base.
                                                                                   ever. “We have been conscious of the extra burden        actually being inclusive, and understand where              According to Mayo, the past year has been a
                                                                                   placed on working mothers in particular during           you stack up on promotions. “Everything for tal-         time of self reflection for everyone, with many
                                                                                   the pandemic, and have created flexibility for           ent comes through me. I am always looking at all         team members examining their career goals.
                                                                                   everyone managing work and family commit-                of our programs and policies through the lens of            The exec said she’s made sure to be available to

connect with women — and women of color spe-                “I’m so proud of this brand. It might sound
cifically — when they need counsel or advice. “If
a woman wants to speak, they can call me and I’ll
                                                        funny to say that after 21 days,” Mulder said during
                                                        a recent interview on Zoom, where she’s spent          THE WAY AHEAD
drop everything,” she said. “I will talk to women       most of her time during her early days on the job.
                                                                                                               As they settle into their new
individually, I will speak to the groups. I also talk   “It’s been remarkable [even remotely] to see how
to our athletes to make sure we hear their voices.”     this community lives authentically as a purpose-
                                                                                                               roles, four execs on what
    Listening has been critical for Mayo, who           led brand.”                                            drives them.
knows first-hand how difficult the past year has            As she charts her strategy for VF-owned Tim-
been for employees, as well as her own family.          berland, Mulder is taking a digital-first approach,    SARAH MENSAH,                culture is [visible] both
                                                                                                               VP/GM OF NORTH               internally and externally.
    “The pandemic, layered with the racial and so-      as the pandemic only accelerated the need for the                                   My expecations about
                                                                                                               AMERICA, NIKE INC.
cial injustice in the U.S., has been challenging for    industry to focus on new ways to communicate                                        the brand and how it
me professionally and personally,” she said.            and connect with consumers digitally, she said.        BREAKING BARRIERS:           operates matched.”
    The executive also understands the impor-               Timberland’s first female head — who was           “I’m proud to be the
                                                                                                               first Black woman to         EMPATHY MATTERS:
tance of staying agile during a moment of intense       most recently CEO at Nic + Zoe following a long
                                                                                                               lead our North America       “Empathy has become
change and challenge.                                   stint at McKinsey & Co. — said the last year has                                    more important than
                                                                                                               business. In my previous
    “While I have set schedules, I am always very       also permanently changed the way teams connect.                                     ever, and a leadership
                                                                                                               role of VP/GM for Nike’s
open to cancel out all of those things because that’s   “We can’t hide our personal lives,” she said. “I’ve    Asia, Pacific & Latin        trait that is really
not the priority today. The priority has just come      always been an advocate of knowing each other on       America geography, I         important to develop
                                                                                                               was also the first Black     and use.”
30 minutes before I started my schedule,” she said.     multiple levels.”
                                                            Mulder has always used that same approach          woman to be charged
                                                                                                               with leading that            AMY HUNTER, VP OF
SUSIE MULDER                                            to champion other women who are climbing the                                        DIVERSITY, EQUITY
                                                                                                               geography. I believe in
GLOBAL BRAND PRESIDENT, TIMBERLAND                      ranks. “Their confidence is not always in line with    the power of a diverse       & INCLUSION,
Susie Mulder took the reins as Timberland’s global      their capabilities,” said the executive, who noted     and connected team.          CALERES
brand president roughly a month ago, but the ex-        that mentorship is important — and the right           That has never been
ecutive already feels great pride for the company.      mentors change depending on the moment. “Men-          more important than it       JUMPING IN: “Joining
                                                                                                               is in today’s reality.”      a new company during
                                                                                                                                            a major pandemic [and
                                                                                                               DON’T BE AFRAID              amid] all the issues
                                                                                       Brenda Christmon        TO BE VULNERABLE:            facing the BIPOC
                                                                                                               “I’ve learned that           community should be
                                                                                                               my willingness to be         called, ‘Fast & Furious
                                                                                                               vulnerable, present          in 2020.’ Normally, I
                                                                                                               and human with the           would have face-to-face
                                                                                                               people I’m working           meetings and lunches
                                                                                                               with is vital to creating    to meet the people in
                                                                                                               that connection.             my new workplace. I am
                                                                                                               Leaders need to be less      still meeting people via
                                                                                                               archetypal visions of        virtual meetings, and I
                                                                                                               perfection. Instead, we      am excited to resume
                                                                                                               have an opportunity to       work in person. I love
                                                                                                               listen, to clarify and to    the opportunity to be
                                                                                                               remove barriers.”            agile. I am not only
                                                                                                                                            having fun, but I am
                                                                                                               PANDEMIC LESSONS:            also seeing the joy in
                                                                                                               “I admit to being            associates’ faces as we
                                                                                                               passionate about my          shift our culture to be
                                                                                                               work, and that can           even more inclusive.”
                                                                                                               mean long hours.
                                                                                                               Pre-pandemic, I would        BRENDA
                                                                                                               spend lengthy days in        CHRISTMON,
                                                                                                               my office neglecting my      SENIOR DIRECTOR
                                                                                                               own self-care, although      OF BRAND
                                                                                                               my environment at            COMMUNICATIONS,
                                                                                                               Nike was completely
                                                                                                                                            RACK ROOM
                                                                                                               designed to encourage
                                                                                                               me to work out. I will not
                                                                                                                                            NEW MISSION:
                                                        torship is often refined based on where we are and     go back to this pattern.
                                                                                                                                            “Public relations and
                                                                                                               I now take time every
                                                        what we need.”                                                                      social responsibility
                                                                                                               day to walk, meditate or
                                                                                                                                            were previously part
                                                                                                               work out using our Nike
                                                        LYDIA PARK LUIS                                                                     of my developmental
                                                                                                               apps — and do a lot of
                                                                                                                                            portfolio, so adding
                                                        PRESIDENT OF NEW YORK BRAND PORTFOLIO, CALERES         this with my family.”
                                                                                                                                            DEI has been a natural
                                                        While Lydia Park Luis isn’t new to the shoe                                         transition. Social
                                                        industry — she previously served as CEO of Jack        EMMA MINTO,                  injustice toward the
                                                        Rogers — taking on her role at Caleres during the      SVP & GM OF THE              Black community is
                                                        pandemic proved to be a challenge.                     AMERICAS, CROCS              not a new revelation. ...
                                                                                                                                            For those of us who are
                                                            “There was and is so much to learn and do dif-
                                                                                                               WISE WORDS: “‘Come           BIPOC, it has always
                                                        ferently. Taking a deep breath, navigating decisive-   as you are’ isn’t just       been topical – I now
                                                        ly and quickly — and pivoting when things worked       something we say [as         have a professional
                                                        or didn’t work was critical both professionally and    our brand motto]. It’s       platform to affect
                                                        personally,” said Luis, who was named president of     what we live by. Crocs’      change on a larger
                                                                                                               inclusive and welcoming      scale.”
  Emma Minto                                            the New York brand portfolio in December 2020.
                                                        “Embracing technology to work smarter and more

                                                                                                 WOMEN IN POWER                                                          11

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Amy Hunter

                                                                                        BIG LESSONS
                                                                                        Execs from across the
                                                                                        industry share learnings
                                                                                        from a time like no other.
                                                                                        SLOAN TICHNER,                also thrive in a crisis
                                                                                        PRESIDENT,                    situation, it’s ultimately
                                                                                        HANDBAGS &                    all about having talented,
F O O T W E A R N E W S // M A Y 1 7, 2 0 2 1 // F O O T W E A R N E W S . C O M

                                                                                                                      deeply dedicated and
                                                                                                                      curious employees at all
                                                                                        STEVE MADDEN                  levels.”
                                                                                        “Steve [Madden] sent
                                                                                                                      SUSIE KUHN, SVP &
                                                                                        out an email message to
                                                                                        everyone in the company       GM, FOOT LOCKER
                                                                                        at the start of the           EUROPE
                                                                                        pandemic. It referenced a
                                                                                        rabbi’s sermon that gave      “The pandemic
                                                                                        great comfort and insight     reinforced that we
                                                                                        to all of us. The virus       have to practice what
                                                                                        created tremendous fear       we know. Empathy                                                                     struggles. If you show you’re a human, you show
                                                                                        and uncertainty about         matters, consideration
                                                                                                                                                                                                           you’re relatable and people can talk to you,”
                                                                                        the future. The message       for what you cannot
                                                                                        is that our loss of control   see on the screen                                                                    Gonzalez said, noting that the industry must
                                                                                        was actually a loss of the    matters, vacations                                                                   continue to listen and remove structural barriers
                                                                                        illusion of control. No       (staycations) matter,                                                                to succeed.
                                                                                        matter how we prepare in      self-reflection matters,                                                                Finding ways to recharge has been a priority for
                                                                                        business and in life, there   team building — even
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Gonzalez, who has three young children. “I started
                                                                                        are going to be situations    remotely — matters,
                                                                                        that may render us            clearly communicated                                                                 this great ritual with my daughters where we go
                                                                                        helpless.”                    roles, strategy and focus                                                            to Starbucks after school and talk about our days,”
                                                                                                                      matters.”                                                                            said Gonzalez.
                                                                                        SOPHIA WEBSTER,                                                                                                       Though the executive proudly identifies as a
                                                                                        FOUNDER &                     WENDY YANG,                                                                          LatinX executive at a time when representation in
                                                                                        DESIGNER                      PRESIDENT,                                                                           executive ranks is still very low, she acknowledged
                                                                                                                      DECKERS BRANDS                                                                       that labels can sometimes be limiting, especially
                                                                                        “The pandemic taught          PERFORMANCE
                                                                                        me what focus really
                                                                                                                                                                                                           when it comes to gender. “A great leader is a great
                                                                                                                      LIFESTYLE GROUP
                                                                                        means. We had to strip                                                                                             leader — period,” she said.
                                                                                        back everything we
                                                                                        did, and I was forced to      “Everyone’s experience
                                                                                                                                                                                                           JANICE TENNANT
                                                                                        prioritize. It made me        with the pandemic has
                                                                                                                      varied widely. ... The         Joanne Crevoiserat                                    CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER, MERRELL
                                                                                        stop and be fully present
                                                                                        with what I had, and that     last year-plus has made                                                              Janice Tennant’s first day as Merrell’s chief mar-
                                                                                        in turn made me feel          it clear that any given                                                              keting officer was particularly tough: the George
                                                                                        immense gratitude. The        person’s experience can      nimbly was also key. Communication was more             Floyd story had just broken.
                                                                                        opportunity to pause          be, and likely has been,
                                                                                                                                                   frequent. There was no room for ego. It was about           “Here I am Monday morning starting a new
                                                                                        and reflect has been          very different from my
                                                                                                                      own. As individuals, we      humility and getting things done.”                      job, new team, new brand, and this news breaks,”
                                                                                        invaluable. I’ve never felt
                                                                                        more in tune with my          may also have our own            What was also important during the pandemic         Tennant recalled of her first day last May.
                                                                                        followers, what my brand      ups and downs, feeling       was flexibility, noted Luis. And going forward, she         Shaken by the tragedy of Floyd’s murder, Ten-
                                                                                        is all about and what it      very different from one      believes a sense of freedom will help more women        nant said navigating her first 30 days at Merrell
                                                                                        needs to grow.”               day to the next for no
                                                                                                                                                   rise through the ranks.                                 was a challenge.
                                                                                                                      apparent reason. And
                                                                                                                      as we’ve navigated this          “The challenge for women is juggling family,            However, the exec said it taught her a valu-
                                                                                        LANIECE DOUGLAS,              reality, there has been      work and other responsibilities. If we understand       able lesson in expressing vulnerability. “That day,
                                                                                        VP OF RETAIL,                 no playbook for how to       this and provide flexibility when women need it, it     I shared with my team how I was feeling. As a
                                                                                        ADIDAS                        do it, so we have relied     will help to not only retain women in the work-         leader, that’s something we don’t always do,” Ten-
                                                                                                                      on our instincts and one
                                                                                        “You must carve                                            force but create the next generation of empower-        nant said. “I shared my experiences — especially
                                                                                                                      another to get through it
                                                                                        out time for what’s           as well as we can.”          ing leaders,” Luis said.                                feeling unsafe in outdoor spaces due to racial
                                                                                        important to you. For                                                                                              biases that exist. That lesson of vulnerability was
                                                                                        me, it was ending every       MARISA SHARKEY,              BLANCA GONZALEZ                                         a transformative thing for me, and it set a tone
                                                                                        Friday at 4 p.m. so I
                                                                                                                      CO-FOUNDER AND               SVP OF GLOBAL MERCHANDISING, LULULEMON                  for our team about how we can become change
                                                                                        could attend my family
                                                                                                                      PRESIDENT, BIRDIES           After nearly 20 years at Nike, Blanca Gonzalez took     agents to make outdoor spaces more welcoming.”
                                                                                        Zoom call.”
                                                                                                                                                   on a new challenge in February — as Lululemon’s             The discussion that followed showed Tennant
                                                                                                                      “Choosing to remain
                                                                                        JENNIFER                      positive, to tackle
                                                                                                                                                   head merchant and SVP of global merchandising.          that her team was ready to rally behind not only
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PHOTOS: COURTESY OF COMPANIES

                                                                                        ESTABROOK,                    challenges as they come,         The most challenging part of the transition?        her, but for a better tomorrow. “They took it and
                                                                                        PRESIDENT, FILA               and to celebrate the         “It’s been really difficult not to be able to meet my   said, ‘How do we start to lead this and drive differ-
                                                                                        NORTH AMERICA                 unexpected benefits (like    team,” said Gonzalez, who started work on Jan. 1.       ent conversations? How do we rally our partners
                                                                                                                      more time spent with my          At the same time, the pandemic has stretched        around the globe? How do we drive change in
                                                                                        “To have a company            immediate family) stand
                                                                                                                      out as lessons.”
                                                                                                                                                   her to think differently— and she aims to set the       our corporate structures and rethink some of our
                                                                                        not only survive, but
                                                                                                                                                   tone as a leader. “I never start my one-on-ones         policies?” Tennant said. “I was really proud of their
                                                                                                                                                   with work. I’m vulnerable with my personal              willingness to step into a place of discomfort.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                       WOMEN IN POWER
F O O T W E A R N E W S // M A Y 1 7, 2 0 2 1 // F O O T W E A R N E W S . C O M

                                                                                                      There’s been renewed debate about whether
                                                                                                      we should use gender pronouns to highlight
                                                                                                     female executives in 2021. What is your take?

                                                                                        DIANE SULLIVAN                          PORTIA BLUNT                           FARYL ROBIN MORSE                     TITI ADESANYA                          BRITT OLSEN
                                                                                        Chairman and CEO,                       VP of apparel, Reebok                  Founder and CEO,                      Founder and creative                   GM of North America, On
                                                                                        Caleres Inc.                            “I don’t necessarily take offense      Faryl Robin                           director, Titi Adesa                   “COVID took a devastating toll on
                                                                                        “I love this question. Over the years   to being identified as a woman         “I’m a woman, I’m a badass, but I’m   “There are still so many obstacles     many things, including women in
                                                                                        I’ve been asked so many times           or female leader. However, when        not a badass because I’m a woman.     women face within leadership and       the workforce. We should strive to
                                                                                        what it is like to be a woman CEO.      it becomes problematic to me is        [Using gender descriptives]           ownership, so I personally see         live in a more equitable world and
                                                                                        Here’s a not-so-surprising little       when it’s a qualifier: ‘She’s a good   highlights my accomplishments as      the ‘female’ prefix as praise and      never have to use such identifiers,
                                                                                        secret — being the CEO is the same      leader because she’s a woman’          a woman, not as a CEO or a leader.    recognition for overcoming those       but we are not close to being there.
                                                                                        for everyone. This is how I feel, but   or ‘As a female leader, she can do     It devalues my credibility and no     obstacles, which in turn can inspire   Someone once told me, ‘You can’t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           PHOTOS: COURTESY OF COMPANIES

                                                                                        it is everyone’s personal choice on     X, Y, Z.’ But I identify as a woman,   longer belongs in the workplace.      and empower other women that they      be what you can’t see,’ and that
                                                                                        what empowers and excites them.”        and that’s the first thing, along      We have the power to collectively     too can follow their path. There is    continues to be my pulse on how to
                                                                                                                                with me being a Black woman, that      make this change.”                    a reason why the world celebrated      diversify, celebrate and raise those
                                                                                                                                most people see, so I don’t have                                             Kamala Harris as America’s first       up around me.”
                                                                                                                                the ability or privilege to navigate                                         female Vice President. We still need
                                                                                                                                around that. I’m definitely in the                                           a lot more female leaders to break
                                                                                                                                camp of owning it, amplifying it and                                         glass ceilings and even things out.”
                                                                                                                                celebrating it.”

                                                                                   14                                                                                                                                WOMEN IN POWER
TECHNOLOGY                     BY M A D E L E I N E ST R E E TS

                                 Plugged In
INSIGHT                          How these leading women in tech are
                                 rallying their companies to support,
                                 elevate and promote women to top roles.

                                SARAH ENGEL                                   seasoned product leader. She
                                                                                                                          system that requires at least 2 women on the
                                                                                                                          docket for every open position.

                                                                                                                          Shaping the future: “The retail industry hasn’t
                                                                                                                          made the progress it needs to in advancing
                                                                                                                          women’s careers and placing them in positions
                                                                                                                          of leadership. As a female CEO in technology,
                                                                                                                          I’m well aware that future leaders will come up
                                                                                                                          through the ranks in our organizations. We’re
                                                                                                                          real about calling one another out if someone
                                                                                                                          observes an instance of unconscious bias. I’m
                                                                                                                          proud that we’ve maintained this set of norms
                                CHIEF                                           currently oversees product                even after a year of working remotely.”
                                MARKETING                                        management for the NewStore
                                OFFICER &                                        omnichannel platform, where              MICHELLE GRANT
                                CHIEF PEOPLE                                     she works with a team that               SENIOR MANAGER, STRATEGY
                                OFFICER,                                         is 50% female. The company               & INSIGHTS FOR RETAIL
                                JANUARY DIGITAL             Sarah Engel         operates a “Women at NewStore”            & CONSUMER GOODS,
                                For over two                                  group, which is used to both                SALESFORCE
                                decades, Sarah Engel                        support women employees, while                Michelle Grant is a seasoned
                                has provided strategic                  also raising awareness of gender-related          researcher who helps global
                                marketing, HR and              challenges among the staff as a whole.                     organizations build the
                                business leadership to                                                                    future of their business,
                                major global consumer          The work revolution: “Change can happen very               both in her role at Salesforce
                                and B2B brands,                quickly. It’s an obvious concept, but we all had to        and as a speaker at industry
                                including Chevrolet,           learn the hard way through the last year. Going            events like Shoptalk and World
                                Match.com and Lilly            forward, I will take more of a balanced approach           Retail Congress. After 15 years at       Michelle Grant
                                Pulitzer. After joining        when it is critical for teams to be together and           Euromonitor, Grant joined Salesforce
                                January Digital’s women-       when they can effectively work remotely. A major           in March 2020, where she creates data-driven
                                majority executive team        area we are looking at is in-person meetings with          content that helps companies understand how
                                in October 2020, Engel         customers. We can’t wait to meet together for store        new technologies will impact the future of
                                has helped to introduce        launches and various projects, but                         their business.
                                a comprehensive salary         we have also learned that
                                review process for             much of what we do can                                     The power of networking: “I am a member of
                                equitable pay. She also        be effective and efficient                                  Salesforce’s Women’s Network equality group,
                                is an active contributor       remotely.”                                                   so I participate in a range of discussions around
                                to the company’s                                                                             women’s issues. Salesforce is a proud sponsor
                                community outreach             SHARON                                                        of the Network of Women (NEW) and I work
                                program Good Works,            SILVERSTEIN                                                   with my colleagues to ensure we leverage all of
                                as well as a volunteer in      HEAD OF US                                                    the wonderful opportunities for personal and
                                support of women who           VERTICALS, SNAP                                             professional development at NEW. On a personal
                                have survived domestic         Sharon Silverstein is the                                  level, I aim to be the biggest cheerleader for my
                                abuse.                         head of U.S. verticals at          Sharon Silverstein      female colleagues. I also share my life and career
                                                               Snap Inc., where she oversees                              experiences to help others on their journey.”
                                Helping women rise             the restaurant, retail and travel and energy
                                to top roles: “I am            business. Before joining Snap, Silverstein started         SOFIA HERNANDEZ
                                focusing on elevating          her career at Viacom Media Networks and rose to            HEAD OF U.S. BUSINESS
                                my support of women            the position of SVP of ad sales. During her time at        MARKETING, TIKTOK
                                in business, from the          Snap, the company has made solid progress in its           As the head of U.S.
                                point of idea sharing          mission to increase the number of women in tech            business marketing for
                                to active sponsorship          leadership, doubling the numbers from 6.7%                 TikTok, Sofia Hernandez
                                and advocacy. To me,           to 13.7%.                                                  builds innovative marketing
                                this takes the form of                                                                    solutions that help brands
                                recommending great             Big goals: “Our board contains eight independent           become TikTok-fluent and                        Sofia Hernandez
                                women for open board           directors, four of whom are now women. However,            connect with the vast audience
                                seats and next-level           we still have a long way to go as a company. This          base that uses the social platform.
                                roles. It means offering       year’, we committed to new, more ambitious                 Prior to TikTok, Hernandez was the chief client
                                up leading experts             hiring and representation goals, which we will             officer at consumer insights platform Suzy. She is
                                who are women to               hold ourselves accountable to reach by the end of          part of the 1% of Latina executives in tech and plays
                                speak at conferences           2025, including increasing underrepresented U.S.           an active role in fostering inclusion in the industry.
                                and interview with             racial and ethnic groups to 20% and increasing
                                editors. It means going        women in tech roles to 25%.”                                Every voice counts: “Growing up in a family of
                                a step further than                                                                        activists, we were raised to reach our hands out
                                offering advice, by            KRISTIN SAVILIA                                             and help others. Women have such a powerful
                                making connections,            CEO, JOOR                                                        opportunity to not only support each other,
       elevating others’ ideas and expertise,                  As the CEO of digital wholesale platform                           but to celebrate each other — and do
       and creating a link between                             Joor, Kristin Savilia helms an industry-                               so without holding back. This act of
       phenomenal women.”                                       leading company that facilitates $50                                    support and empowerment is what I
                                                                   billion in wholesale transactions.                                    foster with my team and colleagues.
                                                                                                                                                                                       PHOTOS: COURTESY OF COMPANIES

       JANE CANNON                                                  Diversity and inclusion is at                                          No matter your role, title or tenure,
       CHIEF PRODUCT OFFICER,                                        the forefront of management,                                          your voice matters. Whether it be
       NEWSTORE                                                      with Savilia’s product and                                            shouting out a specific colleague
       Having held several senior                                   engineering team comprising                                           in a public forum, or taking the
       positions at Oracle and                                      30% women (double the                                                time to send a note to their leader
       Micros Retail prior to joining                             industry standard). She has helped                                    celebrating an accomplishment, we
       NewStore, Jane Cannon is a             Jane Cannon      to instigate a gender-inclusive hiring           Kristin Savilia       should always lift each other up.”

                                                                                                                  WOMEN IN POWER
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Williams in her own K-Swiss
x EleVen by Venus Williams
top and pants and the Tubes
Comfort 300 x EleVen by
Venus Williams sneakers,
all from her upcoming fall
capsule with K-Swiss

                                                                                                                                     A P I O N E E R O N A N D O F F T H E C O U R T, T H E T E N N I S L E G E N D
                                                                                                                                     HAS DEFIED THE ODDS AND BROKEN THROUGH AGAIN AND
                                                                                                                                      A G A I N . N O W V E N U S W I L L I A M S I S C O U R T I N G N E W FA N S
                                                                                                                                           W I T H H E R R E T R O - C O O L K - S W I S S PA R T N E R S H I P.
                                                                                                                                       B Y K AT I E A B E L // P H O T O G R A P H S B Y M A R Y B E T H K O E T H
                                                                                                                                                        ST Y L E D I R ECTO R S H A N N O N A D D U CC I

world of tennis who has
                                                                                                                                          evolved into a legitimate
                                                                                                                                          founder, CEO and
                                                                                                                                              Last year, K-Swiss and
                                                                                                                                          EleVen debuted their
                                                                                                                                          first collaboration and
                                                                                                                                          Williams also starred
                                                                                                                                          in a K-Swiss campaign.
                                                                                                                                          This year, there are two
                                                                                                                                          capsules: the Glow Up
                                                                                                                                          collection, which debuts
                                                                                                                                          this month and focuses
                                                                                                                                          on iridescent hues of
                                                                                                                                          bright pink and pear,
                                                                                                                                          and the forthcoming
                                                                                                                                          fall launch of the new
                                                                                                                                          K-Swiss Tubes collection.
                                                                                                                                              For Williams —
                                                                                                              Williams in a K-Swiss       who   visited K-Swiss’
                                                                                                              letterman jacket and        headquarters    last year to
                                                                                                              Classic ’66 sneakers,       dig through the archives
                                                                                                         both part of a forthcoming       — the project has been a
                                                                                                             collection to mark the
                                                                                                                                          true collaboration.
                                                                                                          brand’s 55th anniversary
                                                                                                                                              “It’s a great team,
                                                                                                                                          they’re just so open.
                                                                                                               A lot of times you can be caught up in a big
                 n Earth Day in late April, Venus      — the boundary-breaking duo’s longevity and             corporate machine, but it’s beautiful that they
                 Williams is heading into hour 10 of   impact on tennis is unmatched.                          can still be nimble. I’m excited about where
                 a double-photo-shoot marathon.            And as Venus continues to nurture her first         we’re going in the future.”
                     Wearing a bespoke K-Swiss         passion, she is also proving that she has staying            Here, the champion opens up about the
                 letterman jacket and matching         power in another ultra-competitive arena: fashion.      unique partnership, her ’90s obsession and what
                 shoes, the spirited tennis legend         It’s been 14 years since she debuted her            she wants her true legacy to be.
                 gamely poses for FN’s cover inside    EleVen by Venus Williams lifestyle brand,
                 a school bus parked outside a         which now includes dedicated tennis, beauty              YOU’RE BEGINNING ANOTHER SUMMER ON TOUR. HOW
                 studio near West Palm Beach, Fla.     and activewear collections. “I’m always hungry           DO YOU STAY MOTIVATED AFTER ALL THESE YEARS?
                     With a crew of six along          to provide more opportunities and options for           VENUS WILLIAMS: “I love the game. It’s a
for the ride, Williams is ready to move                people,” she said.                                      relationship. When things click, there’s no better
on to the next shot when she’s asked to                    The entrepreneur, who has fashion design            feeling. When I’m out there in practice and I get
record an impromptu iPhone interview. The              and business degrees, also is using her EleVen          a shot, I pump my fist. It feels good. It’s not even
photographer’s niece is embarking on a research        platform to raise awareness about the gender            a practice match — it’s literally practice. Come on,
project about someone she admires — and her            pay gap. It’s an issue that is deeply personal to       it’s the best.”
pick is Venus.                                         Williams — she’s been an ardent advocate for
    The athlete-turned-entrepreneur doesn’t            change since 2000, when she won Wimbledon for            YOU’VE BEEN SUCH A POWERFUL VOICE ON THE
miss a beat as she rattles off some fun facts          the first time and discovered the men’s champion         WOMEN’S TOUR FOR DECADES. CAN YOU TALK ABOUT
about herself. “I love karaoke, books and learning     was being paid more.                                     THAT PIVOTAL MOMENT BACK AT WIMBLEDON 2000
languages. And I have a little dog named Harold.           While Williams has helped bring pay equity           WHEN YOU BEGAN ADVOCATING FOR EQUAL PAY?
He’s 14 and so cute and extra needy — and he           to the tennis world, she knows there’s much             VW: “Growing up, I never thought I would be
won’t grow up.”                                        work to be done to level the playing field across       treated unequally when I got to the top of the
    With Harold in tow, Williams flies to Madrid       all industries. In March, she unveiled the              game playing with the very best players. Those
a few days later to compete in the first of several    “Privilege Tax” initiative to educate consumers         are the things you don’t foresee. Sometimes you
European tournaments ahead of this month’s             about the issue and raise money for Girls Inc. of       find yourself in a moment, and you’ve got to make
French Open. It’s an annual ritual, and this season,   Greater Los Angeles.                                    a choice about whether you’re going to stand up.
the athlete is looking forward to welcoming fans           Empowering women is something she aims for          There was no sitting down for me. That fight is
back into the stands after the pandemic upended        with her designs, too. Williams recently launched       never over. In tennis, we might have equal prize
the tour in 2020.                                      EleVen’s “Wonder Woman” capsule collection.             money and our tour continues to grow and evolve,
    Twenty-seven years into her professional career,       And she has also been focusing on another           which is amazing, but across all industries and
Williams’ still-boundless enthusiasm for the sport     big project: a burgeoning partnership with Los          sectors, women are fighting for equality — whether
she has defined for decades is remarkable. “I love     Angeles-based K-Swiss.                                  it’s for work or pay or basic rights.”
what it gives me, and it keeps giving me more,”            According to brand president Barney Waters,
said the seven-time Grand Slam singles champion,       Williams’ Compton, Calif., roots, her icon status        MANY ATHLETES HAVE THEIR OWN COLLECTIONS NOW,
who turns 41 next month.                               in tennis and her business prowess make her a            BUT YOU WERE A PIONEER WHEN YOU STARTED ELEVEN
    Williams now faces off against competitors who     powerful, modern brand partner.                          IN 2007. WHAT ARE THE BIGGEST CHANGES YOU’VE
were children when they first watched and revered          “We believe that young people these days are         OBSERVED IN FASHION SINCE THEN?
Venus and her little sister Serena. As they continue   aspiring to be entrepreneurs almost more than           VW: “More and more we’re starting to see the
to pave the way for a new generation of athletes on    they are wanting to be athletes,” said Waters.          silhouettes and trends come from activewear. In
and off the court — especially young Black women       “We’ve got somebody who comes from our                  the last 10 years, we’ve seen it become a part of

everyone’s wardrobe. You’re seeing women from           donating a lot of them — for any of those special
                                                                                            all different kinds of demographics wearing it.         people out there who are size 11-and-a-half! Also,
                                                                                            It’s mainstream and that mirrors closely what’s         the old colors I keep for practice. Sometimes I
                                                                                            happening in ready-to-wear.”                            show up wearing shoes that are blue and orange
                                                                                                                                                    with an outfit that is navy and green. When I get
                                                                                            DO YOU PAY ATTENTION TO RUNWAY SHOWS?                   to a tournament, I clean up my act.”
                                                                                            VW: “Most of the time, I’m playing during shows.
                                                                                            But I watch all of them and save them. I have the       WHAT MAKES A GREAT TENNIS OUTFIT?
                                                                                            most robust Pinterest board. It’s not private, but      VW: “It’s all about confidence — if you want to
                                                                                            it’s not under my name. You’ll never find it.”          go shorter or longer, if you want to wear sleeves
                                                                                                                                                    or spaghetti straps, if you need sun protection.
                                                                                            WHY IS K-SWISS THE RIGHT SHOE PARTNER FOR YOU?          We all feel different. It might be internal, but
                                                                                            VW: “When I think of K-Swiss — from when I was          we will need to feel comfortable. The second
                                                                                            younger until now — I think of classics. It works       part is just the style. I want to be able to create
                                                                                            with everything. It’s based on the California           something that’s fun but also understandable.”
                                                                                            lifestyle, and I’m from California. They’re open to
                                                                                            creativity and new ideas. The design is incredible.     WHAT WON’T YOU WEAR?
                                                                                            With all those different aspects, it’s a perfect fit.   VW: “My color preferences are always changing.
                                                                                            I love being able to dive in to the archives. You       I won’t wear red or orange, but I’ll wear coral. I
                                                                                            look at 30 shoes together and your head spins.          don’t do teal, but I wear mint and aqua. I always

                              THE SHOE GAME
                                                                                            Their archive is just sick. I love the juxtaposition    want help and guidance. I definitely rely heavily
                                                                                            between the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s shoes. My personal      on my team for color. It’s so important.”
                              ms. williams, a self-                                         favorite is the ’90s silhouette.”
                                                                                                                                                    AS YOU CONTINUE TO RELISH THE OPPORTUNITY TO
                              described shopping addict,                                    WHAT STANDS OUT ABOUT THE ’90S?                         PLAY, DO YOU THINK ABOUT YOUR ULTIMATE LEGACY?
                              sounds off on the shoes                                       VW: “It was the rise of the basketball shoe and         VW: “I want to be remembered as a good person.
                              that have shaped her life.                                    all the icons in basketball. We saw technology          I want to able to represent myself, my family
                                                                                            start to boom and sneakerheads come out of              and God the best way I can. As I continue to
                              HER FAVORITE CHILDHOOD PAIR:
                                                                                            the woodwork. The high-top was really in effect.        advance in life, I’m finding that desire to help
                              “I didn’t get that many. I got the standard-issue tennis
                              shoes by Wilson. They had these indestructible shoes          People are constantly playing with those ’90s           more people. That’s the best thing I can do.”
                              and we had a pair we wore to practice and to school. I        looks; they’re always there.”
                              had blue and white. Serena had silver and white.”                                                  The tennis star in a K-Swiss
                                                                                            WHAT DOES K-SWISS REPRESENT          x EleVen by Venus Williams
                              HIGH SCHOOL FAVORITES:                                        TODAY?                               top and leggings, part of the
                              “I was a little more well-funded [then], so I got to make                                          new Glow Up collection, out
                                                                                            VW: “I [like] what’s happening
                              some choices. They were questionable, though. For                                                  May 21, along with K-Swiss
                              some weird reason, I was wearing skater and surfer
                                                                                            now with their different             Ultrashot 3 performance
                              shoes. I was a poser. But I’ve come through that.”            partnerships. There’s my             tennis shoes
                                                                                            partnership with EleVen, and
                              CAN’T LET GO OF:                                              we’re pretty classic. And then
                              “My Jupiterrs by K-Swiss. Even though I’ve gotten             you have the cool shoes from
                              them dirty and they’ve probably lived their life, I just      Jupiterr. I have a pair and I
                              love them so much.”
                                                                                            got them dirty and I still won’t
                                                                                            throw them away. I wish I
                              AT-HOME STYLE:
                              “I wear a lot of Uggs in the house. They’re warm and
                                                                                            would have gotten two. It’s
                              cozy and comfortable, especially in Florida, [where]          fun to see the evolution of
                              the air conditioner is always on.”                            [the brand] being able to go
                                                                                            between all the worlds, all the
                              LONGEST-OWNED PAIRS:                                          demographics.”
                              “Some of my favorites are my Olympic shoes. When
                              you go to the Olympics, they outfit you. You go to
                                                                                            WHAT DO YOU LOOK FOR IN A
                              processing and they tell you what to say and what not
                              to say. They give you all these clothes to wear from          TENNIS SHOE?
                              Team USA. I still have the different shoes.”                  VW: “It’s got to be comfortable,
                                                                                            and it’s got to hold up. I have a
                              HEELS OR NO HEELS:                                            very thin foot, so I have to find
                              “I never go past 4 inches, and that’s just if I am going      a shoe that is long and thin. I
                              to an event. There aren’t many events these days, so          need something I can go back
                              I’m rockin’ the flats.”
                                                                                            and forth on, push off on with
                              GUILTY PLEASURE:                                              confidence.”
                              “I ended up getting some Crocs. I thought I would
                              never do it, and I got in a bind. To get in a shower in the   HOW OFTEN DO YOU ROTATE
                              locker once, I had to buy a pair and they were lavender.      YOUR ON-COURT STYLES?
                              And then I was like, ‘I love them.’ And then my sister

                                                                                            VW: “Honestly, it just
                              stole them.”
                                                                                            depends. The shoes often
                                                                                            match right back to my
                              RISKIEST PAIR:
                              “Givenchy platforms. They’re amazing — and so tall.
                                                                                            outfit. When the next outfit
                              They’re comfortable, beautiful and totally mod. [They]        comes, what do you do with
                              take over the whole outfit.”                                  the old shoes? I’ve been
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                                                                                             This is my sixth
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         ”IE ALLEN                                                       “
 – DE                                                          I’ve been a nurse for
                                                              23 years and I’ve always
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                                                                      – ANGIE

                           Totally thrilled with
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                                                                                                   – DIANA
plan is improving its position at retail.
                                                                                                                   “It going to be a pretty significant year for us
                                                                                                               in terms of reengaging with big accounts and also
                                                                                                               reestablishing business with the independents,”
                                                                                                               Waters said. “K-Swiss didn’t have the capacity to
                                                                                                               service that customer, but our new commercial
                                                                                                               team is engaging and bringing a lot of those back.
                                                                                                               We’re rapidly reestablishing our independent base.”
                                                                                                                   Last month, K-Swiss delivered its Classic
                                                                                                               LX sneaker through Foot Locker (as well as
                                                                                                               its Footaction and Champs Sports banners).
                                                                                                               The brand also now has a presence in other
                                                                                                               noteworthy retailers, including DTLR, Dillard’s
                                                                                                               and Nordstrom.
                                                                                                                   The overhauled sales team, all in-house,
                                                                                                               includes five new business managers in key
                                                                                                               regions with experience at brands such as Lacoste,
                                                                                                               Keds, Ralph Lauren and Sperry. In particular,
                                                                                                               Waters said that adding Dave Grange as VP of
                                                                                                               sales for the Americas was a pivotal hire.
                                                                                                                   “Along with the full restructure of the
                                                                                                               commercial team, we have worked diligently
                                                                                                               on our distribution strategy. This has included
                                                                                                               closing down some partners that no longer fit,”
                                                                              “It’s very feasible we’ll have   Grange told FN. “I’m very happy to report the
                                                                           1,000 stores in China over the
                                                                                                               rewards were immediate. The order book in 2021
                                                                             next few years,” said K-Swiss
                                                                                 president Barney Waters       is showing triple-digit growth, and this year will
                                                                                                               exceed our pre-COVID 2019 numbers.”
                                                                                                                   Aside from big chains, K-Swiss has aligned
                                                                                                               itself with several influential boutiques, including
                                                                                                               Extra Butter and Leaders, among others. These
                                                                                                               new partners are slated to deliver their own
                                                                                                               collaborative collections.
                                                                                                                   “We’re working with some of the most
                                                                                                               recognizable stores in the world. They’re iconic
                                                                                                               globally and very influential in their surrounding
                                                                                                               cities,” said Scott Boulton, a longtime colleague
                                                                                                               of Grange’s who joined K-Swiss in November as
                                                                                                               director of product and energy for the Americas.
                                                                                                               “We’re not just doing one-and-done collaborations.
                                                                                                               We’ve also created a full Tier 1 collection that can
DON’T CALL IT A COMEBACK — K-SWISS HAS BEEN                                                                    sit in these key stores 365 days a year.”
                                                                                                                   Ankur Amin, CEO of TGS — the parent
H E R E F O R Y E A R S . B U T T H E H E R I TA G E B R A N D ’ S                                             company of Extra Butter — is confident that the
FOCUS, UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF PRESIDENT                                                                       store’s core customers will welcome the addition
                                                                                                               of K-Swiss.
B A R N E Y W AT E R S , H A S N E V E R B E E N S H A R P E R .                                                   “K-Swiss is a brand that we grew up with. It
                                                                                                               was predominantly known as a tennis brand and
BY PETER VERRY                                                                                                 a few models crossed over in the ’90s and had a
                                                                                                               moment in street culture,” Amin said. “We aim
K-Swiss’ connection with consumers has ebbed           is a major asset because there are not many left.       to celebrate all things past, present and future in
and flowed throughout its 55 years. But under the       The China consumer loves American brands and is         sneaker culture. A large part of our audience is not
leadership of president Barney Waters — and the        heavily driven by what’s happening here.”               familiar with K-Swiss, and we feel that we can help
direction of parent Xtep International Holdings            Waters said Xtep will open K-Swiss’ first China     the brand tell their story through our lens.”
Ltd. — the label is finding its footing again.         store in Q3, with plans in place for rapid brick-           Of the retailer’s upcoming collaboration,
   Moving forward, Waters aims to elevate the          and-mortar acceleration over the next few years.        creative director Bernie Gross said it will explore
K-Swiss stature by owning its Los Angeles roots,           “Xtep has 6,800 monobrand stores, and they          tennis in its relation to the Big Apple.
earning more shelf space with influential retailers     are very hot on K-Swiss and see big opportunity.            K-Swiss has also aligned itself with Concepts,
and narrowing its focus on what the brand knows        It’s very feasible that we’ll have 1,000 stores in      a move that Boulton said would enhance its
best: tennis.                                          China over the next few years. We have a capable        relevancy. “When the consumer goes into the store,
   The new plan is taking shape under Xtep, the        organization that is very motivated to make this        they feel Concepts validates any brand,” he said.
brand’s Chinese parent company. (Xtep acquired         work,” Waters said.                                         To introduce the partnership, Concepts
K-Swiss in 2019 from E-Land.)                                                                                  will debut a K-Swiss collection in June that’s
   “The evolution is being driven by the               the u.s. landscape                                      exclusive to the retailer. The lineup — which
ownership. We’ve been given a very different set       As Xtep opens K-Swiss stores in China, the              will feature heritage footwear styles, a letterman
of objectives,” Waters told FN. “Xtep feels strongly   heritage athletic company is working on boosting        jacket, hoodies and accessories — draws
that having a legitimate heritage American brand       its share of the U.S. market. A major part of the       inspiration from Boston’s historic Tennis &

featuring Danny McBride as his Kenny Powers              it to say, ‘Let’s establish our roots in L.A. and
                                                        character from the HBO series “Eastbound &               then build from there.’”
                                                        Down,” perplexing longtime fans.                             The label tapped rap megastar YG last month
                                                            “K-Swiss is at its best when it gets back to         to lead its “Compton Country Club” marketing
                                                        what it always did. This is not reinvention.             campaign, which was created as an homage to its
                                                        It’s more like stripping it back to the original,”       history as a heritage tennis brand and a way to
                                                        Waters explained.                                        connect that to modern cultural leaders. The effort
                                                            The exec said it will continue to strengthen its     was produced by SLiC Studios, the production
                                                        tennis roots, which he referred to as the brand’s        company of retired NBA star Baron Davis.
                                                        north star. “We’re resetting the DNA. We’re still            The former basketball pro was also featured
                                                        a tennis brand, we’re still about court style, we’re     in the brand’s “Dreamers & Doers” documentary,
                                                        still about heritage, but we’re setting our sights       which went live on YouTube in late March. “I was
                                                        higher,” Waters said.                                    talking with Baron and he told me he used to play
                                                            In the past year-plus, K-Swiss has made              on an AAU basketball team that was sponsored
                                                        several moves to improve its position in tennis.         by K-Swiss [when he was 10 years old]. It was
                                                        For instance, the company delivered a pair of            called the K-Swiss Pacers. Paul Pierce and Kevin
                                                        performance shoes — the Hypercourt Supreme and           Garnett were on the team, and the guy who ran
                                                        the Hypercourt Express 2 — in August 2020. It also       the program, Thaddeus McGrew, also worked in
                                                        added rising stars Ajla Tomljanovic and Cameron          K-Swiss sports marketing,” Waters recalled. “I was
                                                        Norrie to its athlete ambassador roster.                 like, ‘We have to tell the story.’”
                                                            The renewed focus on the court has already               The result of the conversation is the short film
Dave Grange and Scott                                   started to pay off. According to the Tennis Industry     that Davis’ production company produced, which
Boulton, photographed at the                            Association, K-Swiss was the top-selling footwear        not only tells the story of his K-Swiss basketball
New York Concepts store                                 brand in the pro/specialty channel in 2020.              team, but also includes other notable voices from
                                                            “The brand has tennis heritage. I don’t think it’s   L.A. with affiliation to the brand.
Racquet Club, which was founded in 1902 and is          readily apparent to the consumer, but I absolutely           Looking ahead, K-Swiss will further deepen
located near Concepts’ former home on Boylston          think they could win it back,” explained Matt            its L.A. roots through collaborations with staples
Street.                                                 Powell, senior sports industry adviser with The          of the region, including iconic eateries Randy’s
    “K-Swiss is a strong brand with its own             NPD Group Inc. “Like everything in this space,           Donuts and Roscoe’s House of Chicken and
personality, heritage, so we knew making a              it needs to be fresh and new and address the             Waffles, as well as South Central-based clothing
collection with them would work for us as well,”        beginning consumer in particular.”                       company Bricks & Wood and apparel-maker
Concepts CEO Tarek Hassan said. “Concepts loves             In November 2020, tennis icon Venus Williams         OCD Cleaners of Inglewood.
storytelling, loves heritage, and when we see an        joined the brand, resulting in a limited-edition             With a solid plan in place, and with the world
opportunity like this, it makes sense for both          footwear and apparel collection in collaboration         opening up after the challenging COVID-19 period,
brands to connect and create something special.”        with the athlete’s EleVen label, as well as a spot in    Waters believes K-Swiss has what it takes to once
    While bolstering ties with the right partners       its “Club K-Swiss” campaign.                             again become a force in footwear.
is a major priority, Waters is also nurturing a             The partnership with Williams also fits into             “I love this idea that we could be looking at the
growing digital business.                               another important lane K-Swiss is emphasizing            Roaring ’20s. There certainly is pent-up demand,”
    “The pandemic boosted everyone’s e-comm             now and in the future: its connection with               Waters said. “And I like to think that some of the
business. The question is: Can that be sustained        California.                                              resurgence of our classics business is because of
as the country opens back up again? We believe              “K-Swiss being in L.A. is such an advantage.         this idea that when times are tough, people go
that it will. We will be able to sustain the advances   It’s a powerful brand attribute that we haven’t          back to tried-and-tested things. K-Swiss can take
we’ve made,” Waters said.                               laid into until now,” Waters said. “We’re honing         advantage of this now.”
    During the last year, K-Swiss added employees,
specifically to its e-commerce team — and Waters                                                                                      This spring, K-Swiss delivered
                                                                                                                                       its “Compton Country Club”
confirmed the company isn’t done with hiring in                                                                                              ad campaign featuring
key areas such as digital advertising and website                                                                                               rap star YG (center)
merchandising. A redesign of the brand’s online
store is also expected for 2021.

bouncing back
As it finds the right balance between DTC and
                                                                                                                                                                         PHOTOS: GRANGE/BOULTON: GEORGE CHINSEE; OTHERS: COURTESY OF K-SWISS
retail, K-Swiss is sharpening its focus on the
categories it understands best.
   Before Waters took the brand’s helm in 2016,
K-Swiss had veered off course to expand into
categories such as running and triathlon, segments
not associated with its heritage.
   “If we do running shoes, you have to spend
so much energy trying to get the idea into the
consumer’s head that we are running brand, and
you’re competing against 12 other [companies]
that already do running,” Waters said. “The world
doesn’t necessarily need another running brand, so
we’d like to stay in our lane.”
   Marketing also deviated greatly from the
K-Swiss ethos — with a controversial spot

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