Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart - Head of School Position Statement Lake Forest, Illinois July 1, 2022 - RG175

Page created by Richard Knight
Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart - Head of School Position Statement Lake Forest, Illinois July 1, 2022 - RG175
Woodlands Academy of
the Sacred Heart
Head of School Position Statement
Lake Forest, Illinois
July 1, 2022
Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart - Head of School Position Statement Lake Forest, Illinois July 1, 2022 - RG175
Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart
Head of School ~ July 1, 2022

 Woodlands Academy of the Sacred
 Heart, founded in 1858, is an
 independent, Catholic, day and
 boarding, college preparatory
 school for young women, grades
 9-12, who wish to pursue a course
 of study commiXed to academic
 excellence within the context of a
 faith based community. As a
 member of the Network of the
 Sacred Heart Schools in the United
 States and Canada. Woodlands
 Academy commits itself to
 educa8ng to five goals: a personal
 and ac8ve faith in God, a deep
 respect for intellectual values, a
 social awareness which impels for
 ac8on, the building of community
 as a Chris8an value, and personal
 growth in an atmosphere of wise      By transla8ng these values into       and is not only inspira8onal but
 freedom. Woodlands is commiXed       specific behaviors, Woodlands’         aspira8onal. Behind this mission
 to a mission that is focused on      mission is alive and vibrant. It is   is the belief that the flourishing
 personaliza8on, aspira8on, care      on display every day, referenced      of an individual is in8mately
 and engagement.                      in mee8ngs as guiding principles,     linked to one’s growth in context
                                                                            of living in a community.
                                                                            Different cons8tuencies spoke
                                                                            about the school’s commitment
                                                                            to inclusivity and diversity
                                                                            through the residen8al program
                                                                            and in other offerings of global
                                                                            awareness and cultural

                                                                            Besides the Sacred Heart
                                                                            Network, Woodlands is
                                                                            accredited by the Independent
                                                                            Schools Associa8on of Central
                                                                            States ( ISACS ) and is a member
                                                                            of The Na8onal Associa8on of
                                                                            Independent Schools ( NAIS). It is
                                                                            also a member of the Na8onal
                                                                            Coali8on of Girls Schools and the
                                                                            Lake Michigan Associated of
                                                                            Independent Schools.

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Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart - Head of School Position Statement Lake Forest, Illinois July 1, 2022 - RG175
Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart
Head of School ~ July 1, 2022

   Located in Lake Forest, Illinois, Woodlands enjoys a
   serene campus of 41 acres inclusive of athle8c
   fields, pris8ne ravines and a historic school
   building featuring an iconic Chapel of the Sacred
   Heart. The school is 30 miles from Chicago and one
   mile from Lake Michigan. The proximity to a major
   urban area allows for easy access to
   transporta8on, cultural ins8tu8ons, restaurants
   and shopping. Access is also close to major
   colleges and universi8es.

   Woodlands serves 107 day and 25 boarding
   students with 19 na8onali8es represented,
   including Vietnam, Rwanda, Afghanistan, China
   and Mexico. It aXracts students from a wide
   geographic area of 46 zip codes from Chicago
   north to southeastern Wisconsin. Both day and
   residen8al students are instructed in a warm and
   invi8ng atmosphere and campus.

   In 1961, Woodlands Academy separated from
   Barat College in Lake Forest and moved to an
   adjacent parcel of land. The closure of the College
   provided an opportunity for the purchase of that
   campus in 2011. The purchase was a dona8on to
   Woodlands Academy by an anonymous donor,
   thus allowing the two parcels of land to form the
   41 acre campus. This has permiXed the school to
   add a soccer/ hockey field and a sodball diamond.
   In 2010, a new science wing was created which has
   state of the art biology, chemistry and physics

   The residen8al program provides an in8mate and
   close community. The school uses the upper two
   floors of the main academic building to house the
   program. Residen8al staff and students live
   together in that seeng. Single and double rooms
   are available for the students. Addi8onal facili8es
   to support the program include student lounges, a
   kitchen, study areas and a fitness room. Access to
   the library, computer room, music prac8ce rooms
   and dining hall is made available to residen8al

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Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart - Head of School Position Statement Lake Forest, Illinois July 1, 2022 - RG175
Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart
Head of School ~ July 1, 2022

                                                                                development of life-long learning.
                                                                                The students are guided with
                                                                                different collabora8ve
                                                                                opportuni8es. There is a family-like
                                                                                sense of community that reinforces
                                                                                a Midwestern warmth and
                                                                                closeness both inside and outside
                                                                                the classroom. Girls willingly share
                                                                                ideas and engage in respeciul
                                                                                dialogue, conversa8ons and

                                                                                To widen the array of student
                                                                                offerings, the school added on line
                                         strategies such as the Harkness        courses through Sophie Connect,
  SCHOOL AND PROGRAM                                                            On Schoolhouse and Middlebury
                                         discussion method,
  Woodlands creates an in8mate and       interdisciplinary collabora8on,        Language. During the 2019-20
  personal environment for learning      problem based learning and             school year, 25% of students
  whether in a classroom, studio,        student focused classes. Twenty        selected on line courses - including
  athle8c field or dormitory. Students    four advanced placement classes        Chinese, AP Micro/ Macro
  and faculty give tes8mony to the       are available to students in grades    Economics, and AP Art History. In
  richness of topics and the ease of     10-12. Eighty-four percent of          addi8on, in 2015 Woodlands
  conversa8ons with one another.         students take at least one AP class    developed the Center for Global
  Students’ friendly demeanors           —with 73% of those students            Studies. This ini8a8ve was done to
  encourage the sharing of ideas and     earning a passing grade on the         address greater competency and
  a relaxed interac8on that reflects a    2019 examina8ons.                      exposure to global issues. The
  true learning community. There is a                                           three pillars of the Center include
  close student teacher rela8onship      The academic program follows a         (1) the worldwide exchange with
  that occurs both inside and outside    tradi8onal liberal arts approach. At   other Sacred Heart Schools (2) the
  the classroom. Serving in many         the core of the program is the         Global Scholars program for
  different capaci8es, the faculty
  knows the student body well.
  Special rela8onships and friendships
  are forged as part of the Woodlands
  experience. The school culture is
  open and accep8ng. Each girl is
  valued as an individual and as a
  member of the larger community.

  In 2016, the school underwent a re-
  alignment of its daily schedule,
  moving from eight 40 minute class
  periods, to four 80 minute class
  periods with a rota8on every other
  day. This change has allowed
  teachers to ini8ate different

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Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart - Head of School Position Statement Lake Forest, Illinois July 1, 2022 - RG175
Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart
Head of School ~ July 1, 2022

  students (3) Global Odyssey that       years, those groups have earned     GOVERNANCE AND
  offers an annual end of the year        Gold Ra8ngs which in turn, have
  ac8vity that supports every            earned them entrance into the
  student to par8cipate in a global      Fes8val of Gold. This fes8val       The Board of Trustees ranges in size
  experience.                            invita8on is extended to the best   between 18-27 members. Trustees are
                                         high ensembles in the country.      appointed for terms between 1-3 years.
  All students have both                                                     The Board meets not less than eight
  extracurricular and athle8c            Service to the larger community     8mes per year; the Board also holds an
  opportuni8es. Students are             is an important aspect of school    Annual Retreat. Given the challenges
  mentored in leadership roles in        life. There are a number of         presented by Covid -19, the Board has
  various aspects of student life.       service projects which engage       met more frequently during the last
  The school offers 15 clubs              student involvement and             academic year.
  including the state qualifying         underscore the school mission       The following commiXees are used by
  robo8cs and math teams, four           and its values through outreach.    the Board in carrying out its func8ons:
  choirs, orchestra, a Fall play and a   Woodlands Academy partners
  Spring musical and a student           with St. Malachy, an urban school      •    Execu8ve
  par8cipatory speaker series.           in downtown Chicago.                   •    Audit and Risk
  Despite the school’s small size,       Par8cipa8on in community               •    CommiXee on Trustees
  the athle8c program has achieved       service is a gradua8on
                                                                                •    Finance
  significant dis8nc8on by winning        requirement for each girl.
  local and regional championships                                              •    Buildings and grounds
  in volleyball, tennis, basketball,     Most recently, Woodlands               •    By laws
  soccer and sodball. Each Spring,       Academy was no8fied that it has         •    Enrollment and management
  the orchestra and choir                been awarded a Blue Ribbon             •    Development
  par8cipate in na8onal                  Exemplary School designa8on.           •    Head of School Support
  compe88ons. For the past several                                                   Woodlands

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Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart - Head of School Position Statement Lake Forest, Illinois July 1, 2022 - RG175
Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart
Head of School ~ July 1, 2022

                                                               WOODLANDS ACADEMY OF THE
                                                             SACRED HEART FACTS AT A GLANCE

                                                        Year founded:                 1858
                                                        Loca8on and size of Campus: Lake Forest, Illinois, 41 acres
                                                        Student enrollment:           125
                                                        Student teacher ra8o:         6:1
                                                        ACT / SAT:                    30 / 1320
                                                        Budget:                       $7,088,000
                                                        Endowment:                    $4,500,000 with
                                                                                      $1,000,000 in a quasi-
 Academy Leadership Team meets weekly, sits on          Tui8on:                       $29,400 (day)
 various board commiXees and manages the school                                       $54,530 (boarding)
 at the highest level. The Assistant to the Head of
 School aXends all Leadership mee8ngs. The
 Leadership Team consists of:

    •   Head of School
    •   Communica8ons officer
    •   Chief Finance and Resource Officer
    •   Associate Head of School for Ins8tu8onal
    •   Assistant Head of School for Academic and
         Student Life
    •   Principal (also a math teacher)
    •   Director of Admissions and Affordability

 The academic administra8on, called the Directors,
 also meet weekly to manage the big picture of the
 program of the school and all its components. They
    •   Assistant Head of School for Academic and
         Student Life
    •   Principal
    •   Dean of Students
    •   Residen8al Life Director
    •   Director of the Center for Global Studies
    •   Director of Student Services (also the school

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Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart - Head of School Position Statement Lake Forest, Illinois July 1, 2022 - RG175
Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart
Head of School ~ July 1, 2022

                                                            Finally, it will be impera8ve for the next Head to
                                                            communicate effec8vely with stakeholders about
                                                            the vision of the school, the strategies to realize
                                                            that vision and the specific steps needed to
                                                            implement the strategies. Both the Board of
                                                            Trustees and the Senior Leadership team wish to
                                                            work closely and collegially with the new Head in
                                                            taking Woodlands to the next level in educa8ng
                                                            and advoca8ng for girls.

                                                            QUALITIES AND ATTRIBUTES OF
                                                            THE NEXT HEAD OF SCHOOL
                                                            There is consensus surrounding the skills and
                                                            aXributes of the next Head of School. These are
                                                            considered cri8cal quali8es as candidates
                                                            consider this posi8on. They include the
     OPPORTUNITIES AND                                      following:
                                                                •   An inspiring and visionary educator who
     Woodlands Academy has a strong commitment to
                                                                    will lead Woodlands into the future,
     the educa8on of girls in a faith-based community.
                                                                    u8lizing the school mission and the
     There are a number of opportuni8es for the next
                                                                    Sacred Heart principles.
     head of School to make a mark on the school and
     create a thriving future.
                                                                •   A strong communicator who is able to
                                                                    engage a faith based community and
     Like many day and boarding schools, Woodlands                  lead the marke8ng efforts of an all-girls
     has experienced enrollment challenges in recent                school
     years. The next Head will have the opportunity to
     make an early and important impact on
     enrollment strategy and in so doing, insure                •   An effec8ve manager who holds people
     financial sustainability. Special efforts will need to           accountable and one who is willing to
     be made in understanding how best to make                      listen to all points of view.
     improvements in both recruitment and reten8on
     while respec8ng the tradi8ons of the school. The
                                                                •   An innova8ve and entrepreneurial
     role of interna8onal students and the residen8al
                                                                    leader with demonstrated achievement
     program will also need to be factored into any
                                                                    and successes in thinking strategically
                                                                    and embracing change.

     Once clear strategic priori8es are in place, the
     next Head in partnership with the Board of                 •   An educator with an apprecia8on for
     Trustees and Development Office, will need to                    boarding school culture and life.
     play a significant role in both fundraising and in
     donor stewardship. The Board is highly mo8vated
                                                                •   An effec8ve manager, fluent in finances,
     in this area and is poised to work with the next
                                                                    as well as appropriate organiza8onal
     Head in raising funds together.

Resource Group 175                                                                                             Page 7
Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart - Head of School Position Statement Lake Forest, Illinois July 1, 2022 - RG175
Woodlands    SCHOOL
          Academy of the Sacred Heart
Head of
     of School
        School July 1, 1,
               ~ July  2021

       A leader
    • The   School who
                     seekshasana energetic, APPLICATION PROCESS                      The application includes:
       proven   track    record
      purposeful and accomplishedof       Dean of
       cultural  sensi8vity     and           :The Board of Trustees at                  •   A cover letter detailing his/
      Children’s Programs/Head of School for
       who   will  con8nue     to
      Children to partner with the President  Woodlands
                                                     of     Academy of the                   her interest in the school
      the          the diversity
           Bank Street     Collegeofof Education
                                              SacredandHeart, Lake Forest Illinois
       the  Woodlands
      his cabinet in building upon the School’s a new Head of School
                                              is seeking                                 •   A resume
      history  and reputation for providing   effective
                                                   a     July 1, 2022. Inquiries
      well-rounded and excellent educational  can be made to Arlyce Seibert at           •   A statement of
                                                                                             educational or leadership
    • experience.
       A leader with  This  dean will also work
                          a proven            the email address below.
      closely  with   the  Dean
       track record in various    of the Graduate
       aspectstoofensure     a solid foundation
                     fundraising              Arlyce Seibert
      between                                                                            •   Three confidential
       and development. and purposely
                  the   schools
                                              Resource Group 175                             references with contact
      further the effectiveness of current and
                                              Arlyceseibert14@icloud.com                     information. Please note
      future Bank Street program strengths
       A thoughiul
    • and                This is an exciting248 703 6913
            offerings. educator                                                               additional references will be
       with an advanced
      opportunity      for a new leader to embrace                                           required for all finalists
      all that Bank with
       degree   and          senior
                        Street  stands for, toTo apply, qualified candidates may
      continue    its experience.
                      100+year legacy as aapply      online at https://rg175.com/
                                                leader                               Applications due: August 16, 2022
      and innovator in progressive education, candidate/signup
      to propel social justice and equity
      initiatives, and to share with others a
      vision for its development, growth and
      effective and sustained service to the
      larger community and world. The Family
      Center, an inclusive early childhood
      program for children ages 6 months
      through 5 years, and Summer Camp also
      fall under the Dean’s responsibilities.

       Bank Street College of Education was
       founded in 1916 in New York City by
       visionary educator Lucy Sprague Mitchell
       as The Bureau of Education Experiments
       (BBE), a laboratory nursery school,
       staffed by teachers, psychologists, and
       researchers who worked collaboratively
       to discover the environments in which
       children grew and learned to their full
       potential and to educate teachers on how
       to create and sustain these environments
       in and out of the classroom. The School
       for Children began with its first class in
       1954 and gradually expanded to include
       children ages 3 through 13.

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Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart - Head of School Position Statement Lake Forest, Illinois July 1, 2022 - RG175 Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart - Head of School Position Statement Lake Forest, Illinois July 1, 2022 - RG175
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