Working Hard After March Storm and Beyond - Mid-South Synergy

Page created by Victor Ramos
Working Hard After March Storm and Beyond - Mid-South Synergy
Working Hard After March Storm and Beyond

                                                       MESSAGE FROM
                                                       GENERAL MANAGER, KERRY KELTON

        POWER OUTAGES CAUSED BY STORMS LIKE THE ONE THAT HIT THE               So often, they leave their children’s birthday parties or holiday
        Huntsville area March 18 mean plain old hard work. The storm           gatherings to make sure power is restored for our members.
        affected more than 6,200 meters. Swift and successful restoration      Their passion for line work runs deep, and I appreciate the value
        efforts are critical to maintaining a high level of member satisfac-   they bring to our cooperative.
        tion. The expectation and mission of the entire Mid-South Synergy          The team in our office provides critical support to the line-
        team is always to restore power as quickly and safely as possible.     men in the field. Dispatchers maintain order and help ensure
            One of the shining qualities of the employees who serve you        safety. Operations staff coordinate contract crews to assist with
        is that they perform at their highest level in the face of disaster.   restoration efforts and make sure materials are delivered in the
        Heading out to do their jobs, they leave their spouses and kids        field. Member services representatives answer your calls so you
        at home, many times without power themselves, because they             can speak to a real person. The human resources team organizes
        live in the same communities affected by the severe weather. We        food delivery to the hungry linemen. Our GIS team assists with
        experience the same winds, rain, lightning and fallen trees as our     damage assessment by thoroughly documenting damage and
        members.                                                               providing pictures for social media.
            A select few can answer the call to work long shifts, knee-            Outage restoration is indeed hard work. The employees who
        deep in mud or 40 feet in the air, tired and hungry. Nothing stops     serve our members work long hours so you can have the best ex-
        them; nothing deters them. They are heroes during disastrous           perience possible during disaster situations. I sincerely appreci-
        storms. They are your electric cooperative linemen. If you see         ate all the positive comments we’ve received on social media and
        one of them, whether in a bucket truck or at the corner store, I       over the phone. Encouragement from our members is the fuel
        encourage you to say thank you and shake their hand if you can.        we need to press forward during those late nights of hard work.

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Working Hard After March Storm and Beyond - Mid-South Synergy
Walker County Master Gardeners
        warm sunshine. It’s when Texans start prepar-
        ing for a treasured pastime: gardening! Hobby-
        ist gardeners make plans for vegetable gardens,
        flower beds and backyard projects.
            Many of us struggle to find the proper pH
        balance, the right compost ratio and plants
        that will be successful in certain sunlight con-
        ditions. If you wrestle with similar questions,
        the Walker County Master Gardeners are your
        source for trusted answers. They are a volunteer
        group working through the Texas A&M AgriLife
        Extension Service with a mission to spread the
        message of horticulture in Texas. Each year, the
        master gardeners host spring and fall plant sales
        along with multiple events that educate the com-
        munity and provide high-quality and well-priced
        plants for the public to purchase.
            On March 10, a line formed at the Walker
        County Ag Extension office, full of eager garden-
        ers ready to enjoy the master gardeners’ spring
        sale. If you want to have first pick next time,
        you’d better get there early! Hundreds of people
        from multiple counties make the drive to the sale
        on Highway 75 North, just a few miles north of
        Huntsville and directly across the road from the
        Mid-South Synergy office.
            There is no shortage of smiling faces and great
        experiences at the sale, and there are many other
        things to experience besides picking out strong
        and healthy plants. You can find a booth with
        seeds for sale, which are accompanied by free in-
        structions on how to help them grow into a high-
        yield crop or bright and beautiful flowers. Folks
        also can buy tasty baked goods, raffle tickets,
        gardening books, 5-gallon buckets of mushroom
        compost and honey from local beekeepers.
            In fact, the Walker County Beekeepers Asso-
        ciation is a big attraction at the plant sale. The
        growing group is now so large and popular that
        it relocated its monthly meeting to the Walker
        Education Center at 1402 19th St. in Huntsville.
        The meeting begins at 7 p.m. on the last Thurs-
        day of each month. The association’s efforts to
        maintain productive hives is critical to success-
        ful gardens in the area. Bees are major pollinators of our world—   and Fall Plant Sale are upcoming fun activities for youngsters
        without healthy beehives, we would not have plants!                 and the whole family. Mark your calendar for September 29
            The WCBA also offers a “swarm service” to assist homeown-       this year so you can enjoy the Fall Plant Sale. More native Texas
        ers and businesses with unwanted hives. They safely remove the      plants will be for sale, along with fruit trees, nut trees, herbs and
        bees and relocate them to an area where they can be productive      many other beautiful plants. At the eighth annual Butterfly Fes-
        without causing problems for people. Call the Walker County Ag      tival, monarch butterflies will be tagged and released for scien-
        Extension office at (936) 435-2426 to find a beekeeper near you.    tific research. The kids can have fun with crafts, face painting,
            The Walker County Master Gardeners’ Butterfly Festival          bubbles and a treasure hunt. The festival is hosted at the Walker

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Working Hard After March Storm and Beyond - Mid-South Synergy
County Ag Extension office; a date will be confirmed on their      nization of individuals who invest more than 8,000 volunteer
     Facebook page soon.                                                hours in our community by educating the public about best gar-
         The Master Gardeners’ first Garden Expo will take place Feb-   dening practices. To learn how to join this group of volunteers
     ruary 23–24, 2019, at the Walker County Fairgrounds. Attendees     and become a master gardener, visit the group’s Facebook page
     will enjoy workshops, special speakers, vendors and kids’ activ-   or the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension website at
     ities. Every dollar raised will go toward a scholarship program,      We are proud to provide our friends and neighbors at the
     operating expenses and future facility projects.                   Walker County Master Gardeners with electricity, and we invite
         The Walker County Master Gardeners are a nonprofit orga-       you to support their efforts in our community.                                                                                   May 2018 MID-SOUTH SYNERGY |   21

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Working Hard After March Storm and Beyond - Mid-South Synergy
A Word About Your Capital Credits
        ness owned by its members. Like any well-run business,
        each year, Mid-South Synergy reinvests a portion of its
        margins (revenue left over after all expenses are paid) to pay
        for facility repairs, equipment, system upgrades and other
        necessary improvements. After the period of investment,
        these margins are returned to our members; the amount
        of each return depends on the amount each member paid
        during the year.
           Each year, the board of directors determines the portion
        of capital credits that can be returned to the cooperative        Since 1998, Mid-South Synergy has returned more than
        membership while still ensuring the co-op’s financial health.     $4 million to co-op members in the form of capital credits.

                SEVERE WEATHER
                Are You

               Some years, lightning strikes kill    Do not seek shelter under a tree—      Inside a car is relatively safe, but do
               more Americans than tornadoes or      they are easy targets.                 not touch interior metal.
               hurricanes. Don’t take chances with   Move to low ground and avoid open      If your hair stands on end, you may
               this deadly force of nature.          fields.                                be a target. Crouch low on the balls
                                                     Whether at the beach or in a swim-     of your feet and keep your knees and
               Go inside a building and stay away    ming pool, get out of the water im-    hands off the ground.
               from windows and doors.               mediately.
               Avoid electric appliances and metal   Do not touch metal objects, such as    Mid-South Synergy encourages you
               plumbing, and stay off the phone.     golf clubs or bicycles.                to always practice safety.

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Working Hard After March Storm and Beyond - Mid-South Synergy
                           MID-SOUTH SYNERGY

                           Friday, June 15
                           Walker County Fairgrounds

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Working Hard After March Storm and Beyond - Mid-South Synergy
Madison County Fair
        life. Organizations like 4-H and FFA help our youths reach their fullest potential as
        capable, competent, caring and contributing citizens. The employees of Mid-South
        Synergy are proud supporters of the Madison County Fair, and we extend a special
        salute to all the hard work and dedication of the fair’s participants.

                                                                                                                                              BART OS Z LUCZAK | I S T OCK.COM
                                                                                                  DR PEPPER
                                                                                                PULLED PORK
                                                                                                3–4 pounds pork loin
                                                                                                Pork seasonings (seasoned salt, cracked
                                                                                                   black pepper, garlic powder, mustard
                                                                                                   powder or cayenne)
                                                                                                3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
                                                                                                2 sweet onions, thinly sliced
                                                                                                3/4 cup barbecue sauce
                                                                                                12–20 ounces Dr Pepper

                                                                                                For this recipe, you can season the
                                                                                                pork loin simply, with salt and pepper,
                                                                                                or use your favorite seasoning salt or
                                                                                                mix of spices and herbs.

                                                                                                1. Coat a slow cooker with nonstick
                                                                                                cooking spray or brush with oil.
                                                                                                2. Season the pork loin generously
                                                                                                (can be done the night before), coat
                                                                                                with garlic and place it in the slow
                                                                                                3. Top the pork with onion slices and
                                                                                                barbecue sauce, then pour in enough
                                                                                                Dr Pepper to cover.
                                                                                                4. Cook on low heat about 8 hours or
                                                                                                on high 4 hours.
                                                                                                5. Shred the meat with two forks,
                                                                                                allowing the mixture to soak up the
                                                                                                sauce. Serve on buns with extra sauce,
                                                                                                sliced onions and pickles.

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Working Hard After March Storm and Beyond - Mid-South Synergy
Synergy Spot
                                                                                                                            TEXAS CO-OP POWER
     Want Solar Power?                                                                                                  MID-SOUTH SYNERGY EDITION
                                                                                                                                 MAY 2018
                                                                          Synergy Solar offers members a rate of 11.5
                                                                          cents per kilowatt-hour/month, or $11.50
                                                                          per block/month, guaranteed for five years.
                                                                          Our members can rest easy knowing that
                                                                          their rate is secured for the future.
                                                                              For our residential members who par-
                                                                          ticipate, Synergy Solar proves to be acces-
                                                                          sible, affordable and renewable by offering
                                                                                                                                7625 HIGHWAY 6
                                                                          a maintenance-free program. To find out
                                                                                                                              NAVASOTA, TX 77868
                                                                          more, please call us at (936) 825-5100 or
                                                                                                                                TEL 936.825.5100
                                                                                                                             TOLL-FREE 888.525.6677
                                                                                                                                FAX 936.825.5166

     Relay for Life Recap                                                                                                   MIDSOUTHSYNERGY.COM
     Life team raised more than $5,000 for
     cancer research. Every penny raised
     is delivered to the American Cancer                                                                                         We’d love
     Society to help fight for a cure. Team
     members invested their personal time,
                                                                                                                             to hear from you!
     money and resources to help others.                                                                                    Have an interesting story or
     Mid-South Synergy is proud of these                                                                                      local community event?
     great employees for their service and
                                                                                                                         Or simply tell us how we’re doing!
     dedication to our community.
                                                                                                                                   Synergy Spot
                                                                                                                                   P.O. Box 970
                                                                                                                               Navasota, TX 77868

        Memorial Day                                                       Happy
                                                                           Mother’s Day
                                              MO MCI LOG | IS TOCK .COM

        Mid-South Synergy will be closed
        Monday, May 28, in observance
        of the holiday.                                                    Sunday, May 13                                                                                                          May 2018 MID-SOUTH SYNERGY |   25

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Working Hard After March Storm and Beyond - Mid-South Synergy Working Hard After March Storm and Beyond - Mid-South Synergy
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