Page created by Bertha Ray
Contents                                                            This Strategic Plan identifies specific goals and actions to address our communities’
                                                                    leading priorities.

page                                         page                   page                           page                           page

3                                            4                      5                              6                              9
Introduction from the                        Message from the       Our Communities                About this Document            Objective 1: Improve
North Vancouver                              Officer in Charge                                                                    Road Safety
Policing Committee

page                                         page                   page

12 16 21
Objective 2: Increase                        Objective 3: Partner   Objective 4: Optimize
Sense of Security                            for Social Impact      Our People Capacity

Cover image: North Vancouver by Prayitno is licensed under CC BY                                                  NORTH VANCOUVER RCMP 2019-21 STRATEGIC PLAN   2
Introduction from the                                                                    The North Vancouver Policing Committee
                                                                                                 provides information, advice and
                                                                                                                                               These shared priorities are outlined in a
                                                                                                                                               Strategic Plan that will guide the efforts
                                                                                                 recommendations on policing matters to        of the North Vancouver RCMP
        North Vancouver                                                                          the District of North Vancouver and City      Detachment over the coming years.
                                                                                                 of North Vancouver Mayors and Councils
        Policing Committee                                                                       and the RCMP Officer in Charge. The
                                                                                                 Committee includes the City and District
                                                                                                                                               We recognize the increasing complexity
                                                                                                                                               of the policing mandate as well as
                                                                                                                                               interdependencies with other services the
                                                                                                 Mayors, Chief Administrative Officers
                                                                                                                                               City and District deliver to their residents.
                                                                                                 and one appointee from each Council.
                                                                                                                                               This Strategic Plan includes initiatives that
                                                                                                                                               better utilize the valuable skill sets of our
                                                                                                 While the City and District may face          police officers and municipal staff. By
                                                                                                 unique pressures, they have shared            sharing resources and working together
                                                                                                 public safety concerns.                       collaboratively, the Detachment, together
                                                                                                                                               with the City and District and other
                                                                                                 The Detachment asked our communities          partners will achieve more.
City of North Vancouver

                                                                                                 for their top concerns and they answered:     With our approval of this Strategic Plan,
                                                                                                 road safety for all road users is the top     the Policing Committee joins the
                                                                                                 priority within both municipalities. Our      Detachment’s officers and municipal team
                                                                                                 communities also requested the                members and invites you to be an active
                                                                                                 Detachment’s partnership in increasing        partner in keeping our communities safe,
                                                                                                 their sense of security, starting from hubs   secure, and supported.
                              Mayor Linda Buchanan Councillor Holly Back   CAO Leanne McCarthy
                                                                                                 of activity in the City and District
                                                                                                 outwards into our neighbourhoods. Our
District of North Vancouver

                                                                                                 residents’ firsthand experience when they
                                                                                                 call for help has a significant impact on
                                                                                                 this sense of security.

                         Mayor Mike Little          Councillor Jim Hanson CAO David Stuart
                                                                                                                                               NORTH VANCOUVER RCMP 2019-21 STRATEGIC PLAN     3
Message from the    On behalf of all of the police officers,
                    municipal team members, and volunteers
                                                               We have grown increasingly sensitive to
                                                               the social impact of policing,

Officer in Charge   at the North Vancouver Detachment, I am
                    honoured to outline how we are
                                                               acknowledging opportunities to value our
                                                               diverse communities, minimize our
                    addressing our communities’ priorities     footprint on traditional territories, and
                    through our 2019–2021 Strategic Plan.      strengthen partnerships for people living
                                                               with mental health and substance use
                    This Strategic Plan outlines North         challenges.
                    Vancouver RCMP’s commitment to
                    having a measurable impact on our          Our police officers, municipal team
                    communities’ leading concerns while        members and volunteers often encounter
                    sustaining the many other services we      people on their worst days. No matter
                    deliver. Community engagement              what the crisis, our team is determined to
                    remains at the centre of our everyday      act with compassion and empathy.
                    work.                                      Ongoing investment in the capacity and
                                                               resilience of our people is our strategic
                    In early 2019, the North Vancouver         enabler.
                    Detachment invited a broad range of
                                                               This Strategic Plan is built upon a proven,
                    community groups and partners to help
                                                               progressive policing approach –
                    identify the City’s and District’s top
                                                               beginning with education and prevention,
                    policing priorities. This guided our
                                                               and followed up with enforcement - to
                    emphasis on improving road safety and
                                                               more effectively address our communities’
                    increasing the sense of security in our
                                                               top priorities.
                    communities through to 2021.
                                                               Very respectfully,
                    Beginning as your Officer in Charge in
                    September 2019, I am proud to lead a
                    detachment that is distinctively           Superintendent Ghalib Bhayani
                    community-oriented and indebted to your    Officer in Charge North Vancouver RCMP
                    active partnership in keeping our
                    communities safe.
                                                               NORTH VANCOUVER RCMP 2019-21 STRATEGIC PLAN   4
Our Communities                                       North Vancouver residents share what is
                                                      regarded as one of the safest, cleanest
                                                                                                 While the District and City may be
                                                                                                 distinct, they have common public safety
                                                      and most beautiful places to live in       interests.

                                           2019 Population

                                                                                                                 use alternate modes of
                                                                                                                 transportation to
                                                                                                                 commute to work

                                                                                                                 identify as belonging to
                        2019 Population                                                                          a visible minority
                           57,325                                                                                 Source: Statistics Canada North
                                                                                                                  Vancouver 2016 Census Profile

Source: 2019 BC Stats

         The City of North Vancouver is                       The District of North Vancouver
         a compact, urban community,                          has been traditionally made up
         growing at 0.6% per year,                            of single-family detached homes.
         where the majority of residents                      Growing at 0.1% per year, it is
         live in multi-family dwellings.                      introducing more multi-family
                                                                                                 NORTH VANCOUVER RCMP 2019-21 STRATEGIC PLAN        5
set into motion through
                           •Reflected in the
About this                  District of North
                            Vancouver and City
                            of North
Document:                   Vancouver’s
Community-led              •Direct stakeholder
                            engagement                     •Evidence-Based
                                                                                            •Team Generated
priorities                 •Service Need
                                                            Core Values

                                 Community-Led                                                     Team Driven
                                   Priorities                                                        Actions

                         In January and February 2019, the             Long-standing public safety concerns in
This Strategic Plan is   RCMP North Vancouver Detachment               our communities require smart policing.
grounded in              invited key stakeholders to inform its        We undertook further analysis and
community-led            2019-21 Strategic Plan, including             mapping of service calls to help us
                         community groups, service organizations,      sharpen our focus. Under each objective,
priorities that are
                         public safety partners, and the North         we define:
addressed through        Vancouver Policing Committee.                           Goals (what we want to achieve,
RCMP-established                                                                 in numbers)
practices and set into   In this document, our communities’ leading              Strategic Initiatives (how we will
                         concerns take shape as 4 key objectives.                get there)
motion through team-
                         1. Increase Road Safety                                 Measures (how we will
driven actions.          2. Improve Sense of Security in Our                     demonstrate our progress)
                         3. Partner for Social Impact
                         4. Optimize People Capacity

                                                                      NORTH VANCOUVER RCMP 2019-21 STRATEGIC PLAN     6
About this                Mission
                          The RCMP is Canada’s national police service. Proud of our traditions and confident in
                          meeting future challenges, we commit to preserve the peace, uphold the law and
Document: Guiding         provide quality service in partnership with our communities.

our work                  Vision
                          We will:
                          ▪ be a progressive, proactive and innovative organization
                          ▪ provide the highest quality service through dynamic leadership, education and
                             technology in partnership with the diverse communities we serve
                          ▪ be accountable and efficient through shared decision-making
                          ▪ ensure a healthy work environment that encourages team building, open
                             communication and mutual respect
                          ▪ promote safe communities
                          ▪ demonstrate leadership in the pursuit of excellence
North Vancouver
residents rely on us to   Our Core Values
keep their community
safe through the
RCMP’s proven
operating model and
legally-sound policing                         integrity                     honesty                  professionalism
practices. Our work to
address community
priorities is guided by
the RCMP’s Mission,
Core Values and
Vision.                                      compassion                       respect                  accountability

                                                                      NORTH VANCOUVER RCMP 2019-21 STRATEGIC PLAN       7
Strategic Plan

  In this Strategic Plan, the first two objectives are focused on      A third objective represents our commitment to do our part in
  measurable improvements to important public safety indicators for    responding to mental health and substance use challenges, valuing our
  North Vancouver.                                                     diverse communities, and supporting North Vancouver’s environmental
       Objective 1.            Objective 2. Increase sense of
      Improve road                        security                               Objective 3. Partner for social impact
    1.1 Decrease              2.1 Enhance           2.2 Achieve          3.1 Connect            3.2 Invest in          3.3 Do our
    road users                presence in our       response time        people with            our capacity to        part to reduce
    injured in                shared public         targets for          mental health          be more                greenhouse
    collisions by 5%          spaces, such as       Priority 1 and       and substance          responsive to          gas emissions
                              our transit           Priority 2 calls     use challenges         our diverse
                              hubs, along                                to the right           communities
                              with crime                                 supports
                                            Objective 4. Optimize people capacity

                                      4.1 Increase utilization of resilience supports by 2022

                                                                                                   NORTH VANCOUVER RCMP 2019-21 STRATEGIC PLAN   8
Objective 1:
Improve road
                      Copy and Paste these
                      tables to add topics to
                      each chapter title

safety for all road   Topic Two placement

users                 Topic Three that could
                      a clickable link

                      Topic Four that could be
                      a clickable link
Road safety in North             We invited our communities to identify
                                 the most important issue we need to
                                                                               Listening to our communities’ foremost
                                                                               public safety concern, we can do more to

Vancouver                        address as North Vancouver RCMP and
                                 what we could do to make a positive
                                                                               realize the cumulative effects of
                                                                               synchronizing our public awareness,
                                 difference. The safety of all road users -    education, and enforcement activities to
                                 including pedestrians, cyclists and drivers   correspond with high collision areas,
                                 - was the highest priority.                   vulnerable road users, and seasonal road
                                 Over the years, the North Vancouver           safety risks.
                                 RCMP has established valuable                 Many North Vancouver residents remain
                                 partnerships with ICBC as well as             dependent on auto travel. Persistent road
                                 volunteers on proven traffic safety           safety challenges are exacerbated by
Annually in North                initiatives, ranging from Speed Watch         traffic congestion. As identified by the
Vancouver                        digital displays to Counterattack road        North Shore Transportation Planning
                                 checks and distracted driving campaigns.

                                                                               Project, “travel to, from and around the
                                 Our community members affirmed our
                                                                               North Shore is one of the major traffic
                                 presence on North Vancouver roads as
                                                                               hotspots in Metro Vancouver”. North
                                 one of our strengths.
vehicle crashes                                                                Vancouver RCMP will pursue
resulting in injury                                                            collaboration with other first responders,
                                 Fatalities may be rare, but we                traffic authorities, and the municipalities
                                 consider every collision a risk to the
                crashes                                                        to collaborate on safe road design and
                involving        lives of North Vancouver residents.           address upstream bottlenecks that
                                                                               present risks to the people in North
                                                                               Vancouver neighbourhoods.


Sources: North Vancouver RCMP,
2019 & *ICBC Crash Maps, 2017

                                                                               NORTH VANCOUVER RCMP 2019-21 STRATEGIC PLAN   10
Road safety in North   1. Improve road safety for all road users
                       1.1 Decrease the number of road users - pedestrians, cyclists and
                       drivers - injured in North Vancouver road collisions by 5% by

                        EDUCATE                   PREVENT                           ENFORCE

                                        With partners,       Expand
                       In partnership    contribute to      volunteer
                                                                             Consistently allocate traffic
                         with ICBC,       safe road         action to
                                                                            enforcement resources to the
                       expand youth         design           improve
                                                                            top 5 areas that present the
                        road safety     planning within     safety of
                                                                             greatest potential for harm
                          education      the City and      vulnerable
                                            District       road users

                         Synchronize education, prevention and enforcement efforts in an annual road
                                                      safety calendar
                                            Number of         Percent
                        Number of       recommendations     increase in       Percent          Percent
                           youth        contributed for     volunteers      increase in      decrease in
                        engaged in            traffic      engaged in          traffic         persons
                        simulations       infrastructure   road safety        citations       injured in
                       and education       projects and     awareness          issued       road collisions
                                         road redesign       initiatives

                                                                 NORTH VANCOUVER RCMP 2019-21 STRATEGIC PLAN   11
Objective 2:
Increase sense of   Copy and Paste these
                    tables to add topics to
                    each chapter title
                                               Topic Five that could be
                                               a clickable link

security            Topic Two placement
                                               Topic Six that could be
                                               a clickable link

                    Topic Three that could     You may delete as
                    be                         many of these as
                    a clickable link           necessary

                    Topic Four that could be   They are set up as a
                    a clickable link           table and easy to delete
A sense of security             As public life in our shared spaces
                                continues to change so will our efforts to
                                                                                In 2019, our average response time was
                                                                                10 minutes for Priority 1 (emergency)

from community to               foster a sense of safety and belonging
                                for all North Vancouver residents.
                                                                                calls and 24 minutes for Priority 2
                                                                                (urgent) calls. Taking into account our

home                            Police presence contributes to a sense of
                                security in our shared public spaces.
                                                                                geography, we have established the
                                                                                following target response times.
                                Residents and businesses value the April-       Priority 1 call (emergency incl
Presence and       2. Increase sense of security
prevention at
gathering places   2.1 Enhance proactive policing presence in shared public spaces,
                   such as our transit hubs, and expand crime prevention

                            EDUCATE                          PREVENT                   ENFORCE

                                                     Establish a                     In partnership
                                                   workspace for     Whenever          with Transit
                                                      Frontline       possible,           Police,
                      Together with community        Policing &        position        establish a
                     partners, deliver targeted     Community       marked cars         strategic
                   personal safety workshops for   Police Services at transit hubs     resource to
                         youth and seniors          in Lonsdale         while           intercept
                                                   Quay (see 2.2    completing           repeat
                                                     for Phibbs        reports       property crime
                                                     Exchange)                          offenders

                     Number of      Number of
                   youth reached participants in      Percent          Percent            Percent
                       through     shared public    decrease in      decrease in       decrease in
                    education on      spaces          calls for        calls for        reports of
                   recognizing &     workshops       service to       service to        theft from
                     addressing                      Lonsdale           Phibbs        auto, business
                    risks to their  Number of
                   personal and        senior          Quay           Exchange           or home
                    online safety   participants

                                                           NORTH VANCOUVER RCMP 2019-21 STRATEGIC PLAN   14
Our timely response   2.   Increase sense of security
when you call
                      2.2 Achieve response time targets for Priority 1 calls (
Objective 3:
Partner for social
Our social impact               Heightened public interest is driving
                                accountability for social impact across the
                                                                                          Our police officers and staff meet people
                                                                                          at a point of need and we are
                                public and private sector. This also holds                increasingly aware of our potential to
                                true for the North Vancouver Detachment                   improve an individual’s capacity to cope
                                as the role of police officers and staff                  with their circumstances or make it worse.
                                intersects with complex social and health
                                                                                          Outside our detachment stands the
                                                                                          Strength and Remembrance Pole, a
                                Every year, one in five British                           poignant call to action to ensure our
                                Columbians will be directly affected by                   service respects the value of every person
                                a mental health and/or substance use                      and every community - Indigenous
                                issue. In service to the safety of our                    Peoples and every person’s race, cultural
                                communities, our members are called                       identity, gender expression, sexual
                                upon to de-escalate crisis situations,                    orientation, residency, social status, age,
                                assess whether criminal activity has                      and ability.

                                occurred, apprehend an individual for
                                                                                          Lastly, both the City of North Vancouver
                                their safety and/or connect them to
                                                                                          and the District of North Vancouver have
                                health services. There are gaps in mental
Annual Files with a                                                                       taken a visible stand for environmental
                                health and substance use care for British
Mental Health component                                                                   sustainability. We recognize climate
                                Columbians and police are widely
                                                                                          change as a threat to the wellbeing of
                                recognized as the frequent first point of
                                                                                          our residents and the livability of our

606                             contact. We need collaborative
                                approaches to connecting people living
                                with mental health and substance use
                                                                                          communities, and as such, environmental
                                                                                          stewardship is unquestionably one of the
                                                                                          Detachment’s responsibilities. We are
Annual Mental                   challenges to the spectrum of services
                                                                                          committed to doing our part, continuously
Health                          that can help them.
                                                                                          elevating green culture and our efforts to
Apprehensions by
                                Those who have experienced trauma and                     reduce carbon emissions and waste.
North Vancouver RCMP
                                inequity are particularly vulnerable.
Source: North Vancouver RCMP,   For more: Please refer to the roadmap, A Pathway to
2019                            Hope, from the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions
                                                                                          NORTH VANCOUVER RCMP 2019-21 STRATEGIC PLAN   17
Our impact on       3. Partner for social impact
mental health and
substance use       3.1 Connect people living with mental health and substance use
                    challenges to the right supports

                           EDUCATE                                     PREVENT

                        Build professional       With health care partners,    Work with partners to
                     competency of officers       test and refine an on-      connect high utilizers with
                       and municipal staff        location mental health        individualized wrap-
                    through trauma-informed          assessment model              around support

                    Percent of police officers
                          participating             Percent decrease in          Percent decrease in
                    Percent of public-facing          Mental Health              annual files for high
                    municipal team members            apprehensions                   utilizers

                                                               NORTH VANCOUVER RCMP 2019-21 STRATEGIC PLAN   18
Our impact on our     3. Partner for social impact
diverse communities
                      3.2 Invest in our capacity to be more responsive to our diverse

                                    EDUCATE                                     SUPPORT

                                                                    Cultivate relationships and trust by
                                                                   providing practical supports for girls
                                                                    and youth to lead in activities that
                      Offer bias-free policing sessions to all   reinforce the value of Aboriginal culture
                      Detachment officers and municipal staff        (IFNU and Pulling Together canoe
                                                                   families) and involve more Frontline
                                                                      Policing officers in these cultural

                      Percent of police officers participating    Number of contacts with IFNU and the
                                                                  North Vancouver Detachment that are
                      Percent of municipal staff participating     initiated by Indigenous communities

                                                                 NORTH VANCOUVER RCMP 2019-21 STRATEGIC PLAN   19
Our impact on the   3. Partner for social impact
                    3.3 Do our part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions


                        Whenever possible, reduce calls
                      requiring police presence in cars by        Begin gradual transition to electric
                     leveraging technology to follow up on                    vehicles
                              minor crimes reports

                                                                Percent of Frontline Policing cars that
                         Percent of service time in cars
                                                                             are electric

                                                               NORTH VANCOUVER RCMP 2019-21 STRATEGIC PLAN   20
Strategic Enabler,
Objective 4:
Optimize people
The North Vancouver Detachment               Working hand in hand with RCMP
About Your                     workforce is comprised of 130 police
                               officers divided into 5 sections or teams:
                                                                            Members, 82 municipal team members,
                                                                            and 48 casual staff provide operational
Detachment                     1. Frontline Policing (uniformed patrol
                                                                            support services to RCMP officers and the
                                                                            public. These include answering 911 and
                               2. Traffic Section                           non-emergency calls, police dispatching,
                               3. Investigative Support Services (plain     and front counter services. They also
                                    clothes detectives)                     contribute to police file management, as
                               4. Community Police Services                 cell guards, leading Crime Reduction,
It is because of our                (community relations, youth outreach    Victim Services, Community Policing and
police officers and                 and crime prevention)                   Crisis Intervention, and Detachment
municipal team                 5. Office of the Officer in Charge and       administration and finance services.
members that we                     Senior Leadership
have earned the
confidence of North
Vancouver residents.           The North Vancouver Detachment (along        More than 50 volunteers provide
                               with the West Vancouver Police and the       countless hours of support to police
                               Squamish RCMP), participates in the          services. Among these are 15 Auxiliary
                               Integrated First Nations Policing Unit       Constables. Volunteers staff our
development is                 (IFNU) providing policing services to the    Community Policing Centres and
one way we can                 Squamish and Tsleil Waututh First            participate in a wide range of programs
support our people in          Nations. IFNU was created in 2008 to         including Block Watch, Road Safety
responding to the              provide enhanced First Nations policing      (Speed Watch, Distracted Driving, Lock
changing needs of our          services; a key mandate of the Unit is to    Out Auto Crime), Citizen Crime Watch
communities.                   build communication and understanding        and Business Link.
                               between police and indigenous
Source: North Vancouver RCMP
Employee Survey, 2019          communities.

                                                                            NORTH VANCOUVER RCMP 2019-21 STRATEGIC PLAN   22
Our people, our      4. Optimize people capacity
strategic enablers
                     4.1 Increase utilization of resilience supports by 2022

                         EDUCATE                                    PREVENT

                       Offer mental
                     wellness sessions to   Increase Supervisor access and endorsement of crisis debrief
                        officers and                     support and annual wellness day
                      municipal team

                                             Total number of
                      Percent of police       hours of crisis
                          officers           debrief support     Percent of police
                        participating        accessed by all       officers using     Percent decrease
                                               Detachment         annual wellness     in other absence
                         Percent of                                                          rate
                       municipal team          officers and             day
                     members opting-in       municipal team

                                                                NORTH VANCOUVER RCMP 2019-21 STRATEGIC PLAN   23


  North Vancouver RCMP
  147 East 14 Street
  North Vancouver, BC V7L 2N4

  (604) 985-1311
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