EVENTS PLAN 2014 2020 - 2016 Update Appendix

Page created by Sergio Carroll
Appendix 1


                EVENTS PLAN 2014 - 2020

                           2016 Update

2016 Update: October 2016
Economic Development, Scottish Borders Council
Scottish Borders Events Plan 2014 – 2020: 2016 Update

1. Introduction

Events are recognised as an important             part of the social and economic life of
communities. They have the potential             to enrich lives, attract visitors, and add
significantly to the economic vitality of an     area. Events help us celebrate our cultural
identity and heritage, and are increasingly      based on our rich natural heritage.

The Scottish Borders Council Events Plan reinforces a strategic approach to events
across the Scottish Borders.

In 2015, EventScotland published its updated ‘Scotland The Perfect Stage’, the national
event strategy. ‘Scotland The Perfect Stage’ comprises the Events and Festivals aspect of
‘Tourism Scotland 2020’, a strategy for the tourism industry established by the Scottish
Tourism Alliance.

The revised ‘Scotland The Perfect Stage’ strategy focuses on:

            Promoting the importance to successful events of communities and partnerships
             between the public, private and third sectors.
            Sustaining support for investment for events from private, public and third sectors.
            Working together to tackle inequality.
            Better consideration of transport links, technology and accommodation within long
             term event planning.
            Using events to promote Scotland to the wider world.
            Continuing to develop existing Scottish events, as well as securing one-off events.
            Recognising events as a driver of Scotland’s visitor economy.
            Developing the industry through further higher, post-graduate and CPD courses, as
             well as the exchange of best practice.
            Improving how the economic, social, environmental and promotional value of events
             is evaluated.

The national strategy for delivering the vision and fulfilling the mission has two
    I.   To utilise and develop the assets that Scotland has which make it ‘The Perfect
         Stage’ for events:-
          Our people
          Our cultural identity and heritage
          Our natural environment
          Our built facilities
          Our signature events

       II.      To deliver a portfolio of events which provide world leading authentic experiences
                for residents and visitors:-
                 Authentic experiences
                 Events
                 Residents and visitors

Scottish Borders Events Plan 2014 – 2020: 2016 Update

The Scottish Borders Council Events Plan links directly to the national Events Strategy,
and to regional economic, tourism and sports strategies, and the Single Outcome
Agreement to sustain and grow economic activity in key sectors of the Scottish
Borders economy.

The Tourism Strategy and Action Plan for the Scottish Borders include Events as a key
driver for attracting visitors to the area and crucially to encourage people to return to
the Scottish Borders.

These strategic documents recognise that the ‘events product’ has a fundamental part
to play in developing and growing the tourism sector. In this sense, the objectives of
any event are two-fold:

      To deliver the specific objectives of the event itself – and these can range from
       cultural and sporting objectives, to tourism and community development
       objectives; and, crucially;

      To maximise the economic development impacts from the event.

Scottish Borders Events Plan 2014 – 2020: 2016 Update

2. Scottish Borders Council Events Plan

2.1 Our Vision

Through discussions with the Council’s Event Coordination Group, the following vision
has been developed:

     By 2020 the Scottish Borders is seen as ‘a stage’ for significant
     events that raise the profile of the area and create sustainable
     economic benefits.

2.2 Strategic Aim

Scottish Borders Council will seek to deliver this vision by developing national and
international events in partnership with EventScotland and working across the public,
private and voluntary sectors. The aim is:

     To work together to develop existing events and create new,
     exciting events, endorsing the Scottish Borders unique selling
     points (USP), targeting events with a significant economic impact as
     well as promoting stronger communities and embracing ‘Ambitious
     for the Borders’ priorities.

2.3 Objectives

The overall aim is to work together to develop the reputation of the Scottish Borders
as an excellent host for a wider variety of events. In order to achieve this and
maximise the wider tourism and economic benefits, a number of key objectives

   A. To support the development of events
   B. To encourage effective event promotion and marketing
   C. To ensure events are evaluated so we understand their economic

The Council in previous years moved away from being directly involved in the delivery
of events so wider ‘legacy’ impacts could be successfully exploited and harnessed. In
order to link events activity closer to tourism and economic development, developing
events with an economic development focus.

Fundamentally we want to bring new, exciting events to the area, and help them to
grow and become sustainable. The Council’s focus will be on enabling new events to
develop and grow, so that over time its resources will continually shift from existing
events towards new events.

Scottish Borders Events Plan 2014 – 2020: 2016 Update

The tourism growth opportunity is driven by unique and authentic experiences that
visitors can seek out in our area. Therefore, we must build on the rich heritage of
events that we currently have in the Borders, but we must also encourage new and
different events that can offer that fresh, unique experience to tourists

Scottish Borders Events Plan 2014 – 2020: 2016 Update

3. Opportunities for Strategic Events

3.1 Key Event Opportunities

From the review of previous event activity, discussions with EventScotland and
discussions with local event organisers, the following Event Opportunities have been
                          Event Opportunity                   Event Opportunity
                              2014-2016                            2016-2020
Event               Homecoming - 2014                    Scottish Government Focus
opportunities       Commonwealth Games 2014                Years
                    Cycling – Tour of Britain/ Tour      Borders Railway event specific
                       de France (Yorkshire)                opportunities
                    New Year and winter months           Borders Railway Steam Train
                    Others including sport,                opportunities
                       heritage, arts and culture         Cycling – Tour of Britain
                                                          New Year and winter months
                                                          Others including sport,
                                                            heritage, arts and culture

Infrastructure         Abbotsford House                     Abbotsford House & Visitor
development            Borders Railway                       Centre
opportunities          Border Union Agricultural            Borders Railway
                        Society Showground                   Border Union Agricultural
                       Tweed Valley/ Glentress               Society Showground
                       New visitor accommodation            Galashiels town centre event
                        opportunities                         space
                                                             Tweed Valley MTB Action Plan
                                                              / Glentress master plan
                                                             New visitor attraction
                                                             New visitor accommodation

Links with local/      Local event organizers (private      Local event organisers (private
national                and voluntary sector)                 and voluntary sector)
partners:              Local clubs and associations         Cross Border links
                       National partners, including         National partners, including
                        EventScotland, VisitScotland          EventScotland, VisitScotland,
                                                             Railway Blueprint partners
                                                              including Scottish
                                                              Government, Abellio/ Scotrail,
                                                              Edinburgh & Midlothian
                                                              Councils, Network Rail
                                                             Live Borders and local Trusts
                                                             Local clubs and associations

Scottish Borders Events Plan 2014 – 2020: 2016 Update

3.2 Key Activity Areas

From the review of previous event activity, discussions with EventScotland and with
local event organisers, the following ‘activity areas’ have been identified as having the
most potential:

i) Events promoting Scottish Borders as a host destination -
The Scottish Borders should continue to seek a high profile as an events destination.
This will involve attracting events which have a high economic direct spend or a high
economic impact via Comms / PR coverage. For example, the Tour of Britain stages
in the Scottish Borders are broadcast nationally as part of the 7-day long event via
broadcaster, ITV4.

ii) Events with the potential to develop into major National/ International
events -
To further develop and grow the potential of existing events within the Scottish
Borders to attract new audiences, specifically around:
    Cycling
    Rugby
    Outdoor/ Adventure Sports
    Equestrian events
    Motor sport and specialist vehicle events

iii) Events offering varying degrees of potential for development -
To develop areas of regional activity that offer the potential for event development,
including collective marketing and profile raising opportunities specifically:
     Traditional Music
     Outdoors and Access
     Literature
     Culture & Visual Arts

Scottish Borders Events Plan 2014 – 2020: 2016 Update

4. Scottish Borders’ Events Characteristics

Festivals and events in the Scottish Borders fall into four categories as detailed below.
Different festivals and events exist and operate for varying reasons, ranging from
tradition, income generation, community cohesion, and visitor and audience

Category                 Definition
                         HIGH VALUE TOURIST DEMAND
                           - International, National or Regional Events
1. Major Festivals         - High Profile
and Events                 - Fit with Borders USP
                           - Require some SBC support
‘Hallmark’                 - Generated both in and outwith the region

                         They will attract the most publicity and be of most benefit to
                         the area. They will include some of the area’s major tourist
                         attractions and local landmarks/landscapes.

Some events may fit between these two categories – more specifically parts of the
programming may sit between these two areas within one event
                       MEDIUM SIZED EVENTS
                          - Generate regular audiences
2. Mid-sized events       - Specific motive to attend
                          - Domestic tourists, wider marketing and appeal
Ticketed / Spectator
One off events/        These events are programmed for a specific purpose and
periodic               audience. Marketing will expand beyond the local community
                       and will have specialist press interest.

                         LOW DEMAND / LOW VALUE
                           - Regular events
3. Community &             - Potential to grow into Medium sized events
Local Events
                         These events link culture and community and reflect the
                         Scottish Borders.    Their primary audience is the local
                         community.      They will attract some passing trade from
                         visitors.    Examples include local fairs/fetes and rural
                         agricultural shows and local sports events.

                         They provide ‘added value’ to the day-to-day experiences for
                         local people and visitors. These are likely to be determined
4. local weekly and      as ‘activities’ rather than stand-alone events or regular
monthly events           programming of spaces, such as farmers markets, venues
                         and or visitor attraction programmes.

Scottish Borders Events Plan 2014 – 2020: 2016 Update

5. Priorities for Investment – Our Principles and Criteria

5.1 Support Criteria

Scottish Borders Council will invest budget and support to events using the following
Event Development criteria:

      Fit with Strategy: does the event play to our strengths as an area; celebrate
       our unique cultural heritage and landscape or develop our reputation as an
       excellent event host to increase opportunities for higher profile events?

      Attracting Visitors: does the event have the potential to attract visitors from
       outside the area and is there opportunity to promote overnight stays and return

      Economic Impact: does the event create a substantial economic impact for
       businesses in the local towns and surrounding area?

      Place Shaping: does the event encourage, support and facilitate events that
       celebrate the Scottish Borders’ distinctiveness utilising the landscape and
       backdrop which does not allow these event to be held anywhere else?

      People – Stronger communities, health, care & wellbeing: does the event
       support event organisers who use events to develop a strong sustainable
       community, providing opportunities for:
          o Volunteering
          o Skills and training
          o Pathways to employment
          o Health and wellbeing

      Media Profile: does the event have the ability to attract media attention
       furthering the Scottish Borders reputation throughout Scotland, UK and

      Funding gaps and potential to draw external funding: what added value
       would Scottish Borders Council funding provide?     Would Scottish Borders
       Council funding enable more external funding to be drawn into the area, for
       example from EventScotland/ Creative Scotland/ SportScotland.

   Consideration will also be given to minimising potential negative impacts,

      Potential for disruption to normal life of residents: are plans in place to
       minimise disruption for local communities?

Scottish Borders Events Plan 2014 – 2020: 2016 Update

6. Key Event Support

6.1 Resources

Scottish Borders Council will continue to offer support to deliver events which fit the
priorities of the Scottish Borders Council Events Plan. Support will be targeted
towards events which have the potential to deliver the most significant economic
impact (primarily Major Festivals and Events and Mid Sized Events).

The Economic Development Service plays a specific role in supporting local organisers
to develop themed events. Working with event organisers, the aim is to develop,
attract and sustain key (and new) events across ‘national’ and ‘regional’ categories, to
promote the area, and measure and promote the impact of these events. The
partnership approach includes working with national agencies EventScotland and
VisitScotland as well as local businesses and communities to maximise local economic
impact. For example, recent events such as the Tour of Britain has returned for the
fourth year, while existing successful events such as the Borders Book Festival,
TweedLove and Melrose 7s are being developed further to enhance their economic
impact, particularly with the opportunities arising from the Borders Railway.

Economic Development supports the development and coordination of events in
conjunction with other key support services within the Council including the Safety
Advisory team, the Roads Engineers/ Safety team, Licencing, Environmental Health,
Wellbeing and Safety, Communications.

This coordination role ensures that economic links are made between the events and
local business development opportunities. Tourism and events are sectors of the
Scottish Borders economy and the Council’s priority is to sustain and grow business
activity in these sectors.

6.2 The Approach

How it Works: the Economic Development Service works closely with event
organisers and other Council services across four key stages to maximise economic

1. Event Attraction: activity includes marketing the area to event organisers; a
series of business development/ sales pitches to organisers and initial negotiations;
development of a bid to the organiser; securing financial support.

2. Pre Event: once the Event has been confirmed, activity includes working with
organisers on logistical/ technical support, promotion/ marketing and developing local
business opportunities around an event.

3. During Event: activity involves ensuring the safe and effective delivery of the
event in conjunction with event organisers, sponsors, participants and attendees; and
liaising with other relevant Council services via the Events Coordination team.

Scottish Borders Events Plan 2014 – 2020: 2016 Update
External: working with Agencies such as VisitScotland, EventScotland, Live Borders,
private sector, Town Centre Groups, Events Organisers/ funders and emergency
Internal: Within the Council, activity is coordinated via the Events Strategy
Coordination Group, comprising of representation from Safety Advisory, Licencing,
Legal, Wellbeing & Safety, Built & Natural Heritage, Building Standards, Community
Funding, Roads/ Traffic, Communications, Environmental Health.

Events often require cross-departmental project teams, therefore the coordination role
is critical. The event-specific project teams also ensure that the non-economic
objectives of an Event are realised with local event organisations receiving support
from other services in SBC where relevant.

4. Post Event: activity includes completing appropriate monitoring and evaluation to
ensure the additional economic impact of the event is fully captured and understood.

6.4 Responsibilities

The coordination and management of the Events Plan is led by Scottish Borders
Council. However, successful event delivery requires a partnership approach with
ambitious event organisers and national agencies, as well as local businesses and

Major events will require co-ordination support from Scottish Borders Council services
to ensure traffic control measures, cleansing etc are in place, keeping disruption to
local life to a minimum. The Council coordinates Local Organising Committees (LOC’s)
where necessary as part of the Safety Advisory Group process. Many events have
received this LOC approach for support including Borders Book Festival, Tour of
Britain, Tour o’ the Borders, Tweedlove, Melrose Sevens and the Club Lotus Jim Clark

Civic events, which fall under the auspices of the Council, also require the appropriate
strategic overview and planning.

Bryan McGrath (Chief Officer Economic Development)
Jane Warcup (Event Strategy Officer)
Economic Development, Scottish Borders Council

Action Plan 2014 – 2020: 2016 Update
 Project Pipeline 2014                                                 Update 2016
         Resources Identified/ Deliverable                                      Achieved/ Ongoing annual activity
         Resources Required                                                     Progressing/ Work in progress
                                                                                Limited/no progress

Action                  Resource      Lead           Target           Timescale     Impact/ Outcome        Progress Update
                                      (Support)      (activity/                     Measured by:
   A. Support Event Development
  Provide Advisory      Staff         SBC                             Ongoing       £ leverage             Ongoing advisory support
  and Funding                         AFA / CGS      No. of Events                                         provided to local event organisers.
  Support to local                    Creative       receiving
  event organisers                    Scotland/ ES   external                                              2014/15: £141,822 of total
                                                     funding                                               grant funding (SBC/ ES)
                                                                                                           2015/16: £143k (SBC/ ES)

  Provide up to date    Staff         SBC            Eventful guide   Yearly or     Increased knowledge    Eventful updated regularly as
  advice via SBC                                     used as first    as required   for event organisers   /when required
  website and online                                 point of
  guide                                              contact.

Maximise benefits of    Staff         SBC/ES/VS      Support key      Ongoing       National £ leverage    Support to appropriate ‘Years of…’
Scottish Government     £20k                         events to                                             events has been provided.
‘Years of Focus’                                     align to the
 - Food & drink                                      ‘focus years’.
 - Innovation,
    Architecture &                                   Increased
    Design (16)                                      investment
 - History, heritage                                 for key
    and Archaeology                                  events.
 - Young People
Scottish Borders Events Plan 2014 – 2020: 2016 Update
Action                Resource   Lead        Target           Timescale     Impact/ Outcome          Progress Update
                                 (Support)   (activity/                     Measured by:
  Develop existing    Staff      SCB/VS      Increased        Ongoing       Increase in Economic     Support provided to ‘Hallmark’
  key events to       £40k +                 investment                     Impact outturn           events including: Borders Book
  increase Economic                          for key events                 figure                   Festival, Tour of Britain, Melrose
  Impact              (est.)                 which bring                                             7s, Tweedlove and Tour o’ the
                                             sustained EI                                            Borders. Support provided
                                             in the region.                                          annually working towards the
                                                                                                     events being fully sustainable in
                                                                                                     future years.

                                                                                                     Significant support to Borders
                                                                                                     Railway Opening Celebration
                                                                                                     Events and Steam Train events in
                                                                                                     2015 and 2016.

  Support             Staff      SBC         Tailored         Ongoing       Increased knowledge      Networking opportunities provided
  networking          £10k                   practical                      of event organisers.     at the events/ tourism
  mechanisms for                             support -                      Best practice and        conferences (as below)
  event organisers                           deliver 5                      skill set development
                                             workshops                      Increase in quality of   Limited progress made to
                                             per year                       event delivery           providing additional support
                                                                                                     network mechanisms due to
                                                                                                     commitments of the Borders
                                                                                                     Railway Opening/ related events
                                                                                                     in 2015 & 2016.

  Event sector        Staff 5k   SBC         Deliver event    Yearly        Increased                2014 /15 event and tourism
  conferences                                sector                         knowledge, best          conference held in Kelso with 150
                                 VS          conference                     practice and skill set   attendees (focus on Food and
                                                                            development              drink)
                                 Other                                      Increase in quality of
                                 agencies                                   event delivery           2014 Scottish MTB/ cycling
                                                                                                     conference hosted in Peebles with
                                                                                                     190 attendees.

Scottish Borders Events Plan 2014 – 2020: 2016 Update
Action                Resource       Lead            Target          Timescale    Impact/ Outcome       Progress Update
                                     (Support)       (activity/                   Measured by:
  Ensure events are   Staff          SBC / Multi-    Ensure Public   Ongoing      Safe execution of     38 number of events were
  supported by                       agency, Fire,   Safety                       events Standardised   supported by the Safety Advisory
  Safety Advisory                    Police,                                      approach and one      Group (SAG) process in 2014/15.
  Group process                      Ambulance       All events                   stop shop for event   This covers all of the main events
  (SAG) and Local                    etc.            comply with                  organisers            and those events, where there is a
  Organising                                         legislation                                        public safety consideration.
  Committees (LOC)
                                                                                                        Events are constantly reviewed
                                                                                                        and consideration taken as to
                                                                                                        whether they should undertake
                                                                                                        the SAG process.

  Attract New         £50k           SBC ED/         Bids            Year by      No. of Event          Tour of Britain was hosted with
  National and        (additional)   EventScotlan    submitted for   year basis   attendances           a finish event in Kelso in 2015.
  International                      d               hosting                                            The net economic impact was
  Events                                             events.                      Visitor spend         £307k.
                                                                                  Growth in GVA         The Council are currently
                                                     No. of                                             negotiating for future TOB events
                                                     National &                                         to be hosted in the Scottish
                                                     International                                      Borders.
                                                     secured.                                           The Tweed Valley and Peebles
                                                                                                        hosted the Enduro World Series
                                                                                                        in 2015 with 4600 visitors and a
                                                                                                        net economic impact of £600K.

                                                                                                        The Tweedlove Bike Festival,
                                                                                                        now over 2 weeks in May had a
                                                                                                        net economic impact of £594k
                                                                                                        with 5,000 visitors.

                                                                                                        The Tour o the Borders
                                                                                                        continues to grow annually. In
                                                                                                        2015 the net economic impact
                                                                                                        was £595K with 7,500 visitors.

Scottish Borders Events Plan 2014 – 2020: 2016 Update
Action             Resource       Lead           Target           Timescale   Impact/ Outcome       Progress Update
                                  (Support)      (activity/                   Measured by:
                                                                                                    The British MTB champs were
                                                                                                    hosted in Selkirk in 2015 and
                                                                                                    the net economic impact was
  Work in          Staff          SBC            Promote                      No. of Event          The Council works in conjunction
  Partnership to                  ED/Comms       event related                attendances           with VisitScotland, EventScotland
  develop                                        activities /                                       and other national partners to
  coordinated                                    business tie                 Visitor spend         promote events to a national/
  communication                                  ins etc.                     Growth in GVA         international audience (measured
                                                                                                    by individual event EIAs).

  Identify local   Staff          SBC/           Development      Ongoing     Improved and higher   The Tweed Valley / Glentress
  infrastructure   (additional)   Various        strategy work                quality facilities    Master Plan is currently
  needs &                         stakeholders   with partners                                      progressing, which considers
  facilitate                      FC/SE/Twee     on                                                 potential infrastructure
  investment                      d Valley       infrastructure                                     developments for the Tweed
                                                 requirements                                       Valley and multi user access

                                                                                                    A Borders Railway Tourism
                                                                                                    Destination Audit has been
                                                                                                    produced by Midlothian and
                                                                                                    Scottish Borders Councils to
                                                                                                    highlight the opportunities for
                                                                                                    partnership and collaborative
                                                                                                    development opportunities linked
                                                                                                    to the Railway.

                                                                                                    A ‘Covered Spaces’ Report has
                                                                                                    been completed for Galashiels,
                                                                                                    which considers various town
                                                                                                    centre locations for additional
                                                                                                    activity and events to stimulate
                                                                                                    the town centre/ linked to the
                                                                                                    Borders Railway opportunities.

Scottish Borders Events Plan 2014 – 2020: 2016 Update
Action                  Resource       Lead         Target           Timescale    Impact/ Outcome         Progress Update
                                       (Support)    (activity/                    Measured by:
  Promote benefits to   Staff          SBC/ BG      Specific         Ongoing      Economic Impact         Economic Impact Assessments are
  businesses through    (additional)   /ATP/        assessment of                 assessment of           completed for significant events,
  collaborative                        Chamber of   businesses                    increase in             which identified the benefit of local
  working                              Commerce     when events                   expenditure by event    partnership/ collaborative
                                                    are taking                    attendees and event     working:
                                                    place in the                  organisers (goods &         Borders Railway opening
                                                    locality                      services)                   Tour of Britain
                                                                                                              Tour o’ the Borders
                                                                                                              Tweedlove
                                                                                                              Borders Book Festival
                                                                                                              Melrose 7s.

                                                                                                          Total Economic Impact for the
                                                                                                          above events £5,735,052

   B. Encourage Effective Event Promotion and Marketing
  Maximise joint        Staff          SBC/VS/ES    VisitScotland    2 per year   Increase awareness      Significant national promotion of
  marketing and                                     promotions       Ongoing      and event               the Scottish Borders with the re-
  promotional                                       and linkages                  attendance              opening of the Borders Railway
  activities                                        to                                                    and related event activity (see
                                                    VisitScotland                 Capture of campaign     below).
                                                    Website and/                  information (web hits
                                                    or                            / etc.)                 Significant media promotion of the
                                                    publications                                          Scottish Borders particularly with
                                                                                  Event collaboration     the Hallmark events.
                                                    Promote                       (theme/geographical          Melrose 7’s covered by BBC
                                                    coordination                  )                               Scotland
                                                    of events with                                             Tour of Britain featured on
                                                    similar                                                       ITV4
                                                                                                          Opportunity to develop continued
                                                                                                          promotion with the current
                                                                                                          hallmark events and the wide
                                                                                                          range of the events calendar.

Scottish Borders Events Plan 2014 – 2020: 2016 Update
Action                  Resource   Lead        Target           Timescale   Impact/ Outcome        Progress Update
                                   (Support)   (activity/                   Measured by:
                                                                                                   Border Events (private sector)
                                                                                                   continue to market and promote
                                                                                                   events via the website and hard
                                                                                                   copy brochure.

                                                                                                   Live Borders continue to deliver
                                                                                                   the quarterly hard copy ‘what’s on’

  Promote the           Staff      SBC/VS/ES   Event            Ongoing     Increase in the        Continuous partnership working
  Scottish Borders as                          Destination                  number of events in    with EventScotland to raise the
  an excellent host                            Guide                        the region             profile of the Scottish Borders and
  for events                                   produced                                            bring events to the area.

                                               No of new                                           Opportunities to build on this and
                                               events                                              attract additional events will
                                               aligned to the                                      require increased investment and
                                               region’s USP’s                                      resources.

  Promote ‘Event        Staff      SBC/        Event            Ongoing     Increase in number     The area has a range of cycling
  Tourism’ in the       £12k       VS/Comms    Destination                  of event attendees     events, festivals and sportives
  Scottish Borders,                            Guide / Social               and quality of         including Tour of Britain,
  including focus on                           Media                        experiences            Tweedlove, Tour o the Borders,
  USP ‘all wheels’                                                          Closer links and       Tour de Lauder, Selkirk MTB, Ken
  cycling                                                                   collaboration,         Laidlaw Sportive as well as many
                                                                            creating a portfolio   other local cycling events/
                                                                            of events to           activities (see below).
                                                                            ‘sell/showcase’ the
                                                                            region                 The Scottish Borders Cycling
                                                                                                   Tourism strategy and Action Plan
                                                                                                   2016 – 2021 has been developed
                                                                                                   to progress further opportunities.

Scottish Borders Events Plan 2014 – 2020: 2016 Update
Action                 Resource       Lead             Target          Timescale    Impact/ Outcome         Progress Update
                                      (Support)        (activity/                   Measured by:
  Facilitate the       Staff          SBC/ES/          Review          2 per year   Number of joint         Regular cross boundary events
  development of       (additional)   other Local      current         Ongoing      events hosted           have been added to the events
  events and                          Authorities      network and                                          calendar including:
  promotional                                          opportunities                Increase in                  Wooler Wheelers,
  activities with                     Engage with      on offer.                    collaboration of               Northumberland
  neighbouring Local                  various          Attendance at                stakeholders                 A Bridge too Far,
  Authorities and                     stakeholders     event                                                       Norham/Kelso
  other areas of                      , i.e. FC / SE   development                                               Ride to the Sun, through
  Scotland.                           / D&G            meetings                                                    Borders (Carlisle to
                                                       Cross                                                       Cramond)
                                                       boundary                                                  Poppy Scotland sportive,
                                                       events hosted                                               Prestonpans / Berwickshire
                                                       Collaboration                                             Bethany sportive, starting
                                                       on specific                                                 at Lasswade and heading
                                                       events                                                      south
                                                                                                            Further opportunities will be
                                                                                                            explored as part of the Scottish
                                                                                                            Borders Cycling Tourism strategy
                                                                                                            and Action Plan 2016 – 2021.
   C. Evaluate Events and Understand their Economic Impacts
  Measure the          £5k            SBC/ED/E&L       Evaluation of   Ongoing      No. of Event            Each event, which is supported by
  economic impact of   Staff          L                specific key                 attendances and         the Council or the public sector, is
  all supported                                        events                       increase year on        required to submit an Economic
  events using the                                                                  year.                   Impact Assessment. Economic
  eventIMPACTS                                                                      Visitors spend.         Impact figures are collated each
  method and use                                                                    Growth in GVA           year.
  data to inform
  future development
  Measure National     Staff          SBC/ED/Co        Evaluate        ongoing      AVE & PR Value of       Significant international and
  and International    (additional)   mms              media                        events                  national promotion of the Scottish
  Media Exposure                                       coverage                                             Borders with the re-opening of the
                                                       associated                   Strengthen the          Borders Railway and related event
                                                       with events                  events/tourism          activity.
                                                                                    profile of the region

Scottish Borders Events Plan 2014 – 2020: 2016 Update
Action   Resource   Lead        Target       Timescale   Impact/ Outcome   Progress Update
                    (Support)   (activity/               Measured by:
                                                                           The Railway was officially opened
                                                                           by HM The Queen on the day,
                                                                           which marked her as the longest
                                                                           reigning monarchy. This ensured
                                                                           international coverage throughout
                                                                           the commonwealth.

                                                                           Range of national and
                                                                           international media exposure with
                                                                           particularly the current hallmark

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