Mechanical engineering learner guide - Competenz

Page created by Doris Juarez
Mechanical engineering learner guide - Competenz
learner guide
Mechanical engineering learner guide - Competenz
World class
                     Welcome.......................................................................... 2
                     Who are Competenz ..................................................... 3
                     What you can expect as an apprentice ....................... 4

skills for
                     Getting qualified............................................................. 5
                     Apprenticeships are a three-way partnership............ 6
                         Roles and obligations ................................................ 7

New Zealand
                     The apprenticeship ....................................................... 8
                     Graduate outcomes .................................................... 10
                     Time management and study skills ........................... 11

                     The training plan.......................................................... 12
                         Roadmap overview.................................................. 12
                         Block course pre-requisites...................................... 13
                     Support and contacts ................................................. 16
                         Learner support model ............................................ 16

          Contents       Training advisor quarterly visits................................. 17
                         Canvas.................................................................... 18
                         eAssessors ............................................................. 18
                         Study groups........................................................... 19
                         Block courses.......................................................... 19
                         Language, literacy and numeracy support ............... 20
                         Financial literacy support .......................................... 20
                         Digital literacy support .............................................. 20
                         Phone support ........................................................ 22
                         Key contacts – where to go for help ........................ 22
                     Supporing resources .................................................. 23
                         Assessment guides ................................................. 23
                         Textbooks ............................................................... 23
                     Assessments ............................................................... 24
                         Workplace assessor vs verifier.................................. 25
                         The eAssessor ........................................................ 25
                         Online learning and assessment fundamentals ........ 26
                         Evidence collection.................................................. 27
                         Submitting an online assessment ............................ 28
                         Assessor feedback and re-submission .................... 28
                         Uploading files for marking ...................................... 30
                     Learning pathway ........................................................ 32
                     Assessment resources ............................................... 33
Mechanical engineering learner guide - Competenz
Welcome                                          Who are Competenz

Congratulations on
starting your training
with Competenz

With your apprenticeship,                        Competenz is one of New Zealand’s industry training
you’re kick-starting a career                    organisations (ITOs). Each year, we work with more than
in an exciting industry.                         3,500 companies and 20,000 learners in 37 industries
Things are changing – there                      around New Zealand to build skills, careers and
are new technologies and                         businesses. Most learning takes place on-the-job.
new ways to do engineering
                                                 We partner with employers, apprentices, schools,
work coming. Your skills
                                                 training providers and assessors across the country.
and ideas will shape how
we operate in the future.                        Mechanical engineering and fabrication contribute
                                                 $2.4 billion to the New Zealand economy per year, and
Your training programme
                                                 the sector employs more than 43,000 people nationwide.
gives you access to
all the assistance you
need to complete your

                                                                             3,500                         + Companies
This guide provides tips
on how and where to find
the right information to                                                     Competenz works with more than
help you complete your                                                       3,500 companies throughout New Zealand
qualification. Please read
it carefully before you
begin completing your
Welcome on board.
We wish you well in your
                                                                             Competenz works with more than
                                                                                                             + Learners
studies and encourage                                                        20,000 learners throughout New Zealand
you to make the most of
your opportunities. Our job
is to help you learn and

From the team
at Competenz

Competenz Mechanical Engineering Learner Guide                                                              

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Mechanical engineering learner guide - Competenz
What you can expect as an apprentice                                                                          Getting qualified

Most of the learning is
done on-the-job, so you
will learn from the people
you work with.

                                                 Here are three main ways you will learn during               Your training plan is the roadmap for your apprenticeship.
                                                 your apprenticeship. You will:                               It is put together by you, your Competenz training advisor
                                                                                                              and employer. It should include a variety of learning
                                                 1. L
                                                     earn in your workplace from the skilled                 resources and assessment methods to keep things
                                                    tradespeople you work with                                interesting for you.
                                                 2. C
                                                     omplete theory learning through Canvas
                                                                                                              Your training plan is broken up into a series of steps.
                                                                                                              The steps are made up of a group of unit standards –
                                                 3. D
                                                     evelop your practical skills at a block course          each with an assessment you need to pass.
                                                    with experienced tutors.
                                                                                                              We want to make sure that you learn the right things at
                                                                                                              the right time. You’ll need to understand the basics well
                                                 Every day at work, you will learn by doing work tasks.       before attempting the more advanced assessments.
                                                                                                              This way you will also have the relevant health and safety
                                                 Throughout the year, you will need to set aside regular      knowledge before completing the practical units.
                                                 times to complete online unit standards on the Canvas
                                                 eLearning system. If you need to ask any questions there’s   Your Competenz training advisor has put everything
                                                 plenty of help available via phone support, study groups,    in the right order for you: just follow your roadmap to
                                                 your employer or your Competenz training advisor.            ensure you stay on track. If you’re ever unsure about what
                                                                                                              assessments you need to complete and by when, please
                                                 Each year you will go on a two-week block course             check with your training advisor.
                                                 at a polytech, or similar, to complete projects and gain
                                                 new skills.
                                                 You will have your own Competenz training advisor.
                                                 They will visit you four times a year. They will:
                                                 » Help to structure your training into manageable chunks                                   Follow your roadmap
                                                 » Set deadlines for you to complete assessments                                             to ensure you stay
                                                 » Mark assessments
                                                 » S
                                                    upport you to successfully complete your
                                                                                                                                             on track

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Mechanical engineering learner guide - Competenz
Apprenticeships are a
    three-way partnership                                                                         Roles and
                                                                                                  The apprentice
                                                                                                  »   This is your apprenticeship

                                                                                                  »   You do the work
                                                                                     Apprentice   »   You do the learning
                                                                                                  »   You get the qualification
                                                                                                  Your role is to stay up to date with your learning material
                                                                                                  and assessments, ensuring you complete what’s

                                                                                                  The employer

                                                     Apprentice      Competenz                     our employer will support you with completing and
                                                                                     Employer     verifying on-the-job assessments in your workplace.
                                                                                                   our manager will be familiar with your training
                                                                                                  programme and targets and provide you with
                                                                                                  opportunities to develop and practice the required skills
                                                                                                  for your apprenticeship.

    Apprenticeships are a three-way
    partnership between an employer,
    an apprentice and the training advisor
                                                                                 “   Competenz
                                                                                                  The training advisor
                                                                                                  Your training advisor will guide you through your
                                                                                                  training, monitoring your progress and completion of
                                                                                                  on-the-job assessments.
                                                                                                  Your training advisor will:
                                                                                                      isit you in your workplace four times a year
                                                                                                     Mark on-the-job assessments
                                                                                                      Set deadlines to complete your assessments
                                                                                                       Co-ordinate access to Canvas eLearning and
                                                                                                        delivery of additional training material
                                                                                                  » Assist you to finish your training programme

    Competenz Mechanical Engineering Learner Guide                                                                                       

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Mechanical engineering learner guide - Competenz
The apprenticeship

An apprenticeship is a
pathway to a lifelong
career. You learn
on-the-job, get paid and
get qualified as a tradie
                                                 Most of your learning will come from the practical work
                                                 you complete on-the-job. You will also complete eLearning
                                                 using the Canvas online learning platform, and attend
                                                 block courses for two weeks each year.
                                                 The average time to complete an apprenticeship is
                                                 between three to four years (a minimum of 6,000 hours).
                                                 But that depends on how quickly you can learn on your
                                                 job with your employer and your overall commitment.

                                                 On-the-job, off-the-job and eLearning
                                                 On-the-job learning happens when your employer teaches
                                                 you to carry out your normal duties at work. Please note
                                                 your learning may differ from other apprentices at your
                                                 workplace: if you’re ever unsure, please check with your
                                                 training advisor.
                                                 Off-the-job learning happens when you go to block
                                                 courses. Your block course is run by a polytech with
                                                 the machinery and equipment required to complete your
                                                 apprenticeship. Block courses are two weeks long and are
                                                 based around building a project. They are called off-the-
                                                 job learning (because you are not at work).
                                                 You’ll do eLearning using the Canvas platform.
                                                 Most eLearning is theory-based.

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Mechanical engineering learner guide - Competenz
Graduate outcomes                                                                                Time management and study skills

                                                                                                 Planning is the key
The New Zealand Certificate in                         Graduates of the General                  to success in your
Mechanical Engineering (Trade)                         Engineering strand will also              apprenticeship
with strands in Fitting and Machining,                 be able to:
General Engineering, Machining,                        Build, maintain and repair a broad
Maintenance Engineering and                            range of machinery and equipment                                To finish your qualification on time, aim to complete
Toolmaking, Level 4                                    using fitting, machining, fabrication,
                                                                                                                       approximately seven credits per month. To make this
                                                       hydraulics, pneumatics and welding
This qualification has been developed by leading       skills and knowledge.
                                                                                                                       possible, commit to regular weekly study times and
New Zealand mechanical engineers to equip                                                                              designate a ‘study zone’ – somewhere where you won’t
graduates with the skills and knowledge to work                                                                        be disturbed or distracted.
productively and safely.
                                                       Graduates of the Machining
                                                       strand will also be able to:                                    When focusing on your eLearning, close all other tabs in
With technology and automation rapidly driving
                                                       Plan, sequence and machine                                      your internet browser and work on one subject. Be sure
advancements in the engineering sector, this
qualification is designed with the future in mind      complex engineering components                                  to take your time, write notes, ask questions and carry
so you can respond and adapt to change.                to a high degree of tolerance and                               out research to fill in any knowledge gaps.
                                                       finish, using current and relevant
                                                       machining technologies and
Graduates of this qualification will be                techniques.
able to:

» U
   nderstand relevant health and safety legislation   Graduates of the Fitting and                                                    7 credits      7 credits       7 credits
  and workplace safety culture                         Machining strand will also
» Interpret drawings and specifications and use
                                                       be able to:
   the appropriate materials, processes, tools and     Build and install complex machines
   equipment for the task                              where precision fitting and
                                                       machining skills are required.                                    7 credits     7 credits      7 credits       7 credits
» A
   pply knowledge of relevant engineering
  principles and practices, and problem-solving
  skills, to perform engineering tasks to industry     Graduates of the
  standards                                            Maintenance Engineering
» U
   se effective and efficient processes, principles   strand will also be able to:
                                                                                                                         7 credits     7 credits      7 credits
  and quality systems to produce components            Apply knowledge of maintenance
  and provide services in a commercial                 engineering strategies and
  mechanical engineering environment                   practices to monitor, inspect,
» C
   ommunicate effectively within a team and the       maintain and repair facilities or plant
  wider workplace                                      and equipment.

» R
   ecognise the limits of their own ability and
  the importance of working with integrity             Graduates of the Toolmaking                                     When you follow your
  and maintaining currency in the mechanical
  engineering field.
                                                       strand will also be able to:
                                                       Apply knowledge of tool design and
                                                                                                                       roadmap, you will achieve
                                                       function to manufacture tooling for
                                                       relevant industrial processes, using
                                                                                                                       the right amount of
                                                       current and relevant manufacturing
                                                       technologies and techniques.
                                                                                                                       credits per year

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The training plan

Roadmap overview                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Block course pre-requisites
The roadmap shows you the steps
                                                  New Zealand Certificate in Fabrication – Level 4

                                                  My apprenticeship roadmap

from the beginning to the end of your                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     When you look at a block course component
                                                                                                            YEAR 1                                                                      YEAR 2                 YEAR 3                     YEAR 4
apprenticeship. It is the plan for how you                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                in Canvas, you will find:
                                                    enrolment                Welcome                 Step 1             Step 2             Step 3                     Step 4                Step 5             Step 6                     Step 7             Graduate
                                                                                                     eLearning units    Required for       eLearning units            Recommended for       On-the-job unit    Recommended for            On-the-job units
                                                                                                                        Block course 1                                Block course 2                           Block course 3

                                                                                                         29651          eLearning units        29549                  eLearning units            30665         eLearning units                30274

will complete your qualification. Each step
                                                                                                     On-the-job units        29397             29550                      29398             Electives              29399                      30440

                                                                                                         21911               29654             29560                      29655                                    29653                      25699

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          » Theory/learning material
                                                                                                         21912               29675             29650                      25704                                    30472                      25710
                                                                                                                             29670         On-the-job units               29551                                    25705                      30272

is made up of a group of unit standards.
                                                                                                                        Recommended for        29674                      29561                                    25712                  Electives
                                                                                                                        Block course 1
                                                                                                                                               29652                                                               29562
                                                                                                                        On-the-job units                              On-the-job units
                                                                                                                             4433                                         2401

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          » Pre-requisite units
                                                                                                                             2395                                         30279 or

(Please see larger example on page 16).

Sometimes, you’ll need to finish all the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  » Quizzes to validate what you’ve learnt
                                                                                                                                                        Block course 1                        Block course 2                     Block course 3

                                                                                                                                                              4435                                22906                            30473
                                                                                                                                                              4436                                22907                            9184
                                                  Heavy fabrication strand 2020
                                                                                                                                                              21907                               25707                            25709

units in a step before you can progress to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                » A theory assessment
                                                                                                                                                              21913                               25783
                                                   Useful information                                                                                                                                                            Theory
                                                                                                                                                              30263                                                              assessment
                                                   Training advisor name                                                                                                                      Theory
                                                                                                                                                        Theory                                assessment
                                                   Training advisor mobile                                                                                                                                                       Practical
                                                                                                                                                        assessment                                                               assessment

the next step. This means you will have the
                                                   Training advisor email

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        BA_October 2020
                                                                             0800 526 1800                                                              assessment

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          » P
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             roject and practical assessments for your
                                                   eLearning helpline

                                                   Canvas email    

skills and knowledge you need to be well
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            block course.
prepared for what comes next.                    Apprenticeship roadmap example –
                                                 (please see page 16)
Your Competenz training advisor will                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Before you can attend a block course, you need to
release units to your Canvas dashboard                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    complete the block course theory assessment in Canvas.
when it’s time for you to complete them.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  This shows that you’re ready and prepared for your
They’ll also allocate units to you and set                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                block course.
goals at their quarterly visit. It will always
be easy for you to know what to do next.
                                                                                              Your training                                                                                                                                                                               Once the theory assessment is achieved, and all

If you look at the roadmap diagram, you’ll                                                    advisor will                                                                                                                                                                                pre-requisite units completed, you’re ready for your block
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          course! Your company will be emailed, inviting you to the
see that the unit standards have been
categorised into three areas; eLearning,
                                                                                              allocate units                                                                                                                                                                              block course.

on-the-job and off-the-job.                                                                   to you in the                                                                                                                                                                               You will achieve all the unit standards for the block
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          course when you have successfully completed the theory
Your eLearning units will be completed
online via Canvas, on-the-job units in your
                                                                                              required order                                                                                                                                                                              learning, the online assessment and the practical block
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          course assessment.
workplace and off-the-job units at your
block course. When it is nearly time for you
to go to a block course, you need to show
you are ready by completing the pre-block
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Your company will be
course step on your roadmap.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             emailed, inviting you to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         required block courses

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Mechanical engineering learner guide - Competenz
New Zealand Certificate in Mechanical Engineering – Level 4

                         My apprenticeship roadmap

                            enrolment                Welcome           Step 1
                                                                              YEAR 1

                                                                                          Step 2             Step 3              Step 4
                                                                                                                                                   YEAR 2

                                                                                                                                                       Step 5
                                                                                                                                                                           YEAR 3

                                                                                                                                                                           Step 6
                                                                                                                                                                                              YEAR 4

                                                                                                                                                                                              Step 7
                                                                       eLearning units    Required for       eLearning units     Required for          On-the-job units    eLearning units    On-the-job units
                                                                                          Block course 1                         Block course 2

                                                                           29651          eLearning units        29560           eLearning units            2397               4440               2408

                                                                       On-the-job units        29670             29549                29398                 27203              20611              19874

                                                                           21911               29671             29550                29655                 30284              20612          Electives

                                                                           21912               29397             29650                4438             Electives
                                                                                               29654         On-the-job units         19873                                    29399
                                                                                               29675             29674                22899                                    29653

                                                                                                                 29676                29561                                    30472
                                                                                          Recommended for
                                                                                          Block course 1
                                                                                                                 29652                29551                                    29552
                                                                                          On-the-job units
                                                                                                                 11661                                                         29562
                                                                                               2395                              Recommended for
                                                                                                                                 Block course 2
                                                                                                                                                                           On-the-job units
                                                                                               2396                              On-the-job units

                                                                                               4433                                                                            30438
                                                                                                                                      30279 or
                                                                                                                                      30280                                Electives

                         General engineering strand 2020

                           Useful information
                                                                                                              Block course 1                                  Block course 2
                           Training advisor name
                                                                                                                   4435             21913                          22898           30263
                           Training advisor mobile
                                                                                                                   4436             29673                          22907           30281
                           Training advisor email                                                                  21907            29730

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            BA_October 2020
                                                                                                                                                              Theory           Practical
                           eLearning helpline        0800 526 1800                                                                                            assessment       assessment
                                                                                                              Theory            Practical
                           Canvas email                                  assessment        assessment

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Mechanical engineering learner guide - Competenz
Support and contacts

Learner support model                            Competenz training
Everyone learns differently, and there is        advisor quarterly visits
no right or wrong way. You’re only starting,     Your training advisor will guide you
so you’re not expected to know everything!       through your training. They will
What is important, however, is that you          monitor your progress and make
know where to go for help when you               sure you complete your on-the-job
need it.                                         assessments.
Competenz has a range of support options
in place to help you.                            At your quarterly visit,
                                                 your training advisor will:
Look at the diagram below to see the
different ways you can get support.              » R
                                                    eview your goals and
                                                   achievements since the last visit
                                                 » Set new goals for the next quarter
                                                 » Answer any questions you have
                                                 » P
                                                    rovide any necessary information
                                                   or updates – e.g. block course

                                                 Your training advisor will visit you
                                                 four times a year, and they’re always
                                                 available via phone or email to answer
                                                 any questions or provide guidance.
                                                 Feel free to get in touch with them!

Competenz Mechanical Engineering Learner Guide                                  

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Support and contacts

Canvas                                                                           Study groups
Access to all assessments is via our                                             Competenz runs study groups online.
eLearning platform, Canvas. Units from                                           Most study groups run fortnightly for
your training plans are grouped into ‘steps’.                                    two hours, during the week.
As you progress through your qualification,
                                                                                 When you attend a study group you can
each step will be released on your Canvas
                                                                                 receive support from experienced tutors
dashboard. Once you’ve achieved a unit,
                                                                                 and meet other engineering apprentices.
it will be archived. This means it’s still there
                                                                                 You can take along any questions you have
when you need it, but it won’t get in the
                                                                                 about your assessments.
way of your outstanding units.
                                                                                 Talk to your Competenz training advisor
If you have any questions
                                                                                 to find out about study groups and how
relating to Canvas, please                         Example of Canvas dashboard
                                                                                 to enrol.
or call our Customer Services Team
on 0800 526 1800.

                                                                                 Block course
                                                                                 This is a training course run by a local
eAssessors                                                                       polytech that has the machinery and
                                                                                 equipment you’re required to operate to
Competenz has a team of eAssessors who
                                                                                 complete your apprenticeship. At a block
are responsible for marking your eLearning
                                                                                 course, you’ll work on projects and learn how
assessments in Canvas.
                                                                                 to do things safely. As you work through the
They will leave helpful feedback on your                                         projects and complete the assessment tasks,
assessment attempts. You can also                                                the tutor will mark you off. The tutors are
contact them for help via the Competenz                                          experienced engineers and are there to help
phone support system.                                                            you. Be sure to check-in with them regularly
                                                                                 to ensure you’re on-track and they’ve seen
                                                                                 you do everything that is required.

Competenz Mechanical Engineering Learner Guide                                                                         

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Support and contacts

Language, literacy and                                 Digital literacy
numeracy support                                       support
» A
   re you new to the workforce and finding            Digital skills are essential
  it hard to keep up with your peers?                  to participate fully in 21st
                                                       century life – whether it be
» D
   o you struggle with reading and writing,
                                                       in the community, at work
  or have learning challenges such as
                                                       or in personal life.
                                                       There are useful resources
» D
   o you find counting and basic
                                                       and short courses available
  mathematics difficult?
                                                       that can help bring you up
If you have trouble with any of the above              to speed. Check them
at home, work or in your on-the-job                    out below:
training, we can help. There is also a                 » T
                                                          he Open Polytech –
range of online tools and support available.             Digital study skills
Talk to your training advisor to find                    (free online course)
out more.                                      

                                                       » S
                                                          tepping Up NZ –
                                                         free community based
Financial literacy support                               digital literacy classes
Financial capability is about feeling          
confident to make wise judgements about
how to use and manage money in ways
that benefit you now and in the future.
It enables you to reach your goals, provide
for your family and, ultimately reach
retirement in good financial shape.
» T
   he Commission for Financial Capability
  provides access to online tools and
  resources to support this.
                                                 Talk to your training
                                                 advisor if you need help
                                                 in any of these areas

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Support and contacts                                                                                       Supporting resources

                                                 Phone support                                             Assessment guides
                                                                                                           and learning content
                                                 0800 526 1800                                             All assessment guides are available
                                                 (Press 4 for learner support)                             on Canvas. Each assessment guide
                                                 between 5-8pm                                             provides you with the information you
                                                 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays                     need to complete the assessment,
                                                                                                           so you must read it carefully. Your
                                                 Our dedicated team can help you to log in to Canvas to    training advisor will let you know which
                                                 complete your eLearning. If you have a question about     assessments you need to complete
                                                 the learning content, we’ll put you through to a Canvas   and by when.
                                                 assessor who will be able to answer your questions and
                                                 get you on the right track.                               The on-the-job assessments are
                                                                                                           downloaded, printed and completed
                                                 If the line is busy, please don’t hang up! Leave us a     by you. When you carry out the tasks
                                                 voicemail message, and we’ll call you back before         you will be observed by your on-the-
                                                 9pm the same day.                                         job supervisor. Your supervisor will
                                                                                                           complete a form to verify that they
                                                                                                           have seen you doing the work.
                                                                                                           Once you’ve completed an
                                                 Key contacts –                                            on-the-job assessment, your training
                                                                                                                                                      An example of an assessment requirement found
                                                                                                                                                      on Canvas
                                                                                                           advisor will carry out the marking
                                                 where you can go for help                                 and assessment.
                                                 » Your manager / supervisor
                                                 » Your Competenz training advisor
                                                 » C
                                                    ompetenz online learning support –
                                                 » C
                                                    ompetenz phone support – 0800 526 1800                Two textbooks have been introduced
                                                   (choose option 4 for learner support)                   to programmes that we offer for the
                                                                                                           New Zealand Certificate in Mechanical
                                                                                                           Engineering, Mechanical Building
                                                                                                           Services and Engineering Fabrication,
                                                                                                           to support on-the-job theory and
                                                                                                           practical components.

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Some assessments check your knowledge                                           Workplace assessor vs verifier
through a series of questions, much like a quiz.
Others require you to complete or be observed                                   The workplace assessor makes the call on whether
doing a task. Sometimes they’re a combination of                                a learner meets the competency requirements of the
all three. To find out what you need to do, read your                           on-the-job unit standards.
assessment instructions and questions carefully.
                                                                                The verifier attests the learner’s evidence is authentic and
If you have to complete a task or be observed doing                             meets the performance requirements of the workplace.
practical work, your work will need to be checked by a
verifier. A verifier is someone in your workplace who has
the authority to confirm you’ve finished the tasks correctly.
These types of assessments have clear instructions about
what you need to do and the evidence that must be                               The eAssessor
recorded to prove you have passed successfully.
                                                                                The eAssessor marks completed work against the unit
There is a form that the verifier must sign.
                                                                                standard requirements and will provide an assessment
If the learning is theory-based, your assessment will be                        of ‘competent’ or ‘not yet competent’. They will;
online. Once you’ve submitted your assessment, it is
                                                                                » Provide feedback on any incorrect questions
sent to an eAssessor for marking. If you don’t get it right
the first time, they’ll provide guidance about the extra                        » P
                                                                                   rovide guidance if you find a question difficult
information required or redirect you to the learning material                     to understand.
to review the key points again.
                                                                                eAssessors are also available after-hours to assist if
                                                                                you are having difficulty understanding a question.
                                                                                See phone support to find out how to access this service.

                                                 eAssessors mark your
                                                 work, as well as provide
                                                 feedback and guidance
                                                 if you have any difficulties

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Online learning and assessment                                              Evidence collection
fundamentals                                                                You will be asked to provide photos as supporting
                                                                            evidence for some assessments. You’ll need to read the
Your eLearning assessments are all open book. Lots of
                                                                            assessment requirements carefully to find out exactly what
the information required to complete these assessments
                                                                            is expected and what photos to take.
is available in the learning material: however, extra
research is also needed.                                                    We see lost phones and lost evidence all too regularly.
                                                                            It’s important to be disciplined with evidence collection
In Canvas, you’ll find that there are two types of online
                                                                            from day one. If you’re storing photos on your phone,
assessments. These are machine-marked (multi-choice
                                                                            remember to download them regularly.
questions), and assessor marked. Machine marked
questions give you instant feedback with a score.
Before you attempt an assessment, ensure you have

                                                                                                           Read assessment
thoroughly read and understood all the learning material
and opened the links. The links will direct you to videos
and more information to help with your assessment.
                                                                                                           requirements carefully to
                                                                                                           find out exactly what photo
Make sure you read all questions carefully before
answering and follow the instructions. Pay attention to
how many examples you are required to give and look
for how many decimal places you need to round to.                                                          evidence is expected
Read the question carefully…

                                                 Best advice: always read
                                                 the question carefully

Competenz Mechanical Engineering Learner Guide                                                                                 

26                                                                                                                                                   27

Submitting an online assessment                                    Scenario               Submission       Feedback

Before you submit an assessment, make sure you’ve                  Evident the learning                    You will be requested to read your
attempted to answer all the questions. If you’re unsure of         material has not                        learning material
an answer, make an attempt as this allows the assessor to          been read
provide you with feedback.
You are given three attempts to answer machine-marked              Answer is incorrect    1st submission   You will be asked to refer to your
questions correctly. Don’t panic if it’s still incorrect, as you                                           learning material
will be given an additional three attempts. If you use up
your extra attempts and are again locked out, you will be                                 2nd submission   You will receive specific direction
told to contact an eAssessor for further assistance.
Where a unit standard is made up of both machine                                          3rd submission   You will be asked to ring the learning
and assessor marked questions you will receive your                                                        support line
computer-scored responses first. You will need to wait
until the assessor has marked the remaining questions.             Part of an answer      1st submission   You will receive clear direction as to
Please do not re-submit the assessment until the assessor          is correct and part                     which part of the answer is correct and
has completed their marking. Assessments will be marked            is incorrect                            which is incorrect
within ten working days.
                                                                                          2nd submission   You will be asked to ring the learning
All questions must be answered correctly before you are                                                    support line
marked ‘competent’ and therefore pass that unit standard.

                                                                   Compound               1st submission   You will receive clear direction as to
                                                                   questions (math                         which part of the answer is correct and
                                                                   question when                           which is incorrect
Assessor feedback and                                              you get one thing
                                                                   incorrect and it       2nd submission   You will be asked to ring the learning
re-submission                                                      flows through)                          support line
The assessor will clearly state which questions were not
answered correctly, will provide feedback and guidance             Only answered          ALL              It will be stated which questions need
and direct you about where to go for more information.             ‘some’ of the                           to be re-answered
Please read all feedback carefully and only resubmit those         questions
questions indicated by the assessor. You DO NOT NEED
to re-answer the entire assessment.

Competenz Mechanical Engineering Learner Guide                                                                                    

28                                                                                                                                                      29

Uploading files for marking
Please note you can only upload one file per question –
i.e. one task sheet per question. If you need to upload
multiple files, you can do so in the comments section.
Make sure all photos are clear and easy to read
(especially if it’s a drawing) before uploading. You can
scan documents into a single file or combine files.

Competenz Mechanical Engineering Learner Guide   

30                                                                     31
Learning pathway

General engineering                                                                      Fitting and machining
Entry level jobs                             Advancing jobs           Senior jobs        Entry level jobs                 Advancing jobs           Senior jobs

Apprenticeship                               Higher learning          Higher learning    Apprenticeship                   Higher learning          Higher learning
General engineer                             Specialist engineer      Foreman            Fitting and machining engineer   Specialist engineer      Foreman
                                             Engineering supervisor   Site supervisor    Fitter and turner                Workshop supervisor      Business owner
                                             Leading hand             Business manager   CNC programmer/operator          Welding supervisor       Business manager
                                             Workshop supervisor      Business owner     Manufacturing engineer           Engineering supervisor   Site supervisor
                                             Welding supervisor                                                           Leading hand

Machining                                                                                Maintenance engineering
Entry level jobs                             Advancing jobs           Senior jobs        Entry level jobs                 Advancing jobs           Senior jobs

Apprenticeship                               Higher learning          Higher learning    Apprenticeship                   Higher learning          Higher learning

Machining engineer                           Specialist engineer      Foreman            Maintenance engineer             Specialist fabricator    Foreman
Fitting and assembly work                    Engineering supervisor   Site supervisor    Machine building and             Supervisor               Business owner
                                                                                         installation engineer
Machine shop                                 Leading hand             Business manager                                    Welding supervisor       Business manager
                                                                                         Fluid power technician
Fitter and turner                            Workshop supervisor      Business owner                                      Workshop supervisor      Site supervisor
CNC programmer/operator                      Welding supervisor                                                           Leading hand
Manufacturing engineer

                                                                                         Entry level jobs                 Advancing jobs           Senior jobs

                                                                                         Apprenticeship                   Higher learning          Higher learning

                                                                                         Toolmaker                        Specialist toolmaker     Foreman
                                                                                         Machine shop                     Supervisor               Business owner
                                                                                         CNC programmer/operator                                   Business manager
                                                                                         Research and development                                  Site supervisor

Competenz Mechanical Engineering Learner Guide                                                                                                              

32                                                                                                                                                                                33
Assessment resources                                       Year 1

On-the-job assessment resource toolbox                     Unit
                                                                                                                                                Other resources
                                                                                                                                                (add to this list
                                                           standard   Assessment title/subject                          Textbook resources      as you go)

On the next pages you will find a list of resources that   4433       Select, use, and care for simple measuring        Culley (ed) 167 - 171
you can use to help you prepare for the on-the-job                    devices used in engineering
                                                                                                                        Timings 162 - 165
assessments. The list includes pages to read in the
                                                           2395       Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the            Culley (ed) 125 - 141
recommended textbooks, and other resources you
                                                                      selection, use, and care of engineering hand
should find in your workplace.                                        tools
                                                                                                                        Timings 214 - 224

                                                           2396       Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the            Culley (ed)
                                                                      selection, use, and care of portable hand held    607 - 611
                                                                      engineering power tools
                                                                                                                        Timings 249 - 253

                                                           29672      Assemble fabricated components using              Timings 386 - 427
                                                                      mechanical connections

                                                           29674      Demonstrate knowledge of mechanical               Culley (ed)
                                                                      fasteners used in mechanical engineering          114 - 124
                                                                                                                        Timings 386 - 418

                                                           11661      Perform engineering drilling operations using a   Culley (ed)
                                                                      pedestal type drilling machine                    224 - 227
                                                                                                                        Timings 226 - 237

                                                           29676      Demonstrate and apply knowledge of good work                              Company
                                                                      practices when servicing simple components                                Instructions
                                                                      under supervision                                                         and Operating
                                                                                                                                                Technical and
                                                                                                                                                Service Manuals

Competenz Mechanical Engineering Learner Guide                                                                                                  

34                                                                                                                                                                    35
Year 2                                                                                                               Year 3 and 4

                                                                                                 Other resources                                                                                              Other resources
 Unit                                                                                            (add to this list                                                                                            (add to this list
 standard           Assessment title/subject                             Textbook resources      as you go)          Unit standard   Assessment title/subject                         Textbook resources      as you go)

 30279              Cut steel using the manual gas cutting process       Culley (ed) 553 - 554                       2407            Monitor the condition of mechanical machinery                            Manufacturer’s
                                                                                                                     Year 3                                                                                   Technical and
 30280              Cut metals using the manual plasma cutting                                   Company                                                                                                      Service Manuals
                    process                                                                      Instructions
                                                                                                 and Operating       22905           Perform planned maintenance work on              Culley (ed) 613 - 619   Manufacturer’s
                                                                                                 Procedures          Year 3          mechanical equipment                                                     Technical and
                                                                                                 Manufacturer’s                                                                                               Service Manuals
                                                                                                 Operator Manuals
                                                                                                                     30285           Demonstrate knowledge of, and replace and        Culley (ed) 489 - 491   Manufacturer’s
 2397               Carry out routine servicing of engineering           Culley (ed) 613 - 614   Company             Year 3          test dynamic seals in machinery                                          Technical and
                    machinery                                                                    Instructions                                                                                                 Service Manuals
                                                                                                 and Operating
                                                                                                 Procedures          4441            Calibrate engineering measuring devices and      Culley (ed) 175 - 179   Manufacturer’s
                                                                                                                     Year 3          equipment                                                                Technical and
                                                                                                 Manufacturer’s                                                                                               Service Manuals
                                                                                                 Technical and
                                                                                                 Service Manuals     18544           Select and use advanced material cutting tools                           Manufacturer’s
                                                                                                                     Year 3          in engineering machining                                                 Operator Manuals
 30284              Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the               Culley (ed) 489 - 493   Manufacturer’s
                    construction, function and application of seals in                           Technical and       29676           Demonstrate and apply knowledge of good                                  Company
                    mechanical engineering                                                       Service Manuals     Year 3          work practices when servicing simple                                     Instructions
                                                                                                                                     components under supervision                                             and Operating
 30666              Demonstrate and apply knowledge of keys and pins     Culley (ed) 499 - 501                                                                                                                Procedures

 30273              Set up and operate a CNC engineering lathe or        Culley (ed) 597 - 606   Company                                                                                                      Manufacturer’s
                    machining centre                                                             Instructions                                                                                                 Technical and
                                                                                                 and Operating                                                                                                Service Manuals
                                                                                                                     30274           Cut fabrication materials using hand held        Culley (ed) 607 - 611   Manufacturer’s
                                                                                                 Manufacturer’s      Year 3 and 4    power tools                                                              Technical and
                                                                                                 Operator Manuals                                                                     Timings 249 - 253
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Service Manuals

 30665              Demonstrate and apply knowledge of workplace         Timings 58 - 65                             30440           Mark out fabrication components using            Timings 172 - 206
 Year 2 & 3         communication in mechanical engineering trades                                                   Year 3 and 4    geometrical methods

 30438              Dismantle, inspect and assemble component parts      Culley (ed) 482 - 536   Manufacturer’s      25699           Form heavy fabrication materials                 Timings 278 - 344
 Year 2 & 3         within assemblies                                                            Technical and       Year 3 and 4
                                                                                                 Service Manuals
                                                                                                                     25698           Form light fabrication materials                 Timings 278 - 344
 2714               Produce components by performing engineering         Culley (ed) 228 - 308   Manufacturer’s      Year 3 and 4
 Year 2 & 3         turning operations                                                           Operator Manuals
                                                                                                                     25700           Assemble and join light fabrication materials    Timings 386 - 465
 2715               Produce components by performing engineering         Culley (ed) 328 - 374   Manufacturer’s      Year 3 and 4
 Year 2 to 4        milling operations                                                           Operator Manuals

 22910              Produce a part program for a CNC engineering         Culley (ed) 597 - 606   Manufacturer’s
 Year 2 & 3         lathe or machining centre                                                    Operator Manuals

Competenz Fabrication Learner Guide                                                                                                                                                                            

36                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   37
Year 3 and 4                                                                                                       Notes

                                                                                               Other resources
                                                                                               (add to this list
 Unit standard          Assessment title/subject                       Textbook resources      as you go)

 19874                  Service and replace bearings in mechanical     Culley (ed) 502 - 527   Manufacturer’s
 Year 3                 machinery                                                              Operator Manuals
 and 4
                                                                                               Technical and
                                                                                               Service Manuals

 30439                  Assessable, fit and test precision             Culley (ed) 482 - 536   Manufacturer’s
 Year 3                 components                                                             Operator Manuals
 and 4
                                                                                               Technical and
                                                                                               Service Manuals

 30272                  Cut fabrication materials using machines       Timings 225 - 276       Manufacturer’s
 Year 3                                                                                        Operator Manuals
 and 4

 2408                   Align mechanical machinery                     Culley (ed) 494 - 497   Manufacturer’s
 Year 4                                                                                        Operator Manuals

 30286                  Demonstrate knowledge of, and replace and      Culley 489 - 494        Manufacturer’s
 Year 4                 test static seals in machinery                                         Technical and
                                                                                               Service Manuals

 18616                  Program a 3-axis CNC machining centre          Culley (ed) 596 -606    Manufacturer’s
 Year 4                                                                                        Operator Manuals

 18617                  Program a 2-axis CNC turning centre            Culley (ed) 596 -606    Manufacturer’s
 Year 4                                                                                        Operator Manuals

 2702                   Set and operate a CNC machining centre         Culley (ed) 596 -606    Manufacturer’s
 Year 4                                                                                        Operator Manuals

 2703                   Set and operate a CNC lathe                    Culley (ed) 596 -606    Manufacturer’s
 Year 4                                                                                        Operator Manuals

 18543                  Manufacture multi-stage tooling for industry                           Manufacturer’s
 Year 4                                                                                        Operator Manuals

Competenz Fabrication Learner Guide                                                                              

38                                                                                                                                     39
Remember to maintain
                                     a work / life balance!
Competenz Grow Your Business Guide             

40                                                                   41
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