Worship for Summer 2021 - Emanuel Lutheran Church Kirkpatrick & New Streets New Brunswick, NJ 08901 emanuelnb.org

Page created by Jessica Davidson
Worship for Summer 2021 - Emanuel Lutheran Church Kirkpatrick & New Streets New Brunswick, NJ 08901 emanuelnb.org
Worship for Summer 2021

     Emanuel Lutheran Church
     Kirkpatrick & New Streets
     New Brunswick, NJ 08901


This spring, Emanuel marked Good Friday with a special service called Pandemic Hope.
To prepare for the service, we asked Emanuelites to reflect on how their lives changed in
March 2020 and beyond. We asked these two questions: What have you lost in the last
year? What have you found in the last year? Here are some of the responses:
“I lost the joy of being in the classroom with my students.”
“I lost my solitude and space.”
“I lost holidays, barbecues, and times just being with others.”
“I lost spontaneity.”
“I lost friends, neighbors, and family members to COVID-19.”
“I lost hugs.”
 “I found a better understanding of technology.”
“I found the opportunity to find new ways of connecting, laughing, supporting each
“I found the love and support of new friends who have entered my life in a deeper way
than I expected.”
“I found an understanding of my strengths as a person, a parent, a spouse, a friend, and
a professional.”
“I found beauty and joy in simple things.”
By now, COVID-19 restrictions have been eased, and we’re in a hurry to get back to
normal life. We are doing so with the invisible load of grief and loss on our shoulders. We
would love to be able to shake it off like the last fifteen months never happened, but
we’ve lived through a traumatic, life-changing time. By acknowledging what has
happened, we can support each other, cultivate resilience, and discern God’s presence.
For millennia, people of faith have struggled with life-altering events as a community,
trying to make sense of difficult times. We turn to scripture to hear stories of our
ancestors’ struggles and God’s never-ending faithfulness. We turn to hymns for familiar
words of comfort and healing. We turn to each other to tell our stories and find support.
Our 2021 summer worship series is called Lost & Found. As the world around us rushes
back to “normal,” we’ll pause to reflect on our challenges, our struggles, and the things
we lost during the pandemic. We’ll also reflect on the unexpected gifts we found. We’ll
pay attention to God’s call for our future as we find God’s presence in our struggles and

challenges. When we feel completely lost, we’ll be reminded that God has already found
us, and grace will lead us home.
This liturgy is simple and flexible. If you look closely, you’ll find bits of the hymn “Amazing
Grace,” providing a soundtrack to our worship deep within our hearts even before
congregational singing becomes safe.
Whether the pandemic has brought you loss, unexpected gifts, or a confusing mix of the
two, may you be blessed as you worship God.
Rev. Linnéa Clark, Pastor
Stefanie Watson, Director of Music

Lost & Found
                           A Liturgy for Summer 2021



*Prayer of Confession
Holy God, we confess that we are lost.
We lost our orientation toward your love.
We lost our connections to each other
and to our communities.
We lost our grounding in what really matters:
do justice, love kindness, walk humbly.
Sometimes we tried to find ourselves without your help;
sometimes we gave up on ever being found.
But we are never too lost for you to find us.
God, find us now.
Relieve our fears.
Forgive our sins.
Guide us through dangers, toils, and snares
so that we can meet the world’s pain with love. Amen.

*Assurance of Forgiveness
People of God, hear this good news.
No one is beyond the reach of God’s amazing grace.
That grace has already found us,
and it will lead us home:
home to each other, home to God.
In the name of Jesus, all your sins are forgiven. Amen.

Musical Reflection
A hymn, instrumental meditation, or other musical reflection may be played.
Prayer for Illumination
God of the lost and found, send your Spirit of wisdom on your people as we gather
to hear your holy word. Broaden our understanding; disrupt our expectations;
speak challenge and comfort to our hearts. Help us find our grounding in you.

One or more scripture readings may be read.


Musical Reflection
A hymn, instrumental meditation, or other musical reflection may be played.

Prayers of the People
God of the lost and found,
Hear our prayer.
We lament what has been lost:
illusions and dreams,
loved ones and futures,
health and resources,
hope and time.
Hear our prayers for everyone who is in need today,
for the sick, the suffering, the marginalized,
and all who wait for your healing love.
Especially, we pray for the people, places, and situations
we name before you now:
The assembly is invited to name their prayers of need out loud, via livestream chat,
or silently.
God of the lost and found,
Hear our prayer.
We praise you for what has been found:
opportunities and simple gifts,
time and space,
beauty and joy,
second chances and amazing grace.
Hear our prayers of thanksgiving
for everything we have found,
the gifts you have given us,
and the universe you have created.
Especially, we give thanks for the people, places, and situations
we name before you now:
The assembly is invited to name their prayers of gratitude out loud, via livestream
chat, or silently.
God of the lost and found,
Hear our prayer.
God of the lost and found,
nothing is ever truly lost in you,
and nothing is beyond your power to find.
We entrust our prayers to you in the name of Jesus,
shepherd of lost sheep, finder of lost coins.

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
To support Emanuel’s ministry financially, please place your offering in the plate by
the sanctuary entrance or give online at emanuelnb.org.
God, when your love found us, it changed our lives. You have been our shield and
our portion through every season. We give thanks for the gift of your love. We
dedicate these offerings of treasure, talent, and time to your mission of justice
and peace. Use them to change lives in New Brunswick, New Jersey, and
beyond. Amen.

*Eucharistic Prayer
May God be with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to God.
Let us give thanks to God.
It is right to give God thanks and praise.
As the old words say:
It is indeed right, our duty and our joy,
that we should at ALL times and in ALL places
give thanks and praise to you, O God…
Even this time.
Even this place.
God, we offer our thanksgiving to you
as we receive the free gift of your grace.
It is a mystery
how these little cups can contain your infinite love,
but we trust that they overflow
with your mercy and grace.
This is the same meal
that Jesus shared with his friends,
the same meal our ancestors shared before us,
the same meal our children will share after us.
This is the feast of victory for our God.
On the night in which he was betrayed,
Our Lord Jesus took bread,
gave thanks,
broke it,
and gave it to his disciples, saying:
Take and eat.
This is my body, given for you.

Do this for the remembrance of me.
Again after supper,
Jesus took the cup,
gave thanks,
and gave it for all to drink, saying:
This cup is the new covenant in my blood,
shed for you and for all people
for the forgiveness of sins.
Do this in remembrance of me.
As often as we eat and drink, Christ is with us.

*Lord’s Prayer
Together we pray the prayer Jesus taught us, using these or similar words:
Our God in heaven,
  hallowed be your name,
  your kingdom come,
  your will be done,
    on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
  as we forgive those
    who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
  and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
  and the glory are yours,
  now and forever. Amen.

All are welcome at Christ’s table, and everyone is invited to receive communion. We
share communion with factory-sealed kits containing a wheat wafer on one side and
grape juice on the other. Gluten-free kits are also available.
To receive communion, wait for an usher to invite you to walk forward. At the head
of the center aisle, you will receive a communion kit from the pastor. Return to your
seat by the side aisle. After you return to your seat, you may lift your mask to
consume your kit. Please dispose of your used kit in the provided trash can as you
leave the sanctuary at the end of the service.
If your mobility makes moving along the aisles difficult, a minister will be glad to
serve you in your seat.
If you want to participate without receiving communion, please cross your arms over
your chest when you reach the presider. They will offer a blessing.

Blessing after Communion
Now may the body and blood of our Savior Jesus Christ, which you have received,
strengthen you and keep you in his grace. Amen.

People of God, be blessed by God’s amazing grace.
It will find you when you are lost,
and it will lead you home.
People of God, be blessed by Christ’s abiding presence.
Jesus travels by your side through every toil and snare,
and he will never leave you.
People of God, be blessed by the Spirit’s leading.
When the future is uncertain, the Spirit leads the way,
illuminating your path, relieving your fears.
You are blessed by God,
our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. Amen.

Musical Reflection
A final hymn, instrumental meditation, or other musical reflection may be played.

With what shall I come before the Lord,
and bow myself before God on high?
God has told you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice…
…to do justice…
…and to love kindness…
…to love kindness…
…and to walk humbly with your God…
…to walk humbly with our God. Amen.

                 As the service concludes, please exit the sanctuary.
        You are welcome to congregate and converse outdoors on the sidewalk.

Copyrights and Permissions
Text of all prayers in this liturgy copyright 2021 Linnéa K. Clark. Used by permission.

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