Write Away! - celebrating children's writing in Primary Languages

Page created by Lorraine Norton
Write Away! - celebrating children's writing in Primary Languages
Write Away!

children’s writing
in Primary Languages

         Issue 15   February 2023
Write Away! - celebrating children's writing in Primary Languages
W     elcome to issue 15 of Write Away! I hope you enjoy looking at
                                           and reading all the pieces of work that children all over the
                                           country have been doing in their language lessons so far this

                                     Find out about this issue's guest language, and don't forget to
                                     look out for my Editor's Pick.

                                     See you for the next issue!

                                                        French                         page 1

                                                        Teachers’ Corner               page 9
           Issue 15
       February 2023
                                                        Puzzle Corner                  page 12
writeaway@lightbulblanguages.co.uk                      Our guest language for this issue is Breton.

                                                        Breton is a Celtic language which is spoken in
                                                        Brittany in north-west France. It's closely related
                                                        to Cornish and less closely to Welsh, and it also
                                                        has a connection to Irish, Scottish Gaelic and

                                                        The number of Breton speakers has dropped
              Editor                                    significantly from over a million in the 1950s to
                                                        only about 200,000 now. The language has been
         Clare Seccombe
                                                        classified as "severely endangered" by UNESCO's
                                                        Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger.
                                                        In 2022 France entered a song in Breton called
                                                        "Fulenn" (Spark) for the Eurovision Song Contest
                                                        in Turin.
Write Away! - celebrating children's writing in Primary Languages
Ma maison

Year 6, Ramsbottom

                                   au bord de la mer by the sea
                                   au Brésil         in Brazil
                                   aussi             also
                                   bleu              blue
                                   car               because
                                   c'est             it is
                                   chambre (f.)      bedroom
                                   cinq              5
                                   dans              in
                                   en bas            downstairs
                                   est               is
                                   et                and
                                   grand             big
                                   il y a            there is
                                   j'adore           I love
                                   j'habite          I live
                                   ma                my (f.)
                                   maison de maître (f.)
                                   piscine (f.)     swimming pool
                                   salle à manger (f.)
                                   dining room
                                   salle de bains (f.) bathroom
                                   salle de jeux (f.)
                                   games room
                                   terrain de foot (m.)
                                   football pitch
                                   très              very

                                              unan         1
Write Away! - celebrating children's writing in Primary Languages
Ma maison

                                 Year 5, Whitefield

aussi             also
avec              with
buanderie (f.)    utility room
car               because
c'est             it is
chambre (f.)      bedroom
chat (m.)         cat
chez moi          at my house
confortable       comfortable
cuisine (f.)      kitchen
en bas            downstairs
en haut           upstairs
et                and
grenier (m.)      attic
il y a            there is
j'adore           I love
j'ai              I have
j'ai … ans     I am… years old
jardin (m.)       garden
je m'appelle      I am called
j'habite          I live
ma                my (f.)
neuf              9
salle de bains (f.) bathroom
salon (m.)        living room
                                             Well done Elvie! The accuracy
trois             3
                                             and neatness of your work
WC (m.)           toilet                     along with your illustrations
                                             have made it an obvious choice
                                             for this issue's Editor's Pick.

           daou       2
Write Away! - celebrating children's writing in Primary Languages
Ma maison

Year 6, Ramsbottom

                                   assez               quite
                                   aussi               also
                                   avec                with
                                   buanderie (f.)      utility room
                                   car                 because
                                   c'est               it is
                                   chambre (f.)        bedroom
                                   cuisine (f.)        kitchen
                                   dans                in
                                   deux                2
                                   en bas              downstairs
                                   en haut             upstairs
                                   entrée (f.)         entrance hall
                                   en ville            in town
                                   et                  and
                                   grand               big
                                   il y a              there is
                                   j'adore             I love
                                   j'habite            I live
                                   ma                  my (f,)
                                   maison de maître (f.)
                                   salle à manger (f.)
                                   dining room
                                   salle de bains (f.) bathroom
                                   salle de jeux (f.)
                                   games room
                                   salon (m.)          living room
                                   très                very
                                   trois               3

                                                 tri           3
Write Away! - celebrating children's writing in Primary Languages
                            Es-tu écolo à la maison ?

                                            Year 6, Bury

Vocabulaire                  cuisine (f.)        kitchen       on peut          one can
                             dans                in            preferer         to prefer
appareil électrique (m.)
electrical device            douche (f.)         shower        pull (m.)        jumper
arbre (m.)       tree        et                  and           salle à manger (f.) dining room
au               to the      éteindre            to turn off   salle de bains (f.) bathroom
bain (m.)        bath        jardin (m.)         garden        salon (m.)       living room
baisser          to lower    lumière (f.)        light
chauffage (m.) heating       mettre              to put

     pevar      4
Write Away! - celebrating children's writing in Primary Languages
Ma maison

Year 5, Newcastle

                                  au premier étage
                                  on the first floor
                                  au rez-de-chaussée
                                  on the ground floor
                                  bonjour            hello
                                  cave (f.)          cellar
                                  chambre (f.)       bedroom
                                  cuisine (f.)       kitchen
                                  et                 and
                                  grenier (m.)       attic
                                  il y a             there is
                                  il n'y a pas de    there is no
                                  jardin (m.)        garden
                                  je m'appelle       I am called
                                  j'habite           I live
                                  salle de bains (f.) bathroom
                                  salon (m.)         living room
                                  trois              3

                                              pemp         5
Write Away! - celebrating children's writing in Primary Languages
La ligne d'arrivée

                                    Year 6, Harrow

à côté de           next to
assis               seated
attendant           waiting
bon                 good
chemin (f.)         path
commencer           to begin
enfin               at last
espoir (m.)         hope
et                  and
faire               to do
ligne d'arrivée (f.)
finishing line
marchant            walking
moi-même            myself
nos                 our (pl.)
notre               our (sg.)
nous                we
partir              to leave
rêve (m.)           dream
rien                nothing
seul                alone
sommet (m.)         top
sur                 on
toi                 you
venir               to come

         c'hwec'h      6
Write Away! - celebrating children's writing in Primary Languages
Ce que j'ai fait hier

     Year 5, Harrow

                                      après                after
                                      ce que               what
                                      chez mon ami
                                      my friend's house
                                      faire du patin à roulettes
                                      to go roller skating
                                      glace (f.)           ice cream
                                      heure (f.)           hour
                                      hier                 yesterday
                                      j'ai fait            I did
                                      je suis allé         I went
                                      je suis resté        I stayed
                                      manger               to eat
                                      nous sommes allés we went
                                      pendant              during

                                                   seizh       7
Write Away! - celebrating children's writing in Primary Languages
Ceinture noire

                                    Year 6, Harrow

an (m.)            year
arts martiaux (m.pl.)
martial arts
attendre           to wait
ceinture noire (f.)
black belt
donc               therefore
et                 and
étudier            to study
fier               proud
il y a             ago
j'ai commencé I started
j'ai décidé        I decided
j'ai étudié        I studied
j'aime             I like
j'ai passé mon examen
I took my exam
je dois            I must
je suis            I am
jusqu'à            until
maintenant         now
mois (m.)          month
passer           to take (exam)
pendant            during
pour               in order to
premier            first
protéger           to protect
semaine (f.)       week
trois              3

          eizh         8
Teachers’ Corner
                   Find out more information about the writing featured

    1-3     Jane Birtwistle

How long have the children been learning French?
Since Year 3

How long are their language lessons?
60 minutes a fortnight (2 week timetable)

Describe briefly the teaching and learning activities that took place prior to the children writing this
Our lessons this half term focused on the vocabulary, grammar and structures below, before concluding
the topic with a piece of writing about a real or fictional home: Ma maison:
•    Types of housing and locations: Pupils enjoyed researching homes including French castles and
     mountain lodges and discovering French costal, mountain, urban and countryside regions!
•    Rooms in a house, including il y a, noun gender, plural nouns, adjectives of size (Year 6 only) and
     intensifiers (Year 6 only)
•    en / au / aux + country (Year 6)
•    Expressing opinions

What support did the children have to enable them to complete this piece of writing?
Access to class work in pupil folders, teacher-prepared sentence builder.

What do you particularly like about these pieces of work?
I particularly liked how the Year 5 piece of writing demonstrated creativity and independence by
including a sentence about her family pet in addition to forming plural nouns correctly!
The Year 6 pieces of writing demonstrate great use of intensifiers, and correct position and agreement of
adjectives of size!

               Jane Birtwistle
How long have the children been learning French?
Since Year 3

                                                                                           nav       9
How long are their language lessons?
60 minutes a fortnight (2 week timetable)

Describe briefly the teaching and learning activities that took place prior to the children writing this
This was an enjoyable enrichment lesson! Our last French lesson this half-term took place during a
whole-school eco-themed week - “Laudato Si” - where the pupils were exploring Pope Francis’ message
to ‘Care for our Common Home’. In French, we took the opportunity to link this to our current topic on
home (Ma maison). We recapped vocabulary on rooms in a house and recapped some phrases about
protecting the environment, then put them together to create an origami house and a piece of writing:
Es-tu écolo à la maison ? (Are you green at home?)

What support did the children have to enable them to complete this piece of writing?
Access to class work in pupil folders, teacher-prepared sentence builder.

What do you particularly like about this piece of work?
I particularly like the way he has used the simple sentence builder as a springboard to challenge himself
to produce more complex sentences using conjunctions. He took great pride in the work and illustrated
it beautifully, and then presented it to the rest of the class.

              Georgia Villalobos, Caroline Hewson
How long have the children been learning French?
2 years

How long are their language lessons?
45 minutes, once a week

Describe briefly the teaching and learning activities that took place prior to the children writing this
In the run up to writing this piece, the children took part in a series of lessons, learning vocabulary to
describe different rooms, adjectival agreement, verb endings and when to use phrases such as j’habite à
and il y a. They took part in speaking, listening and reading activities in the build up to their writing piece,
and found out how the insides of French homes might differ from English homes.

What support did the children have to enable them to complete this piece of writing?
The children in the class had varying degrees of support with this activity from word mats, to writing
frames, to models where words could be swapped in or out. In the case of the children who have
submitted work, they had writing frames.

What do you particularly like about this piece of work?
I particularly love how they have not just listed which rooms they do have but which rooms they do not

       dek     10
6-8        Nadine Chadier

How long have the children been learning French?
Since Reception

How long are their language lessons?
30 minutes a day in Key Stage 1 and 40 minutes a day in Key Stage 2. They do weekly Art and Design
and PE in French too.

Describe briefly the teaching and learning activities that took place prior to the children writing this
After revising conjugation in the present tense, the children have started learning about the passé
composé. At the end of these sessions, they were encouraged to write poems completely independently.

What support did the children have to enable them to complete this piece of writing?
They had verb tables, glossaries and French/English dictionaries, and all the previous French learning in
their books they started with phonics in Year 1 and all written work from Year 3.

What do you particularly like about these pieces of work?
How different they are and how the children have expressed themselves on various topics, using the
structures learnt. Their imagination and creativity has highly impressed and surprised us.

                                                                                          unnek     11
Puzzle Corner
               Which languages are spelled out in Morse Code?

A    A
B    B
               1.    french
C    C
D    D         2.    japanese
E    E
F    F         3.    portuguese
G    G
H    H
               4.    icelandic
 J   J
K    K         5.    ukrainian
L    L
M    M         6.    welsh
N    N
O    O
               7.    greek
Q    Q
R    R         8.    cantonese
S    S
 T   T         9.    tagalog
U    U
V    V
               10.   german
W    W
X    X
 Y   Y         11.   breton
Z    Z
               12.   punjabi
daouzek   12
Puzzle Corner
                Solution from issue 14

1. Spanish
2. German
3. Italian
4. English
5. Portuguese
6. Polish
7. Icelandic
8. Gaelic
9. Finnish
10. Norwegian
11. Hungarian
12. Romanian
13. Turkish
14. Croatian
15. Irish
16. Arabic
17. Punjabi
18. Japanese
19. Mandarin
20. Xhosa
21. Burmese
22. Hindi

                                         trizek   13
to all the children and teachers
who have contributed their work to Write Away!
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