Year 2 Class Information 2017 - 2018 Autumn Term

Page created by Karl Castro
Year 2 Class Information 2017 - 2018 Autumn Term
Year 2
Class Information
  2017 – 2018
 Autumn Term 1
Homework expectations (Key stage 1):
              Reading every evening for 15 minutes on bug club
              Children to then complete a bookmark (summarising their read ) whenever they read at
              Weekly spellings to learn
              One piece of Maths homework
              Half termly theme homework project
              Reading, writing & maths target work

      In this class, regular homework is given out as follows:

 Subject                      Day set                                        To be handed in…
 Spelling                     Monday                                         Tested on a Friday
 Maths                        Friday                                         Friday
 Reading                                                                   Daily
 Target work: To continue to work on the targets set at the last Assertive Mentoring meeting
 Theme: Choose one project and work on it during the half term. To be handed in week beginning 16th October

                                                 Hodgehegs and Sheepigs
Week 1 - dge                                                Week 2
Edge, lodge, fudge, dodge, hedge, ledge, bridge, judge, Cage, sage, age, huge, change, charge, village, page,
fridge, badge.                                              stage, hinge
Week 3                                                      Week 4
Gem, giraffe, magic, germ, digit, fidget, giant, gentle, Cancel, cell, cellar, city, fence, ice, mince, dice, cinema,
gentleman, gym                                              cereal
Week 5                                                      Week 6
Knees, Knot, know, knight, knit, knife, gnat, gnu,          Wrong, wrist, write, wrap, wrote, wreck, wring, writer,
gnome, gnaw                                                 wrapped, wrinkle
Week 7                                                      Week 8
Battle, saddle, kettle, nettle, giggle, wiggle, middle,     Camel, easel, tunnel, squirrel, jewel, towel, tinsel,
meddle, muddle, puddle                                      travel, weasel, caramel

      Theme Projects – please choose one: Where do we live?
     1.   Draw and label as many features as you can on a United Kingdom map.
     2.   Research and write facts about capital cities
     3.   Make a model of your favourite UK landmark.
     4.   Make your own map
     5.   Write and send a letter to somebody you know in the UK
Year 2 Key Vocabulary
                 English Key Vocabulary                                             Maths Key Vocabulary
Non-fiction                 leaflet                             Place value                    manipulatives
punctuation                 Past tense                          sequence                       justify
comma                       fact                                tens                           Ones
statement                   Adverb                              digit                          Estimate
conjunction                 Verb                                , =                        Even/odd

              Theme Key Vocabulary                                                  Music Key Vocabulary
United Kingdom         England                                  so                             Mi
Scotland               Wales                                    stave                          Stick notation
Ireland                Continent                                ta                             Ti-ti
Europe                 Capital cities                           crotchet                       Tied quavers
countries              Map
Compass directions     atlas
Human features         Physical features

                   Art Key Vocabulary                                                   PE Key Vocabulary
tints                        Mark making                        travelling                       Movement
dot                          Tertiary colours                   galloping                        Pivoting
analyse                      Shape                              hopping                          Walking
tone                         texture                            Hop scotch                       Athletics
pointilism                   Outline                            running                          jumping

        What will be learning about this half term?

               English                                  Maths                                          Music
In English this term Y2 will be        In maths this term Y2 begin with                 Y2 will be using the skills they
looking at information leaflets.       learning place value of numbers to               developed in Y1 to explore new
They will learn how they are           100. They will learn how to count                pitches and rhythms this term.
presented and plan their own           fluently from any number in                      They will be learning new songs
about their local area. They will      2,3,5,10s. They will look at                     and games, as well as listening to
learn about facts, statements and      recognising place value in numbers               and responding in different ways to
commas. Later in the year they         by identifying the tens and ones.                music by Grieg and Sullivan.
will look at writing letters, adding   Children will also develop their
chapters to stories and                estimating skills and compare
manipulating poetry.                   numbers using the inequalities
                                       symbols , =
             Computing                                    PE                                           PSHE

‘How do I use a computer as a          In Year 2 PE with class teachers children        In PSHE Y2 will develop the skill of
writer?’                               will be doing Real PE unit 2 personal            sharing opinions and giving
Y2 will identify some different        skills. This will include types of travelling,   supportive feedback. We will
forms information can take and         galloping, pivoting, hopping, walking,           discuss good and not so good
                                       hop scotch. They will work on
learn that information can be                                                           feelings, strategies for managing
                                       fundamental skills; Real PE skills 1, 10, 2,
personal. Children will explore how    6.
                                                                                        feelings and how to recognise how
to create content using two forms of   During PE lessons with Sarah (Active             others are feeling.
media (text and images) with              Fusion) children will be covering             Within this we will also be
increasing independence. They will        athletics skills including running jumping    embedding the importance of
edit, organise and store content for a    and throwing. They will be working            online safety.
given purpose, and learn to give and      towards a sports hall athletics
act on feedback                           competition

              Art/DT                               History/Geography
This term Y2 children will focus          In Geography this term Y2 will be
on drawing and painting. They             looking at the local area and where
will follow and evaluate                  we live. This will focus on identifying
impressionists and pointillism            countries and capital cities of the
work, and have a go at creating           United Kingdom. They will also look
their own dot work.                       at the features of the UK and
                                          describe where they live. They will
                                          develop their map skills and use
                                          directional language to plan a route.


                   Monday                 Tuesday              Wednesday               Thursday           Friday
  8.40 – 8.50      Morning Learning       Morning Learning     Morning Learning        Morning Learning   Morning Learning
    8.50 - 9       Registration           Registration         Registration            Registration       Registration
    9- 9.30        SPAG                   SPAG                 SPAG                    Guided Reading     Celebration
9.30 – 10.15       Maths                  Maths                Maths                   Maths              English/Maths
10.15- 10.30       Snack                  Snack                Snack                   Snack              Toast Time
10.30 – 11.30      English                English              English                 SPAG & English     SPAG
11.30 – 12.30      Lunch                  Lunch                Lunch                   Lunch              Lunch
12.30 – 1.25       PE                     Guided Reading &     Guided & Art            PE                 Guided Reading
  1.25 – 1.45      Rules Assembly         PSHE Assembly        What’s in the           Singing Assembly   Handwriting &
                                                               News? Assembly                             spelling test
   1.45 - 2        Break                  Break                Break                   Break              Break
   2 – 3.10        Guided reading         Theme &              Art & Reciprocal        Music              Resilience curriculum
                   and circle time        Reciprocal                                                      & reciprocal

     PE Kits: Please make sure your child has a labelled PE kit in school which includes a white t-shirt,
     shorts or joggers with pumps for indoor lessons and trainers for outdoor lessons. PE kits should be
     brought into school in a named bag at the beginning of a half term, put into the appropriate class
     box in the gym and stay there until the end of term ready to be washed during the holidays.

                                         Y2 PE days are Monday and Thursday

     Water Bottles: Please make sure your child has a labelled water bottle in school at all times. During
     the day the children are only allowed to drink water. Other still drinks are allowed in packed lunches.
     Water bottles can be brought from the Main Reception for £1.
Learning Expectations: It is our expectation that the vast majority of the children will be working
at the expected standard for their year group, with some working at a greater depth within their
year’s curriculum. If a child finds a concept difficult to grasp the class teacher may work with them
during morning work, assembly time - or any other time they can find – to make sure they
understand and are ready for the next lesson, to ensure they don’t fall behind. If despite this, they
still struggle and we feel they may need some additional support with their learning, we would
discuss appropriate steps with you in consultation with Mrs Sneddon our Inclusion Leader.

Keeping in touch: As parents, you have a vital role to play in your child’s learning. The school staff
team are always happy to see parents during the week, before or after school to pass on brief
messages and please make an appointment if a longer chat is needed. Please come and talk to us if
you are worried about friendships, progress or anything at all. It is always best to talk to the class
teachers as the first port of call.

We know many of you work and are not always available before or after school hours so you may
prefer to send an email and we will respond as quickly as possible.

Class teacher’s e mail address:
Miss Thoseby
Miss Shakesby
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