HINCHLEY WOOD PRIMARY - Hinchley Wood Primary ...

Page created by Donald Murray
HINCHLEY WOOD PRIMARY - Hinchley Wood Primary ...
 Friday 31st January 2020                                                   Weekly Issue Number 19

Dear Parents/Carers,

Hazel Assembly

                                            Thank you to Hazel Class who presented a fantastic
                                            assembly to their parents this morning. The children
                                            chose to do their assembly on World War Two as they
                                            have been learning all about it in their English and
                                            History lessons. Hazel Class delivered many interesting
                                            facts about WW2 and they performed an evacuee
                                            dramatisation. Furthermore, they enthusiastically
                                            performed two songs, ‘A Long Way to Tipperary’ and
‘War’ by Edwin Starr. Well done Hazel on a wonderful class assembly!

Year 1 Postman Visit
Last week, Year 1 had an exciting visitor. A postman came to talk
to us about his job to tie in with our current book, the ‘Jolly
Postman’. We wrote questions to ask him remembering the
questions end with question marks. We found out that he has to
sort letters by the postcode and delivers them on a bike just like
the Jolly Postman. His customers do not sound as interesting as
The Jolly Postman's though... and no one has given him green tea
to drink!

Year 5 trip to RHS Wisley

                  Year 5 had a wonderful day out at RHS Wisley where we learned more about the
                  Rainforest. The day consisted of a number of engaging activities; we went to a
                  large greenhouse and learned about the different plants that can be found in the
                  rainforest as well as a number of other environments. We especially enjoyed
                  walking through the rainforest section - complete with waterfall and orchids. We
                  also explored the green house with magnifying glasses and had the opportunity to
                  plant cuttings to take home.

HINCHLEY WOOD PRIMARY - Hinchley Wood Primary ...
During the day, we also had the opportunity to enjoy the play area (the climbing and trampoline
were firm favourites) as well as sketching a variety of flowers and plants. We were so lucky with
the weather - the sun came out for us and the sky was blue. Overall, it was a great learning
opportunity enjoyed by all.

Here are some quotes:

      “The glasshouse was fun because of all the tropical plants”
      “I enjoyed doing the sketching”
      “The greenhouse was really interesting because it was as if you
       were in the rainforest”
      “The playground was fun!”

Year 6 Bikeability Course
                                                   Throughout this week, some more of our Year 6
                                                   children have participated in Bikeability. This is a
                                                   cycle training programme that teaches them
                                                   practical skills and gives them the understanding
                                                   and expertise they need to ride their bikes safely
                                                   on the road.

Gold Leaves
Congratulations this week to the following
children who gained gold leaves for excellent
work and for going above and beyond: Theo
(Ash Class) George H and Oscar (Elm Class),
Teddy and Dat (Sycamore Class), Liam,
Eleanor, Addison and Zara (Mulberry Class).

INSET Day news
At our recent Inset training, on Monday 27th January, teachers were introduced
to our new scheme of learning at HWPS called ‘Real PE’. The intent of this
scheme is to develop the whole child through physical education and focuses on
six key areas of development; social, cognitive, personal, creative, physical
activity and health and fitness. Through key skills aligned with the national
curriculum, every child will be able to engage with every lesson and achieve their full potential in
PE and Sport and develop learning skills to promote lifelong participation in physical activity.

The day was inspiring, energetic and thought provoking for all staff and we are pleased to now be
able to implement these lessons across the school. I am sure children will be excited to share with
you what they learned in their lessons and how they have achieved their personal best every week.

Feel free to watch Jasmine’s journey at https://jasmineactive.com/ for more information.

Mr Griffin - PE Lead

HINCHLEY WOOD PRIMARY - Hinchley Wood Primary ...
Dates for next week:-

Saturday 1st February - PTA School Disco

Sunday 2nd February – Choir - Festival of Light Service at 10am, St. Christopher’s Church. (Meet at

Tuesday 4th February – Year 6 SATS Parent Meeting (6.00pm in the main school hall)

Anxiety Workshops for Parents and Carers
Following on from last term’s anxiety talk, which many parents attended, the school will be offering
further support in this area.

We will be running workshops for small groups of parents where attendees will be able to explore
the subject of anxiety in more depth. Sessions will be running fortnightly on Thursdays from 9.30-
10.30am starting on 6th February.

If you would like to attend one of these workshops, please email the office (info@hinchley-wood-
primary.surrey.sch.uk) to register your interest. You will then be allocated a session to attend, we
hope to do this with a minimum of two weeks’ notice.

We hope you will find these workshops informative and helpful.

Premises Update
We will updating parents and carers shortly explaining all the work that has taken place and will be
taking place to deal with the infrastructural challenges facing the school – including power, heating
and drainage.

We want to assure you that a great deal of time, effort and money is going into upgrading the school
site and facilities.

Regarding our premises, has anyone else noticed any changes in the Infant
playground recently? A few children have told us about some changes and are
wondering what is happening. More news to follow in the coming weeks! What
could it be …..?

                       Mrs Aisling Hogan

HINCHLEY WOOD PRIMARY - Hinchley Wood Primary ...
How to contact the school

To ensure your messages are dealt with as efficiently and helpfully as possible, please contact the school as follows:

Pupil sickness
Telephone the office by 8.45am on the day your child will not be attending

Alternative pick up arrangements
Email the office by 12 noon on the day, if later than this please telephone

Woody's and Clubs queries
Email Woody's

General messages including for teachers (non urgent)            Email the office
Urgent messages    Telephone the office
Future absence requests Fill in a blue form (available to collect from the office) and return with relevant
documentation eg. appointment letter

Office email address: info@hinchley-wood-primary.surrey.sch.uk
Woody's/Clubs email address: woodys@hinchley-wood-primary.surrey.sch.uk

School telephone: 0208 398 1310
Opt 1 – sickness reporting
Opt 2 – admissions
Opt 3 – Breakfast club & Woody’s
Opt 4 – Office team

Dates for 2019 – 2020 and 2020 - 2021
 17th January - 27th March              Larch Class Swimming

 Saturday 1st February                  PTA School Disco
 Sunday 2nd February                    Choir - Festival of Light Service at 10am, St. Christopher’s
                                        Church. (Meet at 9.35am.)
 Tuesday 4th February                   Year 6 SATS Parent Meeting (6.00pm in the main school hall)
 Tuesday 11th February                  Year 6 Liddington Parent Information Meeting
                                        (6pm in school hall).
 Wednesday 12th February                Year 6 Girls and Boys Football Tournament (by invitation)
 Thursday 13th February                 Year 3 Visit to Butser Ancient Farm
 17th – 21st February                   Half Term
 Tuesday 25th February                  Year 4 Hindleap Warren Parent Information Meeting
                                        (4.45pm in school hall).
 2nd March-5th March                    Year 4 Junior Cycling courses
 16th March – 20th March                Year 6 Residential Trip to Liddington
 23rd March -25th March                 Year 4 Residential Trip to Hindleap Warren
 3rd April                              End of Spring Term

 Monday 20th April                      Children return to school for Summer Term
 21st-23rd April                        Year 2 Road Safety Courses (Pedals)
 24th April - 10th July                 Redwood Class Swimming
 Thursday 14th May                      Year 1 Visit to Gatton Park – Willow and Beech Class
 Friday 15th May                        Year 1 Visit to Gatton Park – Pine Class
 4th May – 7th May                      Year 5 Day Visits to Thames Young Mariners
 25 May - 29 May 2020                   Half Term
 18th June                              Year Reception Visit to Bockett’s Farm
 17 July 2020                           End of Summer term

 1st and 2nd September 2020             INSET Days
 3rd September 2020                     Years 1 – 6 Children return to school for Autumn Term

HINCHLEY WOOD PRIMARY - Hinchley Wood Primary ...
Class Assembly Dates for 2019 – 2020
Parents are invited to watch their children’s own class assemblies. If you wish to attend the assembly then please take
your child to the playground as usual and then make your way to the school office ready for a 9am start time.

 Date                        Year                Class
 Friday 7th February         3                   Redwood
 Friday 14th February        R                   Oak
 Friday 28th February        6                   Rowan
 Friday 6th March            3                   Sycamore
 Friday 13th March           R                   Holly
 Friday 20th March           2                   Maple
 Friday 27th March           1                   Pine
 Thursday 2nd April          5                   Cedar
 Friday 1st May              4                   Aspen
 Friday 15th May             1                   Beech
 Friday 22nd May             R                   Ash
 Friday 12th June            5                   Spruce
 Friday 19th June            3                   Larch

PTA Cake Sale Takings
20th Sep - Pine - £92.03
27th Sep - Beech - £85.30
4th Oct - Willow - £114.00
11th Oct - Oak - £ 160.90
18th Oct - Holly - £163.16
25th Oct - Ash - £176.78
8th Nov - Hawthorn - £141.70
13th Dec - Larch - £130.27
10th Jan - Sycamore - £116.95
17th Jan - Redwood - £107.10

Upcoming PTA Cake Sale Dates

31st Jan - Juniper
7th Feb - Aspen
14th Feb - Cedar
28th Feb - Mulberry
6th March - Spruce
13th March - Ash
20th March - Holly
27th March - Beech
24th April - Pine
1st May - Willow
8th May - Elm
15th May - Maple
22nd May - Hawthorn

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HINCHLEY WOOD PRIMARY - Hinchley Wood Primary ... HINCHLEY WOOD PRIMARY - Hinchley Wood Primary ...
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