Y11 Parents' Handbook 2020 - 2021 School Address: Please refer to social Distancing Guidance - Fred Longworth High School

Page created by Johnny Horton
Y11 Parents' Handbook 2020 - 2021 School Address: Please refer to social Distancing Guidance - Fred Longworth High School
Please refer to social Distancing Guidance

             2020 – 2021

           School Address:
         Printshop Lane, Tyldesley
           Manchester M29 8JN
        Tel. Number 01942 883796
         Website: www.flhs.org.uk
Y11 Parents' Handbook 2020 - 2021 School Address: Please refer to social Distancing Guidance - Fred Longworth High School

Welcome back!

Well, no-one could have predicted how we ended year 10 and how we
are starting year 11. It would be remiss of me not to start with thanking
all the parents and guardians who did an amazing job with helping their
children learning from home for the final four months of the school year.
The support that we received was much appreciated and will go towards
assisting the new year 11s as they start their final year.

Now that the focus is back on school based learning, now more than
ever, excellent attendance is absolutely crucial. As the top year group,
year 11s need to be setting the best example to the rest of the school.
Organisation and preparation will be key to maintain the high standards
Freddies expects.

There will be continued support and resources from myself, the year
team and the rest of the school team available for all pupils and their
families in this extremely stressful year. Please do make the most of

This year more than ever, excellent communication between home and
school will be imperative as we all need to work together to support
pupils to get the best out of their remaining time at Fred Longworths.
Please keep updated with all information on the school website about the
various year 11 events which I ask for your continued support with.
We hope the end of year prom will go ahead as planned and there is no
reason why your son/ daughter should not attend. The criteria for an
invite is based around attendance and behaviour and it would be a huge
celebration to be able to invite the whole year group.

All I can ask of the pupils is to remember the school motto; Facta non
verba, Deeds, not words.

Mrs A Hyslop
Head of Year
Welcome to the Year 11 Team

Head of Year 11

Mrs A Shea
Direct Line: 01942 881450

Deputy Heads of Year

Mrs K McPhail
Mr D Norman
Mr S Rigby
Mr D Bailey

Attached: Mrs A Roylance/Mrs S Lewis

Mr P Davies

Year 11 Form Tutors

Mrs S Jones                       11SJ
Mr M Hughes                       11MH
Mrs C Hilton                      11CH
Mrs K Doherty                     11KD
Mrs E Cowan                       11EC
Mrs D Edwards                     11DE
Mr R Foster                       11RF
Mrs E Prescott                    11EP
Miss M Gallagher (SB)             11MG
Mrs K Robinson                    11KR
Mrs G Gannon Inclusion Y9, Y10 & Y11
Parents/Guardians as Partners
Parents/Guardians are the best resource the school has in helping individual children succeed.


    •   Check student notebook
    •   Talk about homework
    •   Discuss what is taught in lessons
    •   Provide somewhere quiet to work with NO television
    •   Contact school if you have any worries or concerns
    •   Understand and support your child’s method of learning

               ‘For success, attitude is as important as ability’
                              CODE OF CONDUCT

In and around school we expect students to:
•       be punctual
•       bring the correct equipment
•       respect and value people and their property
•       listen carefully and follow instructions
•       produce their best classwork and homework
•       always has their student notebook
•       wear correct uniform to and from school
•       respect all school facilities and property
•       use designated corridors
•       use appropriate language and manners
•       eat only in designated areas

In and around school students must not:

•       have mobile phones switched on
•       chew gum
•       bring drugs/cigarettes and knives into school
•       drop litter
•       smoke cigarettes
•       leave the school premises without permission

We expect all students to wear the correct school uniform in the correct way.

   Black blazer with the school badge (compulsory)
   A school tie with the school badge visible
   A plain white shirt/blouse (without motifs) that must be tucked in at all times
   An approved black skirt or tailored school trousers with school logo. Approved skirts must be worn on
    the knee or no more than 5cm above
   Black ‘v’ necked jumper (not to be worn as an alternative to a school blazer)
   Black socks only. Black tights (plain or opaque) must be work with skirts
   Sensible black shoes with black laces (see school website - no trainers, trainer style shoes or high heels)
   A plain warm showerproof outdoor coat (no leather or denim jackets, hoodies, track or sweat tops to be
    used as top coats)

Basic equipment needed every day:

A student notebook, an appropriate sized bag to carry their belongings, blue/black pen, green pen, a set of ear
phones, a ruler and calculator. Students should always carry a reading book in their bag.

Physical Education Kit and Accessories

Boys                                                              Girls
Black shorts with school Logo                                     Black shorts with school logo
Black Performance training top with Logo                          Black Performance training top with Logo
Black Socks                                                       Black Socks
Football Boots                                                    Gym/training shoes (with non-marking soles)
Gym/training shoes (with non-marking soles)                       Zipped training top (optional)
Black Base Layer (additional warmth in colder months)(Optional)   Black Base Layer (additional warmth in colder
Zipped Training top (Optional)                                    months)(Optional)
Black Training Pants (Optional)                                   Black Sports Legging (optional)
                                             GENERAL POINTS
1. Brightly coloured T-shirts should not be worn underneath shirts.
2. Cosmetics and coloured nail polish should not be worn to school.
3. Extreme hairstyles in terms of colour and cut e.g. tramlines/patterns are not permitted. Braids must be the
   same colour as the hair and must be secured by bands of the same colour. Any hair bands or bobbles
   should be plain and of a sensible size. No haircuts less than a ‘Number 2’ are allowed.
4. Jewellery (including badges) other than a wristwatch is not permitted. Ears and other body parts should
   not be pierced if it means that sleeper/studs have to be worn during the school day.
5. Mobile phones, iPods and MP3 players must not be seen or heard during school hours. If seen they will be
   confiscated until the end of the week. Students are permitted to use mobile phones at the end of the
   school day outside the school buildings.
6. If students wear incorrect footwear without an appropriate reason they will be isolated at break and

Students who arrive at school not wearing the correct school uniform may be sent home to

Parents/Carers have a responsibility to contact School on their child’s first day with an
explanation of absence:

                           Absence Line: 01942 881986
Please ensure you notify school of any changes to emergency contact numbers.

      School has a clear Attendance Policy. School makes the decision to authorise absence. In
       certain cases medical evidence will be requested. Wherever possible please avoid
       medical/dental appointments during school hours.
      If NO message is received on Day One of absence, Attendance Officer, Ms J Rea will operate
       our Parent Call System. It is vital that you contact school on Day One with a reason for your
       child’s absence
      If on Day 3 no contact has been made, school will undertake a welfare check.
      Parents are notified of their child’s attendance regularly i.e. Progress Review Day, parents’
       evening, interim reports and on-line reporting.
      If your child’s attendance becomes a cause for concern, a letter will be emailed or posted to
       the child’s home address. Parents/carers could be invited to an attendance meeting in School
       with our Attendance Officer and HOY. A home visit could be undertaken.
      Unauthorised absences may result in a fine being issued / legal court proceedings. Holidays
       during term time, unauthorised absences will prevent your child attending the prom.

   If you have any concerns regarding your child’s attendance please do not hesitate to contact
   Ms J Rea on the above line.

                                % ATTENDANCE DEFINED

             100% over 3 terms                                    Outstanding
                    100%                                          Excellent
                 96% - 99.9%                                       Good
                93% - 96.99%                              Room for improvement
               90.01% - 92.99%                                 Danger Zone
                                                    Serious cause for concern / potential
                 90% & Below
                                                                legal action
Absence from School

   The Government states that every student’s
 attendance should be at least 96%. Being LATE
     after registration will also LOWER your

   Attendance         Equals – days       Which is                  Which means
during one school        absent        approximately -             this number of
      year                              weeks absent               lessons missed

      96%                 9 days             2 weeks                 50 lessons

      90%                 19 days            4 weeks                 100 lessons

      85%                 29 days            6 weeks                 150 lessons

      80%                 38 days            8 weeks                 200 lessons

      75%                 48 days           10 weeks                 250 lessons

                          % Attendance Defined
       100% over 3 terms                            Outstanding

               100%                                    Excellent
            96% - 99.9%                                 Good
         93% – 95.99%                         Room for Improvement
         90.1% - 92.99%                            Danger Zone
                                      Serious cause for concern/potential legal
         90% & Below
TERM DATES 2020 / 2021

Autumn Term
                                   Tuesday 1 September 2020 – Year 7 only
                                   Wednesday 2 September 2020 – Year 7 only
                                   Thursday 3 September 2020 – All Year
                                   Monday 26 October – Friday 30 October 2020
Half Term
                                   Friday 18 December 2020
End of Term
                                   (School closes 12:15pm)
Spring Term
Starts                             Monday 4 January 2021
                                   Monday 15 February – Friday 19 February
Half Term
End of Term                        Wednesday 31 March 2021

Summer Term
Starts                             Tuesday 20 April 2021

Bank Holiday                       Monday 3 May 2021

Half Term                          Monday 31 May – Friday 4 June 2021
                                   Friday 16 July 2021
End of Term
                                   (School closes 12:15pm)
Key Dates/Events 2020/2021

Y11 Parents Evening

Y11 Progress Review Evening
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