Created by: Supported by: St Alphege CE Infant School

Page created by Peter Marquez
Created by: Supported by: St Alphege CE Infant School
Created by:   Supported by:
Created by: Supported by: St Alphege CE Infant School
Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity (PESPA) they
offer. This means that you should use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to:

•   Develop or add to the PESPA activities that your school already offer
•   Build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the
    school in future years

Please visit for the revised DfE guidance including the 5 key indicators across which schools should
demonstrate an improvement. This document will help you to review your provision and to report
your spend. DfE encourages schools to use this template as an effective way of meeting the reporting
requirements of the Primary PE and Sport Premium.

We recommend you start by reflecting on the impact of current provision and reviewing the previous
spend. Under the Ofsted Schools Inspection Framework, inspectors will assess how effectively leaders use the
Primary PE and Sport Premium and measure its impact on outcomes for pupils, and how effectively governors
hold them to account for this.

Schools are required to publish details of how they spend this funding as
well as on the impact it has on pupils’ PE and sport participation and
attainment by the end of the summer term or by 31 July 2019 at the

We recommend regularly updating the table and publishing it
on your website throughout the year, as evidence of your
ongoing review into how you are using the money to
secure maximum, sustainable impact. To see an
example of how to complete the table please
click HERE.

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Created by: Supported by: St Alphege CE Infant School
Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety                                        Please complete all of the below:
 What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a           N/A – Infant School
 distance of at least 25 metres?
 N.B. Even though your children may swim in another year please report on their attainment on leaving
 primary school.
 What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl,   N/A – Infant School
 backstroke and breaststroke]?

 What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations? N/A – Infant School

 Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming       Yes/No
 but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this

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Action Plan and Budget Tracking
Capture your intended annual spend against the 5 key indicators. Clarify the success criteria and
evidence of impact that you intend to measure to evaluate for students today and for the future.

 Academic Year: 2020/2021               Total fund allocated: £17,070           Date Updated: 25th September 2020
 Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines                              Percentage of total
 recommend that primary school children undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school                                      allocation:
    School focus with clarity on                Actions to achieve:                 Funding           Proposed evidence and             Sustainability and suggested
    intended impact on pupils:                                                     allocated:                impact:                            next steps:
*Children engaged in high quality, 45   *PE leader and specialist sports         Subject Leader Pupils are able to access ways of
minute PE lessons during curriculum     coach to revise current PE                release time being active outside of PE lessons
time in addition to                     curriculum to ensure breadth and              £800        (before school, in class, playtimes
   • daily active break time            balance as well as skills progression                     and lunchtimes)
   • daily active lunch time            across all phases.                         Additional
   • daily Wake and Shake /dough                                                    hours for     High quality PE lessons are
        disco                           *PE leader to ensure intent,            specialist sports supported by our specialist sports
   • daily mile                         implementation and impact of the            coaches       coaches
                                        curriculum is clear and widely                £700
IMPACT:                                 understood by all staff.                                  Pupil and staff voice as well as
This will continue in 2020-2021 to                                                                assessment in PE demonstrates
continue to improve concentration                                                                 the impact of the curriculum
throughout the day and increase
levels of wellbeing.

Created by:                                              Supported by:
*Children engage in high quality       *Assess which stage each child is        Swimming        Tracking of swimming skills and
water experiences each year. This is a accessing.                             lessons - £860    progression in confidence by
life skills for our children living so                                            per tem       both school and swimming
close to the beach.                    *Track progress for all children since     £3,000        instructors.
                                       the start of their swimming lessons
IMPACT:                                and increases in their confidence                        Pupil voice evidences enjoyment
This will continue in 2020-2021 to     levels in the water.                                     in swimming lessons
encourage children to build their
water confidence and skills learnt.    *Assess summative levels                                 Feedback from staff and parents
                                       (the National Expectation is that by                     indicates impact of the sessions.
                                       the end of KS2 (Year 6) children are
                                       able to swim 25m)

                                    *Lessons are blocked into two
                                    consecutive terms to enable a
                                    longer length of time to embed and
                                    develop skills without a break
                                    between sessions.
*Active playtimes enhanced with new *Resources to be ordered as well as             Active      Pupils are able to access ways of
set up of equipment available.      storage for these                            lunchtime      being active outside of PE lessons
                                                                                   staffing     (before school, in class, playtimes
IMPACT:                                *Pupil voice to support selection of   £2,400 per year   and lunchtimes)
This will continue in 2020-2021 to     equipment and resources
encourage children to learn new skills                                         Playground       Staffing at playtimes and
and enjoy active playtimes.            *Planned opportunities for climbing,     resources       lunchtimes enables engagement
                                       orienteering and problem solving           £3,000        in high quality physical activity

Created by:                                            Supported by:
*Curriculum resources improved and *New equipment ordered in                    Curriculum    Enhancement in the quality of
maintained for both indoor and       response to requests and gaps               resources    resources used to deliver class PE
outdoor PE.                                                                        £3,000     lessons.
                                     *Purchase of an Interactive
IMPACT:                              Smartboard for use during PE                             Pupil and staff voice
This will continue in 2020-2021 to   lessons. This enables staff to use                       demonstrates enjoyment of PE
enable staff to deliver high quality interactive technologies when                            lessons and impact on standards
lessons ensuring all children have   demonstrating or teaching skills                         in PE.
access to safe, appropriate          during PE lessons. Videos of the
equipment.                           children can be captured and shown
                                     to analyse and improve performance
                                     and aid progress.

 Key indicator 2: The profile of PESS (PE AND SCHOOL SPORT) being raised across the school as a tool for whole                         Percentage of total
 school improvement                                                                                                                         allocation:
 School focus with clarity on          Actions to achieve:                     Funding         Proposed evidence and               Sustainability and suggested
 intended impact on pupils:                                                    allocated:      impact:                             next steps:
*Corridor display to be updated        *PE leader to regularly update          No additional Children can see the profile of
regularly to enable children to        corridor displays following clubs,       cost to the PESS in school and are able to
share/reflect/celebrate PESS (PE AND   competitions and general                   school.    share, reflect and celebrate their
SCHOOL SPORT)                          involvement with PESS.                                achievements.

*School Facebook Page and Website *Celebration of events and activities
to celebrate and share PESS activities. to be shared via the school
                                        Facebook page and website.
This will continue in 2020-2021 to
showcase success of PESS.
*Meet with linked governors to          *Link visits with governing body       No additional Governors feel fully informed
discuss current successes and focuses arranged as part of the monitoring        cost to the about the intent, implementation
for PE.                                 schedule.                                 school.    and impact of PESS across the
IMPACT:                                *Link visit reports shared with staff
This will continue in 2020-2021 to     and Full Governing Body

Created by:                                             Supported by:
ensure a high profile maintained.
*Staff in all year groups to be aware   *PE leader to lead staff meetings,       Overtime costs Ongoing CPD for staff is targeted
of PE priorities, targets and           allowing opportunities for staff          for specialist to meet the needs of the staff
opportunities for CPD                   discussion and CPD.                        sports staff team.
IMPACT:                                 *Specialist sports staff to enable                       The quality of PESS delivery in all
Staff will feel confident teaching PE   team teaching opportunities and                          classes remains of the highest
and the targets of the development      ongoing CPD to enhance the skills                        quality.
plan.                                   of all teaching staff when delivering
*Celebrate achievements of clubs,       *PE leader to ensure time allocated      No additional Children can see the profile of
competitions and PE lessons during      during worship to present                 cost to the PESS in school and are able to
whole school worship                    certificates and pupils to share their      school.    share, reflect and celebrate their
                                        thoughts and feelings.                                 achievements.
Children will feel proud to celebrate
their success in front of peers,
motivating others to participate in

Created by:                                              Supported by:
Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport                                   Percentage of total
                                                                                                                                      No additional cost to the
School focus with clarity on              Actions to achieve:                 Funding         Evidence and impact:                  Sustainability and suggested
intended impact on pupils:                                                    allocated:                                            next steps:
*Ensure staff are informed and share      *Monitoring/ observations of PE      Staff cover as Ongoing CPD for staff is targeted
commitment to PESS (PE AND                sessions carried out by PE leader   outlined above to meet the needs of the staff
SCHOOL SPORT).                            and/or specialist sports coaches.                   team.

IMPACT:                                   *Discussions during PE staff                        The quality of PESS delivery in all
This will continue in 2020-2021 to        meetings                                            classes remains of the highest
ensure all staff share school ethos                                                           quality.
which they demonstrate by delivering      *Modelling and CPD delivered by
high quality teaching and learning for    specialist sports coaches
*Tracking assessment of individual        *Ensure all staff have correct          Part of     Pupils progress is tracked
children.                                 documents to decide assessment      leadership role effectively and judgements are
                                          judgements and pass these on to                     moderated across the school.
IMPACT:                                   PE leader to summarise
This will continue in 2020-2021 to                                                            PE leader is able to demonstrate
ensure staff are confident in assessing                                                       progress and impact in all year
PE lessons. Assessments sent to PE                                                            groups
leader following each data collection

Created by:                                               Supported by:
Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils                                  Percentage of total
School focus with clarity on           Actions to achieve:                 Funding          Proposed evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested
intended impact on pupils:                                                 allocated:                                     next steps:
*Provide a range of opportunities for *Specialist sports coaches to            Clubs fully Increased attendance and
clubs delivered by specialist staff   continue to deliver a range of clubs funded for PP participation within a range of
                                      for children to attend based upon      children from sports for all groups of pupils.
IMPACT:                               pupil preferences and wishes                PPG
This will continue in 2020-2021 to
encourage children to demonstrate an *Track attendance of clubs for all
increase in confidence and skills.    groups of children
*Provide enrichment opportunities     *PE leader to organise                      £700     Children to participate in a range
throughout the school year            opportunities for enrichment for all                 of enrichment sessions within the
                                      children, planned into the school                    curriculum offer, enabling
IMPACT:                               curriculum                                           experiences of a wider range of
This will continue in 2020-2021 to                                                         PESS activities.
encourage children to expand their
interests and skills when trying                                                           Planned opportunities for children
something new.                                                                             to see adults participating in PESS
*Provide all children with access to  *Children will access daily             Transport to Opportunities for teachers and
Forest School learning and physical   opportunities for outdoor learning     Herne Infant staff to work together across both
activity                              as planned into the school             Forest School sister schools enabling sharing of
                                      curriculum. This will include lessons       £600     best practice.
                                      delivered in The Nest and at the
                                      Beach.                                 Resources to Children will engage their learning
                                                                            enable outdoor in different contexts beyond their
                                      *Children in all year groups will         learning   own experiences.
                                      access Forest school activities at          £600
                                      Herne Infant School (The Hive) on                    All staff confident in planning and
                                      a regular basis to enable more                       delivering outdoor learning
                                      adventurous Forest school                            sessions as a strategy to delivering
                                      activities, such as tree climbing,                   the curriculum.
                                      fire-pits, den building etc.

Created by:                                            Supported by:
Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport                                                                           Percentage of total
School focus with clarity on          Actions to achieve:                 Funding            Evidence and impact:                  Sustainability and suggested
intended impact on pupils:                                                allocated:                                               next steps:
*Children to be selected to attend    *Children will learn to compete and Herne Bay High     Children are able to compete in
competitions organised by the sports understand how to manage their            School        inter-school competitions enabling
partnership.                          emotions appropriately when           competition      an application of skills beyond the
                                      placed at competitions.                 package        school.
*A range of inter-schools                                                       £500
competitions are planned and          *Children will have opportunities to                   Children from a range of different
attended across the year, enabling    apply the skills they have learned   Minibus hire to   groups have participated in
different children access to these    in friendly competitions with other     travel to      different activities beyond the
experiences                           infant aged children.                 competitions     school.
IMPACT:                                                                                      Children will learn to win or lose
This will continue in 2020-2021,                                                             graciously and celebrate their
allowing children the opportunity to                                                         effort and achievements.
practise skills and be part of a team
when representing the school.                                                            Evidence will be gathered through
                                                                                         pupil, parent and staff voice and
                                                                                         photographs of events
*Provide a range of opportunities for *Specialist sports coaches to          Clubs fully Increased attendance and
clubs delivered by specialist staff   continue to deliver a range of clubs funded for PP participation within a range of
                                      for children to attend based upon    children from sports for all groups of pupils.
IMPACT:                               pupil preferences and wishes              PPG
This will continue in 2020-2021 to
encourage children to demonstrate an *Track attendance of clubs for all
increase in confidence and skills.    groups of children

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