Week 4 13th May Dingo State School

Page created by Frances Mccarthy
Week 4 13th May Dingo State School
Dingo State School
                                              Week 4 13th May

Honesty. Respect.                                       Chappy Anita

Empathy. Resilience.                                    The chaplaincy program requires that we operate
                                                        under a local governing body. The Commitment
                                                        would be one meeting a month. Please consider
Principal Message                                       joining our Chaplaincy Committee.
Kindy Prep One                                          I encourage families to click the link in Chappy’s
It is a pleasure to welcome back to school our          News for National Families Week, 15 – 21 May
Kindy, Prep and One children. The children are          and participate in creating a picture of what family
happy to be reunited after a long period of             means to you.
isolation from one another. KP1 are enjoying their      Guidance Officer
new classroom, which has been relocated to B
block (upstairs). This move was necessary to allow      Today I met with our new Guidance Officer, Marie
us to cater for new enrolments should they be           Menzies, based in Emerald. Marie will work at the
entering the KP1 class, because we were at peak         school two days each term. I shall advise you all of
capacity for the C block classroom.                     these dates once confirmed.

A reminder to parents not to enter the classroom        Speech Language Pathologist
at this time. Children will need to take their own      Maggie Flynn returns to school this Thursday, for
bag and carry it upstairs and downstairs. Kindy         the day. Maggie is updating current student
children will meet Allison McLaughlin under B           speech development programs for us. She is
block and be signed in from there.                      contacting families to discuss these programs.
I encourage families to collect children and leave      We thank you again for the work you are doing at
as soon as possible after school, rather than           home with children. Children are undertaking a
mingle in the school grounds. Children should not       mix of revision and new learning at home. It’s
be playing on the play equipment after school.          okay if a day’s set work is not completed. The
These restrictions will be relaxed as soon as the       same thing occurs at school. Some children will
Department advise we are able to do so. Likewise,       seemingly zoom through work, while others
any other news we learn shall be passed on to           require extra time to complete tasks. Some
families as we receive it.                              learners want to tackle a task only once, while
Mr Dave Clements has resumed weekly PE lessons          other learners will continue to edit and perfect.
with children, focussing on skipping. This week         Let’s all hope we have good news regarding all
we’ve included some skipping information he has         classes returning to school on Monday 25 May
provided, for use at home.
                                                        My warmest regards,
C Block
                                                        Genevieve Burzacott-Atkins
4/5/6 have their new classroom in C block. It is
currently closed while the deck and floor joists are
being replaced. Work ought to be completed early
next week.
Week 4 13th May Dingo State School
Dingo State School

School News                                                Speech
Office Hours                                               Our Speech Language Pathologist, Maggie Flynn
                                                           will have a regular section in the newsletter from
This year Helen Draper will be in the office on            now on. These notes will benefit all children.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
                                                           Shared reading
Newsletter                                                 Shared reading is when an adult and child read a
                                                           story aloud and discuss elements of the book.
Community members wishing to have the school
                                                           There should be equal input from both the adult
newsletter emailed to them please send your
email address to sseed0@eq.edu.au and we will              and the child. Use the shared reading handout to
add your address to receive the newsletter.                prompt you during book reading. Watch this video
                                                           to learn more about it and activities to do with
Recycling                                                  your child at home.

The P&C is recycling containers, containers can be         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItWVGjCqBN
dropped off in Blackwater. The P&C code for drop           Q&feature=youtu.be
off is


Phone: (07) 49 359 333 Mobile : 0457 549 893 Email: admin@dingoss.eq.edu.au Web Site : www.dingoss.eq.edu.au
Week 4 13th May Dingo State School
Dingo State School

Kindy Chat Week 2                                          Nursery Rhyme of the Week:

Welcome back to Term 2! We are so excited to                           Five Cupcakes
finally be back at school and have lots of fun
                                                                        Five cupcakes in a baker’s shop,
activities planned for our Kindy students over the
coming weeks. We have been settling back in nicely,
re-establishing our routines and getting familiar
                                                                 5      Big and round with a cherry on top.
                                                                        Along came a boy with a penny one day,
                                                                        Bought a cupcake and took it away.
with our new classroom. At school, we will be
emphasising excellent personal hygiene standards                        Four cupcakes in a baker’s shop,
as well maintaining our social distancing where                         Big and round with a cherry on top.
possible. Drop off and pick up zones will be located                    Along came a girl with a penny one day.
under B Block where the sign in area will be located
as parents are not advised to be entering the
                                                                 4      Bought a cupcake and took it away.

                                                                        Three cupcakes in a baker’s shop,
classroom during this time. Please come and see us                      Big and round with a cherry on top.
if you have any concerns about procedures or your                       Along came a boy with a penny one day,
child.                                                           3      Bought a cupcake and took it away.

                                                                        Two cupcakes in a baker’s shop,
                                                                        Big and round with a cherry on top.
Home Learning Photos:                                                   Along came a girl with a penny one day.

                                                                 2      Bought a cupcake and took it away.

                                                                        One cupcakes in a baker’s shop,
                                                                        Big and round with a cherry on top.
                                                                        Along came a boy with a penny one day,

                                                                 1      Bought a cupcake and took it away.

                                                           Kind Regards,

                                                           Allison McLaughlin

Phone: (07) 49 359 333 Mobile : 0457 549 893 Email: admin@dingoss.eq.edu.au Web Site : www.dingoss.eq.edu.au
Dingo State School

         Chappy Chat
                                                           families could get together, I was able to see my
                                                           children for the first time in weeks which for a
                                                           close knit family was really difficult. I am grateful
                                                           for the pandemic in some ways, it has hammered
                                                           home that families need each other and are
Last newsletter I spoke about National Families            stronger when facing crisis together. When we
Reading Month. I remember some of my favourite             are a strong family unit our children are more
books from when I was a child, including the               resilient and our community is stronger and so is
Wishing Chair by Enid Blyton, Trixie Belden series         our future, so the theme of National Families
and not to forget The Famous Five ( and Timmy              Week “Stronger Families = Stronger Communities”
the dog - are you singing the song?) What are              really highlights our need for family. Family as you
                some of your favourites from               know doesn’t have to be blood, but are those who
                childhood? Would love to hear              are with us in our times of need, celebrate and
                them!!! I love reading still and was       commiserate with us. Family is what we make it.
                reminded of a couple of my favourite       As part of celebrating National Families week I
                authors who have had huge impact           have included a link to the page where there are
                on our literate world, Dr Seuss and        some great activities for the kids to do!
C.S. Lewis. Dr Seuss had the most amazing ability          https://nfw.org.au/get-involved/activities/
to put a twist on words that is contagious!!
Dr Seuss believed that reading is an                       We are also celebrating National Families week as
important skill to pass on to kids no matter               a school Family, could each family create a picture
what the age! “You’re never too old, too                   of what family means to them and send in, each
wacky, too wild to pick up a book to read to               family member is to contribute in some way to the
a child”. This is so true; I know our students love it     picture. These will be displayed and a winner will
when we read. As an adult I am so engrossed in             receive a prize.
what I am reading that I often lose time of what I         When all our classes are back, and school is
               am doing, which isn’t the best on a         running somewhat normally, as a school we need
               school night!!! C.S. Lewis                  to create a local chaplaincy governing body. If you
               commented that “But in reading              are interested in joining the group, please let me
               great literature I became a thousand        know. My email address is alink8@eq.edu.au.
               men and yet remain myself” I know
               in these hard times there is nothing        If you have any queries or ae in need of support
better than to take time out of reality!! I hope           please don’t hesitate to contact me.
that you have had a great time connecting with             Our Dingo School Family is amazing, and I am
your children reading to them. My husband works            excited to see everyone back at school!! Stay safe
away in a truck and we read the news to each               and healthy and I hope to see everyone soon!!
other off our phones at night, it creates great
conversation starters!! We can read all sorts of
things to our kids e.g. comics, books, signs!!
The 15th to the 21st of May is National Families
Week, with the restrictions that have been in
place how hard has it been not seeing family and
loved ones when we want to? It was wonderful
that the restrictions lifted for Mother’s Day and
Phone: (07) 49 359 333 Mobile : 0457 549 893 Email: admin@dingoss.eq.edu.au Web Site : www.dingoss.eq.edu.au
Dingo State School

Dingo and District                                         Give Away
Community News                                             EPSON printer ink 252. Black, Cyan, Magenta,
Newsletter Deadline
                                                           For use with Workforce printers:
Whilst we love to have community information
included in our newsletter, we do have a deadline.         WF-3620, WF-3640, WF-7610,
We do our best to keep things up to date but if
details are sent in after the deadline we can only
include them in the following fortnight’s                  Contact Ainsley on 0488321699
newsletter. Messages must be written in detail.
These can be emailed to us. The deadline for our
fortnightly Newsletter is Midday Monday for items          Cancellation
you would like included in newsletter.
                                                                 Cancellation Dingo Races 2020
Email: admin@dingoss.eq.edu.au

                                                           Due to the current situation with COVID-19 the
                                                           2020 Dingo Races will be cancelled.
                                                           Due to not being able to hold working bees to get
                                                           our track ready due to the restrictions and also it
                                                           would be wrong to ask our sponsors for donations
                                                           during these tough times.
                                                           We are very saddened by this but can promise
                                                           2021 is going to go off with a bang.
                                                           Thank you for understanding and your continued
                                                           See you in 2021 for bigger and better times!!!
                                                                             Dingo Race Club

Phone: (07) 49 359 333 Mobile : 0457 549 893 Email: admin@dingoss.eq.edu.au Web Site : www.dingoss.eq.edu.au
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