Page created by Jorge Ellis
                                           415 Swedesboro Road, Gibbstown, NJ 08027

                                                                                    Dr. Jennifer Foley-Hindman,
                                                                                      Chief School Administrator
                                                                                   Phone 856-224-4900, Ext 2132
                                                                                               Fax 856-224-5761

                                       COVID -19 Plan for Learning
                                    Greenwich Township School District

   1. Equitable Access to Instruction

       a. Currently, all Greenwich students have been provided with an emergency home instruction folder,
          complete with prepared student assignments. We are planning to utilize these for all subjects and
          grade levels. Cross-curricular activities were planned where appropriate or possible. Lessons were
          created and reviewed with CST and special education teachers to ensure that accommodations and
          modifications were made as appropriate. These were distributed via students to parents and families
          on March 13, 2020, in the event that a closure was enacted outside of school hours.

       b. Teachers may also use Google Classroom, Remind 101, teacher webpages, email, traditional mail,
          and phone contact as necessary or appropriate to interact with students, provide additional
          instruction, or assign work. All methods of instruction, contact, and interaction will utilize multiple
          methods of communication to ensure that those families without access to technology platforms will
          have equal access to information and instruction. The District will monitor and revise current list of
          families self-identifying need for non-technology based access methods. Teachers will be required to
          access their school accounts in order to contact students, review and monitor student work, and plan
          for additional lessons as necessary. Teachers have been instructed to integrate these instructional
          work products into the established grading system.

       c. Should the closure extend beyond the initial period identified, teachers will be expected to submit
          additional work to the district for distribution to students. This will be accomplished in person, via
          email, Google classroom, or uploaded to the District’s system. Students will be able to access
          additional work through the district’s website, via email, mail, through parent pick-up at designated
          locations, or through the possible use of transportation routes/bus stops as exchange points.

       d. Administrators will monitor teacher activity and address any problems they may encounter.
          Guidance counselors /case managers will reach out by phone to any student who does not appear to
          be “attending” class; they will also continue to be available to students and parents via phone and

REVISED- May 7, 2020
       Following the first emergency home instruction packet (see above), the district has sent a hard
copy packet of instructional materials and resources to the parents/guardian of each student every two
weeks. These vary by grade and by grade band (K-2, 3-5, and 6-8) in that content is specific to each grade
and the method of instructional delivery varies by age and technology usage/readiness of grade span.
Time for enrichment, remediation, and re-teaching is built into the hard copy syllabus provided by every
teacher for the coming two week time span. Multiple methods for communication are listed, including
phone, mail, email, and virtually. Hard copy alternatives to on-line instruction are provided for every
student. The District provides multiple methods of collection of students’ work, including electronically,
via mail, parent in-person delivery to each school, and through periodic bus collection.

Demographic Information:
Locally funded pre-school program-24
Homeless- 16
Low socio-economic- 137
Students with Disabilities-105
English Language Learners- 3 (1 family)- District will continue to maintain individualized contact with family
utilizing local Spanish-speaking resources

2. Special Education and Related Services
Communication: Case managers, teachers, and therapists will work collaboratively to maintain contact with
students and families. Staff will be communicating with families regarding the IEP services during the school
closure. When services return to the classroom setting, the Child Study Team will contact parents/guardians to
determine a possible need for additional services. Case managers should proactively contact the receiving school
for any of our students on their case load who attend out-of-district placements to discuss delivery of services and
best method for communication.
Google Classroom, Remind 101, teacher webpages, email, traditional mail, and phone contact as necessary or
appropriate to interact with grade level teachers, students, provide additional instruction, or assign work.
Instructional staff who provide services to our students with disabilities will make every effort to deliver the
support indicated in each student's IEP utilizing the platforms available. Staff will be communicating with families
regarding their child's IEP services during the school closure. When services return to the classroom setting, IEP
teams can meet to determine if additional services are needed.
Instruction: Teachers will continue with the platform used by the school to disseminate lessons, information,
and assignments. Teachers will use differentiated assignments and provide modified and broken down directions
to families. Parents can contact teachers throughout the school day for clarification. Special Education teachers
should do their best to respond back to emails within 1 hour of receipt during their normal school hours.
Classroom Aides and Personal Aides will not be available to assist students in-person during this school closure,
but will coordinate services and communication with individual teachers and students using email, virtual
meeting, or phone.
Measurable Goals and Objectives: Case managers, teachers, and therapists will work collaboratively to
provide an individualized learning plan for the appropriate grade level and address the student’s IEP goals. Each
student will receive activities aligned to his/her goals and objectives. The IEP goals and objectives should be
progress monitored through IEP Direct.
Modifications & Accommodations: Case managers, teachers, and therapists will work collaboratively to
review all materials prior to distribution so that the appropriate modifications and accommodations can be
provided based upon the individual needs of the child. Special Education Teachers and therapists will be available
to answer questions via the most appropriate method of communication for the child and their family.
Related Services Providers: Therapists will review therapy schedule and identify frequency of services to be
provided during the school closure. Therapists will plan for an increase of frequency of therapy sessions and/or
the frequency of compensatory therapy sessions to be provided upon return to school. During school closure,
therapists will email parents (or provide packets) a list of suggested activities to maintain skills.
Meetings: IEP meetings such as Annual Reviews, Eligibility and Reevaluation Planning will be conducted
through phone conference at the convenience of the parent/guardian in coordination with the child’s school.
Federal law specifically states that “individual or conference telephone calls” are acceptable alternatives to an in-
person meeting, 34 C.F.R. § 300.322(c). Although individual calls from team members to parents are acceptable,
we will attempt to conduct IEP meetings, including telephone meetings, with as many team members present as
possible. If a team member cannot attend the meeting; whether in person, through a conference call, or through
an individual call, the proper excusal process will be followed. Case managers will coordinate with receiving
schools to identify key members needed for any out-of-district meeting.
For any Child Study Team meeting, the case manager will be provided access to a phone conference service
provider number and code that can be shared with the parent/guardian. This will be included in the meeting
invitation to the parent/guardian. Case Manager will inform the Child Study Team office of all meeting invites,
reschedules, outcomes and/or determinations. The CST Office will mail parents/guardians information in regards
to any meetings. For meetings that need to be rescheduled, case managers will do so in cooperation with the
parent/guardian and document that communication in IEP Direct. Case Managers will log all information into
IEP Direct and complete process tracking.

3. School Nutrition benefits

       a. The District is prepared to utilize its’ food service provider to prepare “grab-n-go” style breakfast and
       lunches. These will be available for pick-up at designated locations within the school district. We may
       also work with local food pantries to address emergencies should the closure be prolonged.

SFA Name: Nutri-Serve
Agreement #- 01501830
Date Meal Distribution will begin- March 16, 2020
Date Meal Distribution will end- March 30, 2020, pending REVISED- June 11, 2020 Last Day of School
Schools/Site will distribution of meals will take place: Broad Street Elementary and Nehaunsey Middle School
Meals to be Claimed for Reimbursement per day- Not to exceed 137 students daily REVISED- for all who
request access

Meals will be prepared and pre-packaged for daily pick-up at each of our schools. Our contracted food-service
provider will continue to follow NJDE, NSLP, and Health Code rules.

Additional Information-
REVISED May 15, 2020
Essential Personnel Daily 9am-1pm
Business Administrator- 1
Food Service-2
Custodial/Maintenance-8 (shifts 7-11 or 11-3)
Secretarial/Clerical- 5 (rotating schedule based on critical need such as payroll, busing, board packets,
student information)

REVISED March 23, 2020
Essential Personnel Daily 9am-1pm
Business Administrator- 1
Food Service-2
Custodial/Maintenance-8 (shifts 7-11 or 11-3)

10 Month Certificated Personnel
Teachers, CST, Guidance

Original March 19, 2020
Essential Personnel Daily 9am-1pm
Business Administrator- 1
Transportation Secretary-1
Food Service-2
Custodial/Maintenance-8 (shifts 7-11 or 11-3)

10 Month Certificated Personnel
Teachers, CST, Guidance

All certificated 10 month personnel are expected to maintain regular school hours from a remote location.
Expectations for this time include student and family contact (email, phone, or other remote method),
preparation and planning of instruction, reviewing and assessment of completed work, and remote collaboration
with colleagues. A recommended schedule was provided to faculty and staff including time for lunch and
preparatory periods.

Aides are to be available to the students and families they serve as necessary during school hours and as
identified by CST. They are receiving additional e-learning training during this time.

REVISED- May 15, 2020

ATTENDANCE: Student attendance is determined “present” based on participation with distance learning
assignments and participation in course events, such as virtual class meetings. For any students who do not
submit assignments or participate in class events, parents or guardians are contacted by teacher and guidance
counselors to address any missed assignments. Additionally, the District sends a Parent Certification Letter with
each hard copy packet mailing to the parent or guardian of each student to verify receipt of student packets and
participation in remote learning activities. Parents return signed letters every two weeks.

ASSESSMENT/GRADING- All student work will be reviewed and assessed by certified teachers to determine
mastery of content. Planned instruction includes required opportunities for teachers to differentiate, remediate,
and enhance taught material to maximize student learning.

FACILITIES: Facilities have been cleaned and maintained by a revolving schedule of custodial/maintenance
staff. See Essential Personnel Daily 9-1 Notes.
PRELIMINARY OUTLINE SUMMER SERVICES- ESY will be provided to all eligible students utilizing
best practices concerning distance learning. This will take into account IEP recommendations, parental
approval, and suggestions from the Child Study Team tailored to the needs of individual students. Additional
distance learning services will be available for any student who receives failing scores on end of year measures.
Master schedules for the 2020-2021 may also include greater allocation of remediation time for those students
who show learning gaps or disparity.

PRELIMINARY 8th Grade Graduation- No in-person event will be planned. We are working to prepare a
virtual graduation slide show and presentation showcasing our students and including locally-supported 8th
grade awards for achievement.
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