Your School, Your UK Parliament - Academic Year 2019/20 - General Teaching ...

Page created by Gerald Reid
Your School, Your UK Parliament - Academic Year 2019/20 - General Teaching ...
Academic Year 2019/20

Your School,
Your UK Parliament

Your School, Your UK Parliament - Academic Year 2019/20 - General Teaching ...
Contents                              Welcome
2   Welcome                           In this booklet you will discover          classroom – downloadable lesson
3   UK Parliament Week                free, curricula-linked services to         plans, games, videos and even a Loan
    2 – 8 November 2019               support you and your pupils to             Box full of props which we can post to
                                      learn more about the important             you. We also offer a teacher training
5   Organise a school trip to
                                      role of democracy.                         programme and award scheme
    UK Parliament
                                                                                 to support you in your continued
7   Bring UK Parliament               We are passionate about helping            professional development.
    to your classroom                 young people understand how UK
                                      Parliament works and how they can          Finally, holding your own activity
10 Free learning resources
                                      get their voices heard. Last year we       during the annual UK Parliament
   for your class
                                      engaged with over 5,000 schools            Week festival (2-8 November 2019)
12 Teacher Training                   across the UK turning this into reality.   is a fantastic way for your school to
14 Your UK Parliament                                                            celebrate and promote democracy.
                                      A school trip to the UK Parliament
   Awards 2020                        offers a unique learning experience,       Best wishes,
                                      with a range of fun and interactive
                                          workshops inside our award-            David Clark
                                               winning Education Centre.         Head of Education and Engagement,
                                                   Or you may prefer one         UK Parliament
For more information and bookings                      of our staff based
phone 020 7219 4496 or email                               around the UK to Follow                               give an assembly
@UKParlEducation and subscribe                          and workshop from
to the monthly e-newsletter to                         the comfort of your
stay up-to-date about school trips                      school.                     National Curriculum for England
to UK Parliament, free teaching
resources, CPD, outreach visits and                       There are many            National Curriculum for Wales
special events.                                            more exciting                                    ways you can             Curriculum for Excellence
                                                            bring democracy         Northern Ireland Curriculum
                                                            alive in your

1                                                                                                                        2
Your School, Your UK Parliament - Academic Year 2019/20 - General Teaching ...
                                                                                            of schools who took
                                                                                           part in UK Parliament
                                                   2–8 November 2019                      Week last year felt more
                                                                                               positive about

                                                                                               UK Parliament

                                                                                                                       of teachers felt that
                                                                                                                     taking part in last year’s
                                                                                                                       UK Parliament Week
     UK Parliament Week is an annual festival that engages people from across                                        helped them reach their
     the UK with their UK Parliament, and empowers them to get involved.                                                curriculum aims
     Schools like yours can sign up to run activities linked to
     the primary and secondary curricula exploring                                        ‘Fun’, ‘informative’
     UK Parliament. Open your free kit, pick an activity                                   and ‘engaging’ are
     and go, no preparation is required!                                                   the top three words
                                                                                             used to describe
                                                                                           UK Parliament Week

                                                                                                                       Sign up
    YOUR FREE KIT INCLUDES:                                                                                             for your free kit

    • UK Parliament Week pin badges                • A ballot box so your class can
      for you and your class to wear so              hold their own election, or vote             Follow
      everyone knows you’re taking part              on a class debate
    • A curriculum focused pack of                 • Posters, bunting and a placard so     for the latest updates
      lesson ideas, including quizzes,               you can celebrate your activity in            #UKPW
      fun facts and art activities                   true UK Parliament Week style

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Your School, Your UK Parliament - Academic Year 2019/20 - General Teaching ...
Organise a school trip to
UK Parliament
                                                                                         ‘Story of Parliament’ visit  7-18 yrs
Book your class on a free school               interactive 360° projections, voting
trip to UK Parliament where they               pods and tablets. The workshops           Pupils watch a 360° immersive film in
can enhance their understanding of             listed below link to subjects across      the Education Centre before going on
democracy in the place where UK                UK curricula. Your constituency MP        a tour. This stand-alone tour visit lasts
laws are made.                                 will be contacted in advance of your      1.5 hours.
                                               visit to Parliament and invited to
After a tour, pupils learn more                                                          SEND days                       5-18 yrs
                                               meet your group.
inside Parliament’s award-winning
Education Centre, which uses                   Tour + workshop visits last 2.25 hours.   Each term, UK Parliament runs a day
                                                                                         for pupils with special educational
                                                                                         needs and disabilities (SEND). These
Laws and Debating	5-18 yrs                    Journey to Democracy	7-11 yrs
                                                                                         sessions aim to create an inclusive
Through roleplay, debating and                 Historical artefacts and clues help       and more flexible atmosphere. The
voting, pupils consider how UK                 pupils explore how law-making             visit usually lasts 3.5 hours, with
Parliament makes laws and how they             has changed.                              allowance made for time to settle in
can get involved.                                                                        to the new environment.
                                               People’s Parliament           7-18 yrs
Representation                                                                            How to Book
and Voting	7-18 yrs                           In an immersive 360° projection
                                               space, pupils travel back in time to      Bookings are accepted throughout
Pupils aged 7-16 participate in a              see how protesting has led to change,     the year, including at short notice.
mock General Election and learn                with tailored sessions for 7-11, 11-16    Find out more at
how Government is formed. Pupils               and 16-18.                                schoolvisits
aged 16-18 explore different voting
systems to understand democratic               Select Committee                          Help with travel
representation in the UK.                      Experience               16-18 yrs        Schools visiting UK Parliament may
                                               Students visit a Select Committee          be eligible for a subsidy to help with
                                               room, before learning more                 the costs of travel. For details and
and Parliament	7-11 yrs
                                               about scrutiny in UK Parliament            eligibility criteria, visit parliament.
Pupils explore the world of                    and the function of Select                 uk/transport-subsidy
campaigning to understand how                  Committees (Politics and
they can be involved.                          Modern Studies pupils only).

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Your School, Your UK Parliament - Academic Year 2019/20 - General Teaching ...
Bring UK Parliament                                                                                          Virtual                                   Face-to-face

to your classroom                                                                                           Ask the Speaker                           School visits from your local MP

                                                                                                            What would your pupils ask the            Contact an MP directly and invite
                                                                                                            Speaker of the House of Commons?          them to your school to talk about
There is a dedicated UK Parliament                                                                          This is a great opportunity for pupils    the work and role of UK Parliament,
                                                     Bookings can be made
Outreach Officer for each region and                                                                        aged 7-18 to put their questions to       and its relevance to the lives of
                                                     throughout the year.
nation of the UK. They visit primary                                                                        the Speaker in a live Q&A from the        young people.
and secondary schools to deliver free                                                                       comfort of your classroom. Email
assemblies and workshops which link                                                                to book.
to the wider curricula.
                                                                                                                                                      Peers in Schools
Introduction to Parliament  7-18 yrs                                                                       Lords Live
                                                                                                                                                      The Peers in Schools programme
                                                    Elections and Voting                      7-18 yrs      What happens in the House of Lords?
This interactive session will                                                                                                                         involves a visit to your secondary
provide your students with the key                  By considering what matters to them,                    Pupils aged 10-18 can question a          school or sixth form college from a
information they need to understand                 your pupils will have the chance                        Member of the House of Lords from         member of the House of Lords.
and engage with democracy and                       to create their own manifesto and                       their school and hear live responses.     Email to find
the UK Parliament. This can be an                   learn about how voting works at a                       Email                out more.
assembly or a workshop.                             General Election.                                       to book.

Laws and Debating                 7-18 yrs          Campaigning and Parliament 7-18 yrs
Using video clips and storytelling,                 This workshop gives your students
this workshop gives your students                   the tools to campaign on issues that
the chance to consider how the UK                   matters to them, whilst learning
Parliament uses debating to                         about how citizens can campaign to
make laws.                                          influence Parliament.

7                  UK Parliament Outreach Officer, Rachael, delivering a session to a school in Cheshire.   020 7219 4496 |                                         8
Your School, Your UK Parliament - Academic Year 2019/20 - General Teaching ...
Order                   Download
Free learning resources
for your class

UK Parliament offers a range                   The resources support the
of free curriculum-based                       curricula in England, Wales,
resources to support primary                   Northern Ireland and Scotland.
and secondary teaching about                                                                                Primary
                                                                                                                                                ent post source
                                                                                                                                                        er pack

Parliament and democracy.

                                                                                 Secondary / Primary
                                          “All items I have ordered
                                           from UK Parliament’s
                                           Education Service are of
                                           the highest quality, being
                                           informative, relevant
                                           and pertinent to the age                                                        Look out for UK
                                           range and as they are                                                           Parliament’s free
                                           provided free of charge,                                                        resources on Twinkl.
                                           they are invaluable
                                           resources to me!”
                                            Leila Harris,
                                            Senior Leader at Parkfield Primary
                                            School, London

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Your School, Your UK Parliament - Academic Year 2019/20 - General Teaching ...
“The three days I spent at
                                           Westminster were definitely the       Teacher Training
                                           best CPD I’ve had. I met lots of
                                           inspirational teachers, found out
                                                                                                                           As a graduate of Teachers’ Institute,
                                           about the work of UK Parliament       UK Parliament offers a range              you’ll become a UK Parliament
                                           and we were given an incredible       of free inspiring Continuing              Teacher Ambassador working
                                           amount of resources and ideas                                                   towards a bronze, silver or gold CPD
                                                                                 Professional Development
                                           to try in the classroom, school                                                 award for your school. Using the free
                                                                                 (CPD) opportunities to give
                                           and the local area. I am very                                                   resources provided to you during
                                           excited about implementing all
                                                                                 teachers the confidence                   the programme, you’ll be able to
                                           I’ve learnt in the hope to inspire    to teach pupils of all ages               develop your pupils’ and colleagues’
                                           future generations!”                  about democracy and active                understanding of parliament
                                                                                 citizenship.                              and democracy, and benefit from a
                                            Agnieszka Freeman
                                                                                                                           lifelong partnership with
                                            Oasis Academy, Fir Vale, Sheffield
                                                                                                                           UK Parliament.
                                                                                 Teachers’ Institute:
                                                                                 Take part in a unique and unforgettable   Other CPD opportunities include:
                                                                                 three-day residential course at the
                                                                                 UK Parliament in Westminster.              • INSET or twilight sessions
                                                                                                                              delivered in your school
                                                                                 Teachers’ Institute includes:              • Tailored CPD sessions in
                                                                                   • An informative tour of the UK
                                                                                     Parliament                             • Initial Teacher Training sessions
                                                                                   • An opportunity to watch debates        • To find out more, visit
                                                                                     in the House of Commons and    
                                                                                     House of Lords
                                                                                   • Q&A sessions with MPs, Peers and
                                                                                     staff from the House of Commons
                                                                                     and House of Lords
                                                                                   • Networking opportunities

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Your School, Your UK Parliament - Academic Year 2019/20 - General Teaching ...
Your UK Parliament
                                                                       Awards 2020
                                                                                                                  • Teacher of the Year
                                                                       The Your UK Parliament                     • Speaker’s School Action Award
                                                                       Awards recognise the                       • UK Parliament Week Activity
                                                                       fantastic individuals who have               of the Year
                                                                       made a difference in their                 • UK Parliament Week Partner
                                                                       communities and beyond.                      of the Year
                                                                                                                  • Community Campaigner
                                                                       Big or small, we want to hear about a        of the Year
                                                                       change you’ve made in your school,         • Digital Campaigner of the Year
                                                                       or local community! Have you or a
                                                                       colleague made a change? Tell us          Applications close on 31 January
                                                                       about it, so we can celebrate how you     2020. The Your UK Parliament Awards
                                                                       encouraged change in your school or       ceremony will take place in Spring
                                                                       community through democracy! There        2020. Award winners will be chosen
                                                                       are six awards up for grabs, in the       by the Speaker of the House of
                                                                       following categories:                     Commons, a panel of MPs, Peers and
                                                                                                                 independent judges.

                                                                                                                 Find out how to enter at:

      “The strength of the Your UK Parliament Awards is that it
       recognises and celebrates the achievements of those who
       engage others to grow into the realisation that this is their
       Britain, their democracy, their Parliament – and it is for
       them to take a participative role, whatever that may be, in
       sustaining and guiding it.”
        Arthur Wood, Deputy Headteacher at Ashbridge Independent
        School and 2018 winner of the Teacher Ambassador Award

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Your School, Your UK Parliament - Academic Year 2019/20 - General Teaching ...
National Curriculum for England

      National Curriculum for Wales

      Curriculum for Excellence

      Northern Ireland Curriculum

For more information and bookings
phone 020 7219 4496 or email Follow
@UKParlEducation and subscribe
to the monthly e-newsletter to stay
up-to-date about school trips to UK
Parliament, free teaching resources,
CPD, outreach visits and special
Your School, Your UK Parliament - Academic Year 2019/20 - General Teaching ...
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