Learning Today For - North East School ...

Page created by Roberta Delgado
Learning Today For - North East School ...

                                             Classroom Staff:
                                             Prekindergarten: Ms. Kara Fidelack
                                             Kindergarten: Mrs. Sherry Hayworth
                                             1A Mrs. Krista Bracken
                                             1B Ms. Kourtney Kerelation
                                             2A Mrs. Gina Lechler/Ms. Shelly Ekern
                                             3/4A Mrs. Lesley Maree
                                             4B Mrs. Sheri Reimer
                                             5A Mrs. Danielle April
                                             6A Mrs. Stacey Kozak
                                             7A Mr. Scott Yelle
                                             7B Mrs. Leanne Ukrainetz
                                             8A Mrs. Candace Olfert
                                             8B Mrs. Leann Borowetz
 “Learning Today For                         9A Ms. Alexis Armit
                                             10A Mrs. Tracy Myhr
 a Better Tomorrow”                          11A Mr. Mike Olfert
                                             12A Mr. Ashley Osecki
         Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan            Mr. Jeffrey Ness
          Box 312 Hamjea Street              Mrs. Michelle Gulka
                 S0E 0Y0
           Phone: 306-865-2515               Outreach Worker:
                                             Ms. Michelle Joa

North East School Division                   Educational Associates:
Melfort Office 1-888-752-5741                Mrs. Teresa Aube
                                             Mrs. Gayle Cadrain
Transportation (Tisdale)                     Mrs. Dianne Cleverley
1-306-873-4555                               Mrs. Jennifer Kezema
                                             Mrs. Jackie Mahlum
Website: www.nesd.ca                         Mrs. Jackie Morin
                                             Mrs. Laura Muir
                                             Mrs. Michelle Riddoch
                                             Mrs. Traci-Lynn Yelle
Principal: Mrs. Louise Gel
Vice Principal: Mrs. Michelle Gulka
Admin Assistant: Mrs. Iris Pilon                    Hudson Bay Community School
Admin Assistant: Mrs. Rebecca Chasse
Library Technician: Mrs. Rebecca Lupuliak    Website: http://www.nesd.ca/School/hbcs/Pages
Cert. Caretaker: Mr. Bill Cleverley
Cert. Caretaker: Joanne Ragan
Caretakers: Maria Dutkiwich, Dave Kroeker,
Stephanie Bassett

Learning Today For - North East School ...

Supervision of students begins @ 8:45 a.m.          Report Cards and Interviews
                                                    There will be four formal reporting periods as
                                                    well as two Student Led Conferences that
                                                    students are expected to attend with their
                                                    parents. Report cards will be sent to all families
                                                    through the Edsby program. A hard copy may
                                                    also be requested.
                                                    Emergency Injury Policy
                                                    Seriously injured children are transported to the
                                                    hospital. Attempts are made to contact parents
                                                    in all injury cases.
                                                    Insurance Information
                                                    All students, through NESD, subscribe to a basic
                                                    student accident insurance program, which
                                                    provides coverage for injury sustained during the
                                                    school day or during participation in a school-
                                                    approved activity. An extended insurance
                                                    program is available which provides for coverage
                                                    for 365 days per year, 24 hours per day. Forms
                                                    will be sent home early in the school year for the
                                                    extended coverage.
Pre-K                                               Under normal circumstances administration of
Our school runs a Pre-K for three and four-year     medication by school personnel is discouraged.
olds. Each student will attend classes Monday to    Parents or guardians are, whenever possible, to
Friday from 9:00 until 11:40. A nutritious snack    administer medication before or after school.
will be made available each day. An application     If a child must bring medication to school, the
process is in place. Visit office for forms.        parents must first meet with the principal or
                                                    home room teacher to discuss arrangements.
Supply Fee
                                                    Please be aware that the dispensing of medicine
There may be a supply fee for your child. This is
                                                    is not part of the school’s daily responsibility and
to cover materials that the school supplies such
                                                    if the school agrees to provide assistance with
as organizers.
                                                    the dispensing of the medication that there may
Dress Codes
                                                    be instances where the staff is unable to
It is expected that students will wear
appropriate clothing to school to promote a         dispense the medication as requested.
positive and safe school environment. Student       Allergies
dress will not present a health or safety hazard,   All severe allergies need to be reported in
display or promote any drug, sexual activity,       person to the principal and an appropriate
violence, disrespect and /or bigotry towards any    form filled out.
group. Hats are not to be worn in the school. A     Canteen
second pair of non-marking runners is to be         A canteen is available to students during the
kept at the school for Phys. Ed classes.            breaks. Students in K-3 may place orders with
Cold Weather Guidelines                             their homeroom teachers at 9:00, while students
-27C or warmer regular recess (dress                in Grades 4-12 may purchase items when the
appropriately) Anything colder than -27C with       canteen is open. Hot meals will be sold
windchill is indoor recess.                         throughout the week. Check calendar for meals.


Hot Lunch Program                                    · Letting the bus stop completely before
Parents are emailed a preorder form to               standing up
complete order. Orders must be paid monthly.         · Informing the driver if you drop something
We accept cheques payable to NESD, online            inside, under or close to the bus
credit card payments or cash. Any outstanding        · Verifying with the driver that it is safe to cross
accounts will not be eligible to order for the       the street
next month. Hot lunches are optional.                · Exiting the bus using the handrail and moving
Attendance                                           at least 2 meters away from the bus.
Academic success is tied to regular and prompt       Use of Technology
attendance. If a student is going to be late, or     Students need to access technology to support
absent a parent will call to inform the office       their learning. The goal is that students leave a
prior to the start of school.                        positive digital footprint and learn proper
 Elementary – (morning and afternoon                 technological etiquette.
attendance) before Recess a student is marked        Guidelines:
as late.                                             1. Students, during class times, are only to use
After Recess a student is marked as absent for       their device for educational purposes with
either the morning or afternoon session.             permission from the teacher.
High School – (hourly attendance) a student is       2. Students are responsible for the security of
marked absent after 30 minutes of the                their devices at all times. The school will not
class. At this point a student has missed most       be responsible for lost or stolen devices.
instruction.                                         Responsibility for personal devices begins and
All students will be marked as late if they          ends with the student.
arrive to class after the bell.                      3. Students without a device will have access
School Bus Safety                                    to devices provided by the school when
 The PASSENGER is responsible for:                   possible.
Before and while boarding:                           4. Cell phones are left in lockers or placed in
· Arriving at the bus stop 5 minutes early           shoe pockets in classroom as requested.
· Wearing weather appropriate clothing               Where inappropriate use occurs:
· Always standing away from the road and once            1.) 1st misuse: Depending on student
the bus stops, using the handrail to board           response, a simple reminder or conversation of
·Respecting others –no pushing, fighting or          the policy and its purpose will occur.
horseplay                                                2.) 2nd misuse: The device will be given up
· Entering the bus and quickly sitting properly in   to the teacher with a discussion around why the
your seat                                            behavior was inappropriate and kept until the
During the bus ride:                                 end of class when the teacher returns it to the
·Knowing what to do in an emergency                  student. Teacher will contact home and enter
·Never placing hands, head, or other body parts      the incident will be documented. Student
out the window                                       opposition to surrendering their device to the
·Obeying the safety rules                            classroom teacher will result in automatic office
·When bringing large items on the bus, leaving       referral for opposition to authority.
them where the driver indicates                          3.) Chronic misuse: The device will be
·Always remaining seated while the bus is            brought to the office and kept until parent
moving                                               comes with the student to retrieve the device
·Not cluttering the aisles with bags, feet, etc.     and the student explains to parent the school
·Doing your part to not distract the driver
                                                     rules on use of devices and a review of NESD
Leaving the bus:
                                                     policy is completed.


HBCS Cheating/Plagiarism Policy

PreK- Grade 6                     When the teacher becomes aware that a
                                  student is cheating/plagiarizing they will have a
                                  discussion with the student and teach them
                                  why that is not allowed. Parents will be notified.
                                  ClevR entry is made.

Grades 7- 9
                                  First Offense

                                  One day suspension, 3 noon hour work periods
                                  to study with admin/teacher and must rewrite a
                                  different assessment on last day of work period.
                                  Record in ClevR. Parents are notified.

                                  2nd Offense

                                  Two-day suspension, 5 noon hour work periods
                                  to study with admin/teacher and must rewrite a
                                  different assessment on the last day of work
                                  period. Record in ClevR. Student is removed
                                  from the honor roll. Parents are notified.

Grades 10-12
                                  First Offense

                                  Two-day suspension, 5 noon hour work periods
                                  with admin/teacher and must rewrite different
                                  assessment on fifth work period. Record in
                                  ClevR. Parents are notified.

                                  2nd Offense

                                  Student is removed from the class. Student is
                                  removed from the honor roll.

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